Synthesis Essay on Bioethical Issue

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Synthesis Essay on Bioethical Issue



Ethics: moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior; the moral correctness of specified conduct. Bioethics: the ethics of medical and biological research.


 Research a current bioethical issue either online or in the library and find two-three reliable academic or scholarly sources on the issue. See page on LMC website. Make sure you copy and paste information for your Works Cited page as well.

 Write a two-three page essay in which you take a strong, clear position on the issue. Essentially you should agree, disagree, or qualify. Your thesis statement should clearly state your position on the issue.

 In your introduction, refer to Frankenstein first in the introduction and then again in the conclusion to help drive home your argument.

Introduction format: Start with a “Wow”—say something interesting, and get your reader hooked. But do not be artificial; you will just lose credibility.

1. Introduce ethical issue in Frankenstein or Brave New World and include author and title

2. Introduce the subject of your essay (2-3 sentences)

3. Thesis (1 sentence)—take a strong, clear position

4. “Unpack” your thesis (1-2 sentences)—reference the major pts you will be making

 In each paragraph, your points and arguments must be central. The information from the sources (indirect facts paraphrased and direct quotes) should support and enhance, not replace, them.

 Use each source fully –don’t just pluck out a fact or quote but try to use the author’s whole point to support your arguments. You must also pull in details from the source as well.  Develop your evidence well—make sure you thoroughly demonstrate your reasoning and insight when it comes to explaining how and why the evidence you provide proves your point.

 You must “weave in” paraphrased facts and quotes from at least one source in each body paragraph. A source may be used in more than one paragraph, but you want to use at least 3 sources total.

 Use the “acknowledge the other side and refute it” persuasive technique at least twice in the essay. This is a really effective way of getting your opponents to listen to your points.

 “Control of Language”—COL is as important as your content (evidence). “Controlled” language is CLEAR and FLUID (fluidity is created through transition). COL is also achieved by making strong Verb Choices. (use list)

 Make sure you cite all sources correctly—(author’s last name page number). Attach a Works Cited page to the back of your essay.

Conclusion Format: Go out with a BANG—leave your reader contemplating the significance of what you have just argued!

1. State thesis (fresh words)—1 sentence

2. Reference major arguments, examples, etc (fresh approach/fresh words) —2 sentences

3. Make a final, insightful comment on the subject and/or your point—one that ties it all together but doesn’t require further explanation—1-2 sentences

 The essay is due no later than next Friday, May 27. Turnitin by 7:30 AM and a hard copy in class. STEPS: 1. Choose a topic that’s interesting to you 2. Go to LMC page and find/read articles in database 3. Choose your position—agree, disagree, or qualify. Do not sit on the fence!! 4. Write an outline—include the major points you will make as well as the points, details, and quotes you will pull from the sources 5. Write a draft 6. Revise that draft using Writing a Body Paragraph 101 7. Final Proofreading for COL—see above

POTENTIAL BIOETHICAL ISSUES: Human Cloning Genetically Modified Food Euthanasia Organ Donation Human Genetic Engineering Artificial Womb Genetic Screening Cryonics Infertility Treatments Vaccinations Sperm / Egg Donation Recreational Drug Use Stem Cell Research Lobotomy Surrogacy Pain Management

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