Pre-Easter Preparations

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Pre-Easter Preparations

Kevin and Rod using a generator and Norman Gilberthorpe celebrated electric fan to separate the gold bearing dirt from the rubbish. his 90th birthday in Nov. 2015 and Des Rankine in Feb. 2016. It is 65 years since Malcolm Congratulations to you both. Butler surveyed the Radium Jan Venema will be 96 this Hill mining reserve in 1951. year. Paul Tucker, a retired Lands Dept surveyor, has just Pre-Easter preparations This nest full of finch eggs was in the completed re-surveying the The four 'feeble fossils', Barry overflow pipe of the camp water tank. and Kevin Kakoschke, Rod Radium Hill mining reserve Lawrence and Ian Husband area to commemorate this event. went up to R.H. to mow the Up in front of the Catholic Thanks Paul. A Trig point is Cemetery grounds, get Church, the plaque installed located on the top of 'Rodgers firewood, water the trees, install there took a Hill'. Sixty-five years ago in plaques and generally tidy up 'belting', when someone who 1951, Les Roberts also surveyed the place. didn't watch where they were the town layout. driving made it list 2000 . Brute force straightened it up again. Never mind, it will be alright in the end, and if it isn't, it's not the end. The Church was officially opened 60 years ago, Sept. 1956 The first wedding in the church, (Ron Sumper and Joan Roberts) took place that same year.

In May when they were out at Paul Tucker standing beside the Trig the Luxemburgs, they tried dry- point on the top of 'Rodgers Hill'. The blowing for gold. Kevin Maldorky hills are in the background. reckoned that from the research Ian Husband with his cable winding EASTER 2015 for his latest book, he knew of a reel for the 200m long camp power During Easter, 2015, scores of likely spot. The result; specks supply from the distant generator. ex-residents and their families Makes the setting up job much easier of gold dust in nearly every pan made the pilgrimage back to the now. of gold dirt. They brought two former uranium mining town of bucket loads back to the camp Radium Hill, their sacred site, When we're away, the birds to be panned at Easter 2016. they play and take the to renew old acquaintances and opportunity to build their nests relive the memories of in all sorts of places at the yesteryear. The hair colouring camp. amongst the elderly was now more than fifty shades of grey

In 2013, 84 y.o. ex-miner, Leith Singe 'the swaggie', had hitch- hiked all the way from FROM GERMANY WITH Lightning Ridge carrying his LOVE 35kg swag to join in the Harry Gohn and family made a festivities. Now at 86 years of special flight from Germany to age, Leith sought the assistance join in the festivities. Connie, of his daughter and nephew their eldest daughter was born Arthur, to transport him and his in the Broken Hill Hospital in camping gear as he reckoned January, 1960. The mothers to that he was slowing down a bit. be were not allowed to give PS. They were to also told to birth to their first born at keep him out of getting into Radium Hill in case of trouble. complications during delivery. Due to similar circumstances of being the first born, the Kakoschke twins were also born in Broken Hill at the same time and it was a great get together for these "youngsters" to relive The drainage and accident plaques their early memories of Radium complete with seven rail spikes depicting the seven men plus a 'Swaggy' Leith coming down 'Tank Hill. pickaxe beer bottle. Hill' with his 'Matilda' on his back. HISTORIC PLAQUE He also unveiled another plaque rd Members of the Fenton family On Friday, April 3 , Kevin as a memorial to Mr. Edward from Broken Hill also returned. Kakoschke unveiled a plaque on Dunn 1/2 a rise about 4 km from the old who died and to those who were Maurice Francis and some railway station, at a site near the injured in a terrible railways family members from Oulnina road and railway line accident just 110m from this Station also attended. Maurice's embankment spot towards the Radium Hill father railway station. Bryan, had fought in the It happened at 8am on trenches at Gallipoli and where the water (if it rains) will Wednesday, March 24th, 1954. extracts of his letters home are either flow North to Lake A railways 'flying' work gang of contained in my book, 'Off The Frome 15 men from the Cutana siding Barrier Highway'. and Lake Eyre or go South to camp on the Broken Hill the river Murray. railway line, was travelling out Caravans, tents and swags soon The plaque is a historic to Radium Hill loaded with dotted the camping area at the geographical monument. rails, oxy cylinders and cans of old school grounds as the paint to put the finishing 'Aussie flag' fluttered from the touches on the railway building flag pole and welcoming smoke when the trolley being towed by curled from the wood stove and a Fairmont motor and BBQ. The long drop dunnies only just catered for the crowd, especially first thing in the mornings. carrying seven men 'jumped' the 'Rouse' which he had played on During the plaque unveiling, the rails, threw the men forward his harmonica. As the flag was song 'True Blue' was played. and then careered over the top lowered and then raised, the The poignant words of this song of them. haunting music from the caused There was paint, blood, paint harmonica rolled around the eyes to fill with tears and spattered bodies and materials amphitheartre of low mulga moistened the cheeks of many strewn all over the place. covered hills, moistening the at After the injured men's eyes of the gathered crowd. the gathering. conditions were stabilised, they A very moving moment. were flown in the Flying TAG-A-LONG Doctor's plane to the Broken On Saturday afternoon a tag-a- Hill Hospital. long to the old Luxemburg gold mines witnessed a Full details of this terrible demonstration of 'water tragedy can be read in Kevin’s divining' and the locating of a book, ‘OFF THE BARRIER displaced gold bearing reef. HIGHWAY’.

The ANZAC commemorative wreath laid at the Cemetery cairn. The first train into Radium Hill was called 'The Atomic Comet', arriving at 10.30am, Oct.2, 1953. A headstone and cameo photo plaque was then unveiled for ANZAC Douglas Kakoschke. He had Kevin Kakoschke with the crossed COMMEMORATION survived the Korean War only divining wires which indicated an At twelve noon on Saturday, it to be killed in a premature underground supply of water. was up to the Radium Hill underground mine explosion in Pioneer Cemetery for the the Orlando Gold Mine at A sample of water from a shaft ANZAC Commemoration Tennant Creek, N.T. He lies when later tested, gave a service. Pam Barratt conducted next to his brother Horton who reading of only 168ppm of the touching service. A was permanently mained by a total dissolved salts with a beautiful wreath crafted by June premature underground mine dash of gold. The reading Kakoschke and team, explosion in the Radium Hill wasn't a mistake. comprising a centre of gum uranium mine. The Flying It's as good as bottled spring leaves circled by red poppies Doctor worked on Horton most water. and bordered by sprigs of of the night, removing rock Mains water usually contains saltbush was laid at the from his torn and shattered about 600ppm of total dissolved Cemetery cairn by June whose body, before flying him to the salts. grandfather had fought at Broken Hill Hospital next Pity the underground stream Gallipoli. morning. isn't big enough to supply Danny Fleming had pre- Broken Hill. recorded the 'Last Post' and GHOST TOWN CABARET On Saturday evening, the 'Ghost phenomenon, the total eclipse Town Cabaret' was sensational. of the moon. It's amazing how a group of It was a marvellous spectacle in people can dream up fabulous the darkened star studded sky individual acts, just like in the that night. 'old days' when there was no TV or wireless to entertain a crowd. A Sunday morning 'Thanks Giving Service' conducted by

The sound system was The ‘wild river waters’ in full Pam Barratt organised by 'Victor Harbour's bore. in the old Catholic Church ruins Rock A Billy star', Ian Josie Bennetts from Canberra, was a well attended event. Husband. His easy to delighted the crowd as she Leith Singe installed a plaque at listen to singing style was floated around the bitumen the site of his old cubicle, A enjoyed 'stage'. She was poetry in block, number 12. It was the by one and all. He is good. motion, twisting and swirling, away from the other cubes bobbing and weaving to the because he had a big blue The group dressed as Red music and words of the song, 'bitzer' biting dog which would Indians performing 'Running 'Johnny be good', sung by Ian bite the fellows going past on Bear and Little White Dove' Husband. their way to the ablutions or was fantastic. main mess at his former more A big thank you to Lois Harvie convenient cubicle site. for designing and making the brilliant costumes. Better to lose a lover, than to love a loser.

The grace of Josie frozen in time

'Donald Where's Your Trousers' was performed by Kevin Kakoschke who showed just what Leith Singe fixing his cube number 'Running Bear' with his Indian tribe was under the kilt, much to the plaque in 'A Block'. before he met 'Little White Dove'. merriment of the audience. The crowd roared when June In the afternoon a four wheel Ann Do and team, did a drive to Maldorky Gorge and fantastic job with blue strips of Kakoschke grabbed a stout log Lake Maldigo proved to be an sheeting which were waved to of exhilarating experience for the symbolise the wild river wood and belted "Donald" fair overseas visitors. Hundreds of waters which engulfed and on his "padded" bum with it. wild goats, kangaroos and emus drowned the love struck Ouch! had them wildly clicking their 'Running Bear' and 'Little White cameras to show the folks back Dove'. The many and varied home. entertainment items were followed by a natural Kangaroos had dug holes up to 700mm deep in the Olary Creek (Some of the background 'We had a look in the Museum sand to obtain cool, clear water, history, stories and yarns of and travelled out to the untainted by the smelly goats. Radium Hill, township. No amount of education will is contained in the 398 page We were literally staggered to develop common sense book written by Kevin see how extensive Radium Hill Kakoschke, had It was interesting to note that titled, 'OFF THE BARRIER been in its heyday and it must only a few people who glowed HIGHWAY’. The names of have been so sad when it was at night were those who sat too hundreds of the early pioneers forced to close.' You have done close to the campfire or ‘wined’ in a fantastic job of accumulating too often. all the Film clips of the '1950's Camp the north east of S.A. including memorabilia and erecting the Concerts' and the '2000's Ghost the names of the men, women signs and photos. Town Cabarets' shown in the re- and children who had lived in We could almost feel the incarnated 'Drive-in' picture Radium Hill are listed. The presence of the residents and it theatre at night, certainly had book is available at Yunta BP, must be the audience in fits of laughter Peterborough Steam Town great to reminisce on your get- at some Museum and also from Kevin. togethers.' of the past antics which were For those wishing to purchase a screened. copy, the price is $39. (Historic A number of people have Part of this display was on view plaques are purchased from the previously said that they could in the Radium Hill Heritage proceeds of the book). Museum during 'History Week' almost 'feel the presence' of in May. MUSEUM the past residents around the The 'They Served - Their town. Stories' display in the Radium I wonder? Hill Heritage Museum to commemor- ate the Centenary CEMETERY of ANZAC looks terrific. The The young trees at the Cemetery names of 367 men and women are being ravaged by big black of Radium Hill who served, are beetles. Not only do they eat the listed together with the awards leaves, they also chew off the "Camp Concerts" to "Ghost that they received which bark. Town included two VC's. The We have tried a number of Cabarets" Museum display. decommissioned rifles were different sprays on the big donated by Les Westaway. black brutes without much With a tear in their eyes, it was luck. Even when you try to 'auf wiedersehen' as our friends In May the S A History Month squash them with your heal, from Germany bade farewell. display in the Museum certainly they just seem to sink into the added to the memories of Darkened skies and the threat of dirt and pop-up again when you yesteryear. This was borne out rain saw the camp site nearly remove your foot, damn. by deserted by Tuesday. Success though. Confidor spray a letter we received from Terry Nobody wanted to get stuck, on now seems to have fixed them Best where he wrote, a muddy dirt track, 25 clicks up? from Tikalina. had been born in a tent out on Bimbowrie Stn all those years ago. Her knowledge of the region was outstanding. Pat Wade was 94yo.

To their families we offer our The big black 30mm long Cemetery gum tree eating beetle. It seems that deepest sympathy and they fly into the area in Spring, breed condolences for their loss. and all the while chewing the ‘living daylights’ out of the gum tree leaves. WORKING BEE At the end of May, the ‘four HUNG ‘ROO feeble fossils’ were joined by In September when Bob Don’t under estimate the height of Colin and Irene Peryman, Tony Mansfield the hurdles in life or you may finish Hanson with his friend Reeves was ‘relaxing’ at R. H., he up like the hung roo. and Wain Fimeri to do a few checked out the Cemetery. jobs around the place. ‘ OBITUARIES Lo and Behold’, there it was Tony had also fixed up the bad on the Cemetery fence, a hung Regretfully a number of our friends have passed away since wash-out on the ‘mad mile’ roo. He touched it and it was our last newsletter including; with his earth moving still warm, having just died. equipment. Thanks Tony. Apparently Buzza, Victor Andamooka SA They installed a new ‘Drive-in’ it must have been eating the Baker, Phyllis England picture screen frame to young Daniel, Lois Adelaide SA support a 7ft x 6ft screen which shoots of the gum trees, had a Dumont, Graham Goolwa SA hardly compares to the old gut full of leaves, misjudged the Firmani, Pat Massachusettes “Drive-in” 1950’s Cinemascope height USA screen, which was 32ft x 30ft. of the fence getting out, and Franklin, Max Durack Qld. A nine course high building to bingo, he was hooked up. He Harratt, Rita Salisbury SA house the power generator was desperately tried to claw his Gorostiaga, Jose Kapunda SA also constructed by Ian way free but only Greenhalgh, Basil Christies Husband and his ‘labourers’. dug a hole in the ground. He Downs SA A concrete grave surround and was well and truly hooked, poor Gerke, Carmen Adelaide SA headstone base were laid at the thing. Mitterer, Hans Dundas NSW Cemetery for future use. Munn, David Adelaide SA Another wild cat ‘bit the dust’ Scarff, Shelley Adelaide SA =24. The birds are happier now. Scullion, Margaret Adelaide SA A working bee in December Wade, Patricia Whyalla SA saw Kieran McCosker mowing Wilkin, Dora Booleroo Centre the Cemetery bindyi lawn with SA the new lawn mower which he has donated. It’s now ready for At age 96 years, Dora had been “playing outdoor bowls”. a great supporter of our Assn. Thanks Kieran. She PM The Maldorkys and Friday afternoon, panning for Maldorky magnetite site tour. gold, especially for the kids and the not so young. Great flicks Sunday night at the Bring gold pan, magnifying new “Drive-in”. glass and small clear glass container for the gold. Only one MEMORY JOGGERS shovel full of gold dirt per *Please contact June, our person to start with. secretary (Use the 1000 to 1 microscope if you change your address or Kieran with the ‘mowing job’ in front to inspect the beauty of your hear of any ex-Radium Hill of him. gold nugget and insects?). resident who may have passed away. CACTUS GRUBBING Saturday 9.30am heritage tour Perhaps the most soul tag-a-long, town/mine areas. *Fill up with fuel at Yunta or destroying job was that of Saturday afternoon to the Broken Hill. A fridge is at our digging up the prickly cactus Luxemburgs for more gold and campsite for food and drinks, ‘Boxing Glove Cholla’. What a see where Albert Parker and plus a stove, BBQ and shower job. Evelyn Lively got married in facility. Even when wearing leather 1916, (100 year ago). Albert gloves, the cactus spikes and his brother *Order your iron-on Radium penetrate the leather and stick Hill monogram, just $5 ea. into your fingers. Both Rod and which includes postage. More Kevin grubbed out a full trailer Radium Hill Videos of " The load before ‘throwing in the Walter had just arrived back Way We Were" now available towel’ after being nearly from WW1 war. for $25ea thanks to Peter pricked to death. BBQ tongs Harratt. help prevent getting pricked too 7pm giant raffle. Write a comment in the guest often. More raffle items needed. book section of our web site. The cactus nodules get caught View it at in the fur, wool or hair of Ghost Town Cabaret 2016 kangaroos, sheep and goats as Including the “Limbo Rock”, they brush past them only to fall (get your gear on) "Rock-a- off later on and germinate after Billy" star Ian Husband, June, The Olary Oasis Hotel host is rain by rooting through their Margot and Ann, the singing Sam McLeod, 08 8091 1856. spikes. larks, Lois and her dancing Dianne Highet hosts the troupe, Kevin on his guitar, a Mannahill Hotel 08 8650 5904 EASTER 2016 stand-up comedian, plus your and Ryan Esam is mine host at Once again the program for act and a 'helluva' lot more. the Cockburn Hotel. Call in, 2016 Maybe a rocket engine demo? have a chat and a look at some is shaping up to be fantastic. of the artefacts and memorabilia Bigger, brighter and better than Sunday, Sunday Easter service which they have on display. ever. Remember, first in best 9am, followed by the Cactus dressed for the choicest extermination hunt (Bring * Sign the visitors book at our camping spots. Overseas gloves, digger and BBQ tongs). Museum, pick up a track map visitors again? and information sheet before heading out to Radium Hill (no * Sign the register, pick up and *If unable to contact June or speeding on the track). pin on your name tag, (it helps myself, please leave a message 'break the ice'). with Margot Binkowski who *Pick up your RH site map and will pass it on. heritage trail brochure from *Rubbish, you bring it in, you the map box at the R.H. take it out. Leave the camp site If you intend calling into bitumen. neat and tidy (its appreciated). Radium Hill other than at *Bring along your UHF set (we Easter, please write or phone communicate on channel 30), *Contact Andy Treloar if you both Andy Treloar, Tikalina prospecting pick, binoculars, want to stay in the shearer's Stn. via Olary, Ph. 08 8091 bathers, cameras etc. (40 chairs quarters at Easter. 1529 and Maurice Francis, on site). Oulnina Stn. via Mannahill, Ph.08 8650 5901.

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