National Consortium on Multicultural Education for Health Professionals

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National Consortium on Multicultural Education for Health Professionals

National Consortium on Multicultural Education for Health Professionals Conference Call Minutes Monday, March 10, 2008 12:00-1:00pm PST Attendees: David Acosta, Sylvia Bereknyei, Clarence Braddock, Sonia Crandall, Chris DeGannes, Carlos Estrada, Kristin Fabbro, Jorge Girotti, Kim Griswold, Lisa Hark, Desiree Lie, Ana Nunez, Candace Robertson, Pam Racansky

1) Updates and Announcements  There are some interesting new features on our Consortium website, including links to Culture Guides, the Unnatural Causes discussion guides, and links to information on Medical Spanish and Healthy Roads. 2) JNMA call for papers,  There will be a special issue of the journal on education, for September 2008. Deadline for submission is April 31st. 3) F2F 2008  F2F 2008 will be held on Thursday, September 25, 2008, in Minneapolis. Please mark your calendars!  Discussion: i. Sylvia reminded the group that we also submitted an abstract for a workshop at Diversity Rx. ii. David sent Sandra and Howard an email to check on funding sources and waiting to hear back. iii. Planning will be divided between the three coordinating centers. iv. Suggestions for agenda? New ideas? Invite Penny Williamson back? Presentations from each other? Visits by OMH, AAMC? 1. Desiree suggested following up on the big topics from tables at last year’s F2F year, to see where we progressed since then. 2. Lessons learned – we could use it as a working forum to prepare ideas for a paper for the JAMA Med Ed issue. v. If you are interested in contributing agenda/topic ideas for the F2F, please email Sylvia ([email protected]). We can use the next several months to refine our ideas. 4) “Measures of Success” survey  If you have not yet submitted your survey, please fill out what you can as soon as possible. If you submit answers at least to the more straightforward questions, Sylvia will be glad to call you to dialogue through answering the more open- ended questions.  Sandra is very interested in seeing the results from this survey, as they will be very useful in thinking about future steps with our group specifically, or this kind of funding opportunity more generally. 5) Unnatural Causes documentary  Submit any final thoughts/edits/resources to Olivia ASAP. National Consortium on Multicultural Education for Health Professionals Conference Call Minutes Monday, March 10, 2008 12:00-1:00pm PST  Idea of resource library: on Consortium website with protected access, options for streaming video, sharing resources among Consortium members? 6) Upcoming conference call meeting times:  Second Monday of the month from 12:00pm-1:00pm (PDT) i. April 14th – We will discuss preliminary findings from the Measures of Success survey; hear updates on the Unnatural Causes work; and continue to discuss plans for F2F. ii. May 12th iii. June 9th

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