English Stage 4 & 5 Unit Overview s1

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English Stage 4 & 5 Unit Overview s1

Stage: Early Stage One Concept: Interrelationships & Sustainability Duration: 10 weeks Amanda Coroneos Concept: Interrelationships & sustainability Key Question: How do living things survive and ensure quality of life?

Key Learning Ideas:  The essential ingredients for life. What are the things I need to stay alive?  How do living things obtain their needs of life from the environment? (animals and plants)  Understanding the needs of living things. What can we do to help living things in their environment?

Foundation Statements: HSIE: Social systems & structures, environments Students identify and explore natural and built environments, how to care for them and the activities that occur in them. They communicate knowledge and understanding orally, through writing and drawing, and by constructing models. Science: Living things, earth and its surroundings, investigating Students identify and group living and non-living things and recognise the different needs of living things. Students identify ways in which the environment influences daily life. Literacy: Class discussions and brainstorming activities, exposure to procedure texts and information reports PDHPE: Decision making, communicating, healthy lifestyle Students describe balanced eating habits and healthy personal habits. Students make simple decisions in relation to health and safety.

Assessment Task/s Cross curricular content: Outcomes: Literacy: HSIE: Assessment Task 1: . Reading: fiction and non-fiction texts, SSES1 Identifies ways in which their own Information report: students make observation of procedures, information reports needs and the needs of others are met, a living thing in their immediate environment; individually and cooperatively. observation table and information report. . Writing: Information reports, ENES1 Gathers information about natural and procedures built environments and communicates some Assessment task 2: Model habitat: students construct a model habitat of the ways in which they interact with, and that includes the needs of living things. . Talking & Listening: oral can care for, these environments. procedures, class discussion, Assessment Task 3: brainstorming activities Science & Technology: Caring poster: Students create a poster about how LTES 1.3 Identifies ways in which living to care for a living thing. . Vocabulary: Bank building of things are different and have needs. adjectives, nouns and verbs ESES 1.6 Explores and identifies ways the environment influences their daily lives HSIE: our needs, natural and build INVES 1.7 Investigates their surroundings by environments observing, questioning, exploring and reporting. Science & Technology: needs of living Stage: Early Stage One Concept: Interrelationships & Sustainability Duration: 10 weeks Amanda Coroneos things, investigation (plant growth) Literacy: TES 1.1 Communicates with peers & known PD/H/PE: healthy eating, our needs adults in informal situations & structured activities dealing briefly with familiar topics. Gifted & Talented Strategies: Venn TES1.2 Demonstrates basic skills of diagrams, design activities, compare & classroom and group interaction, makes brief contrast activities oral presentations and listens with reasonable attentiveness. RES 1.5 Demonstrates developing reading skills to read short, predictable written texts on familiar topics WES 1.9 Engages in writing texts with the intention of conveying an idea or message. WES1.10 Produces simple texts that show the emergence of the grammar and punctuation needed to achieve the purpose of the text.

PD/H/PE COES 1.1 Expresses feelings, needs and wants in appropriate ways. DMES 1.2 Identifies some options available when making decisions.


By the end of this unit of work students will be able to identify their needs, have an understanding of how living things obtain their needs of life from the environment and an awareness of the ways in which they can care for living things. Students will explore the concepts of sustainability and interrelationships by investigating the needs of plants and animals through discussion, observation and investigation. Learning experiences are connected, sequential and meaningful. Lessons are relevant to students’ real lives as they are based on animals and plants within the school environment. The final assessment task is designed to represent the deep knowledge and understanding that have formed the foundations of this unit of work. Substantive communication is a key feature of this unit as students will be developing their knowledge through making explicit connections with their learning and real world experiences. This unit was collaboratively planned by a group of Kindergarten teachers. Stage: Early Stage One Concept: Interrelationships & Sustainability Duration: 10 weeks Amanda Coroneos

Focus Question: What are the things I need to stay alive?

Quality Outcomes & Teaching & Learning Strategies Resources Assessment Teaching Indicators SSIE Identifies ways in which their own Session One: The need for food needs and the needs Discussion around the reasons we need food. E.g. Brainstorm Class IQ: Deep of others that are met, Energy, concentration to keep us healthy and to help worksheet brainstorm & knowledge individually and us grow. discussion cooperatively Brainstorm. Ask students to list the types of food that  Identifies their own we need to survive. needs & the needs of others  Demonstrates ways in which they can Session Two: Healthy Diet Healthy food Our needs IQ: Deep take responsibility Students are introduced to the categories of food pyramid assessment – understanding for their own needs through the Healthy diet pyramid. pictures for camping activity  Makes connections Students can work in table groups to sort/classify food cut and past between personal & (pictures of food) under the different categories of the activity class needs & pyramid. people who meet Each group can then present their findings to the class these needs, including peers & Reading Group Activities: adults in the school  Students can label healthy fruit & vegetables Pictures IQ: Higher order  Students can sort healthy & non-healthy food Classification thinking ESES1.6 Explores and  Students can write a fruit/vegie What am I? worksheet identifies the ways the  E.g. I am a vegetable. I am small and round and What am I? S: Background environment influences I am green. What am I? worksheet knowledge their daily lives  Observes & Links to other KLA’s recounts changes Maths: Data – students can record their favourite fruit in their or vegetable in a class table environment Art: Students can design a healthy placemat which can be laminated. Students can also draw or paint a fruit or Stage: Early Stage One Concept: Interrelationships & Sustainability Duration: 10 weeks Amanda Coroneos TES1.1 Communicates beg that they believe should be eaten more of. Use with peers and known your children’s fruit/veg pics to fame your class display adults in informal wall, or ask students to write on the back why they situations and believe that this type of fruit/veg is important for structured activities survival. dealing briefly with Writing: Students can write about their favourite fruit familiar topics or vegetables.  Interprets a simple Gifted & Talented: Students can design a healthy instruction from a menu for breakfast or lunch (cutting & pasting pictures peer or teacher or in written format)

WES1.9 Engages in writing texts with the Additional Activities intention of conveying Healthy Lunch Day: Each class can have a healthy Fruit & an idea or conveying a lunch day where students ensure that the items they Vegetable message. bring for their lunch are healthy items. diary  Writes single Fruit & Vegetable Week Diary: Students can sentence maintain a diary where they record the number of observations & fruits and vegetables they consume each day. Students descriptions can record their data in a graph for each day.  Creates a sequence of visual images to illustrate a procedure Session Three: Water for Survival Brainstorm the reasons why we need water and record Worksheet Class QLE: in a class chart. (To hydrate, replenish fluids, help with brainstorm and Engagement growth) discussion Independent activity: Students can record on a worksheet the reasons we need water to survive.

Session Four: Dehydration Levelled Explain to students the importance of drinking water guided when they are exercising or during warm weather. reading text: Explain that the body does not work properly without “Water” water and that a person cannot survive more than a Stage: Early Stage One Concept: Interrelationships & Sustainability Duration: 10 weeks Amanda Coroneos few days without it. Read “Water” to the students

Session Five: Shelter and clothing for survival Images of Class IQ: Deep Discuss and list the different types of shelter. Ask Antarctica brainstorm knowledge students why shelter is important. and Australia Look at 2 different types of climate – Antarctica/Alaska for Class inferences IQ: Higher order and Australia. Show students different pictures of these comparison of the thinking two places and ask them to discuss the type of shelter requirements of they would need in that climate. Remind students that different IQ: shelter and clothing in these climates is important for environments Metalanguage survival. Assessment: S: Background Assessment Activity: Students can classify clothes students match knowledge for different environments using a cut and paste clothing for activity. Re-iterate the importance of clothing for particular S: survival particularly in climate where students can over climates Connectedness heat or freeze.

Session Six: Hygiene for survival Whole class: Ask students what being hygienic Pictures of Individual S: Background means. Record their ideas. climates and ordering of knowledge Independent: Ask students to write or draw the ways clothing – activities that they can be hygienic e.g. by washing their hands, cut and IQ: Higher order washing bodies/hair, brushing teeth paste activity thinking Discuss with the students the importance of washing their hands as a means of preventing infection and Worksheet illness. “How I can S: Knowledge be hygienic” integration Reading Group Activities:  Students can order a series of pictures of a child Pictures for S: Background brushing their teeth and can write what is re- knowledge happening in each picture (procedure) sequencing  Sequencing a hand washing activity. Students or writing a can record what is taking place in each picture. procedure Stage: Early Stage One Concept: Interrelationships & Sustainability Duration: 10 weeks Amanda Coroneos

Assessment: Students can trace around their hand Assessment- and add a caption of their choice that reflects their Hand activity understanding of what they have learnt about hygiene. E.g. child may write “you need clean hand before you touch food” or “wash your hands with soap and water before eating food”. Stage: Early Stage One Concept: Interrelationships & Sustainability Duration: 10 weeks Amanda Coroneos

Focus Question: How do living things obtain their needs of life from the environment? What are the needs of life for plants? Quality Outcomes & Teaching & Learning Strategies Resources Assessment Teaching Indicators

LTES 1.3 Identifies Session One: What is a Plant? IQ: Substantive ways in which living Show students a variety of pictures of plants. Talk Plant Class Communication things are different about the types of plants students have at home and pictures brainstorm of and have needs. at school. Brainstorm what students already know students prior IQ: Background  Observes & reports about plants. Ask students why they think plants are Favourite knowledge of knowledge on the differences important. Students draw their favourite type of plant. plant plants between plants worksheet S:Connectedness grown with and without light

Session Two: What does a plant need to grow? Venn IQ: problematic ESES 1.6 Explores Show students plant pictures. Ask them, “What do you Diagram Individual Venn knowledge and identifies ways the think these plants need to survive?” Refer back to the (Whole class diagram of our environment things that we need to survive and compare with the on A3) needs & plant IQ: Deep influences their daily needs of plants. As a class, complete a Venn diagram needs understanding lives. to compare our needs and the needs of plants. Individual  Observes & Students can complete a Venn diagram individually by Venn S: Knowledge recounts changes drawing or writing. diagrams integration in the environment

INVES 1.7 Investigates their IQ:Metalangauge surroundings by Session Three: How do plants grow? Notebook: observing, Show students Notebook page: Flowers Plants & Flowers questioning, exploring Seeds. Draw students attention to the different types Plants & and reporting. seeds. Seeds by  Sorts plant pictures Timothy according to the Students can complete an activity where they match Littleboots Stage: Early Stage One Concept: Interrelationships & Sustainability Duration: 10 weeks Amanda Coroneos differences & the seed to the plant or fruit. similarities Matching  Observes & reports seeds with on the differences plants & fruit between plants worksheet grown with and without light Session Four: How can we grow a plant? TES 1.1 Instruct students that they will be growing bean plants. Students draw IQ: Substantive Communicates with Ask them to brainstorm what they will need so that the Bean Plant the things they Communication peers & known adults plant can grow. Introduce the “Bean Diary” and explain Diary think their plant in informal situations that they will be conducting an investigation and will need to IQ: & structured activities recording how their plant grows and changes. Students survive Metalanguage dealing briefly with complete the first part of the bean diary where they familiar topics. are asked to draw the things that they think their bean IQ: Deep  Interprets a simple plant will need to grow. understanding instruction from a peer or teacher S: Knowledge  Carries out integration instructions S: RES 1.5 Connectedness Demonstrates developing reading skills to read short, Session Five: Lets grow a bean plant! predictable written Refer back to session two when students brainstormed Class S: Knowledge texts on familiar the needs of a plant. (Seed, soil, water, sunlight) Plant brainstorm/ integration topics. Provide students with a series of picture cards sequence Discussion  Interprets pictorial representing the procedure of growing a bean plant. cards (1 A3 IQ: Deep procedures Ask students to work in groups or pairs in order to copy & class Students re- understanding sequence them correctly. set of A4) sequence the WES 1.9 Engages in procedure of writing texts with the As a consolidation exercise, students can paste the Growing a the growth of a intention of conveying sequence cards into the correct order and match to the bean plant plant an idea or message. appropriate written step. sheet (A3)  Writes single- Stage: Early Stage One Concept: Interrelationships & Sustainability Duration: 10 weeks Amanda Coroneos sentence Procedure observations and sentences descriptions  Creates a sequence Session Six: Planting the seeds & conducting an of visual images to experiment illustrate a Revise the procedure of growing a bean plant and ask S: Knowledge procedure the class to re-sequence the cards together and match Class discussion integration to the text. & brainstorm Foam cups S: Instruct students that they will be conducting an (1 for each Observation of Connectedness experiment with their bean plants. Brainstorm what student & 1 students whilst they think the plant will need to survive. Refer to extra) following IQ: Substantive session four where students were asked to draw the Bean seeds instructions Communication things they thought their plant would need to survive. (4 or 5 for each IQ: Deep Inform students that you will be also growing a bean student) understanding plant however, you are going to put it in the cupboard Cotton wool to see if it will grow without sunlight. You may like to Small QLE: grow a bean plant without watering it to show them watering can Engagement what may happen.

Show students the equipment they will be using and organise students so that they can plant their beans. Discuss where students think the plants should be placed in the classroom (somewhere that gets sunlight)

Extension Activity: Make a plant seed packet IQ: Deep Students make a plant seed packet for their bean understanding plants. They will need to use pictures to provide growing instructions such as the amount of sun & Make a plant IQ: Higher order water needed as well as suggestions for where it will seed packet thinking grow. You may like to discuss here that plants like a & picture cactus have different needs. cards S: Knowledge integration Ideas for Ongoing learning… Stage: Early Stage One Concept: Interrelationships & Sustainability Duration: 10 weeks Amanda Coroneos  On a regular basis, students observe and monitor S: the growth of their bean plant by drawing and Connectedness writing about what their bean/plant looks like in their bean plant diary.  Set up a roster for children so that plants can be watered  Get children to periodically monitor the plants without water or sunlight & discuss the reasons for the different results  Take a picture of the students with their bean plant and put in work sample folders. Stage: Early Stage One Concept: Interrelationships & Sustainability Duration: 10 weeks Amanda Coroneos

Focus Question: How do living things obtain their needs of life from the environment? What do animals need to survive? Quality Outcomes & Teaching & Learning Strategies Resources Assessment Teaching Indicators SSES1: Identifies Session One: What do we know? ways in which their -Find out though a discussion what the students know Clipboards, Written Background own needs and the about the needs of animals and complete a KWL paper and work/pictures in knowledge, needs of others are chart. pencils book engagement met, individually and -Brainstorm and list on the board what animals need cooperatively. to survive. KWL chart KWL chart -Go for a walk in the playground to look for animals and see how many animal homes the children can find, record on clipboard. -Return to class, discuss and list on board the names of the animals observed outside and the habitats they live in. -Students can then write the animals and the names Background of their homes in their books. knowledge, connectedness Session Two: The needs of pets -A classroom visit from a pet owner parent will be Parent visitor Written arranged to show pet and talk about the needs of this for each class work/pictures in animal. Encourage children to ask questions about the book, painting needs of this pet. and oral Knowledge -Students then can write about these needs of the pet description integration, in their book and illustrate. engagement -Students can also paint picture of their own pet, then use painting to give oral description of pet in front of Variety of class. Students could add speech bubbles to their animal pictures pictures and posters, Card game- High -Students to bring in photos of their own pet, display matching card Matching the expectations, in classroom. worksheet. correct animals metalanguage Stage: Early Stage One Concept: Interrelationships & Sustainability Duration: 10 weeks Amanda Coroneos to their homes

Session Three: The needs of animals Big book about -Revisit the topic of animals and their homes, list on animal Worksheet the board. Show students pictures or posters of habitats, (e.g. animals in different kinds of habitats and display in ‘Sebastian’s Deep room. Hat’ by Thelma knowledge, -Students will then play the matching card game Catterwell) deep ‘Animal Homes’ understanding ‘Where do they live worksheet Worksheet ( x 2).

Session Four: Animal Habitats Discuss different habitats eg, forest, desert, ocean etc Box containing and talk about the various animals that live in these various types environments. Read big book on animal habitats. of animal food, -Students will then complete the worksheet ‘Where do what do they they live?’ eat worksheet (x2) Session Five: Food for animals Brainstorm the types of food various animals eat. Provide a box of various animal food, eg a carrot, fish food, cheese, a bone etc. The students will then guess what animal eats what food item. -The class will then complete the worksheet ‘What do they eat?’ Stage: Early Stage One Concept: Interrelationships & Sustainability Duration: 10 weeks Amanda Coroneos

Focus Question: What can we do to help living things in their environment?

Quality Outcomes & Teaching & Learning Strategies Resources Assessment Teaching Indicators SSES1 Identifies ways Session One: Lend a Hand (describing tower) Uni fix cubes Observation Deep knowledge in which their own Children sit on the floor in a circle. Teacher gives each and class needs and the needs child a block. Start the game by naming an animal and discussion Meta language of others are met, placing a block on the floor in the middle of the circle. individually and Each child must take a turn to describe one way people Substantive cooperatively. can help that animal. For example, if the animal is a communication  Students identify cat, possible answers are: have cats neutered; keep the needs of a cats indoors; bring stray cats to an animal shelter. As Engagement variety of animals each child describe a way for caring for that animal and how to provide they place a block on top of the teachers, creating a Background for those needs. tower. Give clues or mime to children who have knowledge  Student can difficulty. The game continues until all students have describe ways for had a chance to share their ideas. Try the activity using Inclusivity caring for an another animal. animal Connectedness  Student can identify the responsibilities of Session Two: Responsible pet owners pet owners Discuss responsibilities of pet owners and the things A3 image of “Caring for Engagement they need to do to care for an animal. Discuss different Sam the dog Sam” TES1.1 responsibilities for different animals, e.g. fish, cat, dog. worksheet Deep knowledge Communicates with Use Sam the dog as an example. Introduce Sam to the Worksheet peers and known class. As a class discuss, draw and label the things you “Caring for Class discussion Deep adults in informal need to do to keep him happy and healthy. For Sam” understanding situations and example; taking him for walks, washing and brushing structured activities him, de-fleaing him, feeding him etc. Substantive dealing briefly with communication familiar topics. Give each student a worksheet and ask them to  Student discusses complete individually. Explicit quality how to care for criteria Stage: Early Stage One Concept: Interrelationships & Sustainability Duration: 10 weeks Amanda Coroneos different animals Background  Student can list the knowledge different ways to care for a variety of Knowledge animals integration

TES1.2 Demonstrates Inclusivity basic skills of classroom and group Narrative interaction, makes brief oral presentations and listens with reasonable attentiveness. Session Three: Pet supplies  Student is able to Have students sitting in a circle. Hand out pet-care Stuffed Pet Care Engagement contribute to class supplies (or pictures of pet-care supplies) to a number animals; cat, worksheet discussion about of students. These may include the following items; dog, fish Observation of Problematic caring for animals food and water bowls, a pet carrier, comb, nail clippers, and mouse. sorting animal knowledge with varying needs bed, ID tag, collar, leash, toy. Ask students: What are supplies and listening to all these supplies used for? Students will respond that Pet supplies: Class discussion Higher-order others they are used for caring for pets. Say: Many of us have food, water, thinking  Student is able to pets at home that we love. We also need to car for our leash cage, assist their peers pets. They need us so that they can live. Today we are fish bowl, Substantive in matching the going to talk about ways that we can help our pets. I brush, ID communication pet to their pet have brought in many supplies that we can use to care tag care supplies for our pets. I have also brought some pets with me Social support today (show the stuffed animals) and we are going to Pet Care WES1.9 Engages in decide which supplies we use for each pet. worksheet Students self- writing texts with the Place the stuffed animals at various places around the regulation intention of conveying room. One at a time, have the students take turns an idea or message. brining the various pet supplies over to the animal that Background  Student is able to it is used for. For example, the fish food will be brought knowledge write simple to the fish, the leash to the dog, etc. sentences Knowledge describing how to Ask students: why the pet supplies are necessary? integration care for a dog, cat What would happen to a pet if one of those items was Stage: Early Stage One Concept: Interrelationships & Sustainability Duration: 10 weeks Amanda Coroneos and fish. missing? Each time a new item is discussed; the child Inclusivity  Student is able to with that item brings it to the front of the class and draw and label pet places it on the table. care supplies Have student return to their seats. Give each student WES1.10 Produces “Pet Care” worksheet. Have them draw and label a simple texts that show picture of a way they can care for each animal. the emergence of the grammar and punctuation needed to Session Four: Caring for plants A3 class Observation Deep knowledge achieve the purpose of Ask the class to close their eyes and imagine they are copy of and class the text. going on a bush walk. Describe their surroundings. “How people discussions Deep  Student is able to Describe the plants and animals they see. Explain to show they understanding write simple the class that they are stoped by a group of plants in care about Worksheet sentences using the middle of their walking track. Ask students to open living things” “Helping plants Higher-order capital letters and their eyes and discuss what they should do with the Small plot grow well” thinking full stops when plants and why? E.g. walk on them, walk around them, plant or necessary pull the plants up etc. Have students’ role play what flower Substantive they should do. Discuss that we should not harm plants communication ENES1 Gathers or animals in their natural environment which means Worksheet information about leaving them alone. “Helping Engagement natural and built plants grow environments and Pose the following question to the class: How can well” Social support communicates some of people show they care about living things? Discuss and the ways in which they list student’s responses. Show students the 4 images of Background interact with, and can different scenarios and complete the A3 sheet as a knowledge care for, these class. environments. Knowledge  Student Show students the class plot plant. Explain to the class integration discusses how that you need to find a place for the plant so it will they can care for grow strong and healthy. Put the plot plant in different Inclusivity plants by meeting spots in the room and have students discuss whether their varied needs the plant would grow healthy there or not. For  Student is able example; under desk, in the cardboard, in the window to place the class etc. plot plant in an Stage: Early Stage One Concept: Interrelationships & Sustainability Duration: 10 weeks Amanda Coroneos area in the Show students the worksheet go through it as a class classroom to and have students complete it individually. ensure it grows healthy  Student is able to distinguish between a healthy and unhealthy plant and the reasons for these differences

LTES1.3 Identifies ways in which living things are different and have different needs  Student is able to discuss the similarities and differences between a variety of animals  Student is able to discuss and compare the different pet care supplies for different animals  Student is able to allocate the correct pet care supply to the appropriate animal

UTES1.9 Identifies Stage: Early Stage One Concept: Interrelationships & Sustainability Duration: 10 weeks Amanda Coroneos and uses a limited range of equipment, computer-based technology, materials and other resources when undertaking exploration and production.  Student is able to manipulate the tools on the computer to explore the needs of a plant on the website

DRAES1.1 Uses imagination and the elements of drama in imaginative play and dramatic situations.  Student is able to role play how to care for a variety of living things  Student is able to create still images to demonstrate caring for living things

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