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ERIC BROACH 1 4 5 1 5 W U N D E R L I C H D R I V E U N I T 5 1 0 H O U S T O N , T X 7 7 0 6 9 E B R O A C H @ E R I C B R O A C H . C O M W W W . E R I C B R O A C H . C O M
OBJECTIVE To create and manage e-learning and digital communications for a corporate or consumer audience.
SKILLS Developing and delivering technical and soft skills training in the form of E-Learning programs, printed documentation, graphic presentations, online Knowledge Base articles and help files, and both virtual and face-to-face training sessions
Managing and maintaining online Learning Management Systems, Knowledge Bases, and Web sites and servers
Managing training, interactive media, Web, e-commerce, IT, and video/film projects for major corporations
Managing development teams, project teams/committees, and retail staff
Producing, designing, programming, writing, and editing award-winning Web and interactive media projects for training, marketing, public relations, and entertainment purposes
Writing business presentations, project plans, Web site and interactive media content, training guides and manuals, video and film scripts, and customer communications
Producing, writing, directing, and editing both digital and traditional video programs
Managing technical support and customer service for interactive media and business software firms and corporate training teams
Designing, configuring, and installing advanced audio/visual systems
EXPERIENCE 2008–Present Gexa Energy Houston, TX Training and Development Analyst, Knowledge Manager
Develop and deliver interactive training programs, online training courses, and digital training documents for Customer Service department of major Retail Energy Provider
Manage and administrate corporate sales and service knowledge in “Lighthouse Knowledge Base” that I developed in SharePoint environment for 80+ member Call Center and other Customer Service teams
Lead Call Center Training team and manage team’s projects using a database that I developed in SharePoint
Manage and administrate customized learning management system based on Moodle open-source software
Tools used: Adobe eLearning Suite 2.5, MS Office 2010, MS SharePoint 2010, Moodle 2.2, SnagIt 2006–2007 Priority IT – Contractor to Hewlett-Packard Corporation Houston, TX Web-Based Training Developer, Webmaster, Training Specialist
Developed and published Web-based training courses, user guides, baseline and release training presentations, and recorded software demonstrations for HP.com Business to Business e- commerce program
Designed, programmed, and maintained e-learning Web site for HP Worldwide E-Business
Delivered live distance training on e-commerce Web applications to trainers, sales staff, CSRs, and
1 other HP staff worldwide
Researched and analyzed HP’s worldwide e-business systems
Tools used: Microsoft Office, Project, Visio, SharePoint, IIS, Windows; Adobe Captivate, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flash, Acrobat; TechSmith Camtasia; SWiSH Max; FullShot
2004-2006 ABIS Consulting Group Houston, TX Training and Support Manager, Web Designer/Programmer, Project Manager, Implementation Specialist
Managed training and technical support for ERP/e-business software firm
Created marketing Web site and interactive CD-ROM/trade show demonstrations for Adjutant ERP/e-business software
Created “Virtual Enterprise” to demonstrate, test, and train users on Adjutant ERP/e-business software
Developed and led live software training sessions for Eco Resources, Hays Utility, Schulte Building Systems, Bass Tool Supply, and other industrial customers
Tools used: ABIS Adjutant; Microsoft Windows Server, SQL Server, SharePoint, Office, Project, Visio; Macromedia Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Captivate; Adobe Photoshop, Acrobat
2003-2004 Home Theater Store Houston, TX Home Theater Design and Sales Consultant
1999-2001 Compaq Computer Corporation Houston, TX Program Manager – Worldwide eBusiness Division
Helped to manage Compaq’s global Web presence
Designed, developed, and managed global system to track, organize, and respond to hundreds of thousands of customers’ e-mail messages each month, dramatically decreasing Compaq’s e-mail response time and increasing customer satisfaction
Managed multi-million-dollar contract with CNET Data Services to license e-commerce product data in XML format and integrated data with Compaq’s online stores worldwide
Tools used: Brightware Contact Center; Microsoft Office, Project, Visio, SQL Server
1998-1999 ATP Personnel – Contractor to Compaq Computer Corp. Houston, TX Web Developer, Producer and Programmer – Enterprise Computing Group
Produced and programmed Web-Based Training courses for Compaq Enterprise server products
Facilitated Compaq’s transition from CD-delivered Computer-Based Training to a smaller, more portable Web-Based Training platform
Created a reusable framework for Compaq’s global Web-Based Training courses
Created and maintained testing environment for Compaq’s Web courses and sites
Tools used: Macromedia Dreamweaver, Homesite; Adobe Photoshop; Microsoft Office, Project, IIS; Various desktop and server operating systems, Web browsers
1997–2007 Eric Broach – Private Consultant Houston, TX Web Producer/Programmer, Computer Consultant, Freelance Writer, Home Theater Consultant
1995-1998 Pixel River Interactive
2 Bellaire, TX Manager, Producer, Programmer, Writer, Editor, Sales
Co-founded and managed successful Web/interactive media production company
Produced, wrote, programmed, and edited award-winning interactive marketing and training programs on the Web, CD-ROM, and Laserdisc for Universal Weather and Aviation, Compaq Computer, Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, PanEnergy, Primo Systems, Stewart and Stevenson, and other corporations and institutions
Tools used: Macromedia Director, Dreamweaver, Homesite, Freehand, SoundEdit 16; Adobe Photoshop, Premiere, Acrobat; Media 100; Avid Media Composer, ProTools; Apple Hypercard, MacOS; Equilibrium DeBabelizer; Terran Media Cleaner; Pioneer interactive Laserdisc; Astarte Toast; Microsoft Office, Windows; Sun Solaris; BareBones BBEdit
1994-1998 Jeffrey Mills Film Bellaire, TX Production Coordinator, Video Script Writer
1993-1994 AMC Hulen 10 Theatres Fort Worth, TX Manager, Personnel Manager
1992-1993 Blockbuster Video Houston, TX Assistant Manager
1990-1992 KVC-TV Channel 13 Austin, TX Series Producer/Director/Editor, Staff Editor, Master Control Operator
EDUCATION 1988-1992 University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX
Bachelor of Science, Radio-Television-Film
Co-founder of TSTV, student television station
Internship at Metropost video post-production facility
E-Learning Instructional Design Certificate – American Society for Training & Development (ASTD)
Web Study Certificate in Web Graphics and Multimedia - International Webmasters Association / HTML Writers Guild (IWA-HWG)
Certified Home Theater Consultant – Professional Audio/Video Retailers’ Association (PARA)
Member, American Society for Training & Development (ASTD)
Member, eLearning Guild
Award of Excellence, Electronic Communications category – 1997 International Association of Business Communicators Bronze Quill Awards
Gold Award, Interactive Business category – 1997 Worldfest Charleston
Who’s Who in the Media and Communications, 1997-1998
National Merit Scholar, 1988
Awards in Entertainment and Headline Writing – Texas UIL State High School Journalism competition, 1988