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Technology Pacing Guide s1

Technology Pacing Guide Sixth Grade

GLCE O P A C Assessment Vocabulary Resources/Integration Ideas 6-8.CI. Creativity and Innovation – By the end of grade 8 each student will: 1. apply common software features (e.g., X X Before: Discussion Blog Create a brochure using Microsoft spellchecker, thesaurus, formulas, charts, File sharing PowerPoint or Prezi titled “All graphics, sounds) to enhance communication During: Observation PowerPoint About Me.” with an audience and to support creativity. Presentation After: Project: Create a brochure Query using MS PowerPoint or Prezi. Spam Spell check nMS/Henri/All-about-Me- Thesaurus Brochure.doc Virus

2. create an original project (e.g., presentation, X X X Before: Brainstorming Animation web page, newsletter, information brochure) Graph Have students create an online using a variety of media (e.g., animations, During: Observation Graphics poster. graphs, charts, audio, graphics, video) to Web page present content information to an audience. After: Rubric: Have students create an online poster on current issues.

3. illustrate a content-related concept using a X Before: KWL Concept map model, simulation, or concept-mapping Software Have students create a mind map to software. During: Observation examine content area.

After: Concept Map on content area.

6-8.CC. Communication and Collaboration – By the end of grade 8 each student will:

Sixth Grade Technology Pacing Guide – May 2012 1 GLCE O P A C Assessment Vocabulary Resources/Integration Ideas 1. use digital resources (e.g., discussion groups, X X Before: Discussion Blackboard blogs, podcasts, videoconferences, Moodle, Blog Blackboard) to collaborate with peers, During: Daily assignments Email Teaches students how to create a experts, and other audiences. Moodle podcast: After: Response Card: Have Podcast students discuss what they have Skype learned using digital resources. Video conference

2. use collaborative digital tools to explore X X X Before: Discussion Digital tools Discuss what students know about common curriculum content with learners Podcast ways to communicate through the from other cultures. During: Observation Skype use of technology. Use resources to create accounts for posting After: Summaries: Have assignments, answering discussion students discuss learning questions, communicating, or experience. collaborating with other cultures. _skype-education-ideas.html

Students create a podcast using their cell phones:

X X X Before: KWL 3. identify effective uses of technology to Collaboration Have students use this site to support communication with peers, family, or During: Daily Assignments Digital collaborate with peers, submit school personnel. Edmodo completed work, and acquire missing After: Checklist: monitor Resources assignments. students’ completion of assignments.

6-8.RI. Research and Information Literacy – By the end of grade 8 each student will:

Sixth Grade Technology Pacing Guide – May 2012 2 GLCE O P A C Assessment Vocabulary Resources/Integration Ideas 1. use a variety of digital resources to locate X Before: KWL Accurate Computer based research project, information. Boolean Webquest, or Web hunt. During: Quick-Write Reliable activity/observations. Research How to Research: Website After: Produce a research html project of your choice. Internet Task Cards: s/view_activity.cgi?activity_id=5334

2. evaluate information from online information X X Before: Class discussion about Accurate resources for accuracy and bias. validity of websites in general. Bias Boolean Use Wikipedia to demonstrate that During: Compare and contrast Reliable not all information is accurate. various websites and conference Wikipedia with students. Evaluating Website Validity Document: After: Given a list of websites, determine their usefulness and staffweb/tolbert/Composition/Websit validity. e%20Critical%20Review/Evaluating %20Website%20Validity %5B1%5D.pdf

3. understand that using information from a X X Before: Class discussion about Accurate Have students identify different single Internet source might result in the validity of websites in general. Boolean types of information on the same reporting of erroneous facts and that multiple Reliable topic and understand domain sources should always be researched. During: Compare and contrast Research names: various websites and conference Website with students. teach.html#search

After: Given a list of websites, http://corina- determine their usefulness and validity. /2008/02/how-to-tell-reliable-sites- from-bad.html

Sixth Grade Technology Pacing Guide – May 2012 3 GLCE O P A C Assessment Vocabulary Resources/Integration Ideas 4. identify types of web sites based on their X Before: KWL .com domain names (e.g., edu, com, org, gov, net). Domain Have students create a mind map to During: Discussion .edu examine the different domain names. .gov After: Unit Test: Assess .org students on what they retained URL regarding a specific domain names.

5. employ data-collection technologies (e.g., X X Before: Brainstorming GPS probes, handheld devices, GPS units, Device Teaching ideas for GPS geographic mapping systems) to gather, During: Think/Pair /Share Handheld view, and analyze the results for a content- PDA related problem. After: Observation: Plan a scavenger hunt. Have the students use a handheld device to track location of items.

6-8.CT. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making – By the end of grade 8 each student will: 1. use databases or spreadsheets to make X X X Before: Think-alouds Excel Variety of resources to teach students predictions, develop strategies, and evaluate Prediction how to evaluate websites. Have decisions to assist with solving a problem. During: Observation Spreadsheet students create a spreadsheet to determine if specific websites meet After: Project: Have students certain criteria or which is real and create a spreadsheet of reliable which is not real: websites based on a list provided by the teacher.

Sixth Grade Technology Pacing Guide – May 2012 4 GLCE O P A C Assessment Vocabulary Resources/Integration Ideas 2. evaluate available digital resources and select X X X Before: Brainstorm about topic. Digital resources Choose an appropriate online the most appropriate application to Excel calculator from accomplish a specific task (e, g., word During: Daily assignments. Operating system processor, table, outline, spreadsheet, Spreadsheet presentation program). After: Observe student progress. http://corina- /2008/02/how-to-tell-reliable-sites- from-bad.html

3. gather data, examine patterns, and apply X X X Before: Brainstorming Digital resources http://corina- information for decision making using Domains available digital resources. During: Observation Hardware /2008/02/how-to-tell-reliable-sites- Online Help from-bad.html After: Website Operating system evaluation/rubric: Have students Software use rubric to evaluate websites. URL

4. describe strategies for solving routine X X X Before: KWL Hardware Demonstrate how to resolve hardware and software problems. Online Help technology issues: when a webpage During: Demonstration Software isn’t responding (force quit), computer freezes (ctrl+alt+del), etc. After: Unit test: Assess students on possible strategies to solve routine problems.

6-8.DC. Digital Citizenship – By the end of grade 8 each student will: 1. provide accurate citations when referencing X X X Before: KWL Copyright Research project: information sources. Digital footprint Create a research project that During: Think/Pair/Share File sharing addresses being a responsible digital Plagiarism citizen. After: Research Project: Have Privacy the students research the concept Security of being responsible digital viruses citizens.

Sixth Grade Technology Pacing Guide – May 2012 5 GLCE O P A C Assessment Vocabulary Resources/Integration Ideas 2. discuss issues related to acceptable and X X Before: Brainstorming Copyright Research project: responsible use of technology (e.g., privacy, Digital footprint Create a research project that security, copyright, plagiarism, viruses, file- During: Observation File sharing addresses being a responsible digital sharing). Plagiarism citizen. After: Mock Trial: Have Privacy students participate in a mock Security trial to find out if another student Viruses is either guilty/not guilty of being a responsible digital citizen. Use provided scenarios.

3. discuss the consequences related to unethical X X X Before: Discussion Copyright Copyright Website: use of information and communication Digital footprint technologies. During: Observation File sharing Plagiarism After: Summaries: Students Privacy htmystery/# discuss what they know Security regarding ethical practices. Viruses ght.swf

4. discuss possible societal impact of X X Before: Discussion Copyright Copyright Website: technology in the future and reflect on the Digital footprint importance of technology in the past. During: Observation File sharing Plagiarism After: Response cards: Students Privacy htmystery/# discuss what they have learned Security regarding digital citizenship. Viruses ght.swf

5. create media-rich presentations on the X X X Before: Brainstorm Copyright Lesson Plan Ideas on Internet Safety: appropriate and ethical use of digital tools Digital footprint and resources. During: Observation File sharing _safety_lesson_plans.htm Plagiarism After: Project: Using online Privacy presentation software, allow Security students to create project listing Viruses computer ethical use.

Sixth Grade Technology Pacing Guide – May 2012 6 GLCE O P A C Assessment Vocabulary Resources/Integration Ideas 6. discuss the long term ramifications (digital X X Before: Think Ethics footprint) of participating in questionable online activities (e.g., posting photos of During: Pair risqué poses or underage drinking, making threats to others). After: Share: Discuss what students understand regarding online protection.

7. describe the potential risks and dangers X X Before: Discussion Online Informative Video on Internet associated with online communications. communication Safety: During: Think-alouds advice-for-parents/internet-safety- After: Summaries tips-middle-school-kids

6-8.TC. Technology Operations and Concepts – By the end of grade 8 each student will: 1. identify file formats for a variety of X X Before: Discussion Digital Storage Variety of resources to create a applications (e.g., doc, xls, pdf, txt, jpg, File format database listing format types and mp3). During: Quizzes Filtering purpose. Queries After: Test students’ knowledge File type formats: on information learned. http://www.teach- /313_standard_applications/import_e xport_files/miniweb/pg3.htm#

2. use a variety of technology tools (e.g., X X Before: Observation Careers Computer Use Tutorials: dictionary, thesaurus, grammar-checker, Digital storage calculator) to maximize the accuracy of During: Discussion e-commerce p technology-produced materials. File format After: Observation Filtering Marketing Podcast Queries

Sixth Grade Technology Pacing Guide – May 2012 7 GLCE O P A C Assessment Vocabulary Resources/Integration Ideas 3. perform queries on existing databases. X X X Before: Brainstorm File format Computer Use Tutorials: Filtering During: Observation Queries p

After: Project: Create a database on monthly spending budget.

4. know how to create and use various functions X X X Before: Discussion Careers Computer Use Tutorials: available in a database (e.g., filtering, sorting, Digital storage charts). During: Daily assignments e-commerce p File format After: Test Filtering Marketing Podcast Queries

5. identify a variety of information storage X X X Before: Discussion Digital storage Computer Use Tutorials: devices (e.g., CDs, DVDs, flash drives, SD File format cards) and provide rationales for using a During: Daily assignments Filtering p certain device for a specific purpose. Queries After: Test

6. use accurate technology terminology. X X X Before: Discussion Digital storage Computer Use Tutorials: File format During: Observation/daily Filtering p assignments. Queries

After: Questions

Sixth Grade Technology Pacing Guide – May 2012 8 GLCE O P A C Assessment Vocabulary Resources/Integration Ideas 7. use technology to identify and explore X X X Before: Brainstorming Careers Use resources to assist students in various occupations or careers, especially Goals exploring career plans and those related to science, technology, During: Think-alouds Lifestyle opportunities: engineering, and mathematics. After: Research Paper: Complete paper on possible Future Vision of Information career choices. Technology & Our Life Style: v=KKz6qdexetY v=URaiVEY9QZU

8. discuss possible uses of technology to X X Before: Discussion Career Use resources to assist students in support personal pursuits and lifelong Reference exploring career plans and learning. During: Discussion Resume opportunities: After: Response cards: Students share knowledge of Future Vision of Information what their future plans are. Technology & Our Life Style: v=KKz6qdexetY v=URaiVEY9QZU

9. understand and discuss how assistive X X X Before: Discussion Career Use resources to assist students in technologies can benefit all individuals. -assessment exploring career plans and During: discussion Goals opportunities: Resume After: Project: Have students create a presentation listing 5 career choices.

Sixth Grade Technology Pacing Guide – May 2012 9 GLCE O P A C Assessment Vocabulary Resources/Integration Ideas 10. discuss security issues related to e- X X X Before: Discussion e-commerce Explore, evaluate use of online commerce. File format stores( Ebay, Amazon, During: Daily assignment Filtering marketing Research paper on history of e- After: Project: Have students Queries commerce. prepare a database evaluating the use of online stores. ml

O= Teachers Observation P=Portfolio Evidence A=Formal Assessment C=Tech Literacy Class

Sixth Grade Technology Pacing Guide – May 2012 10

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