Management Manual

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Management Manual

Disaster & Emergency Management Manual 2013

Lions District 201W1

Developed by Lion Bob Roberson

Adapted for 201W1 by Lion Gavin Thomson -March 2013 LIONS 201W1 DISASTER & EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT MANUAL – 2013


INTRODUCTION 3 Genera l Purpos e The Lions Alert Program

DEFINITIONS 4 What is an Emergency? What is a Disaster?











Disaster and Emergencies can happen at any place at any time with or without warning. The impact on the people of a community is relative to the disaster or emergency and can be reduced in many instances through pre- planning and preparation.


The purpose of this Disaster & Emergency Manual is:

To develop a District Manual for all 201W1 Lions Clubs, that will provide a common framework and a degree of guidance for Clubs to better utilise their resources and ability to assist their community and others in the event of an emergency or disastrous event. To ensure District 201W1 Disaster & Emergency procedures are in line with LCI “Lions Alert Program”.(Providing Emergency Response and Assistance).


Lions Clubs International has established an international emergency response strategy.

It is recommended Club Presidents become familiar with this document. The information contained within will assist the reader to understand some of the terminology used in 201W1 District Disaster & Emergency Manual.


All disasters are emergencies but not all emergencies are disasters.

What is an Emergency - A sudden, unexpected or impending situation that may cause injury, loss of life, damage to property and/or interference with normal activities of a person or business and which, therefore, requires immediate attention and remedial actions.

What is a Disaster - A calamitous, distressing or ruinous effect of a disastrous event (such as drought, flood, fire, cyclone, tornado, war or pandemic) of such scale that it disrupts (or threaten to disrupt) critical functions of an organisation, society or system, for a period long enough to significantly harm it or cause it failure. It is the consequences of a disastrous event and the inability of its victims to cope with them that constitute a disaster, not the event itself.


Local Governments (Councils) have a responsibility to respond in the event of a disaster within their area of responsibility.

Councils as part of their community disaster responsibility create a Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG). This group consists of representatives of key Government Agencies and Non Government Organisations from within or associated with the Council Area.

The LDMG is responsible for developing a Local Disaster Action Plan which is designed to ensure the best possible safety and protection of the community in the event of an emergency/disaster. The Disaster Action Plan includes elements relating to disaster mitigation, community preparation, Emergency/Disaster response and post disaster recovery.

A LDMG is not on its own in the event of a disaster. State and Federal levels of support are also activated if necessary, to advise and assist Local Government when and if requested.


Lions Clubs, even though they are a Non Government Organisation (NGO), are not normally directly involved in Local Government Community Disaster Planning, though Lions Clubs within a community may be listed by the Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) as a source of community assistance.

The availability of Lions resources and what those resources are should be made known to each Local Council Emergency Manager in the W1 area. These managers may direct that information to their Volunteer Recovery Coordination Section who are responsible for coordinating Community Volunteer Organisations.

Councils, having awareness of Lions available resource, will be better informed to help them and the LDMG in Community Disaster Planning.

It is suggested that Clubs collate their Club resources including potential manpower and advise their City or Shire Council Emergency Manager. (SEE ANNEX ‘A’)

A copy of this Council advice should also be forwarded to the W1 Disaster Co- ordination Chairman as this will better inform the District Cabinet as to what disaster resources are available and where.

This knowledge will also better place District 201W1 to assist clubs and/or other Disaster Support Agencies if a request for additional assistance is received.

Lions Clubs have always been dedicated to serving their communities. Disaster and other crisis times are when a community will need the dedication and humanitarian support available from Lions Clubs.

Lions Clubs, associated Zones and the District need to plan and be prepared to be responsive to the need of a distressed community when warranted.


Individual Lions Clubs having autonomy over their assets including human and financial resources are best placed to assist their community in the event of an emergency or disaster. This capacity can be quickly augmented through coordinating other Club resources with others in their locality or in their Zone. In the event a club activates to assist in a disaster they need to advise the 201W1 Disaster Co-ordination Chairman.

The next and most viable level of Lions Emergency/Disaster support is from District. The 201W1 Disaster Co-ordination Chairman is there to assist any club or zone if requested.

5 The 201W1 Disaster Co-ordination Chairman has:

Knowledge of resource available Liaison contacts with other emergency organisations.

Clubs will require to ensure that he /she is kept informed of Club Emergency/Disaster involvement as this will assist in gaining addition support when and if needed.

The 201W1 Disaster Co-ordination Chairman has direct access to and advises the District Governor and the Cabinet. In a major Emergency/Disaster event the District Governor will call together a District Disaster Team.

The District Governor is in the position to call for assistance from Multiple Districts or Lions International if necessary, but this support can only be forthcoming if lines of communication exist from the Club.


It is essential, for a Club to be effective and timely with their assistance to a Community after an Emergency/Disaster, to have an Emergency/Disaster Action Plan.

It is suggested that Clubs (or possibly Zones) elect a member to take on the role of Emergency Officer. In the Club this person would take on the responsibilities of ensuring the Club’s Emergency support assets are locatable, available and serviceable. This Emergency Officer would also be able to assist the President in ensuring the Clubs Emergency/Disaster records and plans are up to date.

Zones should look at adopting a similar Emergency Officer role, with this person being the liaison between the Clubs and assisting with Zone Emergency/Disaster coordination.

With the creation of Club or Zone Emergency Officers, these people meet, fine tune and record resource availability, resource utilisation, manpower and mutual response support within the Zone.

6 To assist Clubs with their formulation of an Emergency/Disaster plan, the following check list has been provided.

This check list is a guide only. Clubs may need to expand on the list to satisfy particular Club area Emergency/Disaster requirements.


Record in plan:

Who is responsible for activating the Club plan? What is the trigger for activating the plan? Where do members meet when the Disaster/Emergency plan is activated? What is the alternative meeting point if necessary? Who is responsible for what task on the plan activation? Develop a club skills register List contacts: Within Lions”: Club members phone numbers and addresses n Zone contact numbers n District contact numbers

List key emergency/disaster phone numbers:

Department of Child Protection-Emergency Services Unit

Police n Ambulance n Fire n Council (Emergency) n Local Disaster Group n Hospital/Flying Doctor n SES n Gas Supplier n Electrical Supplier n Water Services n Food Suppliers n Emergency accommodation organisations n Health and Welfare organisations n Vet, etc.

If located in an area that may be isolated during an Emergency/Disaster your Club may need contact lists of:

Local Police Station, n Fire Station or Rural Fire, n Ambulance, Local Doctor, First Aiders or Rural Nurse, n Local Council Depot n Local licensed electrician, plumber, builder and gas fitter, n Local Vet, 7 · Local Taxi/Bus Company · Heavy transport and earth moving businesses · 4WD owners · Chainsaw operators · Emergency accommodation locations · Radio communication sources out of isolated area. · Boat owners · Local general store or other food outlets.

In small, remote or potential disaster isolated community, it is recommended that the Lions Club discuss their Emergency/Disaster Plan and its Community Support capabilities with the Local Officer - in - Charge of Police and other Authorities.

In Western Australia the Department of Child Protection- Emergency Services Unit, are the Lead Agency in the event of an Emergency/Disaster

Lions Members must always remember that the safety and wellbeing of their family and themselves comes before assisting the community.


That call is up to the community mindedness of the Clubs. Elements of Lions involvement may cease because:

· An organisation being assisted by Lions may no longer continue its Emergency/Disaster operations · The club wishes to withdraw its support (for whatever reason)

NOTE: The Club will need to advise its Community Disaster Coordination Group or Council, that it has ceased emergency operations and also their Zone Chairman and201W1 Disaster Co-ordination Chairman.


The President needs to consider a members debriefing

· Ascertain what went well, what could be done better · Ascertain any need for medical/mental service. · Ensure all discrete financial commitments are finalised. · Ensure Insurance claims are submitted. · Ensure recoverable materials are collected. · Ensure borrowed equipment has been returned. · Ensure all ‘Activity Reports’ are completed and forwarded to District Cabinet Emergency Officer for processing.


Accurate Information: · It is essential that acquired information clearly determines the full scope of the Lions support that is needed, both for immediate relief and potential development. · Duplication of effort with other capable agencies can create confusion which could result in a critical waste of scarce resources.

Assessment of Need: · Initial club assistance may be response to assist fellow members who have become disaster victims. · Early coordination with other agencies to assess and assist the needs of the community is essential; this will help determine what part of those needs can be met from Lions existing capabilities.

Urgency of Need: · It is common in an Emergency/Disaster, that everyone feels that their need is the most Urgent. Most Lions members are not trained in assessing needs; this will normally be carried out by trained organisations. · Lions members do have common sense and this should be applied when asked for assistance.

Ability to Cope: · The profile of Lions clubs varies enormously in membership numbers, age levels, financial resources, including management ability. · When a Club commits its resources it should advise the 201W1 Disaster Co-ordination Chairman. · This will commence a process of getting support and assistance on standby for your club.

Respect of Privacy: · Victims of any disaster or emergency may well be traumatised and, combined with their losses may require them to seek aid and assistance. This could prove embarrassing or make them feel humiliated. It is essential that the privacy and feelings of these victims be respected. · Persons needing distress counselling must be referred to properly qualified personnel. · Qualified personnel can be found within Health, Red Cross, Life Line and Salvation Army to name some.

Sources of Assistance:

· A register of other services (both ESO and NGO) is held by the Local Disaster Management Group, Local Council and the Volunteer Coordination Team (if appropriate to your area).

9 · Clubs, particularly in remote or disaster isolated areas, should check with their locals Police for other sources of assistance.

Emergency/Disaster Funds: · Each District has an ‘Emergency Fund'. The utilisation of these funds is at the discretion of the District Governor. · These funds will normally be classified as "Non- Recoverable", the expenditure not only needs to be justified but accountable at all levels.

Human/Material Resources: · In addition to Lions having an ability to provide a degree of financial support where needed, emergencies and disasters also see community requests for club members to provide practical support. · This requested support may consist of physical labour or the provision of material items – or both.

Appropriate Support: Inappropriate Support

Subsistence: Water and Food Income Losses. Protection: Shelter and clothing. Insurance Losses. Medical: Pharmaceutical Products Utility Services.

Manpower Support: Food Preparation Service Debris clean-up Sandbagging – including filling Driving tasks Message call centre operator

Material Support Food and Water Eating utensils Bed Linen Clothing Reading Material

Legal Matters: · Litigation is an ever-present result of actions taken during any disaster or emergency. · It is essential that all elements of any Lions organization, participating in such incidents, maintain accurate records that detail all actions undertaken. · These records must include names – dates – timings – locations involved and any other data; · Copies of these records need to be forwarded to the Cabinet Secretary for vetting and forwarding to 201W1’s Legal Officer.

Information Management: · Media during and after an Emergency/Disaster has an important role in communicating to the Community, State and National levels. It is not only their job but an integral part of a Local and District Disaster Plan.

10 . In Local and District Disaster Plans there is a media protocol and a designated Emergency Management, Media Disaster Spokesperson. . Lions members may be approached by the media for comment or opinions. It is advisable that Lions members contain their comments to what Lions are actually doing to assist the community. . Lions members are advised not to make comment on matters relating to general Emergency/Disaster operations or in relation to any particular incident or issue. This is the responsibility of Councils or Emergency Management.

11 ANNEX ‘A”

Emergency/Disaster Equipment/Resources Check List. Club______


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