Clyffe Pypard Parish Council

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Clyffe Pypard Parish Council

MINS Clyffe Pypard Parish Council

Parish Council Meeting – Monday 21 st March 2016– at the Village Hall 7.45pm

Attendance: : Cllrs Peter Gantlett( PG), , Ed Rudler(ER),) Marian Kent (MK) Chris Thompson (CT ) Gwen Clarke (GC) Bill Hawkins( BH) Jenni Lake (JL)


Minutes of last meeting ;minutes of meetings held on the 19th Jan and 7th March were agreed Matters arising ;JL hedge;…Wiltshire Council had changed their minds and asked for this hedge to be cut , which it now had. .

Item 1 Financial report ; Balance stands at £3050.50 Item 2 Planning a)Planning Applications It was noted 16/01173 Bushton Farm……mobile homes for farm workers…………….. pending 16/00259 Goddard Arms.. change of use ……………….withdrawn 16/00463 2 Manor farm cottages Thornhill extension ………………..pending There are no applications to consider Item 3 … Neighborhood Plan.. . Parish Chapter. On hold due to withdrawal of some parishes. The Parish Council agreed to continue with their participation in the NEWV neighborhood plan. Item 4 …Community Plan . How to make our roads safer. After some discussion the following suggestions were agreed i) speed limit reductions, while the PC would continue to ask, it was felt unlikely anything would happen ii) traffic calming at entrance to village; PC to ask for line painting on the road iii) development and road safety , this is in neighborhood plan. iv) footpaths and bridleways , these are responsibilities of landowners with Wiltshire council the enforcing body.v) Quite lane ; This matter to be looked into in more detail with a view to making Wood St a quite lane.

Item 5 Village Hall. . Item 6 Roads Conditions ;

Item 7 Road Safety .We are still waiting for white lines to be repainted at the cross roads. Item 8 AOB a)Spackman Trust .. Trustees working on revised constitution. b) Bushton Farm Tree Screen. There was a lively discussion regarding the level of nuisance caused by the lights at Bushton Farm. An article in the newsletter is asking residents to respond to AB or the parish council with their views. There are a number of possible solutions, but implementing them will depend on the level of concern.

Date of next meeting . 10th May


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