HOSA Power Team
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HOSA Power Team
Meeting Minutes November 16, 2011
The meeting of the HOSA Power Team was called to order at 9:13 a.m. on Tuesday, November 15, 2011, in the Alexander Conference Room at the ODCTE offices.
Canadian Valley Tech Center Kasey Duley Francis Tuttle Tech Center Pat Brown Pioneer Tech Center Brenda Bennett Tulsa Tech Mike Catterson Jil Gaylor Jill Nerio Jane Chandler Jill Brown Nichole Hanselman-Mikish Kim Focht Janice Clayton (non voting) Jannifer Womeldorff(non voting) Renae Green(non voting) Putnam City North High School Erin Herrmann Western Tech Center Kelly Pease Mid America Tech Center Anita Ashley
ODCTE Lara Skaggs Debbie Saterbak Cindy Schneider Stella Gilbert
Approval of Minutes
Copies of the minutes of the previous meeting held November 12, 2010 were distributed. There being no corrections or discussion, the minutes were approved as distributed.
Power Team Guidelines
Copies of the Guidelines Revised November 12, 2010 were distributed to attendees. The phrase “Bar side conversation” will be corrected to read “Sidebar conversation”.
FLC/SLC Registration Fees & Dues Review 1 Copies of event income/expenses and bank account balances were distributed and reviewed, along with the amount of registration fees charged by all CareerTech student organizations.
Motion: Moved that the registration fee for Fall Leadership Conference (FLC) be increased $5 (from $20 to $25) beginning FLC 2012. (12 in favor, 1 opposed) Motion carried.
Motion: Moved that HOSA membership dues be increased $2 (from $15 to $17) beginning 2012. (7 in favor, 6 opposed) Motion Carried.
FLC/SLC Facility Reviews
Possible alternative locations were reviewed and discussed, to include costs, transportation, contract legalities imposed on state entities, and the impact on students and schools. It was noted that HOSA has an existing contract with the Meridian Convention Center which extends through the State and Fall Leadership Conferences 2012.
Motion: Moved that HOSA will contract with Meridian Convention Center to hold the FLC at their facility for an additional three years (2013, 2014 and 2015). (10 in favor, 3 opposed) Motion Carried. Motion to Amend the Motion to extend the FLC contract with Meridian Convention Center for two years (2013 and 2014), instead of three years. (13 in favor, none opposed) Motion Carried
Motion: Moved that HOSA will contract with Meridian Convention Center to hold the State Leadership Conference (SLC) at their facility for an additional two years (2013 and 2014). (12 in favor, 1 opposed) Motion Carried.
SLC Entertainment
The subject of continuing the Thursday night entertainment with Crayons! and a Zumba session were discussed.
Motion: Moved that HOSA continue the Thursday night entertainment at SLC 2012 with an hour of “Crayons!” and Zumba with “Fit Body With Beth”. (13 in favor, none opposed) Motion Carried.
FLC Leadership Training and Review
Copies of the Evaluation Comments from FLC 2011 were distributed for review. The content, cost, and impact of the FLC 2011 subject matter and the presenters were discussed.
Motion: Moved that HOSA contract with Kelly Barnes’ company, “Your Choice Entertainment” for the three presenters for three years (2012, 2013
2 and 2014) for $6,000 (all-inclusive) per year. (13 in favor, none opposed) Motion Carried.
OK HOSA Bylaws Revisions
It was noted that one of the sections needing revision in the bylaws concerns state officer numbers.
Motion: The subject of Bylaws Revisions is tabled. (13 in favor, none opposed) Motion Carried.
Scholarship/Donation Flyer and Donor Ideas
A proposed flyer was presented and reviewed by the attendees. Modification to the layout and wording were noted along with comments regarding distribution and use of the flyer. State Staff will work on the suggested modifications.
National HOSA Conference and Tabulation Computer Program
State Staff will attend a webinar orientation on the program with National HOSA staff next week. It was recommended by the HOSA State Advisor that Oklahoma HOSA work with the National office and try out the system at SLC 2012. We can borrow the needed Scantron machine from National HOSA, purchase the necessary software and Scantron forms. A more complete estimate of costs was not received in time for this meeting.
Motion: Moved that the State HOSA Advisor pursue the use of the National HOSA Conference and Tabulation Computer Program at SLC 2012. (13 in favor, none opposed. Motion Carried.
State Officer Reimbursement
A copy of the amounts which are reimbursed to HOSA state officers and other CareerTech Student Organizations’ officers was presented and discussed.
Motion: Moved that Oklahoma HOSA increase reimbursement to state officers as follows:
Mileage - .50/mile Meals (a maximum with receipt): Breakfast $ 7.00 Lunch $10.00 Dinner $15.00
(13 in favor, none opposed. Motion Carried.
Votes per Ballot
3 The number of students per chapter allowed to apply for state office and the number of votes/ballots per chapter were discussed.
Motion: Moved that we continue to allow an unlimited number of students from a single chapter to apply for a state office; however, each chapter shall have one single vote per ballot per classification. (13 in favor, none opposed) Motion Carried.
HCE Day at the Capitol
OHCETA is planning the HCE Day at the Capitol to be held February 29, 2012. This is considered an OHCETA/HOSA activity open to all members and advisors. Registration fee will be $10, which includes a box lunch. Should the cost of the lunch exceed $10, OHCETA has agreed to cover the additional cost. Activities will include a booth for each programmatic area, tours, observation of the legislature in action, etc. More information will be available as planning progresses.
Note that CTSO Day at the Capitol is scheduled for February 14, 2012, which is for state officers only.
QR Codes
HOSA State Advisor, Debbie Saterbak, spoke briefly about plans to include QR codes on bookmarks, posters, etc. Continuation of the project is on hold pending ODCTE release of new websites across the agency.
New advisors’ confusion over “SLC official conference dress” and National competitive event guidelines dress codes was mentioned along with a couple of other subjects related to competitive events. Note was made of the specific issues and the HOSA State Advisor offered to put more emphasis on clarification in her correspondence for the benefit of new advisors and students.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:14 p.m. by State HOSA Advisor, Debbie Saterbak.
Minutes submitted and approved by:______Debbie Saterbak HOSA State Advisor