Irregular Past Tense Verbs Cloze

Fill in the blanks below with one of the 15 irregular past tense verbs in the box.

beat fed led sank stole built forgot let set tore dug learnt rang shot woke

(1) The bell ______so the kids went home from school.

(2) The ship hit an iceberg and ______.

(3) He ______up early and ate breakfast.

(4) We ______the other team 3-1.

(5) She ______her puppy and gave him water.

(6) The captain ______his troops up the mountain.

(7) She got in trouble because she ______a bicycle.

(8) He ______the puck into the net.

(9) We ______up the tent next to the river.

(10) She ______about planets in school yesterday.

(11) We ______a tree house in our backyard.

(12) He ______to bring an umbrella so he got wet.

(13) Our dog ______a hole in the garden.

(14) She didn't have a pen so I ______her use mine.

(15) He didn't like his picture so he ______it up and threw it away.

© 2009 Lanternfish ESL at Irregular Past Tense Verbs Cloze

Fill in the blanks below with one of the 15 irregular past tense verbs in the box.

bent cut hurt lit slid burnt dreamt leapt rose stank cost fit lent shook stuck

(1) Last night, I ______I was flying.

(2) The garbage ______so I took it outside.

(3) The new bridge ______a lot of money.

(4) The smoke ______high into the sky.

(5) During the earthquake, the ground ______for several minutes.

(6) She ______over the puddles as she ran to school.

(7) He ______the cake into eight pieces.

(8) The cars ______on the ice.

(9) My friend needed some money so I ______him $20.00.

(10) The shirt ______perfectly so I bought it.

(11) I ______some pictures on the wall.

(12) We ______a fire to cook hotdogs and stay warm.

(13) He ______himself when he fell off his bike.

(14) She ______down to pick up the ball.

(15) The fire alarm went off when I ______the toast.

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