Video: the Day After Tomorrow

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Video: the Day After Tomorrow

Name______period ______Video: The Day After Tomorrow

Directions: The Day After Tomorrow is a movie about the dramatic changes in climate which causes disasters around the globe. Below is a list of questions to help you assess the potential validity of some of the changes depicted in the movie.

You need to turn this paper in with a written one page paper on the validity of The Day After Tomorrow. Hard copy only.

The paper needs to address the issue of global warming and possible climate changes due to global warming. (minimum of 250 words)

You will need to support your opinion of the movie with facts you know about climate and global warming.

You will need to address at least five of the following questions in detail from the movie.

1. Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid) is a climatologist studying the effects of global warming. Why is he taking ice core samples from Antarctica? What does this have to do with global warming? Ice core samples are similar to fossils; shows eras of climate change; increase or decrease in CO2 and heating up or cooling down of planet.

2. The opening scene shows the collapse of a massive ice shelf (a floating glacier) in Antarctica. Could this really happen? If so, how might is affect global sea levels? Yes, large ice melting over time permanently rises the sea level, flooding coast lines; currently happening in Bangladesh, India and parts of Alaska.

3. Is it realistic to think our climate is in a fragile state? What does burning fossil fuels have to do with global warming melting ice caps? Yes long term (decades, centuries), no short term (days, months); fragile as in it is a balance and there are reactions when out of balance. Burning fossil fuels increase CO2, a greenhouse gas, trapping more heat and melting more ice…

4. At the meeting in India, Jack mentions how the climate is fragile but the vice-president states the economy is even more fragile? Talk about the difference between a fragile economy and a fragile climate. Should the vice- president have dismissed Jack’s claims because of the costs to fix the problems with global warming? Fragile economy means loss of jobs, slow growth, either repairing a down slump or in midst of upswing, needs protection. Fragile climate signs of over pollution, increase of greenhouse gases, increased temperature and strong superstorms. Typical politicians see urgency in economy because the effects are more obvious and their voters suffer, so do their votes; it is harder to see the “cost” of weird weather or hot temps. However, loss of resources, jobs and ultimately lives, has a toll on the economy. (Second and third world countries ended up offering sanctuary to the surviors of developed countries)

5. What is happening in New York with the animals in the city? Why are all the birds in the city leaving? Why are the animals in the zoo going crazy? Is this a sign? Do animals have a sixth sense which can predict natural disasters? Bird migration and animal agitation is common with storm systems, since the movie is the worst of the worst then the animal behavior would be more aggressive. There are studies to suggest that animals are sensitive to changes in atmospheric (air) pressure and increases in sound and smell sensitivity. Prey species are usually more effected than predator species. In the movie is was sudden due to super storms; however there is current evidence of different migration patterns and plants and animals are moving into areas that previously were too cold for their habitats.

6. In the movie, tornadoes whip through Los Angeles and flatten the city. New York City is engulfed by an enormous tidal wave and freezes, burying the city in ice. Could this really happen so quickly with these effects? No not so quickly; but, the type of super storm shown would have that degree of devastation. The cyclone system(s) shown for L.A. were highly unlikely; as L.A. is coastal and plains/flat areas are more conducive to tornados (think Oklahoma). Also highly unlikely smaller tornadoes will join to make super cells nor are multiple tornadoes in such a tight area probable. However conditions for tornadoes can exist any time sever weather is present. In NYC, a tidal wave either from storm surge with highest high tide or a tsunami is possible, hurricane Sandy is an example of the first scenario. Icing over that quickly is highly unlikely; however, as little a 2 degree change in ocean water is some areas can tip off icing! (but glacier building is slow, extremely slow)

7. Jack predicts the cause of this drastic climate shift is due to the disruption of the North Atlantic Current. What is the cause of this change in the current? Can this really happen to fast? Can one storm really create an ice age? The current was disrupted by the quick unbalanced rise in fresh water from the melting of arctic ice. The more water the less salt, desalinization; the less salt the faster evaporation of water, evaporation pulls heat energy from atmosphere making air around the evaporation cooler, dropping the atmospheric temperature, effecting convection (cold rises and hot sinks) and disruption of current. No it would not happen that fast; however, it is a critical marker for climate change when temperature drops enough at enough points in a region. And no one storm would never be that large and the single cause of an ice age.

8. The movie depicts a massive freeze sweeping across Europe and the northern United States, resulting in a mass migration to Mexico for survival. Is this how global warming is likely to develop? Why or why not? Why were people fleeing to Mexico in the first place? Did the president make the right decision to evacuate ONLY the southern states and leave the people behind in the northern states? The upper lattitudes of the Northern Hemisphere is likely to be most affected by an ice age, since the tilt of the earth is constant the areas near the equator could not cool enough to ice over. Mexico makes sense for the lower U.S. and the decision to only evacuate below Maryland was to protect the most people. The north was sustaining the worst of a very fast moving monster storm. Unfortunately when the fate of an entire country/people is at risk, decisions often reflect some risk to the most vulnerable. Survivors were rescued.

9. Explain what happens in the “eye of the storm.” Why can you survive the eye of the storm if you are inside and have shelter but instantaneously freeze if you are outside? Is it realistic that the fire stayed lit in the library where Sam was and in the shelter where Jack was? (Think about what happened to the fuel in the helicopters in Scotland). The Eye is the area of greatest low pressure and temperature during a storm, ironically it is the calmest as the edges of the storm are areas of different pressures and temperatures. Temperature dropped 10 degrees per minute, hypothermia and frost bite outside would be instant and the difference in air pressure and lung pressure would make drawing a breath difficult. Shelter with a heat source to keep air about 32 would increase your chances of survival. Yes the fire is legit; wood/paper and fabric will burn with established flame (fireplace) the gas stove in Jack’s shelter was a natural fuel source not a product of oil (jet, helicopter and car fuels)

10. Explain the following comment from the astronaut after the storm cleared: “Have you ever seen the air so clear.” What is the significance of that statement? They no longer saw the pollution in the atmosphere that they had always seen before. Nature corrected the errors of man.

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