Fannin County Water Authority Meeting

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Fannin County Water Authority Meeting

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MAY 27, 2015

The Regular meeting of the Fannin County Water authority was held May 27, 2015.

Stan Helton, Chairman, called the meeting to order.

Members present were Stan Helton, Chairman, Steve Patterson, Vice-Chairman, Anita Weaver, Zack Ratcliff, Tim Smith, Jackie Seabolt and Kay Kendall, Secretary. A quorum was present.

A motion was made by Anita Weaver to approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Water Authority held April 15, 2015. Jackie Seabolt seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Marnie Mashburn, Administrative Assistant, reported that there have been four cycles of billing completed for the My Mountain Project customers. She also reported that there is a customer in the My Mountain Subdivision who is concerned about the progress of the new Jockey Pump at Mountain Lookout and Blue Ridge Trails, which will improve her water pressure. Lynn Doss, with Doss & Associates reported that she is working on the easement for the jockey pump station. She also reported that she has attempted to contact the property owners where the Jockey Pump is planned to be stationed, but has had no response.

Marnie Mashburn reported that there have been more good reports from the My Mountain residents about their new water service from Fannin County Water Authority. She also reported that there have been a few inquiries for new service, but none were in the Fannin County Water Authority’s service area.

Stan Helton, Chairman, reported that the progress towards the next USDA Loan payment, due on 6/20/16, is accumulating quickly. The pie graph shows that the FCWA has collected 30 percent of the payment due. P a g e | 2

Ed Hawkins, Field Supervisor, reported that everything is running smoothly in the field and that there have only been a couple calls, but no major problems. Matt Smith, with Carter & Sloope, reported that the USDA Project should be closed-out at the USDA meeting on June 3, 2015. All USDA inspections are completed. He also reported that the USDA will send a letter explaining problems, if any. Matt reported that by the June Regular Water Authority meeting, the USDA Project can be declared completed.

Steve Patterson questioned if the Jockey Pump Station could be put in a different location, possibly where the old Quintrell well pump is. Shane Lawson reported that the old Quintrell pump may still be in use by the current owner. Matt Smith suggested that if the pump is not in use, then an easement could be obtained and the new jockey pump placed. He also explained that the building that the well is in is not large enough for the well and the jockey pump. He said they could construct a new building large enough. Lynn Doss reported that she will contact the current owner to check on the status of the well. Shane Lawson, with Carter & Sloope reported that 6 customers are being affected by the low water pressure around 30 lbs. The Jockey Pump will need to be paid for out of SPLOST because it was taken out of the USDA Project.

Stan Helton announced that the Fannin County Water Authority has obtained enough water commitments to move forward with the Riverwalk on the Toccoa Water Project. He also reported that Matt Smith had to change the scope of the project to exclude Bear Tracks Subdivision at this time.

Matt Smith reported that by changing the scope of the Riverwalk on the Toccoa Project, costs were cut by trimming the lines and excluding the labor costs. Ed Hawkins will provide the labor. He also reported that the materials will still be paid for by GEFA (Georgia Environmental Finance Authority). There will still be a 40 percent grant for the materials and the labor that Ed Hawkins could not handle with the small equipment such as bores of roads and rock removal.

Matt Smith reported that they will break-ground on the Riverwalk on the Toccoa Project in approximately 6 months – December 2015. The route to Riverwalk on the Toccoa will come up Robert Miller Road, pass the Bear Tracks Subdivision and P a g e | 3 into Riverwalk on the Toccoa. There will be a “T” set at the Bear Tracks Subdivision for possible future service. Matt Smith explained that the Fannin County Water Authority will have to bid out anything that Ed Hawkins will not do such as materials and some of the construction. He also reported that the fire hydrants in this project area will be set approximately every 500 feet.

Matt Smith reported that by using the GEFA funds, the funds would be drawn down as the project progresses. He also reported that Bear Tracks is still included in this project through GEFA, but GEFA has been notified that Bear Tracks might be cut-out. The funds will be available for Bear Tracks until the completion of the project. If Bear Tracks is not included by the completion of the Riverwalk on the Toccoa Project, then there will have to be a new, separate project for Bear Tracks.

Ron Klebba reported that the wells in Bear Tracks were never permitted and that the EPA is scheduled to visit Bear Tracks and inspect the Appalachian Water System, the current provider to Bear Tracks. He also reported that there are 23 potential homes in the Bear Tracks Subdivision.

Lynn Doss reported that she will know where the easements and right of ways will be necessary when the Riverwalk on the Toccoa Project area is completely mapped out.

A motion was made by Steve Patterson that the Fannin County Water Authority proceed with the GEFA application for the Riverwalk on the Toccoa Project based on the numbers presented by Lynn Doss of 60 and the recommendation from Carter & Sloope that there is a feasible number to continue with the project. Tim Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Stan Helton asked the reporters to send a message out letting the public know that the FCWA is looking for new projects. He also reported that the Budget committee has set a meeting to work together on the budget after the Regular Meeting in June.

Mr. Terry Walker, a Meadow Woods resident, reported that there is a lot of interest in the Meadow Woods Subdivision and that he is working on getting people on board. He reported that out of 45 owners, 20 have expressed interest. P a g e | 4

There are approximately 26 homes already built in Meadow Woods. This is a viable project with at least 25 sign-ups. Steve Patterson stated that the Fannin County Water Authority is always interested in new projects. Ed Hawkins explained to Mr. Walker that there are two separate charges when connecting to the County Water System and those are the tap fee and then there is another charge to run the line from the meter to the home; the tap fee will be paid to the FCWA, but the charge to run the line to the house is optional to the homeowner as to who will do this.

Mike Richardson, a homeowner on Forge Mill Road, inquired about connecting to the County Water System. He is currently on a well and has to change filters daily, but still will not consume water from his tap because he feels it is unsafe. His home is between Hidden Valley Road and Hemptown Creek, about a mile from where the line is currently. He said that there will be one other person interested along the route to his home. Ed Hawkins reported that the line will need to be run 2278 feet to reach Mike Richardson’s residence. The FCWA will look at this closer and give Mr. Richardson an estimate to connect to County Water.

Mr. Bill Simonds questioned how much water the county is using from the City of Morganton. Stan Helton explained that the FCWA is only using approximately 20 percent of what is allowable.

Tim Smith moved that the meeting adjourn. Jackie Seabolt seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

______, Stan Helton, Chairman

______, Kay K. Kendall, Secretary P a g e | 5

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