Christ-First Bible-First Ministry-First s1

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Christ-First Bible-First Ministry-First s1

Welcome to Worship and Celebration! A warm welcome to all as we gather as God’s people to worship the Lord. May our worship strengthen your faith and your desire to serve Him who loves us with an everlasting love in Christ Jesus. ______802 South Caswell Street _ La Grange, North Carolina 28551 Opportunities for Service and Growth Ronnie V. Hobgood, Pastor Sun. Jan. 10 First Sunday after the Epiphany Joshua T. Hobgood, Youth Pastor 9:15am Partners in Prayer 9:45am Sunday School ______11:00am Worship & Celebration Meloni Adams, Speaker 4:50pm Choir Rehearsal 6:00pm Sunday Night Live Mon. Jan. 11 5:15pm CRIB Band Practice 7:15pm First Church Band Practice Wed. Jan. 13 7:00pm Bible Study-“The Great Discourse on the End.” Sat. Jan. 16 6:30pm NO The CRIB (Grades 6 and up) Sun. Jan. 17 Second Sunday after the Epiphany 8:30am Men’s Fellowship 9:15am Partners in Prayer 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship & Celebration 4:50pm Choir Rehearsal 6:00pm Sunday Night Live Mon. Jan. 18 5:15pm CRIB Band Practice 7:15pm First Church Band Practice Tue. Jan. 19 7:00pm Deacons Meeting Christ-First • Bible-First • Ministry-First Wed. Jan. 20 7:00pm Bible Study-“The Great Discourse on the End.” Fri. Jan 22 5:00pm Leave for Hurricanes Game Christ is First at La Grange First Church. Sat. Jan. 23 6:30pm The CRIB (Grades 6 and up) Everything we do grows out of our shared commitment to Sun. Jan. 24 Third Sunday after the Epiphany Jesus Christ as Lord. 9:15am Partners in Prayer 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship & Celebration Bible is First at La Grange First Church. 4:50pm Choir Rehearsal We believe the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit and is 6:00pm Sunday Night Live God’s revealed word to man. Mon. Jan. 25 5:15pm CRIB Band Practice 7:15pm First Church Band Practice Ministry is First at La Grange First Church. ______Our calling is to nurture and serve the people of God. Sanctuary Flowers The beautiful Sanctuary Flowers have been given by Gary and Bonnie Kornegay in honor of their marriage, January 9, 2016 Announcements January 2016 WE WISH YOU A HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 1- 2 Sarah Haddock 1- 3 Christy Smith Meloni Adams – Missionary Speaker 1- 4 Tina Letchworth 1- 5 Kim Hipkiss We welcome Meloni Adams as our quest speaker today. Meloni was born and 1- 5 Julian Fields 1- 9 Heather Creech raised in Greenville, North Carolina. She moved to Eastern Europe in March of 1-12 Virginia Baker 1-13 Bethany Jones 1995 where she began working with Ministry to Educate and Equip, Int’l 1-13 Hilda Sutton 1-15 Jean Suber (MTEE). After 3 and a half years doing missions work in Poland, Meloni moved 1-17 Joey Harrison 1-18 Logan Sullivan to Bulgaria. She currently oversees a network of Bible schools in local churches 1-19 Travis Harrison 1-19 Dallas Mayberry across the nation as well as a Soup Kitchen in the city of Lovech where she 1-20 Chris Singleton 1-21 Abigail Westbrook resides. As part of her work with MTEE she also organizes Mentoring programs 1-21 Stephen Killette 1-23 Matt Wade for pastors and assists with administration and Women’s Ministry with the 1-23 Terri Pridgen 1-24 Grayson Sullivan “Shalom” Network of churches. We will receive a love offering for her work 1-26 Clifton Harrison 1-26 Conner Craft during our worship serviced. 1-28 Ted Harrison 1-29 Luke Taylor 1-30 Brent Herring New Bible Study ______We began on Wednesday, January 6, 2016 a new Bible Study entitled: “The Great Discourse on the End.” The study will be based upon Matthew 24 and 25, Deacon of the Month: Clifton Harrison Mark 13, and Luke 21. This discourse was delivered after Jesus had left the Temple for the last time. It was about the Destruction of Jerusalem, His Coming, Ushers for Worship and the End of the World. When understanding the second coming of Christ, Head Usher – Royce Holmes one should first understand what Christ said. Knowing what Christ said should 10- C. J. Foster, Chuck Roman, Jimmy D. Herring, & Jeff Thomas serve as a foundation to the understanding of this great doctrine. Everyone is 17- Bruce Bannister, Carter Daniels, Jamie Daughtety, & Clifton Hardison encouraged to attend this Bible Study. 24- Joseph Harrison, Ted Harrison, Travis Harrison, & Jerry Mills 31- Brent Herring, Greg Herring, Jimmy D. Herring, & Royce Holmes Convention Choir Ensemble Greeters for Worship The Convention Choir Ensemble will be at La Grange First Church on Sunday, North Vestibule South Vestibule Gathering Hall February 7, 2016 at 5:00pm. Sherwood Shivar of our church family is a member 10- Ushers Kendra Sullivan Asa & Tiffany Creech of the ensemble. We pray you will plan to attend and bring a friend with you. 17- Ushers Tanya Craft Wilbur & Linda Taylor We will have a reception after the service. 24- Usher Edna Johnson Jamie & Laura Daughtety 31- Usher Fran Gibbons Robie & Eloise Killette Love Offering rd We Praise the Lord for his healing touch in the life of Cassidy Hipkiss. Cassidy Children’s Church (age 3 – 3 grade) was diagnosed on Monday, January 4th with a tectal glioma tumor which 10- Christine Parrish & Emily Daniels 17- Kim Hipkiss & Susan Bigler typically benign, Praise God. She had surgery on Friday to relieve the pressure in the brain and is doing great! With these medical expenses, our church is 24- Tanya Craft & Heather Ham 31- Jennifer Sutton & Kathryn Hart joining others in receiving a love offering to help with some of her expenses. If Candlelighters you would like to give, please make your check out the La Grange First Free 10- Dallas Mayberry 17- McKinnon Wade Will Baptist Church and place in a Love Offering envelope and place in the offering plate or give it to Virginia Holmes. Thank you for your support. 24- Tyler Holmes 31- Ainsley Taylor Attendance for January 3 , 2015 Infant Nursery (Birth – age 1 ) / Toddlers Nursery (Ages 1-2) 10- Tracy Sutton & Carol Hardison 17- Kendra Sullivan & Judy Parrott Sunday School...... 104 Worship & Celebration (Worship 176, Passion 12)...... 188 24- Lucretia Creech & Laura Eason 31- Sandra Rouse & Ruth Scott Wednesday Night Bible Study...... 36 ______802 South Caswell Street In the WORD for January - The Gospel of Mark La Grange, N. C. 28551 ______252-566-9195 ABCs For The Better Life Prayer Ministry

Everybody wants to get as much out of life as possible. But most people PRAISE… aren't realizing their dreams. Jesus offers hope. He announced, "I have co Praise the Lord for the great and mighty things He has done! me that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" HOSPITAL Cassidy Hipkiss (VMC), Jessica Taylor (VMC), and Jarvis Tripp [Hobgood Family (VMC)]. (John 10:10). To experience this for ourselves is, in one sense, as simple SICK… as ABC. Gene Adams (Friend of Hobgood Family), Kevin Bannister, Rex & Jeannie Bannister (Parents of Bruce Bannister), Hailey Bigler, Bill Barwick (Brother of Virginia Holmes), Patricia Admit that you are a sinner. Bird (Aunt of Erica Mayberry), Scott Braswell (Uncle of Sara Maxwell), Jeff Carruth (Father of Kim Wade), Glenn Cherry, Louisa Chrisco (Gale Yarborough), Estelle Creech (Mother of Pat The Bible says, "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Creech), Don Davenport (Susie Harrison), Laura Beth Daughety, Kari Elwart (Darlene (Romans 3:23). Sin separates us from God, and ultimately that means Creech), Cindy Ervin (Friend of Hailey Bigler), Esther Flowers, Ethan Gallagher (Sue Shivar), eternal punishment in hell. To escape sin's penalty, we need Divine Barbara Sue Gray, Jill Gurley (Friend of Lucretia Creech), Rose Haddock, Lemuel Hardy forgiveness. And it's ours through faith in the Lord Jesus. (Edna Johnson), Helen Harrison, Holton & Mary Margaret Harrison, Martha Harrison, Henry Heath (Father of Jennifer Sutton), Nina Herring (Edna Johnson), Angie Hickerson (Friend of Christie Westbrook), Marjorie Hines, Pat Hinson, Virginia Holmes, Carol Jones Believe on Christ. (David Letchworth), Christian Jones (David Letchworth), Robie Killette, Ronnie King (Sandra We must acknowledge that Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, died on the Rouse), Karen Kozel (Sandra Rouse & Gale Yarborough), Dickie Lane, Dixie Letchworth, cross to pay the penalty for our sins, and we must trust Him for our Fay Letchworth, Mike Letchworth (Son of Dixie Letchworth), Cindy Lewis (Mary Gresham), salvation. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved" Dot Lockamy (Sister to Ruth Scott), Linda Manning, Larissa Martin (Laura Eason), Rebecca Mix (Sister to Laura Eason), Cherish Naylor (Pam Thomas), David Nipple (Wade Family), (Acts 16:31). Just as medicine is not a remedy until it is taken, so Drew Owens (Darlene Creech), Elwood Padrick, Betty Pelt, Jerry Phillips (Friend of Bonnie knowing the story of Jesus is not enough to save us. We must personally Dail), Chuck Roman, Etta Rouse, Joey Sanders (Friend of C. J. Foster), Ann Smith (Aunt of receive the Lord Jesus Christ. Lucretia Creech), Scott Smith (David Letchworth), Robert Sorrell (Brother of Vernon Sorrell), Shirley Sorrell, Carol Stahl (Helen Harrison), Jean Suber, Linda Sullivan (Mother of Mike Sullivan), Avery Taylor (Niece of Sandra Rouse), Colby Tucker, Danny Tucker (Ted & Confess your Faith. Sheila Harrison), Cindy Wackerman (Sept-Mother of Chuck Wackerman), Crystal Wackerman, "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart Ben Wade, Carolyn Walters (Crystal Wackerman), Charles Wetherington (Friend of Mike & that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10: Missy Johnson), Kim Whitley (Friend of Laura Eason), Veronica Wooten (Jennifer Sutton), and 9). To confess our faith is to tell others our belief in Christ. This should b Laura Yarborough (Friend of Jessica Hobgood Moss). e a spontaneous outflow of the change in our heart. SYMPATHY… To the family of Rev. J. B. Narron (Hobgood Family). HOMEBOUND… Let Jesus give you a new life right now. Admit your sin. Believe that Nan Fields, N. C. Holmes, Stan Rouse, & Enzie Singleton. Jesus is your only hope of salvation. Confess the Lord Jesus. These are CHURCH AND DENOMINATIONAL… the ABCs for the better life. First Church, Pastor, Youth Pastor, Deacons, Sunday School Leaders/Teachers, College Students, Convention of Original FWB, Denominational Ministries, Rev. Al Warrick Richard W. De Haan (Convention President), Ronnie V. Hobgood (Convention Vice-President), Rev. Chris ______Singleton (Stop Hunger Now), the Lost, and all Christians. SPECIAL CONCERNS… If you have appreciated the GOOD NEWS you have just read, please let Our military & their families, Josh & Holly Sutton Ballance, Alex Ferrell (nephew of Bethany Jones-service), Mike Hammond, Josh Ormond [Service / Texas (Son of C. J. & Dee us know. We want to rejoice in what God has done in your life and help Foster)], Revival in the church. you grow spiritually. Please call, visit, or contact us. (As of January 8, 2016) La Grange First Free Will Baptist Church ______TIME OF PRAYER NOTE: We are up-dating the Prayer List. Beginning Sunday, January 17, 2016. If you would like to keep someone on the Prayer List, submit your request in writing to the Pastor or Sue Shivar. Sharing our prayer concerns People Thank you for your help. Morning Prayer

Worship & Celebration RESPONSIVE READING “Missions” Number 645 ______Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. The Lord’s Day January 10, 2016 Eleven O’clock ______ANTHEM “People Need the Lord”...... Choir (Children age 3 – 3rd grade are dismissed to Children’s Church) MESSAGE FROM GOD’S WORD Meloni Adams TIME OF INVITATION AND COMMITMENT “They that were scattered abroad “Reach Out and Touch”...... Number 314 went everywhere preaching the Word.” The altar of the Lord is always open at La Grange First Church for those who Acts 8:4 desire to receive Christ as Savior, rededicate their lives, pray, or transfer their church membership. Our prayer is that you follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit in your life. PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP ALTAR PRAYER Pastor Prelude Pianist Welcome and Announcements Pastor SCRIPTURE 1 Corinthians 9:19 Quiet Reflection with God People “I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more.” Lighting of the Candles Acolyte CHORAL BENEDICTION CALL TO WORSHIP “Lord, Lay Some Soul upon My Heart”...... Number 313 “How Majestic Is Your Name”...... Number 30 Lord lay some soul upon my heart, And love that soul through me; And may I nobly do my part To win that soul for Thee. INVOCATION Youth Pastor (First Church #2057646) HYMNS OF PRAISE POSTLUDE Musicians “Jesus Is All the World to Me” (verse 1)...... Number 510 “Now I Belong to Jesus” (verses 1 & 3)...... Number 511 “My Savior’s Love” (verses 1 & 4)...... Number 512 Go and Serve the Savior! “O, How He Loves You and Me” (verses 1 & 2)...... Number 513 Time of Fellowship ______TIME WITH THE CHILDREN _ OFFERTORY Offertory Prayer Laity Giving His Tithes and Our Offerings People Mission Statement “Doxology” People The Mission of the people of God called La Grange First Free Will Baptist Church is to glorify God, therefore, we strive to know Christ, build His Church and make Him known to all people as we continue to seek His will. We believe this mission can be fulfilled through... Worshiping, Growing, Caring, Sharing and Equipping.

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