Intro to Great Adventure &Genesis 1-3

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Intro to Great Adventure &Genesis 1-3


 Intro to Great Adventure &Genesis 1-3

 The ______of God

 St. John informs us that ______is the Word of God.

 We are a people of the ______…we are Christians!

 There are ______sources by which we come into contact with the Word of God:

 Sacred ______

 Sacred ______

 “The ______of God in Jesus Christ is transmitted through ______and ______as one common source” (p. 6 in text).

 Tradition – transmits in its entirety the ______of ______which has been entrusted by Christ and the Holy Spirit to the apostles.

 Tradition includes ______, which is a privileged (because it is inspired by the HS) expression of Tradition

 Tradition has been handed down ______and in ______.

 St. Paul tells the Thessalonians to hold fast to the ______that the ______have passed down either in ______or by word of ______(2 Thess 2:15)

 Sacred Scripture is the speech of God as it is put down in ______under the ______of the Holy Spirit.

 How the Bible was Written

 Collection of many works by many authors

 Many ______: Poetry, History, Apocalyptic, Factual Data, Narrative

 The ultimate Author is ______!

 Human authors use their own ______and ______of writing and God mysteriously made sure they wrote all He wanted ______for the sake of our salvation.

 Inspiration

 “All Scripture is ______and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…”(2Tim 3:16).

 Because God, the Holy Spirit is the Author of all of Scripture, Scripture contains ______!  Incarnational Principle

 Like the Person of Christ, who is fully human & fully divine, Sacred Scripture is both fully ______and fully ______.

 Just as Christ is ______man, Scripture is the Word of God expressed in human word, but without ______.

 CCC 102

 How the Canon came to be

 The Holy Spirit guided the Church, through the ______, to recognize the inspired books.

 Canon – comes from a Greek word meaning measuring ______or ______.

 If a book is divinely inspired (i.e. God-Breathed) it is included in the Canon (2 Tim 3:16)

 Inspired gets a book in; Not inspired equals no admittance.

 _____ OT & ______NT

 It took centuries for the Church, guided by the HS, to decide the final Canon

 46 OT & 27 NT

 Synod of Rome (382 AD) Lists the books followed by the Council of Hippo 393AD, and Carthage 397AD & 419AD

 Nicea II (787 AD) = first ______council to list the canon. The Council of Florence in 1441 gives the same list

 The Council of Trent in 1546 solemnly defined the canon.

 Deutero Canon = 2nd canon

 Ever notice that Catholic bibles have more books in them then Protestant bibles?

 The seven books missing from Protestant bibles are:

 ______

 Tobit

 ______

 Sirach

 ______

 1Maccabees  ______

 *Parts of Daniel and Ester are also omitted

 Catholics call these books the Deuterocanonicals

 Why the missing books?

 Approx. 250bc 70 Jewish scholars in Alexandria, Egypt translated the Scriptures into Greek. This translation is known as the Septuagint (abbreviated LXX). It contained the Deuterocanonical books.

 Another group of Jews in Palestine used a Hebrew version of the Scriptures (Later known as the Masoretic text). They rejected the LXX because they rejected all things Greek. And they thought some of the texts were written after the date they saw as the end of revelation.

 Scholars have demonstrated that the Early Christians used the LXX, including the NT writers. Palestinian Jews had another reason for rejecting the Greek texts now

 Because the Christians wouldn’t help the Jews fight the Romans and fled to the mountains (as Jesus told them to) the Jews hated them. The did not want to use the same scriptures the Christians used.

 Magisterium = The Living teaching office of the Church made up of the pope and the bishops in union with him.

 It is the Magisterium’s task to give authentic interpretation of the word of God (ST or SS) …it ensures the Church’s fidelity to the teaching of the Apostles in matters of Faith and Morals.

 Infallibility - The Holy Spirit protects the Magisterium from officially teaching error regarding faith or morals.

 The Pope (ex cathedra)

 The ______and all the ______in union with him.

 The Holy Spirit ______the Church

 Without the ______we would have no way of knowing which ______are inspired. We would also not have ______of the text.

 Human ______disagree often.

 The ______, guided by the ______, has the ______say on interpretation.

 Thank God that He made sure we had a trustworthy way of coming to know Him!

 ______– “since everything asserted by the inspired authors or sacred writers must be held to be asserted by the Holy Spirit, it follows that the books of Scripture must be acknowledged as teaching solidly, faithfully and without error that truth which God wanted put into sacred writings for the sake of salvation” (DV 11).

 Unlike any human book the ______is completely free from error.

 Interpretation – Give attention to …

 1) Intention of the Human author(s) and God

 2) Literary Genres & ways of thinking, speaking, & narrating that prevailed at the time.

 3) The content and unity of the whole of Scripture (all of Scripture is one story)

 Scripture is one story, “a unity by reason of the unity of God’s plan, of which Jesus is the center and heart” CCC 112).

 Interpretation – Senses of Scripture

 Two Senses of Scripture

 Literal

 Spritual

 The Literal Sense

 Is found by searching out the intended meaning of the human author. It is what is conveyed by the words.

 Exegetes must look at the language used, the genres used, literary devices used, customs of the people of that particular region at that time…etc.

 An example of a literary device or technique is found on page 11 of your textbook. Jeremiah sees the destruction of the temple as the end of the world so he uses language that communicates an undoing of creation. (see page 11 in textbook)

 All other senses are based on the literal (CCC 116)

 Spritual Senses (realities in SS can be signs that point to even greater realities)

 Allegorical

 How does the text relate to Christ?

 Moral

 How does the text inform my own conduct & moral growth?

 Anagogical  How does the text point or lead to the future or heaven?

 Viewing realities in terms of their eternal significance

 Example The Temple

 Literal Sense – The Temple is the actual physical dwelling place of God as well as the house of worship and learning place of the people of God located in Jerusalem.

 Spritual

 Allegorical – Christ referred to Himself as the Temple. “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days“(Jn2:19).

 Moral – Our Bodies are Temples of the Holy Spirit. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you…therefore glorify God in your body” (1Cor6:19-20).

 Senses con't

 Anagogical – the temple can refer to the heavenly temple, our eternal dwelling place with God where we will worship Him forever. “I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband” (Rev 21:2).

 Typology

 Tupos in Greek means ______. This is where we get the word ______from when we refer to certain people, objects, or events as “types” in the Bible.

 God providentially and mysteriously writes ______like human authors write ______.

 A human author can see the whole story at once (beginning, middle, and end) just as God’s view of all time is ______-______and ______.

 For example, human authors often write something in early chapters that will not be fully understood until the end of the book.

 St. ______uses typology

 “Therefore, just as through one person sin entered the world, and through sin, death, and thus death came to all, inasmuch as all sinned for up to the time of the law, sin was in the world, though sin is not accounted when there is no law. But death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who did not sin after the pattern of the trespass of Adam, who is the ______of the one who was to come” (Romans 5:12-14).

 The type is always ______than the thing prefigured or foreshadowed. The ______is ______than the type.

 ______and or the ______are usually the antitype, but other figures are foreshadowed as well. Such as, Mary the mother of God, St. Joseph, and St. Peter.  Biblical Time Periods

 Turquoise

 Burgundy

 Red

 Tan

 Green

 Purple

 Black

 Baby Blue

 Yellow

 Orange


 White

 The EarlyWorld-Genesis 1-3

 What are we required to believe from the creation account?

 1) The creation of ______by God at the beginning

 2) Special Creation of ______

 3) ______from Man

 4) The ______of the Race – Common______(Adam & Eve)

 5) Original ______b/f Sin

 6) ______to prove obedience

 7) Transgressed command (failed tests) at the instigation of the ______

 8) Fall of the first parents from the state of______

 9) Promise of the ______(Gen 3:15)

 Type of Language

 The Church teaches that figurative language may have been used.

 ______can be conveyed in different ways.  Some truths of history are told via ______.

 The ______of the author was Not to write a ______book. (Remember all interpretation is based on the Literal sense – the intention of the author must be taken into consideration for proper interpretation)

 See pgs. 48-57 in Shea

 Days of Creation

 ______= To Create from Nothing

 ______= A period of time, not necessarily a 24 hour period.

 Formless & Void – towhoo waboho (spelling?) God first creates ______and then He ______it

 Day 1,2, & 3 = Form

 Day 1 – ______(Day & Night)

 Day2 – ______(Sky & Sea)

 Day3 – ______(Land & Vegetation)

 Day 4,5,&6 – God fills the Void

 Day 4 –______& ______(rules over day & night)

 Day 5 – ______& ______(rules over sky & sea)

 Day 6 – ______& ______(rules over land & veg…*man rules over all of it)

 The Big Question is: “Will we be like the ______or will we enter into the ______Covenant?”

 Day 7 – Man is invited to put down ______work and enter into the ______of ______the Lord.

 All of creation is a great ______for the worship of God the Creator

 Man

 What makes us different from the animals?

 We are made in God’s ______and ______– we are able to ______& ______!

 Individual man is like God but as male and female we are even more like God who is a ______of persons.

 Like God who is a ______of persons, we are persons who are able to enter into communion with other persons.  Adam’s Role

 Adam gets to ______the animals – this indicates his ______over the animals. Man ranks ______in the order of visible creation.

 God creates ______- God forms Eve from the rib of Adam – “rib” indicates their equality.

 Typology note – the bride of Adam comes from his ______& the Bride of Christ, the Church, is born of the ______of ______on the Cross.

 Adam has the role of Husband and Eve has the role of wife.

 Adam’s role con’t

 Adam is given two instrustions:

 Abad(Avad) = Till/work the garden

 Shamar = to keep/protect

 This language is ______– it is used later in Exodus to describe the priests role in caring for and protecting the ______.

 A question arises: Protect against what?

 Adam & Eve’s Pre-fallen condition

 Preter-natural gifts = Gifts beyond natural given to man so he can enjoy relationship with God to the fullest.

 Impassibility = protection from suffering i.e. they could not suffer like we suffer. They could “suffer” through self-donation but the world around them could not hurt them

 Immortality = the were not to die – God is not the source of death but life.

 Integrity = Intellect informs the will and the passions motivate but do not try to rule.

 Consequences of the Fall

 With the Fall, Adam & Eve loose the ______of God in them, the ______of God, and their preter-natural gifts.

 Their intellects are ______and their wills are ______.

 They now suffer from ______, i.e. an inclination to sin and to desire the good in a disordered way.

 Interior disorder - Their will tries to ______their intellect choosing what is desired without consulting the intellect as to whether or not what is being chosen is truly good or not.

 The instigator & liar  ______= large venomous creature/monster

 He is described as ______

 He ______God, “you will not die”

 “you” is plural i.e. ______is there too.

 Adam & Eve are tempted to “______God”. They give in and assert their will against God to our severe detriment.

 Adam’s choice

 Three options:

 Call God for ______

 ______the Nahash

 Be ______and do nothing

 Adam could have laid down his life to protect Eve…even if he lost there would have been a resurrection. They were ______of sacrificial love/suffering.

 *______, the new Adam does what the first Adam didn’t do…He lays down His life in defense of the life of His bride.

 A ______and ______punishment

 Since they did not get the lesson of ______love the first time God gives them another lesson:

 Intensified pain in ______

 Cursed ground – toil, sweat, blood, pain for ______to ______for his family

 God’s punishments are not ______they are ______! They are meant to draw us closer to Him.

 Vocab:

 Exegete

 Inspiration

 Canon

 Bereshith

 Bara  Pentateuch

 Torah

 Toledoth

 Yom

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