Civil Rights Movement Study Guide

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Civil Rights Movement Study Guide

Freedom Exam Study Guide

1. Know why the 1787 delegates of the U.S. Congress met and what occurred during that meeting. 2. Know the history of slavery and be able to explain how slavery contributed to the Civil War. 3. Be Familiar with the 3 plans for Reconstruction after the Civil War. 4. Know who the Radical Republicans were and what plan for Reconstruction they supported. 5. What did Republicans gain from the Compromise of 1877? 6. What was a key problem with the sharecropping system? Chapter 10 7. What group would African Americans solicit to receive help obtaining freedom physically, mentally, politically, and socially? Chapter 2 8. Know which Women’s Movement leaders helped organize the Seneca Falls Convention? 9. What was a result of the Seneca Falls Convention? Chapter 20 10. What significance did the Emmett Till tragedy have on the Civil Rights Movement? 11. What are the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? 12. Know the provisions and limitations of the Voting Rights act of 1965. 13. Be able to answer who, what, when, why (significance) about the feminist organization NOW. Chapter 5 14. Know the provisions of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments for African Americans. (What rights did each give and to whom?) 15. Know details that we discussed in class or you read in your book about the 10 percent plan. (Who, what, when, where, why(significance) 16. What is the difference between sharecropping and share-tenancy programs? Chapter 9 17. Be familiar with the Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Supreme Court case.(Who, what, when, where, and why it was important) 18. Be familiar with Betty Friedan’s book The Feminine Mystique (mainly what it was about/how it contributed to the feminist movement) 19. Be familiar with the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade. (Who, what, when, where, why it was important.)

Please know the terms below. 20. Frederick Douglass 21. Booker T. Washington 22. W.E.B. DuBois 23. Freedmen 24. NAACP 25. Carpetbaggers 26. Scalawags 27. SNCC 28. de jure segregation 29. de facto segregation

1 Chapter 5 30. sharecropper 31. tenant farmer 32. Freedman’s Bureau Chapter 9 33. Jim Crow laws 34. grandfather clause Chapter 20 35. Clara Luper 36. Rosa Parks 37. Brown v. Board of Education 38. McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents 39. Compromise of 1877 40. Ku Klux Klan 41. The Little Rock Nine 42. Montgomery Bus Boycott Be prepared to answer 5 of the following questions in 1 complete sentence for each or a graphic organizer. Chapter 5 43. What were three major issues of Reconstruction? 44. Create a graphic organizer (3 column chart) that would record main ideas of all three Reconstruction Plans. 45. How did the southern states try to reestablish conditions before the war? 46. Create a graphic organizer that will explain the major Reconstruction Legislation from 1865- 1870. (I want the Legislation and what Provisions it gave.) 47. How did the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments extend the rights of African Americans? 48. Create a graphic organizer that will explain the Political, Social, and Economic changes in the South during Reconstruction. Chapter 20 49. In two sentences explain the significance of the Freedom Rides. 50. In two sentences explain the impact of the Oklahoma City lunch counter sit-ins.


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