Office for Disability Services
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Office for Disability Services Student Handbook
Edited by Michelle McLane, January 2010
OSU-Mansfield Disability Specialist
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 1 WELCOME...... 3 ODS CONTACT INFORMATION...... 4 ODS OFFICE HOURS...... 4 Walk-ins...... 5 CONFIDENTIALITY & RELEASE OF INFORMATION...... 5 CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT...... 6 ELIGIBILITY FOR SERVICES...... 7 Previously Diagnosed Disability Eligibility Procedures...... 7 Suspected or Undiagnosed Disabilities Eligibility Procedures...... 8 Special Note Regarding “Special Education” in Post-Secondary Institutions...... 9 ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATIONS & SERVICES...... 9 Adaptive Equipment & Software...... 10 Interpreters...... 11 Captioning and Real-Time Transcription...... 11 Readers...... 11 Scribes...... 12 Note Taking Assistance...... 12 The Process of Finding a Note Taker...... 13 Textbooks in Alternate (non-print) Format...... 16 INITIATING ODS SERVICES AND ACCOMMODATIONS (General)...... 17 ARRANGING TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS (SPECIFIC)...... 20 UNIVERSITY RESOURCES...... 23 PRIORITY SCHEDULING...... 25 VOTER REGISTRATION...... 26 TEMPORARY DISABILITIES...... 27 TRANSPORTATION FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES...... 27 DISABILITY PARKING ON CAMPUS...... 27 Procedure for obtaining a State of Ohio Disability Parking Placard...... 28 DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEDURES...... 28 Resolving Conflicts with the University, Faculty, and/or Staff, Academic Department or University Non-academic Department, Program, or Organization...... 29 Resolving Conflicts with ODS and/or an ODS Staff Member...... 30 Resolving Alleged Discrimination by Another Student...... 31 Contact Information:...... 31
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 2 WELCOME
Welcome! I am very happy to work with you and help you to make your time at OSU- Mansfield be as successful as possible. You are the reason I am here.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions and concerns. My contact information is listed in the next section.
If I am working with another student or if I am on the phone when you contact me, please be sure to leave a message on my voice mail or send me an e-mail. If calling, please state your name, telephone number, and a brief message. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Please use this handbook as an important resource for accessing services and accommodations. Please know that in the electronic version of this handbook, you can jump to the section you wish to read.
Go to the Table of Contents section. Point your mouse to the section you wish to read. Then, hold down the control (CTRL) key and click with your mouse.
ODS reserves the right to change its policies, procedures, and services. ODS will notify you of those changes through your OSU e-mail account. All electronic mail contact from OSU and ODS will be made through your OSU e-mail account, so please check your OSU e-mail account often. Please also be sure to visit the OSU-Mansfield’s Office for Disability Services webpage on line at An electronic version of this handbook is located on this website.
There are hyperlinks embedded in the Office for Disability Services’ website. Please note that clicking on these hyperlinks will take you out of this handbook. Some hyperlinks will take you to a page outside of OSU-Mansfield’s home website .
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 3 Thank you for referring to this handbook and I look forward to working with you!
Michelle McLane
OSU-Mansfield Disability Specialist
Conard Learning Center
Michelle McLane, M.A. Disability Specialist Office for Disability Services Conard Learning Center 1760 University Drive Mansfield, OH 44906 (419) 755-4304 (Direct phone) (419) 755-4201 (Conard Learning Center Reception Phone) (419) 755-4016 (Fax) [email protected] (E-mail) (ODS web page)
Michelle McLane, the Disability Specialist, is available to speak with you in person on a walk-in basis or by appointment. Appointments with Michelle can be made by calling (419) 755-4304 or by calling Darla at the Conard Learning Center Reception Desk at (419) 755-4201. Please see below for walk-in and test times. Appointments with Michelle are not available during her walk-in office hours or during her lunch hour. Tests and quizzes must be completed on weekdays by 5:00 p.m.
The Office for Disability Services (ODS) at OSU-Mansfield is located in the Conard
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 4 Learning Center Math Lab. ODS is open Autumn through Spring quarters Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. ODS’ hours are by appointment during Summer quarter.
Tests & Quiz Proctoring Times
Tests are proctored by appointment only for ODS enrolled students with testing accommodations at the times & days below. No tests will be proctored from 12:00-1:00
PM. All tests and quizzes must be completed by the end times below.
Mondays 8:00 AM -12:00 PM & 1:00-5:00 PM
Tuesdays 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Wednesdays 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Thursdays 8:00 AM -12:00 PM
Fridays 8:00 AM -12:00 PM
Wednesdays 9:00-11:00 AM
No appointments will be made during walk-in times.
Please call ODS at (419) 755-4304 or the Conard Learning Center front desk at (419)
755-4201 to make appointments. All appointments need to be completed by 5:00 PM.
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 5 CONFIDENTIALITY & RELEASE OF INFORMATION
The Office for Disability Services views all materials pertaining to a student’s disability as confidential. This policy is based upon government mandates regarding the confidential treatment of disability-related information.
Any written material regarding a student’s disability obtained by ODS is used to verify the disability and plan for appropriate services.
All disability-related information for students at The Ohio State University is housed in the Office for Disability Services. Each student has a separate file housed in a secure filing cabinet. Only staff persons working at ODS have access to these files.
Disability information may be released only when a student submits a signed “Release of Information” form to ODS.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), also known as the Buckley Amendment, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), do not allow faculty or others access to disability-related information.
According to the Association on Higher Education and Disabilities (AHEAD), “Disability related records provided by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional are not subject to free access under FERPA.”
According to AHEAD, “it is only necessary to share with the faculty the information that a student has a documented disability and need for accommodation(s).” Faculty members have no need to know the nature of the disability, “only that it has been appropriately verified by the individual (office) assigned this responsibility on behalf of the institution.”
A student may request to review the contents of his/her won file when the counsellor is present. All information in the file is the property of ODS.
ODS will retain all disability documentation for six years after students leave the university.
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 6 CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT
Disruptive and disorderly conduct or failure to comply with the guidelines and expectations of the university’s Code of Student Conduct may result result in contacting the Chief Student Life Officer, or Office of Student Judicial Affairs, or the police, or all three depending upon the situation. The same general expectations of behavior apply to all policies and guidelines stated in the Code of Student Conduct. These policies apply to academic and non-academic behaviour on and off campus. All students are asked to read the Code of Student Conduct available online at This document is accessible with Adobe Reader. Download Adobe Reader for free at (Clicking on these links will cause you to leave the ODS Student Handbook.)
ODS eligibility must be determined before making arrangements services and accommodations. There are two procedures for becoming eligible for disability services at OSU-Mansfield. These procedures are listed below.
Previously Diagnosed Disability Eligibility Procedures l. If you seek accommodations for a previously diagnosed disability, bring, mail, or fax the documentation of your disability from the qualified physician who made your diagnosis, or from the physician treating you for your disability. Refer to the Guidelines of the Documentation of a Disability on the ODS web page at and (Clicking on these links will cause you to leave the ODS Student Handbook.)
2. Before you can be enrolled in Disability Services, ODS must have documentation of a disability and a statement of diagnosis from a qualified physician on file.
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 7 3. Once your documentation is received, the Disability Specialist will review it and send you an e-mail or letter, notifying you that it has been received. This letter may also be used to indicate what else is needed before eligibility can be determined. The Disability Specialist will also use this letter to request an interview with you. The interview is an important part of determining your eligibility for Disability Services at OSU-M. Call the Conard Learning Center Reception Desk at 419-755-4201 to schedule this appointment.
4. The Disability Specialist will conduct an intake interview. In this in-depth interview, she will strive get to know you and your needs. The interview takes approximately one hour to complete. During the interview the Disability Specialist will seek to discover the best strategies to help you. You and she will discuss your goals and the best strategies for helping you to utilize your strengths in order to circumvent your limitations. Depending on your goals, and needs, the Disability Specialist may ask that you meet with her in regular intervals throughout the quarter.
5. The Disability Specialist will review your documentation again and compare that to your interview responses. She will then contact you by e-mail or letter, notifying you of your eligibility for Disability Services. In the event that you are not found to be eligible, the e-mail or letter will state the reason(s) why and/or what more is needed to make you eligible for services.
Suspected or Undiagnosed Disabilities Eligibility Procedures
1. If you believe that you may have an undiagnosed disability that affects your ability to learn or to concentrate in class, you may consult with the Disability Specialist. Please call the Conard Learning Center Reception desk at 419-755-4201 to schedule an appointment. During this meeting, the Disability Specialist will conduct an in-depth intake interview. . In this in-depth interview, she will strive get to know you and your needs. The interview takes approximately one hour to complete. During the interview the Disability Specialist will discuss your current and past learning difficulties, your past educational and developmental experiences, successful strategies you have used in the past, your current strengths and
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 8 weaknesses. You and she will also discuss your goals.
Please Note: While the Disability Specialist is not qualified to diagnose a disability, she is trained to see the red flags that may indicate that a learning problem is present. She can also conduct a screening to further help determine if you should seek diagnostic testing. If the Disability Specialist believes it is warranted based upon your responses during the interview and/or screenings, she may refer you for diagnostic testing.
Special Note Regarding “Special Education” in Post-Secondary Institutions
It is common for students and their parents to expect that their IEPs from high school to transfer to high school. Special education and special education teachers do not exist in college and universities.
Your IEP expires when you leave high school. This is because colleges and universities are not governed by IDEA or by the same portion of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
IDEA mandates “free and appropriate education” (FAPE) for students K-12, up to age 21. IDEA coverage stops after completion of grade 12. IDEA does not apply to colleges and universities.
K-12 and post-secondary (college) education is governed by different parts of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Subpart D of Section 504 governs K-12. Colleges and universities are governed by subpart E of Section 504. Subpart D mandates that schools seek out, test, diagnosis, and create an education plan for students with disabilities. Colleges and universities are only required to provide access to students with disabilities. In colleges and universities, students must seek out disability services and make their needs known to disability services professionals and instructors.
It is your responsibility as a student in college to make your needs for accommodation based upon your disability known to your instructors and administrators at a post- secondary institution.
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 9 ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATIONS & SERVICES
The Disability Specialist will determine appropriate accommodations and services based upon the nature of the disability and your academic needs. Services for students with disabilities include, but are not limited to:
Priority scheduling of classes Adaptive equipment and software Assistance with strategic scheduling/special advising Assessment of disability-related needs Referral to academic and vocational counselling Interpreters, captioning, and real-time translation (with advance notice) Readers for tests Scribes for tests Note taking assistance Conversion of classroom materials in accessible format when requested Textbooks in non-print format Testing accommodations and exam proctoring for disability-related needs Consultation with faculty members regarding academic accommodations as needed and/or requested
Adaptive Equipment & Software
IBM computers equipped with adaptive equipment and adaptive technology software are available for students' use during regular ODS office hours at Conard Learning Center. Students are welcome to use these computers on a walk-in basis. No appointment is necessary. Adaptive equipment and adaptive technology software available to students includes:
Speech to text software (talk and type program). Screen enlargement software, for low vision users. CCTV text magnification systems, also for low vision users
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 10 Large and flat screen monitors. Adaptive mice and keyboards (upon request). Brailled materials available upon request with advance notice
These computers also have the software most commonly found in labs on campus (Microsoft Office). Any student needing software specific to a class should contact the Disability Specialist at the beginning of the quarter.
Assistance for students and staff with questions or concerns is available in ODS during office hours. Individuals interested in scheduling one-on-one learning sessions should contact the Disabilities Specialist.
Since there are no interpreters on the OSU-M staff, interpreters from the community are contracted. The Disability Specialist must be consulted at the very least two weeks in advance of the start of the quarter to assist with interpreter arrangements. Interpreter services are coordinated with the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (BVR) whenever a student is eligible for BVR services. If a student is not BVR eligible, OSU-M will accept sole responsibility for the interpreter coordination. Sign language interpreting services are available for classroom and lab requirements as well as for academic advising and contact with other university offices.
Captioning and Real-Time Transcription As above, the OSU-M does not staff C-Print, Typewell, or CART transcriptionists. OSU- M therefore contracts for these services in the community. The Disability Specialist must be given a minimum of two weeks advance notice of the need for these services. This advance notice is needed to assist with captioning/transcribing arrangements. If you are a BVR client, please check to see if BVR can assist with your captioning/transcribing needs. If not, then OSU-M will accept sole responsibility for the coordination of captioning/transcribing services. Contact the Disability Specialist as well if you need captioning/transcribing assistance for academic advising, University services, campus activities and events.
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 11 Readers
ODS does not provide students with readers who offer services of a personal nature, such as reading mail. However, if an eligible student needs a test read to them, or needs class materials in non-print format, this can easily be arranged.
If you need a test read to you, contact the Disability Specialist at least two (2) days before your test to make arrangements.
Eligible students can request scribes for tests and, in limited circumstances, for classroom work. A scribe will write down verbatim what the student has dictated. A scribe is not to do your work for you. A scribe will not coach you on test responses or give you the answers to test questions.
At any time you will have the opportunity to review what the scribe has written either by reading what the scribe has written or by asking the scribe to read back what he or she has written. If there are corrections, direct the scribe to make them.
A scribe will be responsible for spelling and sentence ending punctuation. Student may direct the scribe for any specific spelling or punctuation within the sentences.
A scribe is not responsible for organizing or for paraphrasing student's thoughts into final form.
A scribe may stop the session at any time and get the Disability Specialist or instructor if he or she feels the student is requesting more assistance than is appropriate.
The Disability Specialist will review the above procedures with the student and scribe at the beginning of each session.
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 12 Note Taking Assistance
NOTE: Note taking services are provided to documented students with disabilities ONLY. These services are not designed to provide remediation. Note taking services are not a substitute for attending class. Note taking services are not meant to be an added advantage to students. Students with disabilities, like all other students, are expected to attend classes regularly.
In order to be eligible for note-taking assistance, a student must have a documented need for a note taker in the classroom as determined by the Disability Specialist.
Circumstances in which a student may be eligible for note taking services through the ODS include:
ODS is unable to provide the usual and customary accommodations, e.g., sign language interpreters, change of classroom to an accessible location, change of section to native English speaker when needed for lip reading purposes.
There is a lack of quality volunteer peer note-takers available in the classroom and the student has demonstrated a good faith effort to obtain a peer note taker.
When a student is eligible and chooses to waive interpreting services in lieu of note-takers.
A student's disability interferes with the process of obtaining information in lecture format in the classroom and the information conveyed in the lecture is not available in the textbooks for the class.
A student enrolled with the Office for Disability Services who has been granted note taking assistance may have his or her note-taker's notes copied for free at the Conard Learning Center reception desk. Free copies will be made ONLY at this location. The student's eligibility must be verified.
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 13 The Process of Finding a Note Taker
Once a note-taker is identified, please tell the Disability Specialist his or her name and the class for which he or she is providing notes. The note-taker's name will be kept on file and will not be charged for copying the notes he or she is provided to the student with the disability.
Many students with disabilities choose to locate their own note-takers. In fact, students are encouraged to find their own note-takers. Making their own arrangements helps students meet others in class with whom they can study and with whom they can consult if they have questions regarding the lectures and class work. Finding their own note-takers also helps students to prepare for the working world where note-taking assistance will most likely not be offered to them.
Volunteer note-takers may be obtained in the following ways (in order of efficacy):
1. Ask a classmate if he or she would be willing to share his or her notes with you. Remember that other students do this, too. You need not disclose your disability to your classmate. This method is preferable, because then you will have a contact person to ask if you have questions about the class content. Some students with disabilities choose to take classes with acquaintances or friends whom they know to be good students and whom they know will be willing to share their notes. This method also helps you meet people on campus!
2. Ask the instructor if he or she could help you to find a note taker in class. Make sure that you tell the instructor that you do not want to be identified, if this is the case. Sometimes, the instructor knows a successful student in class. Ask the instructor to ask the potential note taker if he or she would be willing to share his or her notes. Potential note-takers are often flattered when the instructor identifies them as quality students and are therefore
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 14 more willing to help.
3. If the instructor finds a note taker for you, and if you want to remain anonymous, ask your instructor to direct the note taker to ODS. The Disability Specialist will instruct the note taker in the procedure for providing notes confidentially. The Disability Specialist, will coordinate the receipt of the notes to ensure that the proper student(s) receive them.
4. If the above two steps fail, contact the Disability Specialist AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and let her know that you are having difficulty. She will seek other ways in which to secure a note taker for you.
Remember: you are never obligated to disclose the exact nature of your disability to the note taker or to your instructors.
The student with a disability is asked to identify his/her note taker to the instructor so that the instructor is aware of the note-taker's presence in the classroom. If the note taker anticipates being absent in class or being late to class, he or she is expected to notify the instructor or Disability Specialist. The instructor and Disability Specialist will then make alternate arrangements to ensure that the student with disabilities receives his or her notes.
If a student with a disability has tried both the options in good faith to find a peer note taker but has not been successful, ODS will assist the student. The Disability Specialist will work to find a note taker.
With the permission of the students, note-taking assistance letters will be sent to the instructors of students receiving note-taking assistance at the beginning of each quarter. These letters will 1) identify the student needing note-taking assistance, and 2) ask the instructor to either provide the student with his or her notes, or to assist in identifying a student volunteer who will share his or her notes.
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 15 Any concerns by the instructor or student with these arrangements should be directed to the Disability Specialist at 419 755-4304.
Textbooks in Alternate (non-print) Format
Some individuals are eligible for audio taped versions of their textbooks from Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic (RFB&D). In order to obtain your textbooks in non-print format:
1. Check to see if books are available at RFB & D.
2. If you are an RFBD member, call 1-800-221-4792 to order books. Their business hours are 8:30a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
3. If you are not an RFB & D member, and if the book is available through RFB& D, contact the Disability Specialist at [email protected] or at 419 755-4304 and tell her the book title, author, and RFB & D shelf number.
4. The Disability Specialist will order the book for you. She will contact you when the book arrives.
5. Please keep in mind that some textbooks are not available from RFB&D. No course pack will be available through RFB & D.
6. If your text book is not available through RFB & D, or you have a course pack that needs to converted to alternative text media (i.e. electronic text, audio file, etc), contact the Disability Specialist at [email protected] or at 419 755-4304. The Disability Specialist will need a hard copy of the materials you need read and the deadlines for these readings. She will also need as much advance notice as possible, preferably before classes begin. When you call to make arrangements, please have the following information ready:
Your name, phone number, and e-mail address Course for which you will use the book or course pack
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 16 Your Instructor/Instructor's name Book title Book's author Book's edition number (if available) Book's copyright date Syllabus with pages/sections needing to be read and reading deadlines
7. ODS will strive to have the pages/sections read at least three days before the deadline in order to allow you time to use the materials in preparation for class.
8. When conversion of the materials are completed, the Disability Specialist will notify you via e-mail and let you know that they are complete. You will be required to read and sign an Alternative Media Student Requirement Agreement form before you may take the materials.
9. Materials must be returned by 5:00 PM of the Thursday of final exam week.
10.Students who do not return their materials will have a financial hold placed on their student account for the cost of the materials loaned. This hold will prevent students from receiving grades and from registering for classes next quarter. If materials are not returned by the end of the following quarter, students will be charged the cost of the materials loaned. The financial hold will be removed from the student’s account as soon as the materials are returned or when the University is paid the cost of the unreturned materials.
At this point, you should have already provided ODS with appropriate documentation and the Disability Specialist has informed you of the accommodations for which you are eligible. Just because you have been made eligible for an accommodation, ODS will not automatically assume you are going to use it for each class, each quarter. You are responsible for making arrangements for your disability accommodations and for
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 17 making your needs known to ODS and to your instructors.
If you wish to use your accommodations, you must request them from your instructors. Follow the instructions below to request accommodations.
Note: Accommodations are not retroactive. This means that you cannot be accommodated for something that happened in the past.
Follow these steps every quarter to receive accommodations through ODS and/or instructors:
1. Analyze your classes. Decide which classes you’ll need your accommodations. If you need help in determining which accommodations will be appropriate for a particular class, consult your Disability Specialist.
2. Meet with the Disability Specialist Your accommodation needs will change from quarter to quarter and may be different from class to class. In order to access accommodations for your classes, you will need accommodation letters from the Disability Specialist. You need to meet with the Disability Specialist at the beginning of every quarter to obtain this accommodation letter. The Disability Specialist will discuss your needs and your documentation with you, and create you accommodation forms for you. She will give you the accommodation letters for each class in which you will request accommodations.
These accommodations are addressed to your instructors. Accommodation letters verify 1) that you are a documented student with a disability, and 2) you are enrolled with ODS. These letters outline all the accommodations you have been granted and ask that the instructor discuss your classroom needs with you. You are not obligated to use all the accommodations listed on this letter, nor are you obligated to give an accommodation letter to all your
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 18 instructors. Only give an accommodation letter to instructors of the classes in which you seek accommodations.
The Disability Specialist will also give you a copy of her office hours during this meeting. In addition, if you have been granted testing accommodations, the Disability Specialist will also have you sign a contract and give you test proctor forms at this time.
Please see the next section for more specific information on setting up your testing accommodations and services.
3. Make an appointment with the instructor of each class in which you need accommodations
Make an appointment with your instructors or attend each instructor's office hours as early in the quarter as possible to discuss your accommodation requests. ODS advises that you do this within the first two weeks of the quarter. Scheduling an appointment is often the preferred and best choice. Do not assume that an instructor will remember you and your needs from a previous class or quarter.
Speaking to your instructors at a pre-arranged time and setting better ensures that your instructor will remember you, understand your needs, and be able to help you. Do not attempt to discuss your needs with your instructor in front of the class or as he or she is entering or leaving class. Do not hand the instructor your accommodation letter as you pass one another in the hallway, or slip your accommodation letter under your instructors' doors. These methods of disclosing your need for accommodations lead to confusion and miscommunication between you, your instructors, and the Disability Specialist.
4. Be specific when speaking to your instructor. When you meet with the instructor, give your accommodation letter to him or
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 19 her. Make specific accommodation requests such as extra time for exams or note taking assistance. You do not need to disclose the specific nature of your disability to your instructor at any time. If you are uncomfortable identifying your disability, keep the conversation focused on the accommodations for which you are eligible. See “Meeting with Instructors” for examples of what to say to your instructors in these meetings.
5. If you have been granted testing accommodations, you and the instructor should decide together WITH WHOM you are going to take quizzes and exams during this meeting. You may take quizzes and exams with the instructor or with the Disability Specialist. Next decide with your instructor WHERE quizzes and exams will be taken. (You may, for example, decide to take your quizzes with your instructor, but your tests at Conard with the Disability Specialist.)
6. Maintain communication with the Disability Specialist and your instructors.
Together with your Disability Specialist, decide how often you will meet for follow up appointments. One meeting per quarter is good if you only need to check in concerning your progress. Other students need more regularly scheduled appointments for help with advocacy, time management, scheduling, or study strategies.
Stay in contact with your instructor throughout the quarter. Gentle reminders of planned accommodations are often appreciated. For instance, a quick e-mail to the instructor 2-3 days prior to the exam reminding them that you are scheduled to take your exam at ODS will ensure that your exam will be ready and waiting when you arrive for the exam.
7. Contact the Disability Specialist or instructor immediately if you are having difficulties with any accommodation, service, or a class.
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 20 ARRANGING TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS (SPECIFIC)
If you have been granted testing accommodations, you’ll need to follow these steps:
1. Make an appointment with the Disability Specialist as soon as possible in the quarter. ODS advises that you do this within the first two weeks of the quarter.
2. Obtain your accommodation letter(s) and test proctor forms from the Disability Specialist.
3. Read and sign the Student Test Accommodations Contract in the presence of the Disability Specialist.
4. Make an appointment with your instructor(s) to discuss your accommodations, including your test accommodations. Decide with whom and where you will take your class tests and quizzes. Give your instructor(s) your accommodation letter(s). Your instructors will not accommodate you unless you disclose your need for accommodations and give them your accommodation letters. Ask your instructor to keep your accommodation letter for his or her future reference.
5. One week before each class test, contact your instructor & make an appointment to meet with him or her.
6. Take a blank Test Proctor Sheet to your instructor when you meet with him or her.
7. Work with him or her to fill out the Test Proctor Sheet. It is your responsibility to ensure that your instructor fills out ALL the shaded sections of the form, signs it, and dates it.
8. Ask your instructor at this time if you should report directly to Conard before your test or if you should first report to class.
9. Return the completed form to Darla at the Math Lab front desk at least three week days BEFORE your scheduled test date. Returning this form is your
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 21 responsibility, not your instructor’s.
10.Incomplete and/or unsigned forms will be returned to you, the student, and test proctoring at Conard will be denied. Conard must have complete testing information and instructor authorization before proctoring tests.
11.Your instructor or his or her OSU faculty or staff designee should deliver, e-mail, or fax your class test to ODS before your scheduled test date and time.
12.ODS advises sending your instructor a polite reminder that you’ll be taking your test in their class at Conard a day or two before your scheduled test day. Faculty often appreciate these reminders. It’s ok to send ODS a reminder about this, too, if you wish.
13.Show up on time for your test. If you will arrive late or cannot keep your test appointment, please call ODS and let Michelle know.
14.If you arrive late to your test appointment, you will get the remainder of your allotted test time. No additional time will be granted to you.
15.If you miss a test and need to reschedule, schedule a new test date and time with your instructor. Make sure that this new time is during the ODS test proctoring hours. If you have already submitted a test proctor form, and the only change will be the test date and/or time, you needn’t submit a new form. Simply e-mail Michelle at [email protected] three days before the test date and Michelle her the new test date and time. Be sure to copy (cc) your instructor on this e-mail.
If changes have been made to the test instructions, such as what will be allowed for use on the test, then work with your instructor to fill out a new test proctor form with you to your appointment with your instructor. Determine a new day and time for the test with him or her. Ensure that your instructor fills out ALL the blanks on the form, signs it, and dates it. Take this new form to Darla at the Math Lab front desk three days before the test date.
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 22 Again, YOU are responsible to return the completed, signed form to ODS at least three week days before the scheduled day.
Where Can I Go For Help?
Here is a list of the most frequently used resources by our students. If you want to know whether other types of programs exist, consult with the Disability Specialist and/or your academic advisor.
The Writing Center, 136 Ovalwood Hall (419) 755-4371. Writing Center Consultants can help you with writing academic papers by appointment or by walk-in are available daily Monday-Thursday 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM and Friday 9:00 AM-3:00 PM. Assistance to students in the Writing Lab is free. The Writing Center's Macintosh computers may also be used for writing academic papers. Contact Jim Snyder, the Writing Lab Coordinator, at (419) 755- 4371 for more information.
The Math Lab, Conard Learning Center, (419) 755-4201.
Student lab assistants along with the Director and Math Lab Coordinator are available to help answer questions about math homework assignments. This service is free. Help is offered on a first come, first served, walk-in basis. The student lab assistants are not able to make appointments. The emphasis in the Math Lab is on understanding concepts, developing good math study habits, and cooperative learning. The Math Lab also provides students with supplemental materials to use in studying mathematics.
IBM computers are available for academic work and e-mail use. Limited help with computers is also offered. Contact Andrew Mueller, the Math Lab Coordinator, at (419) 755-3933 for more information.
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 23 If you need extra help in a particular subject, and would be interested in participating in a study group, contact your class instructor(s).
Financial Aid, Office of Student Life, Riedl Hall (419) 755-4317
Contact Eva Eichinger or Deb Tabor for help with your questions about scholarships and financial aid. You may also call The Office of Student Life at (419) 755-4317 to schedule an appointment with Eva or Deb.
Personal Counseling, 226 Bromfield Hall http://www.mansfield.ohio- If you need someone to talk to about personal issues, counseling help is available for free on campus. Blake Wagner, Ph.D, clinical psychologist holds office hours on campus two days a week. Dr. Wagner is available to consult with students regarding personal and interpersonal matters of a psychological/emotional nature. He can also refer students to other area providers and resources for further assistance. Students may make campus appointments with Dr. Wagner by calling his private practice, New Directions, at 419 529-9941. Please also see New Directions’ website and resources at
Career Services, Office of Student Life, Riedl Hall (419) 755-4317
If you are seeking help in deciding a career field, or if you are interested in working on campus as a work study student, contact Pam Schopieray. Pam can also help you to prepare for job interviews, prepare resumes, look for jobs, and network with other professionals in the student's desired career field.
Bromfield Library, Bromfield Hall 419-755-4331 http://library.mansfield.ohio-
The Bromfield Library staff can help you to find information in the library’s stacks or online databases for your research papers. They can also assist you with
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 24 interlibrary loans. The library also offers quiet study spaces for students’ use.
Student ID Cards (BuckId), Campus Recreation Center http://crc.mansfield.ohio-
A student ID card is required to check books out at the library, checkout materials at Conard Center Math Lab, use the PAC, etc. This card is also necessary for a multitude of services on main campus. To obtain your Buck-ID card:
Pay for all tuition and fees. Obtain a paid registration receipt/sticker at the Riedl Hall business office Take your registration receipt/sticker to the PAC business office PAC staff will make your Buck-ID card while you wait
All students who are eligible for accommodations and services through ODS receive priority scheduling. The accommodation of Priority Scheduling allows you the opportunity to select schedules that match your unique disability-related needs.
OSU students who have priority, such as ODS students, athletes, and honors students, are able to begin registering for classes 2 days prior to the general registration begins. This is called "your window". When it is your time to register, you should receive an e- mail message telling you on what day and at what time you may begin registering. Be sure to check your OSU e-mail account often! All information regarding registration, grades, and other OSU correspondence will be sent to you there.
It is your responsibility to keep track of registration times and to seek assistance with registration, if necessary.
Please refer to the OSU-Mansfield Events Calendar online at
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 25 option=com_jevents&task=month.calendar for information about important campus dates, including registration.
When scheduling your courses, please consider the following guidelines:
1. Meet with your Academic Advisor before your window begins so that you are ready to enter classes within the first 2 days.
2. You can begin scheduling as soon as your "window" opens. Realize that the longer you wait to register for your classes, the fewer class choices will be available to you.
3. Use your priority status to your advantage! Consider your disability-related needs and issues when scheduling. Factors to consider might be:
The time of day the classes meet How often classes meet Can you handle back-to-back classes or do you need breaks or extended time on tests and exams? Is your course work balanced, so that you avoid an overload? Is there a type of work that is affected by your disability?
The Disability Specialist is not an academic advisor, but she can assist you in balancing your course load to better address your disability needs. Therefore, it can be very helpful to meet with the Disability Specialist as you plan each quarter, but always meet with your academic advisor to review selected courses before you schedule.
ODS is a designated voter registration site. Voter registration forms and other information about voting is available at ODS.
If you are a resident of Richland County, Ohio you can register to vote using forms at
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 26 ODS.
If you are a resident of another Ohio county, you can vote via absentee ballot. Please contact ODS for more information. Alternately, you may go to the Ohio Secretary of State’s website at or call the Secretary of State's Elections Division office at (614) 466-2585 or (614) 466-0562 (TTY).
If you need more information or assistance in filling out the registration form, call Michelle McLane, Disability Specialist at (419) 755-4304 or e-mail her at [email protected].
Answers to your frequently asked questions, voter registration request forms, election dates and other information are also available through the Ohio Secretary of State's website.
If you have questions relating to current registration in a county or questions about a specific election, call ODS at (419) 755-4304 or consult the Board of Elections web page at .
Individuals with temporary disabilities may be eligible for disability parking, academic accommodations and assistance for exams, if applicable. You must schedule an intake appointment with the Disability Specialist and provide documentation of your temporary disability before academic accommodations can be arranged.
Campus does not provide transportation for students with disabilities. However, assistance with transportation may be available through the Richland County Transit Board. Call (419) 774-6396 for more information.
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 27 DISABILITY PARKING ON CAMPUS
All parking on the OSU-Mansfield campus is public parking on a first come, first served basis. OSU-Mansfield does not register vehicles, issue parking stickers, or passes.
Disability parking spaces on campus are located along both sides of the student parking lots. There are also disability spaces along the curb in front of the Cyber Café and the front entrance of Founders Hall. Spaces adjacent to the main entrance of Riedl Hall and in the delivery area behind Eisenhower Hall. There is one disabled parking space next to the Campus Bookstore.
Campus security requires that vehicles parked in disabled parking spaces display a State of Ohio disabled parking placard from the rear view mirror. Vehicles parked in disability spaces that do not display state issued disability placards will be ticketed. Parking on campus in areas not designated as parking spaces is prohibited, and vehicles parked in these areas will also be ticketed.
Procedure for obtaining a State of Ohio Disability Parking Placard
1. Obtain a note from your medical doctor stating that you need to park in a disabled parking space. The note needs to be written on the doctor's office letterhead or prescription pad and must be signed by the doctor
2. Take this note to the Richland County Bureau of Motor Vehicles in downtown Mansfield.
3. Ask for an Application for Disability Placard form and fill it out.
4. Once you receive your disability placard, be sure to prominently display whenever you park in a disabled parking space on campus or anywhere in the community. If you do not have a placard displayed, you will receive a parking ticket.
For more information about Ohio disability parking placards, consult
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 28
The University and ODS support students in their right to file a grievance when they believe they have been denied equal access in the form of appropriate accommodations, modifications, auxiliary aids, or effective communication or suffered discriminatory harassment as described in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, ADAAA 2008, or the Ohio Administrative Code 4112-5-09 which addresses discrimination against persons with disabilities in institutions of higher education. The general grievance procedures, which apply to students, are available to students with disabilities. The grievance procedures listed below are additional procedures that apply to students with disabilities who feel their rights have been violated under 504 and ADA. There are two grievance procedures listed below. One is for filing a grievance against the University, faculty, staff, academic department, non-academic department, program, and/or organization. The other procedure is for individuals who want to file a grievance against The Office for Disability Services (ODS) and/or a particular ODS staff person.
Resolving Conflicts with the University, Faculty, and/or Staff, Academic Department or University Non-academic Department, Program, or Organization
1. Students are encouraged to discuss their concerns with their Disability Specialist. The Disability Specialist will attempt to resolve the issues causing concern by assisting the student in discussing issues with the faculty member, department, or program, participating in such discussions, or calling the faculty member and/or head of the department in an effort to clarify and resolve issues. In some instances, other ODS staff at the other campuses and the ODS director at OSU- Columbus may be consulted or a meeting convened in order to develop a resolution. Most situations are positively resolved through ODS support and mediation. The student and involved parties will be notified by the Disability Specialist of progress, findings or resolution within 10 business days. Due to the
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 29 urgency of many issues, it is likely that many problems will be resolved much sooner.
2. If either the student or the Disability Specialist feels that a satisfactory resolution is still not reached, the student should notify the ADA Coordinator at OSU- Columbus. The ADA Coordinator, in consultation with Human Resources, Legal Affairs, and ODS will evaluate the complaint and determine an appropriate resolution. The ADA Coordinator will inform all involved parties of her or his progress, findings or resolution within 10 business days. Please see the ADA Coordinator's website at for more information.
3. If the complaint is not resolved at the University level, the student may choose to file a complaint with the Federal Office of Civil Rights, The Ohio Civil Rights Commission or The Ohio Legal Rights Service. These entities will take complaints and will investigate when appropriate.
Resolving Conflicts with ODS and/or an ODS Staff Member
1. When a student has a complaint against ODS and/or one of its staff members, the student should first discuss the complaint with his or her Disability Specialist. Resolution of the issue may be reached at this level.
2. If the complaint is not resolved or for a specific reason cannot be discussed with the Disability Specialist, the student should contact the Director of ODS at OSU- Columbus to discuss the issues and explore resolution. After investigating the situation, the Director will provide the student and involved parties with a response of progress, findings or resolution within 10 business days. A student has the right to by-pass ODS and go directly to the ADA Coordinator.
3. If the complaint is not resolved or for any reason cannot be discussed with the director of ODS, the student should contact the ADA Coordinator at OSU- Columbus. The ADA Coordinator, in consultation with Human Resources and Legal Affairs will evaluate the situation and determine an appropriate resolution.
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 30 The ADA Coordinator will inform all involved parties of his or her progress, findings, or resolution within 10 business days.
4. If a satisfactory solution is still not offered, the student may choose to file a complaint with the Federal Office of Civil Rights, The Ohio Civil Rights Commission or The Ohio Legal Rights Service. These entities will take complaints and will investigate when appropriate.
Resolving Alleged Discrimination by Another Student
In situations where students allege discrimination by another student, students have the option of filing formal charges under the Code of Student Conduct. Please refer to the policy and procedures in the Student Handbook. Contact the Office of Student Judicial Affairs at OSU-Columbus for further information.
Contact Information:
OSU-Mansfield Office for Disability Services Conard Learning Center 1760 University Drive Mansfield, OH 44906 Phone: (419) 755-4304 Phone: (419) 755-4201 TTY: (419) 755-4017 Fax: (419) 755-4016
Office for Disability Services (OSU-Columbus) 150 Pomerene Hall 1760 Neil Avenue Columbus, OH 43210-1297 Phone: (614) 292-3307 TDD: (614) 292-0901 Fax: (614) 292-4190
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 31 ADA Coordinator’s Office (OSU-Columbus) 2054 Drake Union 1849 Cannon Drive Columbus, OH 43210-1266 Phone: (614) 292-6207 TDD: (614) 688-8605 Fax: (614) 688-3665 Student Judicial Affairs (OSU-Columbus) 33 West 11th Avenue, Room 115 Columbus, OH 43210-1266 Phone: (614) 292-0748 Fax: (614) 292-2098
Office for Civil Rights Phone: (312) 886-8434 TDD: (312) 353-2540 Fax: (312) 353-4888
Ohio Civil Rights Commission Frank Laushe Building 615 West Superior Avenue, Suite 885 Cleveland, OH 44113-1897 Phone: (216) 787-3150 Toll-Free: (888) 278-7101 TTY: (216) 787-3549
Ohio Legal Rights Service 50 West Broad Street, Suite 1400
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 32 Columbus, OH 43215-5923 Phone: (614) 466-7264 Ohio Toll-Free (800) 282-9181 TTY: (614) 728-2553 TTY Toll-Free (800) 858-3542
OSU-Mansfield ODS Student Handbook Updated 4/4/2018 33