oii'J <"Uss p..--trim 1 at Westf ield. N. J. WKSTF1KU). NKW JKKSKV", Tl IM"T<>I;KR 36 Pages—10 Cent» tblic Works Center Bids l-t';nt' Leaves (Only) Wrstfield residents :irc bcrni: rvinimlcd ihiil the imtlt'iiion pr»- Brain is in praiirrsK. All residents arc ri-<|iicsicil (u (Uix.sit or i-nkc llii-ir leaves into Hie fuller ana for culUi'tiun hy the I'UII'H- Works Di-parl- United Fund Campaign baling $193,965 OK'd \ nu-nt. litiruiiiK in public s'reets is ahsiiiutrly rrnliiliitcd. In addition, resi- dents arc urged to refrain from mixiiii; crass flippiiiasi. luaniius nr ^^ TuesdW night resignation from the Bicycle Hoard j ins ease ;„ wl-K-H itejn.s were taken1 ; stones with llio limes. T1H> foreign material run seriously ilam.ici' the rvTLw $|M.%5 lor!of Sister Thercse Joseph, principal; from tlieu- stores lciif-rullerliiu* equipment and delay Ihe entire collection prcKraw. Reaches 54 Per Cent J* Lj additions to Uiejof Holy Trinity Elementary School.) The council expressed re'ret at l\c' on North Ave. | who has been transferred to Our j ivcont passin; ,,f Mr* \:\nmv i,,v i bilts. which; Lady of Graw Sdiool in Hobokcn. 'a mcnib.-r of i.he i-uslodial staff in' Residential Unit Tlie mayor recommended, and, the municipap l buildin;: ' i L until Council was * '-• tilt council approved, Sister Michael | The cuimeil ,IMI award'*l a coi,- Urged To Spur V d approve an ors K. Muran. one from It approved an agreement with the: j With tlio halfway point reach- ^ s. Don* of Sc : j ed in the current linited l''und of .(7,414. Jolin Schwaiv. Co. Christiansen Bros, store in Woo;!- < D&L Cni-'aciin" Co. <>f Hiihway (or it* electrical contract l>''idSe and (llL> <«">«• ''"<»>' Khnitii.- rental of equipment for roadj j West Hold campaign to raise i$^-l!l.l2H for tlu: support of its i The plumb- U'!"<"" Store in town, oonimenuim:; work, includin;: ;i paver, roller and illP j II participating agencies, Tues- Karneski! police department for il.s cltieici't ' dunip track, at a cost not (0 exceed k nil be dune by work in clearing up a recent shoplift- i S2.i!ll(i | day ni^Kl's report .session sho\v- ,»| Heating Co. of Mi'ii- eil that contributions totaling , (iI46 and tlie same firm $i:U,)Ki-l have bron received rep- fetitf. ventilating and air- resi n!ui'.; r>l | ei'ut of tin1 ^oal. LK contrac* on ils bid of liobi'tl .i. l.iimilii, (lencral Ciun- fa structural steel and Boro Voters Approve piiii'H Cha;rnian, refhyliiut on t3w rt «iH be done by Outer- drive resalls so far said, "We nru 'o. of Poll Head ins lialfway home, but the hardest pull S. h.-s :ih,-;nl. lor ill I his )M>iut. it is )«io firm lost out on its bid c\ id"iil that v.e are nuSiceiihly wiNik School Referendum in our Hcsi-.t,'i'''>il l)i\ishm returns. W6e retaining wall aloji^ ^y side of the Municipal Mountainside — A ri-ferend'im call- j, II is pus' ibie that tins is due eillier (ttaiits proffer of 55.000 inig for a reduced school buiidiii'4' |\a<1 I rnLfi I I*ITAC: lo the l.ii'iue nl urn workers to make llCU XjL UftS U1 plrf a; being loo liijili- The rograin was approved 775 to KJII in j b their calls or a slowness in KettilliJ their returns in lit hi'nd'iuni'tt'rs. fl estimate for the work the borough yesterday. '"ibe next rrpoi-t session will be I* The $845,000 construction pro.mani, Ulood Donors To Tuesday at the Suburban Trust Co. from 7 to K::iO p.m. However, I |)r «n increase in dog li- $1,785,000 proposal deloated last to »|>|>rovc a iirn|msnl for nil mldltloii mul iillcriitlou to (Itiint Sclion I wliiili will provldi- four new classriiinus mid lo ii|>|irove die pa j ini'iit want to stress that workers tnuy pti b)' die town raising Uw May, represents thai part of HieSign Up Now of these fuellltlis liy IIH- trunsfcr «f fiUMls n«w (in hand. Tin- IIIHIVI* |>ho to ili-phls how the sclioul will look wlu-n tlif liii|iriivi-iniMils me ruiiijili'lcd. Mini in Ilieir reports to headquarters !*t SO cettts for Cie regis- ove-ntll program which the board of in the Mi'iii; i|>:i] Building ni any itocomply with state re- education decided ri'|)i"esonls iicces- The Westlicld Mountainside Chap- ter of the licit Cross is recruiting Day lime. This will lulp lo kix^ptbocam- ft. siiry work to solve inunediate ]>roi)- Jones 'Disturbed' l>iiiKn momentum in hiuh near, pro- HID covering Ihe purchase lenis. blood donors for Ihe next Illoodmo- bile visit to Westfield Klection Day, ltinullo ]>i>\ (lie Wrsffirld Mo Opposition Voiced viding of course that we are nil mak- rtet sn'Cfper for $11,IMG Srrvirc LfM^n^'s stuil aniuuil The voting was very li.uht since Nov. tl ill I'.ie Methodist Church iiu'. Ihe call* we are ivs|KHisil>le for. f includes l!io By 'Inaction' On drlvi> (o roluck Us Thrift Sliujv, there, are 3,087 registered voters in jfrom 1 lo fi:Hn p.m. "Two of the divisions. Advatico ia obsolete Elgin sweep- the community. | IK sil fnr SiiliHil.iy, Kcsulrnts (lifts ill V:i per cent and Major Cdfls The chiipler hopes to receive at lire asked lo tritvc no lon^i'i' To Grant School Plan ill 112 per cent of their n-sjiectlvo tort II. Mulronny dis- The revised program calls for an Town Problems lease ISO pints of blood, accordiiiK nccdcil ilrnih ou (lictr purrhes l>y coals are hclpiii:: lo keep us nuiviuu klom's ww kaf collection addition to tin; tX-eilirid SCIKMII and No opposition lo the proposal lo huiltl at) addition :iml make r to Mrs. Hubert Ohaus, Hie Blond iKion for jmk ti|i mul f'suli' ;tl K. ltr.siiieutiiil will) only Ml per residents to acqiiisilion of , i small p;irccl of I.IIK! Hank chairman. To insure this j for 1 1 :iii|>rovemeiil.s to (limit School was voiced from an audience ol' near tlut sdiool. tlu s!ii)j>> Pint ri>(]s DM ttsnt to cent received has a l>rj.i task alidad regulations wliicli imota of l.'iO pulls Ihe chapter needs j sii|>port lot'iit cliartlU's. 1.1 persons who attended a. public hcuriilf; on the jilati Tuesday of it. If Ihe drive is to achieve, a k bulling of leaves and night ill the school, Kltmin;-)ted is (lie purchase of (he m registrants who are asked lo | "emocral, issued Ihe fellowu-' m state- 1 third successful year the (iual two Sriiuis from 'I'riHiji 17,' will In A rcfiTi'mUun on the, proposal will be held Tuesday fur tlie bm»the streets. Joseph Barnes property on Mountain register at once and set up appoint- I im'ul al :1 '»«'t'"K <>' campaign sup- weeks will rci|iiii'c mi extra effort. ;••! 'lis boine assist Ing iu Mic i>U'Mf|* of Ituii- sdiool district voters with the pulls open from II lo !! p.m. leaf colU-ction Ave. as a future school site. Also |io!'lers belli II will be a crucial time. i«iHcover the entire; town tllcs. No bond issue is required for the project estimated lo cost eliminated is an addition and land Blood bank volunteers must he lie- "I am seeking the position of conn- "1 uriic our volunteer forces lo hat no lmilc- 4>l:t7,;tCO I lie school board has tin; funds available to meet acquisition at the Ilcochwood School. tween 1!l iind 5il years. Those under cilumn from our wiird because 1 am exert every effort lo make their iftm leaves are to l>c the expenditure. The n<-"w state sales The original program had called 21 imist luivi' p.irents' consfiit. l)n- disturbed hy ll'e inaction on tlie part rails and to use Ihe 'silent salesman" curb lines. Slunes, of my opponent concerninc. impor- Travcl-Advcnturc lax ha.s iiie.tnt achblioiiid stale aid for the abandonment of Kchobixiok iialioi! i»f just MIC pint of blond will lolaliiw $!C.(M)(), which, adih-d lo the lo help I ell the Kiind story (Jiilckly JHilhcr debris iran dam- Sdiool. insure lilmxl i-ri'dils lor a donor and tant problems affccliiij! all of us. We 4th Ward, Town .mil lliiir.iiij'.hly. iWcrs. he pointed out, received many promises last No- fl.'lilti.lil led over Iniin the junior Hubert BriUon, Imard president, his faintly for a period of two years, Scries To Open liil'.li M.-IIIHII impiineiiieuls and .sur- The l)i\i;.i(ill I'cpnl Is to diilo ai'O |imt delay to the col- Mrs. Ohaus said. vember, but have reecived no nc- .is I'ollnw.s: Advance (iills, ?IV,7(il in said approval of the referendum lion. plus in the current oxpc use iiecount Issues Cited In iiin:it>= tbeiv. will lie a "better distri- According lo Mrs. Alvin I'feiffer. is .sullicieii! to linauce tlu- for ',':! pi-r (nil: [\l:ijor dills, $4(1,XH! vii-e v.ii..;rma;i, :v.i::'.y org:'»iv:iiions "For example, traffic in our ward Oct. 21 At YM •|>nrtiil lor IIJ per rcnl. llusiiioa pin installed for persons bution" of pupils rind thai it will help The referendum will seek ap- have signed up to participate. is uncontrolled and ha/anlnus. Many l)i\i'.ion. flll.Hiii in for I" pel" cent Nil inquire alwul the leaf relievo transportation ond over- "Tliciv'll Always lie An England," ploviil to use tin- uncxpi'litieii junior Stoudt's Bid Among these are Ihe Jewish Com- Third Ward residents have express- IMI Hoiilcnliiil wnit .>^ti,ti-iii ja ut 20 crowding problems throughout the a color film presenlalion pimluccl hirb school IIIIHIS aiul ID transfer The followiiii! slalement was is- munity Council, l.ions Club of West- ed crave concern over the increas- r ier (.cut. fchany announced tin system. anerty Sottjfht Trinity and the Community Croup. cil dismisses (lie traffic problem on Wc.-vl- Retailers Reveal Partial List 21 ill II:IS p.m. in ond question on the b.'dlol. The first "In order In belter serve Ihe liy Mountainside our main thoroirhfnrcs ol Italiwviy. I ,„.,,', nj,,h Scl.ol)| ;n,«|ii(>a-jiil(i. will .sevk iiulbnrizatiun lo undertake ^fiulh and Cenlr.d Aves.. as county IciT.'.ts of I lie vnlei'j; of Ihe Fourth | The series is sponsored by the V'sitlie pr.ijeel. Ward during this r.impnk'u I nslicl | For New I'oad Civil Liberties i'nion or .stale problems. I surest I hat j . ' , v,Ve.,!lichl, with linborl Of Free Treasure Chest Prizes M t n s CMt lf The propit-al is for a -I-classroom Munis Kamler In join me in dis- To Meet. Organize the initial interest tn correct 'l>is i Swi-i-l i»l St-.» I'wiin.'; ii-, ili;iiiii);.ii. Mountainside—The Uuroui'li Coun- Mition. lo be built ill the rear <>l | riissini; the issues vvilli Ihe cil is expccli-d l'i introduce al its problem HUM come from the conn- | s...|M)n ,„. Suv.:!.' pel humanci tickets felj Dtinibereil key cards|hniu!l>;iR from .Jane Smith; an Au- ('(>nnly oiile ill the I'ciiti I li Wind, inidci rei'iilar ineelini; Tuesday iin ordi- **>» a treasure chest of rora mode. l. motorini. . ; r;ice set ..,...valued < n:'iicc ti. appiMpriate $11.Mill [or the The America'' Civil Liberties I'n- i* Prizes for Wcslfickl al $2Tj from I'lay Fair: a ltisi Hen U l l ''I''1' purchase of property in Central Avo. d s ... c.iiisiiK, i '•"**added attraction to- alarm clock from Sehacfer's; :m tin-' j,m (1f New .ler.• ey hr.s announced a -!;|:uniorist '" . >wa ' T ii -Ih hani" ; .loi o n received Ihe folluwitit'. reply: own. (I by Simon llelewii, which pres- i»pertial listing of some of abridged Random House dictionary I lnetin.u at II r-.m. Mondiiy at Un- •;|:uniorist. was IHII-II in linlainand isiiii Ihe haseinciil; .ilteralioiis of an- crs to bypass then, i>nd use alter-; n((W ;m Aln,,.1,,,,1 ,.„„,.„. ,MI,Mlllf,,, j „„„,,. .su,,s,;11K|;ll,, |);,,,,,IK,,, Has.s- " 'Thahk you tor Ihe I'.encrous of- cnllv is vacai'.t. • Hat will he handed out. valued at. $2i"> from the Town Book First Congregational Church. F.lmer ; j ry, fer to shire your c-'iiup;ii['.n sched- nattlirou(;e rc:,ident.ab or aboul t stiletowne Is. toI i""'y j ,„„. mi,!(1(,|s,,u; ils In-gnniinc-S liis | room lo turn it into a library, and Mayor Fri'dcriek Willielins Jr. •UBI'S completion. Store; a 330 clock radio from Station ist . (or Ihe p-'ipose of forming a film tells Ihe story of Kiii'.liind Iron) J elimination of useof a third sub ule. My own prr eledion pi;,us, siiid Mei:day ni'llil Ihi't the council Town Counciuncil lto observe the Heavheavy , , ,„ |. , |, ||, jnchul-i sliuulfiid classroom uuMairs. Chest event, under Radio and TV as well as a $40 sift j t:nion County chapter. All who are K|izab( |h ;i /;il)H icluil- were in.iuped ^esi'iiil months ,ii;ri h:is bren ne,;otiii|im; |or the parcel ecked flow of cars on just \ . . . - ,,,,,,,,,-y ,,. , , j . ,, , . *»P of tlie Retail Divi- certificate from Van's Appliance: fii! interested in the work of the orsan- and undu sil lkt s|>l ;il 0 h il;1 ;( (( <)|l( (| (i|) ( 2) and pre:-ludc adcliliouul comniil- since la.'l y.pritr;. i Coiontinuen d on )ia«e 2) j , . .,. | ,|i- laimms ; s Westfiold Chamber o( Sift certificates from Martin .level-1 jzatinn arc inviled to attend. I tl)( |)( wlllshli imS| HK'iils at (hi.; ll(> said il is .ibuiit ll."i (ret by 400 1 J"* to parlieipalinr. ers. Milady's, and Towne Fair and i j since t.- [«:'iiding shorlly after' jchlls of Dover, loll; leslivals, color-; " "I fc:*! H'.il Ihe campaii'.u pro- feet and Ihe council desires to pur- WKI !nitl tr Inc. Other prizes on the Treasurer! U(p,|:(<) to del^d the cnnstilutinnal ] Ihe pilgrims, stru::j;b' lor lilierty and ; lor in'1, the iiiir t ellecli\e means to n future mad between Central Ave. k2L J l 'P l House' Visitors i, arranged in co- Chest list, will be announced al - ' lights ol all Americans, whatever jiiiiiuy other fan-t.s of 111 ilauuia. I reach the voters of the Fourth anil Summit P.d. -velimg. inc., six-later date. j ij• • • ii- beliefs. All We.Mlieid residents, both youn- | HHivim! history thrnii«h colorful j juniors, AFSers, Wind.1 w Shoppers may collect numbered: Last .bine President .Inhnsnn s'.at- ~ Pnzos are being dis- and oid, are invited to attend the •; scenes .seemingly imclianv.e.l. Dr. "I believe ii number of critical is- (laiitccn Dance V member stores. kcy cards through Nov. 17 when the | ed in ii Ictler lo Ihe ACLU: "All fair- Open House tins Sunday at Ihe X.,.11. j Taylor n.-lra.-c.-, the yreat nuieslou-s sues fare Ibe residents ol Ihe Fourth event comes ti) an end with the post-1 minded Ameriians stand in your Aid Bond Plea 01 tlK priZ( s t0 bl and Central Ave. lirdum m 11 VM"M^ l"sl»rl"sl»ryy n«In«IU uup tto II.,II.,-- Wind i!) Ihis eleclion year. The I'llllb: •.ill play for the Sta ' ' " ins of the winnin," card numbers in debt. They know Hint the test o ohservaiu-e ofl'ir.' I>revenlion Week. :pr.'s.-nt. Id-ularly invited to speak liy JKI'F MAUN Ma-ler Pl.-ii has been adopted by j teen e.intei n d;ui( Tuesday from II K tin- windows of the participating • abihty to preserve ami expand | ;i!l ovi'r the world, be II:JS Ilires r:l J«*n: Chrkophile of The (:re still ions vvi!! welcome ll All n-'.v U'e.tlield llr.:h School jun- IIH I'liii:niii:i I'niii'd iind now re- In ll::«l |i in. in the West field High ™»e from Adlcr's: a member stores The Treasure Cbesl j freedom in Hie wm-ld rests on our ;,II avcr;i;'<' i. ability, flexibility. and ii C;LSI of 2DD youths from West- and talent. A small Kroup of parents The challenw was aeccpl'-d. '0 lljeet le-ii- ni-efis. The clinic will j Mren;-.:li .-uiil muscle (one. Tile testa 2R. '"•' and in t lie will aid them when- and where they In iiddil ion to the bund theme 1 field (let Joseph 1'. Hayes of lrvin::loii was be open i nieinlKis and non-iiiem- I an (h •..;:;;» d lo «ivc each man 'in Holy Trinity Ilii'h School auditorium, need I lie assistance. Ilivrc will be anolh.T Kpeeiid aspect 1 1 and direct. Ihe bers of I he VWW at i chaw. Pi . - ' "verall |>ii i in .• ol his ha..ic liiness And (herein lies a talle off wli.ib:- "Take Time Out" was conceived; ,li) Ibc lea. "This ye;ir we plan lo ; appeared in a iiumher , h;|U, ;| ,|pniw l;,m,M ulrluu-r cs- re;;islratIMII may b ni;n!(- iit the; I'V -1 and iiic nu! ( oiult-vteti with iltll- t •'•nvvs nil do if they fuse tbeii : v.ecks a::o v.-'icn CYO leiiders 1 I'-tY al.ihl;. Mil1 follow.up of tllCSL find lniisn:i!l.- Dt each of Ihe i-ev: junioi.'i lo Ib.- YMi'A iijiiii desl; or by rallim! tin nils" spirit and b.'.ent. j hciided by Sue Maiuuin «f Westfield j ^'. l'ren".:is!riiliiin will enablr the in- Wl.l !.|Tl ll,.iiv Itllliil 1411 dance • ' -• I ...... i ...... ,!„ f |j ,ly Tnn-: "•'.••' ""I'll ion • hr'h •t'l!o"! illl'i tea i,.,d iiilruduceliiiiilotbeKrmili." ( dividual tu rr.iTve ,-i tiitie [n'riixl for ic.mti aid Jeff Kalm junior clii.1.-: presi- iur/i (in pane 21 liis tests ami inuu.'.cl and Cive him dent. priorily for th.i1 period. All juniors, junior class homeroom Index acbers. administrators and niem- Working with the Wisllield Y sl'lf •Is of the guidance dcparlini-nt aie in tin.1 clinic v\iil be Ihe fitne.-.. I'--'- l:u i:.,-.. D rectory ... Sec•5-. 0 in:: le;nu of Ih- N'-.v.nt. ^'.\h'S rhUM-ii \cvvs Sec. t-1.- 3 N atil)n iuvi!<-d lo IIsi- 1".'i AFS stiidenls , ** Kiirj"' ' al Coininission on Safety Education of the ior Ili-h School. ! Since il was mranUod only a year r,,;;..:-j,,i;;. Sec. so inlion in the pi rfonnin:: caM, Ibc ollu'i'.-, in j Maria Mu^ea. I.udwi:; von Mutui;.. i ''""i-.-Cn'jr" " was awarded Edison Junior H>K» Their .X-l -.1 performance will In-! a:;.., tlie CYO had arran-^l nml par- 1 P'-iicaei iii fi!i!f-s Ic'-'in'. :snd hi'..- Sec. 3—2 ! a f nit riln irsi;:i!i!i"nts allied to !h'' prodii.-ti'u . i \|||-(.[|r, Ciuciii, and Ilieir hosts <'ar-1 "»JKj-cr ,° ' ''''>'is traffic safety activities carried <>" -, m.iinee "iit 3 Pi"- for diildren. i iicipale-l in a number of atb.elHV Sume of the 2«nj will duublc a.- p"i-1 „],. I'lcnty, liiive C.'lvert and l)av<-j received s|>--ri:il prni'i- ..-ioi;.il Iriiii:- l''llCll:i Scc.:l-:i S n l s lir t :i1 1 '»and ,.O"l S'b.1,,' •"'1 year' . Activities included surveys <>( tranic The Oct. 3S. 21 and 30 performanci^ i iiillural. snn;d » '< i I ! " ''" " formers and h;,ckstii;;e li« :p. i liei'iaiesl ;•!'.- '.pecial :!ue'-.ts. i::: iit the I'nivcr.-iiiy (»f lilsuok un- tiardfii Ne'vs SL-C. 3—I u r 1 " - rnordinalion ol fire-exit (iritis, and analysis 1 «'•> ' <<•;'' ! , ,,,, ,,,:n^ der Dr. Thoma - l'jnv::ni in lilnc:,-; (iHlirirics will start at « P-" - |rdltii(H:(l :m s n Th.' CYO clnirmcn of the i.irair.: Member; r.f the lea cmmiltce are .. 4 lv ; The CYO lx>ys and iiirls. vvlinsc •'" _ ' ' |)n,.,liiz(,,i i,r,skell)ail. Social ...... Sec. 2-1-8 '•ominill. -.• M.n-ar. t Kid-j l..iri H'"is. chairinan: .Janet Dor- : .,„.., ,-,,-e from 13 to IB. obtained i CI,.-.M:|.» b.a'ni'r of V>'(.:fiehl Ifiii.ii and .lobn evithia!in:i a:id ;idv ire i Spurts .... Sec. 5--4.5 L, M. . ohairmar; Sally Dov.den, Su- Sec. \ut.\.,rvWrs of a profc.-sionaMo owhnK Ix-in:! i;ivi n tin.- Y Mall lor this clinic ThcaliTS 5--2 K '.•way stiows anil look j Nfisoii of Holy Trinity. Mr. nnd .Mrs. *-ie Howdcn, SiK> Mann and Eileen il " »n Ju • " """ eitulion 1 red thetn, provide a book, music, i tumi. ^par-l (Contiuucd on page 2) Villa, and fliu Vi uulifc utoarain W'oiuuu's I asio Sec. 4^2 8'B(.ba""r "'"'' St!""'1 -S(udl'nl Gcivernmcnt Association, costume^ aad scenery. ' L(Usuu Principal (right) looks on. Page 2 THE WESTFIELD the plan to industrialize the Fourth Ward is undesirable and un- acceptable. "Spending and taxes deserve con- JJA'i V^^ tinuous attention and vigilance in or- Fabulous Value der to prevent sky-rocket ing prop- erty taxes. For example, the years of unnecessary uViay mul general 100% WOOL TURTLE NECK RIBBED + mismanagement of the town ynrd relocation problem has been ex- tremely costly to the taxpayer. Un- necessary expense will exceed $201),- 000 and almost every council meet- SHELLS ins brings yet a new announcement of an unanticipated expense. As every gcod businessman knows, lack WEAR THEM WITH SKIRTS, SUCKS, of planning and time bolli cost noney. County taxes and spending OR UNDER YOUR SUIT JACKETS must become the business of the V IN SEVEN DELICIOUS DESIRABLE SHADES Town Council as all the property owners of this town must bear the burden. k this label lias "These are some of the issues I COMPARABLE plan to discuss in detail with the now VALUE TO $7.00 residents of the Fourth Ward before identified fine clothing 5. Nov. 8." t

TRANSFERRED? since 1885! Homerica, Inc. will help JUST RECEIVED you find your next home NEW SHIPMENTS - NEW SELECTIONS anywhere in the United States without charge. — OF - OBJECTIVES: To help you find your next home with a mini- mum of effort, time and ex- To many generations of Americans, the KIMBERLY KNITS pense. If you plan to move to an unfamiliar city, or just to relocate near your present H. Freeman & Son label on clothing means home, HOMERICA, INC. will ST. ANDREWS KNITS help you find the right house, outstanding fashion, exceptional fabrics, in the right neighborhood, at GENUINE HARRIS TWEED COATS the new areal superb tailoring, and maximum value. SCOPE: Operation throughout LONDON FOG RAINWEAR the United States enables Homerica to furnish you with No clothing can offer you more. DURA-SMOOTH SHIRTS BY LADY MANHATTAN - detailed information on houses which fit your require- . . . But, John Franks offers you more than just LARGEST SELECTION IN THIS ENTIRE AREA - ments even before your first visit to the- new areal NEW "MOD" DOUBLE BREASTED BLAZERS the masterful handiwork of this fine old REMEMBER: Homerica works WITH MATCHING SKIRTS AND SLACKS only for YOU 1 All of their Philadelphia clothier . . . the satisfaction of efforts — research, reports and IMPORTED SCOTCH-KNIT WOOL SHIRS - $13.00 advice — are exclusively on behalf of the prospective knowing you will receive the courteous buyer. They have no connec- tion with the seller. It is their and expert attention that assures you of proper responsibility to guard YOUR Interests. fitting H. Freeman suits, coats and sportcoats. "or further details call the lomerica representative in the iVestfield, Mountai iside, Scotch Suits from $100, Coats from $100, Mains, Fanwood area. they will be happy to send you Sportcoats from $75. | a free brochure. joba franb jPearsali & Frankenbach, ASK ABOVT OUR FREE WEST FltLD, N. j. Inc. 90 DAY CHARGE PLAN IN OUR COLONIAL SHOPPE - Next Door to Our Men's Shop Realtors IIS Elm Stroot Free Parking In Town After 6:00 P.M. Westfield, N. J. AD 2-4700 THE WESTFIELD


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AS LOW AS . $5oo NOW $3.17 NATIONALLY FEATURED REG. TO $29.9« $11.98 NOW Vi PRICE $6oo NOW $3.87



LAY-A-WAYS ON A LIMITED BASIS ONLY - WE MUST MOVE OUR STOCK OUT FASTI! HERBERTS - BROAD & ELM ST. - WESTFIELD OPEN WEDNESDAY & MONDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P.M. ONLY Page 4 THE WESTFIELD ! Wcsific-ld, died j two Union County youths killed ear- Way Of 'Fun' j ly Snturd-'iy when their car struck October 28.29 Saturday at his home of a h«art iit- An urnvitliii:: !:<>'•!. Ur. )'• •'• f;ian- tack. He was a scll-cmployccl MKISO*: ! ihri-e trees in WliiU'lioust. 4 j According to police, the youths The perennial bill tie, parents ver- (liiinlo of X1 > ll:-.'W:ind Ave. I'eluni- building conlractor. sus offspring, will be portrayed by ec! home v.'ith h^ vviff Katurdiiy night He was a communicant of Holy ! were killed and Iwo other passcn- 1 Hers injured when the car skidded tlie Mask and Mime Club's produc- lo linil his hoi'.e :• .--liaiiiblcs follow- Trinity Church and a member of iis tion of "Take Her She's Mine" lo in:' ;•• pany ciifendei' by a group of j ouf of control in Main K!., and slym- Holy Name Society and Knighi.s of be presented in the VVeMIieid High 12 you'll.';. 'ei«hl of thim ti.eiiagers. Columbus. Westfieid Couiuil 1711. I mrd sideways into a tree. The car School auditorium Oct. 28 and 2'J at lie also rejKirk't! the theft of mure He was the husband of Mrs Lillian ; bounded ciff the tree and sideswiped i::39 p.m. than S1.50U v.iirlii of jewelry and a j two others bel'Hc coming to a halt. Rocliford (ioilhcli. Also Mirvivin:; The play describes tlie phases of record collect!'/' valued lit S1U0. are three sons. Anthony <". Jr. uf . A Kcquiem Mans was offered in I Smiivrville for IJavid Lentz, 18, uf a college girl's life and her father's The purty appfin-iilly was given Colonaa. Gerald K. of liarwowl and misgivings about this life. Varying ! James J. of Womfbridye: iwo brolh- • Ml Chaitin 'oui'l. Mountainside, by a sun ol t:ie doC'ir. police said. driver of the car. fr-oiii sophisticate lo beatnik, she : Ainun^" Ihiise arrc-lcd v\ere John ers, Kdward T. of Weslfi<-ld an.1 finally reaches adulthoud. Charles A. of Scutch I'lains: three T. Hy:in, 18. of Ml. H"pe. VV. Va.: A Hequiem Mass also was held in "It is," according to the New York K:irl Sie'iiheiin. 1«. of 17I« Houle-;, Mi's. John J. fiiciuian dl 1 I'.erkeley Heights lor .lames Hornvr, WesUield. Mrs. Warren (I. I-'erris c,l Journal Americans review of Hie , vanl: K.'cdwicl-' Spechl. !!•, of 1300 | l.->. of :.!I7 Plaii-field .Ave., Berkeley Broadway play, "pacl'.ed with funny j Boulevard, ainl Kobert JJrown of 237 I)K. I-:. MILTON STAUB j Seneca VI. .^£X2:;;;:_hmn 1BWhllelBUlcand Who will be the moderator I Kyan. ch.-tri'erl with disorderly children. | |,. , Mniintninsidf for a ycur. p|ausj|,|(, at Korum on ArlhriliK fu .Scutc-h | [oiiitucl. was fined $l"i by Magis- |(l ]iu d jr) Plains next Wednesday. The funeral was held Tuesday jil j ,[,. wns a j,,,iir,r- at Gov. Livingston I mile John M. Mackenzie Sunday. Steinhcim was turned over to the Mass in Holy Trinity Church at » ; provost marshal at Fort Monmouth , lie resided al the home of Mr father provide a setting with grca Free Public Forum j pending a hearing today and the a.m. Interment was in St. Gertrude's and Mrs Fred Snootier at the Moun Cemetery, Woodhridgc. humorous potential. other (wo were released in their own lain.side address. Leading roles include Ann d< On Arithritis To recognizance pending Municipal Surviving are his parents, Mr Jong as the daughter, Mollie Mi- Court hearint's today. Mrs. E. W. Ronecrans and Mrs. Bernard Lenlz, four broth ohaelson; Char.lene Dean as the The juveiii'es were released in Clark—Funeral services for Mi's. eis, Bernard, Kurl, Edward an( mother, Anne Miehaelson; Billi' Be Held Oct. 19 Ibrir jiaienls' ciif.lody tu await ac- Dorothy (iulomb lloscscrans, 32. of Paul and three sisters. Misses Mar Jean Sollenberi'er as the kid-si.ster tion by tlio Juvenile I'.iireau. 79 Georgia St., who died Thursday cia. Barbara ynd Doris Lent*, all o l.iz Michaelson; Marc ICdwards a: The New Jersey Chapter of The Dr. (.iiaiiijiiiMlo told police Mon- FIRE I'KKVENTION WEEK—"Sparky," the Fire Department mascot, did his p:,rl durin in JHuhlcMilKM-g Hospital, I'l-ainficld Wliitehouse. the faHuT, Frank Michaclsiin: and Arthritis Foundation will sixmsor a day that .sever-il items of jewelry, Week by explaining to Weslfirld children the ImiMirtaece of their role in preventing fins. were held Monday at 11 a The Sutphen Funeral Home, Som- Jay Newman as one of Mollic's fol ublii- fonun on arthritis for the resi- including a lady':, diamond ring val- man Williiiiu I'faihler) is pictured at Wilson School between his admiring friends, s'm'ir:" Karhrii Grays Funeral Home ill Wcstfietd. rn'ille, was in charge of arrange- lowers, Kimnelt Whitmcver. dents of Union County at the Knights ued at $l,2!lfi. oihor lings, necklaces and .Sleiihen Wallnce. At the WU Is Deputy Fire Chief Jack Dries. Tlie Rev. V> •»::.r.-. K. Cobcr of Hiements. Mrs. Louise Kosak, home econom- :if C-ohimhus Hall, Sei.U-h I'lains, and brooches were missing from a First Bairtist Church, Wostfield, of ies teacher, is in charge of costumes. jewelry box in the master bedroom. Club, clubhouse, 1:30 p.m ficiated and interment was in Fair- Sets are under the direction of Mrs. wxt Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. OCTOBER 1966 27—Garden oVparlmc?.! The record collection was taken Club, clubhouse, la view Cemetery. Westfield. Mr». William Nestor Belly Schenek. art teacher. H. M, Poole Jr. of Mountainside, from iiis daughter's bedroom, he S M T w T F S 19— Mountainside Newcomers Club Mrs. Rosecrans, tlie wife of Kd- Mrs. Mina Reynolds Nestor, 78, Tickets may be secured from a chairman of Ihe Iwaixl of the New • - - - - - luncheon, King George Inn, War- said. 1 ren Township. 29—Country Acctios ! ward W. Rosecrans, was born in Gar- of !M1 Cleveland Ave., died Sunday Musk ond Mime Club member or Jersey Chapter, in inakii>g tlie an- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 the Juniur W'uma wood. She was graduated from Saro- at Overlook Hospital In Summit aft- purchased al the door. louiiecinonl noted that the public 1 Child ili^Ilh Parleys 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19—Westfield Service League, at WcMfield, Ii) a.m-j aola (Fla. High School in 1%), aixl er a short illness. [.•duration program conducted by the ory. llahnay Aie. attended tlie University of Florida Born in Phillipnburg, she lived in i-rtluntary agency was in rcS]M>iise to To Have Additional 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 home of Mrr. Phillip Brown, 1041 Wychwood Rd., 1 p.m. and Delaware University. She was Hoscllc Park for 00 years, and was In- call for action by tin; Surgeon 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 NOVEMBER graduated from the Berkeley Secre- a member of the First Methodist J Area Residents ieneral «f the Unitol Slates in his Monday Sessions 30 31 tarial Scliool in 1954. eceut i('i)i>rt on I lie findings of the 19—Rake and Hoe Garden Club Church. Slic was the widow of Geo. An announcement has been made liome show end gardan pilgrim- 1—ColltKe Woman's Cii A resident of Clark for five years, K. Reynolds, who was in the ice Study Insurance 'on General's Workxlx>p on Pre- of the additinmil sessions of the meeting Mrs. Rosecnaiis attended UK First enlion of IXsability from Arthritis. 1 13—Westfield Service League layette ' age; 2-5 and 7-9 p.m. business for over 25 years here, and Chile Health Conferences, which meeting, home of Mrs. J. A. Baptist Church in Westfield. Wllliain C. Nestor, former postmas- Herbort .1. Irion of CM Prospecl "Tlur Stti'KVon Cenoral slated that have been initialed on Ihe. second 20—New members department of 4—Holiday liui'.'.ique sale Surviving, besides her husband, ter. St.. Lco'iard Krane of 752 Helviclere irthritis must he reeoKnized as a Lolt, 000 Lawrence Ave. 9:30 Club uf WestlicM. Fin; Monday of the month. The West- 0.111. Woman's Club, clubhouse, 12:30 are two children, Kenneth W., 4, and Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Os- ve., and Herbert W. Valter of «2i) uajor liealJ-h threat that must be field Hoard of Health now provides p.m. Salional t'hardi, Ehia Jacquelyn D., 15 months; lier par- 'lark St., have enrolled at the Vale iirmouirted." Mr. Poole noted. "He a.m. to .1 pin. car Hess of Cranford; a daughter, the Child Health Conferences on the 15—Bundle Day, Westfield Service enls, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Go- chool of Real Estate and Insurance. ailed for joint efforts by professicm- first tli'ee Mondays of Ihe month, 21—Antiques department of Wom- 9—Ktfi.'on PTA dosser!.ci tomb of 167 Slanio Brae Dr., Watch- Mrs. Hazel It. Nutley of Mountain- Vewark, for Ihe Vale Approved League. side; a son, Floyd E. Reynolds of il, official ami voluntary agencies for residents of Westfield and are an's Club, clubhouse, 1 p.m. school gym, 8 p.m. ing, and a brother, Joseph L. Go- •oiii'se in insurance. i) educate lire public- and fissure staffed by local pediatricians and ionvb Jr. oi South PlainfieW. Cranford; four grandchildren and I3-Nov. 1—College Woman's Club 10—Voutli ai'rt Kami'j Ci our great-grandchildren. Tlie Vale course is approved by omprohensive, tonjHerm cure for the District Nursing Association of coffees. 21—Weslfield High School PTA an- he New Jersey Department of Bnnk- lie arthritic. Tlie Public Forum pro- Weslfield's Pu'ilic Health nurses and nual dessert-bridge, High School Service, St. I'suii Services were held at Gray's Fu- Church. Cui'.d ftroiri. g and Insurance as a prerequisite ram which will ho conducted jn volunteers. 17—American home department. cafeteria, 8 p.m. Joliu W. Lewis neral Home yesterday at 11 a.m. 12—Mountainside NfM or stale licensn examinations. very area of the slate In coopena- Volunteers assisting in the addi- Woman's Club, clubhouse, 1 p.m. 22—Newcomers Club Hawaiian John W. Lewis, 30, of 336 Living- Interment was in Fairview Ceme- dance. Sj>riri^,fie'.d Ha ston St., died Sunday in Dutch Neck. tery. Mr. Irion and his wife, Charlotte, ion with the physicians interested ill tion;]] Child lleallh Conference held Luau. Masorlc Temple, 6:30 lave three daughters, Susan, 12, 17—Westfield Planned Parenthood Born in Virginia, lie is survived lie problem of arthritis phis the piii- Monday inornin:; were Junior Wom- 17—Colleiic Ni-.lit, V.rfi Barbara, fl, Margaret, 7, »nd a son, I'ssional training and research ac- group, home o' Mrs. L. K. Hum- p.m. by his mother, Mrs. Edna Lewis, an's Club of Westfield members: School. (36 North Ave., a sister, Mrs. Adele Mrs. Ulysses Lee Robert 2. . He is employed in real ivities umlenvrittcn by the chapter Mrs. Bruce DeMaoyer of 7G5 Austin phrey, 25 Hawthorne Dr., 9:30 24—Literature and drama depart- Blnon of that sddress and a brother, Mrs. Elnora Lee, 3G, of 910 W. estate sales with Uarrett & Crnin, •lace Now Jersey in the forefront St., Mrs. John Houtcn of 72ti Castle- a.m. ment of Woman's Club, club- 18—Intermediates dinr.p J Sixth St.. Plainfielii. died Monday nc.. Mountainside. I lhi.s major national effort." house, l;30 p.m. Hills Inn. Lerov Lewis of Elizabeth. nian Dr., Mrs. Iionald Martin of IS—Music department of Woman's Funeral services will be held to- in the Westfield library where she Mr. Krane and his wife, Arlenc, Tlie purpose of the Forum is to 1I1LM Sloncy Urook Lane, Mountain- was cpiployed. lave five child''en, Barry, 13, Andy, iresciit the latest medical and re- Club, clubhouse, 12:30 p.m. 25—Woman's Club finance commit 18. I!(—"I.a lliilu-iiw"Cpi- day at 1 p.m. in Bethel liaplisl side, Mrs. Albert Martzlotf of Ul of WeslfieW. Scotch E, A native of Plaintield, she was a 2, Steven,!), ond Mitchell and Klsic, ;earch fads on this crippling disease 18—Intermediates, clubhouse, 8:15 tee luncheon, fashion show, Church. Interment will be in the Hnrcliester Way, and Mrs. William bridge, Chanticler, Millburn. School. 8:13. Veterans' section, Rosehill Ceme- member of the Bethel Haptist . He is a inanufncturini; engineer nd lo bring to those afflicted an:l Tooliey of 215 Jefferson Ave.; Jun- p.m. with the Standard Plastic Products tery. Linden. Church, West field. She was a past leir families a belter undei'standiii^ ior Lengue of Plainfield members: 25—Westfield Service League month- The Plinton Funeral Home was in Daughter IUilcr and secretary of Co. in South Plainfielfl. of tl«' problem. More than 13,000,000 19—Fortnightly Group, clubhouse, Mrs. II. F. Meyers of 4:13 Birch PI. 8:15 p.m. ly meeting, home of Mrs. Joan charge of arrangements, Centennial Temple 24G, 1BP0E of Mr. Vatlcr and his wife, KHzu- Americans now suffer from arthritis and Mrs. P. 11. Kulin of 1 Mountain- II. McAuliffe, 105 Golt Edge, W. and n member of Hie VFW Aux- betb, have two sons, Carl, 10, Bruce. it latest scientific advances can off- view Tor. 9:30 a.m. iliary, Memorial Post 747-1. 12. and a daughter, Heltsy, 8. Il<- set permanent crippling in seven out 19—Art deiiarlmcnt of Woman's Stic was the wife of Ulysses Lee is a real estate broker, also with uf every 10 cases. and mother of Pfc. Keith M. Lee. Barrett & Grain. Ft. Penning, Ga.; Mary Alice, 528 Current nieilicnl facts on miliritis W. Broad St., Wei.lfie.lJ, and Dr.r- ill lie presi'iiled by a panel of pliysl- line. Mnrjie, Judy, Jeffrey and Lin- Dislricl CoiiuuissioiH-r 'ians uit<'ivsted in the l.i eatinc'iit of da all at home. Her niolher, Mrs. Ta Address Paronls he disease. The topics to be dis- Mnry Susan l'.abinson, lives at 632 Al Hospilnl llort; ussed will iiit'lmlf! The Overall At- Downer St. hritis Picluiv. The Surgical Ap- Funeral arrangements are by tiie Charles Wcen;ny, district commis- roach to Arthritis, Research and Plinlon Funeral Home, 411 W. Broad sioner of the N. J. State Helinbilila- • finical Management, and Hehabili- St.. Weslfiold. lion Commission, will speak at a ilion in Arthritis. parents meeting to be held at thu Dr. K. Milton Slaub, director of the Children's Specialized Hospital Wed- '}iilclr<'ir.s Specialized Ihi.spit;.il, Mrs. Frank Mills nesday, Nov. 2 at a p.m. The com- ainsido. and the lirst. reeipienl Mrs. Mary Jane Mills, 49, of 313 mission deals will] vocational re- >f the Chapter's Robert Wixxl John- FOR ALL TIME Woods End nd., died Saturday at habilitation for the physically am! ou lluinanitarian A wait! for his out- her home after a long illness. She mentally disabled and aids people "landiiw service to childn-n with all A Barra Guild Certified Monument was the wife of Frank L. Mills. In planning their careers und fu- types of crippling diseases, will mod- Is carved from Select Barre Granite A native of New York, Mrs. Mills erate the i>riigrain. Oilier panelists resided here for six years, com- tures. end guaranteed for all time. It is your This should prove of interest to will be Dr. James Robinson, Intern- essuranco of a beauti- ing from Middletown, N.Y. She was ist and Itiieuni;iti/loi!lst <>f Summit; a communicant of Our Lady of all parents, even though your child ful and fitting monu- is young. Dr. Pcniiin;;l(m Warier, orthopaedic ment to those you love. Lourdes Church, Mountainside. Prior lo lier illness, she was a AH interested persons are cordial- surgeon of U'e.^lfield; Dr. Norman See our fine monument ly invited lo attend. Sehaclel, consultant in Pliysical display. Monuments director of the Wcstfield-Mountain- side Chapter American Red Cross Medicine ltehabililalinn aL Over- and l«a

Competence Creates iffatrutan Confidence

Eatahlished t8f!8

Ono of New Jersey'* finest cemeteries— Non-profit and Non-ttclarian


FUNERAl DIRECTORS Supt's Office Executive Ofllc* lltiO E. Broad St. WESTFIELD CRANFORD 125 Kbn Street William A. Doylo F. H. Gray, Jr. AD. 2-0781 AD. 8-01IJO Gates Closo at 0:00 p.m. 318 E. BROAD ST. 12 SPRINGFIEtD AVE. Phono AD 3-0143 Phono BR 6-0092 THE WESTFIEI.D (V. J.) LEADER, THCRSDAT, OCTOBER 13, 196« T»gt 5 ! and Mrs. A. rx^Obeltis; Tamaqu/js. Fried Seeks Fund ; Boy Scout Car Wash . .Mrs .luiin Coak'.ey and Mrs. A. Ni'ci!!emoir. vVashm^lon. Mrs. Wil- liny Semi! Troop r.O wi'i conduct Eii-.iii ollfrron: Wilson. Mcs. CJeorge , a car ua.-:i S.i:i,!-cl.i> hun: [I ;i.ui. 10 To Defray Public 1 \ l>:-iMe ;,..d Mrs. K..berl lianks. I S I in. ;ii iho MtuMi;;;!r-i(i>' branch v uf \;itni?:;ii U.irK n! *A . .-{he'd. The The cl-.lldn-n aiv r.tH iM m>ittedy into the J liiv auditorium l ;n-er.!s luv asked lo ; 'ek up LIM-II- tl\e.iU'r-(;oei"s prompt- I !',t, n Cuwiiv Freeholder Arllmr Th troop cor-.^il-le .-il the ciiiK-Iusiiin of the pirfonn- (' Flu-! v. i;i ,:>!, ;h,. Ho,ird of Free- | u-ill -t.i.-lii!i!. l-\i!Uuv >'u.i!.-l> '!'<.' i\(i arr !l e y.-IUnv back- i ••':•• ti"«' < M.iJc ::i;nl to Iimmce a ground iiUm i!.,-i) Au *v* 1'Jl.hc !; •al:!i suney recommended TO BUY OR SELL, USE lur !!-,(.- e*>t.:;>l,iMuniy' by tin1 freeholder- LEADFR CLASSIFIED ADS ~ *. ar:.o«!iieci Pul' Advisory GOP's ^Breakfast *Ml- Comir.ilUv. ; '''Ik- o>:iiii:iiiee I-Yicd said, con- • siders ihe survey vilnl to the needs Of Champions' of ;ltc r-'-urty. The results of such Be Sure a siirwy would be distributed to mil- Due Saturday in;cip:;l hen!-,h hoards and other mn- ' nu-iiKil officril.: HI ihe ee.ti:ily [or f \Ve:| ield Msvur Uoh.ert II. Mill-i ! iwnii <:nd recommendations. reany ;i'ul civ.ini-sl e;in<%8i*38ri:3*fe< • Hie fi-echo'.di-is a couutYwide pro- a "KreciM.ts! u! Chiiinniuns" to imi- i | rram for effective public health. fv Republican c;indid:Mes on local, j . Frk'd «-|io lie;ids the freeholders' county and Coiv;ivs:.iiinal u-ams. it Jr. Theater Season Opening Saturday; Ask | Department of Health and Welfare. I was anuoiimed loday by l.oree Hip' ', said the crention of a consicc comity- I Collins leuly-eleeted Union County | wide program of health M-rvices ! Hepnblieau,.i,,,i>ii n chairman. Children Will See The Magic Fiddle' Jack Parker Hlgb V-Teen officers are shown above al the YWCA as they prepared thr program wuuld allow municipalities with pop- The GOp elected officials-nil in- I ulations under 2S.IKJ0 to qualify for cumbent Hepublican mayors and of- T1H Junior Theater season will Su(>on ision in Ibe auditorium will about this question: | federal funds, lunv a\ailal)U- only fice holders on county and Congres- t*}**n Saturday al 2:30 p m in W»^^t-lie prin IIUHJ by einiunittee ropivsen- to boards of health serving: 25.1KK) field Hijjlt School alldilorium uitii lativcs and monitors frmn all vW- I understand that no "home- Driver Suffers Culs age." Ihe Hepublican freeholders sional u-wls -will meet with the Schedule pointed out. or mure residents. Hepnbliean mayorally and munici-11K' piv.s<-niklren in firsi, socoiul and third Ili-owiiie Tnx>|) iilii will lead I IK- O|K-II- each I'r'oii Coi.-nly municipality to other domestic employee, and year Of Scotch Plains—Freal A. Mack. 41, when Ihe project becomes a reality, aid work toward a Hopnhlienn victory, Kradiw <>f Wcslfh'kl <'li>monkiry ini; cxi' The piauD Will be of 1300 Overhill St., Weslfkld, es- assuming the Democratic Congtes- He noted th::t it could affect 14 (lie new chairman said, in announc- schools who bold S<>ric« I tickets will played by Hi-tsy Cue. I don't want to ritk having to ed Events caped with minor injuries yesterday sional delegation lias il passed, it communities l-i Union Counly. They inc. plans for !he breakfasl. which allend. Doors Hill open al 215 p.m. andpay for such an injury out of my when bis car flipped on its roof at will mean a tax on the working man are Berkeley Heights. Clark. Fan- "The Mii^ic Kiddle" is an the prDdudion is exiKHMed to end iit 1 is set for Saturday al H:ir> a.m. ul own pocket. Is it true that an Front and Myrtle Sts., police report- wood, (iarwoot . Hillside, Kenilwurlh, I alt' wrilten in the tradition of Ihe lilies at the YWCA and on scores irf MuUivils who travel the Sla".e House Jnu. Scotch Plains. :):•!;•> p.m. Sinco this scries st>Hs out inexpensive Workmen't Com- ed. Iairy tale uilli u King who sttfl'ers c j«l many events arc on the parkway lo reach colleges .Moiiiitainside, New Providence, Ko- "The fliiMiBl'- of Ihe parly is the al Ihe time of the tickel sale, most .'.elle, llosetle I'ark, Scotch Plains, 'i-or'i K'«il. a wickeni 1'riiiK' Minister, i)f the schiwls have waiting lists of pensation Policy will »olve my Ml for the year. In ad- Mack told police thai he fell asleep they attend. candidate und the slrciiKth of the £ regular rfub program, while driving v.-est in Front St. The Springfield, Summit and Winficld. candidate is the party." Mr. Coli-t Ix-autiful PriiKH-ss in dislivss, mid dis-'tpiMiinled cbildivn. problem? include an Hawaiian vehicle jumped the curb, then struck "They v. ill he paying to ride on a lins commented while announcing hi'i-o named "l-'i-KldU'." I-'nxldie Ticket holders who will be unable highway which was paid for by of new members, a utility pole support wire which thai the chairi'ian of the breakfast Ix'friends H M;ijiie Klf and receives to allend iii-e asked to contact the r their tax dollars and is again being 1 „„;. j«n< programs with caused the car to turn over. meet in ,' will be Assemblyman Nich- from him a Mnjjfc fiddle which Junior Tlwnler llcpresentntlve in BARRETT & PARKER, Inc. paid for hy their lax monies," they toid-winlcT vacation trip, The driver suffered minor cuts of olas SnMil .lohn l,a Corte foi'ti'er lays hy ilsolf but lh« kiiul of music their .school. The ix'prcsiMM'atlvt.'S asserted. INSURORS ja with teenagers from Crunford mayor, who has won elec- it plays depends U|x>n Ihe characler are: Ciihm>bus. Mrs. Aldfl (Vrone; the mouth. 1 ft and Hie annual inoth- The incumbent (iOI freeholders tion by wide margins as u local and if th<- {xM-Min holdini! die Fiddle Kranlilin. Mrs. William Knelling; iVith Its help Knildie triumphs over 43 Elm Street * banquets. said tho worst phase of the tolls to stale candidate. (Irani. Mrs. Col>b Mi(m>r; Jefferson. lKMiiiiiK I'rlino Minib-toi' nml wins Mrs. .l.uni's DouKher und Mrs. I.Weitfiold AD 3-1000 lit ihe joar include Car- be inlhcted u'i many hundreds of "The candidate rhisesl to the peo- GOP Trio Pledges he IUIIKI of the l'rincess Klyse- in Vone/lo: Lincoln, Mtw. John Hob- AffHIMrri trilk i. president of the Inter- county motorists, is recognition of ple—in this case the municipal gov- llnrrftt A t'rnln, Hr»l«kr« Ihe fact thai many cannot pay the i litzell; Mi-Kiiiley, Mrs. George- Ityail & j»l Karen Danker, vice erning hiily candid;.U's in each town tolls and will food adjoining roads ior club officers in- Continuing Fight —Is a true slrentMli uf the party." which are nol equipped lo handle jrj Carlisle, president Assemblyman I.a Carte said. "We're heavy umrniir.; and cw-ninii flows (trice president; Linda planning a '.skull M-ssiun' for the ex- On Toll Program of traffiu. They said ('lark, Cran- change ul idc-is and a discussion of jHTeiary, und Randi LAST THREE DAYS! ford. Hoselle. I'iiisello Park, Kenil- local problems which, in turn,, are KSKT A continuing fight against tolls vvorlh, t.'rkin ,—ncl Hahway will be Cfcbofliccrs aif Sara Beth affected hy '.-oii'-ly and stale prob- for the Union County suction of the vitally allccted. lems," .snitl Awmhlyman I.a t'orle, SPECIAL GROUP OF GIRLS' BOYS' NEVER IRON sxW; Wendy Smith. Garden State Parkway was pledged who has eartied ;i reDiilaliou for ded- I. Cindy MeglMiglilii.. The fieeholdi-r trio said they will CHINO SLACKS loday by Republican Freeholders icrtterl service \n has shovn no '.:>neern tor the wel- duly of Hit* p-iity to JM-I our candi- fare of I'ninn Counly residents, they | Unitarians Slate dates eli-eted- and we're j^oing to Va off the board, ehorj-'od the heard ma pr. [lit >nd senior high dubs said, piiiiitinu 1'iat Ibe I'.uKway 3 jority bad urged defeat of the toll do just that. Loiters of ir.vitulion iWA on the second and Cultural Center is eo.-.tini: Ihe stale Reg. $6.98 to $19.98 Reg. to $6.00 measure only after pressure b;id I Talk Sunday By have been sent to all ltepublicui Bf'5 of llic moivlh wjtli three million '<"• I'l'ldci^ an- IhePrior to becnining producer-direc- Hrt 9:30 to 5:30, Monday to 9 P.M. mimirily reproentiilivi-s on Ihe tor of the Chancel Players, Mrs. counly .'iovernin;! bedy. Scholier was n founder and for three years director of the Wnlrhiing Play- ers of Bloonifield: -i former direc- tor of the Knst Orange C'liildren's Theatre. She also teaches private John iranks classes in acting unit direetinj!. This WtSTHILD - t>lAIHFItLO summer Mrs. Kcliober wa? a resi- dent dircctm- at the Barn Playhouse, 2nd I.I. l>hili'> C. Thomaj .Jr., 24, Stony Point. N. V.. where she slaged whose narcMls live at 22!iC. Stoeker a season of summer stuck with an l.ane, Suotcb Plains, eoni|)Ieli-.).!)5 to Mn.OO • EVENING GOWNS AND Eduction Shoes from. fl.',.'J5 DELICATE FINERY HOUSE SPECIALLY CLEANED ALSO IN STOCK • KNITS CLEANED AND FIORDS BASS WEEJUNS BLOCKED Scotch for Men and Women 0 whisky FORMAL WEAR RENTAL SS PROOF

EM 7 A.M. TO 7 P.M. MON. TO SAT. That's why we recommend Hagerty ... the world's most NOW, respected name in silver cere. 99 flfTM /idler's Bottled in 207 E. Broad St. AD 3-1171 Scotlstnd , 219 North Ave. W. Westfield . -." Importeil Mlely by . <- Open Monday and Wednesday Evenings MU'rnKianil Brana's, NwJtk. N.J. PageS THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1966, • REAL ESTATE FOR REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • « REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE •

DANKER & DANKER, ATWOOD REALTY EDWIN O. EDWARDS C. B. SMITH, JR. WILLIAM BARRETT & CRAIN RANDOLPH- Inc. TWO KI.M BTREBT A.QJ NANCY F. REYNOLDS PEARSALL UK A I.TOIl Realtors Realtor 436 WIEGMAN CO. (Cor. Nortk and Kim St. Av«. ASSOCIATES 112 Elm St. btn of Uulllplc 1 l»lr I.I'tlOB »rmttv AD 2-2500 REALTORS We«»fieJd Mountainside Mulrlplr IJ.IIIUI Mcmbrm ill Cco'rlil Ave. 149 ELMER STREET Member of The lA AD 2-188 AD 3-1800 1K1 Huumalo Atraar, W>»tO«ld SUGGEST . . . FRANKENBACH SfultluU i.ialiUK t>)itrm WESTFIELD UNDECIDED? INC. ADams 2-«609 AD 2-9300 "THE OFFICE WITH THE ADams 2-4848 You needn't be. Bring your»(-jf ESTABMBHKD 1923 PROJECTED UNITED FUND up to the minute. Check i.ur photo-rile for alt multiple ll«i- COLOR PICTURES" Hrtnbrn PLEASE PLEDGE NOW! POLISHED COLONIAl luKH and H "f<-w more." fciuun- Multiple Listing 8y«trm cliulve oKeririb-H in; Wnllrld Scotch I'l.ln EACH OF THESE HOMES With a 24' llvlUB ri«.m, wooil REAL CUTE PnaiOTOod Moufttalaald< l.tirniiiK lirv).lli''<-, larKt- (liJiinK 115 Elm St., AD 2-4700 MORTGAGES?? OFFERS SOMETHING ruoni, ni'iii+rn kinlnji with «;tit- AND BRICK TOO J11K ^I^al•^•. J.aiKC Brl*ciH^U ujiil Klusxi'J uori'li. Tliri'c udt-(juat<' Mwnbtn IXspllc all Ihc iiulilli'ily ii).tj,,l A LITTLE DIFFERENT iM'ili-ourrm. lilml bath. Tliiu LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP liii-lt of ruitrt^jiK*- funilh, li'-ni'H Yuu can have either tlirct- or S li.niHir i« in <:undltioTi. -J of hi "ur iil'tii iirt' Hllll m'lliiiu r..ur l..*(lrooniM with two l.athn 2-CAR ijwniT aiiyu "ill. liasi Just re- In thin lntfr*iMt in^r ilwilliiiK Homerica, Inc. i i-iii.-iitiilivi-ly Ii r I M k 1 y . find iiUi:t:U i»m:c to $^U,!iOO. LOOK THIS 81'MIAY . . . VICTORIAN CHARM. HHiHl c.r lln-in "in- IM-IIIK IIIIUIII-- CAR. niiii- K<>K cc.urxc cil. It Iht-ri- Is any i|inhli»n In in s-'i.ifli J'JuitiK. Jt IIHH u truod HOlfii; ClfEV AT UO4 MKT- .Realtor* NATIONAL HISTORICAL nizi-il living riM.m with lirt'iilari'. TJic lnHgnifVent renter tut II, your nilii'l tilxnil >'i>ur ;il'llily $21,900 Offering Forty-Four t.. jiiti( liiiHt- Ji iM-iiii- ul I his EDUCATION WEEK si j.iiK- pit iM'llfil (iiiiln*,- room Mi;i.ll AVE., SCUTCH PLAI 'tur.^'Vi'rM j'lB< XUv 30' IIvine room, 20' dlnlnK till"-. lil.UM! fi-fl \Mlc.irn- to (nr l..-.]ii'i.rn). musliT hi'droorii. room and 24' porrh urr koy fen tJli-il l>nlh mnl fcilvliPii with lur.-H of this tlnu liouw tint Year* of Experience coim- 111 Juhl loi Infoijiiii I icii. Tin- t'Jiiltlrt'ii of ttH* AIUCTI<-HU I11OM l,0O PM TO 5llM» I>M . . . If r% Ul III lu|MriiH<,ii it 1 tli our ullh liri-iiliii'v. Hunrooni. rji^litli'M urt- two l.i'drnomK 1*53 FO1II Bi:i>llOOM I1AN( Jl nji;tridUr«ncnH. Of inurm*. I h'-re i-.».r... .IHI. I.IIH- Is It - ttliHlutv 4U rjumir, Mrn. llnifc«'l I'icMire wiixlf.w In pretty llvln am! bath, hirKf rcin-ut lull ruoin JK a I!tsI lloor d<-li nml il, m WESTFIELD with .-iillriK Hpli'"'. t).]''-t' Umil. IIIIM |.liut«l . well att the HVIIIK ri>"m. him i ulilH. Kxi-i'lli'iil nimnuliiK COLONIAL BI-LEVEL our i:t J;in» Strrvt uti\vv (n .| Urtir c.lf or ulilili 1« |»alitlli(i ih- >4-ai-"ld Ka» fiu-iiacrc; and u rirfplur-c. JU*druoi»n Kttl«»ri*. 3 M M j r<-|- 1 alilivd l.uyt-r. dclacln-il nainM<*. • IOOM SI ITK. ADIIKII IN 1WUI. liatlm. 100' plot will) trevB. ?li&, $39,900 ( \v]ii<-li cvirliwkK |MirJt-likL- ri-Ji S0O. lii li.tnor ur \it() This I'linrniliiK lioini' I" "" " *vhl«h «iir-i-lt'M it iiiunlciil (luiuf. KiiU- Hint uui. One tiltir-k t HOMEPLACE I 1IJM>-Iiri>uinl jiml "It Wlll-nv GLASS 1'-|.A(,S1O\B PATIO... CI..VC- |:nail. Tin Moor will IncluilfM Mttcriil ••) it iiiMiru- Wj.ahingtc>n Sclii.'.l. l'rictd t $26,900 hr ol hiU-ri'Ht lo kiii'l^ iiMiil- *u«l HII.M I I.HINII'I II Bi-11 /or only I24.HUU. IHMH STVUli WOOD PAN- of laiuiM.K. A vt-i y Kijinious Hm( mtrricilvi- M|»IU whli'h I li oi»i $28,900 A LITTLE WORK liiilriM.m. |n>u'ili'i' i"' 'i"l KLI,KU LIVING IIOOM WITH BEDROOM C0| hiu fu*nli»A«d In •*•> rru ritmily rnoni HIT nl Ki'-'nt'l li>K > wlii-n «»MftMUiunMlilp »VIIM n itVll, Ulnl tlH' ll[l|MT IcVll lM illl Hi- Hjiluii- tbf I fur IM-1|»- Mlllifr «•" pplrie. Th«"t* l>i-d- Knur IX'III-'M.IIIK. 2V4 l>:i I tin. nini- AND THOUGHT i.ex; ULII.M.VI; FIICKIM.AI !,. rooiim. twu ImlliN. Mtin«'luuM iilicn mni'li cl'HiBli "Illi .< lini' itiH In |MT|M-t«lllI>- Illl* tllfll(or> ily full liiim'iiii'iil- Inimi- l.rilionniK 2 InilliH. llvitiu' looiri. ol nur |»m.i«.«K lifrlliiKi- mill iliini' ..<•< iii.iui.y. Very IIIKI l''an- NEED MORE ROOM ? llvlnic (Un-iilnrr) romn. illn- iliiilm; nioiu. IIIKI hiiiil kllilKti. lltr>|>i* tlK lililli> IIM |MiMM|lilr n III CAN MAKE THIS ONE VVlKi'l 1 I. I" U t i 't II cl'JHO tU all Inic ro»m. Hi«-«f kitchen, A v••!•>• rlKhl |.rks- lor « v.-i-y liuw II fliniicc lo "limit l>>" mid litlKe ri-ur jul«iiiHl*-d pilrt-h, 1 Four bwlroomr s mid two liulli IIAI.I,, BL'lIa,T-l.\ Tlit't" JlUIIlL*. »!• ** tin- lot* re Minn IMMI vwlwrf ul dre|» pl««, <-l««r •« Hcolt-h In llil:i ll). i3 luniii' in 1'uiiivom A DREAM HOUSE I $27,500 I'lfllna M-IIUUIH, liunirulule lU-lii* lit ttlntnrlt' Ilihrtnt. iiour ni.-h^i)ltt; Blioit is-alk t I 1>" I' H U A I, L.AM>SCAP1.\<., Ait llMllllI, ttrttmt I,<-MI) II Anil lawn. J.ivliiK ruoni. liliilnK ri»on, FRANKUN 5CH - $30,800 - MOUNTAINSIDE ltn» i» lit (-»•(! In (hf biiclcKriMinil larttt NJMI- tlm.r ruinlly ri.uin FIELDSTONE & FRAME MANY TUKK8. KMIM.OVKII Mi* vi-r if I «lit IT i-uhirn i>Jf bom**** Full kant'tilcnt, utliicrhud Blirum l.-...... /•,.!«„_ HIGHEST ELEVATION for NUIL-. Spilt lovcl, 8 yfiara old, 3 bed- Near nchuul. S^u.'JUU. URGE LIVING ROOM WITH OWNKI) . . . Ol-TlOltH H\COl H- I'"!' Hr.-i.u,. •„ CUSTOM DESIGNED rooms, 146 bath». Kecrcittion $30,500 A(.KI) . . . IMIICK »ao 5OO. room with an extra luilh COLONIAL RANCH FIREPLACE r grade level. Near the f>4 t>ua. $49,000 COMFORTABLE • lu-ilror>m Srolc ll !•lulll GOOD SIZE BEDROOMS no.\'T BUSS THIS 4 HANTj; SPACIOUS WONDERFUL FAMILY ll, IT•ii k do, iri-l|thl(tir- $26,900. roonm. ]' u n v 1 1 f <1 rfcrefilloi 111 W.-Mll.l.l _. ,,„.. H25 " Scudilcr. W.HtM.-l.l -- urn. K !»»w i hoiill, IK rrtmvly vlrliii. linn rwom, MltuchC'il siiraK*-. Jtruull S225 •• jMtn. Avi'., Su. 1'litliiH tll hern trembly (I^rorjitril uud SCOTCH PLAINS ful deep lot, trciin. J2(i,'JU0. BEAUTIFUL LOT IN ;-...olil ... bo^ Three Bedroom Colonial *aill) " Mm. Avp., MtKldo. lame yunl. SI,). , fann mui'll «<» OIVIT. '!'hr<>r A KANCH HOME $32,900 *3<>U " HoUIn Huuil. .Mt*l. NliiifliMiM hi'tlrotfiim, grrm-lmiN "Stone's throw" from School FANWOOD TELL US llvlnjr riMim wllh Itrrvlucr, ON A HALF ACRE rilnlHK r-n, Panelled Recreation Room $32,900 (mi* (KTP inndHoftpiMl and tri'Pil LOW PRICE OF $22,500. tirrlly fllrcl hnlli. ptrndcr Living Room with Bay In ficiuitffill K<-ulch I'lu-lria locu- YOUR FAVORITE room, u l» - ll n < e il kllrhrn TO DVT, gRI.L. RRN1 OR $34,500 ivllb rxc-rllrat cullnic «|MH-f Jmiy trri'H friimc thl« fitlnir- Dining Room/Chair Rail tion rontor hull, llvlnu room CHARM PLUS llvu home iK'iir lln' K"if <•!»'•. wltli lli'fplace, three beilroojiiH, INVEST, CALL. 5 BEDROOMS - 31 STREET I « 4 < I (' funt The MK HvliiK nuirii-illiiliii? Sepnrate entrance hull, pretty DEN-2-CAR OJ lovrlr wiill-<«-wnIl **nrppl, ruiim hiiH a pli'turo wlmlnw 11 v I n K ni(im with llrP|>1aee, vvrluoKlliK 'I 1< "• I"IT|1"';'1 Ideal for Young Family ATWOOD REALTY II'R Just pastil hie that wo can nlfe lot, fl«ne l» •t-huwlli. Htiuitre dluJiiK: room, intuJfr SPIFFY COLONIAl Wist Hi 1,1's I.In..,!,. s liltliictllute puini'liHluu if tlf- TOII-II. TIUTO nr« 3 KU"<1 l'i'"- kitchen, K<"Hfl*-- level recrt'iitlo Men I li-r 11 lurcr lit: comu up with the homo of ytnir • Ireil. rumiiB, 2 bullm. and u biiBinunl room. Their© are three IXMI ADamt 3*2222 dreamt* on the fit reel of your pluy room. I'rlvju'y HIIU (iuU't In rooniB. Mauler toolroom IIHH K FIREPLACE choice. Let's talk It over. uud nctfjltborhuud. own lavatory. Tile Hour 1 tpttaoment; double tfitrimo. Menu I $39,900 tlfnlly Hhruhhod plot. Hi-otcl SEPARATE DINING ROOM Mnry I'nlmrr 2;i:i-(l74l $52,900 rialnu, ajvpruxtnnil fly 1 ucru M. U. Wick 332-0170 Just liaLod ul ja^iuu. MODERN KITCHEN ll.inilv f.,r end EDWIN O. EDWARDS rellfMit AV«Kt fluid locntlon* Gllw K*°Atwood SPACIOUS SPLIT "WrCHWOOD CIRCLE" four ln'iirofimn, 2',{| lmthB, IIITKP \Vr>MiiM KMi'.l fl FIVE YEARS OLD fniiilly imiin, niniliirn cat-ln kit- THREE LOVELY URGE ully M.-ll I'limiimi 112 Elm St. $44,000. chen, two-cur guruge, lurtjo lut. Hraltor mrmbers of tbe • •I'llli-r ll.ill, K|iur|.-i $30,900 BEDROOMS Wrstllrld Malllplr Lblloi and AD 3-5555 Ckusuber ol Comnerc* nri- 4 I'll; 1,«tlrc-Bii Thin *R*y lo llvr 1n, t-xrrl- Sturdily Built Colonial JR. HIGH SCHOOL AREA Al Pkll ili-n. Inniily ni..m. : HvenlwcMl GOOD CLOSETS i-.l ^.ti;ii:.. iii.J l,-i Iciitly in nlnt Dined inotliTii Winifred H. IMirudi Al> I-MTB On Circular Road hotitp li«» t-fntrnl olr-cmi- Until M. fliivrn Al> a-WW:i \(lontt'i|i Valuo KrckiTw! Vnln dlltoniiiK X Niiltrj dn>M> • . .Tin*** nli-c Doris M. M»tlhlt»»cn Al> •i-BOKt PANELLED RECREATION - RENTAL — Pine Panelled Playroom $51,900 )r to cvi'ty Uilnji. <>I»J>OM1I (»4>ilrnin»« n»'1 bndi 4i r k rn n In hilii^ V.'cisiHflcl' cn-Multe with thf nuiMtrr With Fireplace * -KOBt n.H <-ollt-i-lloii. I.-Ivc ln-il ROOM FOR SALE WILLIAM A. DEC. to APRIL luMlriium) . . . I.lvlnK mum. 111 ruoniH, wuixl burn Inn; ttrfplac dlnintr roinn, 1urfit> fniully Kitchen/Cherry Cabinets (V IT hull r-nii.inl;HI. four I'll II'D UlltllS nlly lit II VIIIK room: <-onifottn).l Rrilttt r inn it , > > I'»m_C)I1O lloor. !«•(. I.C.I ( More to Tell, May We? lie r<•t-rcu llllll n mi n, nl :l<-n. 2Vi hittliH. 1'riciMl tit HCI room liomo with llri'iiluci- Ii Yen, furnlfliuul rautii nffert'i limnilry rtnnn, uHrn-nnnUrn ll ,'<-tli>K In ADAMS Bun. fJ7&. per munth. LEE K. WARING I I'll lil 1"- ... !)•> cult tu bear inure. jiii . 10x I'.'IICH I w I'HllU' cluiU-0. »U,a0O. FA 2-811i. CIl til m I'loH Hi •in ii>la. Truly AND SCREENS FOR PORCH Ample I'.rkl.t IN sunoii 1 M 11)1 rcH cxli^r 1,1 r. TOP LOCATION KXKCIiTIVK'K modern lirlrk Ckltrlra W. llnkM EXPANDED RANCH Our ofTlrp JIHH in* op^nltiK f° I«IH-II. 3 WoilrooniH, 2^4 Imtlm, Imnnrltr rrrfortt mcuiic luttTCrili'd In ucjliii, $26,900. llnlslidd iKtHcriicnt. u-car s;LraK<' DarbArn Murmr 1,nciU«' Delimit Prices range $200-$400 CONSERVATIVE MINDED? umiHUiit homo llm JUHI over IH uiipurciit HIMCM* nil four In-fi- Realtor Ihr \V*Mttlrlil line In il«-«lr- rm) nm nru twin Blz4'it at li'Ut Just Call AD 2 or 3-1800 149 ELMER STREET H. CLAY FRIEDRICHS, Inc., Realre ntil«* Wiinllntr iironk Mrrtlon htiKu IIVIIIK r«MiiM with hiilU- Then we'd nuffgpfit you chock of Sciitrh IMIIIUJI. Then* nrc nnil Ilrrplurc, family (lini Mrliiticr Mnlllplf I.UtlnB Sjntrn 232-4848 with us for more detftilB on ttirre In. jt« lt*dr*iniimi in'« l-niilil. (Kcr 17' llHPiltru lUtili 111 (riilrnl Arc. Our 39lh Year tlicae: ltrrttj' tllrd bill hit <]I)UM n llrnt ll- half IPUDIH, almnilant i-lnwl ftiui pnnrllctl fnnilly room >vhlt>h 1 Bt*>rnj?" KpiK't , civfiwlzt'tl iwu. Al> 2-0:lOO I.HOlclle A. Grhrlrln .. .232-781)0 4 BEDROOMS AND FAMILY ROOM $23,250—Dignity In Fanwood. h nn mi cu t c r t n I urn i>nt <• **n- t-ar K'aniK*) ton unirti'). hot M. A. MERCNER «rr ft-nturlitK » iimlntHntiy water lictithim, well KHMIIIUMI Elmer C. Hchmnlenbrritrr $25,900 |2fi,00O'—On Fulriicr^a Ave. tt 1> 1 f ;1 MIMIII ~ nrul hltlilcn litir). ll, pliiHtvr tlirnu^lu'iil. Mulu _ INSUIIANCE 2.1.1-2(110 Tho owner of this cliarmlilK mnl epai'lon.-' ' l"' ^ 'I'hf llvlnur rttinu IK -X plim thin )mm« one liial will )itivi> ttc P«p^ier ....AD 2—4753 pn-lly Knnwn

    i;t' 'itlitH with UrcDltH-f. u new twiici' qiilfkly. $3i),M>0. "COLONIAl-IN-LEVELS" Ailier* O. linnkrr rnll (linlliK rnmn nnd kitchen with callni; i|'« >• • '1 he illnlfiff riMint In MIUICIIIUM 1 $28,000—In MountuliiKStlQ $35,900. 232-1146 living room, family room. 2 bcilroonis .ui'l tal.-.l l'^« nnd Uicrr IN Ki»niiifurtiil»lr 1(1* Mi>rrcnrrl Spacious Modern Home Ilnrry T. riHnkcr jmrrti and hvn-cnr RtiritK* Not(* the pluses. I/Jirnc n't' room And AD 3-3403 ?24,800—Harding St. complete till* nice lUlinff. (1 :ix-ti>. Ku 11 ll-(!^r tviirafic. li Four Bedrooms — 2V4 Baths 755-3864 bathft. I'iMitrulIy air cumltUon "NEW ENGLAND SALT BOX" II. nul [fully )nncf «-ur 1"- t *-^- FOUR BEDROOMS Basement Work Space Interior contains a lnreor than avenicr Hvir.p '•"•-,m iifiKhborliood of comput-a full dining room, rotiwood pan JAMES J. DAVIDSON Hrrplai-c. (lining roam, kltrhrn it tir»t ty ^T?'f\ i IN PRESTIGIOUS Now Vacant — el led family room adJohiH all Htalrs are a lovely hcilrnnms and tiK-iI b;itn. n.^>.••• electrln k Itchoi and laundry Realtor wllh playrocni mid lavatory, STONEHENGE WESTFIELD RANCH and "Key on Rack" Cent nil air condlt louhm', ;t lire M. A. MERCNER plticcH, H u n *1 c i- U , patio wltl ' Member of th« $50,500 A very prdty mnl well-ma In- outlt-ln harticnuc, water sol t • "uc-tj rnni-li on Mnlniwk Tr«iH. HI'.AI.TOH — nvsunANri-; ener, rlrct rlc j^ariiKC dmirr Multiple LOtlDK 8r»(em IOVELY, IARGE SPLIT IEVEL Oh nn mmicrn, luit uh HII nlor ciitraiu-n lit.11, h*rj;o llv- Mriulirr Mulll|>lr I.lHtltiK wall-to-wall cnrpotlnir, lot)' : DIVIDE BY 14? ftrncloilNt I.tiruri' Itvlnp rnmn R12 Iludley Court. Wea1m'r nnnly, hy owner. Call Ua3-STD MAW FINES LISTINGS ^rnrrrul boiv iviin1*)»T) t illti- l $39,000 4 K« lll'drdlllM. Ki't'l'CIIOll 1 >'»••( fur appointment, This mnilrrn. 4 hnlr ' ,, '••] Will your plcdRo to Uin lt\K runmi «*xijt(tKlto pitn- itiiloil olT IIIIIIIIK room, un.1 Hirt railed Kuml KIV«> ftich cllcil fiintll}- riHimt ttTo-riud- living hns a llrcplaccr anil a HI n-i-n, il l , _ ,f,L v iio isit-tn Httchon. Full Uixv- 10-fi-t llI1! ot tho 1* AK( iicl*-» the oiit*-linU iintuN4 pluH i>rt-H y lli flit with i-i^c room II rid full room. All -1 lii'ilroiinirt ur<» U. "crliiK Nuvt'ini'cr lii ni'-'ii- $17,900. hl In Hcll 1 "laIns. chun^u it ! ft' il ct> |i II nlc red It > 1% HI - pancy. SItU.voi THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC. 4 BEDROOMS - 2 BATHS J«*[fi* I
  • n with iM'iiini'il crllliiK. i-iUlnii nii'uvr, lutnlrv room. n,i Hour l.t'ilriMiinH ((tw o very larni-)n . thf fimrlli rt.-nns ami livn full l.atlis. l'>;(r;i - $35,000 - roi-iii m-rv roof nnil r \HK liHHll. unoil kltflim Will ye 1\V1 oil AV llh 3 tn-tlrooniK lvity «tf i:fti«> l.nkc C..u)Hry mo.tern licathiK plitnt. Set' us llvl I'luh . . . i'llMtlllll ITllflCll H.TiM'iird pnii-h \n ri'iir. Thr lud lo.lay. t'K IK room ( 17'xlU'i rooniH in** nil twin nlxc. IOxn'1- u Ur •111arc Tho illnln^ for ^InillNon Avriiitr t*\iTii- DO IT YOURSELF w I i ii tlvr . . . l***nt»ir«*H 1! llr*'- li'iit tioim* for trjiUHr<-rr«-(l t'x«'c- UNITED FUND uin U 1 1xl 7'. iltiri thiTf'.i i uilvo wlili curly puwHrHHior ELSIE BETZ, INC., Tin r» plni-ri* (Hilnc riuiui. fniiiHy Ami liiivi' a lifiMitlfni Ji'wnr whrn yo« uro n«.sited. Most iittrar- ' K (>rr tho niiijsii-r nii>ni I . . . Modern klti-tii*". GIVE GENEROUSLY! ilvt- from «.].v;ilion or flflilHlcmc nnd frarar. This well built l'«:i. (Utmber at tke Ualtlple Ll.tin« " (i 1>II|]O!IM1 drh . . . 'I'll roe 1 .. dr Hill II n t i tint lii-r for Kii st - BUILT IN 1962 uf .vix lurce rnoiiiK; l»i bnilin, detaflicd Karnj;.-. J JAMES J. DAVIDSON ;i r llu di i. J'ri-uy Ku-k tmtliM. pmttier riMUii . . • — Het-luileil pun-ti . . . llenitil- in 1 t Ml ] i r n< fui' «;ifv main 5 BEDROOMS + >•:<•iM'i:il c!« ;n,in^ i,. M.:iki- It a lu-rf'-ct. 'lnvrly )i"in«-. N, w' ««i tm ll •' Tit Ti "s .•iilhij: Hpiii-c It ful KntiitiilM. ifi «»-rr . . . t-ni-TiiT in iiir- ,su-;ini ftiriiiict*. Viiciinl so lukf a li'ni; ;iuy uim nitAi.Ton AMI iNsuion :) ,. Yonr |tront|>f «nll wilt llml Very r'i.-louM Co!;m]:i! HlyM'il .i ml s< .• )f you itnit't .n-reu It L-OUUI liiaku a ht-aut.ful UtMiiu UI1 It* i unl a Hi ^l |Wu hmno with livo l>cilr"iims plus BARRETT & CRAIN 2M K. nilOAD St. l.i Ull Iry IIM renjy ulth inure iirtiilln. S--\." In l-'iiiiwcuil. tin office. Throe 1il<i»tlin an -TWO CO1,ON1AI, OfKlCKN" WKSTPIKLU family r»M>ni IH-KIIIOH II chlhlri-n' CAPE COD piny nxiin. ill I'.t.M KTIIKF.T AD 2-7i50 (""<»liter 11:ill cnt rani***, t.ivhijr PEARSALL AD 2-1800 •' r ••• . i;l Kil".-\ ;«:tsunia hlt> iin'rim'mr i-t^iulrlnK nut li». nun h rcrrnlniSN Only I NANCY F. REYNOLDS room ovi'L- K. fri'i \v..l<> will iiifiif.v to pmvh:iM'. Lair-'*' »u tn i y window In llu- livl nt; nmtii; I:VI:M\I:S si'.i.ji.iis i-.ii-ln IcHth.-n, t»'u lu'«lrui>iiiK uinl hitih nn the ilrst il-.or. Cri>rRc P. JInll AI) 3-OO44 lar»si* ijliitii,; roi'»m 'mnl won.'li'r- M. l>. SIIUN. Jr. Vl> IT-Or.II ASSOCIATES & fill Utiili. ii with V.IUHK »i-i*a hi., in or,** nn t In stw-nnrt. l-'nll Icisrmoiit. n(t:u -li.-ii U. 1.. S*'li«lrrlii(i. SHA 1"A Z- 1117 1 i-MiMLr, HA^ air luat. Uiaat vA in Sc. l'lalns luljutii hit; M.ipU- Hill llrnltora Crnrm- 1'. Illt-tiliriln. .ItU (UtTltU A. <;. lli.Kt-r>., Jr \ I) U-SII-JT lok I). Mlnoscae. .. .2.1 Why not inll u»? Tou'll be fitnil yo« '"'• »OJ F.nM Ttrond Slrrit FRANKENBACH Twn-wiii' li-'t wiUvr hnil. Wnll- .1. 1.. liilt-frr- \ 11 •-•-Sil-JI Wmtllrlil. N. J. lo-wuH citriH'tllit:, w aliT *f llrjilcn Siuiill M» ^-ri^-() Inc. rniT, ovi-r-stzi-.l nvi. cur u.n:_. RANCH James J. Davidson 232-6300 with hurd-tt'ii ilrlve. T"l> \V'\st- 115 ELM STREET lU-lil lrtciit Ion. J-<;j i - M:\V riiovim^ri: uo\i> AD 2-1681 Nancy^Mteynoi d» " 2 32-O48 5 "vi-r lialf air.' lot I), ^tiilionl \l>'.'-Ts:ir II. nl |..iil uli.nt il lute fca rtiurn; laiinilry. slit.)., fiirna Wilmyrn ].nCn«»r ZIW-ftKr* Mra, Alan Ilruor Conlln ftlfaltlpl* l.ldtlnff Klein her llrrlii'rf \ IIM*T \l):i-*Js^| |..t « al.-r ell S3^.:> MIAIIDIS. l:iri.-<-. r<-iitrr liall Mnrlr ICIMI*. 2:i2-l!>S ELSIE BETZ, Inc. AD n-*.tsn 15 1% II rom1 Ht, II. \. lloiirc. Jr \l»^-7(tr? "••Ioril:il. :• I" .ll" 111-. rr.'inklhi Alice I.rlnml 2il3-711 Mrs. Atfhllil \V. Michel*..n llrrlicrl .J. Irlon M):t-ll1 S.I I. Kt-ri'iiily r.ilci'orat.-il. REAI.TOlt Rlrmlirr ~t. It. Htirrfd. Jr., (|M| a ti iwin.-lt-.l .lea on Ilt-M WcMllrld — Fnnwoiti —• AD 2-7402 THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC. 202 Mountain Avenue Mm. Jnnrt Illtrhlr ...% l> :t-i*r. '^TrnlnK l'htinrnt l".-r. iiii-ilcrn Kile Ii !• n . ': •-. BcuKh l-lnlna — MnnnUlnald Mm. Ittciticlle It. ltrrNc Al» 2-tlQ7fl allis, pins •.; l.nlli In Liim-: Telephone ADoms 3-1«-« HolllnU l.l.tlnrr Sr«lrra M. Delmnr Itflctile .. All :.-47M» linrry llru^rn. Jr. .. . A II H-urvril CTrnlnirv nnd Ilolltlnrn 1. tn. i.ancll'il ri'ir.'jith.n room >« nnd *)nndnr« plrnae c*ll I»«»r-t;ity Helamtlun Service <;onlon ||. '1'htimnti ..AI) L'-r.lSt si'. ii. JOHNSON I., HEAS jonvsoN, jn. ml Ii II 1 I I - i 11 all Ihc *»ac f»r Drachan RrcnoD I'. t>*tnr«nll,, Al) 2-0701 Wnller Krklinrl \H2-TII.M Dunn Snjilrr At) 3-im:Lr. An a-oaua Alt U-4THU o. inlll.-H. l>-. i> '-; u.'i'c lot. Elsie Betz IlnlJi O. Tnlr — AD n-.1-oivtl- ll«r ii. • i, p •, i, L,.-".•-'.'! WILLIAMS LAMPS ! !'? v, - 1:.) .•-. V, :76S Central Ave., near Grove Sr i Clerk - Typists 1 «1i '.'."I; .x'.'i','ru'.',"w ' '< CoiiiiniiiiT clui.r'tm'n of Uie J'lii 'i nils (Jiitid t.f Holy Trinity Hr:h "-,•',' '••• iWestfield 232-2158 ' ""V!> >.'<•.'. .s tn $18,200 ! : I-..- i*. t li Tired of Commuting? ,, , !..,,., . „ ,. ..| ; Stiiutil fur ilio liHiii-UT Bcliewl year •-- -1 r -1: [ l'--:i.. i..,- and rarkiiifc- in K.i.i | !,'.', .V " I I I I .i ; j S'l'AHI.I- IIERCK, Vet No Down MOTC1I |'| i,i,.,is si:ii...s • .11, :h;i\e hfi'ii aiini'iunofd by Mr. and ,.v .....,. | •- 6-:-H| i!;',..'i, I'":, 1 lls :J Non-Vet $850 Down •"••III • 4 si :: V.i':i',. j TKI.KMsloji* —" TaWlen," "c,,n«ol«» j >::':"' "!" riM'insli'ii-ii'i "' p..s,'i.'.,',' i ^ ''-" i O'Andrea, presidents, ill,, j... fi.ii.KiJ, re-coiulltlon^.1. all I' I p.,,, I,;,- ..p. I.,:..:« i..i IL'I >., I i !:l..r,.l I i.. ,,,-i,i.-. ii,, •,i,i,,,'1. ! 'i'i|(.y are. M,-_ alKj M,-S Edward Ji you are looking itroiiiifi a:,,l :•-:':•-n ! '"Jiii'lu. 424 up. Stauw, Hadlu & TV, • I"HII.«'« : I i.'.-u l.r.. , h oil I. .- ll, \\ , - t|.,-i,l. p-iihl-n. Applv I ci-nijjariiig, tht-n !...• KUH- I ,, ..-,. It:- • i'..inii,i*»,|.-ii. A.-i uvit- ot ('rniil'di-d. program; Mr. I'M It I,.Lin aDU- living ro,.m, );UK> i.lli-1- f. IVM'. M_U j tl.imc: Mr. :m'1 Mrs. William Dow- niiidi'i-ii klU-lii-n with illnini! »"AKI1 MOVIES for r<.»l with pro- !< »1||.-Ht ,; ,,k , , ., , .. , , •••••."' nri-a. tiled Imtli, 2 J,, MIIMI-MIIS "*tN | no, stn-Kil: Mr. ami Mr.-.. Edward |hlM nr, run Hie projoclor. J«rvl«. I -.-.••, ,|.,v*' I" ''"I' "•'••>'• tl.'- - ••• |. , •,•,.,.,,. |,lu.« t'x punfcion ure:i, iiii-l..^, .1 ; lipp..|'tlliiitii. l.iirch, rull<-,ii,.i,t will, I,,.. 5< klm St. Westflfld. l-I4-tf '.'' •' "•1JS l.,l.,r..l f-iiipriiiy l:,i,,iiis .'.'i'r,,,', M''I',', ''i,',1,'' i'!..i\!VO ' l)l.'")i"';''-'1. puliSifity; Mr. and Mrs. l'i-u(iiin mum nnii KIU'IIKI-. Vrr> 1 IMi v % ll 1 r in« .lip'.iruii.'i'iy:'" " " " ' ' " j JoM'ph Haini. lied Mrs. Wil- nil t- uii.l t-llny tu KM- I.v .ulliui; I. .''.".•... «! WI> CHlPi f.,7 »al(-~ Tmircdl.l. ]™ * " , * ' '' ' '"' '••'•*• - 4''l':"ii llflHOOM CA« -•'•'•-" I '•'. l s l >r KI1A ;i|ipi,.v- FA "Mb, '' """ ' "* Kiix-n co! S;.', ; ;.'.;,:•..••.•,•,';;,':;;";"':;;:: vr"'i..'.v'-. W'.-ik iii I'.-tn.-iiial sin i i, tin,- Univsrtity Shop j l.ind!av>. niMiraiur. Mr. mid Ulli, JKllKillfi .-.p.,,, p|U\lll,,t. Men's Furnichings j Mrs Jiimrs K;tp:in. i-l;iss ro|irt's«"..t- : Si ''1-1'U. I «'<>«• Oil non»Km"nnurc""» ."-U roi- ,!(''-^ • '•''.''• ''' '"•"•'"••• '•• H Raceiving i ;ili\i's: Mrs. t'i\iat/., lio.s- ie-. ,.r:,l.. . I',!"t I., iitu turn,!..| .. j if,!: Ill nil rit'll li .» s.-ll: HlKi> 1,11 dirt | ' "<"'•• Neat Colonial " 1" i l '•HI- .-SI'.:H^. I "r i'l!!.i>'i». I'.i in, r.'.l inii-v, lu-r,. ' Porter pitulily. i ' •••••-t,i ui l',,,,,,. a,,y ,,,;,,. jn-niniiiom it..,-* ,.-,,> , L1. SPACE $22,5001 t'- i :l.i. 1, \\ ..I. I., Wi- nfl.-r n five ,i:iyy tu'il, liiini A liriaKO pjirty will be liclti Ofl. -U-tf . .11.-.., I'llvmlly 111.1 Mn Liberty Mutual :!0 at I p.m. ;.il Kiai.-. I!ri>.i.. H.ill- Tastefully decorated and well- HtVlv VUC a ' f,>r tho/ie? PtrtinK AI'I'I.V «ll\ IM. ,..,I., .,;,.,, t i, \v:iv. Mrs. .Inliii ('. -Nt-ely is in Y rnuintnl nod Is thin wini furta bly iuhf i'KUSi iNN I.l, iH'l'l.'i: ^puvioUH Colon In J h'.me u iiii JV. „.. "••• 111. 111.I.' lltillll, ili.itni'..-r. ;t" • I.•lliir.,• ., i,,l - • i.n, ,.y Insurance Co. v ili.-.m.-UT. Ki' .MI'I/ZAN IXl: I'luiij.-t' nl' Iiclit-ls. TAXES .ciitcr fiilrtuu'f, 22' HVIIIR fami iily. :.;.M i-:i. I •!• ^l. • II.III. : • II,.. II 2 III S,,. Iliirt-I^tin S(. PLAINS dining room. ]UUH-1)*M1 inml.-rn a»< riiili'tn, ,,r ti« t'uroH u>r vug 1-:IIMI OritllK.-. \. J. kitr-lu-n. JH>W tl«-r r»»inu. :( !..•.)- illiK. ,.!• ilr.utti up your ov\ ,, us,' i ••i.'.-l- .•."-., .'•':'.'''i,,i!'i.'.'!' TEPPER'S ! . I.nil- Hi.i |,U I.. :i.. - , I'I.A1M-'I Kl.l>. N. .1 t-ucimx, tili-(I liath an ,• n i j <> i n.-:u- Or .-nil »!!*(• I riilMin t t »".l I1..1 nil I.-, f>.r i.iily J I.I'H rai-h »t t hv \Vv«tn<-l,l ! hlippli. li-l'l li:t.l> l.oy 11.tun-.I lor all, 1 SI-IHKIIH iiml r MOTIIIIH'N li,ltn,. \V, st lii-l.l. I..i VV'.' .,,.' 1. —1, ll,- In ai'fidi'ul in Hti-iU- i'l at Summit ltd. $26,5001 LIGHTING FIXTURES? • HELP WANTED - • snl:,t> plus pal,I \ii.-a1 ion. t'itll l':t:i IG SCHOOL \\ illll s ,, I. -II,' I t ll | |)t i itt I^: 43 II.III. yorU-niiiy. ,.r i':;'.--iltu-ti». yee our FEMALE ..•I.- tin u, ^^4I>I\^ t.. ,1. :m ,'ltlit-r luilr ,la\ TrraU'ii and icli\i.scii :it flvcrltxik this (nullity KDIH lfvi-l !«< hi piil.ll.- r.' UC{I SAY WINDOW • \.i\ v> .•< U .-t Illll iliiy ,-\.|\ ,.lli. i u lint- luruKcm in?ai J'uhlii- :Uh| <-'. i".ii|.|. l.i) pin ..I. . , . IHCAI TII'IAM. I'x pc I I r n <•>• ,1 Hi! :tl.h- i.f i^stiinini; Hospital H'fi't' S\'Wi iind Uunliile "WVLUAMS LAMPS u. , I, Slu.iM .Must II:I\I- ,,n n WE U«NG ROOM l'aru.hliH SHK.OIN. Tlii-r,- U :, ur.,1111.1 ,.|,.-|.|ii.,i. ,x.,ll.i,t ,>ini,.r- i-H'iitiuil ,,\, ii.'|.. 11 .i ti, p,.ital I.MI nail i. I.l, in. s 2;;^ Jiiliiiiissun of 1071 Kiiiiny View Hd. npiui'iu« HviliK ronm. ilttiiuu 765 Central Ave., near Grove SI. tuiilly f.M* rll'.lil p.'l-MHi. i't. i;-;'.ii-l I* •cl I.'.,' i.ol i.v. r ,.n. 1*0 DINING ROOM ruipin, IIIK ni.nh'jn hi lrhi-n :; Tlu'y rtiiuphii'u'd o*" neck ii.jins. Wesifleld 232-2)58 ri lll.I INI IK li ..1 tin- «'|.BI- L-t'clrmmis, 1 ».<• liallis. ri'i'iiMiitiM pl.nii,. l..r iiii) ,,, ^CIKNED PORCH II.I-:\MM; W.IIH li-lii iiMii. l.ouis K. i''.'isul(i of Spritiiifit'Id Mif- riMijn, [nt\vd*T runm. lull hasr- KulraiK'A anil Parking In lii-m- Mns.1 I*. \t nliitt Hi.p «0OD BEDROOMS nii-nl itini lot ti of i>i-o|>i>i-t y unii IV sh, illl... .M-.i.t-.v. i:iiU 1% t>. !•:»»« AltDS, ;\ t'lll of Ihc t'llill. but Itild |)U- many wlirubs. At»<> im luiloi is • OFFICES FOR RENT • -•.--•••--|-''"'.',» .'II' I' 1**14 nil.' 'i. '• « 1- UGEREA8YARD • •I.1.V .I'llll Mllinlj's Sli.ip. A\> 3-276H j ''>•'«>•. 1 I'JI. l,i .', I'.M.. (1 » |,< . st. *i:i:i-r.rr;v,% lico he would KIT liis IIWII (lot'tor. WA\\ -to- WJIU t-iirpt-t. Sir ;in\ Al [ anl ,r l,.r npp.iitilni.'iil 7-aK-lf I "' •'!>• ""'"I ti-i » •• t ..-,•< i .i.r. n.-,.-*. ti ioi s ^ITH IKK tlntc by calMiLK. Oi> I'liliii' wi'i'O Inld lli.'il Fasiilo's uu- iivert: 757-Otill). J r»i.. Norm Avt-. nt d i itI i;i't .it um. pa I ( (11 M, II, o.M,,M It'll, , » hit I lie car O|iprati'il by JOII.MHS- Klall-'ll, WrgtHvH All t-SSll. 'i'Kl il inli-1. Apply I'lltoil I'"II il $26,900. ill. h. piiK :-:tut:lii -li.MIIIM tiiii-. 'i>t|i, A inn- Si , |-;i t/ SIHI us thai yclik-k' w«s turniiig Intii ap|ioliitni,'titF< ami >:t,,,,1 ,,rfi,-,. HKIIIS • HELP WANTED - I 'in K ( 'J-84SI. Ranch With Pond 1!.'.^ I>IS<'OI'N'I' !IAI.R ,.n nil fnr- M ,I,M I.-- -..-IT Ntirtlci.-nt I.IKI pr,,l,s Summit Ave off liouto 22. IVI--.STF1K1.1) _ Allia.Uv,. .ni,, niMit,' at Airliti-'M tlir.-tiLili St-pleni- slolially mat tut- I.. lian.U.- ulTI ]nl- $32,400 •IX.III. -ml II..or. I:X,-,II..III l.,,;,i|,.i l.t r I.:, tin.I , ti-l,M,i. 1- .-ontnolM ftlou,-. MALE ill,, 1- „[ lu« n. m:|v SI., will, IM-III Altl II1RS 111-:SM.IC SIKH' l-:M-oJli-iit (.alary iiinl litMiiMltH for 4" REAL ESTATE On a parttnlly wooded property AD 3-U:iS ufUr i. I'M. 'j.i-if Vi-)i-rmilllr lid. I,,.in iv, '.-U. 1 ntlon In W,..-.t 11,1.1 \l;«' t lllt:sl DM0 Svrvli-i. IVnler Tuva Dunt'c Sulurilay with pond mid rutHilns br<>ul< Mijt-mvllli-. N. J. S.1 ronil'ltl n li'-itllil,l ' tt Itx np.-lllllK fJ.n.n rnll Itml part linn? I), Ip JIIM-,1,,1. rucloilhtli. iitiiltf iiml SCHOOL IK thlfi ({uallty rnmli hciitr uilh l\ M-:\V ,,ffi.-i- l.tiil.linu li.-;,|- ru O-IT-IHV Hi, Tin- \V...~lhelill l1 1,,-ail.M-. t,0 l-:lm SALES On Saturday 11 to 'IVcnuRc Repub- UpaciouH UvliiR lonin, iliuinn , Ml i::7. il. ;, r ;,!! ;.iil.l !,• [,;, fi-4-lf riuni ,ii.i. til,- <,,. II.. ;,i, ,.,„., I'l'isoii. 1101 Siiiilh A vi... \V.. To You, Whom It Concerns licans of Westfii'ld will liuld a dunco lly rouin. .'* hid rooms, -j. t i lot) m-.l. I..: ,-,. iipaii. > i Ml III IAUV (l.ri.i .i 1 lii.~iuntu.' II.' 111. 11-8- ti- COLONIAL «I:III in: STATION ..iiiipiin-tit: in Hie Wasliin^ttiii Selitwl {iyninu!)- buthH, full liiiNi'ituut, 2-zunt- iii AM' i-:.. I'l'itnii'iii. ;;,.-;; \\.'ii\.-r h, ;i,lli»;li t tiiil.lilm-. Mlir rn.y in \V. .vlll.l.l hlls nil ..p.-nlm; _ 3 BATHS hot water li»*at, "-car c;i rui;i- F-tir lit,' ni:i, lilnr. wlii-i-1 t.alani-,. ' n fill) limi' pi.sll i.'li. liflici-al ll, liiliKlH uti.l iimi. Thr l):tti(i v.iJ! he the 1'proars llrlllp HIM M mi,) wi-l-np np-ii. Top Weekly Earnings and pi el urrpii ue country IMCH- ina.-li il,,-, Al'-lifiN' Irnlil , ml Iil!|!,i- h-.i'.'liiriiil ilul I.-M as ui-ll us l,< y mitt tin1 d.ini'e will lie held from U « I'll IIII; nliil ili.lnii. xv. .ill s.n.l r.-p- Mitny I.I.II.IIIH. v il li ,.v,'i tllin-, ,.n CCNTTR HAIL tioii. J''or easy fount ry living, 1,1, lit iinii'liin. . I'H,in,In l»r> nil,, lilii,-. A f. nmi Nil Ml JKM" Wl'i'U IH WJlltiflC fii| aft* thlH. Kves: a22-fc3;U. inlri'-sliiu'. iiii-<-niri i|iinIiIv piu-lH Iti 0 II ;w p.m. DEN • AUTOS FOR SALE • iik,- HIM :;::-t:s%K 'ill i: P.M. lii-si- ll il.'itil all,.p. App.-ntl. Illp np.-n I III' HtiJK'I'icr »Ill<>MlllUIl W llO |H ilft'S , ,.,.- /\ l, :t- :;i.;..|. |n-i,-t t Illlil rll* 1.11 III" pi'.ulll.-t III' i'-'lls IMl'l It, i|ll:ilill.-.| yiMlili: III.-It. S\S Mniitl- KNIENT LOCATION tin- .-iihtptiuy In- unrliM lur. VV«- n IT it lull HI II li .•I:. In sup--I'!- I I'.SS win,I,-,I Apply .Ijirvis fu,iiii Iim t-.,. 1I;T Wi-si-ntt In.. Itnli- -W.V SIS\N" pine lai,',.- ."I'alu i t,, t< id I'Hluli' •oiupnuy llmi Is il.'ll OKIE OCCUPANCY Simply Smashing : .-s..i lr* in., 1,1 i:ilil HI.. W'i'Sllii-l.l. »iiy, N. .1. :tM-7f.Mi. !K^u-1f Wiiinan !Molorisl f iurt • iitoil to our rmin|i.-itinrti| in r-.ih-n ( bill wt- Tills i»r«u(! UmT-yenr-oiii li"m^- MI I:MUI\ 7':,1 I linif. Ii..: pll ailziil ii-n an,I 11 r.- li,,.n i'n n.-. Ave , Scotch l'tnins \v:i.s injured I'IIKI I I. ol,.,. litr Sii(<->- i|! liliil III ,-. . \p.-rl.-ii, , .1. ] an willhiK !•• tntlii >fti II >"ti .sln-u In jdritlly loi'iiti'il mi ;i u[ir-:u]>- l.i'i W. :.llll I.I 'inly nriit tin.I rt-lhil.ln nifn n\>-r ?r. i 1 I'liiUiii'i-iiiii: iilli.'i'. AH l» t«t-i. The u.- AMI n i »lll slijilitly Monthly ninniint; \vh"ti het* l*rop« rty In oiu- <>f out lint si m-.-il tinply. Apply In piiM.M, l'i.|,|. IV ll I It ••!! rONMHlmtlMII I'll ll'.lltH U <• reHltli-nlhil aiin.s. l-'roin i )w- m- WORLD BOOK "ENCYCLOPEDIA »..||'ll I.i, itini-H. l!Jd .Vi.Ulli AVI'.. \V. Hi- o.'ir wa: imuh'eii ill an ;H'ei(Ieiit with Ililllisll Y«U IMUKl IlllVr Mil (MM II. Ill ifHnre Uiy*'V il utTcrn a Minrjous I' tsl \l.l\ i.iln. p. ll.lam 111 pi, -1- ll.-ill. l>-22-ir IIIIIII Ml in lt\l>i:il l,at k. I'il. Ufil.MMHl. l>l- JI .VCMI'H l>f II)-.- >M one driven by Jeffrey II. Curt ot llvliiK i.n,!!!. dinhiK loom, Hu I i..ii. pi.-a...:,,,I u..|l,iii,'. r..11.Mil,.us. CHIIDCRAFT nu.i .., linvi- it IM1I> inmlW I-4U- mill l<.< dPiuxe iiuxlfrii kiti in ii, \\fih .tui'l. If you il» IIMN SPARKLING IJIUH fiitnlly iMHuii, ]MI\\ ilir I .Hi u i i win .|| nr, K. Dudley Ave. four lilu Nfdruitins. ^ t iii-.| < 111:\ inn i;r ln.r..i.. I.L1. I .I-..I I'l. 7-:l-'!l!-|- . , . illume Inl n ml < RT UYING ROOM (•(>|itt(iiiai home ti.ii .'1,'ini.' w\v, i:\ II. .-\'i> :-!I:.'JL'. :r.\ A.l'ia si a.i. up, ,,. .-.-pi.-.i. i'nll "!.:.-).:.:i:>. 1 it DINING ROOM t b O liisiiiiiii, i- I',,, ll'.l Mllll, urn AM . ii II 1 Ithaiulnt i\\ - UIIII llOll^r. ":l:jii" in A-l ,!:..,i HI. iH,:l,lly II, Mill 1 - ll r ll. It 1 I III1 II i ll,-man -til), our fo Basement Serves -I' lt||lll]<> |1>I' Illl Ut>pi>lMttlH-tlt. MEtfUL KITCHEN *i:n,,iiuii hi,HI, )U-:.II. l i. -;-- ' in Pint Illl.,- vvnrl! I Ml I i:i:i'J'Ji:7 1 I. \ll ROMS- H4 BATHS Magnificent L'l, ..;. ni-ci-'.'i \v. SV'i pi v.lill :> A M i.. :. r.M. III. or an \i»r: I'IIMIS'I^IAM 'I-IU-'.I-.-H I. in. illll, | ART. LAVENHAR, KJEATION ROOM 4 Bedrooms I .iitrr ciiiii^i^i \s 'fit!-:•-: runts • A ITIAI'fl Many Purposes .in. IlII'l.-. 1:1:. I; ami u> KIM: ST. W PARKWAY REALTOR In n ppirlurt'HqiK' iiilry -,' II.-IV !..p illl.I l.ill- \\ AIIKItV-illl'Itli. X. V. V. • ll li in :-i''Hl:s M.i' l.lin- -,|i..p ii|ipr..|il|i.,-K Ity MAIIKIi fl. STOt.TE tllltl RR ,,M l,ill-.11 P.. ,-u-r,. |H-"|i- l.iy. |ias: ill >jl<,'lll.|| I Ills U.-.'li. 'it:I.. n~i-.-.:.11 523 Somerset St. ll ' 1 '-Imini, lit pi.Hlll liv.rllni.-, (10,900. fity Is lliln irur i-i-iii.-i- hall fii-if, <-t iiuiiiii .• llti..n. ;:;:'.v IT:'. fimnty Homo F.cmiomUt \\ i \\ i piiny p.n.l Illll,. l'1-ii.iii, mi-illi-iil, North Plainfiold lutilnl, jtisl 1 yrnr uM wllli si>a- ^ \>t A i: !•: SM.II SatlMilayy . 1'', T 1 1 , II i. l-.k.i.l. I'. IIHI II pal.I ),.,lt.t!iys. \" u - An "ucly , Ii in >. nil.I ...n.iiii'.iui.r. i", it,,I .hairs, lumps, iMillai tone can l«> rwirriinflnd !>y »> wise r Ii, U',l,l».| s If voH l|\.- ill It., A|,|.l) In iiriann oi- i-nlli with illKlnva slier, l.t-aiii,-,! ,,ll- IJISI-, l.iitln Us. f> \\ ....illu ,i,,k I'lnl. f ln.lliin VIU.IM". I'nll >i. hiiiiin iiiinmK«T In st-rvo anyono or a hilf fiinilly ilium with lii,|il,ii-,-. I'll', Ill,I,.I j:li,H-, V . 1 ' il liuwdi'i- r<ml>iiii«U nn,- I.. AilntlnlNlra- HOME li)pnl r-nuntiy |,,,nll,.|i m.l fn r \'- -., aiii.-itiii i i. , I s., t:A II. i - llll\l\t. _ Ann i i,mi lirli-nliil mi: •(jr, I-?. llroail SI . iriciii xi'iinoi, iiiiifiini, ..i cnifiii- HPivo as ;m avl"j alimiNt mn. .-J.-;I ('...-• tn w.-miii 1.1. iil,.. or n.liill. In il,, Inilhi lull ilmw- luuixv II can MTVII its- H.imoiiKMll. I'll', n l.i nii'llooin rllR (!»xl2), tnal, li- IIIK fiII• l/dj- li'l li-rllii-:, luirt I Inn. m HALL •JOB. Hvm: 2IJ3-1U7.1. mil MI:II< I-IIIKS r.'" lioinn cyiniiasiiiiii, srwinK ixxmi, Inf tin; Crx.::i"l. ^ l.ini- Ill.t-r mi..' •'i.i-:\M\ti l:it,i\l:i:ul\t. tun: • Hminiiui mil chin-. I'.d. II,ix 3:1:1, \V, 'Kill, -I, I. . Hint iiiiiniiil: i-i.M.II ..M. ' I- mi alul llfflACE I!'»I2). ; Aiin-rl.'siii ml.uliil H.-ii 11 <-. I'l', :':i:t-:. i:i.. t!at>."M IIIIIII "11 ,i m i t v pint)', llr.'iw in- |,h, A II ,'l-,ii2ti. in- l.'l-.'ll lntiiMl-ry, H(>CIHKI living HMHU or don, rcniii looking. •;I'J CI..:II:I. rues. .I.-. (I II- i-oiiMi-r. l|i-Kliiii «ii\.-i, IIU.K. KKIII In -i, li:i,itii:n. i:M>.ii..n,'.' TIK: li.'iKt'inpMCfl l.'tr^t*. iiin>(>.s|,|,,,iln- Unique Charm 1 |Kt KITCHEN nnirt. i-->|i]i,-r hoi 1 •••'. 2:tL'- ITt'.T. In,in- p. I n ,. l(. Apply In p, nlly l..r n.l Viilli I-in,-,ll. KilllM.- I..-IH- EMPLOY. WANTED til .s|>a<'t> is IIIIMI fur liicycli ridiiifj at $72,500 I lllll.'l uliili- •riliiiapli S|.llliri-. l:Sll A, linn'i.s. l':i:i 1-:. Ill I M., lip. I'.S. .•lllz.ii, I,si,I,'til i,f I'tipm 1 or IKIII playini! of lltrci! tir four-yenr- xi-rllilil i'i.ii.'li!l-.l., illi-' .- -•••- I!!'" '•niinly. Apply Inp.ii I'minly I'III-U i - 1% BATHS i: \ I :nr\ cl.i: .\i ..u.,-.1,1-.i :•. »ii-.v"!.-. W. r-tli. I.I. 1 Sot ivny Lack with ;.l,n-.*t ;t • '.itiun ISSI.MI |'i-i-.. ,.»mil In-pi., Arlili- win ct«na attic*. o«l- nUU <>ii Ion:.; wlnfi-] n- .M... I . vl. .'...-I ..ii-r t^lHI will fill liirii, KiiriiK*ii. V* ill cut ln*vi.r., tiuluur. iicrcH of rolling pi..p. il>' 1^ '!M^ i.l I'l.r.i rl. r .".'• sl;i Hl.'l'tll V I'lirl Iim., f.-r l!-nl ,-i , Kii/..ii.. in. ;.i,.i..:..>• •,,, rn.iii;-, :• wnrlt anil Kiwiftt-a! hoiiKenlAiinlnir. &I1 aci-is, mi cxt-rcisd iiair, ruwini! nvi- 535,900. completely rrM.ili-.l Lain, ni.-.l- i..i- .(in,i. in,- ni-w. AII ^-n;i. l;.-.inii- ,.rii,.- 'l-iplpn iiinl MIMII- A.M I.. .'. I'.AI. yuur Join. Call Arthur, AU l-H03>. <-liiiM< or wi'itflit liftini: of|iii|«nt'iit ITIl I.Ill ll-pl.l.- "Illl M|,1 l',.|... Iniii.l < ss.-at ial. I'.,ma, I I'lnlll, H I'.I I ^ii('in%>, MIMII' Ai*riti-:v'rit'i'' 6-U-tl nlal rliHi-iti. lii,-lii'lli h-. iiiiiiy III'.! i I N N I'.i, ^ :p, .^.MIIII Avt-., Wisiil.'l.l, AP iiNiy IWOVO a wvk-onw addition. all :':i2-i.r.:i:i iidtr fi-lKlnal li.-amwi .-.-llHu-'s a"'l AI' -'•:: .-liar.-. . !lli;li H.'li.Mil irt-lnliinlp \vilh Koutf- IllllIT hitulliiK. Cpllnra, altlr-n, jrarrln \vl,l<- plunk II. .in*. r,<-><> O,< I I' .M . To eirt.oi-t.-iln litrKo gix«i|»s of any iwp-i I.- in •• ur voinllmiiil H |. Ii ,i i) I ", lawns rnki-it. Junk hnuletl v l-i'liti'l- hull tli.T.- is a ui'.i, i"ti> iiiii,-, (tu:» mil.i:r ii lui'litr it lin-fi'i-l-i-tl. Iliiinl ii|itmr- O^firlic-»tl ifurtgco doom tit- ueuon nn iufonnal note, a Ixtsunit nl- llvlni; I..,,ii, « llh l.ri. k I"'- .11 Mill! I.IM.I t: IIIHM .' KAI.I U fit . lull * In.urn l-ill'lli •. AI tilnlly rnr :i,lvnin'1-mi-iit. •lulled and aervlceil. 757-40SD, M. pllllf. llili, piiw.ln I HI. '••I"- n.iir.lay. I ,. I. .'.,. r. ••HI :' A.M. lit' V.i ry i •;lllllllll-: . i\ '. w III typn livlm; room Is ideal. Puiiiillrs (JILT IN 1959 A|i|ily In iiernttn nr rulli 7H1UII21 7-JB-tf nl.,1 tllnliiK loom, ...iii.liy -I; I" .. I,, w \\, . :< I'M ; i'l i.l., y, • -. f. ^1 l,'..m 'J A In ^ 1>, ll'> n 11 t v |11-1 * of lion* n-W'i '1'It, 1 Wlw liavo loti <>f fi iwuls or ivkilivcs RAISED RANCH niuiU'in kllrlii-ii wiiii lii'i'lii..- I-I.'.I I'IIII ;:•-'-.' I.. I I'.M. I'.irll I P'I. I A.illi'X, W M -I'll1i< lillt.T t Illl II ii vcr iU;* |MTI' IMl, DKI'OT iiti.i a siifi tl • -r :i I..-.II- i» li a i• tr rlny Milsit Mllpl!.Iy r • ' | > 1 1)1- ACCURATE BUSHING COMPANY can nwiko f,ix>tl u.w of Uiis kta'ts 1 , hllri will!., you BIIOII, BUS LIVING ROOM anil t tll^.l tiiiiliH. A lnv.r It-v.l IMIII.IM. I ' irs, own 1rniiM[m 11 nl Ion , Wi•-tf>! M. 413 North Ave. lny r-fu-iiH, etc AU kinds of piny sp:ico for a dining hilile or a nuni- I,-li.-I. I-.1-..I h:n.l I''P- . ll.-al I'l) .Hill DINING ROOM Piovl.l.s st -1lli I.. -I!•••• ••>>- !•>-•'» III: \l 'I'll'l I. u i..unlit Ir.'ii ti.l.].'. \V rlli> lion n> <» 1 \\ • 1. !••;" in in,. |, . Mn>l. ••»• .-limit i'..11.11- li Kf|ii:i! I iiifinrl iinlly i:ni pli.ycr at)..-, for wiirltlntf inotheril. I'htini. scrvJct). A mi|cr or lunch can oeisily MaritKf Hinl ^ ,, r i; .- n n -; I '• I'.'ili'r".' Z~ I) V\ .-I I V s: t!" A I I - - MOfltlTrAH V Mnllltr ivniiinii ovir KITCHEN bo served In this nroa by tisiiiK a few Truly il lllil,|ll.- h..r,i.- ,.r ,lis- la. Illf III llltlt flltlltf. K'""l l,'l,'!lll'>IM' fi:il ma Inti-iiti in .. ,-lit itnisM rill fjiir- li:t.i.Mil,i: wiimiin woiilil Illcn J«li APPLIANCES niitiiiiiu.i: r."' ln-l-'l Bpi'.uir small electric appllarKX-s. A rollili(, li. iHMinillly i HMI ntlal. I:,,ml lypl-i. IMIVM IUKI I; 1 •• i- n « . Apply Ciilnu 11 Sn t in,lny nlchU mill nil itny MOTORCYCLES \!i i:.l, n-i IIM, any (•iicl...-iir,-, I i It F- KXWS - Vh BATHS Until.. ill, 'III I III... nil" Ml'l ,,111.1- III I'iKiiilr l':iili I'liiiimiiiNliiii, Amu- HI., uiHlay In a liivi't'it, II |,'-r hour. rant, « hot tray, an clcttric skilltt II- ,... ).:>> A I • "- i i-1- *"«EC"ROOM lliuwoml. livi> day M.'.'U. $70 p.-r Kllniil.i'lh, M.,n.lny tltriiiiKli Krlilliy, D L'::i!i:i. IO-C-ZI oiwl »n nutoaiiatio pcrct>>ator nm M-i-i-k. I'llll V.12-23'."7 fur Inli-rvli'w. !' tu 1 I'.M. M POSSESSION PATRICK L. HEDDEN .1.1 ii- ..1-1. .-,.,. iiii.,'. »:. ...I t-i,mini,.ii. !<;:.: ti'ivi; ih,ii" ut tifinin. 232-n22r,. somo of tlic cquijNnonl which wilt ,,i ,.,II.HIIMM. >-.:.. liclp make tlw inoul service nm M III.M i-alll-ra. • \ni.snri- mi'lrr. M.IHII «9,90O. • PETS FOR SALE • at 1.1. I,in, Ml. Itii II.-IV, J?.-.. Al- S- .^ M'lHli.-H to flo Ironlltfc In }ii.T 322-9102 :::.?!. ome. Mm. Krldttnaini, 23S- If wnno family inemlicrs wish to ST. lir.HNMMI I > < JI > i • > . Al>'' I'-'"- IO(!2t P»rk An., Scotch rnln» ALTENBURG - ELIZABETH, N. J. luivo n i>lnc« to ;illy 'Til !l - Hnt. 'TU I! Tllf'Hilny, i-Vf-ry ottuir "Wt-dnpiiflfty, view TV, a socond riving room Ls the - - AKi'. ln:il--, llir- •• V •"» LARGEST HAMMOND ORGAN v.ry 'I'liurmlny. Tiill 2.13-16BD answer. A comfortably ftirnislic I" '" ' - -"-• DEALER KS AREA •BLDG. CONTRACTING • TREE SURGEONS In the basement can also doublo as IMMACULATE WI9 DSUAM.T hare ssveral com- FROM MAINE TO FLORIDA y ixjotn for sdiool ai;o fortable homea for rent In V, pnt- 17-\IONI'H I' VIKHV win fl ll'.lVII n«ld and vicinity. Prlcen averoKe PIANO-ORGAN -MODERNIZING .nn, put ii|, iitnrtll II.WB. In- or Uio husband who brings work KH0OM HOME , , I:, lit «:lh l-ii. a. all |.-i|.. I'- KRAUTTER TREE EXPERTS 1 H76 to 1376 per month. I'leane n»'l -.1. AH L'-T. !!!^. 10-13-21 r «ii,.i- ••all :: CLEARANCE SALE UOKAI.n O. HHAIJ1-II01I. ^ WING ROOM —we'll do our beat to help. C« "" llrmluBtr Kurratrr ft Cral« Realtor!. AD !- of J-180O. Hum- Si'lt-rilim ROOFING S SIDING With a little incemiily, n basement WING ROOM ll.,,1; M..-.. n li.-l--. 1" rlrvr Jrrirj. <:r-rltflrd TrrM fQxyrrt K cMi. Mil...II A Ilmiilln —KIIIIIW—Siilnni-r CONTRACTOR Complete lABUrance CoTerafce .,|:iy W.'illlt-Kiluy. rnii.i « lo Iaro;> can Ixi designed lo scn'O sev- W TABLE SPACE RooflPfT. BldlitK, Uuttern, IjOaaori, IMS South AT*. FA 2--i!y ifiupl,.. HUH to Si.rk l'.\ ,-rftl — II Illll nuti'il I'l ii •••••• eral imrposes inslcatl of one larne "TIFUl YARD I'OI'lt l,cflri.iitns>. ,.n l-lani, Ki-iitiil I'Ini,—ft: .Ilmxli Rocf liepalrl. Job« coverod br •»• 11-t-ti i.ivi-iili'iit. Call I'l, 4-3111 r> uflrr ill '^railt Sill.,nl :,r. ,,ul,'t ".••II;II INSTRUCTION • urance. 3tl I'.M. Ill-13-:il rocrtsrfJun urwi. If thu fjnnily'a nftwls Win STREET l..irh i:. .I.TMI'I >»i.. i-'iiKi»ii«-tii. *• '*• I, « Cnn>i»let«- MiKlrrM Tree Bervle* UMI lumse, a sewinii cxiiter f«r Uio $56,900. A lt«tr C^rllrird Trre Hiprrt iil It. 7r.3-(3!lli. pr.iiit.n.'iit. Ill-1.1- A niotlKT and ctniiMhtcr nm\ a laundry Itolh Il..*crt >»••».,. ""'; Ill HMMii: H...I UIHTI'T KI.KI'II "I Il ttl i *\"\vli I, I' Claanlial .Inly area as well, folding |>aititions m:iy Cull or WriB l'-*l" '•'•'•'•'• Ismail rcnnlrB, lw,w tllo nnll Kroul ,l f-- 1,1 :;|,iit. !>.-. (lie an.swer. t-b-ll ",-. .,,',. S' liii'-ti. Ht T, I'-iMs rep|,,,.,.,l, stall MtifW-r l"ak« r«- ,,, . i '.'., |--'n. ' I ...Ei.lii II Il.-slpurii.'ti. pHir.-.l. t-(.nil>l«-l t- l.:il)ir.."tii s lllllfillOIIK TIIRIE BICltVKH it* . • "In 1 ,.t In n, ;.',, yi ;i I i II'SE MIVTEII — I U''lT'"""\\"l'f, 11 u l,-,l. Till, .-ili.|...Hun-» IRHIIIU...!. full N>AV .lorney t.'BrllflO'l Trfla Mxpvrt . wi^ii.-. nisi ii..;,r ,. !•: xcl l.nt -f- .iiiK. ,', -l;i y . M ....1: Iy. 'MI LEGAL NOTICES • •iJtural Ave.. V> ltlel.;. AD J-3H43. <;Mt\<;t: sM.l: 171 N. l:n'll.l A lliMllllin.if vrar 1' InmirHnrB INiremKo •li.ii'. i'li-ii'. M'tist l.i- In W.'slliiM. S Ml',nl h. ' ';, li Ml" ,-j. In. I*. A.lull' 1 Tkl an,I I Kio cr.Dim KrHlik 11 lidtkrnnil I, Illl 2- Mt:illAMI W, JIIMI' Ill-MIIVAI. JJIH> PORCH All Itument* • i i ..I t:>: I i ,l-i. i I'rlii. Ip ills only. Writ. It'-i 1"..•'••"• Instrudion on All Instrument* \ M. r,nll. 2-26-tf I'l. 7-7IMH7 I :. I -. I.... I'l lll.H" MIIHi: ^"LOOKING nf Wi-stlli'M l.railor. '•» I'l"1 M „ , 12-12-tt All letBoni private. { I M ,1 N'Ulr •• 1- h»-r«-l-v l'l' Dint *" DEEP LOT — REMODELING & REPAIRS - .11- WANTED ••|.i ..In nl i"' ItlK-fit-ii* • ,\tlli-» • r'i-ll»r« ..>s - . it "ll Iii - I j- I!,.- ,'..U,.- • GARAGES WANTED • AMOVING AND .. ' \\. :-l li. l-l lit Ji ROOM All 'l>|,<-« nnntirr \V,,rk OI.I.KCTOII WIKIIKM TO Itli V il <., MM- Tt. nn.1 All IVork liiwiir*-,! rin.l tiuiintnlfrrt KTUlie IIII-'I.!--'!, AIII>'l'lit:,V<, :,, . I if..- !.-•,.! ..I., i II. I'...;.:, iiti'l KITCHEN • •I'm: i;. n. rai in. i riionr All :t-l)Ht:l ilnr «-r rrrnlnK GENERAL TRUCKING IM'IOI.N. lll'VIILVICIIK. KMVICS ih.,I \>.< nm il 'ill nil IIH r .... I'l l-i'-i s ..1,1 i'. St. M. i;IItl)I,A>1l> AMI HWOII !>.-<. S'I'A'1'12 AM] Kl-'l>« . Ml.: 'rl. I - |..,- li,,al p i-..:i.-.- :::•;•:. IT". I-'.. ~ 2 BATHS Illl" . MI North Avr. WMKWIII IMIAI.I.r l.ll'KNNICIt. fll'.NK .' 526,900. •iiitc uf Atlitn.-i Connervalnry. AII -- : ..,,,-: l,-.r,i..,l i • MISCELLANEOUS t-h-ti j nn>l tioiikn. FA 2-7rv!tip' partleu ftnf. i-misNkf o onij ! 'urlMtiiri,. brUHHWarft, KIHIR, r-lilfin. only. So'.t^ll l'Uiins. Cnll "V Vi- !'. 1:1 .11 -v • '. Yi:ri:i..\Nl>, artt-r G l'.M. '" ' '• '" " , •'• "' „ ,.|,lr..s' I'.IIIP*' 'lliirKTt'. i;nj.,y ynur KIK-HIB w>nt« rULI UN U'Jr II WoIfT'll, Hi UKillioa Am. i'l>A-2<0y •'••' '' -, ' " '' ,' ' ' wf MITI'I? ynur l-inrty. Plmnfl 232 ,1.,KSI.I,I pl:uir. Ik, "7 Mrl-nllrr.- Mo,, To. «-«"« \\ iiitiii N \ MI: 'I'II ^M^.Ml 'rim ! FOII l.irshHs^in". 17ri7.' fiirl.!-li"'l • ••'•'I'-i-. ••'• ' •••'.'•,',''.. ,.,. 'if.72 anil 23J-S6.10 lifttr 1:00 I'.M. c HIM: in- IIII: 'I n»v\ in- «I: '-. 1 G. win, ii,,'.-•• «l».l"»» •'•!,! '. ".!-"' itr. w.-tini ..! •"• 12-1^ t- Alll.'fl HtuniKo ('KiriiiHiiy. ANV rnmln bBfor* 1020. A 111:1.11 in m:\hiMi xiri'ui.t: w:ill;-ln ilns.l. ill lifini- • \\.M.IIil>l •!:•) ...... _„ r-.,-itl,>n.iI Vim r.lmiB. r. 17-I 149. Wrllo K.l'.t). 1. '!|l- ill .'t-tnr, I II,.11,-^ HI—' i'»i-r> il.i> m«»i^^^ n^riAif^VP^. n*^i •*. 11» l.-tl«. N. JJ. 3-17-tr HDIERCK, JR. ,,, ,,;.tr I ;_ PIANOS REPAIRED; BOUGHT World Wl I.mi ft H'dnlshi-ri. Fr<-c I-:»llm«t^« f:i: rr nn 1 >,\ irr i-th'-r >:'<"'! pi.u 1 -,.,,,,.-ii ,.r 11,,. •!•.,« n ..r vv. • II-. 1.1 in THIIHK rn-shly il. .1.,I. 1.1... :., ! tiare & Save. K. Klratc 3RS-G»",1. 1 lit' -! rvtn i'l i vatu Innn '.ill III.. > i.f I III..11 :. • I"!! •«-: rnnins- wllh .ntriii I "... Ilk- :..'. IM,? or Mm nl] JMIIM. 1' i :I n *»5*. A tipllan- Realtor i-s-tistrr pp -1 r. -1 r • ir hall, I.iilli , I'l.r .'. I' M : riiriti Jure. *-ii*. (•>'"• • -slunn t,' sn-'i'H iX I Tli" I'.MI.- "f 11., 'I'"" n • •'•n.lltllniltlK. TV. liiill" :i'i" •' "' 1.11 Till' Ilk • > rlvi- llw ii,. ..r \v, 1.1 1,1.11, i- i.v -,MI. ...I- .1 i.v ,:i .i.v. IM.\\,;K ],:.M f BR0AD STREET • riilnr. Availalil- s-piirat'ly "•' ''s .iio' "f yon p.vilv ., w.jrJtli.ft f"ji'l|!l. I la. 1" •" !•'• I lllir.i<«V«KI>'K « • PERSONALS • pl.-a-a II.' i.... -li f. h\ art.-r ^ _I'..M . l:.l I.i.»-vr-s l.'.-lt.-.'i".!'. 111-. .!••• Hi.irciivrii xr.r <-',,m. <-imir I'lltv (J.Mil t'.-nli* ilini^.-.i for OM-! (lit TWO la II, :,-.anal,If. ''nil ^:::i- 4 :i'H. lfi.,',-4t 1 ,,„.,„ l.'.l.l. iH"l i'l.alr.1. l-'.li" l!. -liplinlnt. r rh.ilr:. (IH, r' .m Ml l 'I.' <1 , Illllll." , II--. — - "- " __ I- prnvl.l'tl lor !•>• Si-1'h..ii 4:l!l"lr..:l ll'.n. Iltislm-ss nr pr.. Ls'-i" '"ll,'\' .nit,- imp.,Inl- <1 •lri-!M-r» iiml li" wllh Hi:, I fill,! /,1KI> ill :•!••-<•. ,wn«. HTI:I.I.A — llnnilnrltlnir nniil- ,.1 •I'AII.OIIIM: ami yjil« r.-ti'llnKii- Fur further Infnrmu- ••I tlm UKVISI'II Sl:itnt.n. Silt li i'»frrr-ni-m ri'iiulri'il- Wiit>' I . <'• •""• l,,.,,,lf !,••:» ar..l ii-altr til.I, .- I,-...Us. |iii< ti? •<». ..HI iK.m-. in-ii. :ii:.] ,1,11- ACE DECORATORS lloti cnir t33-O318. 107 E. Drcnil Rt Ill-r-lisr. Rli:ill I:,, nl.l ,tln.-,l Itl tli,- BUSINESS SERVICES 9 1 w<.«tn»ld. N. J »-8-tr Inijntli nf Jntiililrv -f-iji'ii y.-rtr. : ; r :T r < 1 .1'hks i in-la It Tn CIlDffin I'l.. NrHtirk T^I«-<" -• Cull !'• l--lr«t . :•- LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS 1 SI'.i"rinM HI. Tills nnll.i:inrK!ilinll l >1 1 1 ;'• .',iv i !•••'•: l-r.:.ll l.i..-! i'. '. 5 - : "'••' lintlPini, nl'llne. RiitUr». Ni.rtlt Av... tiinl Hi.iml i'l . Ui)- wllli ,l..»k, .asy fli;i!r. "•, " ;'"' ",; t:,li,. ••rr.-i'i tin liy Im. X mi.. '!'". AH :i-":::'.. n"i i::iii«':.]- a.i.lil|..iiH '•.-,11 PI, G-7!iS0 (,r I'l. r,- v.lll, ml l.i ir. lliiil.r |I|.:I.I- .:ill i:l<.s,.( |,, ri-HlilMitlnl ,,('..i:l,li"r_li".'il. Au"n'ni«'2-8:in;>' BRING RESULTS All 'J-::;«i;. ID-l:i-ll 1>I-.-H 51 f.,r prnrisalmial man. Al' -".'n'jj.o, • •J'I.'I r.,r Chlimatn.... 8-ll-tf THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER. THURSDAY. OCTOBEB 13. 19«6 paigns. 1956 was iiie first year furniture store won this await Obrock Treasurer Previously it has gone, to departmen stores with furniture divisions. E=- Of Red Devil Inc. In addition to these awards, Koa sales promotion director also A realignment of senior manage- ceived the J94(i award of cxcellei ment was announced today by ited in advertising from the Lakelanc Devil. Inc. of Union, world's largest Mfg. Co. of Wisconsin, and was on* manufacturer of painters' and glaz- of the top winning participants iers' tools. the Marie Karle National Ad-vert George L. 3xx- Jr., president of tlie ing conlist of 1M7. in 1959. Koos »' mfKiny since 1958. and a director, named one of the four grand priz< was named to the i>ost of cluiirman winners in tlie retail newspaper ad o! the board. vertisinff contest sponsored by tin Raymond t. Obrock of Wi-M/ic'd, Kationul Lamp Council and the Na ormerly finajJtial advisor with the tionai Iletyil Furniture Association Standard Oil Co. (NL-W Jersey/, has •Mrs. Young, in private life, is Mrs. oined Red Devil, IJIC. as treasurer. | Clayton C. Carroll and resides with Mr. Obrock was graduated from ' her husband in Warren. New York University in J!I3H witli a BS degree in business administra- ion, aiKl from St. Lawrence Univer- Halpin To Follow ity in 1943 with an LL B degree. MKS. DOROTHEA R. VOL'NG TALKING IT OVER—Weynian O. Slwngrafr, principal of Wilson He joined Standard Oil (New Jer- Srhool talks over the Book Fuir now Jx-ing held a( tire school with sey) as senior accountant, leaving Dwyer 'Service' Wendy Hylander and John McIJirinott, students in Mxs. Louise to serve in ttvt. U.S. Navy. He re- Koos Advertising Lindlsey's fourth grade class. turned to Standard Oil in 1046, and Walter G. Halpin of Fanwood, dep in 1955 joined Esso Research and uty register of Union County and Knfiineering Co. as comptroller. J Captures Award Republican candidate for Union Wilson FrA's 'Back-To-Scltool Night' l'J(i3 re returm- and Mrs. Edward Frey, Mountain- niture Ad-ldcas staff, composed of lecting. The mural was created hy guess how many books are for sale top advertising executives, lias re- sibility to the people who elected Wilson School students: Barbara at tlie fair. Tlie guess that comes side residents. them, to keep an eye on how the BOTTLED IN Mr. Frey is past president of the viewed and analyzed the daily adver- Cant, Steven Cant, Amy Cliomowicz, closest to itlvo actual quantity will win tising of several hundred furniture taxpayer's money is spent. Her SCOTLAND David Chomowiez, Megen Schemfore, a pair of novelty eyeglasses that New Jersey Lppidary Society and cureful "watchdogging" of the treas- Why dees vice president of the N. J. Mineral- and department stores with furniture Laurie Schramm, and Thomas spoil the word B-O-O-K. sections. On tlK> basis of their judg- ury will be carried on by me at the Schramm. ogy Society. local level, if elected." A brief PTA meeting will lake The speakers showed how to cut ment, Koos Bros, was presented The decorations, created and exe- place tonight at 8 p.m., after which and polish stones. The cutting de- with the Socrates Award for main- CLUNY cuted by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cliomo- parents and friends may visit the pends on each stone and its critical taining the most noteworthy adver- wicz, consist oi tfcreo-sidod. posters, classrooms and meet with the teach- angles, it was explained. Tlie facet ising from a point of originality, Gas Tank Truck showing still more liobby areas, hung ers. ing consists of eight cycles of grind- copy, layout tochnkiue, art and fasli- SCOTCH attractively over the book displays. Rttlershmcnts will bo provided by ing down and polishing after first ion appeal. This is tl>e fifth time Snaps Off Pole Under the heading of "Painting" arc the classroom mothers wl>o are: Kin-determining the proper angles. Koos Bros. Advertising has won tlie found samples of the work of Franz Socrates Top Award: In 1938, 1949, dergarten, Mis. John K. Cooke, Mrs. Mr. Frey, who began cutting up A tanit trailer loaded with gasoline outsell Hals as well as Andy Warhol, with Bram de Jong, Mrs. Richard Camp- stones in 1961, and took it up full IM, 19B1 and now in 1906 . . . each his Campbell eoup cans school of 'ear under tlve personal planning was disabled at 8 o'clock Monday J&B bell, and Mrs. William H. Toohcy. time m 1963, said the amateur does nifiht when it struck a utility pole f pop-art. Music, gardening, collec- nd directing of Mrs. Dorotliea Rose Dewar's Abo, Mrs. Robert Dorrey, Mrs. John not work with diamonds . . . "they're at Mountain Avo. and E. Broad St. tions, cooking, and fislring are '. Scott. First grade, Mrs. Hugo C. Young, the stores sales promotion too expensive," he explained. The gasoline had to be pumped Johnnie Walker brought to life, on U» Iwinging tri- Pribor, Mrs. John O'DonneU, Mrs. nd advertising director. Chivas Regal angular forms as well. M. Aulrey, Mrs. F. J. Brand, Mrs. Young left Koos Bros, in inlo another tanker before a wreck- Mrs. Poter A. Duglii, and Mrs. Hans YM-YWCA To Sponsor I!I39, rejoining tlie firm in 1947. er could tow the damaged vehicle Black & White The books, which will be on sale away, nolicc said. etc., etc. Etarting at 7:15 p.m. tonight, are ar- Enaixl Second grade, Mrs. Paul Au- Y Night For Boys, Prior to returning to Koos liro? , ..tie ranged by age, grade, and topic, gustine, Mrs. Jolin 11. Wallace, Mrs. .pent her time in fashion promotion The driver, William Van Orden, and arc clearly marked, simplifying William Harvey Jr., Mrs. A. F. irls Saturday md advertising for department 50 of Montville, was making a right ' In California? selection for the purchaser. Schmidt, T. A. Catalon Jr., and ilorcs. She is a member of the Now turn fiom Mountain Ave. into Broad Mrs. Neil Grecnstein. The WcstfieM YMCA and YWCA lersey Press Association, and Adver- ( Mrs. William J. Cant and her co- will jointly sponsor a Y night for S Police said the undercarriage chairman, Mrs. Edwin. H. Hylander Also, third grade, Mrs. Ixjonard girls and boys in grades 8 and 9 on ising Club of •')..!., recently being was damaged when the trailer Jr., suggest the Book Fair as an Kranc, Mrs. William Henderson, Saturday. The featured attraction ippointed to the lx>ard of governors. knocked down a utility pole. Taste CLUNY ideal place for giTt-buying for the Mrs. Frederic March, Mi's. C. A. Van will be the band, "The Troupe" She is a past president of tlie Sorop- Pclice and firemen stood by un- coming holidays. Free gift wrapping Itoesgon, Mrs. William V. Mann Jr., which will play from 7 to 10 p.m. l.imist Olub of Elizabeth, member of til after midnight while the pump- tonight and National Retail Merchants Assn., is provided. The funds raised by Uiis and Mrs. Kmanuel Friedman. Fourth Other activities will include the in? continued. Traffic was detoured. find out why! "CLUNY" where she served on the board oi !sr sale of books are used to develop grade, Mrs. It. A. Walbrecker, Mrs. gym, game-room and swimming in The tanker is owned by the At- ucn Sco'fcH W« the school library. Members of the H. J. Williams, Mrs. Arnold lirauer, tlio Wallace Pool from 8 to 10 p.m.directors «f the Sales Promotion lantic Refining Co. Book Fair committee, assisting Mrs Mrs. Petea- V. Luce, Mrs. John Bat/.- All-non-members of the YMCA- Division. Cant and Mrs. Hylandor ore: Mrs.old, and Mrs. Robert Longhead. YWCA must pay a registration fee Mvs. Young has received much na- LEADER WANT-ADS PAYS BLENOrO SCOTCH WHISKY • 888 PBOOF SCOIIlSui N!f.. B. Bort'es, Mrs. Harold Jidelson, one will Lie admitted alter this time. ;r »ml uiit;iiuil itlcjs in ::d Peter I). Sterling. Mrs. II. M. Ash Jr., mid Mrs. Albert /ertising. In !956 and 1958 Koos To further interest in the Book L. Magid. Sixth grade, Mrs. John s. received the years top award Fair among tlie students, a poster Sosnowski, Mrs. J. E. Wilder, Mrs. D. Sterling, Mrs. J. F. Kiningham, om NHMA for original and out- contest was held for fifth and sixth Tliomas B. Richey Jr., Mrs. Peter and Mrs. Hoberi List. itanding Sales Promotion Com-

    COLUMBUS DAY Week-End Special Sale Today thru Saturday, Oct. 15 10% OFF


    SAVINGS INSURED UP TO $10,000 BY THE FSLIC Blouses Group of Transitional Dark Cotton DRESSES - SHIFTS - SUITS

    This sale offers "you" fhe opportunity to select those items at a savings. •en

    Open Monday O/ty Friday Permanent Scotch Plains Office now under construction next to temporary office. Evenings until *:00 P.M. WESTFIELD FEDERAL SAVINGS ••»'.. WESTFIELD OFFICE FOUNDED 1888 ; 'SCOTCH PLAINS 0FFICE 7 264 E. Broad St., Westfield Broad at.Prospect By the Pia?a -AOams-2-4500 Temporary Quarters 361 Park Avenue AD 2-2900 THE WESTFIELD CW. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER IS, 19«S Section t—?*ge 1 \Cl the Week in the Westfield Area To Have „ i Art Slides Lecture Tour To Take Place Wednesday Place Donation At Clubhouse TT A Donald Di'ck cartoon. "The Lit- | as; luirnl wj:, ,,(. S(l(,tl ,it lhg Umw ti;rbug." will be a special feature of : An an slides lei-Luo. "HiMory of on Front Porch ! ot I apt. iiiul Mrs. Paul .). UUi,- 776 ; America Tlirou,"!! ils Houses' uill i the standard placement, open homes | iWinan PI. ! show and garden pilgrimage to be ; be given Monday at a ir.<'elinu of N Before Noon At the Bouli'lei's homo Ihrre will : conducted Wednesday by the Hake the AiiitM'iean lionie departiiKMii ol jil.'o I,;., an iosirucliunal exhibit on ihe M'oniiui's Cluh al I.UU p.m. in and Hoe Garden Club of West field. ancisca;>c d :;n with tatted shrub- | Lent lo the club by Owens-Iliinoi.s. TO (tie cluhhouse. D bery for easy idenlifii-atiun. I the film will be shown at the home Tlie program witt !H' pi\'sented by One section will I,,, rteuiled tu ' of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Boutillicr. Mrs. Thomas M. Marshall of 2li4 W junior yardtMi.T:: in b»th arii>ti<- and , 'CO Minisink Way, every half hour . l>u(iley Ave.. presidenl of tlie .Imiior horiiaillural tla>scs C)|>en to jun- during the show. I Leamie of I'J!i^at>eth and Ctanford, Jor gardi-niM-s nhelhei or nut they and liy the league's :tri slides chair- E Four other homes will also be are iiienilHTs of a participat,nn or- '• man. Mrs. Garl.-ind Hoollie Jr.. CSI) panization. the section will include D unit of the tour. There will bo a ; Arlington A\*v '1'tie S;nuiex slides Ifi-rariunis and rooted c»\- ! \sere donated lo the Junior lv<'ai!ues Bonsai exhibit at the home of Mr. t'rs. i-"iir(her infiinnaiinn may he uf New .Jei>ey hy the Sears Hiietuick and Mrs. Henry L. Jamieson, 3 1 Foundation. Menilier.s liave made a Hawthorne Dr. A collection of ion. chairman -if jimmr Kardem-rs. series of lectures around them which Widgewood will be featured at the Hours for Uir- .sluiv. are 2-5 p.m. j are available to schools and olher Alpheus H. Albert's, 23 Hawthorne and T-'.i p.m. I organizations. I IJr At 787 Knollwood Ter. guests Tickets are av,nlalilc from any SAT., OCT. 15 | m.i.v walk through a reconstructed ! t'll'l) HK'nibei or al ihe YttVA whicii Decorator To Address |gjiden which was once an unpleas- ! sponsors Hie» All prm-ceds are Help restock Westfield Service League's ant trash area. Framed botaniral used lor eine ;.[id eur- Christine E. Allen Deborah Chapter reports done bv her mother while poses. Martha S. O'Neil A program on headed accessories THRIFT SHOP for Ihe homo will he given Tuesday ; Engaged To Wed To Wed Lt. Braun at the meeting of West-Mount ('hun- Future IfriHc | Pre-Nuptial Parties ter of Deborah in Ihe Kirsl National S ALLAN GOLDMAN I .Mr. ami Mrs, Korivsl I'.. Allen ol Mr. iind Mrs Daniel .1. ONi'il (if Dank, Scotch I'hins. at H p.m. Speak- Ksrle) Honor Miss Durling i 112 Dicksoii Dr. he.M- annulment the 4 KimUill ( ir aniuHincc Hie enKace- j in,", uill he Mrs. Hluuia Fischer, an ' Miss Kalliryn P. Durling of Eli/- , eiijia^nnont »>f Uieir daiijitiliT. I'luis- mew of Ihi'ir diiu':liier, Manila Sin'. interior decoralor associated with IJjA.Goldmann ahelli. ijirmrly of Weslfield. lias Ime KlizalH'lh, to Ixv llax'th'u Iliuil l» Si-emvd U. l'rter K. Uratiu. U.h. Ihe Heads, Babbles, Heads shop ill been feted ill several preimplial par- j MID of Mr. and Mrs. Holierl ('. llimt I Army, son of Mr. ami Mrs. Jolm K. Hillside1. Her bended accessories lies in atilieipalioii of her nuini;if;e (it ,\e\\ Millortl. Coiui. j Hriiim of r>J() Mountain Ave. Theinclude shower cm-lains, colludes, iMissKarle Si.tuniay lo Howard H. Taylur uf Miss Allen was madualod from I w«l,lini; will Ik- Dec. 24. wall plattues and Uihle decorations. Snmmil in the Kirsl Melhwlisl ; Wrsllield Hijili .Sehonl. She is a si-- Tlii' mossxHliw bride and; her fi- Mrs, Monroe Brody, president, jiil's I'hureh. West field '• at Marietta 1,'olkw. Mjint'lUi. iiiuv arc (jiaduatrs (if tt'.vitfieUl Ilit;!i will nnuounee final plans for the A miscelliineoiis shower was e,iv- j Ohio. I School. Miss ()'\i'il alteiid^l Mount Deborah theater parly Nov. !) to en by Mrs. Kniesl Ariler and Mrs. | Mr. Hunt, uho alU-rnkvl the N»r-liiii luniiir <'oMf.:c and is an nliinma see Ihe new musical, "The Apple | Howeni decorated SI 1 Lerny liranhiin: of lld|H>u-ell. aunt j\ialk '('otin. SCIKHJIS, .'ind VVesU^yan of Kiilluiritie (libbs Sdiuul, Muni- Tree." Mrs. l*eon Coldfarb is in tqal Church Saturday and cousin of Hie iiiuspeit ive bride. i t.iuvei-sily. was Krailuatctt from Miir clair. of arrangements. (he wedding of Miss 1 t Mrs. Slaiilnn Hams and Miss l-:liz- •utla Collep . lie is a meinhi-r 1 and in i }. Karle of Scotch le is in Iraiinjnj at Kort lieiuiini;. Aveni'e rntei'laine June from the U.S. Military Aead- _t Allan Goldnuiin shower and Mrs. Jack lieihinn nf 24. imy ill West l'oint where lie was a (Usd Mrs. Frank Gold Soi'th Plainfield. Mr. Taylor's sis- llltt Rahway Ave. The ter, was hostess at a miscellaneous tiunsFoRmAtion |U«ogottl officiated al shower. Miss Susaiine Italy of t'n- j with music by Huh ion. who will l-.e maid ro.ioH.t. REALTY. Call AD 3-2222. • IDUEWOOD • HACUNtAOl . I School and Tickets may h<' piirch.-is.'d fnnn better than one — you will have entree Into A spring wedding is planned. |k Institute of Prac- jnenibiMs or at tin* dmtr. the world's most fabulous market [ Mr. Goldmann, a Uield High School (o obtain fine things not otherwise available je, is employed by — you will find it exciting — you will avoid (ifood Corp. THE MOST ELEGANT PARTIES »!rip to the Poconos, Buy your FURS exasperuiiny stepping - ^P sure of I reside in Clark. color — save time — achieve outstanding from a BEGIN WITH LENOX results ond pay no premium. Call ^Celebrate Como In and see our wide, wonderful seioclion of beautiful Lenox Master Furrier for an appointment with a trained and experienced designer. China. Choose Lenox—the exquisite china that is known and i Wedding JUST SHOP AND COMPARE admired iha world around. Lenox makes only one quality, the finest. YOU'LL BUY AT J»* friends congratulated 232-5022 •» William fl. Kelly Sun- •|W house in their home. Jr*A Rd., on their 50th Mvmsary. Qamiwy FUR5 »*'re married Oct. II, -*e Church. Mercbants- -Ohave been residents of Westfield's Fur Shop of Distinction |« 35 years. c atlending the, party c-fJ's daughter, Mrs. DO YOU HAVE A FUR NECKPIECE? •r.Wbvanof Scotch Plains We'll fashion it into a Boa or Twist of small cost to you. Swjiara G. Kelly Jr. of P™ s« ©ondchildren. "included their matron COMPLETE FUR SERVICE «• Marv.ood H. Taylor '• "»-, and her lms- 249 E. Brood St., Opp. Rialto Theatre ADams 2-3423 Open Mon. Eves. LAST CHANCE TO SAVE ON •« an usher and their Westfield, N. J. • "'»• Mrs. Victor F :r, Mass. CHRISTMAS CARDS

    yours for the asking CHRISTMAS CARDS BOXED-IMPRINTED

    Umbrella MUSETTE by LEtlOX. Tho mist hower BUY OR ORDER NOW groon garland |s accented by tiovo gray and burrjundy flowers in jowel-liko raisod cnamol. and SAVE r tl10 A new Bridal Shower Service Platinum outline Iho fluted cdo° " Sculpture shapo. 5-pieco selling; $26.95 OFFER EXPIRES OCT. 15 Courtesy of OUE STORE SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION NOW ON DISPLAY This elegant Silver Shower Umbrella HUNDREDS OF DESIGNS \ is yours to borrow at no charge. IMPERIAL by LENOX. Magnificently rogat... Traditional — Religious — Humorous the classic beauty of tha rich, 24-k. rjold TESS: Come into our wrnath that crowns the r,;-iwing ivory cliina, Sample Books Delivered To Your Homo On tha traditional S'-.d.i d shapo. tore to reserve this On Request - Just Call 232-1072 5-pioco setting... $24.?'5 J'ideal centerpiece ALSO TAGS - SEALS - RIBBONS well in advance of \ WRAPPINGS - ENCLOSURE CARDS fe your shower. !- J Jeannette's Gift Shop • Never a charge for crediJ Heodquarters for Hallmark Cards and Bcrricini Candy jane sttttth • Free gift wrapping 227 E. Broad Street 129-J39 CENTRAl AVE. AD 2-4800 ^•'JEWELERS .Free delivery - anywhere Rear Entrance to Municipal Parking lot J1»E. BROAD ST. ADAMS 3-052? H AD 2-1072 FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AT 132 ELMER ST. WESTFIEID • N. i. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS Open Monday and Friday Nightt 'til 9 P.M. Page 2 THE WESTFIELD

    BUNDLE DAY WORKERS—The Westlield Service League is geUiag Mr. RICHARD ready for Bundle Day Saturday. Shown with Mrs. William Owen, the Mak* y*vr h*a« —MM League's Thrift Shop Chairman, are Peter Nelson, left, and. John takes pleasure in 1 Barton, two of the Scouts from Troop 172 wlio will help Ui the town- with *vr flntr wide collection drive of Items fo restock the shop. introducing Narcotics Subject RUG CLEANING STORKCORNE k For Club Talk

    Di. and Mrs. Ilichard Davis of Police Chief James F. Moran will 15& N. Euclid Ave. became parents speak on narcotics at Tuesday's Oct. 5 at Overlook Hospital of tlicir meeting of the Intermediate Wom- fourth child, Sarah Jane. Pateilnal an's Club of Westfield at 8:15 p.m. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ira in the clubhouse. J Davis of 140 N. Euclid Ave. * * + A clothing collection will be made Their first son and third cliild, at the meeting for the two welfare Robert John, was born Sept. 3d at families the club is assisting. Hos- Overlook Hospital to Mr. and ^Irs.tesses will be Mrs. Alfred E. Ander- The pottle bow.,.* toft flow of faille. Joyce's odg John W. Reilly of 624 Kensington son, Mrs. John W. Dries, Mrs. to thli autumn's renaissance of romance. Cune$ Dr. Mrs. Reilly is the former Dor- Frank E. Brand and Mrs. Burton to kindle fht coquette In you, firttfy toe. Ptovocatlv othy Venzer, daughter of Mr. andA. Church. heel. Cushioned, light tnd easy. Most fwnlnln* Mrs. George Robert Yenzer of 641 New members oi the Intermedi- Mr. DAN Joyce! Clark St. ates are: Mrs. Harold Payne Jr., Advocate of the fubulout THROUGH ANO THROUGH MIAMPOpim . . . + * * Mrs. Katherine Hulbert, Mrs. Geo. gmnllt oi a molh«r'i car..t. Ktilero lh« natural gl»omlnj Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Buth of P. Grigg, Mrs. Paul Augustine and LAMB'S WOOL METHOD $15.00 klshltgtlll and lru« colri. 2GC Old Tote Rd., Mountainside, an- Mrs. James E. Farley. of Permanent Waving, COHTDOUID ui'unnc ORVINO .,. nounce the arrival Oct. 4 at Over- Representing the yroup at the an- not too fait and not loo stow. lotait modtrn dtvtcti look Hospital of their second son, nual 6th District fall conference of specially developed for ihote In Black Calf W Suede and Dark Brown Calf lo tafafuard «»tn lh« mot! dtllcet* wool (Ibtri, Craig Arthur. Paternal grondpar- the evening membership of the with fine, problem liair. ITAINS AND irOTI IXPiRTir MMOVI0 ... ents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kuth State Federalion were Mrs. David lt*v«r (Ubbtd honhly but panpirid until Ihty of the same address. E. Ober, chairman; Mrs. Walter C. dliopptarl No honh chtmtcati or* «v«r ui«d. * * * Brandsma, vice chairman, and Mrs. "MAKE RANPAL'S A FAMILY AFFAIR" Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoffman of 112 Prospect St. have named iheir Hichaid Dugan. WON! PL 6-0100-OTHU TOWNS WX-2100 (No Tell) second girl, Leisa Michelle. Shi: ar- rived at Muhlen'R'ig Hospital Oct. 5. American children will Trick or * * * Treat for UNICEF in over 13,000 Mr. and Mrs. Abram J. Beiford cojitmunilies. Randal's of 1512 Pine Grove Ave. became parents of a daughter, Kathleen, 82 ELM ST. ADAMS 2-3680 Oct. I at Muhlcnbcrg Hospital. She A daughter, Martha Kay, was is their fourth child and second born to Ihe Rev, and Mrs. Dixon J. fiirl. Op*n Monday Evening* Lang in Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 10 WESTFIILO, N. J.-l 1 E. Broad St. * * * She is their third child and second oJT BEAUTY A thirHospitad soln thoro Mrn Sept. an. d3 0Mrs at .RnhVic- - fiirl. Mrs. Lang is the former Mary 100 ELMER STREET, WEST FIELD, N. J. AD1«I PLAINFIELD, N. J.-Cor. South & Leland-Cor. W. 7th & Clinton tor M. Ziobro of 121 Hnlmnr Ter. Dudley Potts, daughter of Mr. and l-K'-HTHIOe/r l'AHKINi; CAI.l.lOll APPOUTH 1094 Arlington Ave.—306 Somerset lias been named Christopher An- Mrs. Thomas J. Potts of 757 Hyslip lluura UiOO to ClttO — Krldu>» DKMI I., OiOO — Clou! « drew. Ave.

    SALE COLUMBUS y/EEKEND Wednesday Oct. 12th Thru Saturday Oct. 15th SAVINGS TO 50%

    MISSES'. . . Skirts, Sweaters, Suits

    CHILDREN'S .. . Sno-suits, Jackets, Scriool Clothes

    GIFTS . .. China Sets V

    LEATHER . . . Handbags and Gift Items .4 .* , f - - Savings On Other Selected Items i

    i • i, jane smith 129-139 Central Ave. 2-4800 Free CUSTOMER PARKING - 132 Elmer St. Open Monday and Friday Night* 'til 9 P.M. THE WESTKIELD ,-,, \u Kirst : Opening al 6:00 P.M. Monday Evening Lt. Haniel Clement ColeMvorlhy HI.! chairman of the a-ssociation's sole ii' i lut> .it t'diii- p Al'S. son of Air. and Mrs iJaniel : Tuesday and Wednesday, 12:00 Noon to 10:00 P.M. fund-raising event this season. Pi o •1111 l \ ( t•'c HIT fiance, (irarnl- sun ol Mi - \ i (i Ureen of 41;! flif C Colt'suoi'tliy Jr. tit \b'l Mountain : eeeds will help tlie PTA budget Axe. '1'lie bride is the d.ashler i»t : which supports the J. Isabella Dodds ' ;>ni Si . if. a .-t•mor at the liMversiiy uf Hill fak) in;i.ioriui: iu account in;:. Mr. and Mrs. r'rankim Harris "f i Scholarship Fund, visits by foreign Urid^eport, Conn. t'atU. William K. i students, school functions, and gifts : o date in-^-n sei for the wed- : Jim Forenian, Chaplain Corps. ISA, of- l.n the. school, j ficiated at Ihe 11 a m. rereinoiiy. ' Tickets are being sold through! lit •trothvd The liride. "liii was {-spoiled to I honveroom motliers with Mrs. J. Ii. the altar by lhe groom's father, j Wilder as chairman, aided by class ; ivore a j:own uf peuii de sine. Alen- I chairmen as follows: Mrs. J. W. ' Cdn and X'enise l.ue with lon^: 'Taylor and Mrs. William Maidmont j SANDRA KOBICHTA PUTTI-K sleeves and a Watteati train. Her Jr., sophomore class; Mrs. J. M FI:H\A.\])\ MAKIK Ih'sior. veil was ailailkul lo a clus- \oorlus and Mrs. A. L. Molowa. jun- • A IL- J, n I I I ter of silk or::aii/a rosi-l'iids with ior class, and Mrs. J. M. O'Shaugh- AIDerr DiaCKWOOd .led pearls and rhiiiesioncs She nessy and Mrs. H. Sailer, senior Fernanda M. Bukva rarried a boiuiuci id" ni.M> and or- class. To Be Married an.ue lilos.sonis. Assisting MJ'S. W. G. Eckmun and Is Fiancee First Lt. Oma Kayo Hudnuv, Mrs. Milton K. Marshall, eo-ehair- Army Nurse Corps, of Cohiinluis. Mr. aid Mrs. J. Vincent IHk.n- The eii^avji'iiH-nt of Miss Fernan- men of decorations, in making cen- (la., who is stationed at Fort l!en- a>il l da Marie linkva lo lOdunrd Norman tcrpioces whid, wiU double as 4able j ^ °' "» »«. «!'">. ninji, was maid of honor. She was g;; thr ilinijihler. Halpen h.i.s heen annotmcei' by her awards are Mrs. Harry Taylor and I the '.•iieaKi'ine-'l ol their attired in a luni! I'.own of pink wool Sandra Kolx/rtii 1'IIIIIT, t» I)r. James . parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis V.. FALL SALE Mrs. John Bukowiec. with a malvluiiK veil and carried Melnlyre Hiiuk«-(iod. .son ol Albert! Hadnley of MartU'Kat Ijylit, former- In charge of table settinjj is Mrs. pink gladioli. Bardwell Brown, assisted by Mes- James liiui-kmincl of .SmU-ii I'lains. ly of Wesllield. formerly uf ttVslliehl, ;iiui Ihe late Second l.t. Alan Sinitli of Sa\an- dames W. J. Harvey, Frederick A spring wcdctiim is planned. Mrs. Ubckwood. Mr. lUilpon is the son of Mrs. Kd nail, Oa., was best man. Usher KAYSER Rupp. Earl Tliompson, William Kon- Miss roller is a ahnniKi of flliiu was Cnjit. Waller Courson of Co- ny, Robert Tapscott, William Hollo- ward llal[X'ii of Tivorlon, Ii. 1., und State l'i>iversily. Slit- Uailu's in lumbus, Ohio. way, and Donald Hann. the late Mr. lla'pon. Die ('oliimlnis nuiilic school sysleni. Mrs. Coleswortliy Is an aUtmna of Mrs. D. K. Rider, chairman of the Dr. t>l:K'kn'oo(i is a cnuliiate ol Warren Ilarditix ili^li Schnol, Briiliii1- refreshment comjnittee, will be aid- STOCKINGS Cornell University ;ind ol Hie New port. Conn., Airaiillo (Texasi Col- ed by Mesdames Edward Otzmaim, Carol E. Johnston York University Colleci' of Medicine. lej'.e and St. Anlhouy's Hospital Ralph Mease, Edward James, Wil- |MT TAIE - NAVY He is a resident in .suwry at Oliiu SMAIA KUTI-: School of Ninsinr,. Ainarilli). She liam H. Redlien, Richard Crum, Wal- IN C.P.O. - GREAT Slate Universily Hospital. Plans Bridal is stationed at Martin Hospital, Fl. ter Hunt. Charles Hood. Robert The wedding vill take ji!.,ce Dec. Helming. Oct.17-29 mWS AND SKIRTS Scott, Edward Bwen, W. If. Trenn, Scotch riulim — 'Die <>iWii).'oment 23 at the Unitarian (,'liurch in Co- Wedding Saturday 1.1. Coloswnrlliy is a graduate of v jffiJYTHING. James McNamara, George Gillie, of iMiss Cjjro! K1IS;HK'III ,lohn.sU>n tx> $1.35 KAYSER HOSIERY lumbus. Jeffrey Lynn (Ulliaiu h;is lK- Mill l.ane, Muiintaui: idr, will lie Ko lo Korea. stitute for Rehabilitation, West Or- married Saluilay al 2 p.m. in SI. The pru^jM'ctive iiride was i;radu- ON SALE FOR $1.19. St., Westfield The Mount Holyoke Club of Ihe A rehearsal dinner was plvc-n liy ange, will iio'd its annual bridge- Paul's Kpi.siopal t'luii'ch to Ciary ;ileil fi'om I'lain.s-l'';iniw St. dicapped from the Stepping Stone Ihe home of Mrs. (i. II. Bin-liall Jr.. Icw alter gradualint: from Norlhside 1 A liMffel supper for onl of town Congenial Couples Shop in Montclair which is sponsor- 722 Saurrtk-rs Av< . Ari'a alumnae an'.! Iht^h Scl»tol, Citrnini;, is svtlh tlu* L'ucsls will be j'.nen liy Mr. ;iud 1 Open Monday and Friday 'til 9 P.M. ed by the auxiliary. their husbands li;ue U'en inviltxi lo Hv .Mounl .Mrs. David (). S;ir:;eiit of It Can- The llneeilay henefil fashion show Holyoke, Rockefeller liistilule. hid;-- JIcrbury Lane, eo aiMlnir ol lhe linok. ami dessert liridqo last week fur the iwndenl ScluKil.s Talent Search Pro- i - "All Alionl l-lniert.-iiiiiii "," will sp.-al, Youth and Kiimily Cotitiscllinu StM-v- gram and the <>flice i>f I'.\'onoinn i Wi'dnrsday i'\'i'rin^ lo tin1 Korl- icc. lii'ki IUKKM" lhe auspices of SI. UplNN'tunity to provide heller ia'cd froin Scoll and Mrs. Cuy It. llynin. the church office. For the perfect high schools lliri)u;;li(>iit the iiatioti. Christmas Gift Syracuse Alumni To See Football film The Syracuse I'niversily Central o Jersey Alumni (jroup will hold an open alumni ui'.rliiw Wednesday at the Kar Hills Inn at fl p.m. Movies of the reccnl Syracuse-Navy Kainc OMEGA will bo shown, also slides of lhe fill* UJIfi'll Midi II llri'flllM- ilf IH'llMll |l4tN»rHnloil university. There will In- a Kcncral nieelin^ and socinli/iuM- A SMALL DEPOSIT NOW WILL HOLD ANY WATCH UNTIL CHRISTMAS I

    Tlial's right, wilh Martin's convenient monthly or v/eekly payment plan you can give tho world reknown Ornetja without disturbing your budget. Holder of three out of four obscrvalory awards for highest accuracy, Omega has boon chosen lo time many Olympic Games since 1932. Marlin Jewelers ii proud to have boon selected as an agency for this outstanding time piece, let us show you lhe wide selection of Omega watches for both men and women, including self-winding and diamond-sot models, $75 to $1,000.

    Omega has eonchtcntly v:mi hlyhcst When she spends hours in front of the mir- Uonnra in comiiclitloo prccinion-coutcnto at Geneva, and Ncuchalcl Obscrvalaricn. ror trying now hairdos, it's time for the A copy of tho official raling-charla will Stride Rita "Tina". Our now broad strap, ho vladlu mailed to you together iiAth a free stylo brochure. Sold ami cervical in new round toe, buckled beauty. (Really 4 129 eounlrlm, tho Omrua gnixrantco step-in, there's a gore /""I ™& T\ ia honored by tho world's Sincat jewelers. behind the buckle.) JSvTRI DE KlTE

    WIN VALUABLE PRIZES! WE HAVE FREE TREASURE CHEST KEY CARDS THE TOGGLE CONSTELLATION COAT FOR HTLBS LITTLE SISTERS - GREAT FOR S? WOOLS - A PARADE OF "YOUR PERSONAL JEWELER" *liLEY, A TOUCH OF TEXTURE PLAY AND Doctors' Prescriptions Carefully Filled SCHOOL. Full Line of Orthopedic Shooi WARMLY PILE eft:L°ng Sleeve Skimmer, blue 10-16 $25 LINED. Navy, Wo Keep ACCURATE RECORDS of All Fittings 9ht: loden, or Mail REMINDER CARDS ' Short Sleeve 2-pc, navy 10-18 $23 burgundy 7-14 $18 Provide FREE SIZE CHECKUPS "Make Randal's A Family Affair"

    WESTFIELD WESTFIELD Ollior Stores THE REAR . . . Walkway lo Qulmliy St. 121 Quimby St., Weslfield 82 ELM ST. If CH|O3| S ELM & QUIMBY STS. in Cranford 121 <;.irn >i.inilny nn.l Trlilnr Quimby St., Westfield AD 2-1131 HI )I and Plainfiold Oillll A.M. '"I I"' '•• - Open Monday Evenings 232-6718 MONDAY and FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. Page 4 THE WESTFIELD (NT. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 33, 19GC Stevens Will Direct i Comedy Is Chosen Cancer Research Talk The Symbol for Fine Portrait and Wedding fhotography Player?' Drama For College Club Slated For Tonight Robert Stevens has been chosen The current affairs group of the to direct tlie first major production Scholarship Play College Woman's Club will hear a of Die Community !'iayers in the tall: this evening on cancer research Cynthia Jioward 1968-67 season. 'Dark of ilic- Moon" by Dr. George E. Boxer, executive will be given Friday iind Saturday "Absence of a Cello" has l>een director and director of biochemis- evenings, Now 4 am1 5 at KooscveM selected by live (Allege Women's try at Merck Institute for Thera- Junior High School. flub of Westfield as its biennial | pjutic Kesearch. The meeting will Admission to these performances play. It will he given Feb. 24 and i begin at 8:15 :n the home of Mrs. will he limited to members of the 25 al the Westfield High School. | Hoberl Hinkley. 522 Forest Ave. players and their guests, but a Ixnie- This production has a twofold pur- f Dr. Boxer jf-ined Merck Institute fil performance Thursday evening. pose. The first and most important, I in 1956 us director of Unzymology Columbus Week-End Nov. 3 for the charities of I he West- is to raisu funds fur scholarships I Laboratories and became director field Chamber of Commerce, "The giceji to girl graduates of Westfield i of cancer research in W62. He re- Jayeees, ' will be open to the pub- High School. The second is to pro- ! ceived his MD degree from the L'jii- lic tlirough the .sale of tickets by vicie an evening of entertainment to j versify of Vienna and his PhD from that organization. playgoers. I Columbia and tautjhl medical chem islry (it the University of Viennr. Mr. Stevens, a teacher of Urania "Absence of a Cello" by Ira Wal- UP TO Lach is a comedy. It spoofs big bus- He was research assistant in tlie and speech at Highland Park Hiyli department of biochemistry at Cam School, is a graduate of William irK*>s and the Lnuigc of the "coivor- iite man." Tl'e story concerns a bridge, England, before working in and Mary College, and for tlic last the research and development divi Va nine years lias been active in the physicist in financial straights, direction of many theatrical per- forced lo apply Sar a position with a sion of Merck. formances. Ui'j last work with (he large corporation. Anyone wlw has Community Players was the pre- ever filled out a company employ- Davids Return To USA sentation of "The King and 1." ment, form and has been interviewed "ill home" by the iwxwers-tiiat-be. Staff Sgl. snd Mrs. D. D. David will enjoy this play as did the Broad- and their four children arrived in way audiences during the 1U64 sea-the United States Saturday after six son. years of overseas duty with the U Club Prepares For S. Air Force. Mrs. David is the Norman Schneider Mill direct the former Barbara Garabrant, daugh IMPORTED WOOL CQSTUMR Flower Show production. All members of tlie club ter of Mrs. Jennie Garabrant of 1 (Short and Long Ltngtht) are welcome to d tlie suitoi (Tailored and Qtnty) lioii with tlie cl'.h's Open Home and of tlie scientist's daughter. rdon PilgriinuSu to be held Oct The play eopimJttce was headed b> Wilson Grads To Hear 19. A question und answer period Mrs. Joseph Shcmferu. Professor followed the lecture. Mrs. Frank J. Dugan, president, Dr. Roger W Wescott, professor DRESSES reported that slie and Mrs. August Giant Proclaims of anthropology and linguistics at Monti represented 1he -club at the Drew University and a former fac- (W«PIS and Silk*) Do you have an up-to-date wallet portrait you can Garden Club oX New Jersey's fall Junior League ulty member of Wilson College, show with pride? Wherever you are, you always have 'onforeuce in Atlantic Oily. Other Chambersburg, Pa., will speak on ?lub meniheis attending wore Mrs. "Of Ants and Men" at the fall din- the best of company with a professionally made family Vorman Orr, Mrs. William V. Ilarti- Thrift Sale ner meeting of the Northern New portrait. Brina. the family in soonl See the difference {an and Mrs. tilotn H. Hudson. Jersey Wilson College Club tomor- row night at Stouffer's Restaurant, Mre. Arthur Macaulay Jr. and I'lalnflclit — George, the genia professional photography can make. giant, is ready to he pkrctxl outside Short Hills. HITS. Harry Whittaker, flow-er ar- Cocktails at 7 will he followed by artging chairmen, announced a the Park Ik>M Annex lo proclaim workshop will Iw conducted Nov. 17the opening of tlu; ninth annual Jun dinner at 7:30. Portraits By Pietro by Mra. Kennetl) Doremus in her ior Lcxijjuc of Plainfield Thrift Rale He is a graduate of Princeton Uni- homo at 9:30 a.m. which will be held next Thursday versity, where he al«: received his 288 EAST BROAD ST. WESTFIELD Hospitality hostess for the incel- Oct. 20 from !) a.m. lo 9 p.m. and MA and PhD decrees. A member ing was Mrs. Williain Vcad. Her as- Oct. 21 from tl a.m. lo 1 p.m. :>f Phi Beta Kappa, he was a Rhodes Qynthia Jioward Phone 233-4666 sistants were Mrs. Albert Uo4>al, Kur those who prefer shopping eholar at Oxford University, re- Mrs. llobert Boutillier and Mrs. without crowds there will be a pre- ceived fellowships at the University James Compton. salo VVedmHMJay frmn 3 p.m. to 6 of Paris, was i Ford Fellow at the p.m. University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and 253 E. BROAD WESTFIELI is the author of six books. Bargains will l>e offered in dollies, PARKING IN REAR Ixmks, ivcords an

    Sigma Sigma Sigma Mrs. Arthur Dowling of 45 West NOW AT ANDREW'S Lawn Dr., Livingston, will serve as hostess and president for the meet- ing Saturday at 1 p.m. of the North- As Seen In Glamour ern New Jersey Alumnae Chapter of Sigma Sigma Sigma corority. Color In As Little As Mrs. Dowlitig, vice president, will act in the absence of tlie president, Mrs. Robert Lang of Maluvnli. Prior lo a brief business meeting, coffee and dessert will he served. Five Minutes A demonstration on arranging fall flowers is also planned. Members are urged to contact Mrs. Dowling for further informa- tion. Whatever Amount of TIME, SKILL and PATIENCE [ It required we give It gladly and courteously Sigma Kappa "Shrimp Boats" is the theme for Complete Ltr>e of Orthopedic Shoes this month's meeting of the New DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY f 11 LED Jersey Central Alumnae Chapter of Sigma Kappa sorority. A film will be shown about the M;iine Sea Coast Mission, the sorority's national phil- anthropy. Mrs. Scldcn Staples will hostess the mcetiiiK ;it her home in Liberty AD 2-5163 Corner this evening at 8:in. Assist- ing her will he Mrs. Alvin Flanimo. No Other Machine Works Like This Amazing Open Monday Evening* Kappa Kappa Gammq The Westfichl Alumnae Chib of Kappa Koppii Gamma will celebrate Speed-Processing Machine. Other Machines Use 8 Founders' Day Tuesday with a sil- vi'i- lea ;il the hoine of Mrs. M. S. AUTHORIZED l;:ukelcy. Mil Arlington Ave., from High Energy Bulbs Which Cause Hot Spots And :(-."i p.m. All K;ippas are welcome. MAJOR APPLIANCE Uneven Processing. — Bonat Uses 60 Low Energy Jefferson Duplicate Winners Named Lamps Which Are More Comfortable And Assure REPAIRS The winners of tl,p last Jefforson Schoul duplicate bridge games were: More Even Results. Lr-Y^h?li^J?^ - Dishwashers - Range* XortbSouib, fir-;t, John n. Martin ;>n;l .hiliii IS. !X'iini;:n; second, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A/.011: third, v Mickey I .ovine and .toy Krauss; fourth, Mrs. I-:. 1). Constable and ^tm^^mJ & APPLIANCES Mrs. .1. I. McnUs. Kit.-t-Wi-st: i-'ir.-t. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Krupnick: second. Mr. and ANDREW HAIR STYLIST ; / 333 SOUTH AVE. Mrs. Charles Mayne: third, William (Isl)orue- ami lteger Penipli;: fourth, FOR APPLIANCES ...... '-'.-V.. PHONE AD^2-^064 lU'lly Pierpnnl and Anne Kims. 201 CENTRAL AVENUE WESTFIELD, N. J The next yames will l>t. Tuesday P ovening at 8 at llu> schr.ol. The !S5:^ ^.-COIORiv.. . .v .,•. pkoNE AD 2-4660 .IcffiTsiiii Selinol l'TA Inc. is aided CALL 233-4090 by tlie l THE WESTTTELD (V. J.) LEADER, THfRSOAY, OCTOBER IS, 19WS Page 5 |Country Auction | Promises items Enjoy These Fall Days-Take A Trip To of CHRISTMAS? For Everyone Mniv [han five harases arc filled CLARE and COBY'S jto briiiiniin.a uiih item.-, fur the jfERNATIONAL i Westfic-ki .luiiiiir Woman's Club 1 sever.lh ii, STERLING ! the Armory. | "Auc;iur.;.b!;. iicms -o'.'l and nev.. ; ui;j ;iii;l .«ina!l—hn\e b.-.T. reKirled ' I ail summer .*:'.:! will ciK'.tii.iu* to b.-; ; collected ur.'il Oct. as." Mrs William ; and COFFEE SERVICES flam, iiiu'tion <' :i;:;r,.i;i. 'u'd club I ;iu-*nltei> ;! Tiics'.iy's ni'o'.-i i.'.g iil tl::- cluhlu^rsi1. [f MORE THAN 40% OFF Mrs. Hobi-rt lial.iwin, co-fhaii'- ! j man. repi:rtc.l that ;isi:U' from thel j '::i'Wt' s:ci\' ::,r aMct iniiab;;' Hems. Ilk-! ! Aniiory uil! h:m- an ai>li'|ik- liie. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR SMALL PARTIES I engine dispho'ed tlirou^'n the com-- : 1*OSI\G with a few of Hit" many items U be auctioned at (lie Oct. 29 i lesy of the Wrstli.ld I'ire Deport-. •'('oiiulry Auction" In tliv Armor) are three meiiibei's of the Junior ! nicp.l a:id a lili") Mr •• Woman's Club «f Westfield, Mrs. Bruce l>eMaeyi r, Mrs. Afoiis M. COCKTAIL LOUNGE ; loaned by aulu|iic buff \\. A Cm-, Tuviircs Jr. and Mrs. Richard Ilarlkojil. Not slmuii in phiitu are five : ham of .r»2 Wvsttield A\c i filled guruge coiitaiuiug desks, dressers, dinettes, an upright ptuuo, Open Daily For Luncheon And Dinner Except Mondoys snow tires, u child's slide, ftr. I The i.'iiur.lry store se-clioi). under i 1 the direction of Mrs. i'.dward howat•' PIWXMMIS will yo iiuiinly to IIK;. Mrs. HolkTt Kidiius. RESERVATIONS - 721-4898 HOST, ANDREW AREES ! czyk. will include a ruji hnokjti^ West field Coinmiuiity Center. Last chairman, anuoiuurd Uwl (lie see MADISON TOWNSHIP ' deiiKtnstratioii. u re;>restTiit:tti\e fr:;ni { VC.H'S auction realizell be 10 a.m to first coffee Thursday evening at Mrs. ' hoiiolies. a "Colonial Americana"! 5 p.m. Hihis'' home. booth and it hoytli featurin:1. reason- | ably priced "Luuliuue" items hand-1 I made by refujr,:v^ in IIOIIH KonK. [ <.- ROYAL DANISH SERVICE (Made Mrs. Bruce I>r.\!:u-ycr am! Mrs £usV)9-cuP coffes pot, 9-Cup tea JAfolis M. Tavares Jr.. reported lluit wt, o»am pitcher, sugar bowl .^nO a Batman llwnu* "ill prevail in the nste, ' children's arra. Time will be a makeup booth lUatmun, Roliin or $575. ADLER'S PRICE $335. CatwomatH. IRMI'I.V new Iwoks, toys and games ul smtill prices and mcmlwra of tin* Sub-Junior Woman's SHOP PLAINFtElD Club will supervise jjuiiie-i for H\e youngsters. AND SHORT HILLS MALL THURSDAY 'TIL 9

    Sale To Benefit Sorority School

    The display and sale of Pi Rota l'hi sorority Arrow craft pivxiiicts will lx- held \Vfiiti(>sil;iy and Thursday frtiii) 10 a.m. to :i p.m. at the homu of Mrs. Harris McAuiilfe I0.1 Golf Spc. PRELUDE SERVICE Kd»e. 9cup coffee pot, 10-cup tea pot, cream pitcher, sugar bowl and waste. TIK> Arroweeii sent out liy Mrs W. M. t'lark and Mrs. U>wis iiuckinan, co-cliairmen, as- sisted by Mis. Harry Bockus, and Mis. R. If. Rcfrcshnu-iils will l>e served i>y Mrs. Willis S. Martyti, assisted by thy Mesdaincs l)on;iigiijm is titled "Show and !iie Soiin.-r.sw Trust Co . Waicliuny. Tell." Before County Chapter A "J.rtlJf Show" will In; ht'ld also. To Parenthood Group Of Liquid Embroidery Homer Belts of Staten Island, JK- Hoslr.sses are Mr.vWiiiiaiii S. Spoukcrs ;;l .Monday's iiicciiiiK of For Plains H.S. Mountainside — Tlie Mountain Helping Hands Busy president of Uw Now York S1;iW'| MimtKli and .Mrs. James V. IVurkf u( ilic VViMik-ki ^roup ci( Hit JJianni'd Trail Garden Club will meet Octutwr •£<• T. lien African Violet Soni'ly will adda-.-j- W'c-sihi'i'l an:l Mrs- <;<-^ J'ai'cullifjti'J Tii-Coimly U-..;:uc- wili Scotch Plains — Coiicye Niglil for I11 ,-i! the fiumo of Mrs. Edward S. The U<.'l|)in!J Hands Club of the YW :> an- wci the Union Cminly ('hu[>U*r of Uic- of R.:I Haul., (ju.- !il' .Juthu Arc-!i-l.-;.ld A. Wijckrr. di- slucii.'itls of tiie Stolen VVxasrVitn- \ Powi-rs. JI02 PuddiMsUine IM., toCA met Thurslay at the home of African Violet Sook-i.v 01 A"«: "ico rt-i-lur (if lii..- IIjU'tllUI'IK' lid. vVarren Kukei' iitid Mis. Martin chairman, will accept returns on thetribute (hem for sewing. These Jud^c- WacktT is a Jtu'iuln'l" of the ,'<;iyo. This is a c-uiiiiiiuniiy project tickets dKtriljitied to the members women volunteers give many hours casework cornmi'k-e of Ihu Family .ircscnliid l.iy tin.- l-'iinwuod ColUi^e jlust month. al home to making needed articles .Voinen's I'lul) with the o^jjoralioii of | j and Children s So'-idy of I-Jastcr;, Mrs. Claire Palmer of Ol>athajr> for the huspital. MADE WITH LVCRA* I Union County, a member of the..}ic bi&h school gLiiduiKe dtpyiiniciit. \ | .steering toiimiillci' of the HoyThis ]>rogr;un eimijlcs parents of Scouts and a triclue of the Union •oKfj^-rjound students lo incol with ...SO LIGHT. YET Take FIVE Minutes Out County Psychiatric Clinic eprosenLativt s of leydirtg colleges tnd uiitvei^itit*^ t« di.->cus.s academic ,rograi7is, <'t' Wcstfichl. Tlicy are: D«Mii.son Uui- season Sunday :it the home of A! vc-rsity, Mi'.s. Wanan VJie!; Grove - IT'S WORK. RELAX FOR FIVE MINUTES AND W. I\ Swell in Scotch Plains. Had .'ity Col lew. Mrs. Koljurl Bunks: French S-jile in K major WHS pe Miami University. Mrs. Warren Cas- Made with Du Pont's formed by Kalhciinc KIIS of Cra eol: University of KochL'slcr, Mr. wonderfully controlling TALK ABOUT YOURSELF WITH PEGGY STRANG. ford. Martha Council accunipuni and Mrs. Briu'u ("loujfliiy, ;HKI the; hy Anne Houch-jl of Wcslliold playe Untted Stiiti:s Air Force Academy. elastic fiber, Lycra, Pan hy Donjon, Larch Fidlcr Vincent Waslnilit.'. this superb girdle YOU WILL BE DELIGHTED AND REFRESHED. Cranford playud Mozart Kanlasi molds you) With •* and Joanne Peterson of Mounlaii Dr. Jolin S. Ilaicr. jwesident of unbelievable comfort. side Jtomanco i't I) flat by Siixtiu ':urry C^olU'j4o, Miitiwi. Mass.. and brmcr tlcjin of ad!iiis.siojis at Syra- The reinforced etastto cuse Uriivur.vily, will I* Hie keynote sections on each Overlook Twig Meetings speaker. side of the lovely BOND PHARMACY Overlook Hospital Twigs incclinj* nylon batiste center panel do wonders this week are Twig IV Wednesday DAR Announces Names 200 E. BROAD ST. at 1 p.m., home of Mrs. Richard M to slenderize your Of Board Members WESTFIELD Kraft Jr., 2-10 Seneca PI.; Twin II, silhouette, and Thursday, Ocl. 20 at 9:30 a.m., IIIIIIK New appointments lo the execu Smoothie's famous AD 2-5600 of Mrs. W. G. l.timb, K12 N. Chest Controleur back is nut SI. ond Twig VII, also Oct. 2(1live board of Weslfield C'liup shaped to Tit your at 10 a.m., home of Mrs. A. M. Air DAH, have been announced by Mrs rey, 218 .Sunset Avc. ph A. Hall, re.iicnt. Mrs. Ily figure perfectly. ron M. Vantiderbill has been named Y*lito and black. vice rt^genf. Committee chairmen arc: Amer- $17.50 ran Indians. Mrs. Hoberl A PANELS: Nylon, exclusive r of decoration. fliwarz; 15AK i»iit ,"izino. Mrs. The- ELASTIC: Nylon, odore K. Hess; DAK school, Mrs. l-ycra Spsndex. Theodore U. (terlach; Girl Home- Corner on Colonial ®"lycra" U Dw fonf'c'fc makers, Mrs. Harold li. Heck and for Hi a|KMd«< fiW. OUTSTANDING Mrs. John f.. Kverliart; scrapbook, Search the state and the nearby metropolitan Walter I*. Perry: ways and area and you'll still find it impossible to duplicate leans, Mrs. fieek and Mrs. Lau- the connoisseur collection of Colonial furnishings :nce P. McConnack. and accessories on view in our Brick Cottage, THE CORSET SHJ right in your own back yard on Route 22. We welcome browsers at all times, and happily 148 E. BROAD ST. WE Benefit Planners tender authentic Colonial decorating assistance at no charge. (Practical budget plan, tool) 233-2615 The finance committee of the The Foundation of Our Business ii thi Woman's Club will meet Tuesday al Open Monday and Saturday 10:30-9; Tuesday !)::«] a.m. in the clubhouse to make thru Friday 10:30-9. Catalog—free if you visit, Right Foundation For Your Figur* final uiranccmcnts for its Oct. 25 by mail: tend 15c to The Pine House, 272 High- luncheon, bridge and fashion sliow way 22, Green Brook, New Jersey. at the Chuntieler.

    Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Custome-1 Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Custome \ Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Custorjjer Service Custome i Customer Service Customer Service r Service Custome i Customer Service Customer Service fflsw r Service Custome : (Customer Service Customer Servic r Service Custome Customer Sei r Service Custom* Custome r Service Custom. (Justome. \ Service Custome Customer, I Service Custome' -.- Customeri I Service Custome;. Customer' "Service Customei: ADD Customer Service Customers Customer Customei i) TO TOUlt Customer Customer s Customer Customers \ Customer S Customei S Customer Si Customer S Customer S Fine <£ualt

    One of (he Wo,ld'i'u;R<:il'Specij.lisls in Fine PLEASE NOTE: Our ad, like our fletninffton Offer limited to company, has a Elizab&thtown Gas EU2ADETH METUCHEN PERTH AMB07 I RAHWAY I WESTFIELD nreo served by background of Ono Eliz.ibolhtown Plaza OPEN DAILY.TO 9 P.M. — SAT. .«. SUN. TO 6 > M 289-500O 452 Main Street i'20 Market Street I 219 Central Avenue 184 Elm Strce* ElizabcthtW ^ N 289-5000 • I 289-5000 I 289-0000 P-, 8.SPRING STREET, FLEMINGTON, NEW. JERSEV customer service! 283-5000 THE WFSTFIFIT) (N. J.) LEADER, TIURSDAV. OCTOBER 13. 19G6 Boro Benefit Scheduled Ir.ii. for i!:" benrfit of :•.,.• ci Newcomers m>;a;iJUil\i;is u'liiv:1. fiu* i! A ili"-s:-:1 e.i.-.t ; ,^. ,.tl. , . , , , Ti.Uets ui;i>" t>e oolaineH from Mr< : Events ;i p*u t> vwii Ue i.c.J !.»v 11^ MutiiiUmi- ^ , . ,. ! , ' skle W ^ » s * i u ' i-.filH-rt < ^rlsuii. <-luu:-ni.[ii. M-s ; * «... .,,, ..,.',., ',. l '"•"'^ iv< : l;rvd<-ri<'k ISisierfeki. Mrs Viiuvii : 1 The Newcomers Club duplicate 'itt* £ ^ *'rtt '"•^•'•»'- :WMkak<. and Mrs. l». U:,il:,,:e Al liiidue aroup will meet at )2;3U to- (•:•>• MI the YW!/A. • The howling group will meet to- mori-i)\v at H:30 ;>t Wesllield Lainw Twuorrow ni-'h! Mr. and .Mrs. David Bellman of IT Carol Kd.. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Donahue of 315 Wych- j Have you seen!! woud Rd. and Mr. ;md Mrs. Wi'lber Jk-riey of 212 Lynn Lane, will In- host.', to the couplet novice Uridcv '*r/i<« i/i<».«if beautiful Persomdised Christmas »roi,|j at 8:30. LUXURY RANCH APARTMENTS • Tuesday al 9:30 the tennis f.'roui> Cards in the tf'orld?" 11 s.s ini;iii.-sihle - the ii;-h wiiod paiu'liinj;. the tre- will assemble at the Tamaqai •> new luxury raii meiu'lous siorj;U' roiwn duwn- {•ofrts. Mrs. Robert Luticnbcru'. r \i M'.e \'ou t;tiouM slairs ai;;l llw l:ii'!',e attached of 7IHI Mountain Ave. and Mrs. <.'. Visit Lancaster, Ltd. and browse in comfort, antl see for yourself. r,araju*. Hore iixli-ed are all FOK TIIUSK WHO <'A\ AK- I lie privacy und<-iuiism\is I). McMillan of «•( Hircli PL, wii; 1 he hostesses !n Ihe ladies novkv ; from the largest and most diversified collection I'OIU) Till-: \'KHV HKST. of a phvitli' lionu Mithosil any ! r heie has IKTM CI ratixl a uniijue of the jMXjhlcms ;md rcN|m«.si- bridgo group al 12:45. At 8:15 tin.' eiiiti-t of 17 distiiuii\e IRUIIC-S. social committee will meet in Hie i of personalized cards in this area. ttilities (»f lioine o\\ riership mid M M I Kl sil)h\r—Mrs. Julm ll«»;,n. |,.ft, iUs bi-i'ii named prt-sident each ili\ided iirto four apart- iiiuiitU-iuincv! home of Mrs. liobert Hu^Umd. )0H ments. 1'YiMii your very firsl \ Boulevard with Mrs. Robert Tool . i>l tin ^«( A NIUI iniiirs < !;ih. Sin- is shimii rrri-iring (lie gavel from The $235 IKS' month rental is Mrs. Hrrlurt licKus, mitmiinf; |>r*-si:!>-nl. It's NOT too early!! plituiisc of the lval WOIKI burn- your UAui cost. It iiwludes und Mrs. Peter Rossi as culiostcs*- I in;: fireplace iu the living % OS year-round imai mwf air < ondi- ttxiin. you will see th;it no iv- ttoniiuj t individually eutil^-ot- The executive board will meet ' Plains Commission Attend Convention fiiiement of detail h:is tw<-n ledi, all itns for (-miking. yiHir Wednesday evening at 8: IS in tlie overliHiked (hat will add to Hie own jk-istwial wasl«nj> inaeliinc home of Mrs. Kenneth Holmes. -471! tlie t4Ui iinnual nven ciimfdi-l and Kra<-«m» living of 1 UIRI itiTt*'', und all electi icily. smartly Uhittier Ave. Assisting her will U • Books 'La Boheme' lion uf Ihe \.,1. lxM.^iie for Nursing. those who make Brnndywyno .Mrs. John Hogan and Mrs. I'clcr Oil ti and 7 at Cherry Hill were their home . . . Wui spacious Kumi.-duxl model «|H»II for ili- Ihieslis. Stotrll rhiins — Tik1 Sen!eh ]'];ii]ih ShiUi M. tiiyim (if iiu-lii Arrowwood bedroom villi its private siKH'lion. Send for I-'re-e Hiw ilii-.ssiiw room and full wool dress, !e.reaiii:n ("niinui.ssinn hriiied tiy I)i- . Mrs. .luhamia Kistwdy of 340 i-huiv. or oc-ttor yet come to 1 1 Heveiiy Dr.. Chief Pul.lie H.'alth niirror walls, (ho hands 'Uil^f J ' \i-ll'.-/!O. Will S]>Ul!M>r Ihi HaENGRAVERn casterS • STATIONER,S Hraudywyno and «•<• •'Kai'l" B2 for the money, Aiding Mental Health j Weiliiis-.lny evi,«. Noi-. Hi liress Xiirsv. N.I. Deiiarlnu'iit of Health, lirandywyne ltiiuin wiHi its loveless dress in I<'IH';II.S.I1 iH'iloniKiiue of "La Ku Mrs. Mildred M. La Duo of 7G7 niHKCTIONS: (imxlcn State Pkwy. Kxil nil. Golden Bell Ball lietne" which will be presented by Houknard. and Mrs. liarl)ara K. Do 76 Elm St. then lite. :il south to just past 2nd traffic marching Mrs. Perry Shoemaker of Har- I Ihe (>i>i'r:i 'I'lieal.-r of New Jersey I'.is.-. of ri4« CuiiilHM'land St. "I'm- circle. !tlo. ^f> tsovith one block, turn right niiinily Ileallli-Nursing's Hesiwiisi- AD 2-2232 on Old lirid«<> Kd. l'liono (2011 223-31WII. i jacket. $55 Chester Way, Mrs. .loan MuAuliffc | \i»-. 1H and 111 :it tin; Seoli-h 1'lanv- t of Golf Eclfje and Mrs. Kolx'il Hess I Kanwoiii) llish SCIIDUI. Tickets foi liility." was the theme. ^ 15, 6 10 16 of Park Slope. Moiiniitaiiisiik". an- : the dress ivhe:n >cil perfoniKtiK'e w ill i serving as members of the palrons i be awnluhle fur students ami ivsi- »*i wools are committee of the lUOK Golden Bell ; dents or Si-olill I'l.niiS. | Marstro Alfredo .Sili^nl. ,-niistic ft behold.. . Ball, which is being presented Fri- day evening, Nov. 4, by the New (iirrcliir and rondiiftor i>l tin- Opera ,ond todybug Jersey Association for Menial Health Theatre, has aniiDiinretl that the t ore excitingly at the Chant icier. (»|H>ra will !.'•' presenletl ill its ell- Proceeds from this annual social ! lirety in hill continue and wiih eolor- I intelligently benefit help lo support the.1 assoeki- I fill slasie .•-els. The urehi-slra nf 4d er . . . lion's board programs of comnmnily ! iiiusieian.-,-. will aeroinpany tht^ east action, public information and as- I of nine principals and full churns of ofusionl sistance to the mpiili'lly ill and their I ;<"> ailn!l sutser.s. A Hoy Choir will ADLER'S FOR STERLING VALUES families as well as the local pro- also sin;: in the pixiiliuiion. ICvelyn grams carried on by tin* Associa- H'.weke of Westfiekl. is the ehonis Choose From New Jersey's Largest Selection tion's County diopters. dirertor. Coinniiftt.'e nu-.nbers of Ihi' Com-i Women Leaders Convene mission with Mr. \'enczio are Mary j 1 ( ;'i'ey. I'A'elyn iir;illein, .fare Zelrs- RONDEUr UCt POINT ftOQUENCE MODERN VICTORIAN ALFXAWRA MADRIGAL 1\-.e woiniin who works anil the j iKik. Cbarlrs Caye. Hubert Lee, and TILACOUBT on;aiiization.s which serve her were : James Hcymiiils. Harry (i. <;eellein IQUIMBY ST. discussed by leaders of over -10 na-j i.s assrslini: as iniisif ei)ii>ultant. tional organizations for women in ly 10-5:30 I business and professional fields con- ! American Music Theme ilFri. nites 'til 9 vened in Washington. I). C , Friday, for tlie. fourth Congress of Anu'ricin : For Club Department Women Leaders. It was sponsored by the National Federation of llnsi- I "America's Ciiu'rihiition To Music" ness and Professional Women's luill lie the theme lor 11i(ili-(i? season Clubs, Inc. of Ihe nuKie ai Inuiit of The West field Woman's Huh. Mrs. C. II SHihler will ;:ive a hrief re-unie of the book, "Our Ajucricaji NTjj-ic" hy ,/ohil Tasla-r Howard al Tuesday's meetinu' al I2:.'ll] in the chihlwiiise. Mrs. Mclvin .1. Miller and Mrs. S. RECORD SPECIALS (^hester Hickman will hi- <-u hostess- es for the s.'ilidu irh liiEicheon. Mrs. I!oy Sie^ri.-t will recite llw musical $2.79 melodrama. "The l'ied IMtx-f of 'THE MONKEES" llameiiii" accompanied on piano hy Mrs. Stanley I*. Waimli. J^J ^F WW (fo(fr a limited time only) THE CRITTERS "Younger Girl" Mrs., d. pail men! chair- THE BEATIES "Revolver" man, extends ;m invitation lo clnh ENJOY THE BEAUTY AND PRESTIOH OF newcomei-s to attend the meelini:. THE BYRDS "Fifth Dimension" 'THE ASSOCIATION" IJORT Party Tonight An evening of Binw is planned for SPECIAL SAVINGS ON SERVICES FOR 8 and 12 Wonieti's American OlST's annual paid up nicmhcrship paily which will he hi'ld al Teniplo Kmnnu-ICI tonight at I!::!D. A bnff«-l will l)e served to niemlx-rs rind their KwsLs. A unique opportunity to own this fine, quality Sterling BARBARA RYAN Linden H.S. Reunion at Important savings. Up to $90. on a service for I8" Street Phone I.iiuli'ii lli^li Scl'(,oi's Class of 19-ir, twelve. Choose from eighteen lovely patterns. will have ils 'M'.U reiiiiion ;it the field 233-1448 Motllllaiiiside Inn. Satui-day, Oct. 22. »


    Take Your Family Out for a Wonderful Meal

    DELICIOUS SANDWICHES Complete Sandwich Luncheon 90c Complete Salad Luncheon $1.25 >• Complete Hot Luncheon $1.25 Delicious Dinner Served from 5 to 7:30 P.M. Priced from $1.75 to $1.95 1'iNorlli.Avcntin M.-mrli'<-A«11IT. Tnc •i:, Kn"nr Hi i l.tu.lcii

    SPECIAL FAMILY DINNER • n.ilir t.. ••:•••••• I'-.vf. l.iii. «• Frl. Til 'J l'.M. THURSDAY NIGHTS, $165 Children's Dinner 95c

    • FOUNTAIN SERVICE THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, I96«--« Ex-Stewardess Meeting Supper Scheduled Past stewardesses of Eastern Air- line will meet Wednesday for dinner la a smart shag casual that's With tlte Coileciatts By NCNW | in Belle Meade at the bome of Mrs. doubly snapped an* ! Harold Reed when Mrs. William G- buttoned. With chunky litt!9 Nancy Sue ISiniictt. daughter cf at Purdue University where he is u The Scotch Mains Section of Union ' I'.loun! of ').'« Coleman PL. area di- heel and a cushioned vition leader, will discuss "Growth Mr. and Mr:;. .Marion Burnett of B32 junior in the math science school. County Council of tlw- Nalioiiu! Couii- insole that makes every 1 t'il of Negro Women, Inf., «ilj coi- by Membership." Kmhree C'ri :;., is a ficsbman a He is also president of the Camera 8tep sheer delight Blackburn Collide, Carlinvillc, 111. Club. timie its membership drive with a i Past K;istern stewardesses inler- * * * * * * covered dish supper fur n««' mem- j esl<:d in menibership in the Silver- Hubert <„'. Hdivcliuwitz of 20 Man Catliryn M. West™, dauytiti-r of bers and |>rospi-<-live muinlwrs, Sal- ' liners may contact Mrs. Blount. cliti.stL'r Dr. is enroHod in the frt'sh Mr. and Mrs. Mylt-s S. Wcslon of urday i-voning. Ocl. 22. ax the itiiin class at Kcnyon Colli'St1, Cam- ISIS Central Ave., is a member of field t'ominunily U College. A graduate of theman. piKsidtnL uf tin; Union County Sporty... a letter of commendation from the Mount Saint Mary's Academy, she| Council. National Merit Scholarship Foiinda was a member of the Glee Club, the Speaker will be Kniest Tallin of the lady with the tion and was a mcnilji-T of llie Na orchestra, the concert choir, and Westfield. liisU-nan uf the West- tiotial Honor ijociely. war awarded a prize for music. field NVyro History Club and a n«*m- Naturalize? Walk * * * * * * IKT of tlic Westfield Civic ajid lm- Michael ]). I'allon. son of Mr. and Margaret A. Mctiwoeney. daughter ,. j«jmiait Association. His subject Mrs. William K. Patton of 18 Sum of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Mo- will be "Neyro History." mit Ct.. has entered Southwestern at Sweeney of 600 Jlorl St., a graduate Council Hiaimien art' Mrs. Clar- Memphis in Memphis. Tenn. He of Holy Trinity High School and Bev- PIU-G BurreH. supix^r: Mj's. Mai"tha lias pledged Ka|>pa Alpha fraternity erly Verzillo, daughter of Mr. andWilliams. i«U>lic relations; Mrs. Bi-a- Maider W. Archer of 520 Cory I'] Mrs. Joseph Verzillo of 6 Doris trioe Doyle, pi'ograin: Mi's. John Me- I'kwy., a graduate of Westfield High Koy. memlxM-ship. Hostesses uiJi !>•; is enrolled in the department of Meaditmes John Mct.'auk'y, James nursing, Columbia - Presbyterian School. ur<* students at Berkeley School. East Orange. H;unlot«e. Helen Brl>ij;h University's annual advantage we will take thoroughly." year. Sonia l.oomir'low, daughter Koundci's Day exercises Sunday. —Shakespeare of Mr. i)!id Mrs. Leonard A. Leonar- * * * I'.arcliester Way, is o .James W. J,c? III. son of Mr. .-lnci freshman at Klmira. Mrs. James Lew of 257 Orchard St.. * * * has rcluiwd to dishing Academy, WEDDING RECEPTIONS Named on the dean's list for theAslibumburn, Mass. SOCIAL FUNCTIONS + * + spring semester at Brown Univer- PIANO RECITALS sity were John J>. Head and W. Knrollod at Newark Academy are loward Dimond, son of Dr. and doerrer's Douglas Peel;. Head, .son of Mr. MEETINGS and Mrs. Orville H. Head of 211) Mrs. Howard D. Dimond of hadowbrook Dr., Charles Schecter, -fi/owers bachelor of science degree in chem- son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Woman's Club istry. Peck, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Schecter of 325 Massachusetts St., Anthony Angleton, son of Mr. and oi- « llsl'l II:I.I> 167 ELM ST. Willurd W. Peck of U31 Railway 318 S. EUCLID AVE. Avc., is a candidate for both the Mrs. George Angleton of 2liO Wal- Kiehelor of arts and bachelor of ut St. and David Wexlrr, son of 233-7160 233-1821 TEL. AD 2-2400 science degrees in engineering. The. Dr. and Mrs. Seymour Wexlcr of boys are graduates of Weslficld 489 Westfield Ave. High School and members of the * * * class of 1%'J. William K. Pearson, son of Mr. ind Mrs. William F. Pearson of 10G For the Finest in Diamonds Since 1906 * * * Myrtle Avc., has returned to W'l- William Welch of 535 Shackarnax- rahain Academy for his senior on Dr. plays a percussion instrument 'ear. in the marching band of Miami Uni- Over 3.5 million American lx>ys TTUfci, versity, Oxford, Ohio. * * * d girls will Trick or Treat for Barbara Crittondon has been chus- JNICKF on Mallcnveen, n as a member of the Marion Glasser's Sho College choir for the l'JOG-67 sca- ]f you are a widow, f>0 or ovor, JEWELER AND DIAMOND MERCHANT Field day for big game hunters , , . .011. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. md wish to receive widow's benc- 831 Elisabeth Avenue, Elizabeth • 352-8311 109 QU1MBY ST., WESTFIELD ADI Thomas Criltendcn, she is a grad- iLs, get in touch with your social ferocious fox, slinky lynx and a zany uate of Wcslficld High School. iecurity district office. * * * Moo of French dyed rabbit gone wild. Elizabeth L. Knhn of WM Stevens Fun furs from $100. Ave. has been invited to pledge Al- nm MiM 1o ih«w country «f MbM. pha Xi Deltn sorority at the Univcr- ity of Wisconsin. * * * MILLBUBN: Millburn Ave. at Essex Su Arthca Slaogcr of 276 Indian Tr., 379-7333 — Open Kves. Mon. & Thuns. to 9 Mountainside is a communications major at Ilethaiy (W. Va.» College. NEWAHK: Springfield A\c. (Corner Bcxgen Si.) An announcer on the campus radio 243-1214 — 0|>cn Eves. Wed. & I?ri. to 9 sta'.ion, she is also a staff member When you of the college weekly newspaper. * * * BUDGET John P. Witon Jr. lins been elect- ed president pro lem of the Senate can't budge in this quiet the budget... place. You Need A National B Savings Account a book may DRESS be read that can You should expect the unexpected. Reserve funds for unantici- explain pated expenses should always be available. If your budget God to you includes regular deposits to your savings account, emergency BEAUTIFULLY CLEANED AND PRESSED Ton may have passed by USs quiet place many times-but funds will always be available. Eevcrhare entered itYet hers in this peaceful room, ready for yuu to read, is a book that Start now — let those extra dollars work for you until the has defined God satisfacto- MEN'S BUSINESS FLAT WORK 5ERVICE rily to many: that has taught time of need. SHEETS — 22c! ea. themhoTV to know Him and to SHIRTS—25* ea. turn to Him understanding- PILLOW CASES—lid ea. ly. It can do this for yon. REGULAR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SINGLE SHIRT 28c The place is the Christian Overnile Service Available Science Reading Room; the SHIRTS ON HANGER 30c ea. Except Fri. for Sat. book, Science, and Health ( Mure Tbim Out* > Beautifully Laundered and Finished •with Key to tho Scriptures PER by Mary Baker Eddy. PAY Stop at a Christian Science YEAR Reading Room soon; read the Bible and Science and Health QM€ fSftiOOtt FEATURES GARMENTS in tho (piiet, undisturbed at- _ ' BKOUGHT mosphere prorided for you. 1-Year IN 6'EFORE Borrow this book, free of cliarge. 0r buy it for yourself. TIME SAVINGS CERTIFICATES 12 NOON Library Edilion $4. Paper- lack Edition 81.95. — . , • SATURDAY 4/2% S E R V I C E WTZ Christian Science UM DRY C.lFANIrJG* & SHIW1 IAUNDERING READING ROOM NO ^XTRA CHARGE •«. u.a i .i. zm. 116 QUIMBT STREET WESTFIELD ^NATIONAL MOUNTAINSIDE Houn: 10 to 4:30 WESTFIELD DRIVI-IN I Also Monday, 7 t» • SIORf* 100 NORTH AVE, GAR WOOD Community Banjc dqdkc I Information concerning fr«o \ | public lectures, church services •, and Sunday school is also ovall- to Q)7ii immity-Service'' | obl». Member of Federal Reserve System Member Federal Depotit Insurance I Firemen Quell Blazes WESTfTELD CN. J.) LEADER, THO«5DAY, OCTOBER 13, ISM Section : Tickets Out f J1- Injured I In Two Automobiles ! Car Theft Wave lixly ot ns re; Juvenile Atlains Tim Kriant. n. of 535 Hoi-t St.' (Vim a I I'ireiv.i:n extinguished two car fires. : AiSLi. ;:li Itlc-.ll dyi-tdfs WJli U" H. , Thiuv;Uy There IKVII a(jo:il II) ears re- ! Thursday ni£h! birth oi wludi causvd r.oiin who'i tiie l>:<\i!e he B as Cleaned Up With 1 ; aii t;,r;.s|.-.s t,- ^c.s tix^y r.rt>att"d Iw1- |H»r'.e ijie vehicle;. ,>, k was imolwi d in an aeeident witli a |> 9 1 . i •«n-;i .-\j>r:i 1 an:l Oc! 1 in accord ; imi.-.tJi-v. a!l o! uln.-ii lv-..|i re i>ii\'^k.i! cciii.Miinn t( aeher at Kdison ! Shorliy after 6 p.m., a )H«> model : ear oii.-rard la Sajiv.u-1 Ku/aMsky of I>OyS AITehl lev .-:iift- «i!n n sink- nwa.-ii-s survvil- : luveled. Two M-l. i'l hit'll.M (ilatiS .lunuii' Hi.':h Svi-.nnl. lias received a i' car owned by Harold Kuinz ol •<"• s'.ale .„-•!. unh :ii, .riT4 funilx'riiiiiii Si Tin- aet-ident oe- i I,, I, ui'iv i eiuuvfd Iron) the (.'iir.s. lU'i'.tuiiii S(i.tu' l-Vs'.indaiion seholar- i- cranfurd caught fire on Springfield • •i<'UT!],in--J ...iier run ! suIt.sMor. wi: •(.-urrctl on I\iisted -\\o. Tise buy re-• \ iwonl wave irf e.u- thefts i The iii\ -'.si kaiimi hii'iSicr d ship, ii'ider '.sh'eh tu- \i:ll study for •..We. eausincj extensive damage lo " iii..- Twa <'ou:n-il. I toned alu-a.smii.- and a ait lip and Weslfie'.d w;is rlc-anti u|> w ilji Iii :i'.i: :lui iii\eiiiie.v \\t-i\- tint a n!.i>lt r s (ti-^ree at Kordham L'ni- 1 •AeJ ill -1 tlu mo! or area. The m-.«mim b^fi, tl,;/UM,, ™'«' ensfs and one milk litxM ; i-oiwi;tfd his own pwli«ision Tluirsdiij- of tu,i n a siM'tes oJ !i»ni:.e eulries M : versii.v. d i W ilil'll tan receive i> S'. m»i Kecenl .<• i!e '^-"'-a a '} 'U. .V> inur'lii-s imrlin . ,...,.,-'.;„ ,.,,,,„„.„" i ~ " ' esijlilisln-d route. 1 : 'lehieteiiit'ii! I'.v its l.aiin nliidcnls in Itfiist. two sln-p 1 lutKit cases, 31 i chief .lasm * K Moran roveaied la.-t charges iiino Iveen lud.^e-.l n Ih-se .. • boulevard causht fire in the First meiils, sueh as a ")H>p'ii-i-'ion of (-!-"()o''""-u • MMr' .Mullll Mo!ile'-Vy Presonlepresentedd liiItiss monthlnwnlhlyy ihe A.^sot-iiiUuii tm' the Promoiion of rt ts hirihs. T2 n"uirri;me.>, ;md a total uf j vv-t^ek. oiioiuses >i'l. T!K' in\esii^ai is eon '.! Meiliodist parking lot at 1 E. Broad «r more and a fiil;.imH. h.>a!Ui'of | *''°'" f»r Jui}-, August and Septwn- ; $3H9 eolledi-d in feos. Sei>t.emtxM-. | ... 1 ; Latin's nationwide examinatian. The S St., causing damage to tlie motor |ficvr. ]'•<•*'• «is follows: July, four stjvp 1 1 1 ti-iiehrrs .n: Mi-.:, Joyce Airey jt»-o slj-ei» throat atvd OIKS epiMwy | J' ™ ' *' ™..,pl;m,;S were fi.^i 11 area attd upholstery and ssmoke dam- • Tho apurelieiiMon uf Hie ho>> »a.s | ^','j,,",;,'.,',,',." Ki.|,s. | ease. :«; births. 17 deaths. 40 marri- i at-'ainx! the l»ys. Chief Muran s;ud. L .be '; age throughout. j made hy liie l>ett eti\e JUne.ulue.uii wilwiih ,tcs,ac,i.s co, ., UK-II- doc-tors about | a total of $ai9 collet^ in fi^: An-apes, and a total of $'UVi cotlvctad m I Cue lwy was sviH U> tlh' .Iuvu foes. i ihe coupi ral ion of the Juvenile There are nuue men eniwblcd by j tt'jition Home in KLiz;itH-th and Uio \ Hurtful. iludy than by nature—Cicero


    d- Z* to to tick^ change. "L-y chairman announced t Of EdvraKl PiKi. of Sum- »rin8''L1<1 M;lyor' Tfjito. as ctM-liainnon oi Lf io assist ClvaiU-s lii-ards- |^-ami and Raymond iloore »i Plans. -pkatg plans for the dinner, pg tViiins ann talk to • mi our team of oulstand-

    ItflCCv. S39!) • • • custom-covered, pick from 100 FAB- , Ex-Kesident ULOUS FABRICS . . . rich topcslries, damasks, antique satin, nubby tweeds and tsxturcs, exciting prints and ; 40 Years plaids, even glovelcatlier vinyls! A showcase selection, many worth $15 a yard! Got a guest? Presto! Your iBellLahs sofa becomes a superbly comfortable queen- size bed . . . not an ordinary "convertible" but a Sim- JtW. Horn of G47 Kensington mons Hide-a-Bed with Ihe famed Boautyrest individually- |ls«i» Park, recent West- pocketed coil mattress (the mattress alona is worth close •Hi. celcbratmi 40 years of to $1001). Just $30 down, 2 years to pay! BitBcll Teli'pimno Lahora- ISmmli. He is a supor- ttt c«iii|Kiiiy's Baltimore

    d in tlie dc- aid ivsitin of various [«'* used for toll service Hai ciKlonier conncclions. U*n concerned wilii the o( sulKtituios for k-ad d synthetic insulating

    »"K a|>i>oinletl super- j mpany's Kcai-ny Lab- ''•'sKcamy Laboratory was '•"B and Mr. Horn was e Baltimore Labora- ^^M : "** !» is in charge of a desiyn and dc- toll and exchange

    - "I, Mr. Horn Looli! It's Queen-Slxc! get, in eleclrieal ran ftpL'niveriit y of !MHib «. Eta Kappa Nu. BelaPi. active in Boy


    J|*«*E HEIGHTS I REGISTRY Luxury by Simmons great sale price, Just •49

    KEC*. 74.50, only at Koos! . . . BOTH comfort and firm support in this beautiful, luxury-quilted mattress by Simmons. Positive support with every turn, cushioned in a dense layer of resilient foam for the most luxurious night's sleep you've ever had! Floral covering, plumply- quilted Mattress or Simmons' famous boxspring to match. Choose either at the some low price . . . choose BOTH and save more than $50! Twin or full, same low price . . . super sizes at proportionately super savings! Terms? The easiestl And, there's always free delivery at Koos!

    KOOS MAIN SHOWPLACE RAH WAY RT. 27 • FREEHOLD RT. 9 • PARSIPPAMY RT. 46 • TRENTON RT. 1 • ALL OPEN EVENINGS THE WESTFrELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, I96S Page2 positions of Communist periodicals." if'this doe:- not suggest to Mr. Traffic- Co*, THE WESTFIELD LEADER Life In The Suburbs By Al Smith U'lnn;; that .V'-. Frost's viewpoint is ,-il least Communist-inspired. i.l>tn T A K E /'NOW, DOUG, DO DON'T I CAN'T LOOK/ ^ ):c is surely tin- only one in West- AS yoUR FATHER BE DAD, TELL ME field who missed author Lelona's TELLS yoU AND NERVOUS, WHEN WE GET T'.Oi lit. FT V E orderly p,r,on $ «*, Boconfl ««»• poiuii paid at Weatneia. N. J. ALBERT GREKM PubllHhed ThKi-Kclaya at W«-»tflcld. New J'Tney, by the Wwt- DON'T GO MORE SON/ HOME-THAT IS tijti Norman PI. geld Loader Printing uua putoltslilliK Connmny. A> Jndep of Chicago of 1871, to arouse public interest in fire safety. loved us: loved us enough e- have accepted the Son of man, the ,-md commercial places each day, and in addition to the enme the country's most populous stall'; the advance of Texas to fifth Son of God. as our Savior. in rank, displacing Ohio, and the rise in ING 200 Guest Editorial — the Coast Guard in 1!K>5 alone handled 38,5110 distress cases, in which WORDS WILL BE ACCEI'TED. iuu.uuu persons were ii.v>i.-> cuul nearly ?!."'.ic:: wcrih cf proi>eHy No anonymous or unsigned was saved . . . letters will be considered. Nobel Prize Winners In Disguise New York's old Pennsylvania Station was modeled after a single room Letters must be written only oo one Ride of paper and prefer- How old must one be to aspire to a Nobel Peace Prize? in nn-cient Home's Baths of Caracalla . . . The Ainu remain one of Japan's mysteries . . . Although they live among Mongoloid people, the ably typewritten. The age hardly matters, judging by the millions of Ameri- Ainu lonk more like Europeans . . . Most have light complexions, round All Idlers must be In the can children and teenagers whose participation in the Trick eyes, heavy lieards and wavy black hair . . . They sj>cak a language "Leader" oHlce by Friday If unrelated to Japanese. they arc la appear In the follow- and Treat for UNICEK program has entitled them to their ing Issue. very own share of the lofly award received last year by the The "Leader" reserves tbe United Nations Children's Fund. right to reject or edit any letter Some idea of what this means may be derived from a \ WESTFIELDS to conform to "Leader" usage. few striking examples: (ireeii vs. ; • Each day, UNICEF trucks, jeeps and other vehicles carrying food, medicine, etc., travel roughly the distance of UNITED FUND Kditor, Leader: 30 times around the world, or four times the distance from Mr. I.clon; inaccurately read A into my letter the inference that the earth to the moon ... "the John Uirch Society, other riglit- • Placed end on end, the midwife kits shipped by UNI- Tradition Of Response wing organizations nnd the Nazy CEF would form a pile four times as high as Mount Party arc on the same side of tlie political spectrum, and Everest . . . Young Women Of Tomorrow that their perimlieals reveal philo- • If they held hands at the equator, the children and sophical Rimil.u-itius." In fact, my mothers helped by UNICEF each year would circle the Now in their second half century the girl choice and girl planning. letter only stated Hint Hio method world . . . of son-ife those engaged in girl Learning skills in the arts and used by right-wing publications to scouting are anticipating exciting lio:nv fields the girls are encour- discredit a non-concurring viewpoint • The dry skim milk shipped by UNICEF would fill the years ahead with 1h<> recent com- aged to use them to give service to is the same as that consistently em- United Nations building more than 25 times. pldioi) by tho national organization ethers. Tlie troops seek out the needs ployed hy Mr. Lcloni;. Sinro he lias of the community through the lied A little UNICEF money goes such a long way—for in- ofa modernization program to meet raised the point, however, it is sur- FIRST FEDERAL tl:e ir.tere.-ts and neetls of today's Cross and other contacts and then prising that lie tioes not recognize in stance: cjr'.-; from the a^es of seven through employ the skills they have learned his quoted statement nn obvious and • A penny buys six glasses of milk—$1.00 provides 20 17. in providing needed services. demonstrable- 'net. I do. hungry children with a daily glass of milk for a month; l:n:lor the new program. Girl As part of the vocational explora- What Mr. I.c'cng finds offensive, Does make low cost tion program for seniors. West field • a nickel means the penicillin to cure two children of Seouiint! is offered c:: four levels apparently, is that the Kirch Society in.slead of the previous thrcp. The girls serve as hospital aides, pro- tins IH'CII bracketed with oilier ultra yaws, an ugly, crippling tropical disease; fn'.ir nre Brownies, Juniors, Caddies gram aides and child care aides. rifllit-winfl orennizalicns. Since he • a dime provides the antibiotics to save a young tra- .•us1.! Seniors. Actually the program In the camping field, WcstficM has consistently parroted the posi- Giii Scouts f the major religious faiths to them. Since the council wives 24 into an unalterable opposition to ;'rc equally in favor of the program, and it has become eiiinuiuni'.ii's. Wes'.fieM's rrpresen- CORNER lation i> impressive. social progress mid even to a denial more and more an iiitrr-dctioininationul endeavor. By FLORENCE EBERLE of basic rights—to Hie support of Girl Scouting nmsf have adult special interests as against I he com- As long as three out of four children continue to live Vn:!nt. in the shadow of hunger ami disea.w, tremendous unsolved the i!ir!< who want to participate in As we walk aii'oim i;ieat. upward Mr. Lclong ought to beilin to suspect tin' programs. To itioi't this need, leacbii'.'.: trees, wv sec a hitxl sil- Hint the enactment of Hit1 Social Se- problems will challenge the conscience or all mankind. Ikit the OniiK'il lias many adult volun- lmiielto;l liinh »p .-.u'ain^t Ilio clouds, curity Law some SO years a no lias the. UNIClCF-assisttd countries themselves luivu done good ti-.-rs. fin:tiring for a foothold. Tlien il not resulted in tlie cumnuuiizulicv] work and because of this, millions of children arc bc-Hcr of lh" professional nienilx'rs of flies away, ilU;i]ipe;iring silver of Hits country, nor hns tl-c gradu- uliiK^sj here. olf. Facts and figures fail to reveal all that is being done. tl.i- \Y;••iun.'.ioii Hoek Council staff. ated income tax. ciiil rights legisla- SAVINGS i:i'<' iir'i\ri;'iil is- assigned fur direct How beautiful! tliis monifiit that tion, or I'edenl Aid to Kdncation. For tomorrow's world will hv shaped by the hands nf On the contrary. In' niii'.ht reflect on sen i?v ;<» Westfield. Other member? sweeps a-.vay nil tin,... u\\ relativity. FIRST today's children. And what they will make of il will depend o' !!,.• >t;iff are called upon as need- Ik'if is tin hour. M.-irsun. Kt ||t,,"p th» unfortunate fact that none of

    !•-! is an eternity fur soir^s of pr.iiso tlieso existed in countries which greatly on our support and cooperation. 'Hi!- Girl Si-ontim: program een- .'ind t'nan!;s::ivin^ subsequently emlitr.ced and remain 1 MAIiY I'. QUAD I'-rs ari)u:id the art :, the limn.-. :,iid "If it had nut l..',.|i th,. I.oril who today Communist. 15O Elm Street Westfield the nuSof-deors. Inherent in all ac- Home Office UNICKF Publicity Chairman was cm our side, wh.-u ni,-n ,o.s.' up Mr. Lclnnu. finally, says "while livilie* are the application of tlie Edison :i!;:iin>: ;iS. then tiiey had >-.val!cw«l Mr. Green accused me of olmrt;iii:: * + *>»* 1 1 Mountainside ('•\r'. S-'o!it r'n:le ' Promise anil Laws . us up alive vhfu tlioir wriilh was '['(iir.nuinisl a:aiii'.t ;il! who dis- siTvif' to the community, gooil eiti- kindled against us . . . KU-SSMI be ri!!rcc(l \vith me, he P.KKIO im .•iltempt WESTFIELD - Open Mondays 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. • Toes, to Fri. 8 A.M. to 5 P' "Automakers recalled thousands of tars for safety •/.: nsliip find world-wide friendship. tlie Lord Who has mil given us a to prove it." In the very next line dieclts. Maybe auto license bureaus should call back driv- Kvery fiirl Scout is otfeiv.l a wide prey lo Ihesr teeth: Our soul is es- he says ". . . my point was tint MOUNTAINSIDE-Open Mon. to Fri. 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. • Mon. Eves. 6 P.M. «" 8 f' "-" for the same purpose." —Goslien, Ind., News variety of activities from whieh to onped as a bird ,,,,! of Hie snare the positions of Mr. Frost . . . are but emphasis is always on of the fowler: The snare is broken quite .similar if not identical, 1c. the THE WESTKIELB (N.J.) LEAUEK, THl'RSBAV. OCTOBER 13, 1966 I e Honorary Dt*«Tee Mr- V.'hiitakur, who is president of Kerke is manager of advertising aw \ cutupnsed of hi;-:h school students' prblic relations for Elizabethtown. provided musical accompaniment lor j • Bristol-Myers inlrrnatMinal t'orp., E'town Gas Aides Alfred A. Whi'iakfr of 757 Kjmball | received the degree at nu-trioulation 'llie two executives received th« a lar^e cast \>\ p^r'ijriiier- who tstf- j atvard from K. J. Rutherford, pres Westfield's Own 'Fair Lady ' i Iclx-d :>ck'cUo;L-. !ro;n I'J B!\^i.t\\ay ' Avc. ha* been auarded an honorary I ceremonies Sept. 30. Win. Award For idciit of the American Gas Associa shows sui-ii ;ii "Oki.inoma.' "(.'jrou- • din-ir.i- nl iaw.s c.e'.'ree irmn Taylor | ~ (ion. I sui." Vameln:,' «lr. " Hroadwiiy ; erMiy. li'i.ind. I ltd. LKADER WANT ADS PAY "1'iitpimiTi ' «as the firM jn-txluoiioii j Public Relations Tho program cite!? for the awart to be pri-s-'Nicii in a 3<'!UH>I ;»id now! was based t>n Elizabethtown'fi con iliat live ' lJlayiTs" aiv .siwiisoi-eii by ltohert B. Mucl'herbon of Kun- j slruvtiuu and cpeiung of a new (3. wood and Stanley V. Kcrke of I.iv- OUO.UltO lieadquiirtcr* building, tile Wosiiu'ki Hivreirtion I'ununis-, 1 j sion. local .•ichwis Mill !X> iivaiUil)lvl ins'.sii.n a<-iv|iteii tin Ami-iUan I The AGA citation said the pro 1 to the ,mx>u;>.- l\\v of eliariu. for fu- j ('as AssucialKM-s public relations | ,.r;,m re:SS of the company among custom Hire iH.'rfornmiu'1's. j 1 I!>? ;».s natiuai U»r Kathic lo diivcl lion's national foiui'ntiun in Allant.ii. ITS and community leaders, indus the tiik'iits of hfr yomiij dramatists C'ty last week. try-wide recognition of the compan; as it is lor a fish ;o swim. Slie has j The award was made to the Ivti/a- for leadership in the total energ; had training in dranui. voice, and' hethtown V,ia Vu for tlie host cus- field iind inipiovud employee rcla dance: s!ie plays the piano and liasi tomer relations program uiming the lions." bivn a in \ arimis elioirs. ! nation's gas utiliucs. The award is the second of it List ,spriii<; .slie was student director' Mail'htM'Son is president of Rob- (3as. In iyt>4, tiu gas ;iKson <>f "TIK1 ImimrUiiKc of lVms! )>ui>Iie relations consultants, and rial rotations program. l'larni'S!" whii'h won the top award] in Liu- Plainlicld Area l.itile Thcaiioj Council's Itith atmiuil juiucjr di'oma i tournament. I I'aits in Viv,i!ieklV Tercenteiuiary PHOTOSTATS ('elel)ration were t^iken liy four Kin-1 iiwluims—liolitiy. ,ii;e 7: Michael, ' age 11. KaOiie and Mrs. Kiitinj;liam. | Other nitMiitxM's i>f the family an1 SAME DAY SERVICE Danny. i^-sid*>nl of Ha\ en linsinossi

    Forms, inc., in New York I'ity. Men- 1 ThiM U ilic tif.%^ home i,r Mr. iitid Mr*. l>«iiiKlttH Ntomllf } ill :t •I'liorni. Westfield Studios tion iiutsi. lx* made of a win'-haired • •!., l-'iiiincnii, ». \..II.IKI, I1. tirlli. (I,,,,,,KII II,.- <,lll<.|. of «Mill,1.1 A. link. H.iiHoi. Till' iilulll|ilr terrier named (Sale, who has yet l« HMIIIIK I\III. «.oi4l to tin' nvw imatTK, titriucrl} t>f tilfii MIIU, I'l'tilm., !>>' Portrait and Commercial Photographer* make lier slaKe (k-liut. Ji'lliu'lli. I'lilorotko. 121 CENTRAL AVENUE ADAMS 3-021? Katliie's Impn is to major i" a outfits . . . «" weie met by —Sir Isaac Newton nit rehearsal period pre- mothers!). usiiii! Katliio's allowance. Itualizing sort and Gnotel" with mu- Later that summer, Katnie adapt- that funds wciv pitifully meager, she • ftc orignal operatic score orgiinizwl :i ducs-|Kiyinj< "Make He ttet by some that Katliic d a scripp t from "Twelve Dancingg i" d i d licve Players" for ciuldrcn ajjixl 7 ndf. Presented at the Pros- Princesses" and in addition to writ- to !4. MONEY IS ONLY ONE KIND OF.PROFIT! amfc's Westminster Hall, ing aJl the music for tiiis fairy tale, v ad Grelel" was tlic first she directed and cl»reographcd it In Uw summer ot 1965 tht y staged e jndncUon to have seen- "ProduclioiMvise it was a flop," she "Mary I'oppins" ill Franklin wid Washington Schools as part of UHJ playground program, and again at ttie Childivns' Si>ei'ialize throat which forced a several days' ixistponetiK'tit. of the presentation, Hit' Kirl witli Take time out for delicious tl>o loading male role of Hurt found .SIK* luid to ^o tmt of town unexpect- refreshments served as edly, the slane manager lea-rood this pai-t ;tt- tlic last minute and in Inie show Inisinras tradition, 1lie show you like it. Snacks.or full- not only went on, out turned out to be Hie most professional piwiuclion course dinners, 24 hours u]) to that data. After a program Ixisod on "Tho every day. Sound of .Music" was given for ;i local church's youlh fellowship, Kalliii- made tlic decision to split IUT hudding Tlu'spians inlu two groups— (lie '"Make Kclieve l'layws," ages OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY li to )], and the "Kootlighl Players" for junior high and high «:hool youngsters. L;ist June's musical remc, "Broadway INitiwuni." w;is a liappy combination of IHJIII gr and also wnployod tl«> talents of two adult iidvisors, Waldron Jlok-k and Mrs. Kay Childs. With only "•"• month from tlio first rehearsal to the date of performance, "I'oliwurri" achiev-

    Exclusivc with General Electric! PORTABLE COLOR TV BETTER THAN EVER KK'67!

    NEW, Improved Circuitry! NEW, Personal-Listening Earphone! NEW, Illuminated Color- Coded Dials! TRULY PORTABLE! 24 lbs. light!

    NO DOWN PAYMENT! EASY TERMS! mini ll'tunert get ill 82 channeli! Built-in UMm R tt M- "•""I Sn.,11 ,hipmenl lu.t ^riv.diK^rrV In fof youn. ' "" ' " ""•I«rd« th>mh\ ih»n ihramh ui,pur UuOtoitt irt*. 5Hawcun«t*JW.»rtt« -a tmm Ann . . . . r. 11/ Westfield's Only We have more important things to agency. Or Just an Insuranco members, is what Blue Crost man< DuPont. In fact, our customer rotter v;orry about. company. agement does. And for no profit. Includes the New York Stock Ex* G-E Dealer Like hospital facilities. Cost con- Blue Cross Is nothing more or Ies3 But that doesn't mean wo'ra change itself. And if that sounds a FOR MAJOR APPLIANCES trol methods. Laws of probability. than the people in it, who chip in a against tho idea of profits. Profit* little too grand for you, so bu It We I'uLiic health programs. And people little each month to maintain an are what make Glue Cross possible. can't expect to please everybody. 143 E. Broad St. l,/.o ntud help when they're sick. emergency fund for hospital cara. Some of our best customers are Gen- In fact, we don't pleaso everybody. lue Cross is not a money-making Administering that fund, and eral Motors, AT&T, Ford, Chrysler, So far, v/e've only been able to enroll Westfield ii Or a government looking out for the interests of tho U.S. Steel, Bethlohom, IBM and about a third of the country. AD 3-2121 °pen Monday and Friday Til 9 - Daily To 6 BLUE CROSS* Page 4 TUE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, I9«6 were forced to cas4 groat numbers | the soil around the roots; water if j the soil is dry and let it soak down vi Oieii- tired. thirsty leaves weeks ! Add a layer of topsoil and tam aheahead of tiitiv*tiiti . || «-. . firmly over the roots to eliminate a Alcmj! p.-ncljcd parkways, on rocky | Pl£Wtin£ pockets. Complete 'he back-fillinj Club to Convene J)illsides ;in theside Mineral Club. Several of his ar- perennial garden: wood, and Japanese maple — a: winey rvd like a flaming torch and from the bottom of the planting hole; colors are brilliant. But Ibis year ticles on meteorites have been pub- IHn-Oiirlwd kinds — and scarlet oa white and black oaks taking on thein less severe conditions a layer of says the Bartlett Tree Experts, Jished in scientific journals. "We're having our best spading in rich war-paint colors of red and third and vital ingredient moistur 3 years. It's a pleasure not to feel Wait unlil late March or early Apri gravel or si one in the bottom of the The petrographic microscope is a You should finish your evergree brown. hole may suffice. in the leaves, is jnissinu in many valuable tool used to classify rocks that we should !je using a pneumatic trees because of tin; recent drought. Mr. ••* Mr«. Knurtfc fi. Pot-ppd, farinrrl}- ,,f «,,„_ ™" Tree owners wlio olwerved tlie un- and is necessarv to the work of the tfcr «m»#r» of tkla "rw borar n< KKMI Wjun.i,,,, '*•''«.! drill." planting in October to give those Provide an ample supply of gooc Ikl. mi.lUi.1? H.IH »r..prrt, «n. «».»»,»';','""• Tt, little more lime to make root jji-owll usually early shedding of leaves and For that reason the fall colors may serious mineralogist. Dr. Hall wif J So pass the word to the person in quality topsoil for use in planting not be a.s brilliant as in other years. for Ik* elf let of Barrett 4 l'1-nin, 1«,-., Hi-,,l,,lr, ' - wIr Charge of spade and shovel work in before cold weather. Better wail un the duller autumnal coloring have Since the roots will be packed ir explain the use of this instrument es- your garden. Digging is pleasant. til spring to p)>nt rhodies and ar.u discovered tlie trees most severe! this soil, it should be free oE stone pecially for those minerals that can JUST IN TIME leas unless lhe*c are to grow in j>n affected by drought are these, in this sod and oilier debris; preferably, only be identified by this means. And this welcome change comes Iccled areas. oi-der: Elm, London plane, red ma should be screened to remove lump: Townley Attends The club will also enter an exhibit just in time for jobs such as trans- And one last ana supremely in ple, sycamore maple, beech, birch, and foreign matter. A email amounl at the forthcoming Annual G«m and planting, Mr. Laeey notes. portanl word of advice from Mr walnut, ash, dogwood, tu% andof fertilizer may be added; 3 to Tour Of Harbor; Mineral Show Oct. 23 at the Science You can move deciduous trees and Laoey: Plant so your tree or sliru tulip poplar. The oaks, much tough- pounds of a 4-12-4 or similar mixturi Center. Edwin Skidmore of Moun- shrubs as soon as loaves begin to stands no deeper than it did in tin er, are last on the list. per cubic yard of topsoil (about tainside is crnlrman of the «how, turn and fall, and until you can nonursery. ounces per bushel basketful) often is Hears PA Plans and Allan Bliss of Colonia will be in used. charge of the group's exhibit. Fertilizer Aids Kichard Townley, chairman of the Final plans will be discussed at liny your Irrc from a reputable Wo.vlfield Area Chamber of Com- nursery or wirden center; this is the he monthly meeting. Fall Foliage Less Brilliant merce Kailruad and Transportation The public is invited to attend the Tree Health hesl assurance of (|i>ali!y. Store ir JommiUoe, nlto'idcd a harbor in- it cool place out of the sun and wind, meetings of the Trailside Mineral Because Of Heat, Drought spection for trade and civic execu- Club. SALE 25% off If you-.- shade trees showed signs ;md keep the roots covered with we ives last Wednesday sponsored by of poor liraIlli tills past summer burlap, neat moss, or straw to pre-the Port of Now York Authority. Lawn it Garden Products Th© autumnal color parade will drought, liowevor, destroyed in theperhaps ihe cause was lack of ptanl vent drying until you are ready tc not be af brilliant overall this sea- leaves many of Hie anUweyaiiii] pig The tour included a talk by Port nutrients in the soil. Plants growing plant. Authority executives followed by a2 Hikes Planned son a9 In other years. But here and ments which usually pnxiUce the At planting lime measure the rool riotously rich crimsons, the flaming n highly fertile soil typically pro- tour of Hie New York harbor. there It still will be a pretty fair duce an abundnr-ce of dark-green, spread. Tlien dig the hole large show. scarlets, tlie gorgeous oranges. As Projects discussed included the Dver Weekend lo'sy 'naves; .sparse Icliaiie andenough in diameter to place 8 to 12 lew World Trade Center to be built Trees are turning colors earlier be- result the autumnal foliage generally inches of the prepared topsoil be- will have a duller look because the rel]owis!wircei leaves are signs of n a lS-acre site in lower Manhat- The members of the Union County cause of the heat and drought of mar health often canned by nutri- yond the root tips, and deep enoii'i'i August and early September, re- yellows are dominant. tan whore the present Hudson and liking Club will have a choice of depth of the hole: here are sevon or eight subway On Sunday, .'fick Smith, Railway, \ i Application rates are influenced I he tree .should be pliinted to the inncls in the area—-a new PATH ill lead an eiflht-mile hike in the : / SCHMIEDE iy the size of the tree, the species, same depth at which it was growing PA s ;ition will be built under the new irea of Scott's Mountain in Hunter- I nd other factors. If a dry 10-B-4iu the nursery. mildings—the center will employ Ion County. The group will meet at J, COMPLETE MODERN TREE SERVICE rtilizcr mixture is used, it is gen- Spread a few shovelfuls of topsoil 0 000 people and 00,000 business and est End Ave. and Route 22, North erally recommended that 3 to 5 over the roots and gently raise and )ther visitors will come to the cen- lainfield, at 9 a.m. per inch of trunk diameter be lower the tree several times to settle er every day. For further information contact ipplied. Usually holes are punched The rehabilitation of the PATH ie recreation department of the WOOD CHIPS ir drilled in the coil, 10 to 15 apid transit system WJS also dis- nion County Park Commission. ches deep nnd spaced 2 feet apart the use of fc'-tilizer is contained in ussed. The acquisition of the new er the root-aprcari nrea, and thea pamphlet titled "Guide For Fer- ars gives PATH the only all oir- rtlllzei" is distributed in these tilizing Shade am! Ornamental :onditioned rapid transit system in oles. Late n'.'.lumn or early spring Trees." It may be obtained by he U. S. today. The entire power Democrats Select CALL 322-9109 re recommended times for apply- writing the National Arborist Asso- i.vstem and signal system is being g fertilizer. ciation, Inc., B)6 Southern Building, •eplaced with most of the work be- Taussig For Race Detailed information concerning Washington, D. C. 20005. ns done at night so ns not to dis- •upt service. Some 40 now cars, Mountainside — Peter Taussig of it a cost of 15 million dollars, are 455 Whippoorwill Way has been se- purchased for the additional cted by the Democrats as a candi- >assengers being added to the line ate for the unexpired term on the >y the Aldcne plan which Is expect- lorough Council caused by the resig- id to be in use by February of 1!K>7. ation of William McCurley. The three Port Authority airports Taussig, who has lived In Moun- cere also discussed. It was pointed nside about two years, is section TIME FOR ut that the ni'inber oi UM anagpr in tlip Central Research sing the airports has doubled in the Laboratory of Mobil Chemical Co. at iast ten years and is expected to Matuchen. He holds a PhD degre« SINGER SUPER louble again 'n the next eight or from Cornell University and degrees ne years. The new "Jumbo Jets" from Aniioch College. Prior to mov- ire expected to be available in ap-ing to Mountainside, he was employ- FLANNEL iroximately five years. These new ed in the Central Research Center of ianes will carry 500 passengers and the Marathon Oil Co. in Denver, Wrinkle -resistant hree times the cargo load carried Colo. o\v. Newark Airport will be re- The candidate is married, the for suits. ullt with three terminals—each father of two children, a Democratic coats. Trees, Shrubs and 'rger than the present terminal— committeeman from the Second Dis- ith 83 gates. The project, which trict and nctivc in Cub Scouts, Little Blend of icludes a new runway, is expected League and YMCA Indian Guides. 85% wool, i be finished In 1970. 15% nylon. Evergreens The expansion of bus service and he enlargement of the bus tcrmi- Collins On Flagship 54' wide. ! were also discussed along with Fireman Brian J. Collins, USN, ie expansion of the port facilities. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Col- Choice Nursery Stock After the discussion period the lins of 120 Hardwick Ave., is serving roup boarded a special Circle Line aboard the Amphibious Force Flag- oat for a tour of the New York ship McKinley, which has returned Many Varieties-Come See Them larbor area. Dinner was served to its hornepeirt of San Diego after m board to approximately 100 civic a six-mojilli deployment to the West, xecutives who attended. era Pacific in the Seventh Fteet SINGER Coins given to UNICEF on Hnl- loweenj mean, help and hope for TO BUY OR SELL, USE needy children and mothers. LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS BROADCLOTH PLANT LARGE Wrinkle - resistant NOW DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING AREAS PAVED in rainbow colors. 100% cotton, for PRESERVE OLD DRIVES and AREAS WITH COSMtCOAT completely Spring ASPHALT SEALER washable. our reg. low 45' wide. price 79* yd- Beauty $1.35 each, 6 for $6.50 WM. A. PARKHURST C O N T Rft C T O R Phono ADami 3-1738 Res. Mill Lane P. O. Box 334, Wetrfield Mountainside. N. J. See the neweat TOUCH b SEW sewing with Pu.h-Button Bobbin from $»49.95. Seed and Feed For Better Lawns SINGER' sewing machines from $48.88. FERTILIZER SOD Leading Brands For Instant Lawns A Touch &jSfl'J , Iliimtrrdx of OrlirlnnI OH 1""ludnt" |mr- sewing machine in your ho"1'- and To Cover Bare Spots l un r»ur Hiirotivnii IRIIJID^ trip. RENT . MiiM'tipm, altlt life, nt>- OriSjinot Now, at no cost to you. 7 trni'tn. n«cnre nluillra. 'I'limr nri- |ir.>- Oil FREE the use of a fabulon. SEW sewing machine *J*£ ''"•"" Paintings FORA in your homel Try-bolore-jo" AIM«> ortfrlttnl 1l(lwiurrM|>liM fritm Just call your nearest »>' llM. wami CII4N uiitl Illtli I' WEEK 3 He Qanden. CetiteA. COME IN FOR YOUR FREE CENTER, today 1 TREASURE CHEST KEY CARDS! Wtari new/or tomorrow Is at SI N C E R today!

    205 BROAD STREET, EUZABETH Open IKUly m r, I'.M.—Mull. * Tlmr*. "til !i l'.M. SINGE" 'lirii Anuiiul CVrnn- In Municipal l.ot AMPLE FREE PARKING DELIVERIES ORIGINAL 62 ELM STREET OIL PAINTINGS OPEN DAILY 8-6 • SUNDAY 9-2 1 PlK-r with ThU I'm n WESTFIELD, N. J. JOHN K. MEEKER, Inc. Reg. Value- $5 to $10 1100 SOUTH AVE., WESTFIELD AD 2-3717 urnur;—Vnlld Oct. 111. K^^mrm^m •A Trad.moik o( THE SI NOm COMPANY fe COUPON •THE WESTFTELT) fV. 3.) LEADER. THURSDAY, OCTOBER IS, MM

    Give... for A Better Community.

    Morally, physically, financially . . . there's no better way to build up our community and its inhabitants than the United Fund way. When you pledge your dollars, you can rett assured that they will go where they are needed, when they are needed. A TRADIT10R OF RESPONSE Give.. • M BECAUSE YOU CARE...

    V Continuing in the "Tradition of Re- sponse" which has been the record of United Fund campaigns in Westfield, the persons listed below are United Typical of those who will Fund Pace Setters. This group, and benefit from your United Fund a previous listing, pledged their contri- sntribution are the indigent, butions in advance of the Oct. 2nd h infirm, the elderly, the han- campaign kick-off. dicapped physically and men- ially ... plus the youth of our TO ALL PACE SETTERS . . . community... Give during this United Fund month ... you'll be THANKS! jlad you did.

    Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Jestar Eugene 6. Rau A. G. Steiner Dr. Bruce L. Malcolm R. E. Mendoxa John G. Mann Miss Myra E. Klock H. Douglas Merrill, Jr. Kenneth W. Read Frank E. Stewart, Jr. John E. Sterling Leonard C. Marsae Mrs. Albert Knight Robert T. Messier Phillip D. Reed, Jr. Miss Reba W. Storey John A. Marsh Darrell E. Knox Robert J. MetzUr Dr. Winston Reed Burton W. Kellogg Edgar Reeve Mr. and Mrs. Edward L Swan Homer Z. Martin A. H. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. John Y. May E. Warren Bowden R. S. Messertmith John A. Reid John Swart Dr. and Mrs. Sanford Relss John I. Swink Mrs. Erskln B. Mayo Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bidgood A. H. Meyer Russell H. Tandy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ersklne b. Mayo, Jr. Robert Bottorff Mrs. Alfred H. Meyer* Mils Muriel E. Reynolds Miss Nancy Reynolds Mrs. Lillian Tapman Dr. R. B. Maxwell, Jr. Mrs. A. B. Colin Robert C. Mill Mrs. Harry D. Taylor Mrs. Joan H. McAuliffe Stanley P. Clark <». Robert Mlllor Bernard Rhaesa I. S. Rice, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Thatcher Samuel A. McCauIley, Jr. Mr*. J. Lawler Mils Marjorie E. Millar Hon. H. Emerson Thomas James M. McCluskey Mr. and Mrs. W. A. LaPierre Cobb Milner Donald H. Richard* Donald Rindell Harold S. Thomson John T. McCoy Dr. Michael G. Mullnos Robert S. Mfner, Jr. John P. Thorn Mr. and Mrs. G. I. McCredie Arthur Mlnich Robert B. Rivel Robert McCoy R. Tischbein Frank X. McDermott Ray S. Mistretta Stephen Minno Frank J. Rizzo G. A. Robinson Paul A. Tobelman Jack McDonnell Mrs. Robert McClure Joel E. Mitchell E. P. Rochat Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Tobey, Jr. R. S. McElroy Mr. and Mrs. P. Mitton S- A. Mitchell Joseph I. Rodriguer Henry P. Townsend S. B. McElroy Clyde McBride "ed H. Monley C. Blair Rogers Robert H. Tullis, Jr. Alden I. McFarlan Mr. and Mrs. George Plenty "ederick W. Montgomery Henry J. Rohlf W. G. Turbevillo, Jr. Miss Emma C. McGatl A. C. Pattenon Norman Morash Henry Rohrs Howard B. Vail Robert O. McGary V. L. Pernter R. C Marbeck Harold J. Rose John G. VanDeusen J. A. McKaig Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rlederer W. H. Morton E. J. Rotchford, Sr. Charles E. Varn David Meeker Waldo F. Reis Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. Mowry F. Leslie Rowe G. F. Varnum Robert D. McManigal, Jr. F. William Schumacher Hon. and Mr». Robert H. Mulreany Mrs. R. B. Russell Dr. George W. Volkel W. Meglaughlin, Jr. Frederick G. Schmltt N»il Murphy Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Rutter Elwood P. Vrobme Walter Melss Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas B. Shakotko Mrs. Esther Nichols Edward Sacks Gordon A. Wall Mrs. Nelson B. Aikins Mrs. J. Sasso •>• H. Noonan Pedro G. Salom 3rd Mr. and Mrs. Vincent F. Washvllle C. H. Bunn, Jr. Mrs. William Shrewsbury ™- P- Noonan Gilbert Samuelson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Way George R. Brownelt H. L. Short F- R. Obenthaln Robert C. Sorgent A. B. Welty, Jr. C. J. Bitzer L. E. Steiner Thomas A. O'Boyle Austin B. Sayre Dr. J. Paul Weiss Mrs. W. S. Bowen Mrs. J. Remus Wright "oymond F. Obrock E. B. Schenkel G. Rodney Wick William E. Burbank Charles P. Woodward °' David F. Opdyke H A. Shick Joseph A. Wiendl J. A. Carter Harold Woolf ™s. Jeannette S. Orr Helm nth G. Schneider William R. Wilcox Mrs. Charles Champe W. V. Wyman *• S. Ottoson Waller E. Schneider James Wright J. J. Camillo D. C. Yearley Wm. B. Overbay R. Schofield G. Yeakeley William J. Cant Joseph H. Zarlck *• B- Oxhord Herbert C. Schutz, Jr. Robert D. Younghans Albert G. Danker Dr. Edward G. Bourn* Mrs Minnie W. Panton F. R. Scott G. N. Knight Miss Winifred Debbie Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Broback Anthony Paone Herbert E. Scott William E. Knight Mrs. E. W. Devalon Mrs. Donald Davis John M. Parker John T. Scott Frank J. Dugan Louis J. Dughi f Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Koppenhoefer !• - Patton Peter J. Scott Ford. A. Laile P. A. Dughi Joseph M. Fox ^•ephen F. Parry Robert W. Scott Mrs. A. R. LaRoo Dr. S. N. Ewan A. A. Garrabrant, Jr. ^erson F. Pear.oll Carl H. Shaffer Dr. Lillard E. Law Ed. C. Ewen Mrs. Sadie M. Harpster Mrs. M. Pease Wm. J. Shepherd Mrs. Georgo G. Leslie Richard E. Freeman Oliver H. Havens James A. Pettnan Mrs. A. Ehie Shimonls Mrs. Charles Lewis Milton Faith Dr. George Jones Carl W. Pet.rson Mr. and Mrs. Perry Shoemaker Robert J. Lincoln Bruce C. Foster Ors. Paul Kandra Fred A. Shorsher Norman B. Pilling Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Llndley Charles T. Farrow, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Wiley £"•* E. Pleiiinger R. H. Silber Mr. John P. Longwell J. Wallace Gentles Dr. Lorrimer Armstrong Mward S. Pollard Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Smith J. A. Lolt Gordon C. Griswold William M. Board Clarence R. Pott* " Elwood D. Smith W. W. luginbuhl Bernard C. Hecht Mrs. R. F. Clark Mrs. Harold C. Smith ">o Mrs. Guy S. Lyman Mrs. William Hartigan Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Fisher Philip W. Smith Miss Mary Hagen Mrs. Alfred Hoidi JJ- VanDusen Puden Arthur Maeauley, Jr. e M. Ritchie Smith Mrs. Rudolph Harris Mr. and Mrs. John Laffan £ W. Pusack Roy H. MacBe-an Wm. H. Smyers Edmund I. MacDoneld Richard Hake MUr Patricia Sehriver C. Putnam E. O. Sowerwine J. Harrison James J. Skinner nley J. Putnam David M. MacNeil, Jr. m Adm. E. Stanley C. Rudolph Jones Mr. and Mrs. Warren T. Vjiet ™ - G. Quinn Dr. W. Arthur Staub George L. Mahoney De*ey Ralnvllle Page 6 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1966" Trinity Principal Awards I PQQJ^ Trailside Museum's Art Exhibition Poster Prizes For I Slated At Wateunk Room Oct. 16-23 Annual Fall Dance j Executive GrOlip BUSINESS DIRECTOR Sister Michael Marie tlie principal Mountainside — H M. Poole Jr. of An exhibit and sal* by aduli mem-1 inaiiKiiraied last Novi.-mlx-r. It cur | of Holy Trinit_y_ _Klementar _y, School ]r>!!2 Dee'i-pnth. a inemhor of tho ex- bers of lhe TrailsHJr Husnim Arts i ICI:I ,y has 'i'.ll members, including j commended tlir Ilirce winners of the ecutive committee of John-son & RAPIP RfiEEEENCE TO RElilAB^E BUSINESS J^m Center will bo held ui Hie 'V;,i'' ••:k !> • II.,;:ITS a.'id ciiildn-n. Siny ihe Johnson, will address li\e Newark AUTO DEALERS DRIVEWAYS Room of the Municipal Buiklir,:,:. K • n.l.-ivstr-d m r«ffKsnniiil i value, rather Hum araus their artistic prowess were William ferences now being conducted in WESTFIELD DODGE, INC. DRIVEWAYS, PARKING artULs. non-profesMonals and slu- inK competition amouK imsi>l»rs. i! Downey in gr.ide 6B who won the I Newark. AUGUSTINE MOTORS Authorized DAVIDSON^ d«nt.s will oWer paintings, drawings ; has adopted a (wlicy of elniinalinf first prize nf $5: Mari Conroy Mr. Poole is among the top-flight UOOGB CIIIIOSET AREAS PAVED CHRTSI.KR — PLYMOUTLYM H II4HT 'N3UROR5 and .sculpture fur sal**. ; judges and prizes at members' ex grade 7B who took second prize of leaders in industry W!K> will offer IMPiiRIAL VALIANT 1>O»GK TBI:<"K8 L VALIANT WM. A. PARKHURST Mayor and Mil- Hulieri H. Mt)l-; liibit.s. $2; and Karen Gieslik in grade fcB middle-k'.ve) executives giiidara-e "JEEP" KiiliB — Service reai'y will be gueM.i of honor Sun- (liaiMii.-'ii of the Exhibit is Mrs who won third prize of $2. during Oie 10-week conference. He Had S«rvic* P.O. BOX 834, WEBTFIELD day. Hiaiiche I". Holland of Cranford. who The purpose of tlie contest was to will address the Nov. J6 session on AD S-10M S3S-1T88 •01 578 North Arc. JS. ViaKcM \urtb A%-c. IS. Weattleld Viewers may visil I lie exhiliii. aliw,ls formerly in churfie of the an-help advertise the Mothers Guild's "Mitriul'.ing— Tl*e M^iniij5t?-m<-'nt of •fit nu charge, at the follmviiu! ttines: J ,| oijiiloor Trailside Ait Slwrw. As- annual fall dance, this year a "Ha- (,'l:ange in tlie Markist Place." I11K "a Ocl. Ili throujjh ~'i. 2 to 5 p.m. -nidi suiting her are: Mis. William waiian Festival" to he held on Satur- The CO executives enrolled in the • APPLIANCES 7 to H p.m.; Ocl 2;i, 2 to f> p.i:i. ,,f (janford: Mrs. Alice Mliss, Mrs day evening O'-t. 22 al Mother Seton conference series are meeting lo BERSE BROTHERS DRUG STORES only. I-'riin JemMl and Mr. UIK! Mrs. Wil-Hijih School in Clark. Huin a better understanding of the Kill.'B —• I'l.VMOr'I'H — Strvkc •Ohio Ml, Spccial eventr dining tin1 exhibit j jj j ke of Wcstficld; Milton Freu- Judges for the contest were Sister role and responsibilities of today's Aut Uuriwd CliryHlcr M'Jlora Dealer • Wet An.,n«. iim )tl ELM RADIO & TV, INC. TIFFANY DRUGS will include demons! nil ions l>y pro- j haul and Mrs. Audrey Slepncr of Patricia Charles, fifth grade teacli- industrial leaders. lllum» U-1O20 fcssional members., as follow.-: | Sei.-tcli Plains; Mrs. Kay Corns, Mrs. er; Mrs. James C. McKeon, dance The wiyikly dinner-lectures range I4» Norlh Avf. «". «>»«n«-ld Weetfleld'a Largest Op«n 7 Days a Week fd it. Sunday. Ocl. Hi, :i p.m.. Oil |win!-j Iwnjlliy Kvlly, Mrs. .June Kra.sne.i- chairman; anH Mrs. George K. fi'om bi'otid discussions of 1lie ciiar- RCA UHlllLPOOl. From B a.m. to 10 p.m. ing dfinoiistiatiim hy AHMMI Bn>.s.-! :.»air,:ina will Iv Allyn Schaeffer of Koselle: Philip cor|Kirate resources available to t'KNTEK Free Plck-Up and Delivery H. ESTWICK, auctioned off for lite IKWHI of Uie Holtcrt Seliieil 'A Plainfield, and be distributed for display to various them. Serving Westneld AD B-22W "NSURANCI Arts (Vnter. ftvrliert S. Wyllie of South Plain- stores throughout town. In addition to marketing, relations GOODWIN MOTOR field. of personnel, finance, research and Area Since 1HK" 115 Suatk lye, W. WntltU Caiuilty Wednesday, Oct. lit. 6:30 pin., Il- CORP. Pin lustrated talk on "Care of I'aintoig'-" Hostesses during Uie exhibit will engineering, production ajvd informa- Case Workers Sought iTUDEBAKER • MERCEDES BENZ AD 3-04OO by Perry Ziinmennan of CnuUord, include the following: tion processing, as well as contem- poriij-y viout tl« leaders of K. i President of N.J. Cluipicr of Artists' Mrs. Kdna Ixitt an* Mrs. Kvelyn By Welfun- Hoard; 20 Elm Street Westfield tomorrow, will all be topics. HILLMAN • SUNBEAM DARBY'S DRUG STORE Equity. Turner of CVanfoi-d; Mns. Martha AUTHORIZED CS Slates Test Bales anH Servlea Thursday, Oct. 20, 730 p.m.. Quick Pier-cp of Bwkeley Heighls; Miss AUTO BODY REPAIRS ri,>uacM 4-87UO Phonei ADams 2-1198 PEARSAU charcoal skoteiies of visitors (ill a Doris Joluisoit of Fanwood; Mrs. Tl»e Now Jersey Department «f iOB Park In. FlmlmleK nominal fec'J, Mrs. Dorothy Kelly Lynn Ruff of Mountainside; Mrs. vil Service has announced an ex- FRANKENBACR of Union. Audrey SUimnr of Scotch Plains; nmiiialiuu for tlie position of Case Boro Library 339 South Av». W. Waitflald Mrs. Adelaide Johnson of Summit, Friday. Oct. 21, 8 p.m., Oil paint- Worker. Tlie final date for filing iin LAING MOTOR CAR CO. and from Westfield: Mii6. JJoroUiy ing cU*mon.strati(»i by Mrs. Hannah application is Oct. 28 and the exam- Grant, Mrs. Carolyn Orr, Mrs. Betty Book Shelf Kst. 1801 FENCES Hoffman of KlizalK'lb. mrtion will be ln>ld Dec. 2. Rappold, Mrs. Pat Sandquisl, Mrs. The Union County Welfaix; Doard Saturday, Oct. 22, 2 p.m., Pullr-tlc Tlic followinfi Ixxiks were recently Authorized NEW JERSEY FENCE CO. Ourotliy Skrbu, Mrs. Virginia Roth- currently has on its staff 17 vacan- BODYART knife oil painting demoiisln.ition. Her- Iwiirn, Mrs. Dorothy Weiss and Mrs. added to', he shelves of the Fret CADILLAC FENCES Ix-j-t S. WyUie of South Plainfiold. cies. 10 of wltic-h have lieen filled by Public Library of Mountainside: COLLISION SHOP IJeriuce Sales and Service • Industrial Sunday, Oet. 23, 3 p.m., Dtanon- temporary appointments and se^ven Reference: Scott's Standard Post- p»rt« — l'alnt and Body Shop Oet»rn^ W. Koclicru, l^roii, • Residential slraiion in Pa->U'ls, S. Allyn Sch.ief- dtlilional to be recruited. age Stamp Catalogue J!)li7 v. 2, Scot! • (.'ulliHiuji JvJiiiertH PLalnfleld 6-2241 • Municipal 232-47M ler of Koselle, President N.J. Water The Iwaixl will give «msideralion Publications, Inc. • Auto and Truck JUflriiBhlng LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS lo reci-uiting udditional staff pcaid- 11? E. Fifth St. Plainfield • JiiKurance KnlimutPB All Typei of Fenclnf Color Society. Biographies: Tlie Search for Ame- • lUuly JIIK! I'Viulur iiupaira Fme Bstlmatos Tho Arts Center, dedicatad to the ng lite i-esults of the examination. lia Earhart, Fred Goernor: Eduea- • 24 II RAMBLER, INC WILLIAMS perience in tlic field of sacral work ert JIardiiiH: liverylhing But \foney, • FORMAL WEAR may be recruited at salaries in ex- • Wlrlngf and Restyl Sam Leveiison; Muzzy, Charles Authorized SEVELL'S cess of $5,700. • 1001 l^mp 8hu)ei Tliayer. RAMBLER AUTO BODY CO. MAYFAIR TAILORS • We recover illk ih Non-fiction: All About Words, M. • Also duplUats anr Nurnl>erg; lnfcickint at Kxter, J. G. Sales and Service liuily unHEAT LIGHTING & GIFT Africa, Creascy; Murder ROUIKWI- J AX Coal HEAT1NO O1LB CoVs j bout, Lockrldge.; The Mart W1K> Sold Carl Baknl. Kl«clrlf>imc !• Oir *T> YI-UIH Kipc. Deadth, by James MUIITO, pseudo- Also, Tlircc Nis-lorical I'liilosophies BRidg* 6-0900 AUTO PARTS • l*ump KhaileH lu-^crcr nym, Mitcholl; Two Men in Twenty, of Educaiion: Anistotle, Kant, Dew- * North AT*. B. & MHde To Order Vlnlt Our Scrvlco l>i'l>t. • All Type* Of ChanfltS Procter; The House on the Cliff ey. W. K. FmnkeiKi; That Quail • HewlHriB—itcptyHr.r- Slevonson. Robert, M. A. Stemger; Toxiay's .iuthor!*«a Up To GO'* tllML-ounl • Any Uishllnir Flilm Thf i'tilvlii |tli Hi>li*vurt» ri'l»"rtn tlir nulv «if i(toin*r(> loi- •&!•• and Bervlr* HIT ijinip Turtu it .lv<'. tu Mr. nnrt Mrn, .fflmr* P, <;J11l«an ut <'lnrk. Non-fiction: Tho Neutrino, Ghost He»lUi Guide, American Medical As On All LEHIGH OIL CO., INC nf 212 r HhaclPd In Slm-k \\t\m r<»rmi*rl^- irtvncil Ity Mr. it ltd MrS\ Illt tin*il Jl. IIIIMII Particle of tJie Aloni, Asijnov; Tire sociation; Coping vritli Catnp Cook- AUTO I'AIITH &. AITCHS Division of Joy Oil Co. • Com|il<^t^ Lino Of 4 M»t'I) Ji I''. It rim tii tin l n<-ir'i(liitrUL« lioman Republic, Asinwv; Healli injj, N. W. SUIIIKIIS; GreKfi Slioi't- ADams 3-0220 3'Vntnilnn All Niilloiiitlly FUBL OIL. North and Central Avei. BUHNER BERVICI Call 757-23U and Economics; Man's Fijjbt Against hand, J. H. Gre;:g; Advertisitig — Knowi) Ili-liiul NiiiiK-d 817A P»tk Atr, bm«i Sickness and Want, Dairy; Youth Cixsotivc Cominuiiicaiion with Con- Weitfleld 1'lal.ltM and the Huiaixls uf Affluence, sumers, II. W, He-pncr; Creative Call 232-8114 Blainc; Managing Your Coronary, Tcsidiinj! in Ail, Victor D'Araieo; Brams; line American Past, Butter- Your Guide to Photography, II. F. 1138 South Ave. W., Westfield FURNITURE REPAIRS LAUNDRIES ld; Essays on Sliakes|)eare, Chap- Bruce; Kouiax, Sandy Koufax; TIK; man; The Beauty of America in Selected Poetry and Pix>se of Pej-cy REILLY SAMOSETLAU Great Amenican Art, Country Beau- Byssho Shelley, P. R. Shelley; Wil OldsmobileCo. DON MAXWELL tiful; Pcrsoji-lo-Person Maiuigement, liam Makcspeace Tliackeray's Voe, VOLKSWAGEN CENTER 611 Central Ave. Westfield * IOCAL AND gest; Questions and Answers OH Melville; Patchwork of Sale* — 8ervlc« — Fart* BOWLING OPTICIANS LONG DISTANCE Real Estate, Semwiow: Three His- Death, Peter Nicliols: All in tlie N*w and Died Can — Trnoka r MOVING tories, Shakespeare; Knowledge aniily, K. O'Connor; Brief Flower, Statloo WIIOU — Eirmn Qbla* Ajnony Men, Smithsonian Institu- D. !•:. Smith: Come Hack. Geordie' Faotorr-Tralwd Mectsaatoa Clements Bros. * STORAGE tion; The Ill-Spoken Word, Stevens; D. Walker; McGillicuddy MtGotli- Poi-cehiin, Tait; A Library of Liter- :vm. ].. Wiblierly; Death of a Doxy PL B-74OO CLARK LANES * PACKING ary' Criticism: Modern British Liter- Hex Stout. 1124-04 South Are. PlalnBeld Inc. ature, Temple; Fathers and Sons, Heating Equipment TuRcnev; Caudidc, Voltaire; English Hours: Mon«l»y •f'i* Tel. 276-0898 Installed Dally: S:S» •*•*•'' I^jHigiiiige Dictionaries in Print: A WADE LINCOLN MERCURY BOWLING Comparalivc Aanalysis, Walsh; New Sliiu-k Mnr • I'lu-ktnll I.omiKc FUEL OIL and Dial 233-5513 World Dictionary of the American ".*» Ih-unsw-lcU Ailtunuuk 213 South Ave.. E. Cranford COMET • TRIUMPH rii:s<'tt<'i-ti Language, l'.KHi; An E. B. White. Baled and Service • Vr.-.. PIUIMB s.-i-vk-i- I-or lli.wllnc BURNER SERVICE Mm hi'is Reader, White. Anlhorlzed • l--r><- l>»ylltni' 1:..« lint I ll»tru<-t Phonci AD Z-03OO l>y tjunlllifil thKti-rs Call 232-2200 381-4700 801 Sonlk ATF. W. Weatfleld 450 North Ave. E. Westfield T40 Control Ave. Clark HENRY BUILDING McD owe Us WESTFIELD CONTRACTOR OIL,HEAT,Inc. MOVING I**® FORD HEATING EQUIPMENT Bervioir Ford Owwr« tor - REMODELING & REPAIRS - INSTALLED Over 1( Seara Garairr* • Domrra • Porckes Kllrhxna • Aide, « Ollnr. • TRAVELAGEN Authorized All Trp»« Mnaoori Work rmiiini'ri-hil .— I'xslilvntial FORD 111 Kirk ln>iir<-il and CoarmilM KITI:I, on, ECONOMICAL I'k.... AD S-HKIS day nr r>»lw —-~~"AT5A S Sales Service ^Iti-ciiillzhiK In H. GIROL.AMO Ili-Rlilrrillal TRAVEL THUNDERBIRD K4ft N,.r^h Aw* W»««a*l^ AIIl-l'DNUITIONINO AGBj;' Call 233-3213 AD 2-3673 Call AD W* OIL HEAT 319 North Ave. E. Westfield DELICATESSENS 474 North Ave. E. Wesifietd 519 South Av«- « FREE ESTIMATI CONVENIENT TEBMS LINDEMAN BUICK CO. ROBERT TREAT INC. DELICATESSEN SHOES ^TRETEXPE!!! 54 Elm Street BUICK Authorised "Where Quality Relsm and ORTHOPEDIC BUICK and OPEL Servlc* Pours" IS PARKING A PROBLEM? SHOE PRESCRIPTIONS THE Sales and Service HOME BAKING "Building Headquarters" Filled Br CALL LITM1I|;U • KILLWOIIK • MASON Parts — Repairs SANDWICHES FOR PARTIES K»Tt CRISANTI QUALITY USED CARS ADams 3-0662 —3 — 4 AD 2-0925 Orthopedic Spectaliat AD 2-8484 CBASFOnD " Phon* AD 3-1492 430 Kort& A.T«« 10. .WMUcl 113 Quimby St. Westfleld 1M CcutrnnlaJ AT*, Craaf i'i-o.-iu-el SI. i Vietnam Vet Due I fur a pause that refreshes. I .Msii. >.hr:u, .1. Mi,>:lc> of US3 Wil- With ERE 41 Yre. Enrolled In LiJC | low lii-ine K'i.. Tl:iini;i.- A. Musac- I Holiday Bazaar win oner an »>p- j vi-io vi !'H. IU'>!!'iiu -V\e . .Miss To Give Talk For )l;;rr.v C. ! FIREPLACE WOOD | iiorttmity for the family to do its »f 1W I let field i race' !. Hi';::i i (tl -i.V;' 1 '>l>;e\\ood Aip., i-'lir 1 i'hrislmas shopping and help sup. l'--> Hi-.-.ei.,-ch Frosli Session Ave , AMlhi'i!..- S.aiiif-u ,h-.. uf L"i! Seasoned Hardwood their parish. Proceeds will go and Kti -hi-' c,,.-.. :Ui'lj\i;ni' S.. Mi-- Sas.ui S Sciirci'k Kof C Council Free Delivery and Slacking lo the parish development lund. search -Jiv Forty-five \\'"--lfiilj area residents ' e>i" Hi:].". l!..h\i..y .\\,- . Mis- Ila/el I. 41 yea s' .wviiT with the com- ;:rc :inuMi;j 430 sii;Ue:Us ubu ave ;Se(itt of l.:>.'i \.i'-ir.,in I'l.. 1^-on.ii'd I'.I On Fi'Hay evtrim;. Oct. 21 al fiie ; 1|iy. [meiliU'ls of Hi.' I?;:V Si-s.MOtl fro--!! S;»ina of 1 ;i'J !Yi»:vi'; St.. .Icroinc I KIM.UIIIS of Columtins i Inbluiuse on j Offer Legion Magazine ) North Ave. in -Scotch Plains, (he! HASKELL BROS. Mr. Grander hpj-an his conijianv man class at I'nii'ii Junior Culliw. j .1. Snlii\ati of lO.'O tVtiiral Aw., MNs Mountainside—The American Le- ! Jacquelyn A. Tynd.-i!l of ^7 SaiKir;i ! Wcstfield Council K. of C. will hear Rc:;oarih ai |l"if.. Mis.- Sally .1. WVinrich uf (120I a l;Mk liy LI. Wheatloy of the I'. S. | gion, Blue Star Post 38G, offers the 'Sf is a ;wo-ycar | Marine Corps who recently returned .s Hcsei'icl! Div : ^!;!ve St.. anci \!i>s S:nulr;! 1.. W'im- American Legion magazine to Arm- y of the ;tc;idcmic i from Vietnam. TREE EXPERTS JH3"? So 1H*JH ht-for-.' juiin:;;: tnc Ar.atv- • uisnjiimes, i)ifo''iii'.: m:i.H»rs in liberal i MkT of :." j-ii'f mi wcekdj.vs "when j ">ent of 1.41K) students is alwut c-vtvi- A. Kni:rr of !:in S. <;ii'ii\voixl ltd.. of warfare t'. S. troops are encount- ments will be made to forward the the courses aren't crowded." and i ->' divided helvwen the Day and Kve- Harry 1). Malpas of Kill Madison TREE SURGERY ering in this action. iA. Whealley. magazine wherever son or daughtci Ijahysiliiiiii for his six srantlchildrun. | •""!'• Sessions. Ave.. .Mi.-s Sli:iron It. Oillob of 73 He and his v.ih jiJau to visit Balti- who is from Sf^nerville. is present- may be stationed. About 85 per cent of I'nion Junior Sliary l.a.. Joseph Sicola tif 113 J. Haskell Proprietors A. Haskell more, Si'v KVA'UUHI and the \V ly attached to I lie puhlic relations Woodland Aw. anil l):ivui 11 UODC) 1 ;t | College'!-. graduated transfer with ad- tleparliiK'tit of the I . S. Marine in the near frlu'v. ; of if..") Vimim Cir.: Muuu'.ainsido — valued .'.Uindin.^ ;-,.~ juniors to more Corps. All members, relatives and j Donakl II. I'.ainx-is of 14T!i Fox Tr.. than 41R1 colleges and universities friends are invited to I his talk. 889-6785 754-4146 ('•roiiiJli the I nitod States. 1'nioii I Miss .loan T. O'Keefe or 3S4 4 LWV Members Junior College i^ cu cie(lit(ld Hy the ' view Dr.. .niul ('lenient P. Senna of The Westfielri council will sponsor | Vuidle Stales A social ion of Colleges | 271 Summit ltd. its annual Family Rosary lo lie held at the council's shrine Sunday after- land Secondary School?, and is an- Also, Sailcli I'lains — Kiivvard T. To Meet Tonight ' tliorized l)y tlte ^tate Hoard of Edu- noon at 4 p m. :ind the annual blood Butler of 23(l."> Morse Ave., Miss drive to he held Sunday, Nov. 13. catinn to avrard Hie Associale in Art ' Sylvia A. Danncr of S2 Hunter Ave.. With Freeholders decree. ' Konald A. Favier of 2436 Allwuod l!d.. Miss Karin 1-:. I.inn of 2 Feni- The m«tnhprs of tho Class of •«8 Lotmles Men To Travel W niDre Pr.. Holierl ,1. Matn.uni of 2052 In kcrping v. ilh the proclamation 'H l)e the fiint lo use the $1 million, Niehull AH1., and Fric A. Toiler- To WVst Point | hv Die I'lmm Co;:nly Hoard of t'lios- air conditioned Science Huilti- WH6NJIS : en FrtH'Iuttdi'r.'; milking tiKl;iy "Know ( ing and the William Miller Sperry sen ef 2:t:il (5alcs n. Mountainside—On Snlurdny, Oet. j Vour County Day," representatives i Ohservatouyi , which are now under 22 niein'x'is of ()ur l.:i:ly 01 l.ourdcs r o the ten Leagues of W'oini'n Vol- construction. The Science Huildinn. Holy \:ime Society v( Moiiiitjiinsidi' : (»ray Al (Conclave icrs in l ni(iii County vvill visit the the first air conditioned .elpclricolly- will lr:i\cl to Wesl Puint to sec I lie freeho!('.i'is meeting lonijtht in Kliz- United Stnles Military Academy hpaled college 'milding in New Jer- Fred [I. Cray Jr. of Gray Inc.. T"/CC*I/L a ahi'th to i>reso:i! Iliein with copies sey, will enable Union Junior t'ollnne Wcstfit'ltl. is •imoiif; the JHOIC limn phiy (lie University ef l'lltsljiirKh. of the new leayue Ijooklot "t!nion to increase its fulltrme enrollment by 1.000 int'iiihers whi) arc nttciidini; Over 101) men nnd their sons will County." about 300 studonls. Ihir 4!HI| :inmi:il mei'tiilK of Nniitiiiul make the tick In West I'nint. The TOWMSEHD Selected Morlici'.ns a1 the Itildisson men will nrrivr in lime lo see the Representing the Westfield league Westfield nrei reridenls who are Hotel, Miniienpolis, Minn. (!niy, formal dress |>ar;'de before the foot- In mu»ie or moving ... will bo Mrs. CeorKe fioxer, presi- among 430 students who are mem- Inc. has l«'cn :i member of Natiomil hull iconic. dent: Mrs. I'arker Milton, editor of bers of the Day Session freshman fk'lected Morticians for more thun Chester F;il>ian is Hie presiilenl of it is training that counts! the book; Mrs. Holx'i'l Burloson and class at Union Junior College ore: Mrs. George Walker. 3? years. the society for this season and the Our packers and craters West field—Mlr.s Jennne L. flognrt of l'.cv. Francis I1'. McUerinil! is the October discussion unit meetings "II Girord Ave, Jeffrey D. Craig of 1 spiritual direct"! . are moving experts. Use he milt- ivIIK nt>K»fftltc*i3 through Hie olVl of the league, will 1M? concerned with 4S0 Mountain Ave., Elio Cuccaro B40 Drake PI.. Stephen M. Uanford FOK BKHT RESULTS spacious vans, protec- asked to ofM' suKjjestion.s on the of 721 Garfleld Ave., Miss Carol B. LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS USK LEADER WANT-ADS future role of the lear.ue in Union DiMaio of 740 1'nrest Ave, Kcnnofli tive covering. Tune in County's proh'enis. A study com- A. Hardy of 842 Bradford Ave., Miss mittee of which Mrs. Milton is the Jnain 1>. Henry of 70fi Knollvvood TODAY . . . call AD 2- eliainiia'i, iiml including Mrs. iiurlc- Tcr.. Miss I'aini'li A. Homer of !)37 4464. son. Mrs. Leonard l^e. Mrs. Jlrooke llardinj; St., Thomas S. Hoyer of 118 AWNING SERVICE (Jai'diner, Mrs. George Macfail. Midvalo Tcr. .Miss Mary lioe, Mrs. James • Take-Down • Re-Hang Also. David I) Hunter of 1021 Cool- fli and Mrs. Nicholas Hyron, will lead • Storage the discussion of what phase of iii^c" SI.. Miss ,!anis I). Kcniii'lly of IS Sandra Cir., Knlf D. Kcysser of HENRY P. TOWNS END FSOWONEYOU KNOW county activity the league should go r INSURED inlii. . i3 liarcheslcr Way. James H. Kil- jsMiieinto a new com- ln'iiny Jr. of IS South Wicknni Dr., 17 Yaart Experience With itsty, let is know too. M«'linK doles, limes and hostess- Miss Lorraine S. Lamendola of 3.17 (Laggren of Platnfleld) (friendly call by the Wel- es aro as follows; Mumtay, the !7th, St.. Miss Hose M. I.ivsey of (HO UK,.; 1 p.m.. Mrs. N. H. Wickeishain, NOPTH Avt /'Aa,ic AD24464 m Wajon Hostess with her basket of gifts and helpful North Ave, Miss G. Call 356-8762 or 968-5526 r>li) Hircil Ave; Tuesday, 1 p.m., of I Tudor Oval, Itohcrt T. ifcmiliM, will make the newcomer feel quickly at home. Mrs. Hichard Newman. 10011 'I'ice in in carrying on our community's traditional spirit of PI.; ft:HO p.m.. Mrs. Bernard Buch- ily. Just giVe their name and address to ner. IS milkers ft.: Wednesday. fli.'iO a.m., Airs. !I;\':y. "II Shucka- maxon Dr.; Thursday. !i:.'MI u.m., Mrs. John I'ife. -14fi Otisco Dr. Mrs. Donald SkooC, mcmlM-rsliip chairman, has issued an invitation In any women hi the area interested in county H"voniment to attend a unit nt the tint' ;md place most con- venient. r HEWCOMERSI Ikk coupon to let us know you're her*

    I SOLD IT THROUGHTHE ftfm have the Welcome Wagon Hostess call on m« WANT ADS 01 mill like to subscribe to tht , _ . Dl tody subscribe LEADER

    I««< coupon ami mail to Circulation Dept.,

    through washday ^ITH NEWGENERAL ELECTRIC WASHER AND DRYER GENERAL ELECTRIC 2-$peed,3-Cycle filter-Flo'Wisher WITH SPECIAL ' cool-down cycle for PERMANENT PRESS! NOW ONLY Join the switchables! We modernized our house I0 »*"» PAYMENT , EASY TERMS , ^^iSSSSST} with the money saved Washesl4lbs. of heavy fabrics really clean!1 T by switching to gas heat" - ;h a Key, Turn the Dial and Get the Finest Washing Ever! 3 Level WalerSelec. •automatically provide the proper amount of water for any clothes load. Famous •ii«SHys,tcm reci™lates wate^; removing lint fuzz, dirt and soap-scum . ,.. say Mr. and Mrs. Charles A Stafford of Elizabeth. ^ses riotergent • You aIso et tz Z was wahs & 2 spinpi speedsn speed, 3, wash cycles, 31 wash '-,. 2 rinse temns.. Wash -n WPar Cool Down, safety start switch and porcelain and bas^et. Dampdry spin Icives many pieces ready for i eact features! "Four years ago, we bought our first gas heat we've saved tho time and Take a tip from the Staffords. Modernize home—an older house that needed money to make the other Improvements with gas heat, and save for othar many Improvements. The first thing wa that were needed to modernize Improvements! A Free Home Heat Uit&l'd 289-5000 I 289-50OO I 249-5000 I 289-5QO0 | iB^SO Open Monday and Friday Til 9 - Daily To 6 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 19M Page 8 County Open Forum Smoky Mountain Slate Park with emphasis on the recreatioiuil Jaoili- Delay Announced Legion, Auxiliary Schedules Educator Trailside Slates lics <'cniii(,' by Oct. 15, l>ui dent, in lier oporiing address to the nominee for Congress for the 12th il probably will not be ojx.'nod until group at Grant SeJiool Oct. 6. dent. district, voted your choice for Sena- about the »wk of Oct. 31. The delay Union County C'oimiiantler Calvin tor from New Jersey, for tliree Free- is due to tin1 late arrival of some Mr-s. Buttermore introduced Dr. Vl'alck and his stalf will install Lv- Lillard K. Law, Su|xyir»lendei«t of j holders for Union County, for WeSt- eonstrutriion material and recent ,t;ion officers and Mrs. Stanley Wy- fheld's mayor and a coimcikrian from ruins which held u\> some work, Dr Seliools. Dr. Law urged each rpere- county auxiliary president sentative to vote for tlie Grant your wand, do you know lxw you are Rossey said. and her staff will install auxiliary going to vote on tlie two questions School addition at the election Oct. f School officials exped. to know 18. U. liC. up for referendum? (infinitely next wwk wlien lire ojK All members and their families One of Hie questions is concerned ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS i The two women Westfield School in# can tx .scJteduled. Bouj-d mcmUsrs were introduced, and any vclrrans interested in join- will! night raring, the other with Mrs. Julian Phelps and Mrs. Pan in;; arc invited. stale legislative apportionment. You do not have Uie option of approving ] POWER, HEAT AND LIGHT I'wipln who give eoins 1i.u l.q. «i,i,. "'?"'• *it., districts must lie as equal in popula- h l I k that adequate leaders' salary struc- Mr. und Mr.. Bocco Kr*dn. Thr «ulr ur tl,|, muli|!u ;? *W«l tion as possible. All the districts 1»ll« nrgntinK-d bj- Jnnet U. Kli.hlv fur l>. i,r»nl| I L' I > ture would a-ltr a<4 as well as aid in Keullun. ''"Iwik, holding good toucher's. Tlie commit- weie changed except Morris-Somer- tees findings are to be submitted to set. the Boar-d of Education. The Stale Supreme Court then unanimously ruled that tliis rodis- The Parent - Teacher Council's t rioting plan is unconstitutional on budget for HHi(i-G7 was read and ap- the grounds that population differ- proved. ences among several of the districts arc too large where the plan breaks Open On Solo Flight county lines. The couit held that this plan could nevertheless be used this November l>ecause time was too slH>i"t to revise it. 'Hie court remand- tire case to tlie trial court to re- 15OO cans view any modifications of tlie plan to be sure UuA. the objectionable fea- Telephone AD 3-0003 tures are corrected. I'vt. Allan 1'. HengW'il, 21, son or For this election ithe I2th district Mr. und Mrs. Albert J. Religion Jr. is made up of all Essex County not A SERVICE FOR NEWCOMERS TO WESTFIHD for 1 penny! of 624 Summit Ave., completed u contained in tlie lOfh and 11th dis- communication center specialist tricts; and all of Union County not course at tlie Army Southeastern contain**! in tho 13lih district. Tlie Ij'nal School a( Ft. Gordon, Ca., 13th district contains the Unior* Coun- Sept. 23. During this nine wrt'ks ty municipnlilios of Elizabeth, Lin- of (raining, I'vt. llvnglcii h-urited to den, and Railway, 4Sic Hudson Coun- WE RECOMMEND >per!i(c teletype svta and other com- ty municipality of Bayotme, plus cer- munications equipment. tain waixls of Jersey City. The 10th and 11th districts contain most of Iiswex County y Magistrate Jacob It. liKJG reliiiliitK l<> the representation I'or.BBfola, Fin. The "Mentor" Is ilaucr: of the people in the legislature be the military's vrrslnn of (he civil- Moses V. Bnrlwur of Newark, adopted?" GENTLEMEN, LADIES AND BOYS ian Bccchcrafl of "Bonnma." speeding, $15, ami failed to keep Wlmt does this question mean to •ifilit. $15. you'.' In c following weeks before FINE Ptitriotic Education Gero<}an leasing Corp. of Pater- election we ltopo to tell you wliat it son, using counterfeit, pliites. $30. to us. CLdtrilNG AND SPORTSWEAH Electricity is still an exceptional bargain! Week Proclaimed Arnold K. Lynn of South Or;mw\ Oct., 12 In 18, Coliimbus Day to ailed to signal when moving from FOR nEST RESULTS VVhile the cost of living has gone up 121% YorJclown Day, has been proclaim- ane to lane, $15. USE LEADER WANT-ADS ed Patriotic LCducalion Week by ttramlieh Trucking Co. of Haeken in the fast 25 years—the average unit cost sack, using other p!:i!.i-s, $?,B, and $10 1 Mayor Hobert ii. Mulreany under of electricity has gone down 44%.* You the sponsorship of the Robert contempt of court. French Society, Children of the An^iiony E. Cerkanowicz of Bay- can rely on a dependable low-cost power American Revolution. onne, careless diiving, dismissed, $5 "To Know American Music and costs of cmu-t. supply—to help you Live Better Electrically! Literature is Patriotic!" is the Joseph F. Ilulwr of Bridgcton theme of the week this year. A careless di-iyirvfi, found innocent. •RtM r«duct!on« and Increased uio havi made thti penlblo. display to commemorate the occa- Tlioinns Salmon of Plainfield, no sion can be seen in the windows of iieensc or refistralion in possession, Barrett & Crain, Realtors, 43 Elm 'ound innocent. LOANS TO FIT EVERY NE St. Chairman of the- patriotic edu- Richar-d A. Coupe of North Arlinfi- cation committee is Miss Jackie .on, expired license, $15. Shepard. Joseph I). Slranad of Siuminit, tto PUBLIC SERVICE inspccUon, $15 and $5 contempt of ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY On Halloween millions of American court. AUTO LOAN? See Suburban PERSONAL LOAN? Youcoi children would rather share than Steven. Szykowsky of Riyonnc, nl- scare— tltcy will Trick or Treat for Iowing unlicensed driver lo operate BEFORE you buy that new car. solidate bills, pay medic UNICEF and save other cliildren's air, $25. and noisy muffler. $10. lives. Kenneth L. Ruiz of North Plain- ield, overdue inspection, $laand $10 You cut your overall cost with pense, business expenses, conlempt of court. Charles Frecswick of Pater-son, our low BANK rates! major appliances, or borrow tntor the Blfl Dodgo Rebellion "Wlnnor's Choice" Swe.psloVoi. name and address on ranimcrcinl Sea your Dodge Dealer lor details. vehicle, $20, and $10 contempt of any worthwhile purpose. court.. Carole Rremer of Berkeley Heights, passing on rigiil .shoulder of HOME IMPROVEMENT? Your road. SIS. and $10 contempt of court. Keniu'Mi J. West of 1'laiufielil. loan can run as long as five SEE SUBURBAN? For quit ceding, $15, and ?ICI ninlcnipt ()i mrt. years. Credit life insurance is tion at any of our 5 bai Fi'ank I!riss-o Trucking Co. of Lin- den, usinj; plates. $:<(): no in- offices most convenient tt spection, S15: no name and address included at no extra cost. Tell us on commercial vehicle-, fount! inno- cent, and allouini! unregistered ve- what you need! We welcome you! hicle to be operaled. found innocent. •lolm It. HIiiir of North Plainfield. driving while on tlu> revoked list (second offense). $;!0."]: usin

    has a new leader-Dart.

    Don't let ofhers set tho pace. Do ft Outside, curved sido windows and yourself. With bold '67 Dart, tho hot, crisp, sweeping lines for a non^ompacl Oper 24 Hours a Day oil-now swingor Ihot's a cut obovo tho lool of length. Inside, foam-padded Dodge tired compact crowd, A beauty that scats and plush carpeting in Dart GT proves you don't have to sacrifice stylo lia/dlop models. Under the hood, your DODGE DIVISION ^^ CHRYSLER f^^f MOIORS C0RP0RMI0N 611 Park Ave., Plainfield In WESTFIEID at the southw^t corn" and sizzlo to got compact economy choicer oi Six or V8 power. Tho Dodgo E. BROAD & ELM STREETS and handling ease look what Dart has. Rebellion wants you. (Del. 81h und 7th SO.) PL 6-0008 other office*: Cranford — Garwoed - Scotch Plain* - PlainfieW WESTFIELD DODGE, INC. Registered Pharmacists in 425 North Avenue, East Westfield, New Jersey attondanco at store Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation _Woni ijit tobJtoptCVjrdw Brtotic !_.;. and Iht Rsjer Millti Shi>» (M»mfo>)-cll »» HBCTV, a»i local Suing lot «*»>. _ Day and Nlghl tTIIE WESTF1EI.D l Man Hurt (N. J.) LEADER, TiifRSDAY. OCTOBKR u, is«« Section 4—Page 1 Morality & Your Children | wil! hir.'hli>;lil the evening program. (iar ilil* Tree A GOP Aspirants Greek Orthodox ] l>r \:.'ia F. Bouroff. Klizahetb nai B'rith Program Topic !wiU present a demonstration and SprincfiHd — I )•;•;:i ('. .lal PTO Activities ' display of icon.',, the religious paint- of SII7 SM.;I-:I A\;' . tti-. •Say Democrats {Church Auxiliary ! ••:<:'.'' u>ed in the Eastern Orthodox and Vour KOOSKVEI-T tr ir:h:rri-s r^'.ly Sa 4 : ciiurcii. She i;; yiiiuiig the few fe- win.n his Tin' PTO Ixiiird of Kims»'M-lt Jim- h School Faculty slnutv a t:iv IM Plav Politics' a- High School met M-inday M the j ni;iie painti-rs practicing this par- tain Ait. ;ir Hii^iu'c Aw., p Slates Bazaar i ticular art foiin. B'nai B'rith on | lumie of Mi's Jose)* t\ii:-in>:hiii!i ol 7G5 Feted By PTA Board : M(iuuUiiiisi' rllri--tmas shopper .laiin ; camlidafes. ilr>'lrs irwin. Don Hob- j Mrs. W. 1.. lieale.s. BI ° Uil1 hl' mucous bootlvs fill- jt 8:30 p.m- Tlie ! The executive board of the Wesl- l rcs ol 3usl i'f.r'rol ul I: j t'l'tson. luiluit Uu^i'.ii'ro iind Freil Alhen.v the Womn.'s Auxiliary (.1 , ' "" " '"' " centerpieces and lore tlie i'«> j field Senior High School PTA enter- i ihairmaii. staled thai lhe d.iU\- lnr travelling Miutli. • Swindle cliaiv.ed lhe Democrats •iiini a live" iU'iiKi. A large com- answer questions , tajne(j lne faculty at a dinner Tues- i the fair will lie Ocl. ls-31 The hunk.- Holy Trimly li'iok Uillnxk'N Church 1 ; with ' ]';a;. m.u iiuiilics" will) tlio nui- will 1K> displayed in the auilitaruim «ill spe'isnr i 1M/.,ar Friday ,uv\ : nnttee ol women lias prepared num- ...... a£ well as . &dy in [he hj,,h scnooi cafcle,.ia Tht (truer \i;i> taken lo Ov eroi>s handmade items for thy ba- llo.S'i'al. SLIII-.jIIir. ulu'tv he : inci|>al KU\ enliven! lo f^ain \ otes. f(»- Hu' students Irom 2 :io to A ;>m. Saiurday. NDV. It and VI. in the "" is bringing <) . An outdoor recepU()n was ]le]d a, za;>r. Cliildrfn will also find an we:U cJiiei'^eiicv ^ni-.,',-.' 1 In a .idiu: si 'Dement the Hepubli- j T1K\V will ;i!sti lv on dispkiy and lor i-iinumiiiilv brildint;, Uallims Hill 1 | a^soi-Ime'il of toys and games and rceoe. , . the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. cans said. "Sinec the llt'mwi'ats j sale an llaek-lo-Seliool nifi'hl (X-l. ^0 Kd. 'a,"aiu have no t>ri>^rain fur borough : a snack bar. •" ' "•'!',' . ,s Skelly of 1011 Rahway Ave. with I in I.ho oafeitTUi. Mrs. BeaU's an- A siiiiiilatod markelplace will fi-a , iinpi"o\emeiil. they campaign on the v | Scri lie; as general chairmen for ,l,e [Mrs. C. R. Waterhouse Jr.. and Mrs. ! (ioiuici«d a widt SI-UN'IJOII (if (viper t'.uc a "tlreck Mooliiiue" wlu-re ^ is j non-issues' they have used lor •lhe etoiil are ?lrs. Donald Dimitry, rfa. • A. C. Cuckler serving as chairmen I l»iiek lw>oks. I'uirs may pi'rcl-.ase .iev\'elry. vases assislcd by Mrs. Robert Scott. ^Messiah* Date 1 years." ' Mrs Henry ColalH'wski, Mrs. Pe- ! Cluster Brinhl. lioo^exelt in-iaci and other mii'drlerl items. For tlic i ler CluTKiilis J'' . Mrs. John Mavra- A dinner with a country style mo- • > "l.H us pul 10 resi once and for | |vi] s;ud the new Hi l,i unit. «ifl of i Hillel board : ; cill somv ol llu'ii- spurious claims." (•wiiMiol. there will be :nail;ihle for ! (,.,njx Mrs Livm-Si, Zaiiiiis und Mrs. tif was then served in the high: the l'HS (it; PTD Iwarrf. has Ixi-ti in- ^Douglass Coileg^. Set By Scotch j t!ie Hepuliiiiap eandsdates s.mgesl- pun base SIK-II iVhcacies as slurfivl | , ()1,JS Alutt.rson school cafeteria. Assisting the en-1 ! slulkid ill lhe library wilh four lu'ad-• ;rape Ica'.cs. laiama 'a ea\i:>.r dip'. : ,, ,„,. , ,_,.,.,,.,.„. , ; open to the pu>>- ( (llirs llu wil iie from chairmen, Mrs. Robert Bolterff and ! T\VAI)I)I:I.I. ed .M'tri ktl" StU(l<*ll( (LM:1. interest to par- inilKirled cheese ami olives, and Hie j ,„ ., ,„ |o ,, p ,„ N(U. ,, and [rom Mrs. H. W. Boardman, were the' 1. The |»re.vei»t he-nnu'.h adniinis- children. TIK> annual lay sale for the Helly lamed baki.ivn. | ,„ ., ,„ t() 5 ,, „, iN()V 12 ^^ board members and their husbands, j Plains Choir tr:Hion IKIS beci for, is for. and will : childre Twaddcll Given j Mank si-liolarslup fund will l>e held Ttiikisb coffee will ho brewed in • is no a-lmissinn cbaryc, but pro- continue to hi- for nuimtaininj; the I on 15ack-U>-Si'hi>i»l nigh! under Uie I Area singers intcri: VJ in JHT- "briki" al the sidewalk enfe where j nvds from the :;ali'« will go toward residenlKil elui'aeter of Mounlaiu (rluiiriivniNhij) of Mrs. lw M. Halo, j ff will moderate tli | fiiriiiinj; in I he Scnlch Plain:- Coin- hold live and iviorded Greek music the church building fund. Promotion By side. Republican councils, pasl and Mrs. Hobe.rt 'i'hi<-l told Ute IXKIIII | K IK- n iiri'iiiiiicd to divi- iin it-sue. TLJCO in Cincinnati. JI imumt'il thai parents visiting days Advance regi:trations arc now be- \init >fi'\ ice 'ii^iiict'i' in tho (Vnlral 3. The Dt'tnocrals" sii^geslion Ibal Go • lecturer in philosophy To Aid Fund are to l>e lield OiS. 31 for seventh in? accepted by Grellcin. and re l>(usi s Di^triluilicin IVpart- iiicplness is a iinalily 01 Coiuicilinan it Queens College, and grade; Nov. 1 for eigiilh grade und liearsais arc scheduled lo be^in Sun- lurnl. I'ublio Si'rvji't.1 I'U'clric and I Irwin is mud sliiijiinn mid re(|uire.s Ld the Teacher Educadoi The Westfield Parent-Teacher Nov. 2 for nitidi gradiv day. Ocl. .'Ill al 3 p.m. in the Scutch (»,••;* Cd Uv \wis dislrict (Mij;inrilr in an apology. Mr. Irwin, a former pa o( the Union of Amer Council is sponsoring its tag cam- PU'.ins-Fiiininod High School. Wesl- eapl."'n of lhe Army Seciirily Agency paign for the third year. The "tags" I Mi- niiniumy Suiiriiit-Morrislouii ,tm Conceptions. field lid. lie resides al 2:182 Long- district. holds a law ieRrce from Harvard d yassfrman, Hut?crs Co! produced the income to support the fellow Ave. and practices law before the Su- Boro S< liool Board f js t sociology major, an< council scholarship fund and will Mr. T-A-ndilfl jnim-d Pul'lu- .Service in \lX>i\ ;i'; ;i cadiM riuiinri'i' ;)'id was preme Cuiiil uf lhe United States. ^ lo social work in th be sold at the next PTA and PTO Chorus sinjciN need no! hcUin.u We have pledged a clc;in cainpaiKn And Save *wisti communal service meetings in the public schools. lo a chi»ir or chorus, (ici-tlcin .said MKU'.I' thsiricl I'tvi'-int'i"'- :i! Suiuniil in Plans Workshop i mill Three conducted on the issues and demand 0W- is also a Hebrev The Parent-Teacher Council start- Chorus bonks are provided and con- .s later he transfor- lhe Democrats do likewise. Low Closcout Vrieva jkol teacher, youth grou cert choir rulH-s are available for red to the company':* Kssex I)i\ i.sinn For Parents ed its scholarship fund in IH50 and I to work on Mi;1 conversion nf ctis- 4 II is completely proper for coun- pj has b«™ active on tin during the past 10 years has award- the program. Hehearsals will he On A\l 1966 Clubs, held on Sunday aftcniouii': in j Uimcrs' ;ippli,'.'ees fidin iiiaimfac- cil candidates to express llicmsclws ed 11 scholarships to Westfield Ui.ul. on mailers facing the community. Mountainside — A workshop for vernber. ! lured In natural f:as. He retiirned In parents of prc-school and kindertiar- Bogs, Putters, lucia Alexander is a mem School graduates planning to attend We. the Hepubliean candidates, are j .Suniiiiil in AUKI'SI of I!«i3. ! len pupils will lie presented by Ihp (« Douglass class of 1968 college and study teaching. Thu The oi'alurii) will be presented [ . opposed lo the Ford Diagnostic Cen- Wetlgpn, Cttrts, A wleran of Iwo years' service in Mountainside lionrd of Kducalion ilistorv major planning tc scholarship is continued each year .Nov. 27 al 4 |vm. in Hie local hi^h ) ter and luive every right to so indi- ' lhe U.S. Marine Corps. Mr. T«addcll Del. 17, 24. Nov. 7 und 14 at Beecli- tse work in social science, as long as the recipient maintains school under sponsorship of lhe i cate. llmbrvlim. Glows a satisfactory scholastic record und Scotch Plains Iiccrcaliim Coinmis- jI is a graduate of llutccrs l'iii\<'rsil>'. 5. We arc weary of Democrat wood School, Woodacros Dr. J!B : religious school leach I WIHM'C be e.'irmd a HS decree in 1 i B aclire on lhe Douglas: plans to become a teacher. Bolh sion. George P. Venczin, chairinan. I pleas for represent a I ion. They SIIK- Dr. Jinn M. Handler, associate boys and girls are eligible. There will l>c IUI admission charge. I mechanical en;"iiieerini: in nijll. He Kcf-t you vole Di-inorrulic lo k<"e|i pi'oft'ssor of l^.irly Childhood Edu- Golf Balls Always on Sale being representative to tin is ;i memb('r of I he American Society cation lit Newark Slate. College, will Council. The following recipients of the As in former years, the uinccrl I :if Mechanical Knf.'ineers and the I lie two parly .system alive. We committee will en^a^/e four outstand | wonder if the Democratic enndidates lie lhe speaker She will discuss Jr Wasserman and Mis; Betty-Mariek Scholarship are now Americaii (las Association ways by which parents c-an aid their ilave attended Hillel Sum attending the college of their choice. in;; oratorio soloists in lhe area. ; will vole for Itcpubhcniis on the Many Fantastic Savings Tin? choir is accompanieipanic'dl byv uii:aii. j •> It /"v| county, stale and federal levels in children in their early years. She S«i» al Camp B'nai B'rith, 1963 winner, Lorraine Campan is a lias been consullanl for various pre- Still Available on 1965 senior at Ohio University. Judith piano, two trumpe is and ly.npany. J |{(>VS |)l)SCrVC order to keep lhe two party system (ieetlein, who 1) alive. school programs in several commun- Belluscino won the scholarship in las dirccied lhe j • ities in New Jersey. Men's and Ladies Clubs and [lower Society 1964 and is a junior at South Car- commission -sponsored Christmas (i. We believe lhe current huroiiuh concert here for lhe past i:( years, adminislralion h: doing an excellent Workshops will be directed by the olina. In her sophomore year al | Blaze In House. members of the Mountainside fac- Newark Slate College, is Verlina is director (if music and iir^aiiiM at job for the coninmuily. We pledge Need New Grips? New Low. itingSat. I hi' Messiah Lutheran Church in lhal, if elecled, we will coilliinie lhe ility and will include nrl, under I lie Graves the 1965 recipient. This pasl direction of Croi'Ko. Uirlsly, music Prices,.. and We Install 1 oL Ealre, governor of the year lhe scholarship was split by Plaiufickl. Put It Out same progressive leiidership. i Mayflower Descendants under Adam Lewis and language twins, Marion and Margaret Kraniin, Tlircr If) year old boys discovered 7. The Democrats I'onlinuc to call (iris under Mrs. Susan Collier, school Srt of New Jersey, has who are attending Central State Col- lor o|H'U meeliiiMK. All nuinieipal uwling of lhe board ol nn<1 extiii^Liishi-(! a lire in the home librarian, and Mrs. Kvelyn Wln- lege at Edinond, Okla. (if Kussell Wyelu'/f. 71111 Nor^ale. business is conducled at mectii trinKhupi, first j^iado leachcr. Tliese Uiedlw fociety for 10 a.m i)]>en to the public. Al each meet- Short Hills Golf Range Park Hotel, Plain This year the "Tag" campaign curly Kriiiay nif.lit while Hie family workshops will enable participants is under the direction of each was away. ing all residents have lhe oppuiiun- to acquire first hand experience MORRIS TURNPIKE SHORT HILLS, N.J. Ii purpose of the meeting ity to raise question*, offer surges- pas upon applications for school are: Columbus, Mrs. Frank The boys, who were passing by with lire-school uclivllioN pcrlaininu 3762543 Manca; FranUlin, Mrs. A. P. In- and s;nv the It'imes in the front lions and to express themselves on to child growth and development. md lo transact such mailers of community concern. Pro Shop Open Everyday fes as nioy come before gram and Mrs. T. L. llostotlcr. window, arc Michael Sweeney, ltri- rant, Mrs. Arthur Novacek; Jef- .11. O'Urien and MiifM'nc McKeon. FOR BEST HKSIJLTS Including Sunday, until Christmas, I a.m. to 9:30 p.m. VSV, IJCADKIt WANT-ADS ferson, Mrs. Leonard Schork and Deputy l'"iiv Chief Ccurce Brcil- expecled lo attend A UNICKK llallouve-n "tiviit" of Mrs. Murray Moskowilz; Lincoln, feller cn.iinieiKled the linyf prompt ma arc Mrs. Osgood S. Tide pii>touts seven cliiUlfoii fixnn Mrs. Lawrence Granibo; T.^cKinley. action and s;iid anolher few min- iFjj:vood, assistant gen- malaria for u year. Mrs. K. Kromtnonbock. iilrs and lhe fire would have IHIMI Ifelohn J. Jarmelski of 1 well under way, causing serious uetary; William Y Also, Tama<|iies, Mrs. Karl Devn- Tin home is a foonfov Imp— (IniMaue. tup. P-id and . Lamb; Ed- is falls, l.cnin Imine s.lf ly r ed front door and exIiiiKiiisbeil the ejected the .sinoko from the house. Toird uf ViV.itfic!d. ison, Mrs. Bayard Holland; Koose- Jtnd wh;it ttt rln in rase o an ncciilcni iiy liii.iiiB u lift] (ire by stimipmi; it cut. Damaged 1'Jarlicr in the evciiinji. the fire- arrangements com- vclt, Mrs. Robert Ellsworth; High 1 School, Mrs. William Taylor. C'i'itsH Aid coi' . Iiy fire were books, a desk lop, desk men responded lo .1 false alarm at •<< Mrs. John H. Wachter lamps desk blotler. hair dryer. Lincoln School. chairman of the public- Pick One m s 1 , IrJiL r,. and BOISE'S win a 4 piece INITABLE PLACE EWRITERS Scotch for SETTING/' people who really like Scotch.

    ... "V


    "WALLACE STERLING SILVER -orona ^'O—169.50 "° ]K ^184.50 "li^-119.50 HiiftllS 11 lark Buy nothing, write nothing, guess nothing—just name your favorite Wallace pattern. elli Among the. fourteen Wallace patterns is one meant for you—see them today '•'o 32 and choose yours. The winning name will be drawn between November 28th and December 3rd. Start your collection v/ith a A piece place setting—our compliments.

    Patterns left to right: Crantlv l!uif»ji'rt Shmti >i>h,uht I'trjul Suliii, Grand Colonial;

    ADLERS QU| MAMUFACTUItlNC DIAWOMO WBY STREET V9 ttOKIH AVC.VWt •. WHtflliO I. i,l .• ),, -, :•• 1' .'.I. !•"!. ., I 'i I. "Ill J I". \T. Page Z THE WESTFIELD

    life today does not allow time for To find a suitable in-between for. Serve Soup a poo.' choice in Iioroe furnishings new home furnishings liliat fulfill What Do You Know About Pork Plentiful thai will require constant attention needs of a family and your crowded and frustration when in use. time budget, il becomes more and This Fall For Appetite Appeal If the furniture is covered with more important to determine upkeep Your Family's Insurance ? plastic, if the family must remove procedures before purchasing. By ANNE L. SHEELEN their shoes Ijefore walking across Information from labels, manufac- By MABEL G. STOLTE present cash value would l>e on the County Home Economist By ANNE L. SHEELEN ONION SOUP life insurance policies if it were the carpet, if tiie windows are bare turers, sales personnel, or friends. County Home Economist County Home Economist 4 tablespoons butter or marga- m-i'ded in an emergency? Pork is now on the list of foods because tlie drajieriea or curtains is vital in helping you make final According to the Institute of Life- Crisp fall days vr'mA. the appetite rine insurance, six out of seven Ameri- ID. What choice of payments are which are in plentiful supply. Take are loo costly Ui hang for everyday cixrices. Once the item is delivered iii;idu availiililc for payment of advantage of this iibundance, be- for standing bowls of soup. 2 large onions, chopped use, or if tf*e temp shades are still to tile home or wSien it is in need of can families own life insurance. Hut French Onion Soup, served with few of them know many of the IUIMC policy proceeds l>y Hie company to reuse it is the first time in two 2 large onions, sliced covered wiUh the plastic from the some kind of cleaning is not ilie '; the beiH'ficiiiru'S? year's that it hos received such a (oast rounds and grated Parmesan 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped facts necessary in rase of a family cheese, is perfect to satisfy this de- store, then some poor choices have time to got upkeep information. death or disabling atddont • I. Has the decision already been rating. 2 teaspoons flour sire Convenient and appealing for '.j teaspoon salt been made. How do you score? Do you know: made concerning how the proceeds Pork, as well as all other meat In the final analysis, home furnish- 1 lunch, it also lends itself nicely when I sprig parsley Certainly Hie things tliat furnish 1. Where your family's lift insur- o! each policy will be puid to the sold in interstate and.foreign com- ings for today's Jiving should be beneficiary'.' merce, must pass federal inspection. served us an appetizer for dinner. [g teaspoon Miyme a home sliould not be misused nor considered from Uie standpoint of ance policies are kepi7 You can either prepare the onion J tablespoon tarragon vinegar 2. If a separate, listing has been 12. Are decisions about the pay- The small round purple stamp on should they be so guarded from not only price but color, design the outside of the carcass is proof soup from a basic recipe or choose G cups water family use that a liome is not made recording I he names of I hejinenl of policy proceeds left entire from among the v.ide range of prod- and care aspects. life insurance companies, I he policy jly l» I he beneficiary? that it has pasred such inspection. ti bouillon rubes liveable. In ordet to receive tliis approval, ucts available commercially. You '-i teaspoon Tabasco identification numbers and ilu: j 13. If the breadwinner or home- will find it in the market canned, beneficiary of each policy? I maker were totally disabled for a the pork must come from healthy Melt butter; add onion and garlic. hogs that are slaughtered under san- frozen and in dehydrated mixes. 3. If each policy names a second- lom> lime, does your policy have Choose the form (hat will best suit Cook until onion Is tender, hut not ary beneficiary? spcciul provisions? itary conditions; be entirely suit- brown. Stir in flour and salt. Add able to eat when it leaves the pro-your needs according lo your time, 4. The name and address of your 14. Can you count on retirement money, energy and family likes and Parsley, thyme, vinegar, water and 1 1 cessing establishment; and bear re- family's life insurance ugeni is '. income from a group portion plun? dislikes. bouillon cubes and Tabasco: simmer 15. What benefits art you. your liable, accurate information on the 5. Which memlwrs of your family label. If you would like to prepare your 1 hour. To seise place toast round are covered by policies? spouse and children <>nlillcd to un- own, perhaps the following recipe on onion soup and sprinkle with 6. The amount nf premium for der Social Security in case of death Pork does not usually vary great- will be appealing: Parmesan cheese. Yield: 6 servings. each policy and the date it is due? or permanent disability? ly in tenderness and flavor, because 7. Whut would li.'rppeu if a premi- Are you satisfied willi your an- hogs are raised solely for meat. um were not paid up when i( he- swers lo these questions? If not, When choosing pork in the mar-Discipline Teaching— comes due? perhaps you and your husband ket, look for a white and fairly firm 8. Can a loan bp made against should do a little research and con- layer of fnt. The color of the lean any of Hie policies? sult your insurance iigvnt and Social should be grayish-pink; a delicate How Well Should Children Mind? 9. What the total amount of the Security office. rose color is an indication of an old- er animal. The lean should be firm By MABEL G. STOLTE On another day, Tommy, a four- and fine-textured with a good dis- County Home Economist year old, was seen at the same tribution of fat within it. The bones laundromat with his mother, Tom- should be porous and pinkish in col- On a Invely fall day four year old my handed the clothes from the bas- or anie and her mother arrived at a ket for mother lo put in the washer. Unlike oilier meals, nearly all leixhborhood laundromat. Mother While t.'ie washer was on Tommy pork is divided into wholesale cuts left Janie at the open door with a exercised by (raveling and explor- WlTTNAUER at the packing plant. About 30 persharp wnrnint': "Don't you dare inp around the folding tables. When * rtoevcr ono»»J*is-wirrMuii cent is sold fresh, the remainder Is move," and disappeared inside to he slopped in front of a dryer, his -if cured by various methods or manu- •start her laundry. A squirrel ap- mother picked him up to watch the factured into pork products such as peaicd ;nd crept nearer and nearer clothes revolve until a small kitten lard and sausage. the child The little girl stood silent in the doorway drew his attention. Nutritionally, pork is a good source and tense welching for about foul Each mother had her own method of protein, iron and the B vitamins. breaths before she moved toward of disciplining. The approach used It is considered one of the best he squirrel. The mother dashed out had much to do wilh liow well hor sources of thiamine. of the door, crabbed Janie and, with child oiwys. Few parents think they Cook fresh pork thoroughly. This a sharp spank, snapped, "I told you encourage disobedience. Bui many not to move. Now do as 1 say and will not only briny out its full flav- - times they make il difficult for chil- or bill also kill cny trichinae organ- >taj here until I'm through." j dren to obey. isms present. The cooked lean Lei's tnke anoMiei look at Janie should be a grayish white without child know (Iwit you understand how and Tommy Tommy is learning even a tinge of pink. A meat ther- hn fools when a younger sister mnny things through the wise use of Automatically Yours mometer, which shows an internal breaks a favorite toy. If your child love and limitations. Janie's moth- temperature of !85 degrees Fahren- knows that lio can talk out his feel- er obviously doesn't know much These self-winding ladies' heit, is the most reliable test for ings with you, and not be scolded, aheul a four-yeur old's "Slaying- dor.eness when preparing a pork put" power or the fascination wilh tad Men'* companion watchei roast. there Is more chance tliat he can gel These two insurance men are on the go are Ideal for every rid of cross feelings some of the animals. Tommy's mother recoy- me. ni7es his need for activity, sets lim- •ports-filled occasion. Let each of your children have a its and uses every opportunity to to serve you better. . . Each contains Wlttn»uer's Brother, Sister iilielf. drawer, elolhes, etc., thai are widen his world of experience. 17-jewel automatic movement, exclusively Iris. Other members Disobedience can be a Mood learn- William Mason and Warren Vliet, by merging their long All-Proof* protected Bgalnat shculd ask permission lo use these ing step for parents as well as their Rivalry Natural children lCxamine your own be- established insurance firms, offer the most modern insur- moisture, dUst, shack, belonsinfis. This will te-ach a By MABEL G. STOLTE of respect for one another's posses- havior, as well as the child's, thn ance processing systems. At the same time they will continue County Home Economist sions. next time your child ignores or de- Then, too, no matter how much fies you. to provide the personalized service that you have learned Top Regatta/tttlnUmtwi, Ilavo you ever wondered why .brothers or sisters onjoy each other According lo the Webster's diction- to expect from an independent Insurance agent. ,. iwMp Mcond hand, $49.95 brothers and sisters can't love each (hey muy become irritable from hav- othor? You may soon find out Uiat ary, discipline is "teaching." Teach- Bottom Sta Qutm/tvice tliey do If a neighbor's cliiM picks on ing been logviher too long. It's a ing is the core of parents' jobs. The kind, fiihlon ilrmp, (65 either one. Or, It one Is punished, good idea to separate tliem for a discipline taught Is tlic discipline of tlie other will cc»i;foit or "slick up brief period, even if it means ar- livinit TTnoh <"f.TPp nf fhp fhtlH's for him. ranging separate play activities in development is one of learning the different rooms. Make sure that they acceptable and unacceptable cus- Natural competition' and rivalry do not consider they are being pun- toms of our life. The Mason-Vliet Agency, Inc. are the most common cause of quar- ished. Suggest Mint this separate ac- reling. Brothers nnd sisters compute Gradually liis feelings about him- 125 ELM STREET tivity is something they will like. self become a port of his actions. for the lime, attention and jtffoclion Remember, likewise, that com- WESTF1EID, NEW JERSEY of their parents. If parents give such We hope (hnt more oflcn feelings of plete- agreement between brothers mastery than fceliims of failure and ADLERS affection freely, and O» clvild! knows and sisters is never desired or ex- 232-4664 he can count on gelling his share fear are developed by Hie child. "1 MANUMCIUMNO DIAMOND JEWELERS pected any more than constant qunr- am n person who can do these things MV l\9 NOKTH AVt WtST • WtSTFIElD of affection, there will be fewer t Ming. Let brothers and sisters work —like feeding myself." And when WARREN T. VLIET, President WILLIAM D. MASON, Vice President Dally to 5:30 P.M. struggles against otlier family mem- oli( their own quarrels unless one is bers. Likewise, when others receive '.he child gels angry because he Mon. fe Prl. 'Til 0 P.M. gellinu Jiurt. If quarreling becomes can'Upound nails, like I he big boys, attention there will be less resent- extensive, then try separating the JUDSON G. VLIET, Associate Ftonthlnd JIW'III lor lonplnet 1 Wltlnoutr Wolchai ment. his father helps him find something children, or suggest a substitute ac- he can do. Sometimes it may help to let a Parents, therefore, first must learn the child's pattern of growth rnd what kind of behavior to expect in each stage of development. And remember, loo. the rate of growth varies from child lo child. Consider Care In FOR SAFETTS SAKE Choice Of Your VALUE LEADEN Home Furnishing from the World Leader in Portable TV! Buy A Reliable Used Cat! By CAROLYN F. YIIKNUS Imagine! Senior County llonir Economist This New 1965 RAMBLER CLASSIC 660 Minimum care and hiffh perfor- mance is the desire for many tiomc GENERAL ELECTRIC Station Wagon — 6 Cyl., Automatic Trans. — Radio & Heater makers in Uio IKMUO furnishings area today. 82-CHANN EL, 12-INCH As a mother of young children, NOW $1725 a community worker, a working woman, or grandmother, the need PERSONAL PORTABLE to spend long hours and physical 1965 VOLKSWAGEN 2-DR. SEDAN exertion to maintain a homo can Now Only Black Import be greatly reduced. The foremost consideration in selectinR new furniture, window Ho Down NOW $1150 incarrmcnt. carpeting, linens, appli Payment! nnccs, and tlic many other items Easy Tcrmst you purchase- for tlic liome is up- keep. 78 1963 CHRYSLER NEWPORT H.T. How much time will lx> required » Smart to look at—conveniently portable with carrying handia V-8 — Std. Transmission on the Floor — Radio & Heater to maintain this item or how mud' • Dependable—Precision-Etched Circuitry eliminates wiring errors. will it cast for professional care • Picture quality kept constant In weak signal areas with Keyed sliould !>e os carefully considered AGC NOW $1195 as the initial price. • Sharper, brighter, crlsper picture with "Silver-Touch" Tandem Tuning System—silver contacts conduct more signal . . . 47% Tlic many demands on a woman's moro than gold. • Unbeatable for economy. Gives peok performance with less 1963 FALCON CONVERTIBLE pewer with new "Micro-Gun" Sealed Beam Picture Tube. Blue with White To p S— 4 on the Floor The Nice Place to Go is the • New Solid State Rectifier cuts heat damage. NOW 975 You Mny Order the Model Shown Through Ui. Your Franchtscd G-E DANCES Dealer. See Our Current Display, Prices and Terms. HIGHTSTOWN Westfield'sOn COUNTRY CLUB Every Friday a !O-Pe. Band. G-E Dealer SOUTH AVE Wall Mellor — Sot. Nile—Joe FOR MAJOR APPUJ Mucha. Every Wed., Friend- ship Dance for folks 25 and 143 E. Brpaj' over — Adm. $1.00. Always Fun Here Alone or Couples. AD oa*x/- 369 SOUTH AVE. E., WESTFIELD 232-2456 Meet New Pooplo — Make Open Monday and Friday 'Til 9 — Daily To 6 New Friends. THE WESTFIEU) (X. J) LEADEK, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1966 Page 3 Springfield Ave., vicinity of Echo I ' Uike Oourrtry Club, .car on Jire: tinted ill)-27 p.m.. Engine 5 to parking tot i ,ji \k«tliodii*. Uuurch. 1 E. Broad St., I c;.r on fire. .For I Friday: J2:51 p.m., Engine 5 to j \ Scotch Plains Ave., brush fire; | GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION... 4;)7 p.m.. Engine S to N. Scotch j Plains Ave. at end of Hort St., brush i Bohr of' fire: 7:J2 p.m.. Engine J, Engine i.\ H 11 A SMASH HIT FOR THE 3rd WEEK imed S? ': Truck 1. Squad l to Station 64, Lin- BIi;ly organ-: cin School. 728 Wtstficld Ave., icchwloRy street box puiled. Proved to be false! 0 Research | ajapra; g:27 p.m.. Engine 1, Engine; "I '* l,is new dc' U, Truck 1, Squad J to 7B0 Norgad«>. j . in' the tech- j ro.1)Ort of house fire. Fire in bod j product line IIW) m out on arrival: removed smoke I Standard ^-''from Irouse. ! J; niii also I Si;rturday. 9:o6 a.m., Engine 4 to! BEL MART APPLIANCE STORE engincenni., ](|]] Ra|way Ave., investigate eom- ... program , ^^ ^ alegaJ ^^,4^, r for the 1 on fool to liers? Alaskan Command Joint Staff at AUTOMATIC [it f. North Ave., in-Elincndorf AKE, Alaska. A veteran of J2 years military ti., Engine 2 !o service, Major Entwistle WHS for- ICE MAKER! j .vw., gasoline sj)iH. merly a teacher at Hoxhury Ccnlial BeplaceslcoCubes S and rpniovwl <'3:ci's.; -School in ltoxlmry, N. Y. He is at You Use Them ot"jck lank to |>rcvcnl the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver H. Freezes cubes fast. 1(99 p.m., Knyinp 3 In E.ltwistle of Wr.-:lfic!d. Storasthem,too;No The major gr-nduuled from Wcst- troys to fU'ld llijjh School in HM7 and at- I pry loose (ITCH TO idcii (.'olKatt1 Univcrsify vlii-rc he received n Ijuchelor's decree in mathematics in:' a niaslcr's di'tiree in social studios. Since cnleiin^ (too) the U. S. Ah' Force, lie lias com- pleted i;ruduat.i; work at the Teacli- ers College of Cloiunthia University and at Geor:;e W;i';hini;loii Univer- TING OIL sity, mnjorin;: iq culleKc and pub- lif? at'itiinislral'ron. ai-cicao burning •luiomaticaUy Prior to liis nssisnmmt willi Ihr OIL CO. Alaskan Command, Major Enlwistlo Big 152-lb. was a sciiior instructor willi Hie Modll647pP{> lffl-5272 Academic Instructor and Allied Of- FREEZER ficer School, AV" l.lni.-nrsity MilX- Lots of spac« for lots of food well Air Force Base, Alabama. i Major Entwistle is married to the Authentic SPANISH Styling NO DEFROSTING former Miss Barbara tJaskill, daugh- COLOR TUNING EYE . . —-»^ Poltt and beautif-ut with ter of Mrs. L. B. Gaskill or West- mattes Color TV a« eaiyr 1o June as a radiot •j elegant panel doors and EVER! field. The EntwisLlcs presently re- Now you can tune Color TV quick as a wink. 1 Spanish jlyllng detail). side on Elmendorf Air Force Base The tuning «ye signals when the picture is I Pecan veneer* and Frost nuver form! anywhere 1 Anonymous \ matching wood solids with their two children, Stephen, 11, properly tuned. Thunyou simply adjust color SLJi with antiqued finish. I Problem? and James, 10. to suit your personal taste. DAIRY BAR STORAGE DOOR Writ, Some 22 million persons have been The ultimate in Color TV performance and fine furniture cabinetry • Brings you sharper, brighter, more true-to-life color pictures with new Philco Transformer-powered 26,000 volt Wtttflald saved from llic blindness of tra- Split-level convenience choma -with UNICEF's l«'lp. Ameri- Color Pilot Chassis • Philco Autom.ilic Color Lock Degaussing System • Automatic Pictura MM5JJ can diildrvn will Trick or Trent for Pilot checks picture contrast 15,750 times a second • Illuminated S*itch-Lite VHF-UHF UNICEF on Halloween. Channel Indicators with Slide-Rule UHF Tuning. *25" overall tube diagonal. 295 Exclusive PHILCO POWER SAVER *K WHITE BACKLASH RACISM WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? Saves J$ on electricity WHAT SHOULD BE DONE? TWIN CRISPERS DR. ROBERT F. ALLEN Democratic Candidate for Congress MEAT KEEPER Invites y(>u (o a pUi,||c meeting on ...and only IHE MORAL USE OF WHITE POWER TIME—Sunday. Oci. 16, 1966, 8 P. M. 30 INCHES WIDE HlSlnv E~~Cily Council Chamber, Summit .„,, EVP:UYBODY WELCOME •f'-> I«III-|M-II,I,.,,( Committ.'.' fur Ur. I!. K. AIII-II. ^•'•'•• Ut. 2^, t'nion

    Safe, thorough washing automatically! Just set the dials • 3 Automatic Cycles including Power Soak • 2 speeds • Safe for all fabrics, including new Durable Press garments • Fewer parts, fewer troubles! New simplified design has 25% fewer parts to wear out or cause trouble • No bumps or bangs! Automatically ad- justs its spin speed to counteract any oil-balance, handle even bulkiest loads • Auto- New and better matic Lint Filter-Detorfient Dispenser WhyAdlersis" way to wash! Philco puts more girl's best friend. x,: action in the V wash water. Jd'ers gives you more diamond for "' Does a better olla washing job, CHECK BEL MART'S »2T° r whether you spend $200 or hat s becaus yet is easier on cwnH- ' a we import our the clothes. o«n stlnt;tive stones and make our So ""'""tings in our own workshop. LOW, LOW PRICES also °et *e .8reatest selection. You Qet the finest quality diamond at k °? surprisingly modest cash ON ALL PHILCO pfices. No wonder we've been a Girl's (and a man's) best for over three generations. PRODUCTS!

    APPLIANCE 311 SOUTH AVENUE, E., WESTFIELD « PHONE: 232-0250 645 CHANCELLOR AVENUE, IRVJNGTON Manufactorini' Diamond lewclcs PHONE: 372-3445 219 Notih ««. West • V*estlicld STORES 1571 MAPLE AVENUE, HILLSIDE • y}dh& 25Kn'jpf Street •Linden PHONE: 926-5042 Page 4 THE WESTFIELtJ (N. J.) LEADER. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1966 • i- " ' _____ ^^ ACTIVITIES IN THE CHURCHES OF WESTFIELD AND VIQN COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN Christians To Continue CHURCH vid«! for church Methodist Church Meeting House Lane "^•'"•^en, Jyf'clure Scries On CHURCH SERVICES Mountainside Trip To Africa Rev. Elmer A. Taloott Jr. Sermon of the Week To Dedicate New Minister -GODLY QUIETNESS" This Sunday at 7:3D in tlie Pres- HOLY TKINITY B. C. CHURCH divine nature, the godliness which Sunday: 9:S0-!0:30 a.m., church By Rev. John C. W. Uiisloy Hymnals Sunday byterian Church, Dr. and Mrs. F.Kt. Rev. Msgr. Henry J. Watterson animated him" ("Science and Health school, grades 4-8 and 9-12; 11 a.m., St. Pauls Episcopal Church E. Christian will give the second it LLD, VF, PA, Pastor with Key lo the Scriptures" by Mary worship, nurcery, kindergarten, MOT* On Sunday looming at both the a series of four illustrated lectures Assistants Baker Eddy.* grades 1-3. 9-30 and 11 services. Kirst Metho- on the theme "Africa—Its Beauty Rev. John L. Flanagan The lesson-sermon consists of ci- Wednesday: 0 a.m., day nursery: Somewhere tliore are always pockoLs of paaoe, somewliere tliere are dist Church will dedicale and useand Pathos." Rev. Eugene C. McCoy tations from the Bible and from the 930 a.m., intercessory prayers; 10 always pockeis of war and stiifv. With our instant coinniuiucalioiis, we for tlie firs! time, the new Metho- | The k-ctui'cs ere b;iscd on their Rev. Salvatore Tagllareni denominational textbook. a.m., Bible study. somehow know of bad news aiid of good news almost before those happen dist hymnal. Hev. I'hilip K. -Diet observations from a recent three KECTORY: 315 First Street True it is that wherever we have sin. we liave strife For R is only com- terich, minister of music, and Rev.months trip to Africa. Phone: AD 2-0332 JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES TERRILL ROAD BAPTIST pliance with God's will tlnat ever will bring internal or external peace, The lecture this week is entitled 1170 Old Raritan Rd., Clark Dr Clark W. Hunt, senior minister Sunday Masses: In church, 7, ^ CHURCH CHRISTIAN! whether it be among nations, or among races, or among families, or will share in the lecdership of the"The Newly Independent Countries" 9, 10. 11 a.m. and 12 noon; 9 a.m., Tomorrow: 7;23 p.m., ministry Meeting In Terrlll Junior High among individuals, or witiiin individuals. worship services. av.d will depict Kenya, Tanzania children's Mass; in chapel, 9, 10:15, school: 8:30 p.m., service meeting. Scotch Plain* RADIO *; and Zambia. Sunday: 5 pm.. public talk en- Back to the fifth and sixth centuries wlien aJl civilization appeared to Mr. Dii'ttcrk'li will speak on 11:15 and 12:15. Sunday: 9:45 a.m.. Sunday school: THE I™ "What's There to Sing About?" He In addition to scenes of natural Holyday Masses: In church, 6. titled, "The Christian's View of 11 a.m., worship, interim pastor will be crumbling and tlie waste and wreckage of burning cities and pillaged beauty, Dr. and Mrs. Christian will Wordly Holidays" given by F. Me- countrysides were everywhere found, and the barbarians were pressing in, will introduce t& the congregation 6:45, 7:45. 8:45, 9:45 and 10:30 a.m.; be the Rev. James H. Hammond of SPEAKS To] a Nigerian hymn with bongo drum tell about the politic;:! situation in in the evening at 7 p.m. ga; 6:05 p.m., Watclilower study of C.irden; 6 p.m., training union; 7 and distances were far away and also •dose at hand; ttien, in such cir- each country and the work of the article, "Jehovah's Witnesses En- Which woy j, cumstances, Godly, thoughtful men wrote tliese words: "Grant we be- accompaniment, Wesleyan liynms Weekday Masses: In church, 8:30, p.m., worship. the "Battle Hymn of the Republic," Christian church in those exciting 7:15 and 8 a.m., unless otherwise aa- dure for His Sovereign Godship, and hooded ? |,i t „ seech thee, 0 I»rd, Lhat U>c course of this world may be so peaceably lands. Jehovah Taunted by Babylonish Hos- h°PPy, fuU of i ordered by they government Uiat thy church may serve tbee in aU Godly a spiritual, an Irish folk hymn and nounced. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH French folk tune. First Friday Masses: 6:30, 7:15ility Against Anonited Witnesses." 414 E. Broad St. good co , quietness. Tuesday: 8 p.rn., question and an- mp(llli The 900 new hymnals have been and 8. The Rev. Richard J. Hardmaa harmony? If, „, given as memorial gifts by mem-Mission Society's swer discussion of Bible study aid, I see no retreat or escapism or hiding from the harsh realities of The Rev. John C. W. Linsle? «o add what i,,, war, no evision of personal or corjwrate responsibilities to the victims and bers and friends of the congrega- OUR LADY OF LOURDES "Things in Which It is Impossible The Rev. Joceph S. Harrison e glory of God and for W» welfare of God's children, everywliere. he hymnal committee, and his mu- 10 a.m. at the church. Lunch will M. E. McCullough Wednesday: 9:30 a.m.. Holy Com- sic was chosen as one of the musical be served by circle 2, Mrs. Charles Sunday Masses—7, 8, 9:15, 10:30 Sunday: 9:30 and 11 a.m., wor- F0UNDAT1 Fervently we pray "thy kingdom como on earth as it is in lieaven, and 12. munion; 8 p.m., adult education settings for the Communion service. E Kclley, leader. Devotions will ship in the sanctuary; guest preach- class (4 sessions). thy wiH be done." For we know that except as w turn to God and respond Weekday Masses—6:30, 7 and 8. to his caB, Iris challenge; except as we preach, teach, baptize, evangelize, The new hymnal contains more be presented by Mrs. W. Walter Aus- er will be Dr. J. L. McCorison, hymns by Charles and John Wesley, tin. Holyday Masses—6, 7, 8, 10 andformer minister of the church. His heal: except as we do this, tlienc can be no poaee either interior or ex- p.m. GRACE ORTHODOX terior. Years ago, SLuddctrt-Kcimcdy wrote in his own inimitable fashion, more "gospel" hymns, ancient The theme of Ihc program follow- sermon is titled "The Faith We Live PRESBYTERIAN hymns, psalm tunes, chorales, and i; the luncheon will be "To Co- 1st Friday Masses—6:30, 7:15. By." spirituals. Also Included are hymns Novcna—Our Lady of Miraculous 1100 Boulevard SUNDAY t "Peace does not mean Che end of all our striving ___ operate." Clrcl e representatives 9:15 a.m., church school, nursery Jay E. Adams, Minister growing out of the ecumenical move- will give pen sketches of their as- Medal, Monday, 8 p.m. through sixth grade; 10:45 a.m., WERA-159OKc._l Peace does not moan the drying of our tears ment, early American folk hymns Benediction—Fridays 2:30 p.m. Sunday: a:30 a.m., church sclmol; sinned missionaries who are as fol- church school, nursery through 12th classes for all ages, nursery pro- FUST SUNDAY Poalce is the joy that comes to souk arriving and translations of hymns from lows: Circle 1, Mrs. Joseph Hotka. Confessions—Saturdays, eve of 1st grade; 7 p.m., senior high fellow- Up to the light wlxsro God himself appears." China and Nigeria. Those accus- rclired. of Newark: circle 2, Mr.Fridays and Holydays, 4 until 5:30, ship. tomed to the older hymnal will find and Mrs. G. Ii. Itichardson of Ko- nd 7:30 until 9. Wednesday: 4:30 p.m., confirma- Witiiin the church we do find1 a reconciled, reconciling, liealing fellow- some texts and tunes have been de- diak, Alaska; circle .3, the Rov. Baptisms—Sunday at 2 p.m. by ap- tion class; 5:30 p.m., junior high TERKILL ROAD BAPTIST CM ship of hopeful and prayerful persons. Among such persons we may find leted. In some cases, there have Paul A. Younger, Cleveland, Ohio; ointment. fellowship supper, Loomis Hall, fol- s been new weddings of texts and ifrrMaar l« tke Tenill Jr. HlKk Stkaal peace. circle 4, Miss Gertrude Waterman, Marriages — Arrangements to be lowed by program. 12OO block. Terrlll Kl. Scolck PUu, tunes which formerly had different Japan; circle 5, Miss Edythc M. Me- rcade at rectory two months in ad- If I should try to help any man in need, whether the need be Intellec- partners. Sunday School »:it Training i'nioB -'nrty, Thailand. The meeting will ance. MADISON AVENUE CHAPEL Moraine Worship 11:00 Evenlnf •Wor.hli" tual or emotional or physical or economic, if I should try without God in be presided ov?r by Mrs. Lewis L. e vague sort of pseudo pdetistic humanism or humanitarianism or as a The orders .'or this hymnal repre- Rev. Jack H. Barker, Student Pastor M» A. Brooka. Paator sent the largeit advance sale of Iampton, president. FIRST CIIUKC1I OF CHRIST, Sunday: 11 a.m., worship servUs?; political gimick, I would be indulging in folly and vanity and futility be- SCIENTIST cause I'an convinced that a man without God is incomplete. any book, sacrod or sacular, in the Reservations are necessary and Mr. Barker will preach on tlie topic history of publishing. By the end must be made by Monday preceding ZS7 Midway Ave. "What Does the Lord Require of Whether in peace or in warfare, how long is a human life? Wlio knows? of lOfiS two and one-half million the luncheon. Fanwuod You?" Wlxj knows liow old Christianity actually is? Christianity is much less copies will have been sold. Sunday Services: It u.m. ancient than civilization and if we represent the oge of civilization* by the At Sunday's services, the hymnals Wednesday evening testimony thickness of a postage stomp, then only the thickness of a penny is will first appear in the chancel as lioro Clmrclmonioii meeting, 8:15 p.m. needed to represent the age of humanity, while tine height of Clocpalras' a mountain of books. After the ded-Will Meet Ocl. 18 needle might represent the age of the world. ication, they will be distributed UNITY—WHSTFlELO throughout the church by members Mo'iiiUilnslde—The Women's Asso- Affiliated with Unity School of So one life, even of an Old Testament patriarch or a modern old of the choir for use in the remainder ciatijn of the Coinmunily Presbyte- Christianity. Lee's Summit, Mo. man or a young man, is but a speck, yet ta speck which contains witliin it of the service. rian Cliurch of Mountainside will NONSECTARIAN an eternal spark with an everlasting value because with God one life meet at the church Oct. 18 at 8:15 Believers in tlie Trinity con produce songs and poems, anotlser can produce slainod glass windows, p.m. The entire program will be another can produlce intricate wood or stone carvings, anotlier con pro- Meetings: Every Monday, 8 p.m. conducted hy Mis. Waller Young, 'lace: Woman's Club of WesUicld, duce delicate etchings. When an artist docs this his work lives long after Presbyterians List chairman of tho World Service de- he is forgotten*. The artial doesn't Uike his music with him but the world 318 South Euclid Ave., at Tremonl partment and Mrs. Kay llycrs, sew- Ave for generations to cony; is richer o Mr. and Mrs. L. Uicsc/ak and Mr. is done in no time and Mrs. W. T. Tlie annual raffle v.'ill also Dp held at the clamv. Loo Moran. tho rnf- flo clwjimuin. anninuicctJ tlu* prizes. Make better use of your time than at the ! Kirst prize is :>. HHi? i'ontiac Tein- 1 o.^t equipped ivilh iiKiny c\lr;is. washing machine. Let us do ALL your Both thi' senmd and third |irizos ill be a vacation fur two in Puer- laundry. The cost is so small, you'll be ] to Hico. Tin' foi'r winners will travel ! hv air and spend .six days and five surprised. j ni;:Iits at the famous I.a Conch I Motel. i Prizes four lo (on will bo Gcnonl ' Electric color purlahlc television SAME DAY SERVICE ON IAUNDRY AND sots. DRY CLEANING UPON REQUEST Prizi-s II In 2(1 cmisiM of West ing DOOLEY COLONIAL HOM* liouso ei;;ht-lr.'!iisistui' portable Jii dios. 556 Westfield Ave. • AD 3-0255 Mr. Mor.'in announced that tlie IVORY DRY CLEANERS j raffk- is limited to lOlKI tickets and A Funeral Home of homeliko atmosphere, completely modern air con ' nil procc.'ds from Ihc rattle will be turned over to tho parish building off-streol Parking Facilities AND LAUNDERERS fund. licensed Stuff Also ( OPPOSITE FIRE HEADQUARTERS ha ei D ey On Halloween millions of American ,.KI< f I'nM, M. -,I,,,„.!/. jjcy 1 :r jirnpiTlj lo-rlllvil lit 11111*1 ((toner IUI.. Nlr». llnrllin S. Allllir Jr. Mi>. 11) rn Carolyn M. Dooloy 218 North Ave* will savo otliei- cluklreji's lives. Joseph F, Dooley BR •THE WESTFIEI.D (N.J.I LEADEK, THfRSDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1S88 Page

    WOODS1DE CHAPEL ! have gr«'Q biK-kcrounds. while 1W- i Mors^ Avenue, Fanwood 'English Scenes' i U'l'ing ior ix>ud nani-.-s. and are iBeerbower Marks In The Churches K-.ind.n : Jl am. Goorgc SSutrp of j mounted on pu.sis painled £iven--;i Kt'i::!iw.»p.h u'i!l brin^ the inessii£e j oolur sclrtiiic siilidi lendi itself In :ii \\w K;i!»iily Bible, lluur. Tin- Smi- j Topic Set For the rural area* in whii-li the signs 30Yrs.AtERE Waltman, Lawrence Beekinan: 9 condui.-t the worship st-rvice nt bail) tl.^v School with eUtsses for till aiv hciu^i instalUxi. a m.. Men's Triangle Bible <-lass in hours. Tlio new MelhoMsi liymuai THE DRIVER'S Mori-ovei', the signs have long- Alan Beerbovver of 14O0 Lambe ai:fs \*i!! ix* .session nefits They are vouU-1 * i;li SEAT " v i< c with Esao Research and En bil>ltClass in Uic Lounge: Parents these services. \'e\v iru-mlx-i-s will he the speaker at the evening son- refUn'tivo innterials. resist i .>rro- •lil ninlii grade |>upils will meet in bo received ui ilie 11 o'cloek .-ervice Dr. ;>nd Mru. Fred .1 Kueh of sion and mv ijngHM-vivus to muring Co. on Sept. 30. He is ice FJ!ainfield \w!i present a eolt.r slide \>rti Nolson, a road commissioner senior research associate In the co the upper level of Westminster Hail: A coffee in vhvir honor will be held Tuesday; 8 p.m . prayer ;;nd Bible Tlu\v List foj- many years and are Dr. and Mrs. i» Feiluuship Kootn. folluwias the illustrated travelog u e ••i-:n|:lisli who listens to drivers, hot-amo con- ! cusy tu JiiiHittHi'ii, Nelson ci S,j;n vaitdn Africa in Wednesday: 8 had in locating sl.i'ools in rvnxil l)ol slnwtioii of sisiis by hunters and p.m.. memlx-i-ship saue by Mr. GeorFfrev Bull of Knjf- 1 research on new for white o Hie ! U>e sanctuary. and evangelism tlie Plainficld 'I'rust Slate National \orto Comrty. California—osppciall;, ollh*rs who defitce tiviMn—is a cu.'iinii.ssiiHi: Achii: laud Mr. Hull w:is a missionary (i> Bank. MtM-tino A\ e , Faiuvood. at infill So he did MHiU't-hinij ;iiK>ut and other process oil*. lOdiUMliiin Pro i'Mii. 1-Vllowsliip Tilie! and was held prisoner by the 1 prulilnn in Ud Noi'lc Coinrty and FANWOOD PRESBYTERIAN Hoom. Dr. Kneh. a lotiutime nioinbiM it Wluit ho did will Irrion^t any elseMherc in llu* t^uirtry l«is< Mr. Bwrhowor joined Esso I Chinese Communist lor several and past president of the local club, nn)iori>i \\\w drivvs runii rcvads. search and Engineering as a the CHURCH yea is Nelson's depaiUiicM sjKMii pp 74 Marttne Avenue, S. REDEEMER LlTliERAN CHURCH is also a member of the 1'holo- Nelson immduHl an rxtvusivi? i>f(>j- UKriely $4,000 to ivpiaix- damaged isi in last, worked ;it tlie Baltinx Cor. Cvu-pcnhwalte PI. and (lark St. graphic Society of America and an wl to ni^1;il! rt'floc.iw signs, which Uefineiy of the former Ksso Stoi George L. Hunt DO, Minister TEMPLE EMANU-EL 1 sijins. The rophicojnont program will Rev. Walter A. Reuning associate menthol of the Chicago urv mor** visible (o niglitfimo drrv-ers. nrd Co. from 1SM0 to 1957, then Sunday: 9:30 and 11 o'clock wor- 756 K. Broad St. he continued, using now reflective Vicar David A. Wood Color Slide Ch;b. He is known ihiin ix^gular, on ail ro;ids in turned to V.sso Research and En ship services: Dr. Gewge L. Hunt si^ns whu-l) 4-onfoiNii witli thoso Sunday: 8:30 a.m , holy contmir WVsifield throughout the country ar an exhib- \w <*el cimipoKliions and was the proci vided ior clrlldren under three: H:30 w-rwee: linbbi Kroloff will speak on i ;iitd Bible el;is,w>; II am, mum ; tho P.S.A. and a citation from the ^raiii. similar sictis are lwin,Li re- Norto t'ounly nnd urtian se*"tioi»s ent>in«'r on tlie world's first fe'res and 11 a.m., church sdiool for nurs- 1 "'1 he Jewish Vi"w of Marriage." service: sennmi will IK delivered )>y ; N. J. Federation of Camera Clubs quired for cill now* sulK-iivisions in ncai-'.'r :-:/.T"i City have born eusiw plant with continuous production ery 13 years' through eighth grade: S;'Und.iy: 10:10 a.m.. Bar Mitzvah tho Key. Walter A. Hemline. p;istor. \ for his outstanding coiitribulitm to tho county, Thoy will :ibio iw h\- to lm-ate Hoorah! CCIMK-S Hie rural- W48. He fired the first shot of i class for adults on the meaning of of Joshua Mi-ir Kornbbli. son of , WediK'sd.iy: iL'.ill) p.m. Valpu amateur photography. He Hie slalk'd in the Smith Hiver, Castjuol area driver. palm from a portable flamethrou hurch membership. JautfM t>y \ Mi-. ;md Mrs. Morris Kornblatt. highest possible rating for excellence mid KkimMh ;u*eiis. and later Bet Hie worlds' record Mr. | GuiM IiUn<-iu.lin u, Mt.SSial, Lutheran! 1 * * * school! Millar: 11 a.m., senior high class on ,„,.,, , Monda-. : 12:30 p.m., Sisterhood in both the nature and the color :i54 yards for a moun'ed flan Church. Tlu'iv iiiv so vend reasons for sucli Alxnil 200.000 cars this yoar. nc- the life of Christ; 7 p.m., the Senior PbmfRld; II a.m. day . bMp(, „,„,,,„„ divisions of the P.S.A. thrower. He is now applying ti scliuol situs. Ioitlinj! to atilo Industry estimates, High Fellowship presents "The I'm- ajn-1: 8 p.m., voter ;issem- j W(, wAmme ymir inquiries regard- Mrs. Rurh will do the commen- 1 technology to tli» X\\ry can tx will Ix' equipped with an nufmnatir A able," the film slwrun at the New . [in;: temple membership, and I lie to- tary. safe aircraft fuels. vend easily n{ nijdit. when driving is spoed contiol syslpm, dosignwl to midweek York World's Fair. All youth are in- CALVARY LUTHERAN ClllRCH tal religious :>r:)Srain for children The meeting is open to the public. 1 Mr. Ueerbowcr holds 32 U. S. p esjKH'ially liu^cuxlous. Tlios* sijjus. kepp n enr running at n pne-sot i p.m.. vited. 108 Eastman St., Cran/ord ami adults. :is well as nursery cuts und hns published 18 papers iWJeoliii^ li^ht. hom a car's Uead- S[H>MI AS a safety devliie, H Is sii|>- Wednesday: 8 p.m., Renewal seiiuol Infornvtion may be ob- Pastors: li(,'hts. can t>c stx»n up to a distance oosod to tx^diicp firficue, nllo>winK Groups Nos. 1 and 4 meet for Bible K-ined by ealli-m the temple ufficc. CHURCH Key. Arnold J. Dal.Iqulst Dinner To Feature of 2.00U fovt by drivers. •I:Ivors *o <nlrate mow on Hie FOR BKOT RESULTS study and discussion in the lounge Kev. Gordon L. Huff W1LI.OW GROVE ixiad flurinK long distance travel. USE LEADER WANT-ADS and Founders' Room. Tho n'mwa are attraiMfw. They Sunday: t) and )0:4.1 ;t m . serv tef-s PRESBYTERIAN CIH'RCH I of worship; H ami 10:45 a.m.. Sun-, 19fil Karllan Road Washington Event 42J East Broad St., WeauTirld, N. t. ADams MM* F1RST ME.THOO16T CHURCH I day ehurch seliool for all ages, mirs- ^ ScoJrh Plains Ministers: A 'Tinger-Lk-kin' Chicken Din- ! ereryy througthrough laja.lhi Kraclegrade. ChildreCliildren un-un!! Iter.„,.. „„..„Julian„ „...,„,,„,Alexande,r Jr... ner" will highlight the unnutil l'TA TOWN OF WESTFIELD Rev. Clark W. Hunt der three years are oared fur during [ . , ,, a.,,,.. l,ip Rev. James C. Whilukcr Sllnd;iy a:3( and wors biu'k-tn-selicol night Hi WashiiifcUm PARKING PERMIT PLAN RESERVATION FORM Ihe 10:45 services by women i>f (lie st,rvi t|ll, „„,.. iluIian Alexander Rev. Donald G. Jones School npxt Tuesday at C:45 p.m. Mar Be Used In Parting Lot No. I - (South Side Railroad Btitlon) Only LC'W circlesil . will speak: Sunday school fourth Rev. Philip R. Dletterlcb Wednesday: 8:15 p.m All of the mothers of Washington («l 10:45 a.m., church new mem- through 12th grades at fl:30 and two School children have hofn conlai'U'd (PLEASE PRINT) Sunday: 9:15 and II a.m., all de- bers class. 4 ,«*ip sen-ires: Lay- 1'eison.s transferring year olds throunh third grade at 11. lo contribute to Oic pot lucli .supper Name Mr. U lie observed, partments of tlie church school meel: ; membership from oilier I.ulheran (>:'M^ p.m., .Junior_ , Mlddler and Se- Mrs. under tho direct ion of Mrs. Josirph . Data are Edward C. 9:30 and 11 a.m., worship services in j congregationg;t s are asked lo attend | Ili("M. [.•t,ii0\Vshipi. Shopshlre, Iwspil.ility cliaiiinaii. Miss 1 Middle Elliott, tlte sanctuary. Rev. Philip II. Diet this ami tin. two succeeding classes j Wednesday: 715 p.m., youth Homo room mothers will solve the Last Hrst Fred Cliiwrd. Owen I terich and Dr. Clark W. Hunt. Oet. 20 and N'w. 2, at the same hour, j prayer; 7:30 p.m., adull prayer; Individual tallies, as a departure Home Address: .Business Addreu: tt-l.'i, .idult study program, from tho previous serve-yourself Firm FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ".Survey of the Hihle." plan, and will ncl ns hostess<'S to 170 Kim street greet oil newconioi-s to (lit- .school. Kev. William K. Cober, Minister Immediately folloivhiK the dinnei' Street Street S'.inda;/: !l:4."i and It a.i:r. vvor- the parents will lie ^iven the oppor- shi|), sermon by the pa:,lor. tin Itev. I Children And Fire tunity lo visit Ihi-ir youni'sleis' re- City City William K. C"ijer on thliee Mlbjcrtsubjcrl.. I\ rt || rp | spective cl;i.';srnis ;wd the "Does 11 Matter II (iod tencln'rs fiitninmrlzc their work nnd Home Phone: Business Phone: ti:-55 and 10 a.m., church >is Dai Spell Iragcdy pUin.s for the ye;ir. sions: 5 p ni., luniur and Senior Moke of Car Year Ur-on«e Plate No One chilli on* of every IJHVP who Another featirre (tf tho evening lliflh Fellowship. If moro than one vehicle Is owned and used, please list same In space(s) below dip in firt's \v;is .ilour iind lu'lplcss will l>e the "Ht-d Taj;" voluntary | 8 p.m.. Sund.iy nit'lit ci'oup at the when tho fice itrticli. 1 cunlrihiitinn lo the Betty Mtirik Make of Car Yeor License Plate No, home ot tin- Kev. , a.m., study • |-Yot«c1 jon ANsorinlion, riccorr!- Interested in sfuclyinj^ for n te:ich- j jironp; :i p.m., staff meeting: K p.m.. r 1 fee M.OO Monthly • Enclosed 1 to Kit'p t'hi(* M;«i'lin Hurkt in i\ ii>f! career. ! adult cdiicatiop trainin; .. sjK-cinl Firo I'revi'iUiun W'crk iws- Over 100 million people haw lieen Signature UNITARIAN IT;IJ.{»WSIIIP w v Never lenve rrn.-iM children alone, savwt fr(jm the cripj>linn < ff^ t^ts nf 01' WKSTr'lKI.I) I hi- chief urjii'.s Kven if il's neces- yjiws vv-j111 UN!('KK's lu>lp. Americiin A>i-r:il KeliKllill (Do no* write hero — Spoco reserved for Town uso) sary to leave I lie house only for a cliiUlren will Trick «r Treat for UNI- few minutes, take them with you '1CI'" on I!;dlo\vi>oti. Date Received Permit Month Sumlny: !0:M a.m.. sixvikcr, Mrs. 1 unless you c.-'.ii find a neighbor to Permit Number .lane. Scliolicr, produwr and dinx - watch over them. TO BUY OR SELL, USE tor of the Ch:uiLl<»l Players, MoiW- clair; topic: '"IVaps for Meditation." If you would protect your children Authorized Signature Sii'iday S<:IHK>1 and infant care. All from fire at homo and at play, fol- LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS re welcome. low these precautions: 1. Make si'ro baby sitters liavo specific instructions in case of fire. These include orders to not tho chil- dren out of the house the instant smoke or Kns i« noted, the location of at lease two escape routes from -..'ry riK:m. ^n'1 h'1"' to t'et in touch Us Plymouth Dealers will do for allm with the fire department, parents, doctor and police. 2 Keep young children — two and nuclei1 — in instant siKhl and most anythin mind. kinds qfa :i Teach older children how to ..


    3'OOOR CORNERS Refrigerator- WINNEH. AAA TRAFFIC SAFETY Freezer POSTER CONTEST Only 28" Wide and ...and LOOK at the you NEVER DEFROST Now win-you-OYOf OolvocJcio1 Tho Bporiier,i p L0WPRICE...Only Going, Going, of thp year. SpoMs-brfld lor jrlion Bo fn the Refrigerator Section! togl drive Tull Width Zero Degree Frcozer hold! up to 91 Ibi. of frozen food • 2 Mini-Cube Ice 105* Gone! Trays • FullWldih Ve««t«bt« Bin holds 5/10 bushel • Butter Compartment • Deep Poor Shelf for '/- gallon milk cartons A t-nll bottles • 3 Cabinet Shelves • MaR- llf:t'c Safety Doors • Protective Door NO DOWN PAYMENT! Stops m. Coppertone, White and decorator EASY TERMS! colors including new Avocado Green. l PrymouVi FUff, Wow w]n-you-owor ou over » •• t.A lor T» 12MB 11 Stu. ft.t Plymouth Vnlmnl. AH-naw and arpet, add If jf f>7. Ma loom and luxury w»ll •Minimum RfUH P-:M ... persuade you even if wo didn't ion out iho tod caipcl. (Net Slor.m volo.-ns Alll>

    1 10 , or Imponat. How during our big 1Q07 Plymowth Announcement you M»» Orto Ih. Mojtl Shown Thuuirh U», With all the speed Pig Wln-A-Car Swgopaiafcini Como In and rog * ' '* win a '07 Chrya'or, Tour r.»r.-'.i-.p'«. <•••'•" •"' '•"n'«- of a rapid-fire auctioneer, a lilile Classified Ad in the AUTHORIZED DEALERS CHRYSLER Leader will sell whatever It Is MOTORS CORPORATION Westfield's Only you wish to disposa of. Juit G-E Dealer phone us at See your Plymouth DealerWHe's all heart.. m M FOR MAJOR APPLIANCES *M 143 E. Broad St. AD 2-4407 Westfield WESTFIELD AUGUSTINE MOTORS Inc. BERSEBROS. AD 3-2121 LEADER 576 North Ave. E., Westfield 443 North Ave. W., Westfield Pige 6 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1966' chairman to coordinate the introduc- tion of legislation to implement Uie commission's recommendations. CRANFORD HALL NURSING 1 introduced the bill in the Senate last week. Senator Case, who -was a A Home of Distinctly, member of Uie commission, co-s|xin- sored the bill. In the House of Repre- sentatives, Congressmen Peter Kr«- Your Inspection InVli linglwysen and Cornelius GaJla^ier, introduced companion l«!&u>laiion. 600 Lincoln Park East, Crarrford Hie New Jersey doloj&ilions in Ix&h BR 6-7100 ' Houses are solidly behind the bills and so are the Virginia delegations. Director: Catherine Krouw, President Wilson was a native of More tten any other President, month, takes into amiiiiit lx>Ui tlicsi Virginia. Woodrow Wilson. I believe, combined facets of Hie 27th President's clwr I was pleased with Oie plan for a the qualities of intellect and ideal- actor. memorial worked out by the commis- ism. sion for several reasons. First of all. The commission recommended set it reconciled two jwinis of view on Dr. Masai W. Grass, president of ting aside four wiuarc blocks border- the •commission. Some members Rutgers, said in :%0. when I intro- ing Ponn-sylvania Ave., opposite U wanted a j)iomuns tile duced the resolution which led to National Artliives Building, as Wood- Lititt>ln or Jeffi-rson Monuments and •Heating Plant Balky? the establishment d tl»e Woodrow row Wilson Memorial Square. some wauled a living me4iiorial. like Wilson Meinariiil Ckunmission: "Wil- It recommends a suitable sculp- (he Kennedy Library. The plan work- son was the only highly trained intel- ture, expressive of the spirit and ;«:- ed out lias elements of bolh. lect who has ever occupied tlie While cuni]>lislune7vl« (rf Wuodrow Wijson House. Jle was more disciplined liuui Also, the site cliosun already is lx- jiliited ut the top of Uie square designated for federal development •Fuel Bills Excessive? Jefferson and more of an intoiUic'l and a display ai-oa cbpiftinj,' new than Lincoln." ;is pail of the Pennsylvania Avenue kkvm in inU'-malional understanding Historic Site, which aneans Chart the The late President from New Jer- lie established in Uie center of the proix-rty Ls available iBid tilat its ac- LET US GIVE YOU ALL THE FACTS ABOUT MODERNIZATION. sey's own words gavu convincing evi- lower level. It also VJI\1S for - quisiion and development will not dence of his idealism Jle conceived Jishnu'iit of a Center for Scholars as mean an extra burden to the tax- NEWEST gunboat in the Navy, USS Asheville, steams tlie first of severaJ buildrinys on tlie payers. thead on shakedown cruise. The aluminum-hulled The heating plant is the heart of your home. Right no that "America was born to serve periplici-y of Ihe square. mankind." And his eigiit years in Also, the /'resident's Tem]>orary craft Is the fastest of its size in service. the White House were dedicated to- Tlie Very lU-v. Francis B. Sayie, iminission on Pennsylvania Ave. or is a good time to find out if it is being as good to you^ ward fulfilling tltat dostiny. Dean of tlte Washington. Kuiscopul 1 its successor agency is a natural •Hie recommendation of tlie Wilson Cathedral, and grandson of President choice

    TALKING STRONG, Indonesian leaders discuss poli- It is quite possible that new oil heating equipment.,, tics with reporters. President Sukarno (left) uses his hands to explain something to strongman Lt. Gen. conveniently financed over a period of years . . . will save you Suharto. Mr. Hud Mr». Carl W. Tlmjuiimm nrc now ltvlnur In Ihrir nrw home ill money, through more efficient fuel use, and through elimination TfH Newark Air, Nnitik l>litliin, which ll,r> IMIUKIII rrmii Mr, anil Mr.. Urmld Bllfrr. The »»!«• nt Ilila •IH|HI||I<- 11N1,-,I uruprrl) ima nrgotlatrll l>>- Jjwet l>. IllU'lllr

    -'•Ill'1" Exclusive at $248

    New General Electric QUEEN FROM THE i NORTH, 23-year-old Finn- Range with P-7 !ish beauty Carita displays ' a mod outii.' complete with m Oven that gilded coin jersey. Carlta : wlil star in an upcoming *f Cleans Itself film, "The Viking Queen." Electrically!

    Set the dial I Latch tho door! And Works Like A the new P-7 oven goes to work—• clobbers grease, spills, spots, even crusted-on juices—and It's Charm all done electrically! Modal J329B Imagine! A Genera! Electric Range with the fabu- lous P-7 Oven priced this low! No more messy fingernail-breaking scrubbing—no more rough red •Minimum noiaii piice hands from harsh cleaning chemicals. The same t t c lo r a L c" «. r"gj ( i? «ta°"';c «0 S!« electricity that does the cooking does the cleaning,. ! p«r KWH. Even the back of the oven and those hard-to-reach 3 new I/TO's. All Ihrco LTD moii 2R0-CU. in. V-8. A 7-Litre power opfion Better iacas from Ford. Setae'* rner$ COme 0Ut 2-iloor liarLllnp. 4-iloor hnnltop. and include-; a 428-cu. in. V-R, power disa General Electric R.inpcs c.nry n P SpOtlCSS SS the day yOU bOUght Cruisc-O-Matic wn»**p on«-year repair warranly ag,nn\t it. Economical, too—just 70f per cleaning, less *4-t!oor sci);in- i>lTcr conveniences like a front brakes, and sports steering wheel. tnanutaclufinK defects. than the cost of cleaning by hand. Other work- Ininsiuissiiin that shifts both niiiminlly 13 new Galaxies, Customs, wagons. without a dutch for ihings li^ ^ snving features: big-capacity oven: self-cleaning anil automatically (standard), and a full- hills, downshifting to save tir- NO DOWN PAYMENT! width front scat thai divides to adjust Convertibles, wagons, hardtops, sedans EASY TERMS! Calrodi surface units; appliance outlet; automatic all oiler basic Ford strength and quiet, ing trailers, getting extra traa oven timer. individually for driver and passenger. nndsnow, orjust for fun-"' Aim plus a wide range of conveniences and op- You m»y oidet td« mciti jl'Cfli ;^^:u -, at. jour Irancbiud C-t dull.'. Stt cut tutirnl display, piled .1111 Iirmi. lf» olmoit like magic 2 new XL's. Both the XL 2-iloor hard- tions. Wagons provide a two-way Magic en every "67 Ford. And «* with Ford Motor Compan) the way a Classified Ad In top and convertible offer, as standard, Doorgalc that swings out for people and bucket scats and console, plus spirited down lor cargo. Design Safely Fcalu/cs. Westfield'sOnly tha Leader produces results G-E Dealer fast, whenever you want to FOR MAJOR APPLIANCES sell, buy, rent or hire. Cost f 143 E. Broad St. Is tinyl FORD L Westfield AD 3-2121 WESTFIELD WESTFIELD MOTOR SALES CO., Open Monday and Friday 'Til 9 — Daily To 6 LEADER 319 North Ave. E., Wesrfield 232-3« THE WESTFIELD IN. J.) LEADER. THVRSDAy, OCTOBER 13, 1966 Section 5—Page 1 End Of Season Barbecue Suggestion | store indefinitely. VieU-: I dron's and your h»sb; > . ,-or\ nv n)j;t.-- required uhen less MNE L. SHEELEN , i)ri,h , m {h, pMifi „.„, ^,^ ,/™p ^ , 7 ™. i euunl un \\>ur i>.-.i.-<'i,u)ii' iiud cum Mime is sijont u* I'ome Business Edison COUDitI y Home Economist | '".• I,,, h.,;kr.,n,,, ,,,,v u. h<... , P«.pper-<»,io,, K.lisl, j Volunteer, Business World Jobs pjmtmship. A ncu .Nciudiiie til l;\-uor!d jobs tf.-id lo decrease your :; l :nU ( in;; bo phnuiod v.ilh your fain- ; MKI..; ;iud reii :iuus opportunities. Labor Day signals the near end!;;;! !" ^ ^ "' v . : : "™>'«' : of summer fun across much of; ••.,, . , ' ' ' ":''"•'"• L (.. STOLTK • y i-li:i;ii;fs and the .-.dual im-onic ; ny'> >i.-t;>. Their iiiHiciwiandiii); urn! i ; ll M l n County AmericaAmerica. Celebrate the remaining , ' ' '' " -'^ rv;:.-ii i.- u-ln-.iu ji.u.y nio|.pc.< mid eosts sighted below. Tln'M' may [ a.sM.siimte are »-.-.sotnial. i ' t 19 -mple barbc- : !> s'on-ii ; (-">1™ li'PD'-'rs '4-5 meedium1 MTU- as a guideline fur jour mini Kij^uri1 Ihe .Vliuil hicmiie aiul ! period with tasty but si Today. li(»jiiiMiKtk» r> are spending [ in tilt" tv'li::on!!or l;ulos.s vxklidrd iltli'ly chop'J^d 1 ftiHue siH-c-i-ssful odjiistn.onls uf U'usi. Kfin.-iiiU-r, eai.luUy wei^li ' cue. a iKiii' a:i'l iimi ' Www, ;n-;:y * i-" di-sin-il. If U is, |U |,i- Imnie nnd persoru.l life. | ll,e aclual n:im:; .uici 1«.-M'.>:. to hot ll j Ili'usun.'-: The Insti : v,m and your fainily, uelore acei-|.;- ul Life throu,i;h >ui in;1 vi joh. | SCHOOLS ceys. iound honiemakeis t.i\mK the (faiitful vmploynicnl may impi*o\e i f<:!lo\viiiji reasons for »" : >'t»ui fainily'.fl v et(«imniiie jt i the IIOIIW. jthroucli'il .sueial seeiinly. | Some, desirefl more opportunity ' ijrouip) in.sura.iee ;:iu! lieallli heneli:.-.. i tor inflik'neo, rtto^nitiim cr fru-iut 2 kiblespoons vint'iiar •;m. ii.'i j;; fill to top ,, \'(/lunleei' jolts pruvide less tangible i For a special flavor treat, use a 2 1 In-nefits such ;i> friendship.", ivcoi:- j tasty barbecue sauce when prepar- , nu ers. wislu'f freedom frinn ls. cbtktit1-;1. nutlbers. nition. education and lunnanitarian ! ing the meat and serve it with old- i , u'us|),uin T^.,,,.,, hold elmi'i'b. now exr-eiienee.^, i'nv.'ii ebikirt'ii. and fastiioned pepper-onion relish. or lo help others. j on ih0 other side of till' seale. The Still oiliers wished security—eeo- l-alaiiee the cu-ts. ;;;«i"fu! employ below. nuinii- or social for themselves mid j ineni costs ill dollars ana mils, Add i their families. transpoitation. Inneh money, uni- patties Family Chiinncs: Outside udivi- forms and union duos can he easily Drive Carefully '• 1 ties are bound to affect your ehil- fi(Uircd. It takes more careful man-


    the manager of Wool- E. Broad St. re- coots for glrlf... ! tod apprehendedd aa K jprl lor shopliftingg 115 rec- divee Wesley MMoore of the military look I.S Bure«-.u investigated L«l Die girl in the custody salo 25.99 plteali pending juvenile ac- With brass buttons, slllchod-on self belt, 2 pocked, warmly interlined. In cobalt blue, girls' sizes 7 to 14, n. Sgl- Richard Shovlin, 'the high school picnic lif ark, apprehended a rdd fn* ^S under the 'n' hoathor wool coats ,i alcohol. He was taken (beadq-jarters and released saU 29.99 (Btooy of his parents pend- Double-breasted, with back bolt, ai i convortlbla to action by the Juvenile notched collar of ocrylic pile. In grsen, girls sizes 7 to 14.

    a Drt. SgL William Muth i Roosevelt C. Sweet, 26, of diola PL on a contempt of omits from Westfield, H aid Livingston for motor millions. He was released •jbail for Westfield, $50 bail Lf«!d and $25 bail for Liv- a tola1 of $100.


    J pension is one paid to «*i» has become pcr- A due to sickness or llhbe roaches retirement

    • acome tax law treats l)' pensions as sick pay. l according to Joseph M. liifereey District Director Mmal Revenue Service, that Wof a disability pension Ihnntil Uie recipient reaches

    •taner employer pays your ' ti you contributed nolh- "*H, you may treat it as Kmii you readi the age at mvxU normally have re- Icn become subject to •• a regular pension or an-

    >*liistJ100a week received ""™y pension may be ex- t»«tpay. Tlic balance is l toward the cost y pension, your pen- will be treated as pay- !faK»dcnt or health in- 'wtyanditwillbetaxfree. designer lfef ""P'oyer should be Spcdfic

    w»ho..t extra sale 78.99 h the Inspired by tho Orient, our boautiful coat of softest suedo with luxurious natural mink collar. Sizes 8 lo 18.

    coats lor tots iunior miss coats velvet-trimmed coats sale 55.90 Doublo-breasfed, wolf soomed, with back ploat and belt, sale 22.99 in Welsh wool twaod. Brov/n or cjruc-M/ sizos 3 lo 13. Blacfc Watch plaid in double-breasted style, with navy velvet at the collar and pockets. S,ze= 3 to 6X. young juniors' coals dressy wool coats sale 39.90 Boucles will) sido-bulton closing, in colory or plum, or with sale 25.99 fur products labolod to show country ot origin of Imported furl. frog closing, in cranbony or forest greon. Sizos 5 lo 13. ^TOBACCO ; Double-breasled style with welt seaming, in red or blue with black fur collar. Sizes 3 to oX. Hahno & Company Westfleld .' AD "° ST. HESII,1ELD: '"•: 232-2027 Page 2 THE WESTFIELD (S. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, OCTOBLi: IS, 1966 is nol in use to prevent unwanted At Meadawbrook Now Playing At Rialu* Check Fireph drafts. But do remember lo open ace the damper before you light the fire or you will have a full of .smoke in a very short '.iim*. A>A\j.;. s- .,-*"-':--:* Before Fall Use Mo.M fireplaces are buiit with an '• !T J ash pit lor easier clean out. This ' • !••''-']." ' ' 'V!'.'?.,1;" By CAROLYN F. Vl'KMS pit is located IK low the smoke pipe i Senior County Hume 1-J4:oi>oitii!>t connection and should have a tjjibt I A cheery fp'? in lite is fitiir.^ .v..-u iron door-. Frequent! an inviting .si,:ht Mint wcirnis the ch-anmtj out of the pit eliminate.-! , V : : V heart as well ;is the body. any dunger of ioot or ashes catch- •- (":!'.'.f..V '''i i ''" * tin- ,' Introducing a used car guarantee without any To enjoy a fireplace to the fullest in" fire. "you pay half, we pay half" nonsense. . extent in the cold months ahead, it Brick faced fireplaces can be- I will be wise to check your fireplace come dull and dirty from frequent Most used car dealers sell their cors with 50-50 | now. use even if the fireplace draw-well. guaranieos You know the deal: if anything goes I If you use your fireplace frequent- Some people J'^e this sign of use wrong, you pay half the cost of parts and labor. ly to burn trash, briquets, scrap! and never clean the bricks while others like clean looking bricks. Well, our guarantee doesn't work that way. When j lumber mid cut wond. have the chim- ; To remove I lie smoke and soot we guarantee a car we guarantee the repair or re- j ney checked and cleaned. Soot. I j build-up, not only Irom; from the facing lirick. a strong so- LEADER «, , placement of all major mechanical ports* for 30 lution of heavy duty household de- R v days or 1000 miles. No charge for parts. Labor. burned in the fireplace, but from j BEST ft some healing units being vented in-} tergent and a wire brush may he Anything. used. Protect the surrounding area ; to tlii? chimney, can cause blockage. (We don't give our cars a guarantee until all the : IJI addition !' """paper. K.nse "WHAT MAKES SAMMY RUN," things that need fixing get fixed.) jhe the ne.stinK places for birds, ran j cleaned brick v.jth clear water starring Gary Crosliy at the Mead CARY GRANT Is an "innocent" bystander as Sam.'.ntha Eggar and It saves us — and you — time and money in the be an entrance into a home for I J'aded or dul) c-°lored i)nck can i owlirook Dinner Theatre, Cedar be brightened by applying a coat of Jim Mutton discuss Ilutton's unexpected presence in Ssmantlia't apart- long run. squirrels and insects, or a collect- Grove also hns exotic Dollie Frank ment. It's a scene from the new comedy, "Walk. Don't Hon." a Co- ing spot for fulling leaves. A chim- cherry water stain. It would he and dlstinKuishcU Robert W. Stew- ei ,,,,»*,..!-,I'•« - r-.,i- ..xl- - r,-,.>,! r,x1.- IIHM.-IIIMI.-I. lumbia Pictures release in Panavlsira and Technicolor. "Walk. Don't wise lo test the color first to be art who plays her dad. Jerry Van l.riik.- s>M.-m - .-I.- 'n.'i.l H.VM.III ney cap made of .sturdy 'z-inch wov- Run" is a Granley Co. prcsentaUou. The film is playing at tlic Kialto en wire screening provides protec- certain of the finished effect. Dyke hi "How to Succeed" fol- Theatre. tion from unwanted home invaders Jf the hearth area is slate, it can lows, opening Wednesday, Nov. 2 "GOLDFINGHI UNION COUNTY and controls sparks from a roaring be cleaned by washing with a mild detergent and water. One or two fire. • LEGAL NOTICES • Now Playing At Strand "DR. NO" Rven with a screen cap on the coats of sealer can be applied to VOLKSWAGEN, INC. bring out the color and provide a chimney, it is wise to keep the r-i-: TO ciiKuiTons soft .shine. ••"',1,!!.'!*"1 ?'.?• «u 1124-1134 SOUTH AVENUE, PLAINFIELD dainper closed when the fireplace ,r I'AUUXE MORKTTK I'ursumit In thn ord<*r or MAIll' KANANH. Surmiful* uf the County PLainfield 6-7400 .,r riil'jn. MiiKl'- on the twenty-thli i 1 I 1 ihiy of .s.-iili-mbnr A.H., .ISM, upoi v.r 'N, :-- TJ •£'(>;,•••. tin- upljlW-Mttoll OT the uuil.-rKltfl Your Authorized Volkswagen Center ii.-* Kx.-.-ultT *>( tlie estate uf i GREGORY'S ili-ci-iiH.-d, nut Ice IM h.-r«*!;>" Klvet th<- i-reilUors of said flfinenued SALES SERVICE BODY SHOP PARTS i-xlill'jt ti» Ihf* BiibHcrlbt-r under oatl, MUSIC CENTER nr nrririiiiillon their clalmH and de iiiuiMlN UKulnpt tli» exlule of null CENTRAL JERSEY'S MOST COMPLETE MUSIC STORE ilerL-iiNOil wltttln glx niontliH fnjn tin' dHtu vf ftahj order, or tlu-y wll he forever harred fruin j)i-'.l»^.riJtIiif "Everything Pertaining to Music" or ruciiverlnK ttm same ag-aln&t the sutjBcrlhcr. SERVING PLAINFIELD FOR 36 YEARS RAI^PH MOUKTTB. 330 W. Front Street, Plainfield rtfar.l * McOall, Attorneya ' CIS Kim Ktrnet LET THE LEADER PRINT IT PL 6-8549 Opsn Thursday 'Til 9 WPKineld, N. J. Pee« J21.12

    SAMANTHA WILLIAM WVLER'S hilarious comedy on art forgery and the chic world of fashion, "How to Steal a Million," is having its local pre- JIM H miere at the Strand Theatre, Plainfield, now. Released by 20th Cen- tury-Fox, In Panavislon and De Luxe color, it stars Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole and costars Ell Wullacli and Hugh Griffith, with a special guest appearance by Charles lloycr.

    LEGAL NOTICES SpmhA tWyftKtef C/dttte Sfareo.)CO-watt CRip/)fitr off-iVipenifoft tpeokart, Di/af ' HTATIIMDNT It I : .l> UV 'I'Eli; If. Tin- avt-nii;'' iiumln-r of f-o|,|tlr;\ti<>n soli] 7010 lmtabk,FMt AM,FM S/«reo. SC)89 'j'io\ 4:uu), i II i.i: :n». IM 11 i> t.r tlfHlrlhuti-d. through tin- mail* or In Pecdo veaMrs and 4«/ecf t KTATKU (Ol>10, SHOWING llli: nllu-rwihi', t«. paid HiiliMiilln-r.s din- OWN K it KM r i», .11 \ \ A u I-;M i: N r, Ink' tli<> IS tnoniliH pr<-<-t'ditiK thi- AM) i,i:Ain:it. |iubii.Hii<':ulcr •rintliiK & PUIJIIHIIINK »'»>.. M» Kim .St., WVHI livid, »V. J. Stuck lioltk-r* w ii I IIK one or iimrii J«T rmt nf tin- n.tal Ntork : IVUHIT J. l.w, Went - h'ld, N. J. 8. Thf Itiuiwn tiuiidiinldci-H, iimrl- t t iitfccH, a ml u Hi i-r Hccurlty hul tiers STARTS WED., / " ' 3 own! IIK or holding 1 |MT tent or nun- of tut a] Hi mm itt uf l.wmiM. "A Pafehof iinriKftMt'K. of t»tlicr wr-ii ril It's:

    i). J*i\rti^rfi»i)liH 7 ami S Inc*Iii> c. in A Man Codf i\Hf» wln-n* the HUukhi'ltl'-r >n. tin name of tho prrstm or i.*orii<>ratli>n

    > ihn KiatfhHMits In tii*1 two jiiir;i- iiitphH HIICIW UUMiiVlant'H full kntiwl- 'ilK't* ami iM'llrf IIM Lo tin- c-lr«*um- tlUICl'H Illlll <'('lu11tlullS U IXliT Wll It'll itocUhdlttcr.s ami j*cfurlty hn|dt«rs V\M* do nut iu»l"i*r niM.n tho ltooks iT thi' riimimny ,


    AUDREY HEPBURN and PETER O'TOOLE 'How to Steal a Million7 Having 4'o-NtnrrinK •''

    •••• Gtnrd

    The craftsmanship speaks for itself. Smart Operators SONNY JAMES Meet A Couple Of Who Give A Lesson In Love And Larceny Now profosstona! sloroo porformanco comos insldo ologantly craffod furniture Carefully and the Southern Gentlemen detailed to cxpross thu mood of tlio porlod In tho tradition of bonch-mado cabinetry. STONEWALL

    Engineered without compromiso lo ro-croato music that Is thoroughly "Ilvo," There ara AMPIE PARKING WEEKDAYS IN OUK «• '^ K|N JACKSON THEATRE; FRI., SAT. & SUN. ADDITIONAL W nearly thirty Sylvanta flno furnfturo storoo consolos In a varloty of woods, stylos and and the Minute Men IN MUNICIPAL LOTS CENTRAL AVE. & ^ • WARNER MACK componont performances. Como In and hoar them now. • JAN HOWARD PLainfield • LEflOr PULL IKS 5 SATURDAY, OCT. 15 BEBTY v SYMPHONY HALL, NEWARK WINNER 7 ACADEMY HCKtlS l«J0 5J5D $3 00 t?5B • JTWPHQNT HAiL EC1. Off ItE Thank heaven forj£^ ^ Q 8PRC[KE fl 5i. I O • MMSWOST HOUSE S fttCt G0 Mc(tifor/oncr:n Wocjlio SJcfco and Ampo^Topo ConbfnoMon. 500-wolf ^Spnnisfi Provincial Mncha Stfrro. 330-wott nrnpfiHcr. llatlan rrovtncftrlCIossreifcreo. JOO-wal/ amplifier, oJI'framiilci uirplil^r. !!.', JM.fM Slneo, «ir-sus; niu\c miu -i,c- \..'- Cuid'H-ri; sp«Kc noi lor hansel! ctmieniciKV prudiKt release vuu for i! tiurn1.' How loi 'Mili theme ;•• -i >aashe!y. Uiiii'ss 'Guides To Using m and t.iuc.dy cuiiTd y. lu: ;ur a united, determined cc-nv mciug. bow- BY ;: «. iir.o iiilfncmi!'' aLiu-1' ad;;;.ii}i:>;iittion spokes- j By AWE L. S1IKE1.EN pieviuus lesourei*. il would lie wis:- en unh i>no uniting featuring would liivn o.iiMdei a miii thers and other io\eu ones of Anier- ! destruction and shatter world peace. in.-i-.idiny Ihe President him- < County Home Economist Ui i:ivc this ptiinlor extra cHisidera- : "Menls in Minutes " threat from !!i<- I. iiia-d Su>U'- icans fifiiitinu i'i \'>t-tjtuni—and 1 am •• In stil. J; will hee a si*n of strength. j By the same token, it would not such C'iic.imsi;mci'S—:-rsd mus: 1 serve our legitimate interests or tlie IX- M'>1 ueakne.vs. If we say it right, one .such paren —know why we mast ! Warming and serving appetizing perls con.-ickr then; highly |,k< 1 •!v— and :n,.in what we say. it will be Ix* there and why we iiiusl end the and niitrit»m.s iiH*als Ilial kike the Congress I cause of peace and freedom to pull tlie <|uick and c;:yy \ie:«-y eutiiu storage iacililiesV If so. do you hav.- i ' . . 'oui without assuring the South Viot- muli'isiuod by Iricnd and vm-niy fighting. We ;ue siron^ and we I Ions! jumuiitf of tinK* a'v tl»e do- become :i muU.jr umid \\:n\ . %. f .,.,.., ; less Uian til*: iH-uc of a pustdgc "lk* "* Adjourn- ' namese their right to determine ahkv. !; will encourage nt-utral.s shall win. But our vii-wry nuisl be niiiiids of many ill Uiis jet-ate er:> A tireai cissisUmce U) tlie IMHIK1- UK'se laciniies. ) stvinii. or jn ice cream coiie—or **"*' ' Zie before j iheir own destiny. It would only A UEAL K1SK : (ji .^ood will 'io re new iherr efforts one of peaee :>nr Ncrvint; than llie ln»;u- prcpoivd ! rar tlie wide ran^e of cyiivoifcieiKV foods Tar it re-lmunist forces already there and is ilia: any powerful iiatiun \w;i re- •1: could even lead to periods of product. If Hit' cost is mure. cai>kvt. ft- JL and dis- j weaken the resolve of other free siik'r this cusl in rcUition t« I lit- j ITSK LKADKK WANT-ADS American countries in Southeast. Asia to pro- lu iin own interests and ic«i:-!iy- ! which would slop the bloodshed and Wech Heeded For | C"«m-t'luititce foods (uv oiKsi thai just as v.e lorccd Ihe Kus>i;i!i.- to ,drsti'ik-lititi and provide the lime and ) h;i\e Mndergone -Jtny pixixu\itkm iJiat it Bliouid {led their independence against ul- 1 orace of tne I templed Communist subversion. An I back (limn »t the time of tin- fu!i;in \ cir('uiusUt!iack- of lives and munists or other neighbors A dc-j (iuuralc-p of Sir. iei am) Chinese Asia. : opments. Since Ambassador Gold- Address lists are mode up one Zimis. feated and Communist - subjugated we are not ado in;; to their .sense of i week In advance, sud wliile it it a^isj mixh"s. uuiuied slews, Vietnam clearly would. security. We arc tukinsi a risk—a ! least lenipuranly has restricted possible at Ihe last minute to risk we should noi unnecessarily : wnd an r.vtra paper to a new fixr/.eii dos«ortj>. aiid complete indi- This is sometimes e difficult posi- bomhim! of Ihe demilitarized zone compound. ; address, it Is m>l posslblt- to pre- vutu.'il froia^ji nu'als. tion to maintain. It is attacked both between North and South Vietnam vent Ihf alrondy addressed DecKUiic wlien UIKI when not to b•• of con- \ in the 1K>JH- the Communists will slop paper from going; to Ihe old ad- lusir lluvsv pixxiucls o that we have no in- ed "deep appreciation" of Tlianl's sider Uie folk)willK pA>inlers. cost, to end the war immediately. ,rt proper role in Viet- tention of tliivatt'iiirii; their own se- efforts to restore peace and has charge nnywhere in the United Will Hie produol ix-Heve you of But I believe it's the right position, " ;hich make it appro- curity. urj'.ed the Secrptary-CJeneial lo re- StuCcs for thust* subscribers who work you'*) rutlxv not wft Uw quality g favor ol the more its policy. 1 do not livlieve it has. i&muoc position which ing. Whetlter or not it was wise or Just how the President s forthcom- WANTAD® of youi- own Jiomen>ado variety? It has Oi'tcii, fdi example, allowed 1-hr hlNtnrlr M,M.Iiiin tiv> product according lo •.old t.i Kir. anil Mr.. Alan N. < ln>k al >rn Vork, K. V. l)r>J»D Hinnll Vietnam, we cannot restore the stat- Ihe impression to be fostered liiat situation remains to be seen. It your family's tikes and dislikes is Uie urntxliilrd IHr niilr .if Ihl. mnllliilr IIN(<-I) |>n>prrt> fur Ihv uflrice of baiting the de- it has not consistent policy. It has nnrri-it A CrulB, Inr., llmllurB. aranlwing the us quo by withdrawing. It would could contribute greatly if he and lxw( ),niidc (o noa<'h tliis decision. only make a toad situation worse, frequently confused, deliberately or and neutrality otherwise, both its Iriends and its t people. postpone the inevitable, and make more costly the need to prevent enemies. It has reflected divisions Communist takeovers elsewhere. within its own ranks. It lias failed JONES FAMILY SPECIALS FRESH KILLED - EVISCERATED - READY TO COOK to be candid in reporting the facts Home Freezer a|k slated ind official In the latter case, proponents of of the war to its own people—naive- Little Link Sausage . . , 99clb. \m viettum policy. It a major step-up in the war overlook ly optimistic one day, despairingly ^ ntfttlwd SDd re- the recent history of escalation in pessimistic the next. Olficial spokes- Roll Sausage Meat . . 89c Ib. ROASTING CHICKENS Features Vietnam. It has not been notably t id H ll the objec- men of the administration liitvc is- Jones Famous Hams. .89clb. iiHee successful in ending the war or de- sued conflicting .statements the very IB pirpose to destroy feating the Communists. And it pre- some day, unbeknownst lo each RIBS OF BEEF sents serious risks. Who, for in- Jones Liverwurst 49c Ib. BROILERS & FRYERS » (T to engage Com- other. It is lillle wonder thut peo- Consists of Rib Roosts and Steaks; ill si-out warfare, eith- stance, would pick up the pieces if ple are confused and apprehensive— Jones Bacon, crispy . . 1.091b. ONE PRICE ONLY Short Sllbs and Chopped Be»f. Aver- asid result in unlimited we destroyed North Vietnam and ourselves, our friends mid our ene- mies. Jones Cocktail Links 69c pkg. WHOLE OR age weight 35-40 lbs. Custom cut, Therefore, though our basic pol- CUT-UP wrapped and frozen. icy, ns 1 undorstano it, is riuht and reasonable, it must he made effec- HUNCKLETOWN SPECIAL tive. Hut to be efiective, it has to Ib. be credible, believe.tlile. And lo be Country Smoked Ham credible, it has to be consistent and U. 5. CHOICE BONELESS FRESH JERSEY 69* it IKIS Id be reiterated. Our words Real Delicious Ham and our aclions have both pot lo fit j Smoked Sliced Bacon BRISKET ROASTING MRS. SMITH'S FAMOUS the same policy moid.

    A rONVINOINK INITIATIVE CORNED BEEF PORK TIES Delicatessen Dept. lb lb Avg. Weight 42 oi. In this conl".\t. it is :ilincisl in- 79c 59c i credible thai Ambassador (liikl- ; Cherry — Pumpkin — Blueberry - 1 Rare Roast Beef . . V2 lb. °9e I ben '? recent address lirloie Hie i Apple — Cocoanut — Mince 1 J&M's Famous Ground Chuck .3 lbs. 1.99 I'nileil Nations shiMihl h;iw IMVM Luocious Corned Beef Vi Ib. 69c READY TO BAKE - NO TROUBLE Hie fulled I lilt(hi' ' lirsfirslt reareall lllinauviniti: e lite i MUCH Prime Ribs Beef, Choice . . . . 79c Ib. NO FUSS - JUST PUT IN OVEN States has l«l;rn in the eflm I lo fiml Polish Boiled Ham . V2 lb.99c a basis for negotiations. 1'n'viiMis- Boneless Chuck Pot Roast . . . 79c Ib. GALLON |y, we had b;c-n content simpl> In Imported Swiss react lo olliers' iitiiiaiiv.s, ayieeiim Cheese VA Ib. 39c gal. lo consider proposals l":-oni tlie I'oin- Cornish Hens 79e Fresh Killed Turkeys JUG MILK 99c muiiist side bul making none our- i Casino Swiss Cheese . .Ib.89c L. I. Ducks 49clb. Butter Ball Turkeys selves. What have we r:ol Ir. lose by ' eunvincin^ !!- imrchnard thr hinnt* of R|)r-nnlnllr Trail, llerhcrfI W. that peace lie based on justice and Loaf Vilb.69c Pork Chops 99clb. Strode's Sausages . . . 99clb. p*"" Ihfr niilr fur tlie ulTice itf Unrrelt A Crnln. ln<-., SHOP AND SAVE freedom for Vietnam'.' Dutch Loaf Vi lb.69c Lamb Stew 3 lbs. 1.29 Strode's Scrapple .... 59c Ib. Cervelat Soft Salami Vi Ib. 69c Lean Beef Cubes 89c Ib. Country Spare Ribs . . 59c Ib. J&M Super Mk. German Style Bologna Ib. 69c Goulash Stew 89c Ib. Sweetbreads 1.99 Ib. 856 MOUNTAIN AVE. Mother Goose Opp. National Bank Liverwurst Vilb.49c Household Items Dairy Products Plenty Parking No Metors Delicious Baked Ham Vilb.99c Cold Water Soap 69c Land o' Lakes Butter 79c Ib. Flelschmann's Oleo 45c Ib. Grilling Franks Ib. 69c New Rinto 3 pkas $1 Savarin Coffo* 75elb. Orange Juice 39c qt. DO YOU FEEL New Rlnso Turkey Loaf Chicken Loaf pkg. 69c Old Dutch Coffee 69c Ib. Penna. large White Eggs 59c do2. Martinson's Coffee 2 lbs. 1.59 Advanced All, large 2.19 Pillibury Biscuits 5c pkg. lorton's Home Made Arnold's Coffee 79c Ib. Advanced All, giant 4.49 Taylor Pork Roll l'/ilbs. 1.29 EXASPERATED Potato Salad Sugar 51bc. &9c Dishwater All Sliced Iowa Bacon 89c Ib. 3pkgs.$1 Heinz Tomato Soup . 10-$1 Chopped Cole Slaw Gallon Milk 99c Cold Water All 2.39 Mixed Nuts 69c because your Velveeta 2 lbs. 99c Choice Groceries — S.S.P. lux liquid 55c Planters Peanuts 3-$l Wisk, giant W.R. Apricots, 2'/J 4-$l Sllcad Mangoes 69e 2.79 Wyler's Soups big party starts Bath Dove Soap 2-39« W.R. Plums, 2'A 5-S1 Peanut BuH«r, 12 01. 49e Chicken Rice BOX S. S. Pierce Peas 4-99e Honey Blossom Honey 69c inr Child's Pepso. Tooth Brush 49c Beef Noodle S&W Cream Corn 5-$l Chive Dressing 59e Junior Pepso. Tooth Brush 39c Chicken Noodle in an h 35c Pride of Farm Tomatoes ... 6-$1 Roquefort Dressing 59c Vegetable Soup o j By CAROLYN F. YIKMS ' pit i:- located bt Inw the smoke pipe | Senior County Utimu Kcoi.Jact to I he fullc^i j in* lire. i "you pay half, we pay half" nonsense. ; extent in the Lt»Jd ir.unlhs ala:^d. it I Hi jck faced fireplaces can ht ! win I Mr wise \i> died; your fireplace • come dull ii.'id dirty from frctjia n Most used car dealers sell their cars with 50-50 : now. use even if the fireplace draws,\wil ' guarantees. You know the deal: if anything goes j If you uso your fireplace frequent- i Sonu; people 1'ke tliis sign^of ust Wrong, you pay half the cost of parts and labor. ; ly lo I.nitP Ji'ash. br!i|Ut'LS, sc r;i|): :md never clean the bricks wlulc 1 others like clean looking bricks. Well, our guarantee doesn't work that way. When lumber iiud c;r ui>nd. luve the chim- h { To re:nove the smoke and coot I we guarantee a car we guarantee the repoir or re- 1 nev chock ed nad rloimud. Soul : f](im the facing brick, a strong so 1SE LEADER *. placement of all major mechanical ports' for 30 : build up. nol only from uuiU'iial • Ju' inn of Jit-avy duly household de F0« BE« $ days or 1000 miles. No charge for parts. Labor. j burm'd in tht* fhepUict*. hut from ; son it- heating units Inking vt*n!iM in- i tert'imt and a wire brush may bt ' Anything. to thi.' chimney. c;in cm\*e block:»^e. i used. Protect the surrounding aie*a j (We don't give our cars a guarantee until all the Jn iiddiliojj !o soul, chimneys car) | from splatter with newspaper. Rinse ; •WHAT MAKES SAMMV KUN," things that need fixing get fixed.) ; be the nesting places for birds, canJ cleaned brick with clear water. slurring Gary Crosby at »he Mead- j Faded or dull colored brick can CARY GRANT is an "innocent" bysf&nder AS Sami.nthn Eggar and It saves us — and you — time ond money in the bo an enl ratine into a home for oH-brook Dinner Theatre, Cedar Jim Huiton discuss Hulton's unexpected presence in Scmantha's apart- IK? brightened by applying a coat of j •••WAV THKI long run. , squirrels and insects, or a collect- Gruvr also hos rxotic Doltie Frank , ! cherry water stfiin. It would be | ment. It's a scene from the new comedy, "Walk, Don't Run," a Co- TlL ; in" spot for falling leases. A chim- and distiiiKuiMied Robert W. SU-w- lumbia Pictures release in Panavision an.d Technicolor. "Walk. Don't ney cap made of sturdy 'y-incli wov-•wise lo test Ihv color fin-.t to be j arl »hu plajs her dad. Jerry Van ! certain of the finished effect. [ Run" is a Granley Co. presentation, The film is playing at the Rial to en wire screening provides protec- D.vke In *ll«"' (o Succeed" fol- Theatre. i Uon from unwanted home invaders I If the hearth area is slate, it can jlo«8, opening Wednesday, Nov. 2 UNION COUNTY 'and controls Rparks from a roaring | be cleaned by washing with a mild fire. ! detergent and water. One or two• LEGAL NOTICES • Now Playing At Strand "OR. NO" Even with a screen cap on thecoats of sealer can be applied to VOLKSWAGEN, INC. chimney, it is wise to keep the bring out the color and provide a soft shine. \onii. inii'It- on (hf twcniy-tltinl liiy vf t*i-\i\i-tnher AD., ]HW, upoi in- ii|^r>llc;itlu« or the unf said or*l*r, ur thrt*»t-ruiiup or rft'ovorint I hu same uguiii.'st the SERVING PLAINFIELD FOR 36 YEARS suhscriher. RALPH MORKTTR. Kxet-uti 330 W. Front Street, Plainfield ncan! & Mcflalt, Attorneys f,6 101m Street LET THE LEADER PRINT IT PL 6-8549 Open Thursday Til 9 WfHttK'ld, N. J. y-^y-U Fern 121.12


    1VH.I.IAM WVLER'S hilarious comedy on art forgery and the chic SAMANTHTU world of fashion, "How to Steal a Million," is having its local pre- miere at the Slraud Theatre, Plainiield, now. Released by 20th On- mm SOL C. SIEGa lury-Fox, in Panavislon and De Luxe color, it stars Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole and cosCars Eli Wallach and Hugh Griffith, with a special guest appearance by diaries Buyer.

    LEGAL NOTICES Spwibt fmvtocfal Clank Sltrte. KO-wolt crn €»c"r<»m-:n y:i. IIMCJ. SI:C- ..fiiuli ts.«u.-<-r thirt i'Mi H.-I.I lOWIantabh.rM, AM.FM Sltreo. SClB9 W. . ki|..ys nl ? !> In fscdi renter* oiitf <«/ecf sojids. TIOSI 4MO. 1'ITI.K :»». I Vl'IIH) <.y .li^t ril>ul«-il, through th<- innilx or' NTATK8 (-UI)K, SIH>\VIN<; 'II olh.-rv\ is.-, I<> ].;ii«l siil.s<-rl)«•]••* ilur- ^at. ;il :'.;.fi, $ (il ]|j I nt t hi- 1 - iin >ii tliK IT <• tiliitK t hi- sun. .it I.5U. ;.:i.<3 AMI riicci i.ATitiv or Tin-.!,»»*: • i-liuwn ;tb"\ <• \v;is *;T i» S. < WKSTI'-II;I.I> I.I:M>I;H. i.ui.i isiu-.i WAI.TICIE J. u:r.. *CdM^'iilt^*vl * WI-IKIJ- lit Wt-stlU-ltl. Now .I«-r.sf> ruhltsln-r «j. Tin1 nnmrv and [niilrc-KHt-H of llir i>nMI>.|it.| mill .-.! 11..£- an': l'ul>- l«li<-r. \Vstlt<-r .1. I--I-. Wi->nli-l.l, N. J.: t'MIKir. llobin S. Kv.-nll, """••illllolrl, N. .1. i. Till' owner Is: Wcslfk-lil l^-nh.s 7 and s fncltnle In "A Man Could .vps \vlic-r<- lhr vtiii'kliiilili'r or Ht- riiy liolitiT »i>|»':iry ni».,i th" Killed" i'k.^ of (In- tniii|i;iii> as trustee or any otji. r n,lu< y n hitinu. Hi. name of thp person or L-orporatlou NU<']I trustee- is iwtlnir: HINII tin1 .stutemeiitH in lti*> twn j»ar:i- raiilirt plttiw t In-iifflHiit's rull kiiovvl- ilKi- an.I belief :IH tn. 1 lie (ir.-nm- Uuu-.-s [iltil eontlittuns viniler wlili'li toi-khohiiT.s ami Kfeurlty holiler* Urn iin net appear upon the books 'f tin- tiinipuriy :nt trusKi-H liolif to.k unil miuritiis In 11 liiiiiieily •Ilier tluui lliat ot a l.oim (hie ciwn- Walter Rpade Theatres OtHBIMD AWli Weekday* •• KAWFHfUlNFS I |DRIVt-IN THEATRE'P/RKWAY 1-3^00 !1, 7. VfZll PAUCM OCTOBER AUDREY HEPBURN and i. i, ;iiin, .-.::»>, 8, PETER O'TOOLE t NATIONAL MOW W 'How to Steal a Million' fit~Ktnrrln*r nil Wnllarh Having a Jonnnr "\VtM»J wonderful Carol I.>»| crime-* "THE STRIPPER" wish you were


    Qctvl W. Puicdl hsociitci COUNTR£POLITAN The music is superb. SHOWER OF STARS FeBtjtlng In Person The craftsmanship speaks for itself. SONNYJAMES Meet A Couple Of Smart Operators Now professional slcreo performance cones tnsldo elegantly craftod furniture. Carefully and the Southern Gentlemen Who Give A Lesson In Love And Larceny dclciled to express tho mood of Iho period In tho Iradition of bonch-mado cabinofry. STONEWALL Engineered without compromise to ro-crecto music that is thoroughly "live." There aro AMPLE PARKING WEEKDAYS IN OUR LOT .- nearly thirty Sylvanla fine furnlluro stereo consoles In a variety of woods, slyles and JACKSON and the Minute Men THEATRE; FRI., SAT. & SUN. ADDITIONM"* componon: performances. Como In and hear them now. IN MUNICIPAL LOTS CENTRAL AVE. « 5E«-u JAN HO • LCftOT P Ti.ft'Oljl PLainfield 6-5*77 SATURDAY. OCT. 15 LIBERTY SYMPHONY HM1, • WINNER 7 ACADEMY Thank heaven for J£^ y-s^0

    Medirenai-con Matitro Sierra out) Aaprt Tofc Cc.-lfcclls-. JP? «P1 aJZ-ffunifsfor ti™p.';f;er. fA«. Ah1-.ft* 5fc,-(-o. «;r-s^:;.^«::.-' iftmi:. »<. P;^r ?C'O lur.-'cik, FM.AM.Flt Dual 10)9 lumltib/c. SCIiyO h UvtHir.vl vc.-.ccfj o.-.d ic.'tcl «o!:Jj. Slciip, iClfi inC-i. vi.i-.icfs asd tc.'ccl alias. STUART'S AUDIO, Inc. 544 NORTH AVE., EAST 232-0483 WESTFIELD, N. J. Usde Caro'n- Maurice Chevauer • Louis J°i ON TARGET EVB& TIME NO ADVANCE IN PRICES *. THE WESTFrELD fN. J.) LEADER, THITJSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1966 P«gC J I prevent the almosi certain Red Clii- i i I hope, therefore. HUH Ambassa- our Asiun allies jinr^uo live Gold-! ' nest- u;'.ui!|.i u, move i.,:o ;ii( : j Will 1i»- ' iv,:.i.M\f!y Unless j iierKV pnMkii/t ivkriise you for. it. K 1I-.JI i,ir ;, united, determined Guides To Using Ilie war iH'vunw •! thin,; mW-'r\ llif eonleifiK'i* i> i•un\-inciiiK. how- activities or iH-rruips. yivo you; An e\piling jnd afiornooa series ;• l"'!!;i:.;i;il;ui!. ) hope his iiuiiaU\e Mijjhl not Su\'v; }<.\^r., ,.,„; t'ver. it HK.y <*ni> pidion.u the duubt to prepare ano!J:i-r fuml il<.>m of miftiibis. "Wonwn oil the Move," ";ll !x- iurt'U ii|i, repeated. de\el- and de.^ti-ui'tioti Convenience Foods HI HK> IIHIIIU flu;! is ;i f.iimly fjvur-j w ijl ck-a! MH!I .arioifs a of the ,3>. FLORENCE P. o;.(\; ji,d vxi>andfd--iii;a:ii and again erent..-.*, III :h,, ,. , ... , . i If time is one of your mas! idem;ir,d.s on tho time of acuve wom- :;i t of vvi h( v — :-'y o'iier ;.dii,uii.-.ii;umn ,-|)oke.s- B,v AN'NK L. SIIEELEN 1 would iin-n consider j vopn"-,ur Meumviiiie. t'si- ii'u'.hc-is ;ind fo-' |)!XHious re.x»urL-»«, tt would tx u is-.' en will! ono nioi'ting featuring dt-rfruction and shatter world peace. nipn. in.-hidine ihe Pivssdpnt him- Caunt^* Ilanie Kcviioiitibt By the same token, it would nol throat from '.he V-.y.wd Si-:,-' ]., •;'..'. ll will he a sign of strength. thei'b and uliier io\cU ones uf Amer- j tt) *;ive ihrs poiudT c\t.i"ii c.iivsidera "Meals in Minutes." iiuii.'. iifjhtim; MI Vieinaiii—-and 1 ^m ! .serve our legitimate interests or the sui-h i-ii-L-,ini.<:;!iicps -and nu..< weakness. If «e say il right. Plnmung ami serving apn*>ti7irii> 1 In UNICKK-aidod countries, tlie Congress j cause of peace and freedom to pull IKTis ccn.'iriVi- !iu>m i-i-lily i,j,dv- ,:nd uliai we s;iy. it will be out such paron'-—know viiy we iiuisl ' and nuli'itKnw iiu-itls tJKit Uiko tile Will tlnj jinxhui rpq.iJrx cchuin 1 v;i of saving ;i child's life can be p I out without assuring the South Viet- UiC quick ;md ,-.:.vy i.ruty ciiliid tiiidrrsliiiRi by Iriend and enemy I hero ;i!iii why wo n»i>t ond the! le;ist aitiouw of 1inw are tlx> do- s'.or:i£o facilitiob If .so. ^to you lu.ive 1 ss ituii Itwr |H-i(.'o «f a postage urti- j namese their right to determine beeuiw a nueli-:;r world war. alike. Il will eiieomaKe neutrals lSinii. Wo are strung :ind we- mantis of many in Uus jet aye ei'a. tln\so facililiob .' o! s;ood «iil lo re new Hieir effurts i y J v j sUii)H> or an ice cream con»—or tort | tlieir own destiny. It would only A REAL KISK al! win. But inir \ iolnry niusl be j A K "eiil assisUmee Iv tliv lh>im - Will the product c»st more or less come 1" persuade the Cuinnuuiis's to talk, le of pence and freedom, nut of niakerf' wlw has SIK^I pjxjssuivi; is candy divon al llullowm^b. "*'' """ Vietnam. As j tain tiie country over to the Coin- Vliat v.o c;.|.|i,)i U|fu..j ,u fm-j.,., ! t.i de.Ninu-liim and provide the lime and hjve undergoiM* ^my pt^^puratioi) j L> c-ircimi.-tai'.i-ps for at least thc lir- " "SP ococe of the | tempted Communist subversion. An liiU'k c!o«!i ,,i :',(.• tniK. ur i|lt. f.ilian Address Change ordinarily done in Out honiu before 1 '"h. balance of the j independent, neutral Vietnam- mi.-siie i-risis. And «il!i Imndrrds i'mninj;.- uf negotialion. Ayain, 1 they ivueh the rvtiiil iiuH-kc(. llk^*' ask. what have we ji«t to lose? » '^(corner of the > whether two countries, as at pres- of !ho:i>and.s of ironns aiid ;i si.-.iMc One week's notice is requested l;il»>r-sjvi»g juvd liiue-saving focKls ] N.ivy and Air ••"orcr olK'rating tluiii iiK'luck? such divereo iuxiis as fiozen i**r' us arld thejent. or a unified nation—would pose There is reason for nope, for re- of readers uf the "U-adcr" who * uin ttrms of de- i no threat to anyone, either the Com- sands ol miles irom huim- on tin' strained optimism, in recent devel- are changing their addresses. duorstcp of Su'.ic and rhinesi- Asia. Address lists are made up one ox>f(e<;, tjetiydrated potatoes, paok- of alld inumsls or other neighbors A de- opments. Since Ambassador Ciold- feated and Communist - subjugated wi« uiv nol adpins to Ihi-ir M-M>C ol bern's soeech. the United Slates at »wk In Bdvanrp. and «hih- II is agv«d mixes, elcantxi and pjK-kaged security. We ;ne t;,king a risk— a (resh vo^oUil>rf»s. oaiuuxl stews, of new hope Vietnam clearly would. least temporarily hys reslnoled possible at Ihe las' minute to risk we should mil umu'cessarily bombing of the demilitarized zone •end tin extra paper to a new frozen dosseiij;. aivd complete indi- Viable — hope This is sometimes a difficult posi- vidual froston iiK'als. yet be possi- j tion to maintain. It is attacked both compound. between North and South Vietnam address. It Is not possible to pre- ^JMT can be ended j by those who believe w« must gel Our lask is the delicate one of con- in Ihe ho|M' the Communists will slop vent the already addres&ed Deciding wlien mid when not lo vincing HIP (.'oiiHiuinists not only using it tor military purposes. Pre- paper from cnlng to thr old ad- lust; UK>S<> pixxtucts nds uixni jfucurity fw all. Ac-1 out because we should never have lyl 1 < new hope, if I read become Involved in Vietnam and that we intend lo oreservp ttie in- mier Ky of Smith Vietnam, heretu- dre»s without Hie week's notice. tin demand on vour time and energy tv is a growing con- by those who believe we should use dependence of Siiuiii Vietnam and fore a severe critic of UN Secre- and other individual circumstances. will not be dotenvd from this ptn- tary-General V Tlianl, has express- The "Leader" will Le hnppy to WlH'ii making your decision, can- J'Americans about any military means, whatever the forward papers without extra -. cost, to end the war immediately. JJOSU, hut also thai we have no in- ed "deep appreciation" of Thanl's sin\>r WK folKiwint; |KinKfis. .Iperrole in Viet- lention of Ihiiviipiiins their own se- efforts lo restore peace and has charge anywhere hi Ihe United /fhich make il appro- But I Ixjlieve it's the right position, Will WHJ pnKtuot ivlieve you of curity. urtied the Secrelary-CSeneral to if- Stales for (hose subscribers who work ymi'd ra<'lKa- nut do? If you _55 JUT position there. and while I respect those who hold main at his post. Tlianl. himself, are planning to lie away for tent- the opposing views and defend their While (his may resemble, more disliko t»i^fttn ixHtliiui liwks, SIK-II Mj(lraj- of our peoplf. has renewed diplomatic efforts to right to express them, I think both or less, ihe jioMdon uf the adminis- .is clt*a(iitii; chicken or iH^ellti^ ve t«me 10 shun the convince the North Vietnamese lo onions, buying a product lliut has would be self-defeat ing. tration, it does not follow thai thc 1 5 (j unlimited escala- talk. And I here are new rumors Hone through Una pivio* !* nvay Have administration has done an adequate, pr ,i»l of unilateral In the case of the former, unilat- of peace feelers from Hanoi itself. you cei'tiiin fnis(ru(ions. „ favor' of tlie more eral withdrawal would solve noth- job of devi-lopuif or implenicnlint> its policy. I do not bdieu- it has. Win the iwwluot moot tilte qunlHy ten»ne position which ing. Whether or not it was wise or Just how I ho President s forthcom- WANTAO® of your vwn iniiiioiiKKio varioly? gtiatkra offers the only right for UJ to become involved in It lias oi'ten, for example, allowed ing mission to Asia will affect this 'I'hr rli- KiMiiMrr I n>>trnil nl H4I I". Ill-Had Ml. hu« bprn rrrrr the impression to be fostered that Judjfiiig tiio product accondiug lo • ulil lo Mr. mill IMro. Aldn K. (lark of Mil Vurk. \. \. IHjUCO Mluilll v tf halting the de- Vietnam, we cannot restore the stat- situation remains lo be seen, il your family's likvs aivd dislikes is Die iivHullnti'd IU* NIII*- of «IIIN III»III|»|4- llxloil |iru|ii>rf> for thf> nlTIf* or i guaranteeing the us quo by withdrawing. It would it has not consistent policy. It has could contribute greatly if he and IMKI miide (o rca<'li this decision. Hnrrrll « train, In.,, Itrultura. ajaice and neutrality only make a bad situation worse, frequently confused, di'lilierately or we people. postpone the inevitable, £rtd make otherwise, buth ils friends and its more costly the need to prevent enemies. Il Ims reflected divisions Communist takeovers elsewhere. within iu own ranks. It has failed JONES FAMILY SPECIALS FRESH KILLED - EVISCERATED - READY TO COOK to he candid in reporting Hie fads Home Freezer bsW official In the latter case, proponents of of the war to ils own people—naive- Little Link Sausage . . . 99clb. «Vietnim policy. It a major step-up in the war overlook ly optimistic one day. despairingly rf Mtnlaed end re- the recent history of escalation in pessimistic the next. Official spokes- Roll Sauiage Meat . . . 89c Ib. Features Vietnam. It has not been notably ROASTING CHICKENS ABI K U the objec- men of lhe administration lime is- Jones Famous Hams. .8°clb. illil g successful in ending the war or de- sued coiiflictin;! statements the very feating the Communists. And il pre- same day, uiilieknownsl (o each RIBS OF BEEF ir {Hirpose to destroy sents serious risks. Who, for in- Jones Liverwurst 49c Ib. BROILERS & FRYERS 5 r to engage Com- oilier. It is little WOIIUYT tluit peo- stance, would pick up the pieces if ple are confused and apprehensive— Consists of Rib Roasts and Steaks; BillcKil wtrfore, eith- we destroyed North Vietnam :ind Jones Bacon, crispy . . 1.09lb. ONE PRICE ONLY Short Ribs and Chopped Beef. Aver- mi) result In unlimited ourselves, our friends and intr ene- mies. Jones Cocktail Links 69c pkg. WHOLE OR C age weight 3S-40 lbs. Custom cut, Therefore, though our basic pol- CUT-UP wrapped and frozen, icy, as I understand il. is riKht and reasunablp. il must he made effec- HUNCKLETOWN SPECIAL tive Bui lo he effective. It has lo Ib. be credible, believeahle. And to be Country Smok*J Ham lb credible, it has In he consistent nnc) U. S. CHOICE BONELESS FRESH JERSEY 69 it lias to be reiterated. Our words Real Delicious Ham nnd our actions have both i^ot to fit Smoked Sliced Bacon BRISKET ROASTING MRS. SMITH'S FAMOUS lhe same policy mold.

    A C'ON'VINCING INITIATIVE CORNED BEEF PORK PIES Delicatessen Dept. lb lb Avg. Weight 42 oz. In this contoxl. it is almost in- 79c 59c j credible that Amlw-s.-Hlnr (Juld- Rare Roast Beof . . . 14 Ib. 99c Cherry — Pumpkin — Blueberry — I licri'.'s n'cenl aildri'ss liefori' Hie J&M's Famous Ground Chuck Apple — Cocoanut — Mince I'nilt'd Millions shnuM h;i\o beon Luscious Corned Beef V4lb.69c 3 lbs. 1.99 READY TO BAKE - NO TROUBLE - Hit- first real initiative the I'nili-il NO FUSS - JUST PUT IN OVEN Status has lalieii in Hie eflnrt in fn;d Polish Boiled Ham V% lb.99c Prime Ribs Beef, Choice ...... 79clb. 0 basis (or ncuoSialions. I»ii-vion--- Boneless Chuck Pot Roast . . . ..,79clb. ly. we had IK en content simply In Imported Swiss GALLON react to others' iuiliati\es. niirei'iim oal lo consider proposals fnmi Ilii: Com- Cheese 141b. 39c Cornish Hens 79c Fresh Killed Turkeys JUG MILK 99c munist .vide but makiiic none our- selves. What haxc we ;'»i If: lose by Casino Swiss Cheese . . ib. 89c L. I. Ducks 49c Ib. Butter Ball Turkeys Fresh Dally connuciiiH the innid of our pone- Olive and Pimento Capons, 6-8 Ib 89c Ib. First Priie Turkeys • IHIBI ii. ll.nrlnnil, r' nt. fic-iilch I'lnlnn iiml ful iiilcnliuiis—so lonK as we insist M«t, hn\ 't* rcrnillj' poi-oliowcd th*' heinr <*r that peace be !>:ised on justice and Pork Chops 99c Ib. SHOP AND SAVE .rwdfrlch >l. J w Loaf V4 Ib. 69c Stroda's Sausages . . . . 99clb. mn Ikr mil,. Ht-lu. nt loot Wj-naliiiir Trail. H*ri»»T< - freedom for Vietnam? Tor the utrtce <>C ISnrreCt & (.'ruin, In.'.. Dutch Loaf Vt Ib. 69c Lamb Stew 3 lbs. 1.29 Strode's Scrapple .... 59c Ib. Cervelat Soft Salami Vi Ib. 69c Lean Beef Cubes 89c Ib. Country Spare Ribs . . 59c Ib. German Style Bologna Ib. 69c J&M Super Mk. Goulash Stew 89c Ib. Sweetbreads 1.99 Ib. 856 MOUNTAIN AVE. Mother Goose Opp. National Bank Liverwurst Vi Ib. 49c Household Items Dairy Products Plenty Parking No Meters Delicious Baked Ham Vilb.99c Cold Wafer Soap 69c Land o' Lakes Butter 79c Ib. Flelschmann's Oleo 45c Ib. Grilling Franks Ib. 69c New RInso 3 pkgi. $1 Savarln Coffee 75c lb. Orange Juice 39c qt. DO YOU FEEL New RInso pka. 69c Old Dutch Coffee 69c Ib. Turkey Loaf Chicken Loaf r V w ^ Penna. large White Eggs . 59c doz. Martinson's Coffee '2lbv 1.59 Advanced All, large 2.19 Pillsbury Biscuits 5c pkg. Lorton's Home Made Arnold's Coffee 79c Ib. Advanced All, giant 4.49 Taylor Pork Roll l'/jlbs. 1.29 Potato Salad Sugar 5 Ibt. 69c EXASPERATED Sliced Iowa Bacon 89c Ib, Dishwater All 3phgs.$l Heinz Tomato Soup 10-$l Choooed Cole Slaw Gallon Milk 99c Cold Water All 2.39 Mixed Nuts 69e because your Velveeta 2 lbs. 99c Choice Groceries — S.S.P. lux Liquid 55c Planters Peanuts 3-$1 Wisk, giant 2.79 W.R. Apricots, 2V> 4-$l Sliced Mangoes 69e Wyler's Soups W.R. Plums, 2'A 5-$l big party starts Peanut BuM«r, 12 ox - 49e Bath Dove Soap 2-39c Chicken Rice BOX S. S. Pierce Peas 4-99c Child's Pepso. Tooth Brush 49e Honey blossom Honey 69c inr Beof Noodle S&W Cream Corn 5-S1 in an Chive Dressing 59< Junior Popso. Tooth Brush 39c Chicken Noodle 35c Pride of Farm Tomatoes 6-$l Vegetable Soup Roquefort Dressing 59c Ronzoni Spaghetti 3-49e Swanson Chicken-Turkoy, cons 3-$l Lemon Marmalade 59c Onion Gravy 3-$l H.C. Drinks . ... 3-89c Beef, Chicken, Mushroom Gravy and the Lime Marmalade 59c Del Monte Tomato Juice . 4-$l IRISH FRUIT CAKES Indian Pudding 39c Hawaiian Punch 3-$l lb5 Whole Chicken, con 1.59 Bakery Products cake hasn't arrived Pineapple Juice, W.R 4-$l 5 3.79 Chili Sauce 3-$l Shoo Fly Pit ..39< Clam — Blue Dip, |ar 59c Apricot Nectar 3-$l Full Line yet? And you forgot to Chinese Mustard 29c Frozen Foods Lor sen's Bakery Products Major Gray Chutney 1.29 Farm Fresh Diet Whole Wheat 3 lbs. Shrimp Honey Spread 69c invite Aunt Mini? J Diet White Bread Crab Meat Bearnalse Sauce 79c Delicious Applets 3 lbs. 39c 1 Ib. Shrimp Holtandoite Sauce 79c Crab Logs 10 lbs. Potatoes 59c SHOP AND SAVE And you need chairs? And Greer Gage Plums 59e Peaches _ , lobster Tails Baskaf Whole Peeled Apricots 59c Tomatoes AQr Thousands of Paul's Crab Cakes Spiced Whole Peaches 49c Pears U7t Meyor's Plos you ^|fe^forgot to tell Whole Pineapple, can 69c Good Goodies Paul's Fish Dinners Imported and Domestic Cohon's Franks Royal Ann Cherries, 2V4 99c California Carrots 2-29c Orange and Grapefruit 39c Seabrook Peas George^l^^ to pick up Chinese Cabbage Ib. 19c Frozen Foods wa Mott's Apple Sauce 6-$l Leaf Spinach S. S. Pierce Cut Beans 3-69e Jumbo Plums box 69c The Best Meats and Poultry French Frios some ic(Ton the |fe S. S. Pierce Fruit Cocktail 3-89c Fresh Broccoli bunch 29c in Town Birds £yo limcis Artichoke Hearts 59c home?And a pipe ^ just Celery Hearts 59c The World's Finest Jumbo Kidney Beuns, can 49c Yellow Eye Beans, tall can 49c broke? Seedless Grapes 39c S&W COFFEE German Potato Salad 45c lb J&M Super Pierce Corned Beof Hash 79c 75c 856 MOUNTAIN AVE. PURE N. Y. STATE Opposite National Bank — No Phone. APPLE CIDER Bugles — Whistles -- Daisies Plenty of Parking in R*ar PkJ ICE MACHINE IN 69c 39c Opposite Page 4 THE WESTF1ELD

    By JERRY HYMAN I Westiield went into the locker room tempi Doug Murpliy, WeatiieM Blue D<;v-1 at the half with a slim 13-7 lead s Steelers, Panthers, Rockets Iti Finals JV Gridders Lose To Cranford its' 175-pound fullback, turned in a In the second half, Murphy blow j ya';ds in At Aslibrook nsational five touchdown perform- the game wide open. Carrying four 18 i.V- By OAKV f'ALMKK Adelaar scorin^ fi-om the )6 yard allte Saturday to lead the griddeii! times in a march of eight plays, he ; Leading Boys Football After four .wart, of trying, J«arry Afli.-r bealim; Johnson llegional , line, i to a 34-7 humiliation of Berkeley tore lioles in tlie Berkeley defense i M:i(..'!ain C:JJ>1 IIM-<1 a major tourna- HI) in their first ouliiijj, I hi; Wcsl- j AfU-r the kickoff, Cianforu could j Jl^ights. The victory was WesLfieid's and scored again, bis third touch- [ (J1j|v 24 Witih beautiful weather. 1lif Hoy's and Jiilin H.uirahan pl.iyc:! their IIMI- j ment it the Ashbniok ij«If Club. j fit Id ,1V xridrters «eic defeated hy \ siill n"t KCI stalled ajid uavc u|) Ihc i 121I1 in y row and snapped a Higii- down in three periods. In the final j ganus McClain, Inrnier holier with the ! i Football I, w;is ;ibic- tu |il;iy ;1;iy stiuiiii uvo way ^ann\ and de-I! '(j-aiiloicl l.i.M week, 13 12. Thu up.^l l.all on the Blue Devil 42. thus set- j |,i :nder -win streak at 13. quarter, the IX-vil bullback scored! &••!,!.'. eight Riinx'S last weekend, 'flic 1'an- lio.-iv<'end -Jim Bremer mined in u\t nn tT.-.ily <>J -Missouri, won llie club sUii'lcd with a WJ yurd drive to a j ting up the most spectacular play oi twice more on a two-yard dive over j championship Sunday. McCkiin This Satuixliiy Scotch Plains will Uwi's and Rockc-ls. who t.U'd f<«' '•»' fiiw Kaiii'.' Si'Ult N(i\:i<:ek and Garry sforo by I ho l.'uuijnrs dunny the ; the game. Bob Theil threw a bomb travel here looking for its first win the line and on a spectacular 70 yard j jilts j; Junior League lille last yiaj iinosi-1 Westfii'ld, 7 und fi in tlie scheduled version was yood. j on(J TD of the fourth quarter. D'J- Game time is two o'clock. of tlie day for either team. Murphy I off as tlie early loatk-rs 20 lions. Tun Goski and Kd Hath al- :iM«>!e windup. Iit tlie second prriod. t'r.'tnford i a goi>d effort l>y Cutrcr on tlie At Berkeley Heights, the Devils swept around loft end and steamed marks. In (lie Senior I.e;»!iii'. t-'it' lein.-iled al lirK.'b,jek<:r i>n defense, The champ was off slowly und murelicd nnother Ml yards, but fum- ; atlemirt, the Cranfoi-d first got the ball on their own 30into tlic end zone leaving a trail of and winnback on offense and played trailed. 2 down, after niii<'. Jlo pulled Berkeley defenders baliind. Sleelers put iofirtlu-r bm-k-t.o back h!(.'(l ill llie end zom: and Ken Ki^.eii • lield up. In the closing after rweh-ing a punt. They then which so shutouts to go into tlic lead with :i well. Qli Al Dr.ombele.y was pa^sinu even at the close of llie momiwj illield re<:overcd a fumble but launched a 12 play louelidown drive ™ round as Uuth shot 77s. McClaiii llum jb'um ivc-mw-ed, hailing the threat, j The powerful running of tlie Blue vc the haii 3-0 mark. very well ami also saw action iis a e ran out with Murphy going the final 10 Devil fullback amounted to a phen- defensive end. Dun Herse and C'liris won seven of the next 12 holes for | 'Ilie Blue Ue\ils couldn't go any- | SENIOR M'.AGl'E j whcr<' thouKh and gave uj> the foot-* yards on an end run. Marty Fray- omenal 248 yards rushing in 32 car- Fralt. llie (;1her two menil>ers of Hie Hie title. s-tad's kick was good. Saturday "ft-iirsonw: foursome" made Se\'eral j hall on their own 35. A tew plays j Wrrkend Results ries for an average of almost eight Tlie Stcelois mot tlio Hams in sihard laekk'S. Steelers 13, lia/ns 0. j Inter, I'-ranford scored it.s second TJJ | In the second quarter, Berkeley yards per carry. For the season, bif contest. Tlitir defense JwW until. | of Ihc afleriiwin on a 22 yard Danny j At Echo Lake came back U> even the score witii Murphy lias scoixxi 42 points ajid the Sutlers WCJC able to u«'l the •'»" The Giants started quickly otwinst B Squad Romps a touchdown sot up by a 15 yard accumulated 4G8 yards in tJiree (he 1'aekers, wlieji Mark Jackson (Vjslauno run. Tlie extra |ioint failed | "•vin Gannon M moving, which wasn't until tlvp sec- sA'['ri:nA v - liu Tli-Hi -03; Hiiilili pass interference penalty. Fullback games. These totals make him right each limping wont (>2 yards on the sveond play of and at. the half Cranfoi-d led 130. I - .l:i i k ln.'J'l:in Ulc ond lurif, duo to UK> Hams' tou«li de Ii; 1'liiy V.ili Huri-M1, Blake Jolmstoiie plunged over the now one of the premior backs in the the K.-mie, an inside trap, i>erf(K-lly To 39-7 Win From the beginning of the third | iuliv. .'.II-UI- VVaifickl. 44-H--T . ftsisive unit. After a 00 first half, the " ]" TO l't goal line from tlie one, and Don county. exoculed. lOai'ly in Un fotnth period. quarter the C'oiii/ans oiildii't gel l: I u«lil, Ki'-*_'lj —«V*; Join) Steelers gut (lie ball on tlK-ir 23, am Hy JOHN STKMHKK n. iii. . Warren Clitively. Hoberlson convortoct. Billy Taylor hit Cliris Campbell, wlio Tommy I'fit-ffci- hit Kcxin Harring- started. Tlwy were forced to punt, S7- 1 •;—7 1. WestfieM as a team ratted up 368 ton for a five yard I'D and hit llar- VVestfii-Ws Ii Squad added another but the Blue Devils blocked the kick sl'Ni >A V-.-l/ist Hope f-vcut: John Just before tlie half closed, the yards rushing agairst Berkeley, and after a good block from Joe Haniiun, Hi 1,1, Mi- 17. -.|!!i; Jai-k I ic I'lii ll<| 111'. 79- Devils went 70 yards in six plays More Sp went 57 yards for UK> TO.Crai g Lar riiijjton with the iinfHirtanl PAT that game to ils five year win streak by and recovered on their own 4(i. III ^!»; IU,1> Jt.-UJ-l'U, s:i-14—Of*. tlw. Highlanders managed but 57. doinulishing Jlei-keley Heights 3M-7 Svvc,|>^l a k<-n, r'liiHi. A: Art U^yi-r, for anotlior score. Muiiphy carried Berkeley quarterback Bruce Cor- sen banged over for (lie PAT. Thegave tlie Giants Hie win. They moved to their first TD on7»-ll--lil; KcI U.jwii, 70-11—G7; Jolm at Ken. fc'J-lH— 71); J"*uul Aliuiuuiin, the final 21 yards up the miattle. Next P{ luiived over fi-om *1KS four after n and Brad Oarrabrant, wilh Pete i '.III-2H— 71); I.CO Ulllf. K3-l» —10. held to one completion in seven al- beautiful run by Larger, for 1(1 yards hiijlipoweretl offense and tenacious with Pfieffer's nice fakinf,' keeping defense. through tlie middle. the Puckers off Iwlance. The offen- sive line was led liy 1'aul Hoffman, Kerkelpy Height's first j)lay from Tlie defense was tho key for tlie Sfrirnniage, a j>ass, wa« intercepted Steckas, as .loe Itannon and Gene Mark I>-mke, Dave Phillips, Dave LiSooey, M. Jackson, Pele McGalo, by Iiruce Otzinann who returned il Mills forced tlie runs in, ami Iymsn to the Highlander's 2l>. Five plays and Cam;>bel] came up to make tins John Sunders anil Harrington. Tlic Continuing GRAND OPENING SALI tackles, with Larswi really stickinK defensive standout was Greg Cohcr, later, Westfield opened the scoring out. Campbell and Dave Joster pitk- with assists from Murik Difiiroloine. when fullback Drew Viglianti bolt- od off errant passes. Maddox, M. Jackson, Pfieffer, Jiin ed over from the three. Tlie Rains' stitkout was Jeff Cros- Scliullz, Kermit Jledd, Joe Thonie, Berkeley took tlie next kickoff and by, on offense and defense", running, Keith Giblxms and Bob Carpenter. was promptly sio|>|>ed by tlie. hard hilling Devil defense, led by tackle tackling, and kicking. Ed Morion For tlie )'UCK«TS, Stouy nocine and helped' Crosby with die running, Mike Akins Jintl soph linebackers Torn Chewey scored the TDs, hutI3ill Dunham and Jim Kennely. made two beautiful catches and Ixith extra jmint attempts failed. played a strong defensive goino a! Taking over on the Berkeley 3!), center guard. Co-captaiji« John Kerr (Continued on next page! Westfield quickly moved within scor- ing range on the running of Paul Byrne and Otzinann. Knd Jeff Allen capped the drivi wilh a spectacular HS Cross Country Team Extends one hamled grab of a Pat MeC'ibe spiral, giving Wcstfield a 130 lciid. Serving Westfield for over 20 years Season Record To Six Straight The Dovil defense •cotiiinued to trouble, the Highlanders, this time NEW LOCATION: 343 South Ave., East Phone 2321300 By CHUCK WOI F causing a costly fumble. Defensive Having extended tlieir winnin;: tackle Tom Mahon scooped up the slfcak to six meets ngoinst Linden Roosevelt Eleven loose ball and rambled 2!) yards lo Fridny, the Blue Devil cross country the one fout line. Viglianti took il Open team looks aliead to two meets this Wins L Ties 2 over for his second touchdown, mak- week against Dickinson and North ing it lil-0. Bcrgun, aivd lluselle Catholic and St. 8 AM-9 fh Itaosevclt Junior IliRh Warriors Joseph's of Mcluchen. Saturday (lie The Highlanders first authentic Daily team may attend either the Seton the seiisun a(!ain«t liurnel. drive was halted al the 4S) when Hall Spiked Shoe Meet or tlie St. wilh a 0-0 deadlock. Hoosevell lu-ld Tom Roberts made the second l>cvil Sat. 'til 6 fl Jolm's Invitational. •voral times wilh a first and coal inliM'ceplion of IJie day. lierkeley to Ko but live Warrior buekfield eiiuUi Heights finally held Westriekl from Dickinson of Jersey Cily and North not penetrate the defense of Uurnel. scoring, but il proved not much bet- Bergen ore two fine Group IV In their second Kaine, the locals ter when Joe Soiiey's bouming punt schools from northern Jersey. North defeated North Bloomfield 27-7, inv/as downed al U10 one yaixl lino. BcrRon is spearheaded by Dan Ti\ifi- a lough buttle. Quarterback Bruce Four plays Later the Devils' re- conto, who finislied' well up in theGillie -rolled his team on their way IJiindson County CYO Invitational gained pawession l in 13:11! n llio day's event, a Nassau fonr- to nialc- enrollment, and includes iianient, best of 10 winner in Clas.; most of the Parochial Schools in TRACTIONAIRE WINTER TIRES (Continued on next paKe) A was Mrs. Charles Yarn with (17- North Jersey. ZENH 17—71). Mrs. Cicorgo Knauer '.lli-2:!— Holy Trinity, playing in D, will 7.50-14 (7.7S-14) won in Class Ii and Mrs. Robert compete against llnyley Kllaixl, Ora- BLACKWALLS 6.70-15 (7.75-15) 2 for $32 School Coolers Biiltorff lOli-3'i—71 in Class C. tory, Sacred Heart and Initnaculatc TUBELESS Plus ?4.40 (7.50-14) or $4.42 (6.70-15) Mrs. William (irauder won Class Conception on a home ami home t Fed. exclsa tax per pair In Two Tics A best front nine on a card of •Ki-basis in basketball and bascbrll. 8.00-14(8.25-14) 0% m ll—:tr> and Mrs. Tony Knoppeis the The naming of Dint^her as presi- 7.10.15(8.15-15) ^> TOr back nine with on identical score. PIUS $4.72 (8.00-14) or $4.70 (7.1O-1B) COLO ny OLLIK KI.I\<;I:K dent of the U'ayue 1) adds to the Tho Blui1 Devil socerr tenni has Tied Tin' best I rout nine in Class successful uicnfoi'.s already busy H were Mrs. Kohert SiiliiKin, Mrs. schedule-. In addition to inana.uiti^ now ciuujtili'd ;i 1-1-2 it't-»rd wil'n ils 7.60-18.50-14(8.55.146 (8.45-16) g fOr $39 4-4 tie Mdi.-.iin Tech and Henry Orilepj), Miv. Foster Orion bis insurance ,'i.ueney in South (V- iinil Mrs. .liihn, all with net Hit* $5.14 (8.50-14) or $5.10 (7.60-15) 1)0 tio willi Wiitchuna Hills last iui.Ue, Uoui4lier ser\ es as vice presi- Fed. exclaa tax per pair week. :i!K Mrs. .Iiilm Farley, llrs. William dent of llio K.ssex Ciiunly Cuarhes 8.00/8.20-13 Against Walchuni; Friday, a .'.tni (iorduii ami Mrs. l!ol)crl Messer- Association atul directs Ihe slaU''s smilli tied on the b:>i-U nine with net biKge.vt Christinas Ilasketball Tour- (S.B5/9.00-15) TV held Wcalfiek! sciiivle.-s. Plus $5,136 Fed. excise tax p«r pair The W'ateiitnin goalie had 'IS snves 3J in Ihis class. nament, llio KCCA Holiday liaskot- to his record. Uol> I'lynn had nine In Class C. Mrs. .hilm ISloys-, with ball Fcsltval al I'psala Ciilleae. for the Uuvils. ii 1 -1 J—:«!. had Uv-t front nine ami WHITEWALL3 ADD «E<» Thanks In Hit- defensive wink ol Mrs. Kvcison lViirsall, 51-H—37. AB prb«« f>lu» taxea and t t«d»-« best coining in. Mrs. Rolill' 6.00/6.50-13 TubaTes* Blackwoll*. Phtc $8.68 red. Vnt oft your car. £)<•Kited all* Phil Jlaviilson and ritip .Mrn'tll. I he faplaoea iiz* ahown In paranUiacla. hall remained in WaUhmu: teniriory excise tax, sales tax and two trade-in tires off your oafc for most of the Kaniiv On ollense In Play ICE SCRAP! Oino M:i;;lin/.zi and Dave Sinilh hull Mrs. Henry Hcilitf of \Vi->.>rii-l(l lied luicl four shots whih- .lohli ilaif,' hail Saturday three. Iluwcvcr, all uf tln-se faileil Army :it l{ul.".ers lor .v\ee:lil pl;ice in Class 1> in a ti> re.icli the net. CoUun' From Us... Jiiinules inlo the i:;mio on a hit'li THE COLONIAL You Got Whoela Price iofty shot. Kdison IIUMI lalliod 1wice WHEEL DEAL SIZE WKh heiore Smith .sci>rcd for Westfielil ii Tire Purchase the second quart or. SPORTS CENTER When you havo your wintor tiros niounli-d on extru wheels, you 50% Most Comets Smith icorcd acain in the thin Hunting and Fishing licenses SJIVO tlio cost of IiuviiiR them Iieriod betwwn two more of Tei-h'; mounted und demounted eacll Corvairs and j;o;ils. llais ruumlcd out the scori'i^ 520 SOUTH AVE. W. ON THE CIRCLE year. You con chungo wheel* Falcons $3.95 0BUGAT1 on a pass fJ'om Mario Porclietta. FREE PARKING IN THE REAR yourself in minute*. OFF Fiynn iiad 11 saves for Weslfield. Prices Shown Tomorrow the hooters ]>lay hust U> 233-8420 Ci-imford in a conference name lit »T!IE WESTFIFXD (V.J.) LEADER, THtBSDAV. OCTOBER 13, 196S .' Country Club, won the 9-hole cham-' first ffitiin Page 5 1 j.ionsliip last week by defeating Mrs. b> Airs. L. J. Sdbcli jVikiitjis dtrffiisc caiiK> to life, xvlili j \ L. F- Mo°dy Jr. of PUiinfk-ld. 8 up «•• ; Mrs. c I.. S:iyd,.r j ;,, Crosscountry j Boys Football Julvi Salom.Mkc. I.ou P.ricli >«Kt Al : > on IK.' lllili. J Stanilsky forcing a fumble Hawling* : tournament I The first flight Cimmpionship was I of tl u- Hu!i!iiuH'd from previous page I 'Continued from previous pa.ce* >coivd from tin* three, ami live Vik- i : replay sy on" ba;l lon iny |, ; . ! iii.u.s livuloci H-4 . \X till time running won by Mi's. B. VanBuixsi xvlio de- [ D ( !i !! r ; Bowling^^srjfyS of XUill W-21—Ili U(-llt t *' .'" "'" Gordon ;,r.d , unior' Bob Tom I b Jljna-ll and Tom mil. tin- Vikinys gul • feated Mrs. F. X. Dwyer 4-3. The ' jt plairfield Mrs. SubfU. j.Siinwr trussed (Me line in oi:;li!h stem- hi>l..>s in jhctire whi.slk" blew Cowboys 14. Vik | und iiiiiti, just ahead of Somerville's • hue. D. 1 ,.,-inTs IJ. : in^s li. Slamluw: For Better Scores jfil;.li runner, wjiu closed out ihe By Evelyn Teal. . j 964 65 Ail American TMIR •scorins A?Uiinst Plaiitfiold. the Dev-| Sunday ~ hi uke ir.lo I lie win col-' ils xvon lfHO. nS uic Cardinals" lop' Tho runner DeZuzio finished behind' h.ird cnni-ed xvin over t Third Step in the Four Step Delivery I1H John Zimmerman ' ' <.ii;m!.s. •*'!•.•'' 0 iliriltl !r Sulurtlii)- | junior Mike .MeGlyiui came in sov- yants and the clincher. Don Holler- X ikl \~ .1. . 1'iith and eight'li to close otit th.' I'..:,I jalin. Dave lnkster, Sniilb and Steve i tt'esl field scoria;:. Coming in xuixtli. lVrry st deiensixt? line iahead «f Die fourth Springfield nui- wliili" a h:ird nose defense was lexi j ner was vrtccan lkii) Hrimoseh. und by Stexe Heddy. Kittt Sliefken. rumiins « oil ahead of Springfield and (rlciin. Hen iJLsen, Norm Chester. Mrs. Duncan Winner Kdison Twh rutinei-s wore juniiM- Chip Danker. Bruce Cant, Carter i standouts Hill Anderson and Al At Echo Lake Ciilliums. )*ol) liixler. Biticc Ander- DucaUuan. Tin? score against lidison son and I'at Banes. T\x'h was 17-43. Mns. HolxMt B. Duncan fired a net I-indens Ttuors pixnided the op- For 1:1H< Ciiants, Murk Jackson. 37 lo win the nine liolo grwip's IWKition for Friday's diuil meet ut l*aul HoffiiKin aiKt 'I'twn J:H.'kxon stn>k« play toiunamoirt at Vxhu Lake Warinaiico, which the Devils won playtvl well on offense Turn l'feiffor, Country Chib last week. Mns. Wil- liam .1. TurlicviMc xv:is send witJi l:)-39. ran wHIiin two John Sanxv<-rs, iJo!> C;u-jx>nter, Dave USmx-y. aloiit; with Keith (Jibbons. i»^ 41. lx>w pulls wiroier was Mrs. seconds lay- 12:35 Dill Gorton, Bob Sliriwr, Mike i>d well on defense, xvith J*fioffer Making Ute loivgest drives fttan Ule Murray, and Bob I'rimoseh finislMVl picking up the two ixiints. Bears 12, first tee weix- Mre. l>uiK?an in Claxs Yoti will r«call thahnt nt tiIhnc end of the serond stop, y'Out Uft f-^ot tliii-d. fourth, fifth and sixth to com- Giants 2. A and Mrs. Fred. A. Shorslier in was balancing the welfthweightt of yoxn- bowline ball winch vrs» pauillf The Steclors Just managed U) hold your lifrht kues in it«i inninAveiuoiiv t into the jjucksxvinr. plete (he I)e\il scoring. Al Ducat- Class U. In the third st«p thn ball mon finisiiwl sovenlh, ulicad of lAn-eff an inspin*d Parker rhib, that xvay reaches its liei^ht in HIP b»rk- taincd by Blluwlng tho ball to defl's Georgo I.ouliakp. Mike Mr- itcliini! for a win. Onev g Ih- swihK. t t'Oeomnipiid (Imt tin" bull HwiiiR liuch naturally under ft* Glynii led a pack of five Westfield defense sa.-ed the Sieelers, as tlielr should not go any higher thnn own ucoflpratinn. Airaln, I wilh n- fcluiuld«l- level. Also make suic to stress tlint- th« urm should b* nmno-s aoixxss tin? line aliond of tlw hasn't Int'ii al>Io to B** " that this muxhiiuni height i" FREEMAN TiRt-rs' thinl man Bill Aiideraon tracked. Doug Kxv at defensixv tat'klo, while Ward In the liackswlng It oii- th in ththe fouf r stot pdl deliveryi . from c; other defensive Btackcherry Brogue l-3lli. Summary of (he HR'ots- tnckle. J Hntmon ami (Jeno Mills Urxirirlri »,'•. SKIIIITI Illr :|nd, I. D.I v,. i-alvi-ll. W: L'. S.M'Ki-nl. K: with Pete Parken and Tony Gonella ALSO IN DLACK ."..'«, XV: I KIIKK, XV. ;.. J.-IIHI'II. 1 S. <;. H. vn.>lils ,s 7 Milloi- S; S al lino haekei and Oluis <'aniplie!l, \\ ; ;i., XX': 1»an. d llrulg i.arsen «t wifely. Camp- v.umiii,. s. xvimiinK Htm-: I3:l.">. bell seined the (juine's IOIIB TD, 19 X\i«lll.lil 1,1, l-lultiflrlil IO when mil hcinH able to find n pass 1. 1>..\ «• < 'iiiv. ii, w :;. (;r,i\i>H. W : :', lluui:. XV: ) li.iriliiii, XV; r>. Slirlv- receiver, reversed field, picked up A rich, masculine new cordovan color — BIACKCHERRY — comes to blend 1 blocks from Mill Mice and Hill Tay- I : ". ll..;<.' i.ili:i!, I" IIIU; t !• lor and went about IS yards for the wilh the season's newest apparel. Here now is a bold new brogue, XVIII 3l' BEAT THE RUSH! score. (omfort-crafled of supple train. BLACKCHERRY by Freeman — flavors t I. I t;i • 1 > XV; •!. IIIIKI:. X Tom Cliexx-ey was MK> Packer's :!. l-rv. S; in. s: r.. AIUITII Get them now.. PayLator! your wardrobe. W: I!. A|i>:i>i, *. s.iviii!i', XV; standout, picking up ;ilnmst all of \I: 1 . VVVV; u.•HIII"M. Ii, \V; 1 Hull'; i ;*: J 4. his (cam's yardage, and continually K. XX'inni ]>iv,SMirinj,' the Slwler offense with "MAKE RANDAL'S A FAMILY AFFAIR" ills..n ••'<-<-•• I:I 1. ll. iiis haid charge on defense'. Helping -.. Muri ,iy, XV; 1 Siiviilli-. XV; :. IVr-him on >lefense xveiy John Mooning, GENERAL . i:. |l:ill.iri|. i:T; T. M.-i il.viin r . ISol) Mansell and l'i>m (Vxilwlue up XV; XVlnnlim- lln front, with Sei>lt I loom', Jeff Davies 82 ELM ST. ADAMS 2-3680 XV. and JCKM Karley in tho secondary. \W* tind 25 yards. Tlie rarrflie-rs oiieiicd up (lie game with Brian Clarko-and Delvin Lindlcy running off " Uie tackles aiid tfe((in;j tlnxs1 first downs, CIEATS OCTOBER VALUES! wiLh Durtn sowinc. 'n Hie third pe riod, Kirk Koirinson skirt<'lny«l well on wnfw m otfunsc. T!.P .lels woie slopped oy Ihe I'nntlii'.'1's' ilefensive line of (Jiin- I S1EE1 bel, Joiit1;!, Keoi.'cke and Bait in, with ends Hox.e .»:. Fine dowiit'elvl blorkin^j bv Vim:*. Big Half-gallon Values l^ally. Paul Jailer una .iohn Rolb GENERAL TIRE SERVICE roke Hick Ootllick away for txvo TDs, 25 and 15 yards. With fine I in." from Hiram Walker backing by SchrojH? and • 'ii 1 11 ,v Wi-riitr nior Men's Tennis Tournament post- • f iv-jitt-nilKT A.l>.. I9i;e. upon the ; 1 :.iI't 1 S 1 I I .-.•iiBi-.i.«-t l« |.,.r<-l,y Kiv,,, :- '•s-ulr,x ,,, • IJJ pljro t i(in of tlie* uii(ii-rH5j;ii''iJ, at* :> M: 1 'I ii poned a week because of bad wealh- •;x*<-ul i li_'.-e "-'f *hf ctjtato of Haiti Hit- iriflilors c,r Ki.i.i lie, ,aN,.,i . ' • ,V ' ''' "' ''•'';•,. •• 1*.. :: ] 1 " ID •.'Ullilill IU till- SUl.MTil.vr uiiil. ! ,.•,,,' -'V ' '"'•'"I" ,i" '"' er, saw two rounds completed test .it-ic-Miserl, DO I ir*e is* hereby giwn to l A1- th-.dis ] 11 ]o tj"\ t.-l I thi- i rrOiti-rm of ^:iid to or arUniKUi.JM H,,ir claims ;,,„, ',','. :! I"","* " "••- .gV*' " 1 n • (i:i 1 weekend. With all the seeded play- (*x It ibit t<> I lie HuliM-ri bi-rt< uml«-r man.Is uKainxt the .•mat,. ,. ^ ... : ."'""••' li..,. ,.*'•'•'* Ii 3]: i: T 1*: \ ers holding byes, it was a battle '/mil IT itiVirniittion their flalms and .l.-i-.-iiHi-il within .-iji m.Millis i>'., , I ,!' ":" !"=.•: i,n ".'.:' '* ih-miimfH aK'< l)t»t the ebUt I c of ba id among the foot soldiers for second ilvct-awd vlihin j*!x rti-.nthn fr'nn lh» 1..- rnr-v.-r l.iirr.-l fr.,in \,, •„,!..,*„. ': 1 .'," .•:"1" •••r Ku.'i ,; ' I dale of KHid orrltr. or tliey will be Boro Women's round positions. All snatches were forfv'T li.irrf-tl from prot'it^utiritj t»r settled in two sets except that be- rt-«-nvn-rin»c Hit aame against the Juytt; .U'irn (iral.. I. HU liarrlbuj H. 1'ATlii,,. Smart Set twtxsi Doe Durgan and Harry For- x MarKot Valentino and t:ill.t-rl Klircnkrunz, Atlui-my ''"'" reatcl which tui'ned into ^. read bat- Ij^iin E. Klover, Mllii-'s M.MI Mkt. . il Oriii)t!<-, N. j. •)!• J'HI'IM 7 tle with the hard lulling Forrestel Kxecutrirf* ):i;r Nori-iB flievMili.t ... 7 Xk'ltuid, TitoniHun & Jfcck% 11.11. HI finally winning, 2-6, 6-3, 6-1. II Si-hui.fiT llriiir fi AttorntyK l-iiiil l-Vuit . . i 23 0 Oivhurd St. Hui.•hfiird l'oiillui' . 4 In the second round, all seeded WVflUU'lU, N. J. players advanced with comparative Fees J21.1? Triangle ease except for Bob Jackson who Vi.1l 4 I I Sportsmen found real opposition in Hal Fen ISi-l i ; •i Ii w nerty who carried liim to three sets Mii|.li. <-.-t AIJKI 11 .I..I111 uik» ... 1(1 with his fine drop and angle shots. i Oil . , . Jackson's tireless retrieving finally M.-C-JII J.i yil Tirr.-uiy UIUKB ... wore his opponent down in the Uiird Mi.-iml SIIIIIP sort. 'ITie score was 7-5, 7-9, 6-1. (J'.lilt-ii Imivii li.iiry, I'I A\'iul U'odil l*ullliKr . Only one match was completed in en t to the: I'n ton County Court — NHIIIJIIIII illl-llK ... Proiiuto ftjvlKlun, on Thursday, No. M'Uiliro luc 4 the consolation tournament with Dan Merchants Handicap veiein tier 17t17thh ufcxt at 9 tfO A.M., pre- TIIKII Kii»rc.«: Art Mmi cll I ilogers defeating Bob Kverett 6-1, \V I. vailinailing limelime. Hiivus l'«ilr 1" 5 Si2; K. Uelbitrg 212, 232-61): IJI'IM'I- - 1 ;t. ^<* 1, ^ 1 3 - — 'i-T.. It. <'r 61. Xmtedd September S, 1966. HH'HII. * .M.ii'liin . !l',4 '••'•'t ill 2l». P. MlKllozxi -'(13, T. M< Suburban Trust CCompanyo , TROUBLESHOOTING IS IHS BUSINESS—Dr. Gtorg* SUmlieb, di- SIIMIIII.IM l-'inllKliy . . ••' <• II ^IH, 1:11.1, f>. Hljslo >'!(>, Vu TTrustee. All luir .^t.\ ctiN .... K 7 , A. I'ntla 200, OnlroWKky Z2S. oard and McGall, Attorneys rector of the Research Cenler at KiKgcrs I'nlversUy's Graduate Cli.,1 in Hid.- 7 H Meares Running ICIIII street, Re Ti.u -lie Hell 7 X •v.vv 'JO-J, A. 'i'tM-l>iili 2(Mi, .1. Ha School of Business Administration ID Newark, prepares to tackle a 111- 2113, A. !_>.• Milliill.H Z.'lfi. WexUivl , New Jersey 3- 7?c AMcclK'liy Sli;i|.[iiiih' -I K junto 2UU, A. Miirvnmi 220, 1>. I)i For Gettysburg 10-13-4t Feee $16.72 business problem submitted to tie Center's "brain trust." W'-Mfi.-hl AmiH-ti 7 * Air I-.m :•% !>V4 ilfii 2L'I>. J. ri'ilim-lla 203. whose business it is to answer ques- Al Ij'ir Inn '•< I" Robert Meares of 42 Gallowae is IllKli sriin.s: II. I !;i nil Him 223, A. No'M<*r; TO rnpj)iTOHS 1 on« of nine runnels including four Rutgers Employs tions for liijii or, if nothing more, to :l!i, 'I . I'liliililclro 2 Ml, .1. Mlll.r KfltHti' of JOtJKPlilNJS C SHBP- Sc reconimeiKi appropriate aid sources. ai»ii. A. . llriidn 2i>2. Pin Up Girls lettennen on the 1966 Gettysburg Col- Alin, lU'vt-HfVil. lege cross country Learn. I'urfiuant n» 11IP oripr of MARY C. OTCH •"Die facilities of the Research M. If.nclil, KANANK, Kurrofjate uf the County 'Brain Trust' To Center ai\s open to the public by ap- Diniln Meanes is the only senior on this of I'nion, niairp on the seventh flay Mlnlrt-IUl year's teain. Tlie two-yoar letter ., IJMMJ, upon tilt) a-j> pointment," Dr. Slemlieb added, Late Show rlifhl Illicit t ion i>f the underpigiied, as "and we liope business and laymen w i. Ulltsliir.- winner lias been one of the top per- KxN-m liK of the estate of HHIII de- Aid Research J1 !4 :i 14 KllKWiirtli 111 formers to come along in several CCHHIHI, not iw, \n }H>rcby glvon to will fully avail tlieniselves of its re- lH lirirrin ., 1 1 th-r> creditOI-A ot said deceuBC-ri to rii|.r..||ii-lnlili'"»' .... H 7 Tilli-lo x years. A business administration ma t-xliit>it to 1 hi* HubUnrlber under oath sources." or jifflrnmtion lh«*ir rlnlniH and <1e- TAPE New Jersey's businessmen, small llli'll.'ll'ilH » 7 lifrkrr » r Tl'MBlTH 7 S jor, he is a former captain and alltimndH iiKainwt the cntato of HKH Tlie Center, which Is liouscd ai 'i ) 1'iatt 7 and large, now have a "brain trust" HlVVfl* 7 S conference track and cross country cicccnHcd with In »ix monthH from Of their own—12 PhD holders who ames St., Newark, already lias uu- I'ln KimtiTK 7 S UIH rtHtn of Hiilrl order, or they will A Kirns H'.i s.',i l>o forever harrrd from pro^ecutlnR are available totackl e iff^arch proj- lerlaken a number of research proj- Tmn T'Hiis ...... f! 9 or rt-<-ov(.Tin*5 Iho same ag-ainst the ects*. During tlie delxile on a broad- riltiiliih.ilili'K :*. 10 Early Bird** • LEGAL NOTICES • fiiil-Hrriher. ect* dealing with specific busuvws •lliBh M) mi M: II. .Sititlllcll I'll!!, L'I problems. >d tax for Hie state. Hie Center I '.VorlnsiT ^li:. II. KuHi'ilthul '1 Myrtle S. ITopper, Tuny Knniiir.-k :'llli. KOTK'K TO <'Mf-:i>ITWAm> fi. Al STIN . WflMftin V. U«lm, Attorney ; of boUi tlie proposed sales tux H U1HI> known an KI>WAIU» UllAYrfON l'3.rt CIICHI nut St. newly-formed Research Center of Ilimi'li p. nd income lax. HI Al.'KTlN. Ueti-HHi-ti. ltiiHfllf, N. J. the Rutgers Graduate School of Bus- V\'lll>il,lro .... 'in I) 1'urwuiint tn the *irt1or of MAIIV f\ Sunday Nilers 9 10-13-41 Feon J21.12 iness Administration licre. It in- A major project recently com- J't j I KANANK, Rurr«mH(« of tin- Ci>un(y \V II of I'nioii, mud*' ini t lit= KC yen t h f related areas as social psychology, U.S. Department of Touting and Ur- HII-IIHKiTB Wt'HtfUMd, on A!on6 nt 2:00 I'.M. hi the Council leisure time market in the four Chirk I ..HICK fxhlhlt In HIP KiiliMrrlluT inicliT oath f'liHinlnTB <»f Ihe Municipal nullcllnR, niques, marketing, management, and Tcrzclhi llnsi I 1 Waslulay or HfTlrmntioii t1i<*jr clatmri ti rul de- 425 JCuKt tlroud Street, WeHtUelti, foreign trade, particularly reflating jcean-fi^onting counties, Ocean, Mon- I 1 niltlldH lIKHitiMl I hO «'t.tH(<- i.f HHffl New .Jf'vuoy, Tor the furniHliliiR of moulh .Atlantic and Cape May, re- I 1 di'ft'MFcd M* I Hi in »\\ inotitliH from fli'-l oil HM fnllowB: to Latin America. 1 I ilio ilii tt> of cinliL ord.-r, or liny will NumhfT 4 Kuet Oil for tlifi Muni- quested by live State Department of III •'lllllllMIK' . . lu> f»n>vri liitrrnl from i»r<»H«'cul]iiB rl-ml iliiildlnK. Dr. George Slemlieb, director of 1 Conservation and Economic Devcl- • 'l.ii k liiuir III I 1.1 V«'N 1 I or n-rcvi'i'liiK Iho mum- anutn^t ihi i*If] formH urifl «peelfleH t ionw may LOOSE^Af the Research Center, said tiuit its 1 t;i \-I-'H 1 trlv 1 0 HI I'liiiiiiMk'iiii'nV HI HiiiiHtii l>t-r, bo niitairH'd from th(' I'ut*t*1utHlnK formation is "further evidence of jpimen*, is in tlie planning stage. !•"• i ti !• KKSim III 111 1.1-IIIMiX VT. Walter AUHIIII. A^cilt, Municipal HuiMltiK. 42T. Kitnt Vci-tur . . . . in 111 Mlstrotlii ... s 12 A iJniiiilHtruitir Ilrwad Ktroet, Wi-alllcltl. New Jer««*y. Rutgers' concern about relations be- Among faculty members who are s 12 Hull JOV C. VUrSKLAND, .Mini- (')uitirH li. Th 11 (chf-r, Altoriicy tween the University and ttte busi- participating in Die Center's pro- 12 MH I'ark AVP. T Cl :rams are: Dr. Morris Beck, si>e- 13 Vi Hrotfli PlutiiH, N. J. 10-13-11 ness community." MPB 521.12 He said plans arc under way to set ciaiLst in. public finance; Dr. David l'^IIRlllvtrs . . . 13 W. Blakeslce, foreign trade; Dr. Wil- I I up a clearing house for municipal 15 coste and revenue auaiys.!s for more liam J. Carroll, quantitivc analysis; li'it'x I lluli SIMMI'F. Skit .nln< ; .M.'H'H IIIKII C;:.HI.., i:. ' Cl'lll than 400 New Jersey municipalities Dr. Stephen S. Castile, advertising : w iti*» Illnh s.i h. A ml i- and sales promotion; Dr. Salomon ilK, r..!7; W.IIIUNS lllKl, (la lite, I and governmental agencies. ik. l'.l?. FRESHMEN - SOPHOMORES - JUNIORS - SENIORS "We also hope eventually to set up J. Flink, problems of »m;ili business; 6 clinic for New Jersey executives DDr. William C. Ivins, ac-coimtinK on new aspects of management," he practices; Dr. Thomas J. Reynolds Fnhbcttcti economics; Dr. Philip C. Sliaak •said. Miil M.irlul One of tiie major components c management and sales training, i II.mill's iM'iik' Dr. Leo Troy, labor problems. \\r\K\\fx 12 COLLEGIANS!! the Research Cenler is a corporal' Jin's Miirl(,.| 13 -l.-i r\-in I irnjr records room which will contain KiiKiimnj) nil Co. AND PRIVATE SCHOOL STUDENTS, TOO complelo financial reports find /il Cli.mi'ills Hi-ns. In Him l.hnior shn|. 16 fngs !xzn (fee Securities smd Ky. .!-l-: change Commission on some 700 '.'iiiii III.:;- 007. corporations throughout the count ry. Tho room has been made possible NOW IS THE TIME! through a contribution by a 1952 bus- Upkeep Of Drapes iness school graduate, Ward Bourn of Pompton Plains. Whether you will be a freshman or senior Dr. Sternlieb, a member of (he And Slipcovers State University business school By CAKOLYN V. YUKNUS this fall you'll want The Leader to come to faculty since 1962, said the Research Senior County Hume Economist Center will provide a source of aid to the businessman who is looking Self-service drvclcnning may be JOT outside consulting service. one solution to the problem of care you every week during the school year. "Ho will have a formal agency of bulky draperies and slipcovers. However, scve-al factors must be considered before the decision to dryclcan slipcovers and draperies Place your order today so you don't yourself. The first consideration is that of fabric content. If draperies are forget it in the last minute rush. We'll start made of fiberglass, they .should nev- QUALITY AND SAVINGS.. er be drycleuned but should be washed with water and detergent. mailing your first week at school. Or if slipcover or drapery material is laminated, m:.kc certain the lam- We think this on inant is drycleonablc. Other fabric combinations used in Special Rate for Private School or College Year unbeatable draperies or slipcovers will take to the drycleaniiiR process rather well combination. although there is likely to be some shrinkage in any fabric combina- .00 For example, tion. Generally, there will be loss shrinkage in Ilio uso of dvyclcaiiinj! Fall-Winter Suits solution than with home washing only 4 methods. of 100% Wool in tYrlain designs or patterns applied to drapery materials may not stand Regular out-of-county rota $5.00 W A worsted shark- up under any care method. skins, herringbone In self-sonico (hycleanini; you Order NOW on this convenient order blank and the machine do all the work. cheviots, hopsacks, This means that you must take (fown the drapes lake them to the worsted stripes, cleaning center, operate the ma- chine, take thi cleaned drapes or many cut with slipcovers homi; and rchang or re- ! THE WESTFIELD LEADER place them in position. vests and in And of course, this is where you can save considerable money be- 50 ELM ST., WESTFIELD, N. 4. all colors. Priced cause no one is paying you for your service. However, on law. compli- substantially cated window In'ntmonts the job of Send THE LEADER from .•jntil Juris Open Sundays 9 a.m. to9 taking down and putting up tlie in- I oVl below the national stallation is more of a chore than USE OUR REAR ENTRANCE FROM VOV'N ! the actual iliycleaniiiK. • $4 •ncloted • Send bill to below overage. All fat-tors i'on>klm'd am! your choice is self-service drycleaninj;, 1 Our Price some of llu following suggestions I will K'W1 you iH'ttrr results: I TO from $69.75 yhak'- or ail' ; lipeovers and drap- | eries fit M to remove the IODSC sur- ] fare dust, liemine all hooks from [ Name .Name drapery headings. Cheek any trim for fa-tiK->s of color. LOCAL Fuld lon;4 tlr;ipery panels once, > SCHOOL ond-lo-end, ant! pin with laryc safe- J Address... -Address — ty pins in prevent twisting. Do not overload tlie machine. .More- satisfactory result.* are achiev- OVER J MILLION PRESCRIPTIONS ed with s'niiil loads. Do not mix 243 E. BROAD ST. FIELDGLUB dark and li^ht colors in the same jCity Town . lo:'.d: for example, cleaning one OPPOSITE RIALTO THEATRE 307 SOUTH AVE..WESTFIELD • AD 30248 dark slipcover with a pair of white drapes. "The Men'* SJoro AH Of New Jersey It Talkinn Aboul" Check tlie insule of the machine PRESCRIPTION CHEW for line from tin.' previous load. Phone ADams 2-6680 I.KADEK WANT ADS PAY