Informe De Relatoría De La Reunion De Expertas

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Informe De Relatoría De La Reunion De Expertas


FOLLOW-UP MECHANISM OAS/Ser.L/II.7.10 CONVENTION OF BELEM DO PARÁ (MESECVI) MESECVI-II/doc.51/08 SECOND CONFERENCE OF STATES PARTIES 14 July 2008 July 9 and 10, 2008 Original: Spanish Caracas, Venezuela




The Second Meeting of the Second Conference of the State Parties of the Mechanism to Follow-up on Implementation of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence against Women ‘Convention of Belém do Pará (MESECVI), held on July 9 and 10, 2008, at the Alba Caracas Hotel. This meeting was made possible by the support of the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which offered host the event through Verbal Note of the Permanent Mission date don May 5, 2008.

The purpose was to receive the Report of the Committee of Experts (CEVI) of the MESECVI, consisting of the Hemispheric Report and the national reports approved by the CEVI, during the Third Meeting held on July 18 to 20 in Buenos Aires city, Argentina; and to examine the draft Rules of Procedure of the Conference of States Parties of the MESECVI. Furthermore, as a political body, the Conference adopted decisions, conclusions, and agreements among the States Parties concerning past and future activities.

The OAS Secretary General convened all the States Parties to the Convention through communication dated June 17, 2008. Invitations were issued to the states not Parties, OAS member states, diplomatic bodies, authorities of the Juridical al Legislative, the Rapporteur on Women’s Rights of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and specialized international entities and organizations no governmentals which work to eliminate the violence against women. The list of participants published by the Secretariat as document MESECVI-II/doc.48/08. - 2 -

The drafts of Agenda and Rules of Procedures and a document referred to Conclusions and Recommendations were revised in three preparatory meetings for the Conference. The meetings were open to all Permanent Mission of the States Parties, held on April 25, 2007, June 10, 2008 and June 25, 2008, in Washington, DC. At the first meeting, the preliminary draft Agenda and Rules of Procedure were discussed. At the second meeting, the Rules of Procedures was revised again; and at the third meeting focused on the draft agenda and Conclusions and Recommendations.

All documents pertaining to the meeting, including the country reports and the Hemispheric Report was published by the Secretariat to be presented to the Conference.


The first meeting of the Conference of State Parties was held in compliance of the mandates of the resolution AG/RES. 2021 (XXXIV-O/04). The Secretary General of the OAS convened the Conference of the States Parties on October 26, 2004, which approved the “Statute of the Mechanism to Follow Up on Implementation of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence against Women, Convention of Belém do Pará (MESECVI). This Statute stipulated that this Mechanism constitutes the Conference of State Parties, a political entity, and a Committee of Experts; a technical entity. The Committee works in Multilateral Evaluation Rounds and the Committee designs and forwards a questionnaire to all State Parties. Then the responses are evaluated and a Report is produced by each participating country and a Hemispheric Report is produced with the results obtained at the regional level. These reports identify the progress made and the challenges that remain for the implementation of the Convention of Belém do Pará at the national level and recommendations are made so that the Convention can be implemented in a better way.

After the Statute of MESECVI was approved in 2004, and as a first step to implement the Mechanism, on January 28, 2005, the Ministers of Foreign Relations of the State Parties of the Convention were asked to designate the expert to represent their country in the Committee of Experts (CEVI).

On September 13, 2005, the Secretary requested the Ministers of Foreign Relations of the State Parties to designate the Competent National Authorities (CNAs) to serve as liaison between the government and the Secretary of the “MESECVI.” At the same time, the Competent National Authorities would have the responsibility to forward the response to the questionnaire for its government, which constitutes the major component for the Committee’s assessment work. The survey was sent to the National Competency Authority by the Secretary on November 7, 2005.

The Committee of Experts (CEVI) held three meetings on August 22-24, 2005; July 24-25, 2006; and July 18-20, 2007. In these meetings were approved the Rules of Procedures and the methodology for evaluation; the questionnaires to be forwarded to the governments. They analyzed the questionnaire responses, added and evaluated questions, and finally, the country reports and the Hemispheric Report were approved. The country reports and the Hemispheric Report were presented to the Second Conference of State Parties. - 3 -

As of the date of this report, the Mechanism has 29 experts and 28 Competent National Authorities (CNAs). With regard to the process, twenty-eight States Parties answered the questionnaire; the experts prepared 28 country assessment reports and 15 Competent National Authorities (CNAs) sent in final comments on the aforementioned reports. III. DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONFERENCE MEETING


The following speakers took the floor at the opening session: the Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM), Carmen Lomellin, on behalf of the Secretary General of the Organization of American States; the President of the National Women’s Institute of Mexico (INMUJERES), María del Rocío García Gaytán, on behalf of the President of the Conference of States Parties to the MESECVI; the Minister of State for Women Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, María León; and the People’s Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, who closed the opening session.

The speeches pronounced at the inaugural session are published, respectively, as Los discursos pronunciados en esta sesión inaugural fueron publicados por la Secretaría Técnica como documentos MESECVI-II/INF. 1/08, MESECVI-II/INF. 2/08, MESECVI-II/INF. 3/08, y MESECVI- II/INF. 4/08.


Four plenary sessions were held, two per day of the meeting.

The officers of the Conference were elected at the first working meeting. On a proposal by the delegation of Mexico, the Delegate of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela was elected by acclamation to serve as the new President of the Conference for two years. The new President took her post and the other officers were elected. The Delegates of the Dominican Republic and Mexico, respectively, were elected by acclamation as First and Second Vice Presidents. The Delegate of Peru was elected as Rapporteur on a proposal by the delegation of Guatemala.

Then the draft agenda (MESECVI-II/doc.13/08 rev. 4) and the draft calendar (MESECVI- II/doc.18/08) were adopted without amendments.

Finally, the delegations, at the proposal of the President, reviewed the Draft Rules of Procedure (MESECVI-II/doc.12/08 rev. 3) article by article. With amendments to Articles 15 and 24 were approved. Additionally, in the Spanish version, the language of the heading of Chapter VI and of Articles 5 and 16 was adjusted. Also, Article 22 in the English version was adjusted to the Spanish version. With these changes, the Rules of Procedures were adopted in their entirety (MESECVI-II/doc.12/08 rev. 4).

At the beginning of the second meeting, the CEVI’s reports and Final Report of the Coordinator Susana Chiarotti, and of the CIM Executive Secretary were received. Before that the President requested the Secretariat to give a brief presentation on the background, characteristics, and purposes of the MESECVI, to provide participants with a reference framework on the process to date. - 4 -

The Coordinator of the CEVI, in her presentation of the Final Report to the Conference of States Parties (MESECVI-II/doc.50/08) reported on the progress made and challenges faced during the work in the four areas selected for the questionnaire of the first multilateral evaluation round: legislation, rules, and national plans; access to justice; national budget; and information and statistics. She referred to the Hemispheric Report (MESECVI-II/doc.16/08), in particular its general and specific recommendations, and presented proposals for future work.

The delegations congratulated the Coordinator and thanked CEVI and the Technical Secretariat for their work. Next, most delegations gave country progress reports on the subjects of the Hemispheric Report. The delegations of Argentina, Costa Rica, Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela said they would send the Secretariat requests for corrections to same tables of that report.

Then the President offering the floor to the Executive Secretary of the CIM, Carmen Lomellin, who summarized the Progress Report of the Technical Secretariat on the Implementation of the Mechanism (MESECVI-II/doc.17/08). The Executive Secretary spoke on the stages completed in the operation of the MESECVI, lessons learned, the urgent need for funding to cover the needs of the Mechanism, and other challenges. The delegations provided their comments and reiterated their support to the Mechanism and its Technical Secretariat.

During the third and fourth meeting held on July 10, the consideration of agenda item 6, Conclusions and Recommendations of the Second Conference of States Parties to the MESECVI (MESECVI-II/doc.15/08 rev. 2). The delegations made contributions and proposed various changes. First, in accordance with Article 24 of the Rules of Procedure approved the previous day, the title of the document was changed to “Decisions, Conclusions, and Agreements of the Second Conference of States Parties to the MESECVI.” Chapters I and II were combined, resulting in one entitled “Strengthening and Financing of the Mechanism.” The items of this new chapter were reordered and items 5, 8, 9, and 10 were modified. In Chapter III, Meetings of the Conference, Country Reports, and Other Measures, item 11 was removed; delegations maintained that, because of the current financial situation of the Mechanism, this recommendation should be discussed again at a future meeting of the Conference. As for Chapter IV, item 14 was modified. Furthermore, the Chapter V was examined. Its title was changed to “Contributions by Various Civil Society Organizations.” Items 15 and 16 were amended. In Chapter VI, item 18 was amended. With these changes, the delegations adopted the document by consensus; it has been published as MESECVI-II/doc.15/08 rev. 4).

The delegation of Venezuela proposed an agreement concerning the Returns Directive adopted by the European Parliament. After a discussion among the delegations, the following text was adopted: “To support resolution CP/RES. 938 (1654/08), adopted by the OAS Permanent Council, on the European Union’s Returns Directive on migration issues, since it jeopardizes the human rights of migrants and has a negative impact on women.” The delegations also agreed to include this decision both in the final report of the Conference and in the rapporteur’s report.

The delegation of Bolivia then proposed an agreement concerning violence against indigenous women in that country. After considerable discussion, they arrived at the following consensus text: “To express their concern over the manifestations of racial violence, in particular against indigenous women and minority groups, and to request the Committee of Experts to pay special attention, in the next evaluation round, to violence against indigenous women and women of - 5 -

African descent, which was included as item 11 in the Chapter I of the Decisions, Conclusions, and Agreements of the Conference.

Finally, pursuant to Article 8 of the new Rules of Procedure of the Conference approved the day before, the President invited delegations to present offers to host the Third Conference of States Parties, noting that, should no offer be forthcoming, her country would be willing to serve as host again. The delegation of Guatemala expressed its Government’s decision to host the Conference. The offer was accepted with enthusiastic applause.


At the closing session the Chair of the Commission for the Creation of Courts against Violence towards Women of the Republic of Venezuela, Judge Yolanda Jaimes, made her statement during the closing session. Her speech was published by the Technical Secretary as document MESECVI-II/INF. 5/08. Finally, María León, Minister of State for Women’s Issues of the Republic of Venezuela thanked all the delegations for their participation for the success achieved with everyone’s support. She expressed her government’s pride and appreciation in having served as the site for an event of so much significance for the human rights of women.

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MECANISMO DE SEGUIMIENTO OEA/Ser.L/II.7.10 CONVENCIÓN BELÉM DO PARÁ (MESECVI) MESECVI-II/doc.48/08 SEGUNDA CONFERENCIA DE ESTADOS PARTE 11 julio 2008 9 - 10 de julio de 2008 Original: textual Caracas, Venezuela .


Versión Final/ Final Version - 9 -




SEBASTIÁN MOLTENI Jefe de Delegación Secretario, Representante Alterno Misión Permanente de Argentina ante la Organización de Estados Americanos Tel: 202 387 4170 E-mail: [email protected]


JOHN HOLLINGSWORTH Director, Bureau of Gender Affairs Tel: 246 310 2102 Fax: 246 425 0383 E-mail: [email protected]


MARTHA MONTAÑO DURÁN Consejera Embajada de Bolivia en Venezuela Tel: 212 263 3015 Fax: 212 261 3386 E-mail: [email protected]


MARIANGELA REBUÁ Consul General de Brasil Tel: 0412 012 5540 E-mail: [email protected]

MARIA ERCILIA MURAKAMI Consul General Adjunta de Brasil Tel: 212 262 0862 E-mail: [email protected] - 10 -


DEBORA SOLIS Jefa Unidad de Participación Ministra del Servicio Nacional de la Mujer (SERNAM) E-mail: [email protected]

MARICEL SAUTEREL GAJARDO Jefa del Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales y Cooperación del SERNAM Tel: 562 549 6166 Fax: 562 549 6249 E-mail: [email protected]


LUZ ALBA VANEGAS CUBILLOS Coordinadora de Asuntos Sociales Multilaterales Dirección de Asuntos Económicos, Sociales y Ambientales Multilaterales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Tel: 571 5662008 ext-2555 E-mail: [email protected]


JEANNETTE CARRILLO MADRIGAL Presidenta Ejecutiva del INAMU Tel: 506 22539772 Fax: 506 22538123 E-mail: [email protected]

MAYRENE SÁNCHEZ ZAMORA Directora Área Violencia de Género del INAMU Tel: 506 252278493 Fax: 506 22538123 E-mail: [email protected]

CHARLES HERNÁNDEZ Ministro Consejero Embajada de Costa Rica en Venezuela Tel: 212 2657889 Fax: 212 2651015 E-mail: [email protected] - 11 -


ANA LUCÍA HERRERA AGUIRRE Representante del Presidente de la República del Ecuador Consejo Nacional de las Mujeres - CONAMU Tel: 5932 2508 257 E-mail: [email protected]

VICTORIA MONCAYO Presidenta CECIM Delegada Alterna Tel: 593 25229703 Fax: 593 2529703 E-mail: [email protected]


JOSÉ ROBERTO GARCIA PRIETO Consejero Embajada de El Salvador en Venezuela Tel: 0212 9593920 E-mail: [email protected]


SONIA ESCOBEDO Secretaría Presidencial de la Mujer de Guatemala Tel: 2252868 E-mail: [email protected]

HILDA MORALES Representante de la Red de la No Violencia contra la Mujer Tel; 502 2332059 E-mail: [email protected]


JENNIFER WILLIAMS Director for Policy Research Bureau of Women’s Affairs Tel: 876 7548576 Fax: 876 929 0549 E-mail: [email protected] - 12 -


NATALIE GUTIERREZ Asistente del Embajador Embajada de Haiti en Venezuela Tel: 0212 7307220 E-mail: [email protected]


SELMA ESTRADA Ministra del Instituto Nacional de la Mujer (INAM) Tel: 504 221 1033 Fax: 504221 4827 E-mail: [email protected]

MARÍA ANTONIETA BUSTAMANTE Funcionaria del Ministerio del Instituto Nacional de la Mujer (INAM) Tel: 504 2221050 E-mail: [email protected]


MARÍA DEL ROCÍO GARCÍA GAYTÁN Presidenta del Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres Tel: 5255 532224200 Fax: 5255 53224283 E-mail: [email protected]

PATRICIA WOHLERS ERCHIGA Directora General Adjunta de Asuntos Internacionales Tel: 5255 53224286 E-mail: [email protected]

MÓNICA GUDIÑO ESPINOSA Subdirectora de Asuntos Internacionales de la Mujer Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores Tel: 36865642 E-mail: [email protected]

D. GABRIELA OLIVO DE ALBA AVENDAÑO Agregada Cultural Embajada de México en Venezuela Tel: 212 9527064 E-mail: [email protected] - 13 -


BISB BETTINA RODRÍGUEZ TANTI DE LEETS Embajada de Nicaragua en Venezuela Tel: 212 9773289 E-mail: [email protected]


YOLANDA ALEMÁN Agregada Comercial Cultural Embajada de Panamá en Venezuela Tel: 0212 9929093 Fax: 0212 9928107 E-mail: [email protected]


CRISTIAN LEGUIZAMÓN Funcionario Diplómatico Embajada de Paraguay en Venezuela Tel: 0212 2632559 E-mail: [email protected]


ANA PEÑA DOIG Ministra Consejera Directora de Política Social del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Tel: 511 623 3134 Fax: 511 623 3131 E-mail: [email protected]


FLAVIA GARCÍA Ministro de la Mujer Secretaría del Estado de la Mujer Delegada de la CIM Tel: 809 2990264 E-mail: [email protected]

RAMONA GARCÍA Subsecretaria de Estado de la Mujer Delegada Suplente de la CIM E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] - 14 -


NICOLE FERNANDES Legal Adviser Social Policy and Planning Legislation Ministry of the Attorney General Tel: 868 624 0458 Fax: 868 625 6130 E-mail: [email protected]

MONICA WILLIAMS Director Gender Affairs Division Ministry of Community Development, Culture and Gender Affairs Tel: 868 627 0471 Fax: 868 627 8303 E-mail: [email protected]


NICOLÁS MADURO Ministro Ministerio del Poder Popular para las Relaciones Exteriores

MARÍA DE LEÓN Ministra Ministerio de Estado para Asuntos de la Mujer y Presidenta del Instituto Nacional de la Mujer Tel: 0212 8608210 E-mail: [email protected]

JORGE VALERO Embajador Viceministro para América del Norte y Asuntos Multilaterales

FRANCISCO ARIAS CÁRDENAS Embajador Viceministro para la América Latina y el Caribe

MOIRA MÉNDEZ Segundo Secretario Delegada Alterna ante la CIM Misión Permanente de Venezuela ante la OEA Tel: 202 6255647 E-mail: [email protected] - 15 -

MARELYS PÉREZ Diputada Presidenta de la Comisión Mujer, Familia y Juventud de la Asamblea Nacional Tel: 0212 4098278 E-mail: [email protected]

FLOR RÍOS Diputada Presidenta de la Comisión Mujer, Familia y Juventud de la Asamblea Nacional Tel: 0212 4097658 E-mail: [email protected]

YOLANDA JAIMES GUERRERO Magistrada de la Sala Político-Administrativa del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia y Presidenta de la Comisión paa la Creación de los Tribunales contra laViolencia hacia las Mujeres

MARIA J. PEÑA Coordinadora Nacional Prevención Violencias de Género Tel: 0416 4144064 Fax: 212 8608215

NORA CASTAÑEDA Profesora Presidenta del Banco de la Mujer, BANMUJER Tel: 0212 5743240 E-mail: [email protected]

GERMÁN SALTRÓN NEGRETTI Agente del Estado para los Derechos Humanos Tel: 0212 8064566 E-mail: [email protected]

LUZ PATRICIA MEJÍA Comisionada ante la CIDH Relatora para los Derechos Humanos de la Mujer

ELIDA APONTE Delegada Alterna de Venezuela ante la Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres Tel: 2617 7496939 E-mail: [email protected]

ASIA VILLEGAS Representante de Venezuela ante el CEVI Tel: 0412 376567 Fax: 0212 9064515 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] - 16 -

NEYLA ISTÚRDEZ Defensora Nacional de los Derechos de la Mujer - INAMUJER EDITH SILVA Defensora Especial de los Derechos de la Mujer Tel: 0212 5053188 E-mail: [email protected]

ANAHIS ARISMENDI Presidenta de la Defensoría Metropolitana de los Derechos de la Mujer

YANETH AROCHA Directora Coordinadora del Despacho del Viceministro para América del Norte y Asuntos Multilaterales

RUBÉN DARÍO MOLINA Coordinador de Asuntos Políticos Multilaterales

DULCE CORINA FUMERO Directora de Relaciones Internacionales del INAMUJER Tel: 0212 8619816 E-mail: [email protected]

FLORANGEL PARODI Directora de Prevención de Violencia contra la Mujer, INAMUJER

GISELA GIMÉNEZ Asesora de INAMUJER Tel: 0414 142730 E-mail: [email protected]

ANGELA CAVALIERE Consejero DVMAN/Coordinación Asuntos Políticos Multilaterales Tel: 0212 8064310 Fax: 0212 8064306 E-mail: [email protected]

MARÍA PEÑUELA Coordinadora de Prevención de Violencia contra la Mujer, INAMUJER Tel: 0212 8608215 E-mail: [email protected]



DENIS OCHOA P. Asesora Agente del Estado para DDHH Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Tel: 0212 8064567 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

MARTHA-YADIRA RODRÍGUEZ Comunicadora Social INAMUJER Tel: 0212 8608213 E-mail: [email protected]

ERIKA JIMENEZ Asesora Legal Tel: 0212 8064585 E-mail: [email protected]

NOELI POCATERRA Diputada a la Asamblea Nacional Tel: 0416 6146690 / 0212 4097464 E-mail: [email protected]

MARIELA RODRÍGUEZ ARISMENDI Defensora Adjunta Especial con Competencia Nacional sobre los Derechos de la Mujer Tel: 0416 4244003 E-mail: [email protected]

01c1d72052cb1a70e89fcb19cfd62e65.doc - 19 -


MECANISMO DE SEGUIMIENTO OEA/Ser.L/II.7.10 CONVENCIÓN BELÉM DO PARÁ (MESECVI) MESECVI-II/doc.1/04 rev. 3 SEGUNDA CONFERENCIA DE ESTADOS PARTE 11 julio 2008 9 - 10 de julio de 2008 Original: Textual Caracas, Venezuela


Número del documento/ Título Idiomas/ Document Number Title Languages1/ OEA/Ser.L/II.7.10

MESCEVI/doc.1/04 Lista de Documentos/List of Documents Textual CIM01414 MESCEVI/doc.1/04 rev.1 Lista de Documentos/List of Documents Textual CIM01421

MESCEVI/doc.1/04 rev. 2 Lista de Documentos/List of Documents Textual CIM02062

MESCEVI/doc.1/04 rev. 3 Lista de Documentos/List of Documents Textual CIM02191

MESECVI/doc.2/04 Temario E I F P CIM01415

MESECVI/doc.3/04 Propuesta de Mecanismo de Seguimiento de la E I F P CIM01416 Implementación de la Convención Interamericana para Prevenir, Sancionar y Erradicar la Violencia contra la Mujer, Convención de Belém do Pará (Documento de Trabajo)

MESECVI/doc.3/04 add.1 Propuesta de Mecanismo de Seguimiento de la E I F P CIM01418 Implementación de la Convención Interamericana para Prevenir, Sancionar y Erradicar la Violencia contra la Mujer, Convención de Belém do Pará. Addendum al Anexo III, Legislación y Programas nacionales sobre Violencia en México MESECVI/doc.4/04 Lista de participantes/List of Participants Textual CIM01420 Provisional

MESECVI/doc.4/04 rev. 1 Lista de participantes/List of Participants Textual CIM01421

MESECVI/doc.5/04 Informe de Relatoría E I F P

1 Título registrado en el idioma original. - 20 -

Número del documento/ Título Idiomas/ Document Number Title Languages/ CIM01422 Reunión de Expertas/os sobre el Mecanismo de Seguimiento de la Implementación de la Convención Interamericana para Prevenir, Sancionar y Erradicar la Violencia contra la Mujer, Convención de Belém do Pará 20-21 de julio de 2004 Washington, D.C.

MESECVI/doc.6/04 Presentación de la Subsecretaría de Asuntos Jurídicos al E I F P CIM01426 Proyecto de Mecanismo de Seguimiento de la Implementación de la Convención Interamericana para Prevenir, Sancionar y Erradicar la Violencia contra la Mujer, Convención de Belém do Pará (Reunión de expertas/os celebrada por la CIM el 20 de julio de 2004)

I Conferencia de Estados Parte 26 octubre de 2004 MESECVI-I/doc.7/04 Temario E I F P CIM01465 (Provisional) 26 de octubre de 2004

MESECVI-I/doc.8/04 Lista de participantes Textual CIM01500

MESECVI-I/doc.9/04 Informe de la Relatoría de la Conferencia de Estados Parte E I F P CIM01501 del Mecanismo de Seguimiento de la Implementación de la Convención Interamericana para Prevenir, Sancionar y Erradicar la Violencia contra la Mujer, Convención de Belém do Pará (Punto 2.a del temario)

MESECVI-I/doc.9/04 corr. 1 Relatório apresentado pela Relatoria P Conferência dos Estados Partes sobre o Mecanismo de Acompanhamento da Implementação da Convenção Interamericana para Prevenir, Punir e Erradicar a Violência contra a Mulher, Convenção de Belém do Pará

MESECVI-I/doc.10/04 Estatuto del Mecanismo de Seguimiento de la E I F P CIM01827 Implementación de la Convención Interamericana para Prevenir, Sancionar y Erradicar la Violencia contra la Mujer, Convención de Belém do Pará (Revisado por la Comisión de Estilo)

II Conferencia de Estados Parte - 21 -

Número del documento/ Título Idiomas/ Document Number Title Languages/ 16 de abril de 2007 Reunión Preparatoria MESECVI-II/doc.11/07 Proyecto de temario E I CIM01891 Reunión Preparatoria 16 de abril de 2007 Washington, D.C.

MESECVI-II/doc.12/06 Reglamento de la Conferencia de Estados Parte del E I CIM01894 Mecanismo de Seguimiento de la Implementación de la Convención Interamericana para Prevenir, Sancionar y Erradicar la Violencia contra la Mujer Convención de Belém do Pará

MESECVI-II/doc.12/07 rev. 1 Proyecto Preliminar E I F P CIM01903 Reglamento de la Conferencia de Estados Parte del Mecanismo de Seguimiento de la Implementación de la Convención Interamericana para Prevenir, Sancionar y Erradicar la Violencia contra la Mujer Convención de Belém do Pará

MESECVI-II/doc.12/07 rev. 2 Proyecto Preliminar E I CIM02139 Reglamento de la Conferencia de Estados Parte del Mecanismo de Seguimiento de la Implementación de la Convención Interamericana para Prevenir, Sancionar y Erradicar la Violencia contra la Mujer Convención de Belém do Pará (Considerado en la primera reunión preparatoria, celebrada el 10 de junio de 2008)

MESECVI-II/doc.12/07 rev. 3 Proyecto Preliminar E I CIM02184 Reglamento de la Conferencia de Estados Parte del Mecanismo de Seguimiento de la Implementación de la Convención Interamericana para Prevenir, Sancionar y Erradicar la Violencia contra la Mujer Convención de Belém do Pará (Considerado en las reuniones preparatorias, celebradas el 16 de abril de 2007, el 10 y el 25 de junio de 2008) MESECVI-II/doc.13/07 Proyecto preliminar de temario E I CIM01902 Reunión Preparatoria 16 de abril de 2007 Washington, D.C.

MESECVI-II/doc.13/07 rev. 1 Proyecto preliminar de temario E I F P CIM02130 (Considerado en la primera reunión preparatoria, celebrada el 16 de abril de 2007)

MESECVI-II/doc.13/07 rev. 2 Proyecto preliminar de temario E I F P CIM02143 (Considerado en la primera reunión preparatoria de la - 22 -

Número del documento/ Título Idiomas/ Document Number Title Languages/ Conferencia de Estados Parte celebrada el 16 de abril de 2007, y a ser revisado en la reunión preparatoria a celebrarse el 25 de junio de 2008)

MESECVI-II/doc.13/07 rev. 3 Proyecto preliminar de temario E I CIM02169 (Considerado en la primera reunión preparatoria de la Conferencia de Estados Parte celebrada el 16 de abril de 2007, y a ser revisado en la reunión preparatoria a celebrarse el 25 de junio de 2008)

MESECVI-II/doc.13/07 rev. 4 Proyecto de temario E I CIM02186 (Considerado en las reuniones preparatorias de la Conferencia de Estados Parte celebradas el 16 de abril de 2007 y el 25 de junio de 2008)

MESECVI-II/doc.13/07 rev. 5 Temario E I CIM02197 (Aprobado en la primera sesión plenaria de la Segunda Conferencia de Estados Parte celebrada el 9 de julio de 2008)

MESECVI-II/doc.14/07 Acta final de la Reunión Preparatoria de la Conferencia de E I CIM01923 Estados Parte Washington, 16 de abril de 2007

MESECVI-II/doc.15/08 Proyecto de Conclusiones y Recomendaciones de medidas E I CIM02129 concretas para fortalecer el MESECVI

MESECVI-II/doc.15/08 rev. 1 Proyecto preliminar E I F P CIM02168 Conclusiones y Recomendaciones de medidas concretas para fortalecer el MESECVI (Texto modificado con las propuestas de Chile, México y Venezuela)

MESECVI-II/doc.15/08 rev. 2 Proyecto de Conclusiones y Recomendaciones de medidas E I F P CIM02185 concretas para fortalecer el MESECVI (Acordado en la reunión preparatoria, celebrada el 25 de junio de 2008)

MESECVI-II/doc.15/08 rev. 3 Proyecto de Decisiones, Conclusiones y Acuerdos de E I F P CIM02193 medidas concretas para fortalecer el MESECVI (Resultados de la tercera sesión, celebrada el 10 de julio de 2008)

MESECVI-II/doc.15/08 rev. 4 Decisiones, Conclusiones y Acuerdos de la Segunda E I F P CIM02194 Conferencia de Estados Parte del MESECVI (Adoptados en la cuarta sesión, celebrada el 10 de julio de 2008)

MESECVI-II/doc.16/08 Informe Hemisférico E I F P CIM02149 - 23 -

Número del documento/ Título Idiomas/ Document Number Title Languages/

MESECVI-II/doc.16/08 rev. 1 Informe Hemisférico E I CIM022206 (Adoptado en la Segunda Conferencia de Estados Parte, celebrada en Caracas, Venezuela, del 9 al 10 de julio de 2008)

MESECVI-II/doc.17/08 Informe de la Secretaría Técnica a la Segunda Conferencia E I F P CIM02150 de Estados Parte sobre el avance de la Implementación de la Convención Interamericana para Prevenir, Sancionar y Erradicar la Violencia contra la Mujer Convención de Belém do Pará (Punto 2 de la agenda)

MESECVI-II/doc.18/08 Proyecto de Calendario E I F P CIM02151

MESECVI-II/doc.18/08 rev. 1 Calendario E I F P CIM02199 (Aprobado en la primera sesión plenaria de la Segunda Conferencia de Estados Parte celebrada el 9 de julio de 2008)

MESECVI-II/doc.19/08 Antigua and Barbuda E I CIM02152 Response to the Questionnaire/Country Report

MESECVI-II/doc.20/08 Argentina E I CIM02153 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país/Observaciones de la Autoridad Nacional Competente (ANC)

MESECVI-II/doc.21/08 Barbados E I CIM02154 Response to the Questionnaire/Country Report/ Observations by the Committee of Experts on Violence (ANC)

MESECVI-II/doc.22/08 Belize E I CIM02155 Response to the Questionnaire/Country Report

MESECVI-II/doc.23/08 Bolivia E I CIM02156 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país/Observaciones de la Autoridad Nacional Competente (ANC)

MESECVI-II/doc.24/08 Brasil E I CIM02157 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país/Observaciones de la Autoridad Nacional Competente (ANC)

MESECVI-II/doc.25/08 Chile E I CIM02158 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país/Observaciones de la Autoridad Nacional Competente (ANC)

MESECVI-II/doc.26/08 Colombia E I CIM02159 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país/Observaciones - 24 -

Número del documento/ Título Idiomas/ Document Number Title Languages/ de la Autoridad Nacional Competente (ANC)

MESECVI-II/doc.27/08 Costa Rica E I CIM02160 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país

MESECVI-II/doc.28/08 Dominica E I CIM02161 Response to the Questionnaire/Country Report

MESECVI-II/doc.29/08 Ecuador E I CIM02162 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país/Observaciones de la Autoridad Nacional Competente (ANC)

MESECVI-II/doc.30/08 El Salvador E I CIM02163 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país/Observaciones de la Autoridad Nacional Competente (ANC)

MESECVI-II/doc.31/08 Guatemala E I CIM02164 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país/Observaciones de la Autoridad Nacional Competente (ANC)

MESECVI-II/doc.32/08 Guyana E I CIM02165 Response to the Questionnaire/Country Report

MESECVI-II/doc.33/08 Haiti E I F CIM02166 Response au Questionnaire/Country Report/ Observations de l’autorité nationale compétente (ANC)

MESECVI-II/doc.34/08 Honduras E I CIM02167 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país

MESECVI-II/doc.35/08 Jamaica E I CIM02170 Response to the Questionnaire/Country Report

MESECVI-II/doc.36/08 México E I CIM02172 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país/Observaciones de la Autoridad Nacional Competente (ANC)

MESECVI-II/doc.36/08 corr. 1 México E CIM02221 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país/Observaciones de la Autoridad Nacional Competente (ANC)

MESECVI-II/doc.37/08 Nicaragua E I CIM02173 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país

MESECVI-II/doc.38/08 Panamá E I CIM02174 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país/Observaciones de la Autoridad Nacional Competente (ANC)

MESECVI-II/doc.39/08 Paraguay E I CIM02175 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país/Observaciones - 25 -

Número del documento/ Título Idiomas/ Document Number Title Languages/ de la Autoridad Nacional Competente (ANC)

MESECVI-II/doc.40/08 Perú E I CIM02176 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país/Observaciones de la Autoridad Nacional Competente (ANC)

MESECVI-II/doc.41/08 República Dominicana E I CIM02177 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país

MESECVI-II/doc.42/08 Saint Lucia E I CIM02178 Response to the Questionnaire/Country Report

MESECVI-II/doc.43/08 Suriname E I CIM02179 Response to the Questionnaire/Country Report

MESECVI-II/doc.44/08 Trinidad and Tobago E I CIM02180 Response to the Questionnaire/Country Report Observations by the Committee of Experts on Violence (ANC)

MESECVI-II/doc.45/08 Uruguay E I CIM02181 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país

MESECVI-II/doc.46/08 Venezuela E I CIM02182 Respuesta al cuestionario/Informe de país/ Observaciones de la Autoridad Nacional Competente (ANC)

MESECVI-II/doc.47/08 Boletín Informativo E I CIM02187

MESECVI-II/doc.48/08 Lista de participantes/List of Participants Textual CIM02190 Versión Final/Final Version

MESECVI-II/doc.49/08 Informe de Relatoria E I F P CIM02195 Segunda Conferencia de Estados Parte del Mecanismo de Seguimiento de la Implementación de la Convención Interamericana para Prevenir, Sancionar y Erradicar la Violencia contra la Mujer “Convención de Belém do Pará” MESECVI-II/doc.50/08 Informe a la Conferencia de Estados Parte del MESECVI E I F P CIM02196 Susana Chiarotti Caracas, 9 y 10 de julio de 2008

MESECVI-II/doc.51/08 Acta Final de la Segunda Conferencia de Estados Parte del E I F P CIM02207 Mecanismo de Seguimiento de la Implementación de la Convención Interamericana para Prevenir, Sancionar y Erradicar la Violencia contra la Mujer “Convención de Belém do Pará” MESECVI-II/INF. - 26 -

Número del documento/ Título Idiomas/ Document Number Title Languages/ MESECVI-II/INF. 1/08 Message from the Secretary General, presented by the E I F P CIM02200 Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission of Women, Carmen Lomellin at the Inaugural Session of the Second Conference of States Parties Caracas, Venezuela - July 9, 2008

MESECVI-II/INF. 2/08 Palabras de la Presidenta maría del Rocío García Gaytán E I F P CIM02203 en representación de la Presidencia de la Primera Conferencia de los Estados Parte del MESECVI en la sesión inaugural de la Segunda Conferencia de Estados Parte Caracas, Venezuela - 9 de julio de 2008

MESECVI-II/INF. 3/08 Palabras de la Ministra de Estado para Asuntos de la E I F P CIM02205 Mujer de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, ciudadana María León, en la sesión inaugural de la Segunda Conferencia de los Estados Parte Caracas, Venezuela - 9 y 10 de julio de 2008 MESECVI-II/INF. 4/08 CIM022

MESECVI-II/INF. 5/08 Discurso de la Magistrada Yolanda Jaimes Guerrero, Textual CIM02210 Coordinadora de la “Comisión para el Análisis de la Ley Orgánica sobre el Derecho de las Mujeres a una Vida Libre de violencia, en lo relativo a la creación de los Tribunales Especiales”, pronunciadas en la sesión de clausura


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