Draft Minutes to Be Verified at Next Meeting
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DRAFT MINUTES TO BE VERIFIED AT NEXT MEETING NETHERAVON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 20th March 2014 Commencing at 7.00 pm at the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon
Parish Councillors Present: Cllr Blair-Pilling Chairman Cllr Burke Vice-Chairman Cllr Beecher Cllr Collison Cllr Covil Cllr Hayward Cllr Harper Cllr Mackie Cllr Mitchell Cllr Tighe
In Attendance: Wiltshire County Council Cllr Howard Community Librarian Ms W Beaver Parochial Church Council Col (Ret’d) R Aubrey-Fletcher Chairman Netheravon Day Centre Maj (Ret’d) D Thatcher Chairman Phoenix Hall Mr S Block Police Representative PCSO Downham Mrs Linscer Clerk of the Council
Public: 4
Apologies: Army Liaison Lt Col (Ret’d) Linge Netheravon All Saints School Mrs H Humphris
Police Representative
It was reported that there was a 42% increase of victim based crime across the area and that anti- social behaviour figures are down compared to last year. The big concern was the theft and breaking in of vehicles recently, and one incident of a car broken into on Salisbury Plain in broad daylight. It was discussed whether leaflets should be displayed in vehicles saying that there are no valuables present. Cllr Hayward suggested that members of the public should act as rangers on the Plain to keep their eyes open to any thefts. It was agreed that Lt Col (Ret’d) Linge should be asked to look into this matter.
Army Liaison – Report provided by Army Liaison Officer - Lt Col (Retd) N Linge
‘The issue of housing and barracks mainly at and around Larkhill, Tidworth, Bulford and Upavon, planning consultation is ongoing. In my opinion MOD is a “benign developer” and, working with Wiltshire Council, will ensure that funding is provided, where needed for schools etc. We have just spent a large sum resurfacing Old Carter Barracks Road (Bulford Droveway) in anticipation of increased traffic in the Bulford, Tidworth & Larkhill areas. Large Mission Support Training (MST) peaks will end after this MST (April/May) and training will be spread more evenly over the year. Future Training with heavier equipped units is not consolidating until 2018.
1 DRAFT MINUTES TO BE VERIFIED AT NEXT MEETING Meetings are underway with our MPD Access Manager regarding Rights of Way; some interested parties are to agree priorities for the next tranche of improvements. Army Liaison has been working with Wiltshire Council to help alleviate the effects of flooding, especially in Chitterne and Tilshead. Netheravon has a problem with a winterbourne rising in Larkhill Impact Area, running through Well Bottom, coming out at Manor Farm and crossing under the A345. Cllr Burke was put in touch with Wiltshire Council’s drainage team and they advised on obtaining pumps.’
The Chairman also mentioned some additional questions he had asked Lt Col (Ret’d) Linge to answer regarding tree pollarding, he is awaiting feedback.
Wiltshire Council – Report from Cllr C Howard Cllr Howard reported that for Wiltshire Council 2013/14 had been yet another one of good progress in many ways, of which the following points were mentioned:
Council Tax had been frozen for the fourth successive year, although there will be small increases of a few pounds per household this year to the amounts payable to the police, fire and rescue and the Parish Council. The Council’s achievement in holding the rate for a further year is remarkable because our Settlement Funding payments from Central Government have been reduced by about 9% and will reduce even further next year. Despite this, they are still continuing to maintain front line services and invest in yet more care for the elderly and vulnerable people, improving its housing stock and spending extra millions of pounds on roads to clear as much as possible of the backlog in repairs. With ongoing inflation at 2%, Wiltshire Council has had to find savings of £25 million this year to balance its budget. It is good to know that the Council Tax we will all be paying in the coming year compared to similar and surrounding councils is one of the lowest in the country.
The Council is very aware of the pollution caused by the high volume of traffic on the A345 and time has been spent over the past four years trying to see what can be done about this. It was reported that officers of Wiltshire Council are now in touch with the Highways Agency to look at the main north-south routes in the county, of which the A345 is one, to examine ways in which the situation can be improved by encouraging traffic to use the most appropriate routes. Hopefully this may result in some reduction of traffic on the A345 in due course.
On a personal note, Cllr Howard reported that he continues with his membership of four committees of Wiltshire Council, including Chairman of the local Eastern Area Planning Committee, and of the Wiltshire Pension Fund. He is also now a Governor of the Wellington Academy. With regard to local matters Cllr Howard has been involved in a wide range of issues directly of interest to Netheravon during the past year, these include planning applications in the village, helping to resolve neighbour relationship issues and dealing with enquiries from members of the public on a wide range of problems. The construction of a footway between Harefield Crescent and Kennel Row remains a firm aspiration, but at present without any apparent way round the access problems that still exist. Cllr Howard congratulated the Parish on the great success of their Jubilee celebrations, and added that it has been a pleasure working with the Parish Council during the past year. Netheravon All Saints School - Report provided by Head Teacher - Mrs Hayley Humphris 2 DRAFT MINUTES TO BE VERIFIED AT NEXT MEETING
‘The current number on roll is 185; this is expected to rise to 194 in September 2014. There has been a rise in demand for Reception places for September. Nearly half of pupils are from Service families quartered within the Tidworth Super Garrison area. Approximately half of pupils are from out of catchment. Numbers are expected to rise by 2017 due to army re-basing. 27 staff are employed at the school. Recent significant developments include: Netheravon After-School Club. This childcare provision was started on 26 February 2014. Flexible childcare is available from 3.15 to 6.00pm for pupils at the school. The provision is also available to parents of pupils at Figheldean St Michael’s Primary School. Currently 14 children are registered to attend although not all attend every day. A range of activities are provided, linked to the children’s interests. The club takes place in the school hall but the staff also make good use of the extensive outdoor facilities. Curriculum and Assessment Review. A new National Curriculum takes effect in September 2014 and the current system of attainment levels will cease. At All Saints, staff have already reviewed and re-mapped our curriculum in line with the new curriculum and increased expectations of children’s attainment. A review of assessment procedures is also well under way. Free School Meal Provision. School lunches are prepared, cooked and served in our newly refurbished and extended kitchen and hall by our own cook. From September 2014, there will be a universal entitlement for all infant pupils to receive a free school meal. We currently cater for approximately 60 pupils per day; this number is expected to rise as a result of the new benefit. Academy Conversion. On 1 April 2014, All Saints Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School will convert to become a single academy under the umbrella trust of The Diocese of Salisbury Education Trust (DSET). We will no longer have Voluntary Aided status but will retain our close links with Salisbury Diocese Board of Education. The school, being graded ‘Good’ by Ofsted, is not becoming a sponsored academy. The existing governing Body will become the members and directors of the new Netheravon All Saints Academy Trust. The school name will be Netheravon All Saints CE Primary School. Staff and governors are excited by the opportunities academy status will provide, including total control of our budget and other freedoms. Current admissions arrangements will not be affected by the conversion. This change has been the subject of comprehensive consultation with a wide range of stakeholders. We are very keen to retain and build on our close links with the local community.’ Parochial Church Committee – Report by Col (Ret’d) R Aubrey-Fletcher The past year had been a busy but successful one for the Parochial Church Council. Services had been well attended and a number of baptisms, wedding and funerals conducted on behalf of villagers and those from further afield. The Church was very sorry to lose Ann Keating to her new Parish at Bradford on Avon. The highlights of the year include:
Three concerts by the Hermitage Ensemble, Farrant Singers and the Larkhill Choral Society. Each catered for a slightly different audience, were well attended and help raised funds towards the running of the Church.
One Summer Saturday where the congregation went out into the community on a summer Saturday and helped neighbours and those less able with chores and errands – A similar day will be held on Saturday 12 June this year.
3 DRAFT MINUTES TO BE VERIFIED AT NEXT MEETING The Church Fete on the Millennium Park was a great success helped by the good weather; draw of the Balloon (for which the PCC is very grateful) and a great deal of hard work by an army of helpers from across the village. The Fete this year will be held on Saturday 6 September on the Millennium Park.
The instigation of Community Coffee Mornings in the Church on the second Saturday of each month. The aim is to provide a regular opportunity for members of the village to meet and exchange experiences in a friendly relaxed setting. The first four have been well attended and have been a useful means of learning of concerns. The Diocesan Architect had conducted a Quinnquenial Review of the Church superstructure and nothing pressing has been reported, although there is no denying that the interior could do with addressing. This would be an expensive undertaking on which the PCC will need to take a view. Finally, it was reported that the PCC was able to pay its Parish Share to the Diocese in full. This amounted to a little over £18,000, before any bills were met, so no mean undertaking for a small congregation. Mr Aubrey- Fletcher stated as a Churchwarden he is grateful for all contributions from across the village community. In sum the Council can be assured that the Church is in good heart and available to anyone; the Church is quite literally open and available during daylight hours throughout the year, and new faces in the congregation are always welcomed. The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held directly after the morning Service on Sunday 27 April.’ Netheravon Day Centre – Report by Maj (Ret’d) D Thatcher. The Day Centre is run by a Committee composed of the three Trustees, The Organiser, Vice-Organiser and three members. The Trustees are ex-officio, The Chairman Maj (Ret’d) David Thatcher, the Secretary Mrs Elizabeth Mitchell and the Treasurer Mrs Caroline Aubrey-Fletcher. The Organiser is Mrs Myrtle Dore and the Vice-Organiser is Mrs Janet Weston. All are formally elected at the AGM held in June. In addition there are about 7 volunteer helpers, who work either mornings or afternoons on a roster run by the Organiser. In addition there are 6 volunteer drivers who collect and return members who require transport. The Chairman is intending to retire at the AGM and Caroline Aubrey-Fletcher has offered to take over the position. At present the Day Centre is currently seeking a Treasurer, and any volunteers would be greatly received.
There are currently 14 members of the Day Centre; 9 are from Netheravon/Haxton and 5 from Figheldean. Currently there are no vacancies and there is no one on the waiting list. Cllr Graham Wright our Good Neighbours Representative referred the five people from Figheldean when the Centre was short of members. The Centre set a limit of 14 as their very good volunteer cook from Enford, who makes no charge other than a fixed rate per head cannot cope with additional numbers. The Day Centre runs from about 10.30 am to about 3.00 pm. On arrival members have a cup of tea and biscuits and then play games and socialise until lunch time. They then have a very popular home-cooked meal prepared and delivered by Mrs Helen Whitley. In the afternoon the members have an occasional visiting talker or play games, which include bingo and a raffle. Before departure they have another cup of tea and cake, sometimes home baked by a member. In the last year there have been three events thanks to Aster. Firstly a Christmas dinner at The George in Amesbury, then a domestic Christmas dinner in the Hall, and finally a talk, due to take place on 26th March on the history of Punch and Judy. The Centre is very grateful to Aster for the £500 grant towards these events.
4 DRAFT MINUTES TO BE VERIFIED AT NEXT MEETING The Day Centre are also grateful to Netheravon Parish Council for their annual donation to the Club and to Wiltshire Council who have kept us going in the past. The Day Centre are always looking for volunteer helpers and drivers, even on a reserve, on-call basis. Community Librarian – Report by Wendy Beaver
The Netheravon Library over the last year has continued to be well supported by volunteers who open and staff the library giving 893.5 hours of their time in 2013. It is really appreciated by Wiltshire Council and the community of Netheravon. During 2013 the Library had free Wi-Fi installed and also received regular visits from Miss England’s class at Netheravon All Saints Primary School. In total 21 children took part in the Summer Reading Challenge aged 4-11s reading 6 books during the summer holidays. The statistics for the period April 2013 to February 2014 were 3658 issues of books, audio and DVDs an increase of 7.4% on last year. There are 159 active members who have used the library at least once in the last 12 months an increase of 15.2%. There are currently 300 registered borrowers an increase of 4.5%. There were 2373 visits to the library an increase of 22.7%. The meeting was reminded that the Library building belonged to the village. Phoenix Hall – Report by Mr S Block This has been a year of planning to improve the quality of the building to enable it to be a worthwhile venue. The committee are resolved to implement some issues the public raised at an open meeting in September 2013. These are; the acoustics, IT for sound vision and broadband, solar panels, loft insulation and LED lighting and a new kitchen and bar. This will be supported by means of grants and volunteer help. The Phoenix Hall are very grateful to the Parish Council for their generous support. Parish Council - Report by the Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling
In financial year 2013-14 the Council had asked for £21K and will have spent £22K. For the coming financial year it has asked for £21K. It is estimated that it will spend £23.7K, but hope that with income and some savings the £21K will be sufficient. Although we may have to dip a little into our balance. This was done to minimise the increase that is created because the Government has changed the rules concerning houses where rates are not actually paid for one reason or another. This and next year the Government and County Council have partially compensated us. Next year we as village taxpayers will pay in £19.58K and receive £1.4K top up from County. The net effect of these adjustments is that in spite of the Parish Council keeping the overall Precept the same there will be a small increase for those paying.
We currently have £18.5K earmarked for projects Village Plan £1000 Path to Harefield Crescent £3800 Cemetery Ext £5000 New Notice Board £1000 MUGA £5000
This does have a large degree of flexibility and items have been pursued on an opportunity basis. There is money available and this will enable us to seize opportunities that would be lost if we
5 DRAFT MINUTES TO BE VERIFIED AT NEXT MEETING operated on a fixed programme and had to budget first and wait for the funds to come in before acting. Over the last year we have supported the Phoenix Hall with substantial grants to enable them to improve the acoustics. Most recently we have spent about £1500 on measures to counter the floods, such as sandbags, signs and a powerful pump. Next year we have earmarked £1000 to support WW1 activities and expect to continue to support improvements to the Phoenix Hall. Elections were held in May, and the Chairman would have welcomed a contest, but that was not to be. The Council lost some members; Trevor Beswick, Tony Knight and Wendy Hayward-West, but have taken on board Sue Harper, Brian Covil and most recently Julia Mackie. Perhaps the biggest issue has been the winter of rain, in which the village fared much better than many. On behalf of the village the Chiarman thanked David Burke, Roger Hayward and Brian Covil for all that they did to reduce the risk of flooding to our homes. He highlighted that It increasingly illustrates how especially when others are suffering we need to be prepared to take care of ourselves and not sit back expecting County or others to do it all for us. The Council is keeping an eye on are Army rebasing (5K extra troops around the Plain). Regrettably in their view the only local change is likely to be the Defence Infrastructure Organisation moving into Airfield Camp. It had hoped for more houses at either of the two local camp sites. In the Council’s view the requirement to develop a Neighbourhood Plan was not worth the considerable effort and cost involved and it was currently watching and learning from others experiences. Another success story had been the temporary shop. It was members of the Parish Council that liaised with McColls and encouraged them to move to the Old Bank. Perhaps one of the biggest changes has been the retirement of our clerk Geoff Dyer. The Chairman paid tribute for all his work and valuable advice, and welcomed Andrea Linscer as the new clerk. FHN Jubilee Committee - Report by the Chairman - Ian Blair-Pilling The Jubilee Committee which includes representatives from Netheravon, Haxton and Fittleton was formed in 2011 and helped to deliver a very successful programme of events for the Jubilee Year. With money in the bank and a group of people who had worked together they agreed to continue their efforts with the aim of supporting social activity in our villages. In 2013 this was inevitably going to be quieter, but there was a very successful pedal Car GP and the Committee supported other events such as musical events in the Church and the very successful Church Fete in the Millennium Park. The current focus is on WW1 related activities. It starts with 100 Years of Hits in the Park on 26 May with The Tidworth Army Wives Choir, The Salisbury Big Band and Big Mama and the Misfits and more covering the century of music. It will be a free event, with Classic cars (& hopefully military vehicles) on display along with food and drink. A programme is being developed aimed at learning how WW1 affected our communities. There’s a lot of history on hand here with the World’s first operational military airfield, the Cavalry School the Military Hospital and military all around us. With talks and visits, another excellent School History exhibition and perhaps even a battlefield tour the village will explore its past. A foundation for all this is Wayne Price’s book ‘Village Soldiers’ which details the personal history of everyman from Netheravon, Fittleton, Haxton and Enford who gave their lives in WW1 as well as those from
6 DRAFT MINUTES TO BE VERIFIED AT NEXT MEETING the Cavalry School and the Canadians who died in our hospital. This will be published later this year. While there is a focus on the WW1 programme which will extend over the next 4 years, it will initiate and support other fun events. Look forward to the Pedal Car GP 2015, more concerts and whatever else you want to suggest and help with. Finally the Committee has no authority to control events, but one of the purposes is to share information and provide support. The Chairman concluded ‘Please tell us of your events and dates, so that we can help to avoid clashes and provide whatever support may be possible. By sharing and co-operating we can make it better for all.’ Closing Remarks The Chairman thanked all those who gave briefings and for attending and closed the Annual Parish Meeting at 8.30 pm
Signed…………………………………………. Date………………………………