Christow Parish Council s1

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Christow Parish Council s1

Minutes of the meeting of Christow Parish Council held on Tuesday 6th March, 2012 at 7.30pm in the Bowden Room, Community Hall, Christow.

PRESENT: Councillors T. Archer; J. Orme; J. Edwards: W. Key; P. Woods; T. Prowse; S. Cann; S. Lee; County Cllr. J. Brook; and 7 members of the public.

1) Apologies For Absence: None received

2) Declarations Of Interest: Cllr. Cann item no 9.

3) Public Discussion - Opportunity for members of the public to ask questions and to raise issues. A parishioner spoke regarding planning appeal no 9. Cllr Brook – reported the county budget had been accepted; after a comprehensive spending review. Superfast broadband mentioned – very important to keep this at the top of the agenda – this needs to be supported especially out in the country. There will be monies for a snow machine – but after April in the next financial year. Cllr Brook left at this point. Discussion about phone boxes in Christow – the one at the post office stands on private land. Cllr. Edwards asked if the pump should be listed.

4) Minutes – the minutes of the meeting held on 7th February 2012 having been previously circulated were approved and signed by the chairman as a true record.

5) Notice Board – to view and approve design submitted by Dave Plummer. Suggest the noticeboard has a solid back in ply stained oak – internally a soft board so that pins can be put in. Perhaps a rubber one in the open part. Toughened glass in the closing doors. A new suggested site could be outside the surgery. A site meeting has been arranged after which planning permission will be applied for. Thank you to Dave Plummer for coming down to answer questions.

6) Annual Parish Meeting - Invite all local organisations to attend, who have been invited previously and the History group.


7) Planning Applications - Dartmoor National Park Authority has asked for comments from the Parish Council on the following planning applications: a) 0051/12 Erection of affordable detached bungalow on garden land, Greenacres, Butts Lane, Christow – result of site visit – Objection. Application withdrawn.

8) Planning Decisions: a) 0665/11 Renewal of permission for a single storey extension to front and rear of East Park, Wet Lane, Christow – Granted b) 0664/11 Two storey extension, Gleneagles, Christow – Granted

9) Appeals: 0514/11 Appeal against refusal of planning permission agricultural land to ancillary purposes, Myrtle Cottage, Dry Lane, Christow, has been filed.


10) Expenditure: TVCH Bowden Room rental for 2012 £204.00 SLCC for Clerks Manual £45.00 Trax-SN Jenks (BMX track inspection) £117.12

44 Bartlett Digital Print Newsletter February £86.00 Clerks’s salary February £201.58 Frontrunner – Jubilee mugs £627.00 SW Grounds Maintenance £316.00

10a)Tenders for grass cutting/hedge cutting were considered. Quote from Alex Weaving for hedge cutting included a slight increase on the previous year and was accepted, including cutting part of the hedge beside and behind the hall by hand. Quote from Paul Cary for grass cutting in the allotments, cemetary and recreation field, was accepted.

11) Income: Burial fees £480.00

12) Bank Reconciliation and Statement: The Chairman had checked the invoices, paying-in book, cheque book and bank statement against the reconciliation statement (circulated to all councillors with the agenda prior to the meeting) at the agenda meeting with the clerk. The council resolved to accept the accounts. Proposed by Cllr. Edwards; seconded by Cllr. Lee.

13) To arrange payments to Teignbridge DC by Direct Debit – all agreed. Proposed by Cllr. Orme and seconded by Cllr. Woods.

14) Review clerk’s salary - increase from 1st April by one point to SCP20. – All agreed.

15) Clerk’s holiday request – 8 days from 2011 be carried over to 2012 August. (this includes the 2 extra days as per the contract of employment). There is a need to be clear that Council are applying the right calculation. Allowed for this year as a one off application. All agreed. Personnel committee will continue to look at the small print.

16) Recreation field budget was considered. It does not need to be self-financing, as it provides a service to the village. Cllr. Woods requested Council look at the constitution regarding TVCH and why Christow no longer has its own hall. To be on a future agenda.

17) Financial Regulations – revised and updated. These were adopted. Proposed by Cllr. Cann, seconded by Cllr. Key, and signed by the chairman.



18) TVCH Notice Board: This notice board will be insured by the TVCH from 1st June 2012. It will also shortly be re-furbished.

19) Domestice Violence & Abuse Service: Request for a grant. Currently it is not Council policy to make grants outside the village.

20) BMX Track Inspection: Report from Steve Jenks. Read and noted.

21) Cemetery, Allotments, Recreation Field, Car Park & Bus Shelter: Cllrs. have arranged a visit as part of bi-annual risk assessments. Date arranged Sat 24th March – meet at 10am, at the allotments.

22) RoSPA – to continue to inspect the play areas annually. All agreed.

45 23) Christow News – how many issues is the PC going to pay for in 2012/2013, instructions having been given to the editors to make the News bi-monthly. Email letter sent 2.11.11. Cllr Lee has followed this up and the editorial team would prefer a monthly newsletter. Jamie Dunbar is the new main editor. The budget for 2012/2013 has been reduced to 6 copies per year. Cllr key suggested it could be a round up of news – always nice to see pictures particularly the show. A lot of the material would be fine bi-monthly, and it would then be more of an archive. It should be bi-monthly and try to complement the parish magazine – this would be down to the editors. Leave at the 5 current points for collection by parishioners. Cllr Lee to discuss with the editors – all agreed.

Cllr. Stephen Purser arrived.

24) Parish Council Website – was discussed and it was agreed to invite VisionICT to come and do demonstration website at the next meeting.

25) Rural Aid Fund – The skatepark has applied for £5000, the maximum possible for the parish. All agreed to put this application forward.

Cllr. Purser’s report. We know the council tax figures have been finalised. It is also the end of the consultation period of the core strategy for TDC. Further consultations are being instigated regarding the quantity of housing needed in the Teignbridge area. Cllr. Cann asked Cllr. Purser about the saving of newspapers at Bridford and how much does this raise each year – about £600. Could somewhere be found for Christow to re-cycle newspapers to raise funds. Agenda for next meeting.

Items for Information

Road Closure – 22-23rd May, 9am-4pm Dry Lane and Bridford Road past Elmsley for Highways.

Jubilee mugs – have arrived.

The next Council meeting is on Tuesday 3rd April 2012.

Meeting closed 8.55pm

Signed………………………………….. Date………………………………….


APPENDIX A – Circulation Envelope

Domestic Violence Information Dunsford minutes January 2012 Bridford minutes January 2012 Banking, Insurance, Cemetery matters from the SLCC Conference.


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