Activity Planner Activity Pro Bot Workshop Aim/ Key learnings Program the Pro Bot to draw a butterfly Age group 7-16 Method Small group activity Participant to facilitator 10:1 ratio (e.g. 10:1) Duration (e.g. 1 hr. x 1 hour 6wks; or 1 hr.) Preparation and Book training space, Pro Bot (with working batteries), A pen Materials Required that fits the Pro Bot, several pieces of paper taped to a table

Timeframe Activity / Key Learnings 15 min Introduction Introduce yourself, participants introduce themselves, cover any housekeeping. Explain the aim of the workshop (above – ‘Today we are going program a Pro Bot to draw a butterfly’). Show participants how to program the Pro Bot using the movement and repeat commands. Conduct a brief demonstration of the Pro Bot drawing an object (such as a square). A copy of the butterfly and its dimensions are below 40 min Experiment and Explore Participants take turns to program the Pro Bot to draw the butterfly. When the Pro Bot makes a wrong move, the coordinator should clear the previous programming commands and either place the Pro Bot back at the start for the next participant with a different colour pen or on a new piece of paper. 5 min Evaluation and Closing At the end of the session, thank everyone for their participation and team work.

Optional: distribute the survey from the Creative Spaces User Guide (page 18). Use the findings to complete the Activity Evaluation Form (page 17)

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This guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Australia licence. You are free to copy, communicate and adapt this work, so long as you attribute State Library of Queensland. For more information see © SLQ 2016. Last updated Sept 2016  Each wing is 9 cms high and 3 cms wide  The body is 5 cms high and 4 cms wide  The neck is 1 cm long  Each side of the head is 2 cms

Solution There are multiple ways this can be achieved with the Pro-Bot and the code below is only one way.

Starting at the top left corner of the left wing and facing right, the following code can be used:

// Left Wing // Right Wing Cont. Fd 3 Fd 3 Rt Lt Fd 9 Fd 7 Rt Fd 3 // Move to top of body Rt Bk 5 Fd 9 Rt

// Move to bottom of body // Top of body Rt Fd 4 Fd 3 Bk 2 Rt Rt Fd 7 Lt // Neck Fd 1 // Bottom of body Fd 4 // Head Rt Rt Bk 1 // Right Wing Fd 2 Fd 2 Lt Lt Fd 2 Fd 3 Lt Lt Fd 2 Fd 9 Lt Lt Fd 2