Genetics BIO 203 Lab Test II Guide

Types of Questions Multiple-choice, matching, short answer, fill in the blanks, explain, work out problems

Solutions/Dilutions  Be able to convert between different units of measurement for volumes and weights.  Go through homework questions and make sure you know how prepare molar, X and % solutions  Know which pipette to be used when measuring certain volumes

Restriction Digestion  What are restriction endonucleases and how do they function?  Which organisms produce these and why?  What are the uses of these enzymes?

Agarose gel electrophoresis  Know how to prepare agarose solutions for gel electrophoresis  Know the theory behind gel electrophoresis. What is the function of the loading dye? the DNA ladder?  How does ethidium bromide makes DNA visible under UV light?

QTL traits: Analysis of a quantitative trait  Be able to calculate mean and standard deviation for a given set of data  Be able to estimate how many genes would control a polygenic trait

PCR  What does PCR stands for  Who discovered it  What are primers and their function?  Explain the PCR process in your own words  What are the requirements to carry out PCR? (i.e, What ingredient do you need to add to the tube?)  Be able to label the 5’ and 3’ ends in a PCR diagram

Alu polymorphism  Go through the lab exercise in its entirety  What are Alus? Which organisms have these? What is the evolutionary significance?  Know the basis behind DNA extraction from cheek cells. Why did we extract cells in saline? What is the role of chelex?  PCR step: What was in the PCR tube that had the bead? What is the annealing temp. How many cycles?  Results: Size of the two bands, what the two alleles represent?  Be able to calculate genotype and allele frequencies from data sets.

Human VNTR polymorphism  What does VNTR stands for  What kind of markers are these, where are they located?  What is the name of the specific VNTR that we used in the lab? Which chromosome is it located in? How many alleles?

Human DNA fingerprinting using STR analysis  Go through the Powerpoints  What are codis loci? How many STRs are used in forensic DNA fingerprinting?  What is amyogenin locus used for?  What is the probability of obtaining a match between any two random people using the codis loci?