FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jay Hopkins The PR Spin 323.275.1136 x 911 [email protected]

Vincent Maza Joins HPA Board

Avid Worldwide Marketing Manager brings to the organization expertise in 3D, DI and file- based workflows.

HOLLYWOOD—August 3, 2010—The Hollywood Post Alliance today announces that Vincent Maza, Worldwide Marketing Manager/Post Production for Avid, has been appointed to its board of directors. Maza brings broad expertise to his new role with the HPA, having worked in the post production industry for more than 15 years in senior marketing, engineering and editorial positions with leading technology companies in the United States and Europe.

“Vincent Maza has been an enthusiastic and thoughtful member of HPA, and a very perceptive analyst of the issues facing the industry today,” said HPA president Leon Silverman in making the announcement. “We are delighted to welcome him to our board and look forward to benefitting from his insights and experience. He will be a great ally as we work to extend our mission and make the Hollywood Post Alliance an even better organization than it is today.”

Maza has been a member of the HPA since 2008 when he assumed his current role with Avid and took up residence in Southern California. “It is a great honor to join the board of the HPA as it is an essential part of the post community and one of its most respected organizations,” Maza said. “My goal is to support and learn from the organization and its members, bringing my experience both in America and Europe into the great content build by the HPA. In particular I want to extend my contributions to the HPA and the post community by helping to find solutions to challenges facing the industry, and by developing ways to document new workflows and technology.”

Maza’s tenure with Avid spans eight years, having previously served as Solutions Manager and Product Marketing Manager in the U.S. and the U.K. His areas of expertise include stereoscopic 3D, digital intermediate and file-based workflows. He began his career as an online editor with Paramount Pictures. Maza noted that his membership in HPA has been personally enriching and career enhancing. “The HPA Tech Retreat and the HPA Awards are great examples of the amazing content put together by this group,” he said. “Only at the Tech Retreat, can one find decision makers, engineers, executives and manufactures working together to present the most advanced technologies and workflows.”

About the Hollywood Post Alliance The Hollywood Post Alliance (HPA)serves the professional community of businesses and individuals who provide expertise, support, tools and the infrastructure for the creation and finishing of motion pictures, television, commercials, digital media and other dynamic media content. For more information, call (213) 614-0860 or visit
