Read two texts on a specific issue. The texts must reflect opposing viewpoints on the same issue. Analyze the perspectives, evaluate the arguments, and determine the types of evidence used.

Synthesize the arguments and evidence from each of the texts to determine your position on the topic.

Write an essay in which you state your opinion on the topic and support it with two reasons. You must properly incorporate quotes from the texts in the first two body paragraphs. The third body paragraph must include a counterargument in which you dispute (disagree with) one argument from the opposing side and support your counterargument with two properly incorporated quotes from the text.

Structure of the persuasive essay: introduction: lead: startling statement, quote, background information, general statement, description, specific example

thesis statement with your position & two reasons body paragraph 1: topic sentence with appropriate transition stating your first reason (Transitions to begin topic sentence: First, To begin with)

evidence for your reason, including two properly incorporated quotes from the text. Include proper parenthetical documentation for each quote: (Goodall 667). (AMA 684). body paragraph 2: State your second reason in the topic sentence. Follow the same format as body paragraph 1. (transitions to begin topic sentence: Second, Next) body paragraph 3: Discuss a counterargument in which you dispute (disagree with) one of the opposition’s objections.

(You may begin the first sentence this way: While it is true that animal rights activists / the American Medical Association claim(s) that______, this argument isn’t convincing because ______.)

Include evidence for your counterargument with two properly incorporated quotes. Include parenthetical documentation for each quote. conclusion: restatement of thesis (Begin this sentence with this transition: As you can see, )

closing remarks (call to action, personal reaction to the situation, look to the future) Write the Thesis.

1. Refer to the chart of reasons to be against and for using animals in biomedical research.

2. Choose a position: Animals should be used for biomedical research... 3. Now choose two reasons from the “for” column:

 most modern medical advances have required such experiments

 a total ban would be dangerous to public health

4. Combine the position and the two reasons into a thesis statement: Animals should be used for biomedical research because most modern medical advances have required such experiments and a total ban would be dangerous to public health. Write the Lead. The following are 6 suggestions for leads appropriate for an essay against the death penalty. Use one of these as a model for your lead.

Startling Statement Imagine 100 people being put to death for crimes they did not commit. That is the number of people who sat on death row waiting for their execution, but they were spared when they were granted a new trial and found not guilty (Banks). I oppose the death penalty because it is fallible and unconstitutional.

Quote In Resistance, Rebellion, and Death, Albert Camus, the French philosopher, stated, “For centuries the death penalty…has been trying to hold crime in check; yet crime persists.” This observation reveals a significant flaw in the reasoning of those who support the death penalty. I oppose the death penalty because it is ineffective in deterring crime and unconstitutional.

Background Information Drowning pits, disembowelment, burning at the stake, and beheading—all of these were at one time considered acceptable means of execution (Melusky). Of course, today they are all considered cruel, but America’s current execution methods are just as barbarous. I oppose the death penalty because it is inhumane and unconstitutional. General Statement The attitude of the public toward the treatment of prisoners has changed over time. Previously, most people agreed that being sent to jail was a punishment, so it didn’t matter if the prisoner was mistreated. Today, however, many think that prison should be a place for rehabilitation. In the same way, attitudes toward the death penalty are undergoing change as people consider the arguments against capital punishment. I oppose the death penalty because it is ineffective in deterring crime and unconstitutional.

Description Sour sweat beading on his forehead, the condemned man trudges down the darkened corridor to his execution. Keeping pace on either side are grim-faced guards, tightly gripping the man’s arms to keep him from collapsing. This pathetic scene does not happen too often nowadays, but even once is too much. I oppose the death penalty because it is inhumane and unconstitutional.

Specific Example Earl Washington, a Virginia man with limited mental capacity, was sentenced to death after he allegedly confessed to committing a 1982 murder he didn’t commit. He served a decade on death row, once coming within nine days of execution before receiving a stay. He would serve a total of 17 years behind bars before DNA testing obtained by the Innocence Project cleared him in 2000 (Innocence Project). This man’s experience is just one example showing that the death penalty should be eliminated because it is fallible and unconstitutional. Write the First Body Paragraph.

1. Write the topic sentence stating reason #1. Include an appropriate transition. Do not copy reason #1 from the thesis; instead, paraphrase it.

Reason #1 from the thesis statement: most modern medical advances have required such experiments

Paraphrase of reason #1: To begin with / First, experiments on animals have resulted in most modern medical improvements.

2. Find two pieces of evidence to support this reason in the text. See page 682.

First evidence sentence: One demonstration of the critical role that animals play in medical and scientific advances is that 54 of the 76 Nobel Prizes awarded in physiology or medicine since 1901 have been for discoveries and advances made through the use of experimental animals.

Second evidence sentence: Among these have been the Prize awarded in 1985 for the studies that documented the relationship between cholesterol and heart disease. 3. Paraphrase each evidence sentence. End the second sentence with a parenthetical citation that will tell the reader where the ideas came from. Use this citation: (AMA 683) . Notice the period is after the parenthesis: 

How to Paraphrase Correctly

The rule is that you should not have any more than THREE words in a row the same as the author’s or you have plagiarized. It is not necessary to paraphrase proper nouns, technical terms, or simple phrases, such as “since 1901.”

Use these 3 techniques when you paraphrase:

substitute synonyms in place of the author’s words critical—crucial illegal aliens—illegal foreign nationals children—offspring in the future—later The substitute synonym must not change the meaning of the text. Example: During last year’s massive demonstrations across the United States, many protestors were waving Mexican flags… Inappropriate synonym for demonstrations: examples Appropriate synonyms: marches / rallies / protests

Example: Billions of bonds in recent years have been passed to fund our schools. Inappropriate paraphrase: Billions of agreements in sudden years have been carried through to fund our school house. Appropriate paraphrase: In recent years, bonds worth billions have been approved to provide funds for our schools.

change the order of some words, when appropriate Nobel Prizes awarded in physiology or medicine …awarded in medicine or physiology

change the structure of the sentence

 If possible, move adverbs or prepositional phrases to a different place in the sentence.

example: Billions of bonds in recent years...

In recent years billions of bonds...

 Change a passive voice verb to an active voice verb, if possible.

passive voice verb: Billions of bonds in recent years have been passed to fund our schools. active voice verb: In recent years, voters have approved bonds worth billions to provide funds for our schools.  Change the order of ideas in the sentence:

example: ...these conditions make the use of human subjects difficult or impossible

It is difficult and even impossible to use human subjects in conditions like these.

Paraphrasing the first evidence sentence

Original text: One demonstration of the critical role that animals play in medical and scientific advances is that 54 of the 76 Nobel Prizes awarded in physiology or medicine since 1901 have been for discoveries and advances made through the use of experimental animals.


For example, one indication of the crucial part that animals have had in scientific and medical advances is that about two-thirds of the Nobel Prizes awarded in medicine or physiology since 1901 have been for advances and discoveries made by using experimental animals.

**************************** Paraphrasing the second evidence sentence:

Original source:

Among these have been the Prize awarded in 1985 for the studies that documented the relationship between cholesterol and heart disease.


Such a Prize was the one given in 1985 for the research that showed the connection between heart disease and cholesterol (AMA 683) .

Notice the period is after the second parenthesis. 

This is the first body paragraph:

To begin with / First, experiments on animals have resulted in most modern medical improvements. For example, one indication of the crucial part that animals have had in scientific and medical advances is that about two-thirds of the Nobel Prizes awarded in medicine or physiology since 1901 have been for advances and discoveries made by using experimental animals. Such a Prize was the one given in 1985 for the research that showed the connection between heart disease and cholesterol (AMA 683).

Write the second body paragraph.

1. Write the topic sentence stating reason #2. Include an appropriate transition, such as Next or Second. Do not copy the reason from the thesis; instead, paraphrase it.

reason #2: a total ban would be dangerous to public health

2. Find two pieces of evidence to support this reason in the text. See page 683.

First evidence sentence: The consequences of such a step were set forth by the Office of Technology Assessment in its report to Congress: “Implementation of this option would effectively arrest most basic biomedical and behavioral research and toxicological testing in the United States.”

Second evidence sentence: The economic and public health consequences of that, the OTA warned Congress, “are so unpredictable and speculative that this course of action should be considered dangerous.”

3. Paraphrase the underlined part of each sentence and copy the last part. Put quotation marks around the part you copy. End each sentence with a parenthetical citation that will tell the reader where the idea came from. Put this citation after you close the quotations marks: (AMA 683) . Notice that the period is after the second parenthesis: 

Write the third body paragraph.

The third body paragraph is called the counterargument paragraph. You will refute/disagree with one of the reasons from the opposition.

1. From the chart, choose one of the reasons from those who are against using animals in medical research and include the AMA’s counterargument to this reason.

Animal rights activists claim: Experimentation should be done only on humans.

AMA’s counterargument to the above claim: Many processes can be better studied using animals.

2. Write the topic sentence following this format:

While some people say that ______, this argument is not convincing because ______.

While some people say that experimentation should be done only on humans, this argument is not convincing because many processes can be better studied using animals. 3. Find two pieces of evidence to support the AMA’s answer. See page 681.

First evidence sentence: Some experiments require numerous subjects of the same weight or genetic makeup or require special diets or physical environments ; “these conditions make the use of human subjects difficult or impossible.”

Second evidence sentence: By using animals in such tests, researchers can observe subjects of uniform age and background in sufficient numbers “to determine if findings are consistent and applicable to a large population.”

3. Paraphrase the underlined part of each sentence and copy the last part. Put quotation marks around the part you copy. End each sentence with a parenthetical citation that will tell the reader where the idea came from.

Put this citation after you close the quotations marks: (AMA 683) . Notice that the period is after the second parenthesis:  Write the conclusion.

1. Begin with a restatement of the thesis.

Do not copy the thesis; instead paraphrase the ideas.

Thesis from the introduction: Animals should be used for medical research because most modern medical advances have required such experiments and a total ban would be dangerous to public health.

One method of paraphrasing is to change the structure of the sentence. In the restatement below, notice that the position has been moved to the end, and the reasons have been moved to the beginning. Also, the position and the reasons have been reworded.

Restatement of the thesis: As you can see, because there have been so many advances in medicine and a complete ban would harm the health of the public, I favor using animals for research. 2. End the conclusion with one of these:

 a call to action (What do you want your readers to do?)  personal reaction to the situation, or  a look to the future.