Student Athletic Interest And Abilities Survey

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Student Athletic Interest And Abilities Survey

STUDENT ATHLETIC INTEREST SURVEY Under Washington State law, school districts are required to conduct a student survey once every three years to determine student interest in athletic programs. Your responses to this survey will help determine if your school is accommodating the athletic interests and abilities of students, including whether to add additional teams.

School: ______Grade: ______Date: ______(Circle One): MALE FEMALE

1. Do you currently participate in a sport at your school? a. Yes b. No If you said YES, list the sport(s) below:

2. If you said No, why not? a. I am not interested in playing any sport b. I am not interested in the sports offered by my school c. Tried out, but did not make the team d. Two of the sports I like are offered at the same time e. Low grades f. After-school job g. After-school responsibilities for my family h. After-school participation in other school-related activities i. Parents do not want me to play sports j. I have a conflict with the coach k. It is too expensive to participate l. Other:______

3. Do you currently play a sport outside of your school sports program? For example, a sport offered by a community center, a select team, or a club team? a. Yes b. No If you said YES, list the sport(s) below:

Equity and Civil Rights Office, OSPI May 1, 2011

4. Are all sports that you are interested in playing offered at your school? a. Yes b. No

5. Would you participate in the following sport(s) if the opportunity were available to you? Select (circle) up to 4 sports - DO NOT select a sport you are already playing at your school!

a. Badminton r. Rifle b. Baseball s. Skiing c. Basketball t. Slow-pitch Softball d. Bowling u. Soccer e. Competitive Martial Arts v. Swimming/Diving f. Competitive Stunt and Tumbling w. Tennis g. Crew (rowing) x. Track and Field h. Cross Country y. Ultimate Frisbee i. Fast-pitch Softball z. Volleyball j. Fencing aa. Water polo k. Field Hockey bb. Wrestling l. Football cc. Other: m. Golf ______n. Gymnastics dd. Other: o. Ice Hockey ______p. Lacrosse q. Power lifting

6. (OPTIONAL) Additional comments or concerns you would like to share about your interest in athletics.

7. (OPTIONAL) If you would like to be contacted to discuss your responses to this survey or to share your interest in adding a sport, please print your name below:

Name: ______

Equity and Civil Rights Office, OSPI May 1, 2011

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