Pageant Week Guidelines

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Pageant Week Guidelines


Congratulations on winning your local Miss Georgia or Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen Pageant preliminary. You are now only one more win away from going to the national pageant and two wins from being crowned the next Miss America or Miss America’s Outstanding Teen! Between now and the Miss Georgia Pageant in June, it will take dedication and proper preparation from you to achieve this goal.

During rehearsal week, pay attention to instructions. Ask questions if you don’t understand a direction but, most of all, concentrate. Think ahead when you are on stage and be aware of what happens next. This is the only way to finish rehearsals on time.

At the state level, the Miss Contestants will compete in four categories: 1) Evening Wear 2) Talent 3) On-Stage Question 4) Swimsuit

The Teen Contestants will compete in: 1) Evening Wear/On-Stage Question (performed at the same time, but judged separately) 2) Talent 3) Fitness

It is the responsibility of the director to stage all of these competitions. We must also comply with certain production and staging rules from the Miss America program.

During pageant week, Misses will compete in one of three groups – Mu, Gamma or Alpha and Teens will compete in Omega, Tau or Sigma. Each group will compete in Swimsuit/Fitness one night, Talent one night, and Evening Wear and On-Stage Question one night. By Friday night everyone will have gone through each competition phase. Your grouping doesn’t matter since the judges score you independently. The crowning of the 2014 Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen will be after intermission in Saturday’s pageant, and the 2014 Miss Georgia will be crowned at the end.

Be as comfortable as possible during rehearsals. You may wear shorts, tights and leotards, jogging suits, or any comfortable clothing. Remember, you are not being judged or seen by the judges (or anyone else who matters) during rehearsals. Columbus in June is usually very hot and humid, but the theater is kept quite cool during the day; so you will need to bring a jacket or sweater to cover up while in the theater.

Please be quiet while others are on stage.

You will be issued security badges. Your hostesses will inform you as to when you need to wear them. It will be your official badge. It will not be worn during your competition. OPENING PRODUCTION NUMBER

The producer selected Sherri Hill design cocktail dresses again this year for the Opening Number. Miss contestants will wear style #32048 in either navy or emerald, as assigned. Teen contestants will wear style #11267 in either pink or blue, as assigned.You may wear any nude-colored shoes. You should pay for your Opening Number outfits when you order them, but they must be paid for at Forum if you have not already done so. Through a special arrangement with Sherri Hill of Sherri Hill Designs and Keith Pittman of Lasting Impressions (Miss), and Scott Marchbanks of Frills and Fancies (Teen) you will only pay $160 for the dress. Your outfit should arrive before the end of May and can be picked up or mailed to you as you requested when ordering. Any needed alterations will be your responsibility. Earrings and a bracelet may be worn, but no necklaces will be permitted. Any hair ornaments will have to be approved during rehearsal week. The contact information for the Opening Number outfit providers follows:

Miss contestants—Use the links on the Lasting Impressions website to place your order.

Dress: Georgia-Opening-Number

Payment should be sent to Lasting Impressions, 2301 Airport Thruway #1, Columbus, GA 31904. If you have any questions you can contact Keith Pittman by email at or by phone at (706) 596-2003.

Teen contestants—Use the following form and email your order to store contact, Erin Dixon at [email protected]. Payment should be sent to 1 S Main Street, Statesboro, GA 30458. If you have questions, you can call Erin at 912-764-9545.

2015 Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen Opening Number Outfits

Name: ______

2 Title: ______

Dress Size: ______Measurements: Bust ______Waist ______(Note: Frills and Fancies will be glad to measure you for correct size.)

Send the completed form to Erin Dixon at [email protected] and mail payment to:

Frills and Fancies Dress only: $160 1 South Main Street (additional $12 fee if shipped—total of $172) Statesboro, GA 30458

Pick Up or Shipping Information:

______I will pick up my dress and/or shoes from Frills and Fancies.

______I would like my dress and/or shoes shipped to the following address:



You may wear any nude-colored shoes this year. One of the styles we have used in previous years is illustrated below. If you have any questions please contact Erin Dixon of Frills and Fancies at (912) 764-9545 or [email protected]. TALENT COMPETITION

A talent request form will be provided to you. After first selecting your talent and accompanying music, you must email this music request for approval to the Miss Georgia Pageant Office at [email protected]. Talent requests are approved on a first-come, first serve basis subject to Miss Georgia Pageant approval. All decisions are final. Only postmarks and fax times and date references will be used to authenticate all of the requests. Once a song has been submitted and accepted, that song title is closed. No talent requests will be accepted by phone!

1. You must have your talent selected and requests in no later than April 1. No exceptions, no excuses and no changes will be made after April 1.

3 2. There can be no duplication of a talent act among contestants. A contestant may not include in a vocal medley the same song another contestant is planning to sing as a solo or as part of a different medley. The same song, however, may be played on a musical instrument by a second contestant or used as accompaniment for a dance.

3. The introduction that is read for your talent should be 10 seconds in length. It should include interesting information about the genre, selection, etc. and must end with your title and name. All intros should be submitted in Word format using Tahoma 14 font via *Email to DropBox after invitation from [email protected] (Barbara Motos) as soon as possible, but no later than April 1. The production staff will edit if necessary, but will not create your intros. *Specific instructions for the use of Dropbox and Talent Questionnaire and Intros form are included at the end of this document.

4. Your talent accompaniment music can only be submitted on CDs and brought to the Cunningham Center in Columbus on April 25. The production staff will time your music to make sure it does not exceed the 90-second time limit for both Teens and Misses. We must receive a copy of your CD accompaniment exactly as you are to perform it. We are only asking for one copy this year, so make sure that you listen to it carefully prior to submitting it. Each year we receive CDs that are blank or defective. The CD should be in one of three formats, mp3, wav or cda. CDs copied from Itunes or in a mp4 format will not be accepted and must be converted to one of the three approved formats before submitting. We will not make fades, edits or any other sound augmentations to the CDs supplied to us. Our sound equipment will only make a good CD sound good and a bad CD sound bad. Make sure your cd is of very good quality. We strive to make this the best state pageant in the country and a poor quality track reflects negatively not only on the production staff but also on your performance.

1. If you are playing an instrument (i.e. piano, harp, cello) and are not using an accompaniment CD, please record you playing your talent selection and bring it to us so that we can time it. You should write on your CD “For Timing Only.”

2. Remember to bring a practice CD for personal rehearsal time. Show CDs will not be returned after the pageant. Do not give us the only copy of your CD. Please keep a copy for your files. We will not be able to make copies of your CD should you need to use it before or after Miss Georgia.

3. All talent acts must be performed live. If you use CD accompaniment and you pantomime or lip sync, you must disclose the artist’s name on the recording so there is no illusion that you are singing.

4. Regardless of the talent performed, the background track cannot have voices, instruments, or other noises which mimic the talent of the contestant. (Example): A vocalist may have background vocals with “oohs” and “aahs” or other

4 background lyrics, but cannot have a tape with a voice singing the melody line with whom the contestant sings along. The same is true for instrumentalists, dancers, and any other talent. Nothing on the CD can be announced as part of your act.

5. If your talent is a presentation of an art, such as painting or sewing, you must be prepared to present authentication upon request.

6. Your talent act cannot include props that are not absolutely necessary for the act. You cannot use props that will be hazardous to you, the stage crew or the audience (i.e. snakes, knives, fire, etc.). No clothing (except a hat) can be removed. No live animals are allowed.

7. Your CD and case must each be separately labeled with your title, name , group and number only on the side of the CD that is recorded.

8. The producer and director will make all lighting decisions. Everything is designed to help you look your best.

9. We use microphones for all acts to ensure that the audience can hear you. We provide the basic stand, hand-held and lavaliere microphones available, as well as tap microphones. If you feel you need a special microphone of any kind, you will need to directly contact our audio technician (listed below) and work out the microphone specifics. You will be responsible for any additional expenses for microphones other than the ones we have available.

10.You will have three opportunities during the week of the pageant to perform your talent act on the theater stage – twice during rehearsal week and once on the morning of your preliminary competition. You will not have the opportunity to change your act. You must know what you are doing when you arrive in Columbus. These rehearsals on stage are not only practice times for you, but are talent run-throughs for our technical and production staff. Do not come to Columbus having to learn your talent. You may rehearse in any clothes, but competition costumes must be worn for dress rehearsals Wednesday through Friday.

11.Only Miss Georgia Pageant officials are allowed on stage, backstage, or in the dressing rooms during rehearsals or performances. This is for your safety. All rehearsals are closed to all family, friends, and franchises.

12.We should have no problem clearing most talent numbers. If you are doing original music that has not been published or commercially recorded, we will need a clearance letter from the composer of this original music.

13.The stage area for your performance will be a minimum of 24 feet deep by 30 feet wide, with approximately 18-20 feet of ceiling space.

5 14.All talent entrances and exits will be from Stage Left only. No exceptions!


Please check your guidelines for your choice of swimsuit. Approval of swimsuits by the appropriate Miss Georgia Board members will occur at the beginning of the rehearsal week. Each contestant will rehearse the Swimsuit competition. You will rehearse in your competition swimsuit on the day of your preliminary competition in this category.

A musical production number will precede the Swimsuit competition. For the production number you will wear blue denim leggings or skinny jeans and the white top of your choice. Shoes should be colored Toms or Keds. This year only one group of Miss contestants will participate in the swimsuit production number each Preliminary night— the night you compete in Evening Wear/On-Stage Question: Wednesday—Alpha; Thursday—Gamma; Friday—Mu; Saturday—to be announced


Each Teen contestant will model the sportswear outfit in her choice of colors from the selection chosen by the Miss Georgia Pageant. The approved top is style # FN03 Mix It Fishnet Racer Back Top from the Discount Dance Supply website at You may choose any of the colors—black, fuchsia, purple, red, royal, turquoise, white or black. It is priced at $9.75. Because it only comes in One Size Fits All, if you need a larger size it is suggested that you buy two identical tops and use the extra fabric to alter it to fit. However, we have also approved a second choice of tops. It is Adult Relaxed Fit Hi-Lo Tank TopVibe Couture, style #JJP0577, & comes in sizes small through extra large for $12.75. Please choose one of the colors that will coordinate with the original top--black, purple, Caribbean blue, watermelon or white. You should wear any color camisole or sports bra underneath. The selected shorts are any brand of adult 2 ½” inseam lowrise dance short. You can choose any of the available colors— black, brown, charcoal, fuchsia, orange, purple, red, turquoise, or yellow. You will rehearse in your competition outfit on the day of your preliminary competition in this category. The top and bottom of the outfit must fit appropriately. White athletic or tennis shoes without logos are to be worn. If your shoes have a logo, cover it with a generic white patch or tape.

A musical production number will precede the fitness competition each preliminary night. For the production number you will wear black shorts, Capri pants or skirt of your choice and the Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen t-shirt that is provided for you. Shoes should be white tennis shoes. This year only one group of Teen contestants will participate in the swimsuit production number each Preliminary night—the night you

6 compete in Evening Wear/On-Stage Question: Wednesday—Sigma; Thursday—Tau; Friday—Omega; Saturday—to be announced


Only one evening gown is required for competition. However, this year one group of Miss and one group of Teen contestants will participate in the respective production numbers each Preliminary night—the night you compete in Swimsuit (Miss)/Fitness (Teen): Wednesday—Mu/Omega; Thursday—Alpha/Sigma; Friday—Gamma/Tau; Saturday—to be announced. You will need a walk-on gown for the production number, or you can choose to wear the same gown you wear for the Finale.


On preliminary nights, contestants will be required to answer one general question during this competition. Answers will be limited to 15 seconds, and a chime will signal when time is up. Interview outfits from the private judges’ interview will be worn for this competition.


Teens will have their evening wear competition in conjunction with their on-stage question, so you will be in your evening gown for both. Answers will be limited to 15 seconds, and a chime will signal when time is up.


All Miss and Teen contestants can wear evening gowns in your choice of color for the finale.


1. Opening Number outfits—approved cocktail dress 2. Approved competition swimsuit 3. Blue denim skinny jeans/leggings & white top; colored Toms or Keds (Swimsuit production) 4. Competition evening gown 5. Walk-on evening gown (Evening Wear production) 6. Interview outfit (On-Stage Question) 7. Talent outfit 8. Finale gown—any color

7 DRESS FOR ALL TEEN CONTESTANTS 1. Opening Number outfits—approved cocktail dress 2. Approved competition fitness outfit 3. Black shorts/capri pants/skirt & MGOT t-shirt; white tennis shoes (Fitness production) 4. Competition evening gown 5. Walk-on evening gown (Evening Wear production) 6. Talent outfit 7. Finale gown—any color


You have been provided a questionnaire form for production information and for the introductions to be used in each area of competition at the end of this manual. Please carefully follow the instructions for each. The form will be on the Miss Georgia Pageant website ( After composing your intros, All intros should be submitted in Word format using Tahoma 14 font via *Email to DropBox after invitation from [email protected] (Barbara Motos) as soon as possible, but no later than April 1. The production staff will edit if necessary, but will not create your intros. Be sure we have a current email address for you so that we can quickly send out information to everyone. After school has ended for the year, you may need to send us a different email address when you return home. Please send any changes to the Miss Georgia Pageant office, Helen Turner and Barbara Motos.

*New Method for Submission of Materials – Dropbox

Two types of Dropbox users or accounts – Administrator and Submitter

Dropbox is a Cloud-Based storage folder system that allows you (the submitter)to store/submit files, whether they be pictures, documents, music, etc... to your Dropbox, and it instantly synchronizes with the Dropbox of the Administrator .

This process is able to take place from any device that you have that can access the internet – like everything else in the world today, there is an APP for that!

You will gain access to Dropbox after Forum – make sure that you provide your email address (one that you use and check regularly)

8 You will receive an invitation to join Dropbox from Barbara Motos / [email protected]


Miss & Teen Contestants,

There are two required parts to the production document that you must complete and return to the production team no later than April 1. The Questionnaire page should be completed as directed. Please remember to indicate the format of the music on your CD. Our audio director, Winston Whitlow, has clarified that no mp4s will be accepted. Any track that is copied from, or has been ever been in your iTunes library, will not be accepted. Only mp3, wav, or cda formats will be accepted. Make sure your cd is of very good quality. We strive to make this the best state pageant in the country and poor quality tracks reflect negatively on the production staff and also on your performance. Also indicate which microphone you would like to use. Dancers should check “None” unless you need “Tap” mics. Tap or clog dancers can use to use or not use tap mics. If you change the microphone you requested after turning in your form please send me that change.

The Intros page of the form should be completed in the format illustrated in the samples from last year’s titleholders.

Thank you in advance for helping make my job a little easier. Don’t forget that these completed forms must be submitted to DropBox for [email protected] (Barbara Motos).

Barbara Motos VP of Production


Miss Georgia & Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen Talent Questionnaire

9 Information provided below will be used in writing our script. Intros should be written as described (see samples) and are subject to editing by the production staff. Intros should be submitted to DropBox for [email protected] (Barbara Motos). (April 1 is the final deadline.)

Group & #______Title:______


Talent: (Song, Dance, etc.)______

Title of Performance:______



Please check if you are performing an original composition (unpublished or not recorded professionally) and are providing a clearance letter from the composer:______

Accompaniment (check one): CD:______(Format: mp3 ___wav___ cda ___)

Other:______None:______(Instrumentalists: submit a CD of you playing your selection for timing purposes only. Write “timing only” on the CD)

All talent presentations are limited to 90 seconds. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!

Exact time of your talent:______

Complete listing of props to be used (only those required will be allowed):



Microphone requested: stand______hand-held______lavaliere______tap______other (specify)______NONE______

(Notify Barbara if you wish to change microphones before the pageant.)

Please use the form provided for your introductions for the Talent, Evening Wear, Swimsuit competitions.

10 If you have questions regarding production contact Barbara Motos, VP of Production: Home 706-323-5974 Cell 706-464-7226 Email: [email protected].

Intros Instructions for completing production intros form (which follows)

Group & # ______Title Miss______Name ______

Talent Intro : (10 seconds) The introduction that is read for your talent should be 10 seconds in length. It should include interesting information about the genre, selection, etc. and must end with your title and name in that order. Refrain from naming high schools, dance schools, etc. that you attend or honors you have received.

Sample: Country and pop music sensation, Faith Hill, recorded this chart-topping hit in 1999 from her #1 album entitled Breathe. Singing the inspirational hit song, There Will Come a Day is Miss Capital City, Maggie Bridges.

Sample: Elvis Presley made this 1968 classic a hit & marked the rebirth of his career as a popular artist. If I Can Dream was written in response to the assassinations of Robert Kennedy & Martin Luther King, Jr. Singing with reflections of her own dreams & spirit is Miss Starr’s Mill’s Outstanding Teen, Abigail Feltner.

Other sample talent intros include:

 Pop legend Phil Collins is now taking his career in a new direction with the Broadway success of his music, adapted from the Disney animated film “Tarzan.” Singing Collins’ “You’ll be in My Heart” is Miss Oklahoma, Lauren Nelson.

Evening Wear Intro: The introduction that is read for your evening wear only identifies your parents. (e.g. Mr. & Mrs. John Smith; Mary & John Smith; Dr. & Mrs. John Smith; Mary Doe & John Smith; Mr. & Mrs. Tom Doe and Mr. & Mrs. John Smith; LTC John Smith & Mary Smith; Jane Doe & the late John Doe

Sample: Maggie is the daughter of John and Cathy Bridges. Miss Capital City, Maggie Bridges.

Sample: Abigail is the daughter of Rodney & Allison Feltner. Miss Starr’s Mill’s Outstanding Teen, Abigail Feltner

(Miss only) Swimsuit Intro: NEW FORMAT--We will record your 10-second response to one of the following questions during rehearsal week. You must submit the

11 chosen question and response with your intros form. While you model your swimsuit, the recording of your response to the question will be played.

Questions: (Choose 1 to answer)

1. If you could trade lives with someone for 3 days, who would you choose and why? 2. What is one thing you just can’t resist? 3. What do you love to do that makes you very nervous? 4. What is one thing on your “bucket list” that you hope to accomplish?

Sample: One thing that I have on my bucket list is to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. This would be a major accomplishment for me because I have been deathly afraid of heights all of my life!

(Teen only) Fitness Intro: NEW FORMAT-- We will record your 10-second response to one of the following questions during rehearsal week. You must submit the chosen question and response with your intros form. While you model your sportswear, the audience will hear your recorded response.

Questions: (Choose 1 to answer)

1. How do you maintain your physical fitness? 2. What 3 words best describe your fitness routine and why are they appropriate? 3. In what sport or fitness activity would you be a dismal failure? 4. What Olympic sport is perfect for you?

Sample: The Olympic sport that would be perfect for me is soccer. I have been on my high school’s varsity soccer team and on an award-winning travel team for 3 years.

Samples of intros have been provided below. Please review them and follow the same format. Intros should be submitted in Word format using Tahoma 14 font as soon as possible to DropBox, [email protected] , but must be received by the April 1 deadline! Intros will be edited by the production staff as needed.


(Miss): Alpha 5 Title Miss Capital City Name Maggie Bridges

Evening Wear: Maggie is the daughter of John and Cathy Bridges. Miss Capital City, Maggie Bridges.

Swimsuit: NEW FORMAT—recorded response

Talent: Vocal There Will Come a Day

Country and pop music sensation, Faith Hill, recorded this chart-topping hit in 1999 from her #1 album entitled Breathe. Singing the inspirational hit song, There Will Come a Day is Miss Capital City, Maggie Bridges.

(Teen): Omega 11 Title Miss Starr’s Mill’s Outstanding Teen Name Abigail Feltner

Fitness: NEW FORMAT—recorded response

Talent: Vocal If I Can Dream

Elvis Presley made this 1968 classic a hit & marked the rebirth of his career as a popular artist. If I Can Dream was written in response to the assassinations of Robert Kennedy & Martin Luther King, Jr. Singing with reflections of her own dreams & spirit is Miss Starr’s Mill ‘s Outstanding Teen, Abigail Feltner.

Evening Wear: Abigail is the daughter of Rodney & Allison Feltner. Miss Starr’s Mill ‘s Outstanding Teen, Abigail Feltner


(Group & #) Title Name

Evening Wear: is the daughter of

Swimsuit: Question selected:


Talent: Genre: Music:


(Group & #) Title Name

Fitness: Question selected:


Talent: Genre: Music:

Evening Wear: is the daughter of


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