Betchworth Parish Council s5

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Betchworth Parish Council s5


MINUTES of the MEETING of the BETCHWORTH PARISH COUNCIL held on MONDAY 12th August 2013, at 8pm in the Hamilton Room.

Present: Councillors Wilson, Hardy, Chalker, Savill, Higgins, Taylor, the footpaths officer John Foreman and the Clerk. PC Dominic Loraine and PCSO Ivor Williams (both part time) were also present.

1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (139) Apologies were received from Councillor Stow, District Councillor Potter.

2 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING (140) The Minutes of .the Meeting held on 1st July 2013 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.

3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (141) Martin Higgins declared an interest in MO/2013/0806 The Bungalow, Kiln Lane, Brockham as his mother now owns adjoining land. (142) Councillor Savill signed a copy of his Declarations of Interest document.

4 MATTERS ARISING (143) Damage to Notice Boards. The Coombe – Councillor Taylor reported that ‘TalkTalk’ would expect their name/logo to be visible on a replacement notice board. It was agreed that this was acceptable for a more sturdy notice board and that Councillor Taylor should continue negotiations with TalkTalk. Action: Councillor Taylor to follow up

(144) Damage to Notice Boards. Hamilton Room. The Chairman has purchased padlocks, they now need to be fitted. Action: Chairman

5 CRIME AND ORDER (145) PC Dom Loraine reported 2 instances of criminal damage since July 1st. One was of damage to a wooden garage, nothing was stolen. The second was the cutting of BT cable for (unsuccessful) removal causing about £12,000 of damage and resulting in a loss of telecommunications for an extended period of time in the area.

(146) Coucillor Hardy reported the ongoing problem with empty beer cans etc in the ‘lay-by’ opposite Morden Grange. PC Don Loraine agreed to keep an eye on this area.

6 OPEN FORUM (147) There were no members of the public present to raise any queries.

7 TRANSPORT, HIGHWAYS AND FOOTPATHS Footpath Officers Report. (148) Fly-tipping. There have been substantial amounts of fly-tipping in the same lane, these were reported to Mole Valley District Council who cleared the rubbish. It appeared that a vehicle had reversed into a field and simply dumped their load, effort was made to identify where the rubbish originated but this was unsuccessful. From the nature of the rubbish it was concluded that this domestic rubbish was probably

16 from a household that had paid someone to take their rubbish away. It was agreed to put something in the October issue of the Parish Magazine. (149) Gates on Footpath from Churchyard to Brockham. The footpaths officer confirmed that the latch has been removed, this would have required tools and forethought. Footpaths officer to replace latch. Action: Footpaths Officer (150) Signage. Ground around the base of road signs has been cleared but higher vegetation obscuring road signs. Raise issue at next Highways Forum. Roads South of Village overdue for cutting. Action:Clerk

(151) School Path. Hedges overgrown. Chairman to inspect the hedges. Action: Chairman

Highway Complaints (152) The Chairman requested that the Highways department be made aware of the poor road surface (patched) opposite Hartsfield Manor which often results in vehicles on the wrong side of the road. Report to Highways. Action: Clerk Churchyard Cycling (153) Councillor Higgins reported that it would not be difficult to make the gate self- closing. Chairman and Clerk to see if it is possible to redirect cyclists, contact MV footpaths officer. All to close gate if it has been left open. Action: Councillor Higgins, Chairman, Clerk Dorking Rural Hub (154) Bernard Hawkins working on the Betchworth Bid Action: Bernard Hawkins

8 PLANNING New Applications and Appeals (155) MO/2013/0858/PLAH Holly Cottage, Wellhouse Lane, Brockham, Betchworth. Erection of two storey rear extension. No Comment

(156) MO/2013/0883/ADV Hartsfield Manor, Sandy Lane, Buckland, Betchworth. Retrospective application for replacement of timber stand alonesign with aluminium sign. No Comment

(157) MO/2013/0806/OUTMAJ The Bungalow, Kiln Lane, Brockham, Surrey. Concerns about the extra traffic this will generate. Action: Clerk, letter

(158) MO/2013/0908/PLAH Fraser Wood, Boxhill Road, Boxhill, Tadworth, Surrey. This application is considered to be an improvement on previous but there are still concerns about the visual impact and light pollution. Action: Clerk, letter

(159) MO/2013/0891/PLAH Brettenham Barns, Ashcroft Farm, Gadbrook Road, Betchworth, Surrey. Alterations to Tractor Barn, including insertion of 4 windows to rear elevation, widening rear doorway and insertion of doors to opening on front elevation. Councillor Chalker abstained from decision on this application because of close friendship with the applicants. Serious concerns of creeping development, the loss of integrity of the old barn, agricultural appearance being diminished because of the material alteration to the visual ascetic of the barn, excessive glazing. Action: Clerk, letter

17 (160) MO/2013/0997/PCL 1 Rhinelands, Station Road, Betchworth. This is a legal matter, applicants are aiming to establish whether planning permission is required. Not for Council consideration.

(161) MO/2013/0993/CU Barley Mow Storage Yard, Old Reigate Road, Betchworth, Surrey. Change of use of part of storage yard to allow the parking of 18 buses in numbered/identified parking bays. Council raised strong objection to this change of use which encompasses extended opening hours, increased noise, increased traffic (including drivers getting to and from site in their own vehicles) on surrounding roads, many of which are inadequate for buses/coaches. Information circulated to Tony Innes and Barley Mow: Gill Sperrin. Action: Clerk, letter

Appeals There were no appeals.

Results (162) MO/2013/0617 Little Glade, Boxhill Road, Box Hill, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20 7JT. Conversion of stable barn to form 1 No. residential dwelling REFUSED: Absence of legal agreement, maybe overcome with the provision of affordable housing

(163) MO/2013/0660 Outside Boxhill House, Boxhill Road, Box Hill, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20 7PW. Installation of 1 No. DSLAM telecommunications cabinet (PCP003). REFUSED:1. Appearance detrimental to AONB, Green belt etc. 2. The siting of the cabinet would have a negative impact on highway safety of nearby residents

(164) MO/2013/0244 Chestnut Lodge Farm, Boxhill Road, Boxhill, Surrey, KT20 7JS. Change of use of various buildings on the site for use in relation to car repairs, renovation and storage WITHDRAWN

(165) MO/2013/0677 Garden Cottage, Sandy Lane, Buckland, Betchworth, Surrey, RH3 7AA. Erection of two storey front, side and rear extensions. (Amendment to approved MO/2011/1667). APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS: 1. samples of construction materials to be approved 2. Landscaping scheme to be submitted & approved. 3.Bat survey 4. Existing & finished site levels to be approved. 5. No part of the garaging shall be habitable

(166) MO/2013/0682 Rana, Old Road, Buckland, Betchworth, Surrey, RH3 7DZ Removal of conservatory and erection of garden room to same dimensions APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS: 1. Development strictly in accordance with submitted docs. After conversion no variations shall take place. 2. Materials to match existing.

(167) MO/2013/0624 Highmead, Headley Heath Approach, Boxhill, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20 7LQ. Erection of single storey rear extension with terrace and balcony following demolition of existing conservatory and side bay window to living room.

18 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS : 1. Materials to match existing. 2.No variation from submitted docs.

(168) MO/2013/0489 1, Tynedale Road, Strood Green, Betchworth, Surrey, RH3 7JD. Variation of condition 2 of planning permission MO/2012/0879 to allow development in accordance with drawing numbers 01/13/502A (floor plans) and 503 (elevation). REFUSED: 1. Loss of privacy to neighbours.

(169) MO/2013/0740 Brettenham Barn, Gadbrook Road, Betchworth, Surrey, RH3 7AH. Erection of single storey extension and conversion of existing garage, to include 3 roof lights, to create plant room for renewable energy equipment APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS: 1. Development strictly in accordance with submitted docs. 2. Materials to match existing. 3. To be used for vehicle garaging and domestic storage only.

Other Matters (170) MO13/0805 (SCC/2013/0094) Reigate Road Quarry. Submission of Odour Impact Assessment and Odour Management Plan. It was agreed that certain statements within the Odour Management Plan needed tightening:  Any loads with the potential to increase risk of odour emission to be removed on the same day RATHER THAN as soon as possible  Kerbside collection waste must never be stored for more than 24 hours  Temporary storage of waste must be within the handling building  Maintain a record of when control measures (door closure, mistair) are activated. Action: Clerk, letter

(171) MO13/0805 (SCC/2013/0094) In response to a request from Surrey County Council Planning for clarification of the traffic management condition requested by Council it was agreed that a condition of planning approval be that no traffic should be using ‘B’ roads but all traffic should be using ‘A’ roads. Action: Clerk, letter

9 FINANCE (172) The monthly financial summary was screened showing the current situation.

(173) The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques duly signed:-

i. John Chalker (Annual Meeting) £ 21.70 ii. SALC (Clerk’s Training) £ 87.50 iii. Andrew Thornhill (Website) £100.00 iv. Viking Direct (Filing Cabinet) £ 95.39 v. Surrey Estate Management £554.40 vi. Jacquie Sims (Clerk’s Salary etc) £330.51 vii. Sutton & East Surrey Water £314.16

(174) Councillor Savill and the Clerk signed the bank mandate.

(175) It was agreed to pay the Clerk expenses of £10.00 per month to cover the cost of changing to a telephone tariff that allows for unlimited free telephone calls during the working day.

19 (176) The Annual Return was approved and accepted. The notice of conclusion will be displayed on the post office notice board for a minimum of 14 days. Action: Clerk

10 ALLOTMENTS, BURIAL GROUND & GOULBURN GREEN (177) Memorials for Approval – Brian James Popple. Memorial of light grey unpolished granite with black lettering approved. Action: Clerk, letter

(178) Water Supply on Goulburn Green Standpipe still not in place, clerk to continue to chase Sutton and East Surrey water. Church using Goulburn Green for Harvest Lunch 28th September was approved. Action: Clerk to follow up

(179) Memorial Tree Seat. In hand with Greenspan.

(180) Jubilee Pavilion Drawings were received but required refinement (more detail). Awaiting new drawings.

11 BETCHWORTH & BUCKLAND SOCIETY (181) Councillor Hardy reported that the SSSI for Reigate Heath is being damaged because of the water table level, this is partly due to the amount of sand that has been excavated. It was agreed that Buckland Parish Council and The Betchworth and Buckland Society be supported in their efforts relating to Tapwood Pit. Clerk to offer support. Action: Clerk, Letter

12 WEBSITE & COMMUNICATIONS. (181a) Website now back online. All files are now located in the new hosting area setup last November. A new dedicated email address for the clerk has been set up: [email protected].

13 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Active Papers (182) Invitation to Sutton and East Surrey Water 5-year Business Plan presentation, Tuesday 10th September. No one available to attend.

(183) Invitation to GACC Seminar Friday 25th October. No one available to attend.

Passive Papers (184) Other Communications received as per Appendix 4 (Passive Items) were distributed for Councillors to peruse and report back as appropriate, at the next meeting.

Other Matters


20 (185) Future meetings of the Council were confirmed as 2 nd September and 7 th October, both at 8.00pm in the Hamilton Room. Action: ALL

(186) The deadline for the September Parish Magazine was 12/8/13. Chairman produced an article on the new water main. October Magazine topic will be on waste disposal/fly-tipping. Action: Clerk

(187) Chairman closed the meeting at 9:50pm.


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