What Makes A Good Basketball Team

A team is described as a group of individuals that come together with a common interest that are trying to accomplish a goal. To be successful at accomplishing their goal, the group must be made up of different types of people. The group cannot be made up of all leaders, of all followers, or of people that think or act the same way. To be successful, the group must be filled with a variety of individuals that have a diverse amount of talent or skills in many areas. Being a good basketball team is no different. For that team to be successful, it must not be made up of all scorers, all great defenders, or all awesome rebounders. The team must be made up of players who have different areas of expertise. These areas of expertise include, but are not limited to, rebounding, shooting, dribbling, communicating, playing defense, cheering, knowing the game, knowing the plays, boxing out, screening, and hustling. Each member of the team must possess some ability in each, but it is only the very special player who possesses a vast amount of ability in all of them. That is why there are five people on the floor at a time during the game. Every player does something better than the rest of the players, and that is what makes that player special to the team. That is the role that player has to fill on the team, to be the best player on the team at one, and only one thing. When called upon, without hesitation, that player has to be ready to perform and show that he/she is the best player at that skill. If you, as a player, do not feel that you are the best at one thing, there is always something. Look hard. Another aspect of becoming a great team, is the players knowing what their role is on the team - more or less, to see the big picture, to have the ability to see how all the parts/players go together, and why the coach does what he/she does. Along with that, the players must understand that things are done for a reason, and it is not their right or privilege to question a coach’s instructions or directions. For a team to be very good, there must be great communication between each player, and with each player and the coach. There cannot be any jealousy, resentment, animosity, or hatred between any members of the team, including the coach. All issues must be resolved as soon as possible so that the problem does not fester and cause further problems. When the stars align, and that special group of players comes along that possesses the skills and attitudes needed to be great, it will be because each player knows why he/she is special to the team, and they understand how they help their team be great.