7Th Grade Mathematics Syllabus 2014-2015
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7th Grade Mathematics Syllabus 2014-2015
Mrs. Brixey [email protected] (best to reach me through email) 816-412-5917
This course will prepare students for 8th grade. It is important for students to do their best, come prepared and ready to learn. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please contact me. I will get back to you within 24 hours, but usually by the end of the school day.
Materials needed: 1. Pencils, as I will not take work in pen. 2. 3 ring binder 3. notebook paper
Textbook and supporting website: Math in Focus; Course 2, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt my.hrw.com (need to get login and password from Mrs. Brixey)
Classroom student expectations: Be respectful. Be responsible. Be safe.
Behavior consequences: 1. Warning, redirection. 2. Safe seat. 3. Buddy room (with a think sheet) and parent phone call. 4. If unsuccessful in the buddy room, then the buddy room teacher will send the student to the office with a referral. Please note, I reserve the right to skip any and/or all previously mentioned steps based on the severity of the infraction.
Grading: Work assigned and percentage breakdown: A 90-100% Tests 50% B 80-89% Homework 30% C 70-79% Projects 10% D 60-69% Class work 10% F 59% and below Tests: chapter tests will be given at the end of each chapter and 2 cumulative tests each semester. Homework: will be given approximately every two days (check planners). These assignments are due the next day. Projects: there will be one or two activities per chapter. These assignments will be due three days after assigned (check planners for dates). Class work: will be given daily with the expectation of daily completion.
Organization and late work: Students are expected to fill out their planners every Monday for the week’s agenda to include the learning targets, class work, homework and upcoming tests. Long term projects and due dates will be recorded in their planners and due date discussed regularly. Students will call home to notify parents of a late assignment and lunch detention will be served until assignment completion. It is very important for all assignments to be completed as they are the foundation for the next day’s learning.
Academic Honesty: We are not assignment completers! We are knowledge seekers! The grade of a zero is less severe than the knowledge not gained as a result of copying; however a grade of a zero will be placed in the grade book along with a comment. The student is still responsible for completing the work on a new assignment paper.
This copy is for your records. Please go over the expectations with your child, then fill out the next page and return it with signatures by August 22, 2014. Acknowledgement of Receipt of the 7th Grade Mathematics Syllabus 2014-2015
By signing and dating below, you acknowledge receipt of the 7th Grade Mathematics Syllabus for the 2014-2015 school year.
______Student name (printed) Signed Dated
______Parent/Guardian name (printed) Signed Dated
Best way to contact you. Email or Phone
______Email address phone number