Chapter 31 Theory Review Answer Key


Instructions: Answer each question using information from your readings and lessons as a guide.

1. What does the term financial management mean to you? Why do you think it is

important to understand this as a salon professional?

(Answers will vary, but may include the idea that financial management means

managing your money. It includes things such as saving money, paying bills, and

knowing when you can or cannot afford to purchase certain things. Salon

professionals need to understand the basic concepts of financial management for

many reasons. For example, it is important to know how they will be compensated

as an employer and how they can increase compensation opportunities as they

gain experience.)

2. Putting the salon and the clients’ needs first means:

a) (Being on time for scheduled shifts)

b) (Being prepared to perform whatever services are required)

3. List the five key points to remember in serving others.

a) (Put others first)

b) (Be true to your word)

c) (Be punctual)

d) (Be a problem solver)

e) (Be a lifelong learner)

4. List the habits of successful team players.

a) (Strive to help)

b) (Pitch in)

c) (Share your knowledge)

d) (Remain positive)

e) (Become a relationship builder)

f) (Be willing to resolve conflicts)

g) (Be willing to be a subordinate)

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h) (Be sincerely loyal)

5. When you take a job, what will you be expected to do?

a) (Behave appropriately)

b) (Perform services asked of you)

c) (Conduct your business professionally)

6. What should a job description cover?

a) (Duties and responsibilities)

b) (Expected attitudes)

c) (Available opportunities)

7. When seeking out a role model, observe a stylist who is really good and determine:

a) (How she or he treats clients)

b) (How she or he treats the salon staff and manager)

c) (How she or he books appointments)

d) (How she or he handles continuing education)

e) (What process she or he uses when formulating color or deciding on a


f) (What her or his attitude is toward work)

g) (How she or he handle crises or conflicts)

8. What should you do if your mentor sees things differently than you do? (Be

prepared to listen and not argue your points. Reflect on what your mentor said.)

9. What are three ways you may be able to use technology to help your salon and

show that you are technologically savvy?

a) (Create e-mail access for the salon)

b) (Build or manage the salon Web site)

c) (Start or manage the salon’s social networking page)

10. How can you generate greater income for yourself?

a) (Ask for a raise or a higher percentage of commission)

b) (Spend less money)

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c) (Increase service prices)

d) (Work more hours)

11. What qualities will help you succeed in sales?

a) (Ambition)

b) (Determination)

c) (A good personality)

12. List the principles of selling.

a) (Be familiar with the features and benefits of the various services and


b) (Adapt your approach and technique to meet the needs and personality of

each client)

c) (Be confident when recommending products for sale)

d) (Generate interest and desire in the customer by asking questions that

determine a need)

e) (Never misrepresent your services or products)

f) (Do not underestimate your clients’ intelligence or their knowledge of their

own beauty regimen or particular needs)

g) (Deliver your sales talk in a relaxed, friendly manner and, if possible,

demonstrate a product’s use)

h) (Recognize the right psychological moment to close any sale)

13. What are some reasons clients are motivated to buy salon products?

a) (Issues of vanity—they want to look better)

b) (Personal satisfaction—they want to feel better about themselves)

c) (Solving a problem—they want to spend less time untangling their hair)

14. How can you start a client conversation that leads to product sales?

a) (Ask all clients what products they are using for home maintenance of their

hair, skin, and/or nails)

b) (Discuss the products you are using as you use them)

c) (Place products in a client’s hands whenever possible, or have them in

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d) (Advise clients how the recommended service will benefit them [their hair

will be easier to style or be shinier, for instance])

e) (Keep retail areas clean, well-lit, and appealing)

f) (Inform clients about any promotions and sales that are going on in the


g) (Be informed about the merits of using a professional product as

opposed to generic store brands)

h) (Offer a quick styling lesson if you have time)

15. List suggested marketing techniques that will keep your clients coming back to


a) (Send birthday cards with reminders and promotions)

b) (Business card referrals)

c) (Local business referrals)

d) (Public speaking)

16. What can you do to build your client base?

a) (Provide consistently good service)

b) (Be reliable)

c) (Be respectful)

d) (Be positive)

e) (Be professional)

17. List five key points you should keep in mind when selling products or services to


a) (Establish rapport with clients)

b) (Determine clients’ needs)

c) (Recommend products/services based on these needs)

d) (Emphasize benefits)

e) (Close the sale)

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