In Consideration of Mutual Agreements Contained Herein, CLIENT and VENDOR Agree As Follows

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In Consideration of Mutual Agreements Contained Herein, CLIENT and VENDOR Agree As Follows PO Box 82549 Pittsburgh, PA 15218

800-544-1210 412-271-5922 Fax: 412-271-5833

Services Agreement Agreement #

This agreement made this day of , between:

Abator Information Services, Incorporated; a Pennsylvania corporation, and its affiliate(s), referred to as ABATOR, whose address is PO Box 82549; Pittsburgh, PA 15218 and;

; a organization and its affiliate(s), referred to as VENDOR, whose address is .

ABATOR agrees to exchange contract information technology consultants with VENDOR, subject to the terms, conditions and charges of this agreement and its attachments.

In consideration of mutual agreements contained herein, VENDOR and ABATOR agree as follows:

Professional Services to be Provided. VENDOR agrees to provide to ABATOR (upon request by ABATOR from time to time during the term of this agreement) professional services consisting of providing to ABATOR experienced, capable and qualified information technology resources (sometimes referred to as contract programmers, etc.) for use by ABATOR in connection with its consulting and contract service activities. Such resources provided by VENDOR shall hereinafter be referred to as VENDOR’s AGENT(s).

Term of Agreement. This agreement shall commence on the date of execution and shall continue until terminated by either party.

Rates. ABATOR agrees to pay VENDOR for professional services rendered under this agreement, at the negotiated rates as set forth and agreed to in formal quotations. Hourly rates apply to all hours worked by VENDORS’s AGENT(s) and approved by ABATOR’s end client(s). In certain circumstances, ABATOR end clients may limit the number of hours in a billing cycle and VENDOR’s AGENT(s) are expected to comply with those limitations. If ABATOR’s end client refuses to authorize hours and/or make payment to ABATOR for hours worked, ABATOR will not make payment to VENDOR for unauthorized hours. Individual VENDOR AGENT(s) hourly rates may be modified by mutual agreement of the parties. Any such change must be accepted in writing by ABATOR.

Confidentiality. VENDOR acknowledges that in the performance of this agreement that it and its AGENT(s) may be given, receive or have access to information which is confidential or proprietary to ABATOR and its customers. VENDOR agrees for itself and on behalf of its AGENT(s) that all such information shall be treated as confidential and will not be disclosed whether by the VENDOR or its AGENT(s), except in performance of the obligations under this agreement. VENDOR shall implement reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality of such information, including but not limited to requiring all VENDOR employee and AGENTS to execute ABATOR’s non-disclosure agreement protecting end client materials and assisting ABATOR in the prosecution of any of VENDOR’s employees or AGENTS who violate the terms and conditions of such non-disclosure agreements.

Agents. All persons, whether actual employees, agents or sub-contractors of VENDOR providing professional services to ABATOR pursuant to this agreement shall be considered by definition to be representatives of VENDOR and not of ABATOR. VENDOR shall be solely responsible for the payment of any and all compensation which VENDOR deems appropriate. Notwithstanding the terms and conditions of this provision, VENDOR agrees that such AGENT(s) shall be under the direct supervision of ABATOR’s customer(s) and shall perform such duties as may be requested by ABATOR and its customer(s) throughout the term of this agreement. VENDOR shall take necessary steps to insure that AGENT(s) provided under this agreement are knowledgeable of the contractual arrangements between VENDOR and ABATOR. PO Box 82549 Pittsburgh, PA 15218

800-544-1210 412-271-5922 Fax: 412-271-5833

Ownership of Work Product. Any work product developed by any VENDOR AGENT while performing under the terms of this agreement shall be the sole property of ABATOR and/or its customer(s). Solicitation. VENDOR will not solicit, hire, contract with or engage the services of any ABATOR employee, agent or subcontractor during the course of this agreement and for a period of one year thereafter. VENDOR will not solicit any ABATOR customer with whom VENDOR and ABATOR collaborate. ABATOR will not solicit, hire, contract with or engage the services of any VENDOR AGENT during the course of this agreement and for a period of one year thereafter. ABATOR will not solicit any VENDOR customer with whom VENDOR and ABATOR collaborate.

Liability. ABATOR agrees that VENDOR's liabilities, if any, regardless of the form in which any legal or equitable action may be brought by ABATOR arising from or in any manner related to the performance of services provided in this agreement, including errors of VENDOR consultants or errors of design, shall be limited to general monetary damages, the amount of which shall not exceed the total monies actually paid by the ABATOR (and/or its customer) for VENDOR services rendered during the ABATOR project assignment's duration. Furthermore, the parties agree that no action, regardless of form, arising out of transactions conducted under this agreement may be brought by VENDOR or its divisions(s), subsidiary(ies) or installation(s) more than one year after the discovery that a cause for action may have occurred. ABATOR agrees that VENDOR shall not be liable for the failure or inability to provide the services defined in this agreement due to causes or conditions beyond the reasonable control of VENDOR.

Insurance. ABATOR and its customer(s) agrees to provide a safe working area for VENDOR's consultants to perform all 'on-site' services. VENDORR shall at its expense procure and maintain insurance, including comprehensive, general liability and worker's compensation as may be required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the state in which services are to performed under this agreement. VENDOR shall indemnify and hold ABATOR harmless from and against any claim, suit or other action whether to person or property, whether injury or damage, arising out of services to be performed under this agreement while VENDOR consultants are on the premises of ABATOR customers, including but not limited to injury and damages to VENDOR consultants and property.

Terms of Payment: ABATOR and VENDOR agree that payment terms may vary depending upon the client’s payment terms. These terms shall be specified in any work request shared between the parties and these payment terms shall be assumed acceptable unless agreed to by both parties in writing.

Record Retention: ABATOR and VENDOR shall maintain complete and accurate accounting records to support and document all charges to under this agreement. Such records shall be maintained for a period of at least two (2) years following the termination or completion of this contract. ABATOR or VENDOR accounting representative shall have access to such records upon reasonable notice for purposes of audit during normal business hours, for so long as such records are required to be maintained.

Agreement Termination/Notifications: Either party may terminate this agreement for failure to comply with the terms and conditions specified, by submitting written notice to the other, signed by a duly authorized representative of the party issuing termination. Any notice to be given hereinunder by either party to the other shall be in writing and may be effected by certified mail, return receipt requested.

Notification to Abator shall be sufficient if made or addressed to: Joanne E. Peterson, President Abator Information Services, Inc. PO Box 82549 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15218 PO Box 82549 Pittsburgh, PA 15218

800-544-1210 412-271-5922 Fax: 412-271-5833

Notification to VENDOR shall be sufficient if made or addressed to:

Such termination notice shall be effective ten (10) working days following receipt.

Attachments to be incorporated: Abator Non-Disclosure and Non-Compete agreements; Individual ABATOR Statements of Work based on Requirement number and task description. Some statements of work will require that individual VENDOR AGENT(s) will be required to submit to a seven year financial/criminal background check and or drug screening. Such checks and screenings will be conducted by VENDOR and the results shared with ABATOR prior to the VENDOR’s AGENT(s) reporting to the ABATOR client site.

For ABATOR engagements: VENDOR AGENTs shall execute standard agreements, including: Client Confidentiality/Non- Disclosure; Client Computer/Information Usage; Controlled Substances; Ethics; Harassment ;and, Safety. Agreements will be provided for each VENDOR AGENT’s assignment, samples are provided.

Conclusion: This agreement may not be modified, except in writing, signed by the duly authorized representatives of both parties. No assignments of this agreement or delegation of duty or obligation of performance hereinunder shall be made in full or in part without the prior written consent of the other party. VENDOR acknowledges that a duly authorized representative has read this agreement, understands this agreement including all printed languages and attachments and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement. Furthermore, both parties agree that this agreement constitutes the sole and only agreement of the parties hereto and supersedes any prior understanding or written or oral agreements between the parties respecting the written subject matter, with the exception of executed non-disclosure agreement(s) between the parties.

Effective Date: The effective date of this agreement is the day of , and will remain in effect until such time as either party shall notify the other, in writing, of its intent to terminate.

Authorized Signatures

For ______For Abator Information Services, Inc.

By: ______By: ______Joanne E. Peterson Name: ______President/CEO Abator Information Services Organization: ______PO Box 82549 Pittsburgh, PA 15218 Title: ______Date:

Date: PO Box 82549 Pittsburgh, PA 15218

800-544-1210 412-271-5922 Fax: 412-271-5833

SAMPLE Consultant Confidential Information Noncompete Covenant & Invention Agreement Relative to Clients of Abator Information Services

In consideration of my engagement with Abator Information Services, Incorporated or its allied, affiliate or subsidiary companies (hereinafter referred to as ABATOR), and in consideration of one dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned CONSULTANT agrees as follows:

CONSULTANT during the term of the engagement with ABATOR will have access to and become familiar with various trade secrets, consisting of formulas, patterns, devices, secret inventions, processes and compilations of information, records and specifications which are owned by (a company which is a customer of ABATOR), referred to as CLIENT, and which are regularly used in the operation of the business of said client. CONSULTANT shall not disclose any of the aforesaid trade secrets, directly or indirectly, nor use them in any way, either during the term of this agreement or at ANY time thereafter, except as required during the course of CONSULTANT's engagement.

All files, records, documents, drawings, equipment, specifications, and similar items relating to the business of CLIENT whether prepared by the undersigned CONSULTANT or otherwise coming into his/her possession, shall remain the property of CLIENT and shall not be removed from the premises under any circumstances whatsoever without the prior written consent of CLIENT.

CONSULTANT covenants and agrees as follows:

On termination of his/her engagement with ABATOR for any reason whatsoever, CONSULTANT shall not directly or indirectly, within the existing marketing area of, or any future marketing area begun during the term of this agreement, enter into or engage generally in direct competition with CLIENT either as an individual on his/her own or as a partner, joint venturor, as an employee or agent for any person, or as an officer, director, shareholder or otherwise, for a period of one (1) year after date of termination of his/her contract with ABATOR.

This covenant on the part of CONSULTANT shall be construed as an agreement independent of any other provision of this agreement and the existence of any claim or cause of action of the CONSULTANT against ABATOR or CLIENT, whether predicated on this agreement or otherwise, shall not constitute a defense to the enforcement by ABATOR or CLIENT of this covenant.

CONSULTANT shall not for a period of one (1) year immediately following termination of this engagement with ABATOR, either directly or indirectly:

1. Make known to any person, firm or corporation the names and/or addresses of any customers or clients of CLIENT or any other information pertaining to it or;

2. Call on, solicit or take away, or attempt to call on, solicit or take away any of the customers or clients of CLIENT on whom the CONSULTANT called or with whom the CONSULTANT became acquainted during his contract with ABATOR, either for him/herself or for any other person, firm or corporation; PO Box 82549 Pittsburgh, PA 15218

800-544-1210 412-271-5922 Fax: 412-271-5833

SAMPLE Consultant Confidential Information Noncompete Covenant & Invention Agreement Relative to Clients of Abator Information Services Page 2

3. All records of the accounts of CLIENT and any other records and books relating in any manner whatsoever to the customers or clients of CLIENT, whether prepared by CONSULTANT or otherwise coming into his possession, shall be the exclusive property of CLIENT regardless of who actually purchased or prepared the original book of record. All such books and records shall be immediately returned by the undersigned to CLIENT upon termination of CONSULTANT's engagement with ABATOR.

I acknowledge receipt of a copy of this agreement and agree that with respect to the subject matter herein that it is my entire agreement with ABATOR.

The effective date of this agreement is .


For Abator Information Services, Inc.

______By:Joanne Peterson President/CEO

Contractor #: Customer #: PO Box 82549 Pittsburgh, PA 15218

800-544-1210 412-271-5922 Fax: 412-271-5833

SAMPLE Harassment Policy Statement/Agreement

It is Abator Information Services' policy to prohibit harassment of one employee or consultant by another employee or consultant or by a supervisor on the basis of sex.

Though it is not easy to define precisely what harassment is, it certainly includes unwelcome jokes or comments, sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, unwanted touching and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Any employee or consultant who feels that he or she has been subjected to sexual harassment should immediately report the matter to your Abator Site Manager, Regional Customer Service Manager, Project Staffing or Joanne E. Peterson, President. Violations of this policy will not be permitted and will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Employees and consultants can be assured that no one will be retaliated against for either filing a complaint or participating in an investigation of harassment.


Date: ______

Contractor ID#: Customer ID#:

Please sign and return one copy of this policy statement, which will indicate your acknowledgement of receipt and intention to comply with these policies.

Revised: 991117 merlin\aisdocs\Harassment.doc PO Box 82549 Pittsburgh, PA 15218

800-544-1210 412-271-5922 Fax: 412-271-5833

SAMPLE Controlled Substances Agreement Abator Information Services and its clients are desirous of avoiding problems which result from the excessive use of alcohol or the illegal use of controlled substances. Therefore, consultants concerned about their own well being, and who wish to work on assignments provided by Abator, agree as follows:

1.) Consultant will not report for work at an Abator customer site while under the influence of alcohol.

2.) Consultant will not carry alcoholic beverages onto Abator customer premises, whether opened or unopened.

3.) Consultant will not report for work at an Abator customer site while under the influence of controlled substances, excepting as such substances are prescribed by a proper medical authority.

4.) Consultant will not carry or otherwise convey any illegal drugs or controlled substances onto Abator customer sites, excepting as such drugs were prescribed by a proper medical authority.

5.) In the event consultant is directed by a proper medical authority to take prescription or non-prescription drugs which may cause, or appear to cause, side effects which might be detrimental to his/her work performance, s/he will advise both Abator and customer as early as is practical.

Therefore, I, do agree as follows:

In the event that an Abator customer to whom I am assigned should have cause to suspect violation of these prohibitions, I agree to discuss the circumstances fully and openly with the customer. Should the customer so request, I will submit to a breathalizer test or to a drug screening test. Cost of any such testing shall be at Abator expense. Should I refuse to submit to such testing as may be requested, I agree to immediately resign from the assignment.

In the event I submit to any requested testing and fail to 'pass' that test, I will resign from the assignment immediately unless I believe that properly administered medication had been the cause of the test results obtained. If such medication is felt to be involved, I will provide both Abator and its customer with appropriate validating evidence.

Signed and agreed to in conjunction with my contract for assignment to Abator's customer on .

______By: Date: ______

Contractor ID#: Customer ID#: Please sign and return one copy of this policy statement, which will indicate your acknowledgement of receipt and intention to comply with these policies.

Revised: 991117 merlin\aisdocs\Controlled.Substance.doc PO Box 82549 Pittsburgh, PA 15218

800-544-1210 412-271-5922 Fax: 412-271-5833

SAMPLE Business Ethics and Conduct Policy Abator’s established policy requires total integrity in business dealings with clients and consultants. Accordingly, all Abator affiliated staff should avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Abator’s Code of Business Ethics and Conduct governs the conduct of all employees and sub-contractors regardless of job title or organizational responsibilities. This code encompasses several areas of activities including:

1.0 Client Relationships 1.1 Maintain and foster integrity and honesty in all dealings with clients. 1.2 Maintain and protect the confidentiality of all client systems, proprietary information and materials (supported by non-disclosure agreement). 1.3 Prevent the personal use/abuse of client resources. 1.3.1 Including, but not limited to: telephone services; computer usage for personal systems or gain; supplies, etc. 1.4 Maintain vigilance against the intentional misrepresentation of qualifications, skills or ability. 1.5 Maintain and foster commitment to drug-free workplace policy (supported by Abator’s controlled substance agreement). 1.6 Maintain and foster commitment to the elimination of harassment in the workplace (supported by Abator’sharassment policy statement). 1.7 Maintain and foster commitment to safety in the workplace (supported by Abator’s safety policy statement).

2.0 Consultant Relationships 2.1 Maintain and foster integrity and honesty in all dealings with clients. 2.2 Verify and confirm all available information regarding qualifications, skills, ability, education, criminal convictions, etc. 2.2.1 Misrepresentation of qualifications, skills, ability, education and criminal convictions is cause for Immediate termination. 2.3 Maintain and protect the confidentiality of personal information and the privacy of the individual. 2.4 Maintain vigilance against all forms of discrimination. 2.5 Maintain vigilance against the intentional misrepresentation of project assignments. Exercise all efforts to eliminate unintentional misrepresentation of project assignments. 2.6 Maintain and foster commitment to drug-free workplace policy (supported by Abator’s controlled substance agreement). 2.7 Maintain and foster commitment to the elimination of harassment in the workplace (supported by Abator’s harassment policy statement). 2.8 Maintain and foster commitment to safety in the workplace (supported by Abator’s safety policy statement).

3.0 Corporate 3.1 Maintain and foster integrity and honesty in all business transactions. 3.2 Seek and implement policies to encourage ethical conduct in all business relationships.


Date: ______

Contractor ID#: Customer ID#: Please sign and return one copy of this policy statement, which will indicate your acknowledgement of receipt and intention to comply with these policies. Revised: 991117 merlin\aisdocs\ethics.doc PO Box 82549 Pittsburgh, PA 15218

800-544-1210 412-271-5922 Fax: 412-271-5833

SAMPLE Safety Policy Statement Abator Information Services and its clients are desirous of providing safe working environments for the consultants and employees associated with their mutual projects. As such, the following basic guidelines have been developed to ensure the safety of consultants under contract to Abator.

1. Emergency Procedures Consultant should familiarize him/herself with the basic emergency procedures posted by the client for the location in which work is being performed. Should basic emergency procedures (i.e. evacuation in the event of a fire) not be posted, consultant shall request a briefing from his/her client manager about the appropriate actions to be taken should an emergency arise.

2. Use/Handling of Hazardous Materials Consultant shall at all times avoid the use or handling of hazardous or toxic substances, materials or waste at any client site. Consultant should familiarize him/herself with the posted Hazardous Materials policy of the client site, in order to enable her/himself to notify the client should the consultant become aware of: a) the presence of unauthorized hazardous materials in his/her workplace, or b) the release of any hazardous materials in the environment (air, ground or water) from the client’s premises.

3. Violence and Weapons Consultant shall not bring weapons of any sort onto the client premises, nor conduct her/himself in any way that might be interpreted as physically threatening or intimidating to others in the workplace. As in the harassment policy, threatening behavior is difficult to define. Should the consultant feel that s/he has been exposed to violent or physical intimidation, s/he should immediately report the matter to the Abator Site Manager, Regional Customer Service Manager, Project Staffing or Joanne E. Peterson, President. Violence and physical intimidation cannot be permitted in the workplace and consultants can be assured that no one will be retaliated against for either filing a complaint or participating in an investigation of these issues.

4. Smoking Consultant shall follow client’s current smoking guidelines for the work location. When smoking in designated area, consultant shall exercise due diligence to extinguish smoking materials properly.

5. Attire Consultant shall follow client’s current guidelines for appropriate business attire. It is particularly important that consultant follow all safety related dress guidelines on any client site (i.e. safety goggles or safety helmets).


Date: ______

Contractor ID#: Customer ID#:

Please sign and return one copy of this policy statement, which will indicate your acknowledgement of receipt and intention to comply with these policies. Revised: 991117 merlin\aisdocs\safety.doc PO Box 82549 Pittsburgh, PA 15218

800-544-1210 412-271-5922 Fax: 412-271-5833

SAMPLE CLIENT Computer/Information Usage Agreement In consideration for accessing and using the CLIENT computer facilities, networks, Internet, Intranet or Extranet connections, electronic mail, licensed or developed software, software documentation or electronic data of any kind (hereafter referred to as “information”), I understand and agree to the following rules:

I shall use information and computing resources consistent with CLIENT’s ethics policy or, in the absence of a CLIENT ethics policy, the Abator Business Conduct and Ethics policy.

I understand that computer passwords are confidential and should not be shared with, or used by, any other person. At no time will I share or use another person’s computer password.

I shall use care in protecting information from unauthorized access, misuse, theft, damage, destruction, modification or disclosure.

At no time shall I access, or attempt to access, any information without having the express authority to do so. At no time shall I access, or attempt to access, any information in a manner inconsistent with the approved method of system entry. At no time will I leave a workstation without first ensuring that I have properly secured the workstation from unauthorized access.

I understand that all information developed while on the job or while using CLIENT facilities or resources will be the exclusive property of the CLIENT.

I shall not copy, share, distribute, disclose, sublicense, modify, reverse engineer or sell any software licensed, developed or being evaluated by the CLIENT unless I have received prior written approval from the facility’s MIS /IT director to do so. At all times I shall use care to protect and keep such software strictly confidential in accordance with the license or any other agreement by the CLIENT.

The use of CLIENT software on non-CLIENT equipment is permitted only if I have received prior written approval from the facility’s MIS/IT director. If I require software to perform job functions off site, I must have prior written approval from the appropriate authority within the facility and its MIS/IT director.

I shall only use equipment or software owned, licensed or being evaluated by the CLIENT. I may not use personal or third-party equipment or software at CLIENT facilities unless I have received prior written approval from my supervisor and from the facility’s MIS director. I understand that the LAN administrator must perform a virus scan on any software prior to installation. I understand that all software used on CLIENT computers will be procured properly through the appropriate CLIENT procedures.

I understand that the CLIENT reserves the right to monitor use of all CLIENT-provided equipment and information including, but not limited to, electronic mail, Internet and Intranet. I understand that the CLIENT may conduct unannounced internal audits of software to monitor and assure compliance with CLIENT policy.

If I am found in violation of this Computer Use Policy, I may face disciplinary actions including reprimand, suspension, termination of employment or criminal or civil prosecution if the act is a violation of law.

I understand that this policy may be modified to reflect any changes in CLIENT policy or procedures. I will be notified in writing of any modifications and will be required to adhere to the modifications. PO Box 82549 Pittsburgh, PA 15218

800-544-1210 412-271-5922 Fax: 412-271-5833

SAMPLE CLIENT Computer/Information Usage Agreement (Page 2)

Virus, Malicious, Mischievous or Destructive Programming Notwithstanding any other provision in this agreement to the contrary, provided the CLIENT has fully complied with its software security standards, if the CONSULTANT introduces a virus or malicious, mischievous or destructive programming into the CLIENT and has failed to comply with the CLIENT’s software security standards and provided further that the CLIENT can demonstrate that the virus or malicious, mischievous or destructive programming was introduced by the CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT shall be liable for any damage to any data and/or software owned or licensed by the CLIENT in the event a computer virus or malicious, mischievous or destructive programming is discovered to have originated from the CONSULTANT. In addition, the CONSULTANT shall be liable for any damages incurred by the CLIENT including, but not limited to, the expenditure of CLIENT funds to eliminate or remove a computer virus or malicious, mischievous or destructive programming that result from the CONSULTANT’s failure to take proactive measures to keep virus or malicious, mischievous or destructive programming from originating from the CONSULTANT through appropriate firewalls and maintenance of anti-virus software and software security updates (such as operating systems security patches, etc.). In the event of destruction or modification of software, the CONSULTANT shall eliminate the virus, malicious, mischievous or destructive programming, restore the CLIENT’s software, and be liable to the CLIENT for any resulting damages. CONSULTANT shall be responsible for reviewing CLIENT software security standards and complying with those standards.

CLIENT may, at any time, audit, by a means deemed appropriate by the CLIENT, any computing devices being used by CONSULTANT to provide services to the CLIENT for the sole purpose of determining whether those devices have anti-virus software with current virus signature files and the current minimum operating system patches or workarounds have been installed. Devices found to be out of compliance will immediately be disconnected and will not be permitted to connect or reconnect to the CLIENT network until the proper installations have been made.

CONSULTANT may use the anti-virus software used by the CLIENT to protect CONSULTANT’s computing devices used in the course of providing services to the CLIENT. It is understood that the CONSULTANT may not install the software on any computing device not being used to provide services to the CLIENT, and that all copies of the software will be removed from all devices upon termination of this contract or any other agreement under which services are being provided. CLIENT will not be responsible for any damages to CONSULTANT’s computers, data, software, etc., caused as a result of the installation of CLIENT’s anti-virus software or monitoring software on CONSULTANT’s computers.

Neither the installation of the CLIENT’s anti-virus software nor the installation of monitoring software will relieve the CONSULTANT of the liability requirements set out in this agreement.


Date: ______

Contractor ID#: Customer ID#:

Please sign and return one copy of this policy statement, which will indicate your acknowledgement of receipt and intention to comply with these policies. Merlin:\aisdocs\ContractorPkg\Compuse.doc PO Box 82549 Pittsburgh, PA 15218

800-544-1210 412-271-5922 Fax: 412-271-5833


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