SHROPSHIRE. [KILL118 Bridgnorth Castle Hill Railway Co
48 BRIDGNOBTB, SHROPSHIRE. [KILL118 Bridgnorth Castle Hill Railway Co. Limited (Thomas Cooksey Frank R. associated accountant, clerk to the Whitefoot, sec.); registered office, Castle terrace governers of Bridgnorth Grammar School & clerk to Bridgnorth Cemetery (James H. Cooksey, clerk to the commis~ior.ers of taxes, Agricultural hall, High street cemetery committee; William Pee, superintendent), C.:wksey James Hughes, town clerk, & clerk to the The Cemetery lodge cot;ncil as br;rial board, deputy clerk of the peace & Bridgnorth Charitable Relief Society (Samuel Thomas secretary to Corp{)ration Gas Departmt>nt, & to general Nicholls, hC'n. soo.; assistant sec. & charitv• officer, charity trusts & Palmer's Hospital Charity, 6o High st Fred Oallant, :56 High street) Cocksey ~'homas Owen, solicitor, 76 High street Bridgnor1:h Corporation Gas Department (James H. Cocper Francis John B.A. solicitor, comm1ssioner for Cooksey, sec.; Jas. Chas. Bennett, manager), Riverside oaths & actuary to the Bridgnorth Savings Bank, 2 Bridgnorth & District Agricultural Society (C. H. Deigh Listley street ton, hon. sec.), .Agricultural hall, High street Cooper Mary Cordwell (Mrs.), beer ret. 53 Whitburn st Bridgnorth & District Co-operative Society Limited, 13 Cm·field George, pleasure boat owner, 6 Se,-ern terrace, Listley street Riverside Bridgnorth District Farmers' Association (C. H. Deigh Corfield William, p1.easure boat owner, 6 Riverside ton, sec.), Agricultural hall, High street Corser Thomas & .A.rchibald, drapers, 25 & 27 High st Bridgnorth & District Rifle Club (W. Tyrrell, hon. sec.), County Court Office• (Roger Frederick Haslew(){)d, regis- Underhill street trar & high bailiff), New Market buildings Bridgnorth Fire Brigade Station (Alderman C. H. County Police Station (John Tait, supt.), Whitburn st Deighton, superintendent; Enoch Williams, deputy Cover Annie (Miss), apartments, 12 Holly Bush road superintendent), High street Craig "\Villiam· Wallace M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
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