Postharvest Working Committee Notes

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Postharvest Working Committee Notes

Postharvest Working Committee Notes Produce Safety Alliance August 4, 2011

Introduction: An hour-long conference call was held.

Committee members on the call (names captured): Barry Eisenberg, Steve Gilman, Karen Meggen Killinger, Michael Mahovic, Michael Roberson, Jim Rushing, Keith Schneider, Trevor Suslow, Chip Simmons, Lynn Turner, Michael Harry, Wesley Kline, Betsy Bihn and Gretchen Wall. About 25 people were on the call, but not all names were captured.

When each person introduced themselves; it was apparent that our group lacks grower participation. Only one person identified themselves as a grower. The request was made for our members to contact growers who might be interested in joining our group. This is a difficult time to get growers involved so it was suggested that if someone is working directly with growers that they obtain their opinions as we proceed.

Also, it was decided that we would conduct phone sessions every two weeks until roles are identified and smaller working groups are formed. These will be on Friday’s at 4 pm EST.

Comments from Orland meeting: A few moments were spent on the highlights of the PSA Meeting in Orlando. Key points were: 1. Many university programs have a small grower focus and materials from those programs will be of great value. 2. Communication tools and people to conduct education/training courses will be challenge. Extension agents and Cornell all have had experience in this area and can help us move in the right direction. 3. December 1 was identified as a target date to have a program to the PSA Management Committee for review. 4. There is a PSA website that lists progress and personnel for each working committee 5. Gretchen Wall will be our PSA key contact for questions and advice: [email protected] 315-787-2626 Betsy Bihn is also available, but is more involved in the “Big Picture” at this time.

Challenges: Overview - Program challenges were briefly discussed: a) Finding the time to work on this project b) Capitalizing on what is already available on small grower postharvest and adapting it to our program. c) Deciding on what communication tools to use and adapting the approach to fit the audience.

Definition Post harvest - An active discussion took place to determine the scope of our committee activities to reduce the overlap with other groups. Trevor’s input was important since he is one of the co-chairman of the harvest-working group. It was decided that our group would cover: Starting Point: When product from the field is placed onto a transport vehicle/trailer in the field. This would include carton product for sale, as well as product for any type of further processing. End Point: Once product arrives at the final location (i.e. a roadside market, direct delivery to restaurant/school/retail store or a distributor).

The Post-Harvest Operations Harmonized Food Safety Standards were used as a basis to help determine challenges. Other working committees will address several areas: management responsibility, food safety plan or risk assessment, documentation & recordkeeping, worker education and training, traceability, recall program and self-audits. Two areas identified which may fit into post-harvest are raw material sourcing as it relates to boxes/containers and corrective actions (how to develop them). Most of our time was spent discussing (j) water and ice, (k) containers and bins and (L) facility, Equipment, tools.

Water and Ice

All were in agreement that any water SOP we propose will have to be inexpensive, and easy to implement/monitor. Organic program mandates must also be addressed. These may need to be addressed separately…one size will not fill all. Water reuse was discussed and most everyone agreed this is a standard and will need to be addressed. Organic matter accumulation was a concern and one participant outlined a demonstration adding “dirt” to chlorinated water to show how chlorine is rapidly depleted. Using practical examples like this in an educational program (video or on site) was encouraged. The group felt we need material on the disinfectants that are available, proper use and monitoring.

The area of fungicides in postharvest water was presented as another area we will need to address. The general belief was that this area of postharvest water treatment needs greater attention than it is receiving today.

Containers and Bins

There appears to be an overlap with the harvesting committee. We will need to work with that group to develop a uniform program. Wood containers were discussed in some detail. Procedures must be in place to reduce potential issues associated with wood containers, but it was generally agreed that growers will continue to use what they have and will not replace what they have due to costs. Regardless, alternatives should be encouraged for product of “high concern”. We did not make an effort to define these during this call.

Other container and bin areas to be addressed were storage, sanitation, reuse, and containers used to store/transport ice.

Facility, Equipment, tools

Sanitation is a big challenge. Specific challenges include: 1. How often to clean tools, how to clean them, what to use and how to monitor the process 2. What to use to clean food contact surfaces 3. How to construct picking and grading tables (materials to use) 4. Sanitation for equipment brought to the field 5. What to consider if building a new packinghouse or retrofitting an old building (different sizes, equipment, product flow, etc.) 6. How to protect an open-air packing facility (minimum requirements) 7. Cleaning schedules for packing facilities 8. SOP’s for cleaning equipment and facilities

Next Meeting (August 18 at 3 PM EST) we will continue to address challenges on the agenda presented last week.

We are hopeful that in the near future we will divide our large group into smaller working sections who will be responsible for specific sections of our education program.

Future conference call dates (all calls to be at 3:00 pm eastern time)

September - 1, 15 and 29 October - 13 and 20 November – 17 December 1 and 16

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