New Whiteland Town Council s3
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Town Council President John Perrin opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge to the American flag. Council members present were John Perrin, Joe Noonan and Terry Spencer. Also present were Attorney Lee Robbins, Clerk-Treasurer Maribeth Alspach, PW Supt. Stier, Office Manager Yates, Marshal Stephenson and Fire Chief Hedrick. Councilmen Alspach and Harris were absent. Councilman Spencer offered the opening prayer.
MINUTES Councilman Spencer moves to approve the minutes of the August 1st meetings and is seconded by Councilman Perrin. Vote 3 affirmative.
HARDSHIPS / ADJUSTMENTS B. Mosley, 204 Lynwood, asks for an extension and states she will pay the full amount in the night deposit before 8:00 a.m. on September 5th. Council approves.
TREASURER’S REPORT Clerk-Treasurer Alspach presents the Fund Report and the Docket for consideration and approval. Councilman Spencer moves to accept and approve both and is seconded by Councilman Noonan. Vote 3 affirmative.
OLD BUSINESS Indiana American Update Jeff Henson, representing Indiana American, reports on the technical meeting that he and Attorney Lee Robbins attended recently. Other representatives of Indiana American along with State representative Woody Burton and representatives of the OURC and the OUCC also attended the meeting. Henson states that a follow up meeting was held with staff members of the IURC, OUCC and Indiana American but without attorneys. Henson suggests allowing Indiana American work with Attorney Robbins and CPA Jeff Birk to identify and determine the depreciated value of the assets that have been “contributed” over the last ten (10) years as requested by the IURC. Henson will seek authorization from Indiana American to pay these consultant costs. Clerk-Treasurer Alspach requests that Representative Burton be copied on any information or meetings. Council approves moving forward.
457 Plan Amendment Attorney Robbins has reviewed the submitted plan documents and advises they are poorly written. Document needs to amend our existing plan to allow our employees to borrow against their 457 accounts as long as our procedures are compliant with the IRS code. Council directs Attorney Robbins to draft necessary amendment for council approval. Councilman Spencer moves to make Larry Mayfield of Zellers Insurance the Agent of Record for the Life Insurance side of our AUL policy. Councilman Noonan seconds the motion. Vote 3 affirmative. Clerk-Treasurer Alspach will prepare the required documentation. Amy Haupert-Jarvis will continue to represent the deferred comp side of this policy.
Honoring Our Heroes Event – Community Celebration Clerk-Treasurer Alspach states that the date for this event is September 10th. The council will be cooking and serving hotdogs and she asks if they would be willing to help pass out our challenge coins during the Memorial Service. Maribeth distributes copies of the fliers for the event and will meet with Dr. Caress this week to finalize the transportation detail. She asks if Tracy Road could be closed from 25W to 75W during the Memorial Service so that the speakers can be heard. Marshal Stephenson recommends closing that section from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and asks that the council authorize comp time for the officers that work the traffic control detail. Council approves. Maribeth and Asst. Supt. Johnson will work on signage and notify the newspaper about the temporary road Town Council Page Two August 16, 2011 closing. Johnson adds that they will notify the property owners with property within that section of Tracy Road.
Hail Damage Settlement Update Councilman Spencer asks for an update on the hail damage repairs. Marshal Stephenson states that all but two (2) of the police cars have been repaired. Fire Chief Hedrick states that both of their vehicles have been repaired. Public Works opted not to repair their vehicles. Clerk-Treasurer Alspach reports that the shingles for the twelve (12) buildings are on order and hopefully the work will be completed in the next month.
Fire Department Server Chief Hedrick has received a revised quote from his vendor Jim. The new quote includes a reconfigured server, re-networking of the Fire Department system and repairing Chief Hedrick’s computer. Total cost is $550.00. Hedrick requests permission to move forward stating this is a less expensive solution that networking with the Police Department. However he may want to consider a router to the PD server as a backup at some point in the future. President Perrin asks if the $550 proposal is a “band-aid fix”. Hedrick says it is not and this solution will work well for the department for the next couple of years. Perrin doesn’t want to approve the expenditure and then have to revisit this issue with additional expenses. Council authorizes the $550 quote.
NEW BUSINESS Dental & Vision Insurance Quotes Larry Mayfield with Zellers Insurance introduces Doug Skinner with Best Life and presents proposals for Dental and Vision Insurance. Mayfield distributes spreadsheet comparisons of our existing plans, coverage’s, benefits and costs along with Best Life’s policies. The annual savings by switching policies would be $3,148.80 for Dental and $184.92 for Vision for a total yearly savings of $3,333.72 based on our current enrollment. Skinner states that there are some incentives with the new policy that our employees don’t currently have for example if they use one of the In Network dentists they go from a $1,500.00 annual benefit to $2,000.00. Mayfield presents lists of In Network providers within a 5 mile radius – list is extensive. Councilman Spencer moves to change our dental and vision coverage to Best Life effective September 1st and is seconded by Councilman Noonan. Vote 3 affirmative.
Cinergy Metro Net Clerk-Treasurer Alspach attended the meeting at Franklin City Hall. A follow up meeting has been scheduled for September 23rd here at the Town Hall for representatives of Johnson Memorial Hospital, Franklin College, CPCSC and FCSC. A resolution authorizing a TIF Bond was discussed but we have not received a copy or request for any action.
On Line Payment Software Keystone demonstrated their on-line software today. We are waiting for cost information but would like to make this option available to our customers beginning January 1, 2012.
LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS Resolution 2011-04 Attorney Robbins presents the Resolution amending Policy & Procedure Bulletin #6. The amendment allows for solid color shorts of an appropriate style and length and neatly trimmed facial hair. Councilman Spencer moves to adopt Resolution 2011-04 and is seconded by Councilman Noonan. Vote 3 affirmative. Town Council Page Three August 16, 2011
Being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
______Maribeth Alspach, Clerk- Treasurer
Approved: ______John Perrin, President