Transcript from 2ND Knowledge Seekers Workshop Held March 13, 2014

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Transcript from 2ND Knowledge Seekers Workshop Held March 13, 2014

Transcript from 2 ND Knowledge Seekers Workshop held March 13, 2014

(v1 2016-03-05) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) Transcript courtesy of Keshe Foundation New Zealand (KfNZ)

Video link:

Topic: Spacecraft Technologies and Construction, Release of the USB Key, and latest information from Spaceship Institute Knowledge Seekers


MrfixitRick: – lot of noise coming through in the background

MK: – yes we’ve got Armen coming in the background – the Boss is arriving (joke)

Rick: - Right! Well, here we are at the beginning of the Second Knowledge Seekers workshop… We have the KSs from the SSI here with us and tonight the topic is on Spacecraft construction ideas - starting with what the KSs have to say – handing it over to the KSs

One of the KSs - Hello good morning – we have nice day today in Italy and we try to talk about the space ship in this workshop – we’ve got some drawings, plans of craft, made in 2012, and talks have been started to start building this craft. A few days ago talks with Italian companies helping with construction, so --- actually it was already last week announced on radio that KF has started to raise funds for the space ship construction – we also announce that in May or June we accept the 2nd generation KSs who can help with the construction - we need people with design capabilities knowledge of gas control, comp programmers and other professionals – this is start from me I will give microphone.

Ludmil: – quick question - do these guys in May have to pay 20G? --- Yes

KS (Armen?) - You guys have any questions that I can answer? … … I just asked a question … hello?

0950 Q: In your schedule do you hope to have the 500-seater space ship operational by the end of this year or a prototype? – A: Yes – functional one by the end of this year

1 Transcript from 2 ND Knowledge Seekers Workshop held March 13, 2014

(v1 2016-03-05) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

MK: That is the target – but – the construction is very simple – we are going to load it up today – this is the design on the USB key released to the governments – so – what you see is what it will be – we will make an important announcement about the USB key next Thursday 20 March - this will be the most important session we have ever held by the Keshe Foundation – I think people will realise why – hopefully the table of 8 will be full next week so we can announce at a KS panel – we have brought in 8 members of world public and decisions now sit with 8 people around this table, African and Belgian members have not arrived yet and when our Japanese colleague arrives next week we will be 8. All the technology will be released – you can download and look at the pictures and plans – we have been working with aircraft industry to assist us with this knowledge – as Marko told you earlier (aha it was Marko) we have been talking to industry – the space craft will not be built by the SSI but by the Italian aircraft industry – in the same way we gave our power generator to the Italian industry – and they are making some modifications – they know it is free to the world – in the same way the space craft will be manufactured by the Italians – one problem is that this needs to be financed – up till now I have financed everything myself – now it is up to the world public – millions have been spent up till now – if we want to keep this tech out of the hands of the governments and make it free to the world – we need about 55M – so 1-2M a week we need to raise – you have to find a way to finance it – it needs world population support – a craft 40-50m diameter, 3-4 floors high, auxiliary tanks, 500 seats. This is a huge construction business; we will have the construction site by next week

Marko: – we have put the design on the facebook site.

MK: The craft has 5 levels, level minus1 floor has the Mother reactor, 3 control reactors on minus2 floor – universal configuration for flight - this allows us Directional and vertical and submergence with full shield capabilities . – auxiliary tanks initially loaded if we need to but these are for extraction of material in space, water, O2 etc etc for daily need – these make us

2 Transcript from 2 ND Knowledge Seekers Workshop held March 13, 2014

(v1 2016-03-05) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

totally independent for returning to earth to top up-load up. They are connected to the central reactor because the materials are made from the interaction of the 4 reactors. We are starting with this in the lab with solid magnets – same effects as plasma magnets. Marek will explain now what you all want to have but you thought it was impossible-

2330 Marek: - OK – if you want to make gold you can make whatever you need – we can use initially mercury and dope it with neutrons inside the reactor so it creates instability and transforms the Hg into Au and releases He, and this can happen continuously while keeping conditions in the reactor so the field allows the Hg to be diluted in a way it can be transformed – we are close in this understanding but havn’t done it ourselves yet – any questions?

Q: --where do you place the Hg?

3 Transcript from 2 ND Knowledge Seekers Workshop held March 13, 2014

(v1 2016-03-05) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

MK: - you can place the Hg outside one reactor, while the other reactors produce water and protein. We are running an experiment of transforming gas into matter for the last 48 hrs -

Armen can tell you what we saw…

Armen: – actually we made a video and we gonna release it soon, and you can see we created galaxies – in each galaxy matter produced – in one container we saw something like fat – we actually created new life! So simple its amazing – change of magnetic field – you know –it’s a totally different understanding – the fields control everything – so guys it’s a very deep change in everybody’s knowledge about what we learnt at school – so loosen up – everything is good!

KS: – when we tried to switch on the experiment and recording – it doesn’t make anything at all – so we had a good laugh – this is part of the process of learning – you don’t get your goals instantly and so we have to learn from our failures

Marek: – we are trying to replicate the environment or conditions happening in our body – we created different containers and we put in these containers 2 different electrodes one coated with nano material and 1 simple copper – but we can use other metals – and we put in this container also salt solution – different salts are used in our body – if we go to the health section people who are familiar with homeopathy they can tell us more about salts in our body – salts are conversion systems for energy to matter – and this happens all the time in our body - lymph supplies energy and this energy converts to matter in different salts in GANS state of matter – our cells are in GANS state – all the components are there together - we get 43 – common denominator in our planet – the strength of the field in our planet when the amino acids hold together

3400 maybe we can give microphone to other people so they can correct us – Eliya – you are medical person …

3530 Eliya: – about what you say for amino acid – people wont understand what you say – you have to say our body is made up of different state of gases into GANS which are mixed with each other and finally they made different type of matter – we finally have different type of tissue and when the different GANS state of gases mix they represent in different density – because lymph blood and different organs are matter in different density

4 Transcript from 2 ND Knowledge Seekers Workshop held March 13, 2014

(v1 2016-03-05) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) Armen: – everybody is right in their own way Eliya: – yeah I am listening

Marek: – we have to make KS workshop more dynamic and we want to learn from you – we are at the point where I have to format my biology and physics knowledge – needs reformatting – we have to build a new science together – the most important part for me is to delete all previous knowledge to understand the new ones Armen: – its painful for a moment but so different

Eliya: – so what is the right explanation of the GANS state in the human body?

Armen: – its all about the fields – salts are settlers – every salt settles certain matter – If you create that field that’s the matter you are going to get.

Eliya: – yes correct but how does this work?

M: - actually matter is when magrav fields loose some of their strength – then we observe them as matter – so – in experiment running right now we are putting salty water in our containers to replicate salt condition, and this creates GANS – unknown to science at the moment –

Armen: – millions of spheres very very small scale –

M: – the pressure of the heat don’t effect GANS because they dependant on inner magrav fields so they behave like superconductors – all the metabolic reactions take place in this state – for me this is so overwhelming,

Eliya: Yes but how does it work?

M: - Its like building in chemical way doesn’t occur – its due to the magrav fields

Eliya: – but how does it happen that you get some solid matter and some liquid matter in GANS

M: – Its from the embryo

Eliya: – so now you are talking about endoderm ectoderm and what are the rules of the combination to make

Armen: – 1 minute – we can answer this question

M: – at the moment we don’t know which salt creates skin which salt creates muscle which bone etc – that’s why we need medical people to help with the experiments – can you repeat the question to Mr Keshe?

5 Transcript from 2 ND Knowledge Seekers Workshop held March 13, 2014

(v1 2016-03-05) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

MK: – nice to have you back again Eliya –

Eliya: – how does nature understand to mix the GANS state to make different tissues?

MK: – this is over millions and billions of years – this is all embedded in DNA and RNA. DNA carries the structure info and RNA – whadayacallit? – the knowledge – or Soul – or Information – like a memory bank. In conjunction between the two you produce the right salt in the right place for production of skin or different tissues or any other material the body needs. Usually it is a combination of salts – eg the heart muscles – not too hard not too soft but flexible – according to what strength the body needs in a certain tissue in combination with parathyroid thyroid lymph etc the right combo if salts used to create that tissue, but this part of the information comes from RNA – the physical structure in DNA – they are parallel in the same sort of helix – OK ? In due time I’ll teach this but these guys are only just standing on their legs – don’t ask them to run yet !!

We are under a lot of attack – you saw this week they were able to load FREE ENERGY – NO THANK YOU with my face and a cross on it! We have to be careful – we are handing over the tech to the knowledge seekers – they are trying to put me in prison in Belgium trying to build a case and lock me up – if that happens its all on the KSs – we are aware of assassination squads trying to get us – we have reports of this from security service of nations. Now Taiwan has released the USB stick to scientists of their nation – you can have full access to medical patents eg Patent number 5 – if anything happens with these cases you can go to Taiwan – the whole package is already open to world population – spaceship construction, medical side, energy production, matter production etc etc – The KS have seen how easy it is to produce protein in a coca cola bottle – the space ship program will carry on – they will try to block us – but the old time is finished – it is all in public – released world wide – we know there is a 6 man assassin squad only 2 hours away – its up to all of you to carry on the work – you cannot stop a Prophet of God – this work will go on – people keep asking me – are you a Messiah? What is a Messiah? The change comes when you change the totality – and the change has come – the change is at the energy level not the matter level – you governments have killed a lot of Prophets of God in the past but you will not succeed – the info is out –

So my message to world leaders is very clear –you have put together a package to silence the KF – you saw what happened to the Jews for what they did to Christ – you have picked up something you don’t understand – very clear – do not touch what you don’t understand – do not touch the Prophet of God – we know everything and we do not need to be there to understand – all these warrant of arrest etc – you saw what happened to Christ and now he rules the world – our time has no dimension – I don’t call myself a Messiah but the message I brought will last much longer than the kings who are temporally on this small piece of dust of the universe –

6 Transcript from 2 ND Knowledge Seekers Workshop held March 13, 2014

(v1 2016-03-05) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) President Obama and European nations, Canada – stop the assassination program, the body will go but the Soul will be here and you have to live with it – thank you very much – we go back to the space program

Floor zero – this is a accommodation 40m diameter with seating facilities and control room , in a circle they don’t have a front or a back – so if you are wanting to go in a different direction you just change the field force in one of the reactors - seating capacity is not like an aircraft facing in one direction that’s why you can carry a very large number of people

The feeding is very simple, you absorb most of the energy from the environment of the craft so you don’t have to produce much food to sustain the body - the reactors create energy that your body absorbs – what we eat 20% - 80% can be absorbed by the brain and skin directly – the brain and skull is a filtering system through the liquid of the brain – in these crafts you feed your passengers in the same way – do you understand?

Eliya: – Yes sir I’m listening –

MK: OK – you know how the 1st astronauts or cosmonauts explained that they saw flashes in their eyes – it was the radiation through the brain releasing flashes of photons in the eyes – some shielding has been put but some radiation are so strong that when you pass the (invisible) wall of the space lab – photons in the liquid of the eye – so in the same way that brain energy is absorbed through the skull, reduced by the salt and absorbed in the brain and the body – so in spacecraft of the future you don’t need a large mass of food – you can feed your passengers through the environment – you don’t need to carry freeze packed or dehydrated foods – easiest one is the Gans for the CO2 then you can convert to the flavor you want with N and O – so most of the food can come though exhalation of the passengers then you can shape or color it the way you like !! At the moment in the food industry all the color are homogenous – eg ketchup – color and consistency is the same over years – 95% of the colors for food are from coal through the carbon – so we can use the CO2 – what do you want? Steak, banana, vegetable? these are all variations of the Gans of CO2

If you remember in my previous talks I explained the minute you touch the Gans you taste it – why? Because the energy is in the magrav fields – so in space you only need to produce 2 or 3 materials as reserves – the body will convert what it needs for itself – so you can create Gans then when you eat it the body will convert it back to energy for what you need – in the videos we show that you can put acid, you can put caustic but you cannot destroy the Gans – this is why when we cremate the body we are left with a salt – the Gans is converted back to a gas – this is

7 Transcript from 2 ND Knowledge Seekers Workshop held March 13, 2014

(v1 2016-03-05) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) the conservation of magrav field – Gans converts to a gas and Gas converts to a Gans – the magrav fields are preserved – this is the secret of creation – up to now you are used to temp and pressure to go from gas liquid solid – now the new conversion is taking or adding to the magnetic-gravitational (magrav) field of the matter – if you bring to a plasma condition you can put as much as you like of a plasma of plutonium or you can put a plasma of a neutron - and you get plutonium or you get a neutron – its just the size of the entity – the quantity in it – as I always say – it’s the quantity in the entity – proton, neutron electron – in a plasma you get a bigger plasma from the bigger mass – so for gold you got a large number of protons and neutrons and for H a small number – so if you understand the size of the package – you get what you need – like making an icecream – so making gold there is no problem making plutonium no problem –

0116 It’s in the Holy writings – it says ‘the maturity of man will come when he understands the transmutation of matter’ – and now that time has come! (This is in the last verse of the Kitab i Aqdas of Baha’u’llah)

So now mankind has reached maturity to where he can rejoin the wider community and not stay trapped on the village of Earth – if you want to stay on the village like animals killing each other for a piece of wood or a piece of land or a piece of gold- carry on! We have opened the knowledge of God and the Universe to all and it is so simple – man has reached the stage of maturity – but like every family if you have a child in the 1st class you cant teach chemistry or philosophy to a 1 y o – but there is enough maturity via the internet to make the first excursion out of Earth to rejoin the greater community – this is the responsibility I accepted as a Prophet of God to do and I think I have succeeded – I will decide what time I leave and not the human race – very clear – our job is to make sure this goes through smoothly – all the kings will beg for their crowns – the presidents will beg to have a hole to hide in – but our knowledge and our rules will be for ever because this is how the Universe works.

If you look at the structure of the matter of the craft the structure can be anything you like – aluminium, fiberglass, steel, wood because it does not matter what you use – the reactors create magnetic gravitational field so the matter will never come in touch with the environment – the gravitational field will be 1G on the passenger floor – then you change the magrav field on -2 to the destination – you don’t burn fuel – you create the magrav field of the destination – be it the centre of the sun, another galaxy, another planet, you get attracted to that point – can you hear me? – (multiple affirmative)

So in fact yesterday I showed the KSs the difference between and solid and ring magnet – if you want to understand the working of plasma buy different size O ring magnets- and stick them together like you have a sphere or ellipse with the plasma inside. John carries around these

8 Transcript from 2 ND Knowledge Seekers Workshop held March 13, 2014

(v1 2016-03-05) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) magnets – yesterday we put one of these spherical magnets inside a transparent sphere – and I showed the difference between a solid and ring magnet – inside a spherical magnet is just like plasma – the principal is inside and towards the ring is the transitional state and the ring is the matter – you can do the same thing inside your reactors – so you compress the plasma towards reactor 2 in 2nd floor to produce matter – in the long run you can do the same thing – so you can use the ring magnets to control the proteins inside the body – which is how we have allowed people to walk again etc etc – same thing applies to people going to certain water springs for certain body ailments – one for the eye, one for rheumatism etc etc – where has the water been – the water goes through the inner sanctum and interacts with different matters – so the body of the man is made from C H O and other minerals so the water matches the plasma field of the healthy body – and the body gets healthy – we understand the principal of creations its not just magnets – and again its the same as what I said – target destination is in the magrav field – whether it be Mars Jupiter or the cell in your cancer of or food in your stomach – as we showed with Fukushima it is not magic – so we can use the different fields from the reactors to dissolve a cancer – so your reactors in your spaceships can also be used as your medicine system – now you understand in this craft which we set out to produce everything we need is in the hand of the man – the assassinators are the ones who want to tie us to his planet –

I have warned the governments – if we call for help there will be no nation left!!!! We are not here alone, and if you have not understood this by now you will understand now – walk with us and you will become richer intellectually and morally – all these reactors create millions of new research opportunities – how much gold do you want to put in your reserves? Block us and we wipe you out! Not me, but you will do it to yourself – you will all get cancer and diseases – when it comes to the point of the last breath people say ‘God Help me! – Please release the pain!’ – well the God is here and giving you the answer and the medicine – in one reactor you have food medicine energy motion – exactly like the reactor called Earth – now we learn the laws of the Universe.

0130 Levels 2 and 3 are for accommodation – the size of these crafts are dependant on the strength of the reactors and what material you load inside them – you don’t need to have material for fuel because you can use Hydrogen – I am teaching the process to the KS so they can discern the plasma of the reactor, the plasma of the body etc and every day in the lab we do everything at the same time – we work on different parts with different parts , different reactors , there own version and taste of reactors, but once they finish they put the 4 reactors together to create everything needed for the craft, so one for example is all steel , one is ceramic – earth material will be good for producing food or matter that man likes to eat – it will have the taste of home and food from this planet – then we have a reactor made by the Iranians in Tehran made of plastic, and we have a US and Czech citizen working with it to make lift – then we have another reactor of copper from Iran and plastic one from Antwerp and one half of it was built in east of Belgium – this is a combination reactor – we put the 4 reactors together – and together they can fly they can move - this is to demonstrate

9 Transcript from 2 ND Knowledge Seekers Workshop held March 13, 2014

(v1 2016-03-05) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) (broken phrases re the production of food - plasma is independent of the matter of the container) – the KSs have been taught yesterday how simple it is to create gold – or to turn gases into protein – and tomorrow it will disappear because the protein dissolves back into the liquid when you change the condition –

The same with our medical reactor interacting with RNA and effecting the psychology - in this way the inner brain is the RNA and the outer brain the DNA so you connect the two together you can create the body of the man with the essence of his life anywhere in the universe – in time you will learn you don’t need to carry the body if you create the essence of the inner brain – this is beyond your understanding just now but those who work with this tech and take it into space and meet the village of the universe they will understand how simple it is

0136 – I go back to the governments etc – stop this process of assassination and trying to muzzle the KF – you cannot stop the knowledge it has been released and in the hand of man – I have sent invitations to Boing and NASA, to join us to learn and develop, also the Iranian space agency – join us the way you did in Tehran, same goes with Chinese space agency – the control can not be in the hands of one cult – the cat is out of the bag, I ask the Taiwanese – please release the 5 patents on the internet – do not wait for our appointed time of meeting – we know who we are – please release the full USB stick into public – you have my authorization – any questions??

Stunned silence – hello? Mumbled words, silence

0139 Geert from Nederlands: I am busy with nano layering and I want to know if I made some mistakes -

MK: I have not seen it – I will look at it –

Geert: OK – I have another question – about the amount of the H or gases in the reactor – you talked about start pressure 1bar, or 1 cm tube is the amount of gases too big – I’m a bit confused – I tried different things to reduce the amount but I’m not clear

MK: the way I usually do the process – once you coated your reactor and sealed it with a high vacuum you leave it for a day or two – this will allow any surface matter to open up and be released, then you fill your reactor with Hydrogen – lets say – it depends on size of reactor –if you use 6mm tube- put a valve on either end of 10cm fill that 10cm with 1 bar of H- then vacuum the system fully and then release the 10cm of H in to the reactor – don’t rotate don’t do anything leave for a day or so that the H goes in and fills up any gaps or finished any chemical

10 Transcript from 2 ND Knowledge Seekers Workshop held March 13, 2014

(v1 2016-03-05) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) reaction, then you evacuate your chamber again – repeat this process 2 or 3 times that the majority of the molecules in the chamber will be H- don’t forget – never touch with the bare hand – if you leave the fingerprint this is fat and protein acid based – you don’t want this inside – then when you done this 2-3 times – the minimum I used is 5cms – fill this with 1bar of H, then you connect the cm tube already vacuumed and connect the other end of it to the reactor (etc etc lots of technical info)

0144 – how to create vacuum in the tubes and reactors , number of valves to use, how to open them up in sequence – then when you run you reactor any potential heavy materials will be absorbed into the nano layers – the H then opens up to the full volume of the nano material very slowly and as it opens up electrons are absorbed in these gaps, so you will be left with plasma – the first time you feed the gas in you will see a change in the magnetic filed of your plasma – which means the plasma is pushing into the nano layers, and shows if you create plasma or not. You make sure – this is important to understand – if you want a stable reactor – for a smooth operation never feed the gas into the centre of the reactor because by laws of centrifuge gravity magnetism and vacuum, when you free your H it has to go to the outer boundary and it goes through the plasma you already created and collapses it or disturbs it – the feeding of the gas has to be from outer surface, from the outer boundary – so it joins from outer to centre plasma so in a way you squeeze your original plasma further in – increase your pressure on central plasma – then you get nano layering one on top of each other - single core reactors better for movement – like the sun – on earth we have a central core – in space you do not use multi core reactors we are just using these for teaching – in space tech magrav system we control our magrav field by squeezing and pressuring the plasma between the different reactors – if you have a central column the gas has to be released where the central column comes into the sphere, not at the tip – but we preserve the central column nano coated – not there to feed the gas in but to have a central point so the plasma has a central point and does not wobble … in fact you create multi layering through your H but you can feed it with N and Ar in the same way – this gives you the same effect as the salt – the nano layering, or blanketing of the gases is the limit of the matter you want to produce – with Argon you can produce anything smaller than Argon very easy etc

0200 more question from John re tech aspects of loading his reactor with gas.

MK: - I teach you a trick – when you build your reactor when you finished coating, if you have a good strong ring magnet or you can get hold of 2 good strong ring magnets- put this inside your reactor on the central column and rotate it for a few minutes – if it is easy for you to open your cores - you find all the metallic impurities will be attracted to the centre or they will be pushed to the outside of the nano layers – this will give you a very clean layering

John: – I don’t have a central column

11 Transcript from 2 ND Knowledge Seekers Workshop held March 13, 2014

(v1 2016-03-05) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) MK: – OK so get 1 solid magnet – always circular- and a ring magnet – and spend 10 or 15 minutes literally gluing the matters to the back of the nano material – you have to use the N pole of the ring magnet (exit point) and you have to use the S pole of the solid magnet – so the flow of the field is from the ring to solid magnet – and you wave your hand around the reactor slowly – this creates a flow so some of the impurities in your core get glued to the nano coating you produced – in a way you create a magnetic wind – you can hold 2 ring magnets on one side together and 1 solid magnet on the other side , then you move the ring magnets away from each other and back together again in the same way a lot of clean up of the matter in your core 0 then you get a beautiful smooth plasma condition – you can use the same method to get rid of the cancer cell in the body of man - so you put the cancer in the boundary energise it – it receives a plasma – you can use it with the human body – 2 ring magnets on the body of the man – but you can not cause a new disease, same thing you do in your reactors –

Vince: – the advertisment on TV with magnet round wrist – could it have a benefit?

MK: – questionable depends on how it is done – the people who use magnetic resonance – this is nonsense – plasma does not have a resonance – so that’s why not much success – this is limited to the matter level when working with plasma – a ring magnet carries the whole system of principal transition, matter – so it works.

There is a way to make a vacuum very cheaply with magnets, without need for expensive pumps, using the same method with ring magnets - this way you push the material so it gets trapped in the pores of the nano layers – you can create the equivalent of 10mb vacuum with this method

Geert: – I’ve seen you using coffee pots etc, and we are looking for spheres, if someone wants to build a simple reactor for medical use or something, is it possible to make one in cylinder shape –

MK: – you can make in any shape you like. You mention Joe – he has a daughter in Uni – she has fascinated me with the coma patient – she has a talent – she plays harp – and in her wanting from childhood to play harp she plays gorgeously – with Joe I have a family connection – in her family there has never been a harp player – from childhood wanting to play harp, in one generation she has changed her features to handle such a huge instrument, fingers and arm lengthen, face has to change to support such a big heavy instrument – with her own thoughts and need to evolve she has evolved her body to play harp – then I started looking at other harp players – and you see the ones who started form a young age they have a lot of common

12 Transcript from 2 ND Knowledge Seekers Workshop held March 13, 2014

(v1 2016-03-05) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) features – the will to survive and achieve satisfaction of the brain creates an evolution in the structure – operation and strength of will has power of over physicality = that was in 2008 2009 then the process of MS and ALS showed us how the will of the man causes the death of the body – the same principle applies to all disease, the man wished to die – the physical body goes into process of shutting down – same process as the positive effect of the harp player – in MS the desire for death the brain creates a magrav condition that causes a change in the carbon structure from diamond to graphite and through the same process as changing a gas into a Gans – so when nerves are isolated – the nano structure of nerve is in diamond structure – to turn to carbon conductor the orientation of the crystals must change and energy released – reduction in energy due to wish for death – then you understand how pain or reduction in psychological state of brain causes MS – we haven’t been totally successful in MS trials – 95% we fail but the 5% we win and then we learn from the failures – same as in business life and the lab – the diamond changes to graphite and then you get MS – so you go to Physical part and push levels up – or you work psychologically to increase the energy and desire for life – we are learning more and more –

We can support chemotherapy for a cancer – this is the same thing as what happened in your reactor – enough energy for the cancer cell to die – these chemicals release a huge amount of energy – like eating dates – this energy has to be given through the lymph to the cells – the cells expand form too much energy and get bigger – then these cells block the flow in the bone cells, and this is how it works – the lymph cannot go through the hole and it blocks the hole – hence most of the people die due to lack of immune system – so with the plasma tech we cam make the cell smaller so it goes through the bone and then the chemo works beautifully – this process being trialed in Germany – often when things don’t work its because we don’t understand the process – eg in ALS the amino acids in slightly different structure and now we understand the structure and we put into data so anyone can reproduce it –

0238 This is how the tech is coming to the public – getting to Japan for Tepco to use - these people who are trying to stop the KF – you boys are going to need this tech for you and your family more than anyone else – support us – we support the human race – we knew the picture before you put in on the net months before – people from inside you telling us – your own soul giving the info before you open your mouth – in space the only way you might know there is someone else there is through the magrav field there might not be any physical evidence – thou shalt not steal thou shalt not kill – we are aware of your thoughts – we are within you and among you so stop this stupid process and collaborate to help others – we have seen how easy it is to produce gold – any questions?

James from China has a Professor from the Chinese aerospace agency – MK extends the hand of friendship to him and his university and suggest collaboration and cooperation – asks the Prof to liaise with Mr Cho and offers to visit or to receive him in Italy with his govt and university –

13 Transcript from 2 ND Knowledge Seekers Workshop held March 13, 2014

(v1 2016-03-05) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) informs him of Yukako – KS who is coming to Japan with the cleanup teach – he has a lot of respect for Chinese and sees them as forerunners in the development of space ship program –

0244 MK to James – he will put in touch with the Taiwanese group

Q: – have you tried coating crystals with nano? MK: – No, but hoping that the team member known as Archimedes, who is working with clay – ceramic – the next stop with him I think will be crystals – do you have experience w crystals?

KS: – a little bit, but I create orgone devices, pyramids, produce chi or prana – how does this relate to the energy field you are talking about?

MK: any pyramid – especially if back to back you get a diamond structure – pyramids have energy release or absorption – if you understand the principal of GAS to GANS. It depends how you make your crystal whether it becomes Gas or Gans – this effects the crystal lattice – pyramids have the other half on the ground – you see the physical part but the magrav field sits below it – at the same time it releases or absorbs energy depending on what it is made of – you only see half of the full pyramid – the matter part –

KS:: – I took pictures of the pyramids and found different colors and beams of light –

MK – yes pyramid is like an iceberg – you see only half of it the other half is underwater or underground in field form

0250 Q: another question – how do you create the magrav field for a certain destination in space?

MK: – It’s a fingerprint – I’ll teach that later on – it’s a zero time communication system – every galaxy has its own zero time communication line – like the light that comes from the star – you see it and you can link into it and measures its field – each magnetic field of each star is like a fingerprint – no two are the same – at the moment we only look at the magnetic field but if you look at the magnetic and gravitational field then you lock onto it – that’s how you create matter – when you replicate the mag and grav field it is instantaneous – when you travel you travel with the speed of the plasma – you will find you are totally protected in your speed of travel.

KS: - I had a near death experience and ever since then I have ESP ability – I can increase the energy fields in my body but I cant control it or do anything with it –

14 Transcript from 2 ND Knowledge Seekers Workshop held March 13, 2014

(v1 2016-03-05) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) MK: you can use crystal or pyramid or magnet – I was teaching this to the KSs yesterday –tried to get them to sit and interact meditate with a magnet till they can move it – then you understand how the future reactors will be controlled –

KS: – that’s cool!

MK: yes sit in front of it and make sure no-one else is there to interfere, and see how your magrav field of your brain, your thoughts, in interacting with a crystal will change, and see the color each time- and let us know – this will show us in the future how to access controls

KS: – yes I often get goose bumps as feedback when I am locking on

MK: yes my wife used to be busy with these things, and Dirk has pyramids so I’ve seen close hand what they can do – if you can work with the crystals I would like to be your student – ask Rick for my private email and send them to me on my private email –

KS: - OK sounds good!

0257 MK: my message goes out to the governments again – do not try and assassinate me! We know what you are up to! I’m talking about America, Canada, Europe – every time you tried to block me in past we came back 10 times stronger – now the information is public – Taiwanese scientists have the permission to release this publicly (indeed this did happen) – the reason we gave this USB to ALL the nations was so no abuse of one government over another – Patent Number 5 – release it! Others who are holding it in reserve for if anything happens to me – they can release it over the next time – better if it comes from the governments – (asking for support from aerospace agencies and govts – Mr Benhoff from Boing, Mr Neslon for NASA) - we can produce this craft in a matter of months then we all share the knowledge – collaboration will bring more fruits – Lockheed Martin and all those others building aircraft – we can make bigger and better craft – much more wealth for you – this tech is no threat to pharmaceuticals, to no industry – this is our ticket to the galaxy, but your life time is very short! Any other questions? (– silence)

0302 MK: - In the coca cola bottle we put something different from the KOH and Caustic – the electrodes in the bottle behave like magrav attracting plasma then this matches the carbon in the neck of the bottle and extracts the plasma – as you produce layers with Hydrogen – one layer will match the carbon in the neck of the bottle and pull it out – the crystalline structure of the carbon in the neck of the bottle matches the magrav field of one of the layers and it gets absorbed – same as creating the magrav field of a distant destination and you get attracted to it – when you get a dark layer then that is thousands and thousand of layers and magnetic field on top of each other – so you create a cluster of carbon on your electrode as in the IMEC report – releases atomic hydrogen and you see the thread of the bottle neck disappearing –

15 Transcript from 2 ND Knowledge Seekers Workshop held March 13, 2014

(v1 2016-03-05) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) 0308 (unable to hear question) MK: yes, yes, the info has to be released correctly – if the knowledge seekers talk about some of this when it is half baked it can be dangerous – like an old saying goes – (quotes Indian proverb)–‘Half doctor is dangerous to life’ – he knows half of the knowledge – that’s why we explain fully as we go – thank you

0310 MK: we are calling scientists of all different nations – this is for everybody, not so someone can have a Rolls Royce parked outside – the tech is fully released, I sincerely thank the Government of Taiwan for taking the step we were going to take – so next time when we talk we talk about the GANS of the matter and medical applications – we need financial support to be independent of any organization to build this craft – then a copy will be given to all nations – there are 7 billion of us – same with the pharmaceutical companies – come to us and we show you how to make radiotherapy and chemotherapy safe – we have the tech and the doctors in Germany already monitoring it- and we will be here next Thursday if I am not arrested or killed – thank you!

KSs - thank you thank you thank you from all around the world !


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