Board Action Items s1
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Special Education The Extended School Year Program (ESY) provides individualized special education services to eligible “Extended School children with disabilities beyond the regular 180–day school year. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Year Services, Act (IDEA), the federal special education law, states that school districts, intermediate units, and charter schools must provide extended school year services if a student needs these services to receive a free appropriate public Summer 2008” education (FAPE). In some cases, interruptions in the school schedule, such as summer breaks, will result in children with disabilities losing many of their basic skills and taking a long time to recoup those skills once school begins again. ESY services are provided during breaks in the educational schedule to prevent this loss. The school district of residence has the responsibility of providing the program and/or services. At the request of the Bucks County school districts, the Intermediate Unit provides the necessary program or services. For the first time, the number of children served has decreased by 7.7%. Most of the decrease was seen in the services delivered in the community (6.2%) and home (20.3%). Individual school districts have provided Extended School Year Services on their own, which can account for the decreases in services being delivered in the community and home. The Intermediate Unit operated 72 classrooms (Center-Based), which was an increase of 19.3% from 2007. Staff has increased by 15.4% from 2007 due to the additional classrooms and hiring fewer contractors for related services (SLP, OT, PT). Speech & Language Therapy (SLP) increased 12.4 % from last year and has increased 75% since 2004. This was the first year that the ESY program did not use outside contractors for Speech & Language Therapy due to the increased salary rate in the Professional Staff Contract. Occupational Therapy (OT) has also seen dramatic increases. Between 2004-2008, the number of children served increased 91%. Five districts provided space for the Center-Based program again this year. District administrative and building staffs were very patient, cooperative, and helpful at all times. Their assistance is greatly appreciated. The 72 classrooms were located as follows: Quakertown: Strayer Middle School (6); Central Bucks: Bridge Valley Elementary School (19) & Tohickon Middle School (6); Council Rock: Newtown Elementary School (6), Holland Middle School (6)& Council Rock South High School (4); Neshaminy: Albert Schweitzer Elementary School (1), Pearl Buck Elementary School (5) & Tawanka Learning Center (2) & Pennsbury: Quarry Hill Elementary School (9) & Manor Elementary School (8). Programs & Services Each summer the Pennsylvania Department of Education notifies schools and their districts of their No Child “Getting Ready for Left Behind (NCLB) status based on data obtained through the PSSA testing in grades 3-8 and 11 from the Getting Results” previous spring. The Pennsylvania Department of Education requires all schools that are Making Progress, in School Improvement I or II, or in Corrective Action I or II to use a process called Getting Results! to devise and implement plans that will result in improved achievement and attainment of Adequate Yearly Progress status. Getting Results! plans for schools in School Improvement I or Corrective Action I require the assistance and support of Intermediate Unit staff and must be reviewed and signed by the Executive Director of the Intermediate Unit prior to submission to the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The Getting Results! process includes a two-year plan with seven phases: Year 1 Year 2 Phase 1 – Organize And Review Data Phase 5 – Analyze Evidence Of Effectiveness Phase 2 – Analyze Data And Discover “Root Cause” Phase 6 – Revise The Plan Phase 3 – Plan Solution Phase 7 – Implement The Revision Phase 4 – Implement The Plan Since the Getting Results! process provides a framework for improved academic achievement that is of value to all schools (not just those identified for improvement), and since the NCLB targets will continue to rise over the coming years (in 2008, the reading target increased from 54 to 63% proficient or advanced, and the math target increased from 45% to 56% proficient or advanced) the Bucks County Intermediate Unit has taken a proactive approach to assisting schools in planning for continuous improvement. In May of 2008, Dr. Eddie Stuart and Dr. Larry Martin initiated and hosted a two-day “Getting Ready for “Getting Results!” seminar at the Intermediate Unit. Participants were able to examine key variables in their curriculum, instruction and assessment, which allowed them to focus on the real variables that change schools and achievement. In addition to the analysis of PSSA scores that is facilitated by Getting Results, participants also prepared to obtain and use a larger variety of student achievement data, because analysis of PSSA scores alone is unlikely to lead to sustained improvement in the long run. During the fall of 2008, Dr. Stuart, Dr. McGovern, and Dr. Masko will be working with the county schools that are required to submit new “Getting Results” plans, and we plan to offer a second “Getting Ready for “Getting Results!” seminar. BOARD ACTION ITEMS:
Approved the appointment of new Board member, Mr. Thomas Baldwin of C.B. School District, to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. Carol Downs, whose term expires June 30, 2011. Approved the minutes of the Intermediate Unit Board meeting held on July 15, 2008. Approved the Treasurer’s Report, for the period of July 1, 2007 to August31, 2008. Approved the bills for payment for July & August 2008. Approved the revision of the Safe & Drug Free Schools budget for the amount of $47,469.00 for the period of November 5, 2007 to September 30, 2008. Approved the Title I Service to Homeless Students budget for the amount of $12,000.00 for the period of July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008. Approved the revision of the Act 89 Nonpublic Schools budget for the amount of $5,195,773.00 and the Catapult Learning contract in the amount of $3,505,114.00 for the period of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009. Approved the revision of the Math & Science Collaborative budget for the amount of $42,718.00 for the period of July 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009. Approved the authorization to release funds as received and approve the Act 30 PRRI budget for the amount of $890,000 for the period of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009. Approved Family Friends budget for amount of $114,626.00 for period of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009. Approved the contracts and purchases for August 2008 in the amount of $61,788.00. Approved the contracts and purchases for August 2008 in the amount of $61,788.00. Approved the Private Provider Contracts for the period of July 2008 in the amount of $2,967,934.00. Approved the Private Provider Contracts for the period of August 2008 in the amount of $133,245.00. Approved the Special Education contacts with Bucks County Schools Districts (Centennial & Palisades) in the amount of $3,477,865 for the period of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009. Approved the Special Education contacts with Bucks County Schools Districts (Morrisville & New Hope/Solebury) in the amount of $2,295,805 for the period of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009. Approved the Special Education contacts with Out-of-State Schools Districts (Olmsted Falls, New Jersey) in the amount of $35,099 for the period of July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008. Approved the Special Education contacts with Out-of-State Schools Districts (New Britain, CT) in the amount of $35,099 for the period of July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008. Approved the contract with Dr. Richard O. Coe (former Executive Director) to support Kids Voting in the amount of $3,500 for the period of September 2008. Approved the contract with Lehigh University to enter into contract for graduate research student beginning August 25 2008 through August 24, 200* in the amount of $11,129. Approved the contact with Fredlerach Electric fir electrical upgrades & computer wiring capacity upgrades in the amount of $11,000. Approved the renewal of lease agreement with Emilie United Methodist Church for (1) preschool classroom for a period of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009. Approved the renewal of lease agreement with First United Church of Christ for (5) preschool classroom for a period of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009. Approved the addendum t0 extend the term of lease agreement with Pennco Institutes Inc., one (1) classroom in the amount of $2,000 ($1,000 per month) a period of July 1, 2008 to August 31, 2009. Approved the appointment of Employer Admin. Services, Inc. as the Third Party Administrator and Kades- Margolis Corporation as the Consulting Company for the BCIU’s 403(b) Tax Sheltered Annuity Plan, and approval for the Business Administrator to act on the Board’s behalf. Approved authorization to purchase computers using the pricing on the C.R.S.D. Computer Bid #08-24. Approved the rejection of Bid #09-902 for Driveway Seal Coating and rebid at a later date. Approved the participation for the Bucks County Schools Limited Health Care Consortium to become a member of the Delaware Valley Health Care Coalition pending solicitor’s review of the contract and a mutually accepted agreement on the overall rating of the Keystone Program. Approved Life Skills Activity Account for period of April 1, 2008 to June 30, 2008 amount of $7,474.81. Approved the first reading of policies 3405.1, 3325, & 3330. Approved the second reading of policies 1340.1 & 2133.1. Approved various personnel items (a through g). Approved the contract with Vanguard Cleaning Systems of Philadelphia to provide cleaning services at the Woodbourne North Office Center for the period of Oct. 1, 2008 through Sept. 30, 2009 in the amount of $6,296.00. Approved the Bucks County I.U. to enter into a Participating Member S.D. Agreement with Independence Blue Cross, pending solicitor’s review of agreement for a period of July 1, 2008 & year-to-year thereafter. NEXT MEETING:
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Bucks County Intermediate Unit Board of Directors is: Tuesday, October 21, 2008, at 7:00 p.m.