Order of Worship s6
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ORDER OF WORSHIP January 3, 2016 – 9:30 A.M.
GOD CALLS US TO WORSHIP Prelude – Dot Faasse, accompanist *Song: “Your Hand, O God, Has Guided” ~ Psalter #509:1,3 (see insert) *Call to Worship: Leader: A new day has dawned, a new year begun. All: O Lord, call us so we may hear Your voice. Leader: The world turns to hopes and dreams of the future. All: O Lord, keep us in Your ways and on Your path. Leader: We enter this new year with hope and excitement. All: O Lord, remind us that You lead us. Guide us as we look to You and worship You. Amen. *Welcome *God’s Greeting/We Greet Each Other *Time of Praise: “O Worship the King” ~ Celebration #104:1,3,4 “Be Unto Your Name”
WE RESPOND IN FAITH * Apostle’s Creed Announcements Congregational Prayer Offerings: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries; 2nd: Faith Promise Offertory Prayer
GOD SPEAKS TO US IN HIS WORD Children’s Message: Wendy Post (Children may leave for Junior Church) Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1-5 (pp. 1855) Sermon: “Preach the Word” ~ Pastor Chris Prayer *Our Response: Our World Belongs to God #33 (in unison) The Bible tells the story of God’s mighty acts In the unfolding of covenant history. As one revelation in two testaments, The Bible reveals God’s will And the sweep of God’s redeeming work. Illumined and equipped by the Spirit, Disciples of Jesus hear and do the Word, Witnessing to the good news That our world belongs to God, Who loves it deeply. “Lord, Speak to Me” ~ Celebration #667:1,2,4
GOD SENDS US INTO HIS WORLD * Parting Blessing * Parting Praise: “Agnus Dei” * Postlude
*Please stand if you are able.
In reverence and respect to God, please turn off all electronic devices prior to entering the sanctuary. Sermon Outline: 2 Timothy 4—Preach the Word
Centrality of Scripture to our lives
-John Calvin said that Scripture is like eyeglasses for a person with very bad vision.
-Scripture often called “The True Story of the Whole World”
-To acknowledge that God speaks through the word of Scripture is an act of submission.
It stands over us and we stand under it.
-Paul’s closing and dominant remarks to Timothy are about God’s word—Preach the word.
Teaching or Preaching? What’s the difference?
1. Timothy is to “preach the word.”
“Kerux” Herald or announce the word, announce the (good) news!
2. 4 other commands telling him to: be prepared, correct, rebuke, and encourage.
Grounding Habits of study, reflection, instruction
“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” ~ 2 Timothy 4:3
“The average American is subjected to approximately six thousand messages per day. Why should one of them called “gospel” stand out? What is one little message among so many?” Richard Lischer
Eugene Peterson—Difference between information and wisdom
-Information comes to us as statements of facts: 2+2=4
-Wisdom is always fleshed out in life. You live it out or you don’t.
*How might this wisdom challenge you in the year ahead??
“Preach the Word”, the Scripture commands. “be prepared in season and out of season. Correct. Rebuke. Encourage. --with great patience and careful instruction.
*For Reflection: Read Psalm 119 (It’s the longest psalm by a long shot!) ponder, pray, journal, etc. as it reminds you of the centrality to God’s Word, instruction, wisdom in your/our life. WELCOME We welcome you to Sunday Worship at Cedar Hill CRC. If you are a visitor, please see the back of the bulletin for information about our church and fill out a Visitor Card found in the pew and place it in the offering plate or leave it at the Welcome Center.
WORSHIP HIGHLIGHTS January 3 ~ 9:30 AM: Pastor Chris will preach on 2 Timothy 4:1-5, “Preach the Word.” 6:00 PM: Worship at Faith Community CRC in Wyckoff. January 10 ~ 9:30 AM: We will welcome Pastor Jim Kirk to our pulpit, who will preach on Mark 5:1~20, “They Were Afraid.” Jim is an ordained minister in the CRC, a graduate of the University of North Carolina- Asheville (B.A., Philosophy), Westminster Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and the University of Wisconsin-Madison (M.A., Hebrew & Semitic Studies). He is married to Linda and they have three children: Jonathan, Hannah, and Lucas. In 2013, they moved to Hastings-on- Hudson, NY to start Trinity Rivertowns Church. Now in its third year, Trinity Rivertowns is a community of grace for the flourishing of the Rivertowns of Westchester County and the world. 6:00 PM: Worship at Midland Park CRC. WORSHIP SERVICE INFORMATION This Week – January 3, 2016 OFFERINGS: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries; 2nd: Scholarship Fund GREETERS: Welcome Team #1 USHERS: Ted Faber, Bill Heerema, Roy Heerema NURSERY: Cindy Borduin and Kristen Borduin CH/JR CHURCH: Laura Carey/Dana Carey and Joe Post Next Week – January 10, 2016 OFFERINGS: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries; 2nd: North East Community Transformation GREETERS: Welcome Team #2 USHERS: Walter Shurminsky, Robert Dyksen, Joseph Post NURSERY: Marge Faber CH/JR CHURCH: Jenn Anema/Nancy Martin CEDAR HILL CHURCH Today is Food Pantry Sunday, but OFFICE NOTES you can drop off your food donations We are updating our church anytime. Needs are grocery bags directory, check your listing at the (paper in plastic is preferred), jelly, welcome center and make any changes tuna fish, paper products, cereal, and or additions necessary. Thank you. diapers also. PASTOR NOTES ANNOUNCEMENTS Pastor Chris will be away from JANUARY SERIES January 9-12 traveling with fellow NJ The Calvin College January Series pastors for a Renewal Lab field trip to begins WEDNESDAY, January 6 ~ Florida. Pray for safe travels and a January 26 from 12:30 ~ 1:30 PM fruitful time. If a need arises during here at Cedar Hill Church. Topics this time, please contact an elder. ranging from global health, interfaith CADETS leadership, the future of Russia, a story The Cadets regular meeting will be of autism, justice in Honduras, cyber this Tuesday, January 5. security in a shrinking world, and CEDAR HILL STITCHERS much more!! For info, visit The Stitchers’ next meeting will be www.calvin.edu/january/2016. on Monday, January 11, 2016. TUESDAY NIGHT CONNECTION SUNDAY SCHOOL Do you like to laugh? Do you want There will be NO Sunday School to be inspired to live in the power of today. Classes will resume next Christ’s resurrection? Come and hear Sunday, January 10. There will be Ken Davis, a Christian comedian share no 11th & 12th Sunday School on his own journey from lethargic January 10. resignation to new life of adventure, WEDNESDAY PRAYER GROUP spiritual renewal, and health. Join us The Wednesday morning prayer on Tuesday, January 5, at 6 PM for a group is growing! Join us at 6:15 AM delicious family dinner with Cadets, in our war room on Wednesday GEMS, and various Bible studies to morning for prayer for our church and follow. Invite your family and our neighbors. friends! FOOD PANTRY SUNDAY HOMELESS PROGRAM Homeless Sheltering Program: Meals are still needed for the Troast We are hosting 10 men from Good family. If you can contribute a meal Shepherd Mission on Friday nights on a Monday or a Wednesday, visit the through March. In order for this following website to sign-up: program to be successful, we need You can access Bob & Gertrude volunteers. Please sign up at the Troast's meal schedule by visiting: welcome center. Thank you! http://www.TakeThemAMeal.com Recipient Last Name: Troast Password: Troast Meals for the Botbyl's have been suspended for the holiday season - Please check back in the new year! Please consider helping with this LIBRARY important and much needed ministry Gianna Angelucci and Allison Borduin of food! If you have any questions, have chosen dozens of new books for our please see Jo-Ann A. or Ginny S. library. There are board books, picture MP SENIOR CRUSADERS books, DVDs for kids, etc. Adults will The Midland Park Senior Crusaders find new Christian fiction, lots of recent will meet on Wednesday, January 6, at nonfiction, books on prayer to use in our 9:30 AM, at Faith Reformed Church for war room! Check it out and borrow what a morning of games. you will. Return when finished at your leisure. If you would like to contribute toward YOUTH QUEST new books for the library, please give your contribution to a deacon, marked Youth Quest would like to wish “Library.” Be sure to come in and check everyone a very Happy New Year out the new items already there! MEALS NEEDED filled with all of God’s blessings! GO M.A.D: (Grades 5th and 6th) Regular Meeting: Friday, January 8, from 7 ~ 9:30 PM at ECMS and Faith’s Barn. We will play games, worship God, and have snacks. Drop off at the ECMS Gym and pick up IN the barn. Heirborne: (Grades 7th and 8th) Regular Meeting: Join us on Wednesday, January 13, from 7 ~ 9 PM at Cedar Hill CRC. Join us as we worship God, have a snack, and some conversation. And some great games! LinC: (Grades 9th through 12th) Regular Meeting: Join us on Sunday, January 10, from 6~8:30 PM, at Faith Community’s Barn. Hope you can join us for dinner, games, worship, and a lesson. A CULTURE OF PRAYER ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too . . .” Colossians 4:2 JANUARY 3, 2016
PRAY FOR ONGOING CONCERNS ~ Ben Kuipers Bob & Gert Troast Elsie Vander Weit Jean Stonehouse Jay Faber Tannette Botbyl Ken Hagedorn Betty Koban
PRAY FOR OUR HOMEBOUND & THEIR CAREGIVERS ~ David De Koek Edie Fylstra Kathleen Jacobs Min De Witte Margaret Laauwe Edna Smith
PRAYER LINES ~ Call 201-652-4277, ext. 2, to hear the prayer line, which is updated as needed on Friday afternoons. You can also check our denominational prayer requests at 888-CRC-PRAY or www.crcna.org/pray . Pray for our missionaries ...... The Foulkes Five
This week at Cedar Hill Church January 3 ~ January 9, 2016
SUNDAY 9:30 AM ~ Worship Service and Fellowship Time (Sanctuary & Hall) 11:00 AM ~ NO Sunday School, Catechism, Adult Sunday School 12:30 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall) 6:00 PM ~ Worship at Faith Community CRC MONDAY 7:30 PM ~ Council Meeting (Council Room) 8:00 PM ~ Barbershop Chorus (Fellowship Hall) TUESDAY 9:00 AM ~ Bible Study Fellowship Leader’s Meeting (Council Room) 6:00 PM ~ Tuesday Night Connection Family Dinner (Fellowship Hall) 6:45 PM ~ Cadets, GEMS, Bible Study, etc. 8:45 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary) WEDNESDAY 6:15 AM ~ Wednesday Morning Prayer Time (Library) 9:00 AM ~ Bible Study Fellowship (Entire Church) 7:00 PM ~ Toast Masters Meeting (Council Room) THURSDAY 7:00 PM ~ Parkinson’s Support Group (Deacon Room) 7:30 PM ~ Worship Team (Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall) FRIDAY 6:30 PM ~ Homeless Sheltering Program (Fellowship Hall) 7:00 PM ~ Go M.A.D. Youth Group (at Faith’s Barn) 8:00 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary) SATURDAY 6:30 AM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary) CEDAR HILL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 422 Cedar Hill Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ, 07481 Rev. Christian Pedersen, Pastor A Family of Christ Where You Belong ~ where everyone is encouraged to grow in their walk with Christ daily, to live intentionally in the Holy Spirit as they go, and so create a culture where people are served, invited, and enfolded into the Kingdom. Sunday Worship: 9:30 A.M. and 6:00 P.M.* (See calendar for location of evening service.) Church Office: 201-652-4277 Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:45 AM to 2:45 PM Bulletin Announcement Deadline: Wednesday 12:00 Noon Prayer Line: 201-652-4277, extension 2; Fax Line: 201-652-3245 Worship Service for Sick & Homebound: 1-855-231-0914, code 218-237-7378 # Pastor Chris email: [email protected] Church office email: [email protected] Website: www.cedarhillchurch.org
2015 ~ 2016 Council Members Elders Deacons Steve Bruining, Clerk (HH #1) Harrison Bruining (HH #4) Henry Rozema (HH #3) Rob Dykstra, Chairman (HH #8) Keith Post, President (HH #8) Paul Laauwe (HH #6) Pete Spalt (HH #7) Robert Storms, Secretary (HH #1) Ralph Faasse, Chairman (HH #2) Gary Veenstra, Comptroller (HH #5) Bill Heerema (HH #6) Chris Borduin (HH #2) Roy Heerema(HH #4) Paul Heerema, Jr. (HH #3) Bill Bushman (HH #5) Steve Martin, Treasurer (HH #7)
Child Care (Year-round) Nursery for infants and toddlers available during all services. Main floor, library corridor. Children’s Worship (Ages 3 ~ Pre-K) meets on the lower level during the morning service. (Contact Jo-Ann Angelucci at 973-427-5443 with any questions.) Junior Church (Kindergartners and 1st graders) meets in the lower level. Children are dismissed as a group following the Children’s Message in the morning service. Christian Education Hour ~ 11 AM – 12 PM (September ~ May) Sunday School (Preschool ~ Grade 8) meets in lower level classrooms. Catechism (Grades 9 ~ 12) meets in the lower level classrooms. Adult Sunday School meets in the Youth Room, main level.Fellowship ~ Tuesday Night Connection (September ~ April): 1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings at 6 PM, begins with a family dinner with various youth and adult activities following. Worship Aids ~ Tape Ministry: The Tape Ministry Table provides audio/video tapes of all services, main lobby. Assistive-Listening Devices, Large Print Bibles, and Orders of Worship are available in main lobby. **Our ushers or greeters will gladly assist you with any questions or if you need direction**