Valley City Police Dept
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Prepared by: Chief Fred J. Thompson July 2014 2014 FIRST QUARTER REPORT
Table of Contents...... 2
Message From the Chief...... 3
Calls for Service...... 4
Case Reports...... 5
Adult Arrests...... 6
Juvenile Arrests...... 7
Traffic Accident Data...... 8
Citations Issued Data...... 9
A Message From the Chief
During a Commission Meeting for the 2014 Budget process, the discussion turned to crime statistics, as they were occurring in Valley City. The Commissioners were interested in what the current numbers were, having seen the 2012 Annual Report, which detailed the activities of the Valley City Police Department for the 2012 calendar year.
The result of the discussion was a request that the Valley City Police Department supply statistical information on the existing workload on a more frequent basis. This report is the next in that series. While these quarterly reports will not contain the breadth and depth of information that is contained in our Annual Reports, it should be able to answer the question, “What have you done for us lately?”
2014 continues to be a year of building our “base” so to speak. Coming attractions include bringing online the new Motorola Premier One Records Management System, hosted by the State, and available for our use. The State is currently working on an interface so that the data from the Barnes County Communications Center’s new CAD software, can be downloaded into the PD’s new RMS system when it comes online.
All of the Department’s Patrol laptops are now configured to work with electronic citations, which will bring us increased productivity from our personnel, not to mention the Municipal Court, because of a lot of work that was previously done by hand would then be able to be done by computer. The only pieces needed now are to outfit the patrol cars with the handheld scanners and printers. This, and other advances will occur as they can be funded through the Annual Budget process.
I would also direct the reader to those statistics listed under the term “Other” in the various tables. Unfortunately there is no way at this time to break down this information further. Clearly the ability to do so would be of significant help in determining policing strategies. At such time that VCPD is able to use a state-of-the-art records management system, this will no longer be a problem as this information would be readily accessible.
Thank you, Chief Fred J. Thompson
These are requests for services from the Valley City Police Department.
OFFENSE 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr. TOTALS Aggravated Assault 0 2 2 All Other Larceny 23 25 48 All Other Offenses 26 65 91 Arson 0 1 1 Bad Checks 0 0 0 Burglary/Breaking and Entering 13 5 18 Counterfeiting/Forgery 0 2 2 Credit Card/Automatic Teller Fraud 1 1 2 Curfew/Loitering/Vagrancy Violations 1 0 1 Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 11 17 28 Disorderly Conduct 24 19 43 Driving Under the Influence 16 21 37 Drug Equipment Violations 0 2 2 Drug/Narcotic Violation 14 7 21 Drunkenness 17 15 32 Embezzlement 0 1 1 False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game 13 13 26 Family Offenses (Non-violent) 0 1 1 Forcible Fondling 3 4 7 Forcible Rape 1 0 1 Forcible Sodomy 0 0 0 Impersonation 0 3 3 Incest 0 1 1 Intimidation 6 6 12 Kidnapping/Abduction 0 0 0 Liquor Law Violations 11 18 29 Motor Vehicle Theft 2 4 6 Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter 0 0 0 Other 1710 2001 3711 Peeping 0 0 0 Pornography/Obscene Material 3 0 3 Prostitution 0 0 0 Robbery 0 1 1 Runaway 0 0 0 Sexual Assault With an Object 0 1 1 Shoplifting 5 0 5 Simple Assault 10 17 27 Statutory Rape 0 0 0 Stolen Property Offenses 13 17 30 Theft From a Building 9 9 18 Theft From Coin Operated Machine or Device 0 3 3 Theft From A Motor Vehicle 0 1 1 Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories 1 0 1 Trespass of Real Property 3 5 8 Weapon Law Violations 0 5 5 Welfare Fraud 0 0 0 Wire Fraud 0 0 0 TOTALS 1936 2293 4229
With the movement of Communications and dispatching services to the Barnes County Communications Center (BCCC), our ability, for now, to get complete information is going to be somewhat limited. However, whenever BCCC receives a 9-1-1 call, it is entered into the LERMS database and we are able to get this information.
That being said, BCCC does not necessarily enter duplicate 9-1-1 calls that it receives. An example might be the report of a house fire with flames showing. BCCC will definitely enter the original call but might not enter the next 3 or 6 or 20, 9-1-1 calls that come in reporting the same fire due to the workload at the time and the obvious duplicity it implies.
The actual number of 9-1-1 calls received by BCCC is the third row in the chart below. This should give the reader a good picture of the activity level of 9-1-1 calls going into BCCC realizing that a portion of these calls are the duplicates spoken of earlier.
The bottom row shows the Daily Average of 9-1-1 calls received by BCCC (total number of calls received divided by the number of days in the month). The total listed in this row is an average of the monthly averages.
9-1-1 calls received by BCCC for the Valley City Police Department are as follows:
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOT VCPD 70 86 64 95 80 82 477 LERMS 169 144 135 79 105 108 740 BCCC 386 230 216 275 265 301 1673 Daily Avg 12.45 8.21 6.96 9.16 8.55 10.03 9.22
Legend: VCPD = 9-1-1 calls received by BCCC for VCPD as listed in LERMS LERMS = Total number of 9-1-1 calls listed in LERMS by BCCC for all agencies supported. BCCC = Actual number of 9-1-1 calls received as recorded by Cassidian
Call Count by Month Report – Aurora/Cassidian, courtesy of Mrs. Kimberly Franklin, Barnes County Emergency Manager.
The following chart shows the numbers of Case Reports taken by VCPD. A Case Report is an official police document that outlines all of the circumstances of a given call whether it be an Arrest Report, Traffic Accident Report, or a report received by the victim of a crime, to name a few. These numbers are of individual offenses. An individual case report may have more than one offense.
OFFENSE 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr. TOTALS Aggravated Assault 0 5 5 All Other Larceny 12 11 23 All Other Offenses 6 9 15 Arson 0 3 3 Bad Checks 0 0 0 Burglary/Breaking and Entering 7 4 11 Counterfeiting/Forgery 0 1 1 Credit Card/Automatic Teller Fraud 1 1 2 Curfew/Loitering/Vagrancy Violations 1 0 1 Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 4 12 16 Disorderly Conduct 4 7 11 Driving Under the Influence 12 13 25 Drug Equipment Violations 12 7 19 Drug/Narcotic Violation 13 9 22 Drunkenness 8 11 19 Extortion/Blackmail 0 0 0 False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game 1 1 2 Family Offenses (Non-violent) 0 0 0 Forcible Fondling 4 0 4 Forcible Rape 2 0 2 Forcible Sodomy 0 1 1 Impersonation 0 3 3 Incest 0 0 0 Intimidation 5 5 10 Kidnapping/Abduction 0 0 0 Liquor Law Violations 12 5 17 Motor Vehicle Theft 1 5 6 Other 121 136 257 Pornography/Obscene Material 1 0 1 Prostitution 0 0 0 Robbery 0 1 1 Runaway 1 2 3 Sexual Assault With an Object 1 1 2 Shoplifting 4 0 4 Simple Assault 18 19 37 Statutory Rape 0 0 0 Stolen Property Offenses 0 0 0 Theft From a Building 13 12 25 Theft From Coin Operated Machine or Device 0 3 3 Theft From A Motor Vehicle 3 1 4 Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories 2 1 3 Trespass of Real Property 2 1 3 Weapon Law Violations 0 0 0 Wire Fraud 0 0 0 TOTALS 271 290 561
This is a list of all arrests that took place during this quarter. Since this table lists all the charges filed it is possible that one individual has been charged with more than one crime during the incident and therefore the total numbers of actual arrests could be lower than is actually listed below.
OFFENSE 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr. TOTALS Aggravated Assault 0 0 0 All Other Larceny 1 0 1 All Other Offenses 5 2 7 Burglary/Breaking and Entering 0 1 1 Counterfeiting/Forgery 0 0 0 Credit Card/Automatic Teller Fraud 0 0 0 Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 0 0 0 Disorderly Conduct 3 1 4 Driving Under the Influence 12 13 25 Drug Equipment Violations 8 5 13 Drug/Narcotic Violation 10 6 16 Drunkenness 6 11 17 Forcible Fondling 0 0 0 Forcible Rape 0 0 0 Incest 0 0 0 Intimidation 0 0 0 Liquor Law Violations 11 7 18 Motor Vehicle Theft 1 0 1 Other 58 58 116 Pornography/Obscene Material 1 0 1 Shoplifting 1 0 1 Simple Assault 6 8 14 Statutory Rape 0 0 0 Stolen Property Offenses 0 0 0 Theft From a Building 0 0 0 Theft From a Motor Vehicle 0 0 0 Trespass of Real Property 2 0 2 Weapon Law Violations 0 0 0 TOTALS 125 112 237
This is a list of all juvenile offenses (arrests) that took place during this quarter. Since this table lists all the charges filed it is possible that one individual has been charged with more than one crime during the incident and therefore the total numbers of arrests could be lower than is actually listed below.
OFFENSE 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr. TOTALS Aggravated Assault 0 0 0 All Other Larceny 0 0 0 All Other Offenses 1 0 1 Burglary/Breaking and Entering 0 0 0 Credit Card/Automatic Teller Fraud 0 0 0 Curfew/Loitering/Vagrancy Violations 1 0 1 Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 0 0 0 Disorderly Conduct 1 0 1 Driving Under the Influence 0 0 0 Drug Equipment Violations 2 0 2 Drug/Narcotic Violation 3 0 3 Drunkenness 0 0 0 Forcible Fondling 1 0 1 Forcible Rape 0 0 0 Intimidation 0 0 0 Liquor Law Violations 2 0 2 Motor Vehicle Theft 0 0 0 Other 1 4 5 Runaway 1 4 5 Shoplifting 0 0 0 Simple Assault 0 0 0 Statutory Rape 0 0 0 Stolen Property Offenses 0 0 0 Theft From a Building 0 0 0 Theft From a Motor Vehicle 0 0 0 Trespass of Real Property 0 0 0 Weapon Law Violations 0 0 0 TOTALS 13 8 21
Traffic accident data is gained from a review of completed traffic accident reports submitted into the State’s Traffic and Criminal Software (TraCS) program. We have better success in obtaining meaningful data from the State in the manner numbers and types of accidents. We are still trying to get sufficient location and cause data. What we do have is the following:
Traffic Collisions 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr. TOTALS Fatal Crashes 0 1 1 Fatalities 0 1 1 Injury Crashes 9 1 10 Persons Injured 11 1 12 Property Damage Only Crashes 39 14 53 TOTALS 48 15 63
Here again, a robust CAD and Records Management System would help fill in the gaps for such information as, the intersections or locations with the most accidents, the most prevalent violation, and other information that would aid in directed traffic enforcement to help reduce the numbers of accidents. Further, there is no information in these statistics about “Non-Reported Traffic Accidents” or those accidents that occur and are not reported to the State. The State has now upgraded TraCS to version 10.5. This will enable us to get better data from the State reference our submissions into TracCS. The State is also looking at the possibility of having the TracCS data automatically downloaded into the new Motorola Premier One RMS package that we should have online by the end of 2014.
To go along with the traffic accident data another indicator that can be used for traffic enforcement is “Citations Issued” data from our personnel. We have recently found a way to get some of the citation issued data out of our current systems. We believe this information is very close to accurate although we have not had the opportunity to verify this information with hard counts. 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr. TOTALS Care Required 5 5 10 Careless Driving 0 0 0 Child Restraint Violation 7 1 8 Current Registration 0 8 8 Display of License Plates/Registration 24 6 30 Drove Too Fast for Conditions 1 0 1 Duty to Exchange Information 0 0 0 Duty to Report a Reportable Accident 0 0 0 Duty to Stop A-Sign; B-Light; C-Yield 34 16 50 Exhibition Driving 3 5 8 Fail to Yield Right of Way 0 1 1 Fail to Dim Headlights 1 1 2 Failed to Have License in Possession 2 2 4 Following Too Close 0 1 1 Headlamps Required 1 0 1 Improper Backing 6 2 8 Improper Left Turn 0 0 0 Improper U-Turn 5 0 5 Keep to the Right 0 1 1 Littering 0 0 0 Manner of Emerging 0 0 0 Manner of Turning (Officer Present) 0 0 0 Manner of Turning at Intersection 1 0 1 Open Container in Auto 3 1 4 Operating a Vehicle Without a Driver’s License 0 0 0 Overtaking/Passing School Bus 0 2 2 Permitting Unqualified Person to Drive 0 0 0 Precipitation/Obstructed Windshield 3 0 3 Qualifications of Driver 1 4 5 Rear Lamps Required 2 1 3 Right of Way – Intersections 8 1 9 Seatbelt Required 32 14 46 Signal Required Stop/Start/Turn 0 1 1 Speed Limitations 0 63 63 Speeding 92 71 163 Studded Tires (Oct 15 – Apr 15) 0 1 1 Tinted Windows 5 2 7 Turned Left in Front of Approaching Traffic 0 1 1 Use of Safety Belts in Certain Vehicles 0 28 28 Wrong Way on One Way Street 2 1 3 TOTALS 238 240 478