ENCORE DDS Guide - Developer Reference Non-Proprietary Transmissions

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ENCORE DDS Guide - Developer Reference Non-Proprietary Transmissions

ENCORE – Data Distribution Services Guide Developer Reference I Non-Proprietary Transmissions

Version 3.15 Sept. 2017

© 2017 The Options Clearing Corporation. All rights reserved. Reasonable measures are taken by OCC to ensure the accuracy of the information it distributes in its DDS program. This information is produced from data received from a number of different sources, which are believed to be reliable. However, due to the number of sources for such data, the possibility of human error, and the risks inherent in electronic distribution, there may be omissions or inaccuracies in such information and delays or interruptions in providing it. Accordingly, OCC disclaims all express or implied warranties with respect to the information distributed in its DDS program, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Further, information sent on a real time basis should not be considered final until OCC issues an end of day message advising no additional transmissions will be made on a particular business day.

To read DDS FIXML messages, OCC recommends using an XML parser that adheres to the W3C* 1.0 and 1.1 XML recommendations and not the byte by byte method typically used for “flat file” parsing. In order to support new future business needs, OCC reserves the right to add at any time previously unused tags, which are already part of the FIXML schema, to the DDS FIXML messages. If the parsing mechanism recommended above will be used, the addition of new tags will have no impact on the programs that read in the DDS FIXML messages.

For the following cases: - addition of new tags which are not part of the FIXML schema - addition of new enumerations which are not part of the FIXML schema - addition of previously unused enumerations which are part of the FIXML schema - decommission/removal of existing required tags

OCC will notify designated contacts in advance of their implementation. When needed, updated schemas will be made available, in advance, on OCC's website.

* - The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards.

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 2 Contents

DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION...... 6 GLOSSARY OF TERMS...... 6 TRANSMISSIONS...... 8 CFI Code Default Values...... 9 Sample CFI Codes...... 10 ENCORE TRANSMISSION: MARKET DATA FULL – OPEN INTEREST...... 11 Overview...... 11 Message Structure...... 11 Message Layout – Market Data Full – Open Interest – Options...... 12 Sample Message – Market Data Full – Open Interest – Daily Transmission – Options...... 13 Message Layout – Market Data Full – Open Interest – Futures...... 14 Sample Message – Market Data Full – Open Interest Daily Transmission – Futures...... 15 ENCORE TRANSMISSION: MARKET DATA FULL – PRICES...... 16 Overview...... 16 Message Structure...... 16 Message Layout – Market Data Full – Prices – Options...... 17 Sample Message – Market Data Full – Prices – Equity/Index Options...... 19 Message Layout – Market Data Full – Prices – Futures...... 20 Sample Messages – Market Data Full – Prices – Futures...... 21 Implementation Considerations...... 22 ENCORE TRANSMISSION: MARKET DATA FULL – EARLY COMPOSITE UNDERLYING PRICES...23 Overview...... 23 Message Structure...... 23 Message Layout – Market Data Full – Early Composite Underlying Prices...... 24 Sample Message – Market Data Full – Early Composite Underlying Prices...... 24 ENCORE TRANSMISSION: MARKET DATA FULL – FINAL COMPOSITE UNDERLYING PRICES.....25 Overview...... 25 Message Structure...... 25 Message Layout – Market Data Full – Final Composite Underlying Prices...... 26 Sample Message – Market Data Full – Equity Options...... 27 Sample Message – Market Data Full – Index Options...... 27 Implementation Considerations...... 28 ENCORE TRANSMISSION: SECURITY DEFINITION – ELIGIBLE SECURITIES REPORT...... 29 Overview...... 29 Message Structure...... 29 Message Layout – Security Definition – Eligible Securities Report...... 30 Sample Message – Security Definition – Eligible Securities Report...... 31 ENCORE Transmission: Escrow Program Eligible Security Report...... 32 Overview...... 32 Message Structure...... 32 Message Layout – Escrow Deposit Eligible Security Report...... 33 Sample Messages...... 34 ENCORE TRANSMISSION: SECURITY DEFINITION – SECURITY MASTER – FULL PRODUCT...... 35 Overview...... 35

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 3 Message Structure...... 36 Message Layout – Security Definition – Options...... 37 Sample Message – Security Definition – Daily Transmission – Options – Single Deliverable...... 41 Sample Message – Security Definition – Daily Transmission – Options – Multiple Deliverables...... 42 Message Layout – Security Definition – Futures...... 43 Sample Message – Security Definition – Daily Transmission – Futures – Single Deliverable...... 46 Sample Message – Security Definition – Daily Transmission – Futures – Multiple Deliverables...... 47 ENCORE TRANSMISSION: SECURITY LIST – SECURITY MASTER – FULL SERIES/CONTRACT....48 Overview...... 48 Message Structure...... 48 Message Layout – Security List – Options...... 49 Sample Message – Security List – Daily Transmission – Option Series...... 50 Sample Message – Security List Daily – Transmission – Option Series – Closing Only Indicator...... 51 Message Layout – Security List – Futures...... 52 Sample Message – Security List – Daily Transmission – Futures...... 53 ENCORE TRANSMISSION: SECURITY MASTER UPDATE (INCREMENTAL)...... 54 Overview...... 54 Message Structure – Security Definition Update...... 55 Message Structure – Security List Update...... 55 Message Layout – Security Definition Update – Option Product – Add...... 56 Sample Message – Security Definition Update – Daily Option Transmission – Add...... 59 Message Layout – Security Definition Update – Futures Product – Add...... 60 Sample Message – Security Definition Update – Futures Product – Add...... 63 Message Layout – Security Definition Update – Option Product – Modify...... 64 Sample Message – Security Definition Update – Daily Option Transmission – Modify...... 69 Message Layout – Security Definition Update – Futures Product – Modify...... 70 Sample Message – Security Definition Update – Daily Futures Transmission – Modify...... 74 Message Layout – Security Definition Update – Option Product – Delete...... 75 Sample Message – Security Definition Update – Daily Option Transmission – Delete...... 76 Message Layout – Security Definition Update – Futures Product – Delete...... 77 Sample Message – Security Definition Update – Daily Futures Transmission – Delete...... 78 Message Layout – Security List Update – Option Series – Add...... 79 Sample Message – Security List Update – Option Series – Add...... 80 Message Layout – Security List Update – Futures Contract – Add...... 81 Sample Message – Security List Update – Futures Contract – Add...... 82 Message Layout – Security List Update – Option Series – Modify...... 83 Sample Message – Security List Update – Option Series – Modify...... 86 Sample Message – Security List Update – Option Series – Modify – Closing Only Indicator...... 87 Message Layout – Security List Update – Futures Contract – Modify...... 88 Sample Message – Security List Update – Futures Contract – Modify...... 90 Message Layout – Security List Update – Option Series – Delete...... 91 Sample Message – Security List Update – Option Series – Delete...... 92 Message Layout – Security List Update – Futures Contract – Delete...... 93 Sample Message – Security List Update – Futures Contract – Delete...... 94 Sample Message – Security Update – Futures Product and Contract – End-Of-Day Futures Transmission *...... 95 Sample Message – Security Update – Options Product and Contract – End-Of-Day Option Transmission *...... 95 Implementation Considerations...... 96 Corporate Actions...... 97 Uniqueness Checking...... 99 ENCORE TRANSMISSION START OF DAY MESSAGE...... 100 Overview...... 100

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 4 Sample Message – Start of Day...... 100 APPENDIX A...... 102 Explanation of DDS Product Multipliers...... 102 Use of Product Multipliers in Extended Value Calculations...... 103 Extended Strike Calculation...... 103 Extended Trade Premium Calculation...... 103 Various Product Examples...... 103 Standard Equity Option...... 103 Equity Option After a 3 for 2 Stock Split...... 104 Standard Index Option...... 104 Mini Index Option...... 104 APPENDIX B...... 105 Revision History...... 105

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 5 Document Organization This document is one of a set of three intended to provide a detailed description of all aspects of the Data Distribution Services system: Part One: Data Distribution Services Overview. This section is intended for a reader that needs to understand the Data Distribution Services (DDS) system. This part of the guide contains the design concepts and the data delivery services being developed and implemented. Part Two: Developer Reference – Non-Proprietary Transmissions. This section is intended for use as a Non-Proprietary Transmission mapping reference for FIXML developers. This part of the guide includes FIXML elements, transmission layouts, message structures, and sample messages for each transmission. Part Three: Developer Reference – Proprietary Transmissions. This section is intended for use as a Proprietary Transmission mapping reference for FIXML developers. This part of the guide includes FIXML elements, transmission layouts, message structures, and sample messages for each transmission.

Glossary of Terms You should be familiar with the following terms prior to reading this guide. Batch – In a computer, a batch job is a program that is assigned to the computer to run without further user interaction. In larger commercial computers or servers, batch jobs are usually initiated by a system user. Some are defined to run automatically at a certain time. DDS (Data Distribution Services) – The ENCORE module that supports both batch and real- time data delivery and utilizes the FIXML data formatting standard. ENCORE – The clearing system utilized within OCC. Event Driven Processing – A business event is a meaningful change in the state of the enterprise, such as the opening of a new customer account, clearing a trade, or the matching of a transfer. Event driven processing is system behavior that is initiated by these business events rather than system events—such as time based scheduling. Event driven systems possess the following attributes: 1) Individual treatment of transactions; 2) Push delivery systems; and 3) Electronic notification. FIXML (Financial Information eXchange Markup Language) – The XML derived grammar of the FIX protocol. A FIXML implementation will have message format validation, cleaner, more expressive structure, and leverage off existing standards. The initial goal is to provide the ability to embed FIXML messages within traditional FIX header and trailers to minimize the impact on existing implementations. Messaging – There are two major messaging server models: the point-to-point model and the publish/subscribe model. Messaging allows programs to share common message-handling code, to isolate resources and interdependencies, and to easily handle an increase in message volume. Messaging also makes it easier for programs to communicate across different programming environments (languages, compilers, and operating systems) since the only thing that each environment needs to understand is the common messaging format and protocol. Package – A Package is a collection of DDS transmissions that are grouped together based on selections made when the subscription was created.

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 6 Pull Delivery Model – In this information delivery model, the observer—or client—requests information from the information owner. An example of this model is the download of a document from a web page. Push Delivery Model – In this information delivery model, the information owner distributes the data to the observer as it deems appropriate. An example of this model is the sending and delivery of an email message. Real-Time – A level of computer responsiveness that a user senses as sufficiently immediate or that enables the computer to keep up with some external process (for example, to present trade data as trades are executed and cleared). Real-time is an adjective pertaining to computers or processes that operate in real time. Real time describes a human rather than a machine sense of time. Recipient – The entity (Clearing Member Organization, Exchange, Regulatory Agency or Service Bureau) that owns the systems where DDS delivers data for processing or retransmission. STP (Straight-Through-Processing) – The seamless integration of systems and processes to automate the trade process from end-to-end--trade execution, confirmation and settlement-- without the need for manual intervention or the re-keying of data. Subscriber – The entity (a Clearing Member Organization, Exchange, or Regulatory Agency) that requests a package of transmissions and owns the data that is transmitted to recipients. XML (eXtensible Markup Language) – A simple and flexible text format derived from SGML (ISO 8879). Originally designed to meet the challenges of large-scale electronic publishing, XML is also playing an increasingly important role in the exchange of a wide variety of data on the Web and elsewhere. Special purpose XML languages and standards are commonly developed with several hundred already adopted since XML 1.0 was released in February 1998.

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 7 Transmissions This section provides the FIXML elements, transmission layouts, message structures, and sample messages. The Non-Proprietary ENCORE transmissions below are defined on the following pages:

 Open Interest  Prices  Early Prices  Final Prices  Eligible Securities  Security Master – Full Product  Security Master – Full Series/Contract  Security Master Update (Incremental)  Start of Day

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 8 CFI Code Default Values In an effort to reduce the size of the document, the standard mapping and data values for the CFI Code tag is presented below and not repeated throughout the document. Only in situations where the CFI Code values will differ from the default values below will the CFI Code be detailed in the document.

OCC has tried to provide as much product information as possible through the CFI Code. However, since this field is part of an ISO standard, OCC had to limit the amount of information provided to the confines of the standard.

OPTIONS CHAR1 = O CHAR2 = Put/Call Code CHAR3 = Exercise Style Code (A = AMERICAN, E = EUROPEAN) CHAR4 = Classification (S = EQUITY, I = INDEX, O = OPTION, F= FUTURE, D = DEBT) CHAR5 = Settlement Method (P = PHYSICAL, C = CASH) CHAR6 = Sub-Classification Standard / Non-Standard Settlement Designation (S = STD SETTLEMENT or N = NON-STD SETTLEMENT)

WARRANTS CHAR1 = R CHAR2 = W CHAR3 = X CHAR4 = X CHAR5 = Put/Call Code CHAR6 = X

FUTURES CHAR1 = F CHAR2 = F CHAR3 = Classification (S = EQUITY, D = DEBT, I = INDEX) CHAR4 = Settlement Method (P = PHYSICAL, C = CASH) CHAR5 = Standard / Non-Standard Settlement Designation (S = STD SETTLEMENT or N = NON-STD SETTLEMENT) CHAR6 = X

NOTE: As evidenced above, when a particular CFI Code attribute does not apply to the use or context within a message then an X will be used.

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 9 Sample CFI Codes

Derivative Type Classification CFI Code Futures Equity FFSPSX Futures Index FFICSX Futures Debt FFDCSX Option Equity OXASPS Option Index OXEICS Option Futures OXAFPS

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 10 ENCORE Transmission: Market Data Full – Open Interest

FIX Message: Market Data Snapshot Full Refresh Report Subscription Options: Commodity Options Equity/Index Options Futures Delivery Options: Batch File

Overview Open Interest information is available on the Market Data Snapshot Full Refresh (Market Data Full) Report. For each active option series or futures contract, one message is created indicating the open interest quantity. Open Interest is calculated as the quantity of open long positions for a given contract or series. If the contract or series has an open interest quantity of 0 (no positions), the process still creates an Open Interest message.

Message Structure

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 11 Message Layout – Market Data Full – Open Interest – Options Market Data Snapshot Full Refresh – Open Interest - Options FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Tag# Report Component Sub Fields Data Block Block Component Block MktDataFull 963 RptID Unique Identifier of the Open Interest Report String 6142508 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-07  Instrmt 55 Sym Symbol String IBM 461 CFI Default Values (refer to page 9) String OPASPS 20050414 (4 for year, 2 for month, 2 200 MMY Expiration Month, Year, and Day MonthYear for day) 541 MatDt Expiration Date LocalMktDate 2005-04-16 202 StrkPx Strike Price (decimal format) Price 110 947 StrkCcy Strike Currency Currency USD 967 StrkMult Strike Multiplier Float 1 231 Mult Market Trade Value Float 100 968 StrkValu Strike Value Float 100  /Instrmt  Full 269 Typ Market Data Entry Type (Open Interest = C) Char C 271 Sz Market Data Entry Size Qty 451  /Full /MktDataFull

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 12 Sample Message – Market Data Full – Open Interest – Daily Transmission – Options

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 13 Message Layout – Market Data Full – Open Interest – Futures Market Data Snapshot Full Refresh – Open Interest - Futures FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Tag # Report Component Sub Fields Data Block Block Component Block MktDataFull 963 RptID Unique Identifier of the Open Interest Report String 6137148 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-07  Instrmt 55 Sym Symbol String IBM1C 48 ID Futures Symbol String IBM1C 22 Src 8 = Exchange Symbol String 8 461 CFI Default Values (refer to page 9) String FFSPSX 20041015(4 for year, 2 for month, 2 200 MMY Expiration Month, Year, and Day MonthYear for day) 541 MatDt Expiration Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-15 231 Mult Market Trade Value Float 100  /Instrmt  Full 269 Typ Market Data Entry Type (Open Interest = C) Char C 271 Sz Market Data Entry Size Qty 46  /Full /MktDataFull

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 14 Sample Message – Market Data Full – Open Interest Daily Transmission – Futures

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 15 ENCORE Transmission: Market Data Full – Prices

FIX Message: Market Data Snapshot Full Refresh Report Subscription Options: Equity/Index Options Commodity Options OCC-Cleared Futures Delivery Options: Batch File

Overview Price information is available on the Market Data Snapshot Full Refresh (Market Data Full) Report. A price message is created for every active OCC Cleared Option Series in the database. In addition, a price message is created for every active OCC Cleared Future contract in the database. Prices Reports include FLEX options for their respective product, series, or contract set.

Message Structure

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 16 Message Layout – Market Data Full – Prices – Options Market Data Snapshot Full Refresh – Prices – Options FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Tag # Report Component Sub Fields Data Block Block Component Block MktDataFull 963 RptID Unique Identifier of the Prices Report String 6009551 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2005-01-21  Instrmt 55 Sym Symbol String SPX 461 CFI Default Values (refer to page 9) String OCASPS 20050122 (4 for year, 2 for month, 2 200 MMY Expiration Month, Year, and Day MonthYear for day) 541 MatDt Expiration Date LocalMktDate 2005-01-22 202 StrkPx Strike Price (decimal format) Price 105 947 StrkCcy Strike Currency Currency USD 967 StrkMult Strike Multiplier Float 1 231 Mult Market Trade Value Float 100 968 StrkValu Strike Value Float 100  /Instrmt  Full 269 Typ Market Data Entry Type (5=Close Price) Char 5 270 Px Market Data Entry Price (Mark Price) Price 0.104192 15 Ccy Identifies currency used for price Currency USD 811 PxDelta Price Delta Float 0.96 272 Dt Market Data Entry Date UTCDateOnly 2005-01-21  /Full  Full 269 Typ Market Data Entry Type (D=Composite Underlying Price) Char D 270 Px Market Data Entry Price (Underlying Composite Close Price) Price 87.420000

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 17 Market Data Snapshot Full Refresh – Prices – Options FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Tag # Report Component Sub Fields Data Block Block Component Block 272 Dt Market Data Entry Date UTCDateOnly 2005-01-21  /Full A third full component block will be present for settle on open series when the current business date = expiration date. For options that are grandfathered with a Saturday expiration date, this component block will be present when the next business date = expiration date.  Full 269 Typ Market Data Entry Type (4=Open Price) Char 4 270 Px Market Data Entry Price (Underlying Composite Open Price) Price 87.150000 272 Dt Market Data Entry Date UTCDateOnly 2005-01-21  /Full /MktDataFull

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017

ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 18 Sample Message – Market Data Full – Prices – Equity/Index Options The following sample message shows the price information for SPX January 2005 call options with a strike of 105.

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017

ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 19 Message Layout – Market Data Full – Prices – Futures Market Data Snapshot Full Refresh – Prices – Futures FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Tag # Report Component Sub Fields Data Block Block Component Block MktDataFull 963 RptID Unique Identifier of the Prices Report String 6091826 715 BizDt Business Date LocalMktDate 2005-01-21  Instrmt 55 Sym Symbol String IBM1C 48 ID Futures Symbol String IBM1C 22 Src 8 = Exchange Symbol String 8 461 CFI Default Values (refer to page 9) String FFSPSX 20050318 (4 for year, 2 for month, 2 200 MMY Expiration Month, Year, and Day MonthYear for day) 541 MatDt Expiration Date LocalMktDate 2005-03-18 231 Mult Market Trade Value Float 100  /Instrmt  Full 269 Typ Market Data Entry Type (6=Settlement Price) Char 6 Market Data Entry Price (Settlement Price) (Could be negative 270 Px for futures only) Price 22.52 15 Ccy Identifies currency used for price Currency USD 811 PxDelta Price Delta Float 1 272 Dt Market Data Entry Date UTCDateOnly 2005-01-21  /Full  Full 269 Typ Market Data Entry Type (S= Swap Value Factor) Char S 270 Px Market Data Entry Price (Swap Point Value) Price 0.22 15 Ccy Identifies currency used for price Currency USD

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 20 Market Data Snapshot Full Refresh – Prices – Futures FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Tag # Report Component Sub Fields Data Block Block Component Block 272 Dt Market Data Entry Date UTCDateOnly 2012-10-02  /Full /MktDataFull

Sample Messages – Market Data Full – Prices – Futures

Sample Message for products with Swap Point Amount

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017

ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 21 Implementation Considerations General All Option Price Reports include flex options for their respective product set. For example, the Equity/Index Option Prices transmissions include prices for both standard and flex equity/index options.

The Full Block The block for Options and Futures Price records breaks down as follows:

Options Instance #1 – Current mark price (calculated price of the option). Instance #2 – Current settlement price (calculated price of the underlying component).

Optional Instance #3 – Current open settlement price (for settle on open option series only).

Note: For Binary Series, the VWAP price is displayed when Market Data Type = 4 (Typ = “4”).

This block is present for settle on open series under the following conditions:  Flex Series or Special Dated Options  Current Business Date = Expiration Date  Standard Series or Binary Series  Next Business Date = Expiration Date

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 22 ENCORE Transmission: Market Data Full – Early Composite Underlying Prices

FIX Message: Market Data Snapshot Full Refresh Report Subscription Options: Underlying Composite Equity Option Delivery Options: Batch File

Overview Early Composite Underlying Price information is available on the Market Data Snapshot Full Refresh (Market Data Full) Report. These prices are extracted from the price vendors at a given time and written unedited into this report. These are not finalized prices.

One price message is created for each equity option. This message is available on a daily basis.

Message Structure

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 23 Message Layout – Market Data Full – Early Composite Underlying Prices Market Data Snapshot Full Refresh – Early Composite Underlying Prices FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Tag # Report Component Sub Fields Data Block Block Component Block MktDataFull 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2006-07-21  Instrmt 55 Sym Symbol String IBM 461 CFI OXASPS String OXASPS  /Instrmt  Full 269 Typ Market Data Entry Type (P=Early Prices) Char P 270 Px Unedited composite price Price 81.98 15 Ccy Identifies currency used for price Currency USD  /Full /MktDataFull

Sample Message – Market Data Full – Early Composite Underlying Prices

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 24 ENCORE Transmission: Market Data Full – Final Composite Underlying Prices

FIX Message: Market Data Snapshot Full Refresh Report Subscription Options: Equity Options Index Options Delivery Options: Batch File

Overview Finalized composite underlying price information is available on the Market Data Snapshot Full Refresh (Market Data Full) Report. A price message is created for every active OCC Cleared Option Series in the database. These prices are final published option composite prices.

One price message is created for each equity option and index option. This message is available on a daily basis.

Message Structure

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 25 Message Layout – Market Data Full – Final Composite Underlying Prices Market Data Snapshot Full Refresh – Final Composite Underlying Prices FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Tag # Report Component Sub Fields Data Block Block Component Block MktDataFull 963 RptID Unique Identifier of the Prices Report String 6009551 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2006-07-21  Instrmt 55 Sym Symbol String IBM Equity = EXXXXX 461 CFI Index = MRIXXX String EXXXXX Expiration Date (Only displayed for Underlying Composites 541 MatDt with Expiring Contracts) LocalMktDate 2006-07-21  /Instrmt  Full 269 Typ Market Data Entry Type (D=Underlying Composite Price) Char D 270 Px Final Edited Closing Price Price 81.98 272 Dt Market Data Entry Date UTCDateOnly 2005-01-21  /Full  Full 269 Typ Market Data Entry Type (4=Open Price) Char 4 270 Px Market Data Entry Price (Underlying Composite Open Price) Price 87.150000 272 Dt Market Data Entry Date UTCDateOnly 2005-01-21  /Full /MktDataFull

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 26 Sample Message – Market Data Full – Equity Options

Sample Message – Market Data Full – Index Options

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 27 Implementation Considerations

General All Option Final Underlying Composite Price Reports include flex options for their respective product set. For example, the Equity and Index Option Composite Price transmissions include prices for both standard and flex equity/index options.

The Full Block The block for Option Composite Price records breaks down as follows:

Instance #1 – Finalized, edited, published option composite price

Optional Instance #2 – Maturity Date (MatDt) only displays for underlying composites with expiring contracts.

Instance #3 – Finalized, edited, published, settle on open price. (Settle on open price is provided for options which are expiring today.)

Note: For Binary Series, the VWAP price is displayed when Market Data Type = 4 (Typ = “4”).

This block is present for Settle on Open Series under the following conditions:  Flex Series or Special Dated Options  Current Business Date = Expiration Date  Standard Series or Binary Series  Next Business Date = Expiration Date

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 28 ENCORE Transmission: Security Definition – Eligible Securities Report

FIX Message: Security Definition Subscription Options: Equity Delivery Options: Batch File


Eligible securities information is available on the Security Definition Report. The Eligible Securities file provides a list of all securities which are eligible for stock loan and/or collateral. The message includes the symbol and CUSIP for each security.

Message Structure

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 29 Message Layout – Security Definition – Eligible Securities Report Security Definition –Eligible Securities Report FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data

Tag # Report Component Sub Fields Block Block Component Block SecDef 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date Business Date 2010-06-08 964 RptID Unique Identifier of the Eligible Security String 421  Instrmt 55 Sym Security Symbol String AET Note: OCC removes dollar signs from security symbols that are received from IDSI. 48 ID CUSIP String 00817Y108 22 Src 1 = CUSIP String 1 460 Product Type 5 = Equity Prod Integer 5  /Instrmt The number of Market Segment Blocks depends on the number of programs each security is eligible for. One Market Segment block will be included for each program.  MktSegGrp 1300 Identifies the market segment STOCKLOAN = Eligible for Stock Loan MktSegID COLLATERAL = Eligible for Collateral String STOCKLOAN  /MktSegGrp /SecDef

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 30 Sample Message – Security Definition – Eligible Securities Report

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 31 ENCORE Transmission: Escrow Program Eligible Security Report FIX Message: Security Definition Subscription Options: Escrow Delivery Options: Batch File


The Escrow Program Eligible Security file provides recipients with a list of eligible securities that can be pledged to OCC as supporting collateral for the Escrow Program.

Message Structure

The Options Clearing Corporation — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 32 Message Layout – Escrow Deposit Eligible Security Report Security Definition – Escrow Deposit Eligible Security Report FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data

Tag # Report Component Sub Fields Block Block Component Block SecDef 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date Business Date 2013-10-08 964 RptID Unique Identifier of the Security Definition report String 421  Instrmt 55 Sym Security Symbol String AET 48 ID CUSIP String 00817Y108 22 Src 1 = CUSIP String 1 460 Product Type 5 = Equity Prod 6 = Debt Integer 5  /Instrmt The number of Market Segment Blocks depends on the number of programs each security is eligible for. One Market Segment block will be included for each program.  MktSegGrp 1300 Identifies the market segment MktSegID ESCROW = Eligible for Collateral String ESCROW  / MktSegGrp /SecDef

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 33 Sample Messages Sample Equity

Sample Debt

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 34 ENCORE Transmission: Security Definition – Security Master – Full Product

FIX Message: Security Definition Subscription Options: Options Commodity Options Futures Delivery Options: Batch File Overview Series information is available on the Security Definition Report. The Series Information file is separated into three transmissions; Full Product, Full Series, and Product/Series Updates. Likewise, the Futures Contract Information file is separated into three transmissions; Full Product, Full Series, and Product/Series Updates. The Full Product transmission includes option or future product information such as the symbol, assignment method, exercise style, classification, position limit, near term limit, trade source listings, CUSIP, and allocation percentage. One message is created for each active or pending active product. It reflects any updates that may have been made during the day and is a snapshot of OCC’s product database at the end of the business day.


OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 35 Message Structure

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 36 Message Layout – Security Definition – Options Security Definition – Options FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block SecDef 964 RptID Unique Identifier of the Security Definition report. String 2001096 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-07 15 Ccy Currency (ISO currency code) used for Price Currency USD  Instrmt 55 Sym Symbol String IBZ Sub-Classification STAN = Standard BINY = Binary FLEX = Flex 107 Desc RNGE = Range String STAN 461 CFI Default Values (refer to page 9) String OXASPS 947 StrkCcy Strike Currency Currency USD 967 StrkMult Strike Multiplier Float 1 231 Mult Market Trade Value Float 100 968 StrkValu Strike Value Float 100 SettlOn 966 OpenFlag Settle On Open Flag (Y / N) String N CUST RngLen Range Length – Range Options Float 50 CUST RngIntvl Range Interval – Range Options Float 10 Assignment Method 744 AsgnMeth (R=Random, P=ProRata) Char R CUST CapValu Capped Value (not currently used) Float 970 PosLmt Position Limit Integer 7500000 971 NTPosLmt Near Term Position Limit Integer 0 CUST PPInd Penny Pilot Indicator String Y The number of Evnt blocks present in the message is dependent on the product data. If a product has both an activation and inactivation date then two Evnt blocks will be present. If an Activation Date exists without a corresponding Inactivation Date then only one Evnt block will be present.   Evnt 865 EventTyp Event Type (5 = Activation Date / First Trading Integer 5

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 37 Security Definition – Options FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block Date) 866 Dt Activation Date LocalMktDate 2002-04-22   /Evnt   Evnt Event Type (6 = Inactivation Date / Last Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 866 Dt Inactivation Date LocalMktDate   /Evnt The number of Exchange Party Blocks depends on the number of the exchanges that list the product. One party block will be included for each listing exchange.   Pty 1019 ID Listing Exchange String XASE Party Role 1051 R 22 = Exchange Integer 22    Sub 1053 ID Listing Date String 2002-04-22 Party Type 1054 Typ 27 = Listing Date Integer 27    /Sub   /Pty   Pty 1019 ID Listing Exchange String XCBO Party Role 1051 R 22 = Exchange Integer 22    Sub 1053 ID Listing Date String 2002-04-22 Party Type 1054 Typ 27 = Listing Date Integer 27  /Sub   /Pty   Pty 1019 ID Listing Exchange String XISX

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 38 Security Definition – Options FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block Party Role 1051 R 22 = Exchange Integer 22    Sub 1053 ID Listing Date String 2002-04-22 Party Type 1054 Typ 27 = Listing Date Integer 27    /Sub   /Pty   Pty 1019 ID Clearing Corp. String OCC Party Role 1051 R 21 = Clearing Organization Integer 21   /Pty  /Instrmt If the product has more than one delivery components, than an Undly block will be included for each delivery component.  Undly 311 Sym Underlying Symbol String IBM 309 ID Underlying Cusip String 459200101 305 Src 1 = CUSIP String 1 CHAR1-3 = Instrument (EXX = EQUITY, MRI = INDEX, DXX = DEBT, FXX = FUTURE) CHAR4 = X CHAR5 = X 463 CFI CHAR6 = X String EXXXXX 972 AllocPct Allocation Pct Percentage 100 879 Qty Underlying Quantity Qty 100 Settlement Type 975 SettlTyp 1 = (T+0), 2 = (T+1), 3 = (T+2), 4 = (T+3), 5 = (T+4) Char 4 1039 SetMeth Settlement Method String CAFX BTOB – Broker To Broker CADF – Cash Difference CAFX – Cash Fixed

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 39 Security Definition – Options FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block CCC – Correspondent Clearing Corp CFR – Cash Fixed Return POST – Positional PHYS – Physical Settlement Status 1 = Regular Settlement 988 SettlStat 2 = Delayed Settlement String 1 973 CashAmt Underlying Amount per contract Amt Underlying Cash Type DIFF = Cash Differential, FIXED = Fixed Cash 974 CashTyp Amount String In the event of a symbol change and/or CUSIP change, an Underlying Security Alternate Identifier Group (UndSecAltIDGrp) sub-component will be included prior to the effective date of the change(s). Once the change(s) is effective, the sub-component(s) will no longer appear.   UndAID 458 AltID Pending Underlying Symbol String IBX 459 AltIDSrc 8 = Symbol String 8   /UndAID UndAID 458 AltID Pending Underlying CUSIP String 459200105 459 AltIDSrc 1 = CUSIP String 1   /UndAID  /Undly /SecDef

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 40 Sample Message – Security Definition – Daily Transmission – Options – Single Deliverable

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 41 Sample Message – Security Definition – Daily Transmission – Options – Multiple Deliverables

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 42 Message Layout – Security Definition – Futures Security Definition – Futures FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block SecDef 964 RptID Unique Identifier of the Security Definition report. String 4000203 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-07 15 Ccy Currency (ISO currency code) used for Price Currency USD  Instrmt 55 Sym Symbol String IBM1C 48 ID Futures Symbol String IBM1C 22 Src 8=Exchange Symbol String 8 461 CFI Default Values (refer to page 9) String FFSPSX 231 Mult Market Trade Value Float 100 SettlOn MultipleValue 966 OpenFlag Settle On Open Flag (Y / N) String N The number of Evnt blocks present in the message is dependent on the product data. If a product has both an activation and inactivation date, then two Evnt blocks will be present. If an Activation Date exists without a corresponding Inactivation Date then only a single Evnt block will be present.   Evnt Event Type (5 = Activation Date / First Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 5 866 Dt Activation Date LocalMktDate 2002-11-21   /Evnt   Evnt Event Type (6 = Inactivation Date / Last Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 866 Dt Inactivation Date LocalMktDate   /Evnt   Pty 1019 ID Listing Exchange String XOCH Party Role 1051 R 22 = Exchange Integer 22    Sub

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 43 Security Definition – Futures FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block 1053 ID Listing Date String 2002-11-21 Party Type 1054 Typ 27 = Listing Date Integer 27    /Sub   /Pty   Pty 1019 ID Listing Exchange String OCC Party Role 1051 R 21 = Clearing Organization Integer 21   /Pty  /Instrmt  Undly 311 Sym Underlying Symbol String IBM 309 ID Underlying Cusip String 459200101 305 Src 1 = CUSIP String 1 CFI Code

CHAR1-3 = Instrument (EXX = EQUITY, MRI = INDEX, DXX = DEBT, FXX = FUTURE) CHAR4 = X CHAR5 = X 463 CFI CHAR6 = X String EXXXXX 972 AllocPct Allocation Pct Percentage 100 879 Qty Underlying Quantity Qty 100 Settlement Method BTOB – Broker To Broker CADF – Cash Difference CAFX – Cash Fixed CCC – Correspondent Clearing Corp CFR – Cash Fixed Return POST – Positional 1039 SetMeth PHYS – Physical String CAFX

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 44 Security Definition – Futures FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block Settlement Status 1 = Regular Settlement 988 SettlStat 2 = Delayed Settlement String 1 Settlement Type 1 = (T+0), 2 = (T+1), 3 = (T+2), 4 = (T+3), 5 = 975 SettlTyp (T+4) Char 4 973 CashAmt Underlying Amount per contract Amt Underlying Cash Type DIFF = Cash Differential, FIXED = Fixed Cash 974 CashTyp Amount String In the event of a symbol change and/or CUSIP change, an Underyling Security Alternate Identifier Group (UndSecAltIDGrp) sub-component will be included prior to the effective date of the change(s). Once the change(s) is effective, the sub-component(s) will no longer appear.   UndAID 458 AltID Pending Underlying Symbol String IBM1C 459 AltIDSrc 8 = Symbol String 8   /UndAID   UndAID 458 AltID Pending Underlying CUSIP String 459200105 459 AltIDSrc 1 = CUSIP String 1   /UndAID  /Undly /SecDef

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 45 Sample Message – Security Definition – Daily Transmission – Futures – Single Deliverable

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 46 Sample Message – Security Definition – Daily Transmission – Futures – Multiple Deliverables

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 47 ENCORE Transmission: Security List – Security Master – Full Series/Contract FIX Message: Security List Subscription Options: Options Commodity Options Futures Delivery Options: Batch File

Overview Full series/contract information is available on the Security List Report. The Full Series/Contract transmission includes option series or futures contract. One message is created for each active or pending active option series or futures contract. It reflects any updates that may have been made during the day and is a snapshot of OCC’s product database at the end of the business day.

Message Structure

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 48 Message Layout – Security List – Options Security List – Option Series FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block SecList 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-07 964 RptID Unique Identifier for the Security List report. String 6009549  SecL   Instrmt 55 Sym Symbol String IBM 461 CFI Default Values (refer to page 9) String OCASPS

20050122 (4 for year, 2 for month, 2 for 200 MMY Expiration Month, Year, and Day MonthYear day) 541 MatDt Maturity Date LocalMktDate 2005-01-22 202 StrkPx Strike Price 22.5 The number of Evnt blocks present in the message is dependent on the product data. There will be one event block present for each Listing Exchange that has designated Closing Only.    Evnt 865 EventTyp Event Type (100 = Closing Only) Integer 100 866 Txt Listing Exchange String XCBO    /Evnt The number of Evnt blocks present in the message is dependent on the product data. If a product has both an activation and inactivation date then two Evnt blocks will be present. If an Activation Date exists without a corresponding Inactivation Date then only a single Evnt block will be present.    Evnt Event Type (5 = Activation Date / First Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 5 866 Dt Activation Date LocalMktDate 2004-05-17    /Evnt    Evnt 865 EventTyp Event Type (6 = Inactivation Date / Last Trading Integer

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 49 Security List – Option Series FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block Date) 866 Dt Inactivation Date LocalMktDate    /Evnt   /Instrmt  /SecL /SecList

Sample Message – Security List – Daily Transmission – Option Series

Sample Message – Security List Daily – Transmission – Option Series – Closing Only Indicator

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 50

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 51 Message Layout – Security List – Futures Security List – Futures Contracts FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block SecList 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-07 964 RptID Unique Identifier for the Security List report. String 6064632  SecL   Instrmt 55 Sym Symbol String IBM1C 48 ID Futures Symbol String IBM1C 22 Src 8=Exchange Symbol String 8 461 CFI Default Values (refer to page 9) String FFSPSX 20041217 (4 for year, 2 for month, 2 for 200 MMY Expiration Month, Year, and Day MonthYear day) 541 MatDt Maturity Date LocalMktDate 2004-12-17 The number of Evnt blocks present in the message is dependent on the product data. If a product has both an activation and inactivation date then two Evnt blocks will be present. If an Activation Date exists without a corresponding Inactivation Date then only a single Evnt block will be present.    Evnt Event Type (5 = Activation Date / First Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 5 866 Dt Activation Date LocalMktDate 2004-06-21    /Evnt    Evnt Event Type (6 = Inactivation Date / Last Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 866 Dt Activation Date LocalMktDate    /Evnt   /Instrmt  /SecL /SecList

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 52 Sample Message – Security List – Daily Transmission – Futures

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 53 ENCORE Transmission: Security Master Update (Incremental)

FIX Message: Security Definition Update Security List Update Subscription Options: Options Commodity Options Futures Delivery Options: Batch Real Time

Overview The Security Definition Update Report includes all updates made to an option or future product such as symbol changes, position limit changes, trade source listing changes, or underlying deliverable changes. The Security List Update Report includes all updates made to an option series or future contract such as new series, deleted series, strike price changes, or ticker symbol changes. In both of these reports, the Instrument block includes updated information to the product or series. In determining how to process the block, the user must look at the Status. The updates are processed as follows:

- If the action is ADD, then there is one Instrument block listing the new product/series. - If the action is MODIFY, then there are two Instrument blocks: one block listing the pre-change product/series and one block listing the updated product/series. - If the action is DELETE, then there is one Instrument block listing the deleted product/series. If a Clearing Member subscribes to the updates, they receive both the Security Definition Update Report and the Security List Update Report. Both product and series/contract information are included in one transmission.

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 54 Message Structure – Security Definition Update

Message Structure – Security List Update NOTE: In the graphic below, all SecL subcomponent blocks that are available in the FIXML schema are shown. OCC does not use all available subcomponent blocks.

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 55 Message Layout – Security Definition Update – Option Product – Add Security Definition Update – Option Product – Add FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block SecDefUpd 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-18 Unique Identifier for the Security Definition 964 RptID Update report String 7012055 15 Ccy Currency used for Price Currency USD 980 UpdActn Update Action Code (A/M/D) Char A  Instrmt 965 Status Instrument Status (1=Active, 2=Inactive) Integer 1 55 Sym Symbol String CAO Sub-Classification (STAN, BINY, FLEX, 107 Desc RNGE ) String STAN 461 CFI Default Values (refer to page 9) String OXASPS 947 StrkCcy Strike Currency Currency USD 967 StrkMult Strike Multiplier Float 1 231 Mult Market Trade Value Float 100 968 StrkValu Strike Value Float 100 SettlOnOpen MultipleValue 966 Flag Settle On Open Flag (Y / N) String Y CUST RngLen Range Length – Range Options Float 50 CUST RngIntvl Range Interval – Range Options Float 10 Assignment Method 744 AsgnMeth (R=Random, P=ProRata) Char R CUST CapValu Capped Value (not currently used) Float 970 PosLmt Position Limit Integer 7500000 971 NTPosLmt Near Term Position Limit Integer 0 CUST PPInd Penny Pilot Indicator String Y The number of Evnt blocks present in the message is dependent on the product data. If a product has both an activation and inactivation date then two Evnt blocks will be present. If an Activation Date exists without a corresponding Inactivation Date then only a single Evnt block will be present.   Evnt 865 EventTyp Event Type (5 = Activation Date / First Trading Integer 5

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 56 Security Definition Update – Option Product – Add FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block Date) 866 Dt Activation Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-18   /Evnt   Evnt Event Type (6 = Inactivation Date / Last Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 866 Dt Inactivation Date LocalMktDate   /Evnt   Pty 1019 ID Listing Exchange String XASE Party Role 1051 R 22 = Exchange Integer 22    Sub 1053 ID Listing Date String 2004-10-18 Party Role 1054 Typ 27 = Listing Date Integer 27    /Sub   /Pty   Pty 1019 ID Clearing Corp. String OCC Party Role 1051 R 21 = Clearing Organization Integer 21   /Pty  /Instrmt  Undly 311 Sym Underlying Symbol String CAO 309 ID Underlying Cusip String 125965103 305 Src 1 = CUSIP String 1

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 57 Security Definition Update – Option Product – Add FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block CHAR1-3 = Instrument (EXX = EQUITY, MRI = INDEX, DXX = DEBT, FXX = FUTURE) CHAR4 = X CHAR5 = X 463 CFI CHAR6 = X String EXXXXX 972 AllocPct Allocation Pct Percentage 100 879 Qty Underlying Quantity Qty 100 Settlement Type 1 = (T+0), 2 = (T+1), 3 = (T+2), 4 = (T+3), 5 = 975 SettlTyp (T+4) Char 4 Settlement Method BTOB – Broker To Broker CADF – Cash Difference CAFX – Cash Fixed CCC – Correspondent Clearing Corp CFR – Cash Fixed Return POST – Positional 1039 SetMeth PHYS – Physical String CCC Settlement Status 1 = Regular Settlement 988 SettlStat 2 = Pended Settlement String 1 973 CashAmt Underlying Amount per contract Amt Underlying Cash Type DIFF = Cash Differential, FIXED = Fixed Cash 974 CashTyp Amount String  /Undly /SecDefUpd

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 58 Sample Message – Security Definition Update – Daily Option Transmission – Add

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 59 Message Layout – Security Definition Update – Futures Product – Add Security Definition Update – Futures Product – Add FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block SecDefUpd 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-07 Unique Identifier for the Security Definition 964 RptID Update report String 22176 15 Ccy Currency used for Price Currency USD 980 UpdActn Update Action Code (A/M/D) Char A  Instrmt 965 Status Instrument Status (1=Active, 2=Inactive) Integer 1 55 Sym Symbol String IBM1C 48 ID Futures Symbol String IBM1C 22 Src 8 = Exchange Symbol String 8 461 CFI Default Values (refer to page 9) String FFSPSX 231 Mult Market Trade Value Float 100 SettlOnOpen MultipleValue 966 Flag Settle On Open Flag (Y / N) String N The number of Evnt blocks present in the message is dependent on the product data. If a product has both an activation and inactivation date then two Evnt blocks will be present. If an Activation Date exists without a corresponding Inactivation Date then only a single Evnt block will be present.   Evnt Event Type (5 = Activation Date / First Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 5 866 Dt Activation Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-18   /Evnt   Evnt Event Type (6 = Inactivation Date / Last Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 866 Dt Inactivation Date LocalMktDate   /Evnt   Pty 1019 ID Listing Exchange String XOCH

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 60 Security Definition Update – Futures Product – Add FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block Party Role 1051 R 22 = Exchange Integer 22    Sub 1053 ID Listing Date String 2004-10-18 Party Type 1054 Typ 27 = Listing Date Integer 27    /Sub   /Pty   Pty 1019 ID Clearing Corp. String OCC Party Role 1051 R 21 = Clearing Organization Integer 21   /Pty  /Instrmt  Undly 311 Sym Underlying Symbol String IBM 309 ID Underlying Cusip String 459200101 305 Src 1 = CUSIP String 1

CHAR1-3 = Instrument (EXX = EQUITY, MRI = INDEX, DXX = DEBT, FXX = FUTURE) CHAR4 = X CHAR5 = X 463 CFI CHAR6 = X String EXXXXX 972 AllocPct Allocation Pct Percentage 100.000000 879 Qty Underlying Quantity Qty 100.000000 1039 SetMeth Settlement Method String CAFX BTOB – Broker To Broker CADF – Cash Difference CAFX – Cash Fixed

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 61 Security Definition Update – Futures Product – Add FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block CCC – Correspondent Clearing Corp CFR – Cash Fixed Return POST – Positional PHYS – Physical Settlement Status 1 = Regular Settlement 988 SettlStat 2 = Pended Settlement String 1 973 CashAmt Underlying Amount per contract Amt Underlying Cash Type DIFF = Cash Differential, FIXED = Fixed Cash 974 CashTyp Amount String  /Undly /SecDefUpd

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 62 Sample Message – Security Definition Update – Futures Product – Add

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 63 Message Layout – Security Definition Update – Option Product – Modify Security Definition Update – Option Product – Modify FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block SecDefUpd 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-18 Unique Identifier for the Security Definition 964 RptID Update report String 7012047 15 Ccy Currency used for Price Currency USD 980 UpdActn Update Action Code (A/M/D) Char M  Instrmt 965 Status Instrument Status (1=Active, 2=Inactive) Integer 2 55 Sym Symbol String NUE CHAR1 = O CHAR2 = X CHAR3 = X CHAR4 = X CHAR5 = X 461 CFI CHAR6 = X String OXXXXX   Pty 1019 ID Clearing Corp. String OCC Party Role 1051 R 21 = Clearing Organization Integer 21   /Pty  /Instrmt  Instrmt 965 Status Instrument Status (1=Active, 2=Inactive) Integer 1 55 Sym Symbol String NUE 107 Desc Sub-Classification (STAN, BINY , FLEX, RNGE) String STAN 461 CFI Default Values (refer to page 9) String OXASPS 947 StrkCcy Strike Currency Currency USD 967 StrkMult Strike Multiplier Float 1 231 Mult Market Trade Value Float 100

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 64 Security Definition Update – Option Product – Modify FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block 969 StrkValu Strike Value Float 100 SettlOnOpen MultipleValue 966 Flag Settle On Open Flag (Y / N) String Y CUST RngLen Range Length – Range Options Float 50 CUST RngIntvl Range Interval – Range Options Float 10 Assignment Method 744 AsgnMeth (R=Random, P=ProRata) Char R CUST CapValu Capped Value (not currently used) Float 970 PosLmt Position Limit Integer 15000000 971 NTPosLmt Near Term Position Limit Integer 0 CUST PPInd Penny Pilot Indicator String Y The number of Evnt blocks present in the message is dependent on the product data. If a product has both an activation and inactivation date then two Evnt blocks will be present. If an Activation Date exists without a corresponding Inactivation Date then only a single Evnt block will be present.   Evnt Event Type (5 = Activation Date / First Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 5 866 Dt Activation Date LocalMktDate 1990-12-03   /Evnt   Evnt Event Type (6 = Inactivation Date / Last Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 866 Dt Inactivation Date LocalMktDate   /Evnt   Pty 1019 ID Listing Exchange String XASE Party Role 1051 R 22 = Exchange Integer 22    Sub 1053 ID Listing Date String 2002-02-19 Party Type 1054 Typ 27 = Listing Date Integer 27    /Sub

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 65 Security Definition Update – Option Product – Modify FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block   /Pty   Pty 1019 ID Listing Exchange String XCBO Party Role 1051 R 22 = Exchange Integer 22    Sub 1053 ID Listing Date String 1990-12-13 Party Type 1054 Typ 27 = Listing Date Integer 27    /Sub   /Pty   Pty 1019 ID Listing Exchange String XISX Party Role 1051 R 22 = Exchange Integer 22    Sub 1053 ID Listing Date String 2004-05-24 Party Type 1054 Typ 27 = Listing Date Integer 27    /Sub   /Pty   Pty 1019 ID Listing Exchange String XPHO Party Role 1051 R 22 = Exchange Integer 22    Sub 1053 ID Listing Date String 2002-09-25 Party Type 1054 Typ 27 = Listing Date Integer 27    /Sub   /Pty   Pty

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 66 Security Definition Update – Option Product – Modify FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block 1019 ID Clearing Corp. String OCC Party Role 1051 R 21 = Clearing Organization Integer 21   /Pty  /Instrmt  Undly 311 Sym Underlying Symbol String NUE 309 ID Underlying Cusip String 670346105 305 Src 1 = CUSIP String 1 CHAR1-3 = Instrument (EXX = EQUITY, MRI = INDEX, DXX = DEBT, FXX = FUTURE) CHAR4 = X CHAR5 = X 463 CFI CHAR6 = X String EXXXXX 972 AllocPct Allocation Pct Percentage 100 879 Qty Underlying Quantity Qty 100 Settlement Type 1 = (T+0), 2 = (T+1), 3 = (T+2), 4 = (T+3), 5 = 975 SettlTyp (T+4) Char 4 Settlement Method BTOB – Broker To Broker CADF – Cash Difference CAFX – Cash Fixed CCC – Correspondent Clearing Corp CFR – Cash Fixed Return POST – Positional 1039 SetMeth PHYS – Physical String CCC Settlement Status 1 = Regular Settlement 988 SettlStat 2 = Pended Settlement String 1 973 CashAmt Underlying Amount per contract Amt 974 CashTyp Underlying Cash Type String

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 67 Security Definition Update – Option Product – Modify FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block DIFF = Cash Differential, FIXED = Fixed Cash Amount In the event of a symbol change and/or CUSIP change, an Underyling Security Alternate Identifier Group (UndSecAltIDGrp) sub-component will be included prior to the effective date of the change(s). Once the change(s) is effective, the sub-component(s) will no longer appear.   UndAID 458 AltID Pending Underlying Symbol String NUX 459 AltIDSrc 8 = Symbol String 8   /UndAID   UndAID 458 AltID Pending Underlying CUSIP String 670345678 459 AltIDSrc 1 = CUSIP String 1   /UndAID  /Undly /SecDefUpd

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 68 Sample Message – Security Definition Update – Daily Option Transmission – Modify

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 69 Message Layout – Security Definition Update – Futures Product – Modify

Security Definition Update – Futures Product – Modify FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block SecDefUpd 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-20 Unique Identifier for the Security Definition 964 RptID Update report String 7012057 15 Ccy Currency used for Price Currency USD 980 UpdActn Update Action Code (A/M/D) Char M  Instrmt 965 Status Instrument Status (1=Active, 2=Inactive) Integer 2 55 Sym Symbol String CAT1C 48 ID Futures Symbol String CAT1C 22 Src 8 = Exchange Symbol String 8 CHAR1 = F CHAR2 = X CHAR3 = X CHAR4 = X CHAR5 = X 461 CFI CHAR6 = X String FXXXXX   Pty 1019 ID Clearing Corp. String OCC Party Role 1051 R 21 = Clearing Organization Integer 21   /Pty  /Instrmt  Instrmt 965 Status Instrument Status (1=Active, 2=Inactive) Integer 1 55 Sym Symbol String CAT1C 48 ID Futures Symbol String CAT1C 22 Src 8 = Exchange Symbol String 8 461 CFI Default Values (refer to page 9) String FFSPSX

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 70 Security Definition Update – Futures Product – Modify FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block 231 Mult Market Trade Value Float 100 SettlOnOpen MultipleValue 966 Flag Settle On Open Flag (Y / N) String N The number of Evnt blocks present in the message is dependent on the product data. If a product has both an activation and inactivation date then two Evnt blocks will be present. If an Activation Date exists without a corresponding Inactivation Date then only a single Evnt block will be present.   Evnt Event Type (5 = Activation Date / First Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 5 866 Dt Activation Date LocalMktDate 2004-09-05   /Evnt   Evnt Event Type (6 = Inactivation Date / Last Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 866 Dt Inactivation Date LocalMktDate   /Evnt   Pty 1019 ID Listing Exchange String XOCH Party Role 1051 R 22 = Exchange Integer 22    Sub 1053 ID Listing Date String 2004-09-05 Party Type 1054 Typ 27 = Listing Date Integer 27    /Sub   /Pty   Pty 1019 ID Clearing Corp. String OCC Party Role 1051 R 21 = Clearing Organization Integer 21   /Pty  /Instrmt  Undly

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 71 Security Definition Update – Futures Product – Modify FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block 311 Sym Underlying Symbol String CAT 309 ID Underlying Cusip String 149123101 305 Src 1 = CUSIP String 1 CHAR1-3 = Instrument (EXX = EQUITY, MRI = INDEX, DXX = DEBT, FXX = FUTURE) CHAR4 = X CHAR5 = X 463 CFI CHAR6 = X String EXXXXX 972 AllocPct Allocation Pct Percentage 100 879 Qty Underlying Quantity Qty 100 Settlement Type 1 = (T+0), 2 = (T+1), 3 = (T+2), 4 = (T+3), 5 = 975 SettlTyp (T+4) Char 4 Settlement Method BTOB – Broker To Broker CADF – Cash Difference CAFX – Cash Fixed CCC – Correspondent Clearing Corp CFR – Cash Fixed Return POST – Positional 1039 SetMeth PHYS – Physical String CCC Settlement status 1 = Regular Settlement 988 SettlStat 2 = Pended Settlement String 1 973 CashAmt Underlying Amount per contract Amt Underlying Cash Type DIFF = Cash Differential, FIXED = Fixed Cash 974 CashTyp Amount String In the event of a symbol change and/or CUSIP change, an Underyling Security Alternate Identifier Group (UndSecAltIDGrp) sub-component will be included prior to the effective date of the change(s). Once the change(s) is effective, the sub-component(s) will no longer appear.   UndAID 458 AltID Pending Underlying Symbol String CAX1C

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 72 Security Definition Update – Futures Product – Modify FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block 459 AltIDSrc 8 = Symbol String 8   /UndAID UndAID 458   AltID Pending Underlying CUSIP String 670345678 459 AltIDSrc 1 = CUSIP String 1 /UndAID  /Undly /SecDefUpd

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 73 Sample Message – Security Definition Update – Daily Futures Transmission – Modify

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 74 Message Layout – Security Definition Update – Option Product – Delete Security Definition Update – Option Product - Delete FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Fields Block Block Component Block SecDefUpd 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-22 964 RptID Unique Identifier for the Security Definition Update report String 7012398 15 Ccy Currency used for Price Currency USD 980 UpdActn Update Action Code (A/M/D) Char D  Instrmt 965 Status Instrument Status (1=Active, 2=Inactive) Integer 2 55 Sym Symbol String MSQ CHAR1 = O CHAR2 = X CHAR3 = X CHAR4 = X CHAR5 = X 461 CFI CHAR6 = X String OXXXXX   Pty 1019 ID Clearing Corp. String OCC Party Role 1051 R 21 = Clearing Organization Integer 21   /Pty  /Instrmt /SecDefUpd

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 75 Sample Message – Security Definition Update – Daily Option Transmission – Delete

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 76 Message Layout – Security Definition Update – Futures Product – Delete Security Definition Update – Futures Product – Delete FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Fields Block Block Component Block SecDefUpd 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-22 964 RptID Unique Identifier for the Security Definition Update report String 7012398 980 UpdActn Update Action Code (A/M/D) Char D  Instrmt 965 Status Instrument Status (1=Active, 2=Inactive) Integer 2 55 Sym Symbol String IBM1N 48 ID Futures Symbol String IBM1N 22 Src 8 = Exchange Symbol String 8 CHAR1 = F CHAR2 = X CHAR3 = X CHAR4 = X CHAR5 = X 461 CFI CHAR6 = X String FXXXXX   Pty 1019 ID Clearing Corp. String OCC Party Role 1051 R 21 = Clearing Organization Integer 21   /Pty  /Instrmt /SecDefUpd

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 77 Sample Message – Security Definition Update – Daily Futures Transmission – Delete

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 78 Message Layout – Security List Update – Option Series – Add Security List Update – Option Series – Add FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block SecListUpd 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2004-07-20 Unique Identifier for the Security List Update 964 RptID report String 450044140 292 CorpActn Corporate Action Code (see chart on page 97) String 980 UpdateActn Update Action Code (A/M/D) String A  SecL   Instrmt 965 Status Instrument Status (1=Active, 2=Inactive) Integer 1 55 Sym Symbol String OSO 461 CFI Default Values (refer to page 9) String OCASPS 20070120 (4 for year, 2 for month, 2 for 200 MMY Expiration Month, Year, and Day MonthYear day) 541 MatDt Maturity Date LocalMktDate 2007-01-20 202 StrkPx Strike Price 15 The number of Evnt blocks present in the message is dependent on the product data. If a product has both an activation and inactivation date then two Evnt blocks will be present. If an Activation Date exists without a corresponding Inactivation Date then only a single Evnt block will be present.    Evnt Event Type (5 = Activation Date / First Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 5 866 Dt Activation Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-18    /Evnt    Evnt Event Type (6 = Inactivation Date / Last 865 EventTyp Trading Date) Integer 866 Dt Inactivation Date LocalMktDate    /Evnt   /Instrmt

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 79 Security List Update – Option Series – Add FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block  /SecL /SecListUpd

Sample Message – Security List Update – Option Series – Add

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 80 Message Layout – Security List Update – Futures Contract – Add Security List Update – Futures Contract – Add FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block SecListUpd 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-18 Unique Identifier for the Security List Update 964 RptID report String 7071458 292 CorpActn Corporate Action Code (see chart on page 97) String 980 UpdateActn Update Action Code (A/M/D) String A  SecL   Instrmt 965 Status Instrument Status (1=Active, 2=Inactive) Integer 1 55 Sym Symbol String ZA 48 ID Futures Symbol String ZA 22 Src 8 = Exchange Symbol String 8 461 CFI Default Values (refer to page 9) String FFCCSX 20050114 (4 for year, 2 for month, 2 for 200 MMY Expiration Month, Year, and Day MonthYear day) 541 MatDt Maturity Date LocalMktDate 2005-01-14 The number of Evnt blocks present in the message is dependent on the product data. If a product has both an activation and inactivation date then two Evnt blocks will be present. If an Activation Date exists without a corresponding Inactivation Date then only a single Evnt block will be present.    Evnt Event Type (5 = Activation Date / First Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 5 866 Dt Activation Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-21    /Evnt    Evnt Event Type (6 = Inactivation Date / Last 865 EventTyp Trading Date) Integer 866 Dt Inactivation Date LocalMktDate    /Evnt

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 81 Security List Update – Futures Contract – Add FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block   /Instrmt  /SecL /SecListUpd

Sample Message – Security List Update – Futures Contract – Add

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 82 Message Layout – Security List Update – Option Series – Modify Security List Update – Option Series – Modify FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block SecListUpd 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-22 Unique Identifier for the Security List Update 964 RptID report String 7074360 292 CorpActn Corporate Action Code (see chart on page 97) String 980 UpdateActn Update Action Code (A/M/D) String M  SecL   Instrmt 965 Status Instrument Status (1=Active, 2=Inactive) Integer 2 55 Sym Symbol String IWO CHAR1 = O CHAR2 = Put/Call Code CHAR3 = X CHAR4 = X CHAR5 = X 461 CFI CHAR6 = X String OCXXXX 20050219 (4 for year, 2 for month, 2 for 200 MMY Expiration Month, Year, and Day MonthYear day) 541 MatDt Maturity Date LocalMktDate 2005-02-19 202 StrkPx Strike Price 75    Evnt 865 EventTyp Event Type (100 = Closing Only) Integer 100 866 Txt Listing Exchange String XCBO    /Evnt    Evnt Event Type (5 = Activation Date / First Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 5 866 Dt Activation Date LocalMktDate 2004-06-21

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 83 Security List Update – Option Series – Modify FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block    /Evnt   /Instrmt   Instrmt 965 Status Instrument Status (1=Active, 2=Inactive) Integer 1 55 Sym Symbol String IWO 461 CFI Default Values (refer to page 9) String OCASPS 20050219 (4 for year, 2 for month, 2 for 200 MMY Expiration Month, Year, and Day MonthYear day) 541 MatDt Maturity Date LocalMktDate 2005-02-19 202 StrkPx Strike Price 75 The number of Evnt blocks present in the message is dependent on the product data. There will be one event block present for each Listing Exchange that has designated a series as Closing Only.    Evnt 865 EventTyp Event Type (100 = Closing Only) Integer 100 866 Txt Listing Exchange String XCBO    /Evnt The number of Evnt blocks present in the message is dependent on the product data. If a product has both an activation and inactivation date then two Evnt blocks will be present. If an Activation Date exists without a corresponding Inactivation Date then only a single Evnt block will be present.    Evnt Event Type (5 = Activation Date / First Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 5 866 Dt Activation Date LocalMktDate 2004-06-21    /Evnt    Evnt Event Type (6 = Inactivation Date / Last 865 EventTyp Trading Date) Integer 6 866 Dt Inactivation Date LocalMktDate 2004-06-28    /Evnt   /Instrmt /SecL

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 84 Security List Update – Option Series – Modify FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block /SecListUpd

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 85 Sample Message – Security List Update – Option Series – Modify

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 86 Sample Message – Security List Update – Option Series – Modify – Closing Only Indicator

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 87 Message Layout – Security List Update – Futures Contract – Modify Security List Update – Futures Contract – Modify FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block SecListUpd 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-22 Unique Identifier for the Security List Update 964 RptID report String 7074438 292 CorpActn Corporate Action Code (see chart on page 97) String 980 UpdateActn Update Action Code (A/M/D) String M  SecL   Instrmt 965 Status Instrument Status (1=Active, 2=Inactive) Integer 2 55 Sym Symbol String AMD1N 48 ID Futures Symbol String AMD1N 22 Src 8 = Exchange Symbol String 8 CHAR1 = F CHAR2 = X CHAR3 = X CHAR4 = X CHAR5 = X 461 CFI CHAR6 = X String FXXXXX 20041217 (4 for year, 2 for month, 2 for 200 MMY Expiration Month, Year, and Day MonthYear day) 541 MatDt Maturity Date LocalMktDate 2004-12-17    Evnt Event Type (5 = Activation Date / First Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 5 866 Dt Activation Date LocalMktDate 2003-09-22    /Evnt   /Instrmt   Instrmt

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 88 Security List Update – Futures Contract – Modify FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block 965 Status Instrument Status (1=Active, 2=Inactive) Integer 1 55 Sym Symbol String AMD1N 48 ID Futures Symbol String AMD1N 22 Src 8 = Exchange Symbol String 8 461 CFI Default Values (refer to page 9) String FFSPSX 20041217 (4 for year, 2 for month, 2 for 200 MMY Expiration Month, Year, and Day MonthYear day) 541 MatDt Maturity Date LocalMktDate 2004-12-17 The number of Evnt blocks present in the message is dependent on the product data. If a product has both an activation and inactivation date then two Evnt blocks will be present. If an Activation Date exists without a corresponding Inactivation Date then only a single Evnt block will be present.    Evnt Event Type (5 = Activation Date / First Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 5 866 Dt Activation Date LocalMktDate 2003-09-22    /Evnt    Evnt Event Type (6 = Inactivation Date / Last 865 EventTyp Trading Date) Integer 6 866 Dt Inactivation Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-25    /Evnt   /Instrmt /SecL /SecListUpd

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 89 Sample Message – Security List Update – Futures Contract – Modify

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 90 Message Layout – Security List Update – Option Series – Delete

Security List Update – Option Series – Delete FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block SecListUpd 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-22 Unique Identifier for the Security List Update 964 RptID report String 7075520 980 UpdateActn Update Action Code (A/M/D) String D  SecL   Instrmt 965 Status Instrument Status (1=Active, 2=Inactive) Integer 2 55 Sym Symbol String WRV CHAR1 = O CHAR2 = Put/Call Code CHAR3 = X CHAR4 = X CHAR5 = X 461 CFI CHAR6 = X String OCXXXX 20050122 (4 for year, 2 for month, 2 for 200 MMY Expiration Month, Year, and Day MonthYear day) 541 MatDt Maturity Date LocalMktDate 2005-01-22 202 StrkPx Strike Price 47.500000    Evnt Event Type (5 = Activation Date / First Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 5 866 Dt Activation Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-25    /Evnt /Instrmt  /SecL /SecListUpd

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 91 Sample Message – Security List Update – Option Series – Delete

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 92 Message Layout – Security List Update – Futures Contract – Delete Security List Update – Futures Contract – Delete FIX Mapping Data Data Type Sample Data Tag # Report Component Sub Sub Sub Fields Block Block Component Component Block Block SecListUpd 715 BizDt Clearing Business Date LocalMktDate 2004-10-19 Unique Identifier for the Security List Update 964 RptID report String 7072350 980 UpdateActn Update Action Code (A/M/D) String D  SecL   Instrmt 965 Status Instrument Status (1=Active, 2=Inactive) Integer 2 55 Sym Symbol String ABX1N 48 ID Futures Symbol String ABX1N 22 Src 8 = Exchange Symbol String 8 CHAR1 = F CHAR2 = X CHAR3 = X CHAR4 = X CHAR5 = X 461 CFI CHAR6 = X String FXXXXX 20041217 (4 for year, 2 for month, 2 for 200 MMY Expiration Month, Year, and Day MonthYear day) 541 MatDt Maturity Date LocalMktDate 2004-12-17    Evnt Event Type (5 = Activation Date / First Trading 865 EventTyp Date) Integer 5 866 Dt Activation Date LocalMktDate 2003-09-22    /Evnt /Instrmt /SecL /SecListUpd

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 93 Sample Message – Security List Update – Futures Contract – Delete

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 94 Sample Message – Security Update – Futures Product and Contract – End-Of-Day Futures Transmission *

Sample Message – Security Update – Options Product and Contract – End-Of-Day Option Transmission *

* The number of messages sent on the End-Of-Day Security Update transmissions reflect totals of both product and series/contract messages because these messages use the same Transmission ID.

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 95 Implementation Considerations

Corporate Action Processing

Products A Security Definition Update message with an Update Action of Add is generated for the new product. This message includes a single Instrument block with a status of Active. No notification is made of the adjusted product since OCC will continue to maintain the product as active for an undetermined amount of time due to possible processing issues. If the product is made inactive at some later date, the inactivation will be sent to DDS subscribers at that time but the relationship to the corporate action will not be communicated.

Series/Contracts A Security List Update message with an Update Action of Modify is generated to show the modification of the Inactivate Date on the old series or contract. This message includes two Instrument blocks: one with a status of 2 (Old) and another with a status of 1 (New).

A Security List Update message with an Update Action of Add is generated for the new series or contract. This message includes a single Instrument block with a status of 1 (New).

A Security List Update message with an Update Action of Modify and the appropriate Corporate Action code is generated to show the relationship between the newly activated instrument and the newly inactivated instrument. his message includes two Instrument blocks: one with a status of 2 (Old) and another with a status of 1 (New).

On deletes and modifies with status = 2, database lookups are not performed for certain fields. The specific series info (product symbol, CFI Code, expiration date, strike, and activation date) should be used as a key for lookup on the DDS users systems.

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 96 Corporate Actions

Corporate Action Codes DDS Corporate Action field values are:

DDS Corporate Action Type (FIX Enumeration) Cash Dividend F Stock Dividend G Non-Integer Stock Split H Reverse Stock Split I Standard-Integer Stock Split J Position Consolidation K Liquidation Reorganization L Merger Reorganization M Rights Offering N Shareholder Meeting O Spinoff P Tender Offer Q Warrant R Special Action S Symbol Conversion T CUSIP / Name U Position Consolidation Symbol Conversion K T Wrap Not Applicable

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 97 In addition to the changes to corporate action code indicators, additional considerations must be defined for Corporate Actions processing. Due to the way that a Corporate Action is processed in the ENCORE system, a CA adjustment that requires a new instrument to be listed by the OCC would create the following FIXML message flow: An example of the SecListUpd message flow resulting from a 2-for-1 Stock Split Corporate Action follows:

(1) Modify message reflecting the new Inactivate Date for the Series that is to be split.

(2) Add message reflecting the new Series (post-split).

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 98 Uniqueness Checking The nature of real time messages creates the possibility of multiple messages per series update. Therefore, recipient systems must interrogate the following fields and check for uniqueness against previously processed security update messages for the current processing day.  RptID  BizDt  CorpActn (for Series/Contracts only)

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 99 ENCORE Transmission Start of Day Message

Overview The Start of Day message is broadcast to all subscribers indicating that a new cycle has begun. This message is broadcast only once in any one cycle and is only available for real-time users.

Sample Message – Start of Day

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 100 Please Note: Reasonable measures are taken by OCC to ensure the accuracy of the information it distributes in its DDS program. This information is produced from data received from a number of different sources, which are believed to be reliable. However, due to the number of sources for such data, the possibility of human error, and the risks inherent in electronic distribution, there may be omissions or inaccuracies in such information and delays or interruptions in providing it. Accordingly, OCC disclaims all express or implied warranties with respect to the information distributed in its DDS program, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Further, information sent on a real time basis should not be considered final until OCC issues an end of day message advising no additional transmissions will be made on a particular business day.

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 101 Appendix A

Explanation of DDS Product Multipliers

With the implementation of ENCORE, several product multipliers were introduced to simplify the calculation of various derived/extended values used throughout OCC’s clearing system. Below is a breakdown and explanation of these multipliers in DDS.

Strike Multiplier (tag name StrkMult)

The strike multiplier is a number that identifies where the decimal for the strike price should be. For example, for a strike of $1,000, a multiplier of 0.1 will help tell us the actual strike. In this example it is $100.

The Strike Multiplier is always 1.0 for Equity Options, is usually 1.0 for Index Options, but will be 0.1 for “half-point” Index Options.

Strike Value (tag name StrkValu)

The Strike Value is a number that the user will define for 1 unit of strike value.

For example, if the strike value = 100, then a strike of $17 would equal to $1,700. This field will be used for calculating extended strike values and is used to make calculating extended strike and settlement value easier and more intuitive.

The number of units represented by the Strike Value is comprised of: 1) Number of shares for Equity Options 2) A dollar amount for Index Options

The typical value of this multiplier for Equity and Index options is 100.

The Strike Value in DDS accounts for products with multiple delivery components.

Trade Value (tag name Mult)

It is a number that the user will define for 1 unit of trade premium value. For example, if the trade value = 100, then a premium of $1.50 will be equal to $150. This field will be used for calculating premium money extensions.

The number of units represented by the Trade Value is comprised of: 1) Number of shares for Equity Options 2) A dollar amount for Index Options

The typical value of this multiplier for Equity and Index options is 100. In the majority of cases, the Trade Premium has to be extended to the same base as the Strike Price. Therefore, the Trade Value will usually be the same as the Strike Value.

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 102 Use of Product Multipliers in Extended Value Calculations

Extended Strike Calculation

DDS method of calculating extended strike: extended strike price = strike price * strike multiplier * strike value

Extended Trade Premium Calculation DDS method of calculating extended premium: extended trade premium per contract = trade premium * trade value * no. of contracts

Various Product Examples

Standard Equity Option

Symbol = IBM Strike Price = $75 Trade Premium = $3.25 No. of contracts = 25

DDS: Strike Multiplier (StrkMult) = 1.0 Strike Value (StrkValu) = 100 Trade Value (Mult) = 100

Extended Strike Price (DDS) = strike price * strike multiplier * strike value = $75 * 1.0 * 100 = $7,500

Extended Trade Premium (DDS) = trade premium * trade value * no. of contracts = $3.25 * 100 * 25 = $8,125

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 103 Equity Option After a 3 for 2 Stock Split

Symbol = YIW Strike Price = $35 Trade Premium = $2.75 No. of contracts = 25

DDS: Strike Multiplier (StrkMult) = 1.0 Strike Value (StrkValu) = 150 Trade Value (Mult) = 150

Extended Strike Price (DDS) = strike price * strike multiplier * strike value = $35 * 1.0 * 150 = $5,250

Extended Trade Premium (DDS) = trade premium * trade value * no. of contracts = $2.75 * 150 * 25 = $10,312.50

Standard Index Option

Symbol = DJX Strike Price = $76 Trade Premium = $1.50 No. of contracts = 25

DDS: Strike Multiplier (StrkMult) = 1.0 Strike Value (StrkValu) = 100 Trade Value (Mult) = 100

Extended Strike Price (DDS) = strike price * strike multiplier * strike value = $76 * 1.0 * 100 = $7,600

Extended Trade Premium (DDS) = trade premium * trade value * no. of contracts = $1.50 * 100 * 25 = $3,750

Mini Index Option

Symbol = QCE Strike Price = $125 Trade Premium = $1.50 No. of contracts = 25

DDS: Strike Multiplier (StrkMult) = 1.0 Strike Value (StrkValu) = 10 Trade Value (Mult) = 10

Extended Strike Price (DDS) = strike price * strike multiplier * strike value = $125 * 1.0 * 10 = $1,250

Extended Trade Premium (DDS) = trade premium * trade value * no. of contracts = $1.50 * 10 * 25 = $375

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 104 Appendix B

Revision History Version Date Author Version Updates

3.6 9/6/2013 OCC  Updated Security List – Option Series layout and sample message to add Evnt block for closing only designation.  Updated Security List Update – Option Series to modify layout and sample message to add Evnt block for closing only designation.  Added Appendix B - Revision History

3.7 2/7/2014 OCC  Updated the Eligible Securities Report layout Sym block to indicate that OCC removes dollar signs from security symbols that are received from IDSI.  Updated the Eligible Securities Report layout MktSegGrp block to appear as a component rather than as a subcomponent.

3.8 6/30/2014 OCC  Updated cover page logo.  Removed references to NYL. 3.9 8/26/2014 OCC Added Final Composite Underlying Prices transmissions for Equity Options and Index Options.

3.10 9/2/2015 OCC  Adjusted note for third full component blocks in the Market Data Full – Prices – Options layout.  Added EDGX Options exchange.

3.11 11/19/2015 OCC  Corrected Message Structure, Message Layout and Sample Message for Security Definition – Eligible Securities Report  Added section for Escrow Program Eligible Security Report for Escrow Program Changes project.

3.12 12/15/2015 OCC  Added ISE Mercury exchange.  Corrected two typos (Debit should be Debt)

3.13 12/6/2016 OCC  Added MPRL exchange.

3.14 06/15/2017 OCC  Replaced all sample messages containing SettlTyp="4" with SettlTyp="3" 3.15 9/18/2017 OCC Updated the Market Data Full – Prices – Futures layout table for potentially negative futures prices.

OCC — Last Updated Sept. 2017 ENCORE Data Distribution Services Guide – Non-Proprietary Transmissions — Version 3.15 — Page 105

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