Dear Parents, Guardians and Students s1
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Mrs. Wong Computers 6 Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,
Welcome to Computers! This elective course is an exploratory course to learn the basics of keyboarding, information literacy and word processing. Students will also learn about internet safety including legal and ethical issues related to the use of technology.
The purpose of this letter is to inform you of my classroom expectations and procedures as well as remind you of the school wide expectations. Please read and review this newsletter with your child. Then complete the form on the bottom of this page and return to me so that your child can earn his or her first 10 points.
Hands-on activities are the backbone of the course. Students will perform various experiments and work on several large projects, including a variety of circuitry design challenges and an electrical invention convention.
Most activities will be done in small groups or pairs. Students will frequently find themselves in problem-solving situations, grappling with new ideas that require a variety of creative and cooperative approaches. Some individual work will also be required.
All school rules will be enforced in this classroom, including rules regarding dress code, cell phones, backpacks and food/drinks. We will also follow the Falcon Code of Conduct as it states:
· Be Respectful · Be Productive · Be Safe · Be Responsible · Be Prepared
1. You must be in your seat before the tardy bell rings with all required materials. A detention will be given for all tardies.
2. Come to class prepared, with your brain wide awake and open. *Each student is required to have a three ring binder with a science section, Binder Reminder, paper, and a pencil or pen (blue or black ink only).
3. Be Respectful. Respect yourself and others. Listen attentively – only one person should speak at a time. If you have a question or a comment, please raise your hand. Mrs. Wong Computers 6
4. Food, gum, and drinks are not allowed in the classroom. If I see it, it goes directly into the garbage can. Water is okay.
5. Hats, hairbrushes, cell phones, iPods, and cosmetics are not allowed in class. All students are expected to follow the new cell phone policy (page 4) and detention policy (page 15) as outlined in the parent/student handbook. Consequences as outlined in these pages will apply to violation of these policies.
This class will use a point system. Each assignment is worth a certain amount of points. The bigger the assignment, the more points it will be worth. Roughly 50% of your grade is based on on classwork / participation, 35% on projects / labs, 5% on homework, and 10% on quizzes / tests.
90% - 100% = A 80% - 89% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D 0% - 59% = F
1. If you are absent you must see me to get the work that you missed. 2. You will have twice the number of school days that you missed for completion of make-up work. 3. If you miss the day before a test, and you missed only review activities, you must still take the test on the day you return. 4. Late work not due to absence will receive partial credit.
I am here for you. If there is something you don’t understand or that needs more explanation, please ask. Don’t pretend you understand what I’m talking about if you don’t . . . chances are that you are not the only one and it just causes confusion for you and frustration for us both. Please take responsibility for your learning!
Have Fun! Mrs. Wong Computers 6
This should be a fun, energetic class with lots of hands-on experiments and building. The science of electricity is cool stuff and we have an opportunity over the next 10 weeks to dig deep into how it all works. While we do so, lets get to know each other as people, not just teacher and student.
Your 1st assignment is to take this sheet home, get it signed, and bring this section back by Friday 8/22
Student Name ______Signature ______
Parent Signature ______Contact # ______
Email ______