IEEE P802.15 Operating Rules
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1五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6
1 IEEE P802.15 2 Wireless Personal Area Networks Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Title IEEE P802.15 Operating Rules
Date [7 July 199925 May 2000] Submitted
Source [Tom Siep/Ian Gifford] Voice: [+1 214 480 6786] [Texas Instruments] Fax: [+1 972 761 5581] [12500 TI Blvd, MS 8723 E-mail: [[email protected] ] Dallas, TX 75243] Re: [99001r6P802-15_Operating-Rules.doc, WPAN-Rules.doc, and WPAN- Rules.pdf]
Abstract [IEEE P802.15 Operating Rules, as approved on 7Jul99 by the IEEE 802.15 WG for WPANs.]
Purpose [These are the official rules of the IEEE Project 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks the purpose of this revision is to identify internal and external rule changes and to keep the WG Rules up to date and accurate. Additionally, the Web Master will produce an online version of the rules once they are agreed to.]
Notice This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
2Submission Page 1 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 3Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 4五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 4
7 Operating Rules of IEEE Project 802
8 Working Group P802.15 9 10 11 12 Approved: July 5, 1999 Revised effective November 6, 2000 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 IEEE Project 802 Wireless Personal Area Network Working Group P802.15 21 22 Copyright (c) 20001999 by tThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 23 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor 24 New York, New York 25 10016-5997 U.S.A.345 East 47th Street 26 New York, NY 10017, USA 27 All rights reserved.
5Submission Page 2 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 6Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 7五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 28 29Contents 301. OVERVIEW 62
32 2.1. FUNCTION 6 2
33 2.2. WG OFFICERS 7 2
34 2.3. WG ADVISORY CORE 8 2
35 2.4. WG MEMBERSHIP 9 2
36 2.5. OPERATION OF THE WG 10 2
38 2.7. WG BALLOTING 18 2 393. TASK GROUPS 192
40 3.1. TG FUNCTION 19 2
41 3.2. TG OFFICERS 19 2
42 3.3. TG MEMBERSHIP 19 2
43 3.4. OPERATION OF THE TG 19 2
46 4.1. FUNCTION 22 2
47 4.2. FORMATION 22 2
48 4.3. CONTINUATION 23 2
54 7.2. CALL FOR INTEREST 24 2
55 7.3. STUDY GROUP 24 2
56 7.4. TASK GROUP 25 2
58 7.6. SPONSOR BALLOT 26 2
8Submission Page 3 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 9Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 10五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 59 7.7. STANDARDS BOARD APPROVAL 26 2
62 8.1. CHAIR 27 2
63 8.2. VICE CHAIR 29 2
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68References 69 70[1] Operating rules of IEEE pProject 802, LAN MAN Standards Committee (LMSC) 71 72 (HTML version) 73 74[2] IEEE Standards Companion 75 76[3] IEEE Standards Operations Manual 77 78[4] IEEE Standards Board Bylaws 79 sa/sa-bylaws-main.html guides/bylaws/ 80[5] Overview & guide to IEEE 802 / LMSC 81 82[6] IEEE 802 LMSC Guidelines 83
84 85Please note that these documents may be revised periodically. The latest edition will be made 86available at the IEEE Standards website at no charge. The documents on the IEEE Standards 87website are considered to be the definitive version ( 88For further information, contact the IEEE Standards Department, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 8908855-1331, USA.
14Submission Page 5 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 15Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 16五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 90
911. Overview 92The 802.15 Working Group (WG) is responsible for developing Wireless Personal Area 93Networks (WPANs) standards under the auspices of the IEEE Project 802 LAN/MAN 94Standards Committee (P802 LMSC). The 802.15 WG is one of several working groups 95reporting to the P802 LMSC. The 802.15 WG operates under the Operating rules of IEEE 96Project 802 ( ref [1]) and the hierarchy of rules under which IEEE Project 802 operates. In the 97event of any conflict between the Operating Rules of 802.15 and the Operating rules of IEEE 98Project 802, the Operating rules of IEEE Project 802 take precedence.
Project 802 Organizational Structure Figure 1
99The P802 LMSC Sponsor Executive Committee (SEC) directs the P802 LMSC. The SEC serves 100as the SEC for both the Ssponsor Bballot Ggroups as well as the Standards Development Groups. 101P802 LMSC has been divided into Working Groups, Technical Advisory Groups and, on a 102temporary basis, Executive Committee Study Groups to standardize technologies applicable to 103local and metropolitan area networks. See figure 1. 104A brief overview of the standards development process is provided in clause 7.1 of this 105document.
1062. Working Group
1072.1. Function 108The 802.15 WG's charter is to develop Physical layer and MAC sub-layer specifications for 109Wwireless Personal Area Networks based on [Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detect 110(CSMA/CD) protocol] or on [Carrier Sense Multiple Access /Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA)] 111or [no qualification at all]. Standards efforts are carried out under Project Authorization 112Requests (PAR) approved by the IEEE Standards Board and assigned to 802.15 WG. Since the 113scope of standards work which comprises 802.15 WG activity may be widely dispersed in time, 114technology and structure, individual standards activities within 802.15 WG are, at the discretion 115of the 802.15 WG, carried out by Task Groups (TG) operating under, and reporting to, the
17Submission Page 6 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 18Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 19五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 116802.15 WG. A TG may in turn create Sub-Task Groups as necessary to accomplish the work of 117the TG. 118The 802.15 WG is chartered to: 119 define, maintain, and revise the 802.15 standards 120 develop new standards in a reasonable time frame within the scope of the P802 LMSC 121 forward these standards to ISO/IEC JTC1 122 maintain liaisons with other groups within P802 LMSC, and other relevant standards 123 setting bodies and Radio Spectrum regulatory bodies 124The 802.15 WG activities are administered by the WG Chair who is assisted in this task by the 125Working Group Advisory Core (see 2.3). 126The structure of 802.15 WG is illustrated in figure 2.
1272.2. WG Officers 128The rules and procedures for the election of, and the terms served by, the WG Chair and Vice- 129Chair are contained in the Operating rules of IEEE Project 802 (See ref [1], 5.1.2). Removal of 130the WG Chair or Vice-Chair is also covered by this document (See ref [1],
1312.2.1. Chair 132As stated in P802 rules, the chair of the WG is responsible for presiding over WG Plenary 133sessions and combined TG meetings. The chair only votes on matters before the Working Group 134in cases where a deciding vote must be cast. 135In addition, minutes of TG meetings are to be reviewed by the TG chairs and made available for 136review by the WG one week after closure of the session.
1372.2.2. Vice Chair 138Unlike the chair, except when acting in the capacity of the chair, the vice chair, normally votes, 139and comments on issues with the same rights as all other voting members.
1402.2.3. Secretary 141The minutes of meetings taken by the Secretary (or designee) are to be provided to the WG chair 142in time to be available to the membership one week after close of the session. 143The minutes of the meeting are to include documents produced by the voting process and 144document list. Sufficient detail should be presented in the meeting minutes to allow a person 145knowledgeable of the activity, but not present at the discussion, to understand what was agreed 146to and why. Minutes shall be posted to the WG web site within 7 days of the close of the 147meeting. See Standards Companion for details on content and form of minutes.
20Submission Page 7 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 21Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 22五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 1482.2.4. Technical Editor 149The Technical Editor is responsible for organizing, maintaining the draft standards in the format 150used by the IEEE standards department. The editor is responsible for publishing updates of draft 151standards as soon after a session as possible, but not later than the set "last mailing date". 152Proof read and coordinates changes of documents edited by IEEE staff. 153Send the IEEE P802.15 Chairperson the following: 154 1. The Acrobat .pdf file of the standard 155 2. The FrameMaker .fm & .bookmif files of the standard 156 3. The Figures or graphic .eps files used in the standard
1572.2.5. Treasurer 158802.15 WG operates without treasurer and without treasury. Occasionally there may be a need 159for short-term funds associate with a particular meeting. Any debts and collections shall take 160place within that meeting. The sponsoring group/individual will be responsible for financing 161short-term expenses for interim meetings. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring 162group/individual to provide a statement of accounts if a meeting registration fee is levied on 163members.
1642.2.6. Assistants 165The WG Chair may appoint and dismiss assistants to any of the above offices, as the needs of the 166WG change.
1672.3. WG Advisory Core 168The 802.15 WG Advisory Core (AC) functions as the coordinating body supporting the Chair in 169formulations of policy and the performance of his duties. The 802.15 WG AC has no formal 170meetings, voting procedures, nor policies. The intent is to have the 802.15 WG AC operate in a 171consultative manner. There is adequate policy and procedural rigor imposed on WG 802.15 by 172the Operating rules of IEEE Project 802 and its hierarchy of rules.
1732.3.1. Function 174The function of the WG AC is to assist the WG Chair in performing the following tasks: 175 Providing procedural and, if necessary, technical guidance to the Task Groups and Study 176 Groups (SG) as it relates to their charters. 177 Overseeing WG, TG, and SG operation to see that it is within the scope of WG 802.15. 178 Examining TG draft standards proposed for submission to WG ballot. 179 Considering complaints of TG and SG members and their resolution at the Plenary, TG, 180 and SG.
23Submission Page 8 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 24Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 25五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 181 Managing WG 802.15 logistics, e.g. concurrent TG and SG meetings, etc. 182 Manage liaison activities between meetings of the WG.
1832.3.2. Membership 184Membership of the WG AC is composed of the following WG 802.15 officers: 185 WG Chair. 186 WG Vice-Chair and/or Co-Vice-Chairs. 187 Recording Secretary. 188 Task Group Chairs. 189 Study Group Chairs. 190 Technical Editor
1912.4. WG Membership 192The rules and procedures governing WG membership including establishment, retention, loss 193and rights are contained in the Operating rules of IEEE Project 802 (See ref [1], 5.1.3). The 194following additional requirement are imposed within WG 802.15: 195 TG and SG meetings do not count towards 802.15 WG voting rights unless they are held 196 in conjunction with a WG meeting. In that case they are treated as if the member 197 attended the parallel meeting within the WG. 198 To establish voting rights participants must request to become a voter during a 802.15 199 WG Opening or Closing plenary meeting when additions to the voter list are solicited by 200 the Chair from the "Nearly Voting Member" list. 201 To establish and retain voting rights participants must record and maintain complete 202 contact information in the 802.15 database 203 Voting rights are established by participation in 2 plenary meetings within 4 consecutive 204 plenary meetings. One interim meeting may be substituted for a plenary meeting. 205 Participation is defined as attending 75% of all meetings during an officially sanctioned 206 session of the WG 207 Voting rights may be lost by: 208 . Failure to pay conference fee 209 . Missing two out of three consecutive letter ballots 210 . Failure to maintain contact information 211In addition to the requirements for membership the following is highly recommended for most 212efficient exchange of information between members:
26Submission Page 9 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 27Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 28五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 213 E-mMail address capable of handling large >1MB file attachments 214 Remote Internet & Web access & HTML Browser 215 Laptop computer at meetings 216 MS Office 2000 & PKWARE Zip/Unzip Utility or compatible 217 802.11 WLAN card for laptop 218 Flash card for laptop
2192.5. Operation of the WG
2202.5.1. Chair's Function 221The Chair of a WG may decide procedural issues or may put them to a vote of the WG. The WG 222participants and the Chair decide technical issues by vote. The WG Chair decides what is 223procedural and what is technical.
2242.5.2. WG Plenary Meetings 2252.5.2.1. Plenary Session 226The 802.15 WG plenary session is conducted three times a year as part of the P802 LMSC 227plenary sessions (see ref [5]). The 802.15 WG plenary session is a meeting of individuals
29Submission Page 10 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 30Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments
Typical Working Group 802.15 meetings during 802 Plenary week Figure 2 31五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 228interested in developing and maintaining WPAN standards. Typically the 802.15 WG 229Opening/Closing plenary meetings are held between the opening and closing meetings of each 230P802 LMSC plenary (see figure 2). Occasionally there are TG or SG meetings during the 231Executive committee meeting on Monday morning and/or the weekend preceding the plenary 232(Note: meetings held before the opening of 802 plenary meeting are treated as interim meetings.) 233The 802.15 WG plenary is open to all registered P802 attendees. As is the case with all 802 234Working Group meetings only voting members have the right to participate in the discussions 235(see ref [1], The Working Group Chairs may grant the privilege of observers to 236participate in discussions. 237The WG 802.15 Plenary is conducted by the Chair or the Chair's designated delegate. The 238802.15 WG Opening plenary meeting will include the presentation of the following information: 239 The roll call of current voters. 240 The agenda (which was distributed earlier) including any items requiring a vote. 241In addition the following information is on the 802.15 web site and should be read and 242understood by participants. 243 The existence of these operating rules and where they can be obtained. 244 The existence of the operating rules of IEEE Project 802 and where they can be obtained. 245 IPR and copyright notices 246The function of a plenary meeting is to gather and disseminate information and take action as 247follows: 248 Status reports from the Task Groups and Study Groups. 249 Liaison reports from other standards organizations, other IEEE 802 WGs and TAGs. 250 Reports on schedules for future plenary meetings. 251 Announcements and general news. 252 Vote on such matters that may be brought before it such as recommendations of its Task 253 Groups and the election of 802.15 officers. 254 Make recommendations for SEC action with respect to standards projects, P802, and 255 liaison matters. 256 Calls for interest in new work items. 257 Call for relevant patents 258 Items for subsequent meetings 2592.5.2.2. Interim Meetings 260The respective group schedules interim WG, TG, or SG meetings no later than the end of the 261prior plenary meeting. The date/time/place of the meeting(s) must be approved and announced
32Submission Page 11 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 33Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 34五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 262at the final WG Plenary and entered in the minutes of the meeting. Official actions of these 263meetings are valid if one of the following occurs: 264 A quorum is present 265 Confirmation vote passes at the next Plenary 266 Appropriate level of approval (75%+ for technical, 50%+ for procedural) from a letter 267 ballot that has been pre-authorized by the WG at the time of the meeting approval 268 Specific empowerment that has been pre-authorized by the WG at the time of the meeting 269 approval 2702.5.2.3. Ad Hoc and Liaison Meetings 271Any AC member may call Ad Hoc and Liaison meetings. They have no official status and do 272not count for voting rights purposes. Not binding actions may be taken at these meetings unless 273specifically chartered by the WG. Since they may involve negotiation of proprietary 274information, they may be closed to the general membership of the WG. The "Ad Hoc and 275Liaison" meeting Agendas will be approved by anyone in the Working Group AC prior to 276Working Group distribution as discussed in these Operating Rules.
2772.5.3. Voting 278There are two type of votes in the WG; votes on motions and votes in straw polls. 279Only the WG members can make and vote on motions. 280All participants may participate in a straw poll at the discretion of the WG Chair. 281The WG Chair defines motions as either technical or procedural. On a technical motion, a vote 282is carried by a minimum 75% approval of the sum of those voting "Approve" or "Do Not 283Approve". On a procedural motion, a vote is carried by a greater than 50% approval of the sum 284of those voting "Approve" or "Do Not Approve". 285The decision to define a motion as technical or procedural rests with the WG Chair. Generally a 286technical motion is defined as a motion that will materially affect the content of a draft. This is 287because a draft itself will ultimately be subject to a 75% majority vote at the LMSC ballot. 288The decision by the WG to submit a draft standard or a revised standard to the WG ballot group 289must be ratified as a technical vote.
2902.5.4. Minimum Meeting Notification Requirements 291A meeting notice and agenda must be distributed to all WG 802.15 members and observers at 292least 30 days prior to any WG meeting. This notice will include as a minimum the date, time, 293location, host, hotel details, travel details if necessary and a stated purpose.
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Working Group 802.15 Organization Structure Figure 3 2942.5.5. Precedence of Operating Rules 295The rules governing Working Group Functions, Chair and Vice-Chair, Membership, meetings 296and the operation of a Working Group are provided by the Operating rules of IEEE Project 802 297and the hierarchy of rules under which IEEE Project 802 operates. These rules are all included 298in this document by reference and are not reproduced here, however the reader is encouraged to 299become familiar with these rules in addition to the rules provided in this document. If 802.15 300WG Operating Rules conflicts with the 802 Operating Rules, then the 802 Operating Rules shall 301take precedence.
3022.5.6. Maintenance of Operating Rules 303WG operating rules are a requirement of the Operating Rules of IEEE Project 802, which state 304that the WG chair shall: 305 "Establish Working Group rules beyond the Working Group rules set down by the 306 Executive Committee. These rules must be written and all Working Group 307 members must be aware of them."
308The WG 802.15 operating rules are to be made publicly available and posted in the WG 802.15 309area of the IEEE web site. Suggestions for improvements should be submitted to the Vice-Chair 310who will bring them up for discussion at the following plenary. 311Proposed changes to WG operating rules must be received no later than the day before the 312802.15 opening plenary. If there are any proposed changes a meeting shall be held to discuss the 313changes. The changes shall then be circulated at least one week prior to the next plenary and an 314announcement shall be made at that WG opening plenary that a vote shall be taken on the 315changes at the WG closing plenary (see below).
38Submission Page 13 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 39Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 40五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 316Proposed changes shall be in written form and should include: 317 The purpose, objective, or problem the proposed change is intended to address 318 The specific text of the rule change 319 The rationale for the chosen text 320These rules of operation of WG 802.15 can be changed by either: 321 A vote taken at the closing plenary of 802.15 WG, passing with a least 2/3 approval of 322 those voting either for or against.
323 An affirmative WG 802.15 letter ballot. This ballot shall adhere to the normal letter 324 ballot requirements ( see 2. 7 8 .2).
325The Chair shall decide which of the above methods shall be used. The SEC of the P802 326committee must approve all changes.
3272.5.7. Working Group Standard Procedures 328The following list describes the normal content and operations of Plenary and Interim P802.15 329meetings. 3301. The Working Group meetings start promptly at 8:300 a.m. and ends promptly at 5:00 p.m. or 331 per the approved meeting agenda. 3322. A Working Group "Session" refers to a set of meeting days that may not be contiguous. A 333 Working Group "Meeting" refers to a single day's meeting. The intermediate adjournments 334 from day to day, or the recesses taken during the day, do not destroy the continuity of the 335 meetings, which in reality constitute one session. 3363. The reports from the Task Groups and Study Groups deal primarily with issues related to 337 P802.15 as a whole or Liaison coordination. Reports of those items that will be covered in 338 the Plenary and Interim meetings should be minimized to avoid duplication of discussions. 3394. Robert’s Rules of Order are used in Working Group "Plenary and Interim" meetings. The 340 following items control debate procedures. The Chair or vote of the WG may modify them 341 for a specific period, as necessary. 342 Issues brought before the Full Working Group for resolution by vote should be phrased as 343 a motion and distributed, if possible, to the Working Group Chair before the meeting. 344 The maker of the motion has up to five minutes of uninterrupted time to explain the 345 motion and to answer questions about it. After this, the seconder of the motion will be 346 sought. 347 Each Working Group member has two minutes of uninterrupted time to state an opinion 348 about the motion. It is not necessary that all two minutes be used. 349 The debate is confined only to the current motion.
41Submission Page 14 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 42Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 43五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 350 If the Working Group extensively modifies a TG’s motion the Task Group Chair may 351 withdraw the motion and present it to the Working Group at the next meeting or session 352 (which ever comes first). 3535. When the Working Group meeting on the evening fails to cover all agenda items (except for 354 informational items), the clock stops at 5:00 p.m. the Chairman has the discretion to extend 355 that meeting agenda time to allow the Working Group the necessary time to resolve the 356 agreed to agenda items.
3572.6. Submission of Papers
3582.6.1. Document Numbering and File Names 359P802.15 uses the LMSC document numbering scheme. Every official document produced or 360archived by the Working Group will have a document number assigned in the format: 361 802.15-yy/m[ri] 362where yy is the year produced, m is a sequential number assigned by the WG secretary or 363designee, and ri is a revision designation. Brackets indicate the field is only present if additional 364versions of the document are produced and are brackets not included in the document number. 365The revision designation has a lower case r constant followed by a sequential number, that is 366assigned by the WG secretary or designee. 367Draft standards for 802.15 will have the format: 368 802.15/Di-yy/m 369where i is the Draft Revision Number, yy is the year produced, and m is a sequential number 370assigned by the WG secretary or designee. 371File names for these documents will be in the form: 372 Yym[ri]P802-15t 373where yy is the year produced, m is a sequential number assigned, ri is a revision designation 374and t a meaningful description of the document that can also be used as the title and is in the 375heading of the document. 376Document 802.15-yy/0ri will be the master index of documents for the year yy. Each time the 377document list is published by its maintainer, the revision number i is incremented 378File names for these documents will be in the form: 379 Yy000[ri]P802-15t
3802.6.2. Required Formats 381Submissions will be in one of the following file formats: 382 Microsoft Word 972000 (.doc)
44Submission Page 15 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 45Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 46五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 383 Microsoft PowerPoint 972000 (.ppt) 384 Microsoft Excel 972000 (.xls) 385 Microsoft Access 2000 (.mdb) 386 Microsoft Project 2000 (.mpp) 387 Adobe Acrobat PDF 4.0 (.pdf) 388 Adobe FrameMaker 6.0 (.fm) 389 Hypertext Markup Language 4.0 (.html) 390Graphics included in submissions will be in one of the following formats: 391 Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) .jpg 392 Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) .gif 393 Windows bitmap .bmp 394Documents submitted to WG 802.15 shall use the style templates supplied by the WG for all 395submissions. The Microsoft Word 972000 shall be used for text submissions, Microsoft 396PowerPoint 972000 will be used for presentations, Microsoft Excel 972000 will be used for 397spreadsheets, and Microsoft Access 972000 shall be used for database submissions. When Word 398or PowerPoint submissions are made, the templates published on the WG 802.15 web page must 399be used. 400Special fields are used in the templates to assure adherence to document standards. Information 401on how to change
4072.7. WG Balloting 408A draft must successfully pass a WG letter ballot (conditional approval excepted) before it can 409be can be forwarded to the Executive Committee for approval for Sponsor Group voting. The 410rules and procedures governing WG letter ballots, comment resolution and confirmation letter 411ballots are contained in the Operating rules of IEEE Project 802 (See ref [1], An 412overview of the process is also provided in subclause 7.1 of this document. 413Addition requirements are imposed within WG 802.15 are specified by the clauses below.
4142.7.1. Draft Standard Balloting Group 415The 802.15 WG balloting group consists of all voting members of the 802.15 WG as of the close 416of day the ballot package distribution was completed as determined by the WG Chair.
47Submission Page 16 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 48Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 49五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 4172.7.2. Draft Standard Balloting Requirements 418Before a draft is submitted to WG letter ballot it shall in addition have met the following 419requirements: 420 It must be complete with no open technical issues. 421 It must be made available on the web site a week before the meeting before it is to be 422 discussed. All changes made to the draft after the initial posting shall be presented for 423 review during the closing plenary immediately prior to the vote for approval to go to WG 424 ballot. 425 It must be formatted according to the IEEE style specified the WG templates 426 It must be approved for submittal to WG ballot at the 802.15 WG closing plenary. 427For a WG letter ballot to be considered valid the abstention rate must be less than 30%. 428When present, state diagrams shall take precedence over text.
4292.7.3. Draft Standard Formatting Requirements 430The draft must be provided in the current IEEE electronic format. At a minimum this shall be 431completed prior to the Sponsor ballot however it is preferable that the draft be maintained in this 432format for its entire life. 433Changes to the IEEE 802.15 current or draft standard shall be shown in underscore and strikeout. 434Note that the current standard may not be the same as the published standard due to approved but 435unpublished supplements.
4363. Task Groups
4373.1. TG Function 438The function of the Task Group is to produce a draft standard, recommended practice, guideline, 439supplement, or portion of a draft standard to the WG. These shall be within the scope of the 440P802 LMSC, the charter of the WG and under an approved PAR as established by the P802 441LMSC EC and approved by the IEEE Standards Board. After the publication by the IEEE of the 442standard, recommended practice or guideline, the function of the TG is complete and its charter 443expires (see 3.5). It is a function of the WG 802.15 to maintain published 802.15 standard(s) 444(see Clause 5).
4453.2. TG Officers
4463.2.1. TG Chair 447TG Chairs shall be appointed by the WG Chair and confirmed by a motion that is approved by a 448minimum 75% majority of attending WG members. The TG Chair is required to confirm that
50Submission Page 17 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 51Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 52五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 449the function of secretary is performed for each TG meeting. TG meetings are not allowed to 450function without a secretary or designee.
4513.2.2. Secretary 452The minutes of meetings taken by the Secretary (or designee) are to be provided to the TG chair 453in time to be available to the WG chair for publication a week after close of the session. 454The minutes of the meeting are to include documents produced by the voting process and 455document list. See Standards Companion for details on content and form of minutes.
4563.3. TG Membership 457The TG will draw its membership from the WG. The TG shall have the same voting rules as 458802.15 WG.
4593.4. Operation of the TG 460The TG's primary responsibility is to produce a draft standard, recommended practice, or 461guideline in a reasonable amount of time for review and approval by the WG. Democratic 462procedures are to be implemented using Robert's Rules of Order in combination with WG 802.15 463rules. At no time will the IEEE's operating rules, which are based upon ANSI's procedures for 464openness and fairness, be compromised.
4653.4.1. Chair's Function 466The Chair of a TG may decide procedural issues or may put them to a vote of the TG. The TG 467participants and the Chair decide technical issues by vote. The TG Chair decides what is 468procedural and what is technical.
4693.4.2. Meetings and Participation 470All TG meetings are open to members and observers. The TG chair may grant observers the 471privilege of participating in discussions. 472A TG shall normally meet during the WG plenarys. Additionally, the TG may meet as often as 473required and agreed to by the TG participants. A meeting notice and agenda must be distributed 474to all WG 802.15 members and observers at least 30 days prior to any meeting. This notice will 475include as a minimum the date, time, location, host, hotel details, travel details if necessary and a 476stated purpose. Task group meetings not held in conjunction with WG meetings do not count 477towards P802.15 voting rights.
4783.4.3. Voting 479There are two type of votes in the TG; votes on motions and votes in straw polls. 480Only the TG members can make and vote on motions. 481All participants may participate in a straw poll at the discretion of the TG Chair.
53Submission Page 18 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 54Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 55五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 482The TG Chair defines motions as either technical or procedural. On a technical motion, a vote is 483carried by a minimum 75% approval of the sum of those voting "Approve" or "Do Not 484Approve". On a procedural motion, a vote is carried by a greater than 50% approval of the sum 485of those voting "Approve" or "Do Not Approve". Any vote can be subjected to ratification at the 486WG level under WG voting rules. 487The decision to define a motion as technical or procedural rests with the TG Chair. Generally a 488technical motion is defined as a motion that will materially affect the content of a draft. This is 489because a draft itself will ultimately be subject to a 75% majority vote at both WG and LMSC 490ballot. 491The decision by the TG to request the WG to submit a draft standard or a revised standard to the 492WG ballot group must be ratified by the TG as a technical vote.
4933.4.4. Task Group Chair's Responsibilities 494The main responsibility of the TG Chair is to ensure the production, and to guide through the 495approval and publication process, a draft standard, recommended practice or guideline, or 496revision to an existing document as defined by the relevant PAR. The responsibilities include: 497 Call meetings and issue a notice and agenda for each meeting at least 30 days prior to the 498 meeting. 499 Assure that there is a Recording Secretary for each meeting. 500 Issue meeting minutes and important requested documents to members of the TG, the 501 WG AC, and liaison groups. The meeting minutes are to include: 502 . list of participants 503 . next meeting schedule 504 . agenda as revised at the start of the meeting 505 . voting record: 506 resolution 507 mover and seconder 508 numeric results 509 Hold officer elections when necessary. 510 Maintain liaison with other organizations at the direction of the WG AC or at the 511 discretion of the TG Chair with the approval of the WG AC. All liaison and liaison 512 statements shall be approved by the 802 EC. 513 Work with the IEEE staff to complete the publication process for the draft standard, 514 recommended practice or guideline. 515Sufficient detail should be presented in the meeting minutes to allow a person knowledgeable of 516the activity, but not present at the discussion, to understand what was agreed to and why.
56Submission Page 19 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 57Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 58五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 517Minutes shall be posted to the WG web site within 7 days of the close of the meeting. Any TG 518that wishes to reference a standard developed or under development by another organization 519within P802 LMSC, by another IEEE group or by an external organization, should refer to the 520requirements of subclause of the 802 Rules ( ref [1]). 521The TG Chair reports to the WG at the closing plenary of each session that the TG has meetings. 522In addition to the presentation to the WG at the closing plenary, the TG Chair is responsible for 523the production of a summary report to be posted to the P802.15 web site no later than 2 weeks 524after the close of the session.
5253.4.5. Task Group Chair's Authority 526To carry out the responsibilities cited in Section 3.4.3, the TG Chair has authority to: 527 Call meetings and issue meeting minutes. 528 Decide which issues are technical and which are procedural. 529 Establish TG rules beyond the WG rules. These rules must be posted to the WG web 530 site. 531 Assign/unassign subtasks and task leaders or executors, e.g. secretary, subgroup Chair, 532 etc. 533 Speak for the TG to the WG. 534 Determine if an organization or consortium is dominating the TG, and, if so, raise the 535 issue to the WG AC. 536 Make final determination if and how negative letter ballots are to be resolved when a 537 draft standard, recommended practice, or guideline, is to be sent to the WG for approval 538 for LMSC letter ballot or Standards Board approval under the guidance of the WG Chair. 539 Be representative of the TG during coordination and interaction with IEEE staff. 540 Collect fees to meet TG expenses as required.
5413.4.6. Precedence of Operating Rules 542If TG operating rules conflicts with the WG operating rules, then the WG operating rules shall 543take precedence.
5443.5. Deactivation of a TG 545After the objective of the TG is complete, its charter expires and the TG is deactivated. The TG 546or the 802.15 WG may deactivate a TG. If the TG has not completed its work within its allotted 547period of time, the TG can be disbanded by a vote of the TG or the 802.15 WG.
59Submission Page 20 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 60Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 61五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 5484. Study Groups
5494.1. Function 550The function of a Study Group is to complete a defined task with specific output and in a specific 551time frame. Once this task is complete the function of the SG is complete and its charter expires. 552A common function of a 802.15 Study Group (SG) is to draft a complete PAR and five criteria 553and to gain approval for them at WG 802.15, 802 SEC, IEEE New Standards Committee 554(NesCom) and the IEEE Standards Board. The decision of whether to utilize the 802.15 WG or 555to establish a new WG or Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to carry out work items 556recommended by a SG is to be made by the SEC with advice from the 802.15 WG.
5574.2. Formation 558A SG is formed when enough interest has been identified for a particular area of study within the 559scope of WG 802.15. The first step in the process is a call for interest. Any member or observer 560can make this at the WG 802.15 opening plenary. An 802.15 SG can then be initiated by vote of 561the 802.15 WG and must be approved by the 802 SEC. During this approval process the 802 562SEC decides whether a SG is within the scope of WG 802.15. The SEC determines if it should 563be moved to another WG or should be set up as an Executive Committee Study Group (ECSG).
5644.3. Continuation 565A SG exists for up to 6 months. If it has not completed its work within that time, a request must 566be made to the WG for an extension for up to 6 months. Any request for SG extension will be 567voted upon at the WG 802.15 closing plenary.
5684.4. Study Group Operation 569Study groups follow the operating procedures for Task Groups specified above with the 570following exceptions detailed below.
5714.4.1. Study Group Meetings 572These Study Group meetings do not count towards 802.15 WG voting rights unless they are held 573in conjunction with a WG or TG meeting. In that case they are treated as if the member attended 574the parallel meeting.
5754.4.2. Voting at Study Group Meetings 576Any person attending a Study Group meeting may participate in SG discussions, make motions 577and vote on all motions (including recommending approval of a PAR and five criteria).
62Submission Page 21 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 63Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 64五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 5784.4.3. Attendance List 579Since Study groups may have members who are not part of the parent WG, a separate attendance 580list must be maintained for the meetings of the Study group. This list is to be in the same format 581as the WG and will be submitted as a document to the WG.
5825. Maintenance 583Maintenance of the 802.15 standard is performed by the maintenance TG. The maintenance TG 584is a standing TG. It requests a PAR when sufficient maintenance requests have been received for 585a ballot. A study group is not normally required to write the PAR for the maintenance TG. 586The maintenance TG follows all the rules of a normal task Group described above with the 587exception that there are no TG meetings when there are no outstanding maintenance requests 588requiring action.
5896. Inquiries/Interpretations 590Inquiries and interpretations of standards, recommended practices or guideline that were 591generated by a WG 802.15 TG shall be directed to the Secretary of the IEEE Standards Board, 592who will forward the request to the 802.15 WG Chair. The Chair or his designate shall attempt 593to resolve the inquiry or interpretation if possible, and the Chair, or his designate, may petition 594the WG to reactivate the TG if necessary. An interpretation request may also be forwarded to the 595maintenance TG. 596All interpretations require approval by WG 802.15 before they can be published. This approval 597can be given by either: 598a) A minimum 75% approval of the sum of attending WG 802.15 voting members voting 599"Approve" or "Do Not Approve" taken at the WG 802.15 closing plenary. 600b) An affirmative WG 802.15 letter ballot. This ballot shall follow the normal letter ballot 601requirements. 602If a request is made for a letter ballot on the subject, this request will be discussed and voted on 603at the closing plenary. A greater than 50% approval of the sum of attending WG 802.15 voting 604members voting "Approve" or "Do Not Approve" taken at the WG 802.15 closing plenary is 605required for a interpretation to be sent out for a WG letter ballot. If no such request for a letter 606ballot is made, or the request fails, the interpretation itself will be voted on at the closing plenary. 607A motion requesting a letter ballot will take precedence over a motion to approve the 608interpretation.
6097. Procedures 610This section contains procedures that are specific to certain activities within the WG. Note that 611some procedures, such as obtaining PARs and coordination with other standards bodies are 612covered by the Operating Rules of IEEE project 802 and are not reproduced here.
65Submission Page 22 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 66Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 67五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 6137.1. Overview of the Project Process 614The following subclauses give a brief overview of the entire project process. For a detail 615explanation of the processes and procedures involved the reader is encouraged to consult the 616Operating rules of IEEE project 802, LAN MAN Standards Committee (LMSC) ( ref [1]), The 617IEEE Standards Companion ( ref [2]), the IEEE Standards Operations Manual ( ref [3]) and the 618IEEE Standards Board Bylaws ( ref [4]). 619This project process is illustrated in figure 4.
6207.2. Call for interest 621A call for interest in a subject is made in the 802.15 WG plenary.
6227.3. Study Group 623Study Groups are covered in Clause 4 and the 802 rules (see ref [1], 5.3). Steps in this stage 624include: 625 Develop PAR and Five Criteria. 626 Provide a plenary week tutorial to 802. 627 Obtain approval at WG 802.15, 802 SEC, NesCom, and IEEE Standards Board. 628
629 7.4. Task Group
630 Call for Interest (7.2) Task Groups are covered in Clause 3 of this 631 document. Steps in this stage include: 632 Develop goals. Study Group (7.3) 633 Write initial draft of standard 634 Develop agreement upon completed draft. Task Group (7.4) 635 7.5. Working Group Ballot 636 Working Group Ballot (7.5) Working Group ballots are covered above and the 637 802 rules (see ref [1], Steps in this stage 638 include: Sponsor Ballot (7.6) 639 WG preview of document. 640 Conduct WG ballots, which, by default, are Standards Board Approval (7.7) 641 electronic (FAX or email) 642 Resolve comments from WG ballot. Publication (7.8)
68SubmissionOverall Project Process Page 23 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 69Instruments/M/A-COMTexasFigure 4 Instruments 70五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 643 Re-circulate for approval including any unresolved negatives and revised areas in ballot 644 package. 645 Iterate to closure. 646The WG and Sponsor balloting process is illustrated in figure 5. 647Letter ballots are returned by e-mail (or by fax) after the voter fills in their vote. For e-mail 648returns acknowledgment is sent by Chair within two business days. It is the duty of the voter to 649re-send email vote if it is not acknowledged in that time frame. 650Voting members have an obligation to vote. Not returning two, valid, ballots in a sequence of 3 651letter ballots will automatically terminate voting rights. Abstentions are only counted as valid if 652they are based on "lack of expertise".
653All “No” votes require the submission of detailed comments as defined in the IEEE rules for 654Sponsor Ballots to be counted as valid.
655Comments are to be returned in the format given in the ballot instruction document that 656accompanies the draft.
6577.6. Sponsor ballot 658Sponsor ballots are covered in detail in the IEEE Standards Companion (see ref [2]). Steps in 659this stage include: 660 Form ballot pool using the IEEE staff. (In practice this takes about 3 months) 661 Obtain approval for Sponsor ballot from WG 802.15 and 802 SEC. 662 Submit draft to IEEE for Sponsor ballot. 663 Resolve comments from Sponsor ballot. Each comment must be answered by the WG 664 with a response that indicates level of agreement with the comment and what actions will 665 be taken as a result. The responses to the comments must be clear, concise, and at a 666 technical level that addresses Sponsor ballot group member's knowledge. 667 Re-circulate for approval including any unresolved negatives and revised areas in ballot 668 package. 669 Iterate to closure.
6707.7. Standards Board Approval 671 Obtain approval for submission from WG 802.15 and 802 SEC. 672 Check for Intellectual Property Rights requirements. 673 Submit to RevCom and IEEE Standards Board for approval.
71Submission Page 24 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 72Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 73五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 6747.8. Publication 675 Support IEEE editor in preparation for publication. 676 Maintenance Phase. 677
The Ballot Process Figure 5
6798. Recommended Activities for WG Officers and Appointees
6808.1. Chair 681Before session tasks: 682 preparation of: 683 - attendance list 684 - voter tokens 685 Submit agenda items for the Monday AM Executive Committee meeting 686 (a week before the meeting) 687 Attend the Monday AM Executive Committee meeting
74Submission Page 25 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 75Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 76五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 688 Report the status of the working group to the plenary 802 meeting 689During session tasks: 690 Conduct full working group meetings 691 Assign task of document control and collection. 692 Make sure the various tasks for the meeting operation (see below) are performed smoothly 693 Check the mailbox for Keep Executive Committee members informed as early as possible 694 about 802.15 matters requiring approval at their closing SEC night meeting 695 Submit the voters list to the meeting organisers 696 Maintain mailing list. 697 Submit a hard copy of the attendance list to the meeting organisers by the final plenary 698 session of the Working Group 699 Attend the closing meeting of the Executive Committee and lead 802.15 business through 700 the ExCom 701 Report progress to the final 802 plenary meeting 702 Obtain computer files of the documents on the Flash PC Cards for attending session 703 participants, upload to the local Wireless LAN Server and then web site publication 704 Maintain roll call list 705 706After session tasks: 707 Prepare agenda and venue for next meeting; publish on web site, and email the notice to 708 members 709 Manage the preparation of the meeting place as well as the venue for the next interim 710 meeting 711 Collect ballot return forms, acknowledge and merge into consolidation file(s) (if WG ballot 712 active) 713 Obtain ballot return forms from IEEE staff and merge into consolidation file(s) (if Sponsor 714 ballot active) 715 Update membership status 716 Update public documents on web site 717 Update Draft documents in members-only web site and send email IEEE staff to add to the 718 Draft Standards Catalogue 719 Respond to inquiries regarding the committee
77Submission Page 26 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 78Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 79五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 720 Be prepared to assign document numbers 721 Work with TG chairs to prepare meeting agendas and room requirements for next 722 session(s) 723 Update list servers
7248.2. Vice Chair 725Typical tasks include: 726 Be prepared to take over the duties of the chair in the event of temporary or permanent 727 absence. 728 Be prepared to assume or assign secretary duties when required. 729 Between meetings, be prepared to respond to inquiries regarding the committee and keep 730 the chair informed. 731 Maintain oversight of document process 732 During meetings, attend to any business that might otherwise prevent the chair from orderly 733 conduct of the meetings, such as attending to emergency messages, and inquiries from the 734 plenary staff. 735 During meetings, provide a second vote count to insure accurate and fair voting. 736 Assist the chair during IEEE P802 Executive Committee meetings held on initial and final 737 days. 738 Assist the chair, or be prepared to give the plenary reports at the first and last full IEEE 739 P802 sessions. 740 Act as parliamentarian using: 741 Robert’s Rules of Order - Newly Revised (9th eEdition) Edited by Henry M. Robert III & 742 William J. Evans ISBN# 0=-06-276051-3
7438.3. Attendance Recorder 744The objective of this task is to maintain an accurate record of attendance for voter qualification. 745The chair provides a book containing the necessary paperwork. The duties include: 746 Be the custodian of the attendance book throughout the session. 747 Make sure that people sign in for each meeting period 748 - Sign attendance book for officers and presenters then circulate to attendees. 749 - After each meeting period, cancel all unsigned blocks. 750 - Cancel and audit any signatures placed in any other meeting period block and initial the 751 cancellation.
80Submission Page 27 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 81Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 82五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 752 - Arbitrate any attendee record discrepancies 753 - make sure the book gets to all P802.15 rooms 754 - ensure quick circulation of the attendance book 755 - Regularly update chair with new participants list 756 Return the attendance book to the chairman at session end.
7578.4. Document Coordinator 758The primary duty of this appointed position is to keep meeting informed about document status 759during plenary sessions. 760Duties include: 761 After assignment by the chair, maintain a consistently numbered set of documents and files 762 on flash cards and server. 763 Verify document formats before presentation and circulation of materials to membership 764 Update document list throughout meeting and provide to chair 765 Collect all electronic presentations and working transparencies used during the meeting and 766 file with the related document.
7678.5. Meeting Coordinator (Local Host) 768The section serves as a guideline for hosting an interim P802.15 meeting. It describes the 769requirements, for choosing a hotel, conference meeting rooms, and accommodations. The 770Meeting Coordinator is a person who resides close to the site of the interim meeting and assumes 771financial responsibility for costs incurred by the WG. Ideally the meeting fees should exactly 772cover costs, but the Meeting Coordinator is the final guarantor. 773For the purposes of planning the following information must be available to the Meeting 774Coordinator four months before the meeting: 775 - Anticipated Attendance 776 - Guest Room Days 777 - Number of Large Meeting Rooms (50 places) – minimum 1 for Plenary Meeting 778 - Number of Small Meeting Rooms (15 places) 779 - SVGA Projector and Overhead Projector Rental Requirements 780The Meeting Coordinator should advise the attendees in advance of the AC power options and 781the necessary adapters required for the country in which the meeting is to be held.
83Submission Page 28 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 84Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 85五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 7828.5.1. Required features of hotel facilities: 783 All rooms set up classroom style, with plug strips to all tables. Each participant needs a table 784 area of at least 1.5' x 2.5' to allow place for documentation and PC. (that is maximum 2 seats 785 per 5' table) However, a space of 3' by 2.5' is preferred. 786 In the plenary meeting room table on a raiser to accommodate the chairman, vice-chairman 787 and secretary. A table should be arranged in the front-center of the room for the audio-visual 788 equipment 789 The plenary meeting room requires setup for a SVGA projector with camera and a screen. 790 Document tables at the back of the plenary room for the network access points, the file- 791 server, and the printer. 792 Spotlights in the front of plenary room that illuminate the screen area should be able to be 793 switched off for the time of the meeting to enable the use of overhead projectors. 794 The meeting rooms should have a non-obstructed view from the table tops up to at least 10 795 feet, actual figure depending on the need for a large enough view on the AV screens. 796 All rooms shall be locked when not in use by our groups, so material may be left with some 797 security. 798 The smaller meeting rooms require a normal overhead projector or a computer output 799 projector. The host has the option to contact other members to carry a projector to the 800 meeting site or to provide it from their own supply. 801 Either glasses and iced water in pitchers on the tables or "water stations" in the corner of the 802 rooms.
8038.5.2. Desired features of hotel facilities: 804 A small informal executive conference area/room (private), with some storage security and 805 for registration of attendees. 806 Seats of comfortable type with cloth instead of vinyl/plastic or other, non-woven, synthetic 807 fabric. 808 Availability for at least one of the rooms for overnight use.
8098.5.3. Breaks 810Provide for two breaks: 811 About 10:00 am and provide a choice of juices (orange, tomato, grapefruit), regular coffee, 812 decaffeinated coffee, tea, and fruit or pastries. 813 About 3:00 PM and provide a choice of sodas (diet and regular), regular & decaffeinated 814 coffee, tea, brownies or cookies and some fresh fruit.
86Submission Page 29 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 87Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 88五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 8158.5.4. Lunch 816Arrangements must be made for a quick lunches. Either provide a seated lunch/buffet, or for a 817cash bar for sandwiches and drinks. If the choice is for the seated lunch, the host should be 818aware that the banquet manager wants to get a committed number of people 2 days up to a week 819before the meeting. It is difficult to make an estimate with the freedom we have to give to the 820members to make last minute cancellations as well as showing up without announcement. 821The participants can share the cost of the breaks and seated lunch. (See below, meeting cost- 822sharing)
8238.5.5. Guest rooms 824We would like to have rooms of maximum $ 90-150 per night. This rate should include 825absorption of extras volunteered by conference management and no commissions should be 826expensed in these costs as direct reservations benefits must be passed to attendees. Please ask 827for certification of these discounts passing to IEEE P802.15 benefit. 828Make sure that the hotel knows that each individual pays his/her own charges. The shared costs 829should be reflected in the hotel bill listed as item: IEEE 802.15 conference fee. The bill should 830be itemized each day. Each individual will share the cost of the meeting rooms and breaks for 831the entire week even if they only attend one day.
8328.5.6. Block-booking with deadline date 833The best way to prepare such a meeting is to ask for the reservation of a block of rooms for the 834estimated number of participants and let the rooms be confirmed by each participant using a pro- 835forma form. This form hopefully sent direct from participant by mail or FAX, without going via 836a travel agent and thus commissioned such agent to our detriment. The hotel must provide a 837confirmation either via Fax or Telephone, at the time of reservation by each attendee. 838Establish a deadline, preferably not earlier than one week before the start-date of the meeting. At 839that time, rooms of the block booking not confirmed could be released. Using the IEEE 802.115 840reflector is a vehicle to monitor and give updates to potential attendees prior the meeting. 841Do not accept any commitments for the reservation of the guestroom. The hotels normally work 842with reservations cancelable up to 6:oo PM of the day of arrival, if reserved via a credit card. 843They will try to get guarantees, of course, because they commit to a larger part of their business. 844However, the host should not commit to those qualifications. 845Sometimes the host has to guarantee only a minimum number of rooms and food service 846businesses to the hotel in order to qualify for discounts, such as free meeting rooms. In that case 847the host should conservatively take the commitment for Host Company or himself. The host 848should make a request to the hotel to recommend other hotels for guestrooms in the nearby area 849to accommodate last minute arrivals or overflow conditions. 850Make sure that the Chairperson is allowed to ask hotel directly, the number of people that have 851registered and that she/he can obtain lists of names of the individuals that made reservations to 852the block booking.
89Submission Page 30 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 90Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 91五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 8538.5.7. Copying facilities 854It is desirable for the officers of the working group to be able to make copies of documentation 855on the Saturday and/or Sunday before the meeting with access to a copy machine. However, if it 856not possible, please provide the address and directions to a copy-shop providing such services. 857Little or no copying is anticipated during the meeting as the WG operates with electronic 858documents
8598.5.8. Badges 860Please provide a process to print and distribute badges for the whole of the meeting.
8618.5.9. Printing 862We require the use of a high-speed printer (postscript) at the meeting place.
8638.5.10. Man-power during the meeting 864The meetings are typically well attended by the majority of the participants. To minimize 865confusion and delays in the meetings during the week, it is recommended the host make the 866necessary provisions to assist in registration, copy machine operation, message taking and assist 867the officers of the meeting when needed.
8688.5.11. Meeting cost-sharing 869To share the cost of the meeting, the host can charge the participants a "conference fee" of up to 870$ 200 total for a 4 or 5 day meeting to bear the cost of: 871 the breaks and lunches 872 the audio-visuals equipment rental 873 the copying and/or machine loan (if not born by the host) 874 the meeting rooms (if not negotiated for "free" with the hotel for the business of the 875 guest-rooms) 876It is acceptable to assign a fixed cost for each participant, independent of the length of 877participation of the individual. 878Arrange with the hotel for collection of the registration fee to make meeting fee payments easy 879by: 880 Debiting the conference fee from the guest account of those staying at the hotel and 881 crediting to the conference account 882 Accepting conference fees from those not staying at the hotel (e.g. locals) 883 If the hotel refuses to do so, the host has to go through the chore of collecting money 884 from all participants and writing receipts
92Submission Page 31 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 93Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments 94五月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/161r099/001r6 885As we are not allowed to make a balance between meetings, we suggest that the host assumes a 886donation as a replacement of the saved travel and expenses cost. This allows the host to 887calculate a conference fee, so that we have a small shortage amounting to the fees to be paid by 2 888to 3 participants. (Experience teaches that late, unexpected, arrivals will diminish this shortage) 889If at the end of the meeting there is, indeed, a negative balance, we must assume that the meeting 890coordinator will pay for that in full when undertaking this obligation at the onset. 891
95Submission Page 32 Tom Siep/Ian Gifford, Texas 96Instruments/M/A-COMTexas Instruments