School of Computer Sciences Western Illinois University

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School of Computer Sciences Western Illinois University

School of Computer Sciences Western Illinois University IS 524 Amaravadi

MSS I – LP Models

Overview: This assignment is intended to reinforce the class discussion of Management Support Systems, LP models. The assignment is to solve a product mix problem using an open source software called LP Solve. Once you solve the problem you have to use a screen capture utility (e.g. share X) to clip the solution from LP Solve. (do not use shift print screen). Screen capture programs need to run in memory to work. They generally have a hot key and a destination folder that can be set. The capture area can be the whole screen or a specified rectangle. Obviously, it’s the latter you will use. These also can be set. Actual screen capture takes place when you press the hot key and select a rectangular region. It then sends the screen shot to a destination folder. It will also capture it to the clip board and you can paste it using Ctrl-V. Please note that you will not be able to install these software on university computers, so you may have to find a PC off campus to do the assignment.

An Example Problem An aircraft manufacturing company needs to decide how many of two-engine (a2), three-engine (a3) and four-engine (a4) models to produce monthly in order to maximize its profits. The profit contributions and constraints are as follows:

Profit contribution -- a2: $500,000 a3: 600,000 a4:800,000 a2, a3, a4 require two, three and four engines respectively maximum # of available engines are 100 per month a2, a3, a4 require 135, 175 and 205 seats respectively there is a limit of 6000 seats per month a2, a3, a4 require 150 , 175 and 200 lbs of aluminium and there is a limit of 8,000 lbs per month. the plant capacity is limited to 80 aircraft of any type a2 = # of two engined aircraft a3 = # of three engined aircraft a4 = # of four engine aircraft

The objective function is what the program/organization wants. In this case, it is to maximize profits. This is written as follows:

Max: a2 * 500000 + a3 * 600000 + a4 * 800000

The constraints are that a2, a3 and a4 require 2, 3 and 4 engines but only 100 engines are available per month. The constraint is written as shown below. a2 * 2 + a3 * 3 + a4 * 4 <= 100

Other constraints are written as follows: a2 * 135 + a3 * 175 + a4 * 205 <= 6000 a2 * 150 + a3 * 175 + a4 * 200 <= 8000 a2 + a3 + a4 <= 80

These constraints are entered into LP Solve as shown below.

Solve this by selecting ‘Solve’ from ‘Action’. Then press the result tab.

The solution we get is 26.92 for a2, 0 for a3 and 11.53 for a4. Obviously these have to be integer

2 numbers since it is not meaningful to propose a fraction of a product as an output.

The problem is: The Electrocomp Corporation manufactures three electrical products: air conditioners (AC), large fans (LF) and industrial heaters (IH). The assembly process for each is similar in that all require a certain amount of wiring and drilling. Each air conditioner takes 3 hours of wiring and 2 hours of drilling. Each fan must go through 2 hours of wiring and 1 hour of drilling. Each industrial heater takes 5 hours of wiring and 5 hours of drilling. During the next production period, 400 hours of wiring time are available and up to 250 hours of drilling time may be used. Each air conditioner sold yields a profit of $25. Each large fan assembled may be sold for a $15 profit, while industrial heaters sell for a $40 profit. The three units require purchased components, the cost of which cannot exceed $6500.

Product Wiring Drilling Components Profit AC 3 2 $30 25 LF 2 1 $40 15 IH 5 5 $50 40

Using the abbreviations as given, formulate this as an LP problem to decide how many airconditioners (AC), how many Large Fans (LF) and how many Industrial Heaters to manufacture in order to maximize profits.

Then solve this using LPSolve.

What you need to submit: Copy and paste your constraints (source) into a word document using a screen capture program and include a screen shot of the solution -- Clip only those parts as displayed in the screenshots of this assignment. In other words do not do a screen dump!

Where to get the software if working from home: Software Link Purpose LpSolve Linear programming ShareX (Zscreen) Screen capture

3 MSS II - BI with MicroStrategy

OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT In this project, you will register with Tera Data University Network (TUN) as a student. Once you get the registration confirmation, you will login. Then you will setup the Microstrategy tool on your system. You will run the sample data files and observe the bar and pie charts.

LOGIN Go to and select ‘student registration’ you should see the screen as below.

Register with Teradata University Network as a student using the password given in class. Register, using the registration screen, part of which is shown below. You would have ideally already registered with TUN.

4 DOWNLOAD Go to ‘Software’ in the menu bar and select ‘Microstrategy’.

Click on ‘Get your free copy today’

Enter the details and download the file according to your system.

After downloading, unzip the file and run the program. It starts installing.

Open the installed ‘Microstrategy Desktop’.

5 SELECT SAMPLE DATA Go to ‘Add Data’ in the menu bar. Select ‘New Data’.

Select the ‘Sample files’

These are the list of Sample files

6 Select ‘Retail Sample Data’ from the set of Sample Files and then click ‘Finish’.

DATA ANALYSIS Drag ‘City’ and ‘Month’ to rows and ‘Item category’ to columns. The cities and months are in rows and item categories are in columns.

Drag ‘Revenue’, ‘Units sold’ and ‘Cost’ to Metrics. Note also, that by selecting the edit icon (see system

7 screenshot below), you can change your selections.

After dragging, click on ‘Show Totals’ icon. Now the totals are shown.

8 Observe the data and answer the following questions: Questions on the Data See if you can take advantage of the native tools to answer the following questions. Answer the questions below by filtering for the city ‘Annapolis’.

1) For the city Annapolis, which item category (or categories) has ( have) the highest revenue? How much? (1 pt). Note that you have to clear the visualization after each display by clicking the ‘drop down’ button in top right corner and select ‘Delete’. Clip the relevant portion of your answer and copy to the “solution template”.

2) For the city Annapolis, which item category (or categories) has ( have) the highest number of units sold? How much? (1 pt)

Now we rely on graphs and pie charts:

Click on ‘Pie Chart’

Drag ‘Revenue’ to Angle, ‘Item Category’ to Color by, ‘City’ to Vertical (list vertically) ‘Month’ to Horizontal and ‘Cost’, ‘Units sold’ to tooltip (cursor display). Examine the pie chart carefully and answer the following.

3) For the city Annapolis, find out in what month the percent contribution for item category “Literature” is the lowest and how much? Include relevant screenshot in your solution. (2 pts)

Clear the visualization by deleting the data. You can delete the visualization by clicking the ‘drop down’ button and select ‘Delete’.

9 Click on ‘Bar Chart’

Drag ‘City’ , ‘Month’, ‘Units Sold’ to Vertical, ‘Item Category’ to Color by and ‘Revenue’, ‘Cost’ to tooltip. Observe the Bar chart and answer the question Answer the below question by filtering for the city ‘Burlington’.

4) For the city Burlington, which item category has the highest number of units sold in the month of December? Capture relevant portion of Bar chart that answers the question and include in your solution template. (2 pts)

After answering the questions above, Go to Main Menu and click File menu and select ‘New’.

10 Add a New data set from the ‘Sample files’

Go to ‘Add Data’ in the menu bar. Select ‘New Data’.

Select ‘Sample files’

11 These are the list of Sample files

Select ‘Worldwide CO2 Emissions’ from the set of Sample Files and then click ‘Finish’.

Drag ‘Country’ and ‘Region’ to rows and ‘Year’ to columns.

Drag ‘From coal’, ‘From Petroleum/Capita’ and ‘From Natural Gas’ to Metrics.

12 Observe the data and answer the following questions: Questions on the Data See if you can take advantage of the native tools to answer the following questions. Answer the below questions by filtering for the country ’United States’.

5) For the country of United States, in which year does it have the most CO2 emissions from coal? How much? (2 pts)

6) For the country of United States, in which year does it have least CO2 emissions from Natural Gas? How much? (2 pts)

Submission and Requirements 1. Submit typed answers to data questions along with the questions themselves. 2. Clip relevant parts of reports/graphs (please do not include complete report or complete screen) using a screen capture tool such as ‘snap’ to substantiate your answers. The screen shots need to be embedded in your report (in the same way that screenshots are embedded in the instructions above) You may need to learn about screen capture tools by making use of online resources. You can also go to and download screen capture tools such as ShareX (only if you are using your own machine).

Please note that there is a standard five point penalty for not meeting submission requirements.


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