Extreme Cold Is a Dangerous Situation That Can Bring on Bring Can That Situation Dangerous a Is Cold Extreme
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Control Disease for Centers U.S. Department of Health And Human Services Human And Health of Department U.S. U.S. Department of Health And Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention http://www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/winter/ 1-888-232-6789; [email protected] 1-888-232-6789; 4700 Buford Hwy, Atlanta, GA 30341-3717 GA Atlanta, Hwy, Buford 4700 National Center for Environmental Health, MS F52 MS Health, Environmental for Center National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Control Disease for Centers or more information on cold weather conditions and health, please contact: please health, and conditions weather cold on information more or F For more information on hot weather conditions and health, please contact: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Environmental Health, MS F52 4700 Buford Hwy, Atlanta, GA 30341-3717 1-888-232-6789; [email protected] http://www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/extremeheat/ 1 and what to do if a cold-weather health emergency arises. arises. emergency health cold-weather a if do to what and should know how to prevent cold-related health problems health cold-related prevent to how know should that is poorly insulated or without heat. without or insulated poorly is that can be affected. To keep yourself and your family safe, you safe, family your and yourself keep To affected. be can without shelter or who are stranded, or who live in a home a in live who or stranded, are who or shelter without Infants and the elderly are particularly at risk, but anyone but risk, at particularly are elderly the and Infants health emergencies in susceptible people, such as those as such people, susceptible in emergencies health can cause other serious or life-threatening health problems. health life-threatening or serious other cause can eat-related deaths and illness are include age, obesity, fever, dehydration, heart disease, mental Extreme cold is a dangerous situation that can bring on bring can that situation dangerous a is cold Extreme Exposure to cold temperatures, whether indoors or outside, or indoors whether temperatures, cold to Exposure preventable yet annually many people illness, poor circulation, sunburn, and prescription drug and related conditions may lead to serious health problems. health serious to lead may conditions related succumb to extreme heat. Historically, alcohol use. monoxide poisoning. poisoning. monoxide heat can leave your body more rapidly. These weather- These rapidly. more body your leave can heat from 1979 to 1999, excessive heat household fires increases, as well as the risk of carbon of risk the as well as increases, fires household drop decidedly below normal and as wind speed increases, speed wind as and normal below decidedly drop Because heat-related deaths are preventable, people need to exposure caused 8,015 deaths in the use space heaters and fireplaces to stay warm, the risk of risk the warm, stay to fireplaces and heaters space use are considered “extreme cold.” Whenever temperatures Whenever cold.” “extreme considered are be aware of who is at greatest risk and what actions can be United States. During this period, system isn’t adequate for the weather. When people must people When weather. the for adequate isn’t system unaccustomed to winter weather, near freezing temperatures freezing near weather, winter to unaccustomed taken to prevent a heat-related illness or death. The elderly, more people in this country died from extreme heat than cold—either due to a power failure or because the heating the because or failure power a to due cold—either across different areas of the country. In regions relatively regions In country. the of areas different across the very young, and people with mental illness and chronic from hurricanes, lightning, tornadoes, floods, and earth- may also face indoor hazards. Many homes will be too be will homes Many hazards. indoor face also may What constitutes extreme cold and its effects can vary can effects its and cold extreme constitutes What diseases are at highest risk. However, even young and quakes combined. In 2001, 300 deaths were caused by What Is Extreme Cold? Cold? Extreme Is What help reduce the risk of car crashes and falls on the ice, you ice, the on falls and crashes car of risk the reduce help healthy individuals can succumb to heat if they participate excessive heat exposure. c od.Atog tyn nor smc spsil can possible as much as indoors staying Although roads. icy in strenuous physical activities during hot weather. may have to cope with power failures and failures power with cope to have may People suffer heat-related illness when their bodies are Air-conditioning is the number one protective factor and what to do until help becomes available. available. becomes help until do to what and often accompany a winter storm, so you so storm, winter a accompany often unable to compensate and properly cool themselves. The against heat-related illness and death. If a home is not you to know when to seek medical care medical seek to when know to you lenge. Extremely cold temperatures cold Extremely lenge. body normally cools itself by sweating. But under some air-conditioned, people can reduce their risk for heat-related aid. However, these procedures will help will procedures these However, aid. arm and safe can become a chal- a become can safe and arm w conditions, sweating just isn’t enough. In such cases, a illness by spending time in public facilities that are are not a substitute for for substitute a not are training in first in training significantly below normal, staying normal, below significantly person’s body temperature rises rapidly. Very high body air-conditioned. The emergency procedures outlined here outlined procedures emergency The hen winter temperatures drop drop temperatures winter hen temperatures may damage the brain or other vital organs. Summertime activity, whether on the playing field or the Several factors affect the body’s ability to cool itself during construction site, must be balanced with measures that aid extremely hot weather. When the humidity is high, sweat the body’s cooling mechanisms and prevent heat-related will not evaporate as quickly, preventing the body from illness. This pamphlet tells how you can prevent, recognize, releasing heat quickly. Other conditions related to risk and cope with heat-related health problems. 1 2 dangerous situation. dangerous Emergency Supplies List: cramps. stomach cause rainfall. A heat wave combined with a drought is a very a is drought a with combined wave heat A rainfall. Plan Ahead • an alternate way to heat your home during a power failure: can they because drinks, cold Prepare for extremely cold weather every winter—it’s Droughts occur when a long period passes without substantial without passes period long a when occur Droughts - dry firewood for a fireplace or wood stove, or very avoid Also fluid. body more always a possibility. There are steps you can take in advance hot conditions can provoke dust storms and low visibility. low and storms dust provoke can conditions hot - kerosene for a kerosene heater lose to you cause actually these for greater wintertime safety in your home and in your car. traps hazy, damp air near the ground. Excessively dry and dry Excessively ground. the near air damp hazy, traps • furnace fuel (coal, propane, or oil) sugar— of amounts large or alcohol, tures, occur when a “dome” of high atmospheric pressure atmospheric high of “dome” a when occur tures, • electric space heater with automatic caffeine, contain that liquids drink Don’t shut-off switch and non-glowing elements tempera- high of discomfort the to add which conditions, drink while the weather is hot. is weather the while drink • blankets muggy or Humid heat. extreme as defined are weeks you should you much how ask pills, water on erage high temperature for the region and last for several for last and region the for temperature high erage Winter Survival Kit for Your Home • matches av the amount of fluid you drink or has you has or drink you fluid of amount the emperatures that hover 10 degrees or more above the the above more or degrees 10 hover that emperatures Keep several days’ supply of these items: • multipurpose, dry-chemical fire extinguisher T If your doctor generally limits generally doctor your If ing: Warn • Food that needs no cooking or refrigeration, •first aid kit and instruction manual Heat? Extreme Is What such as bread, crackers, cereal, canned foods, • flashlight or battery-powered lantern hour. each and dried fruits. Remember baby food and • battery-powered radio fluids cool of ounces) (16–32 glasses formula if you have young children. • battery-powered clock or watch four to two drink environment, hot a in • Water stored in clean containers, or purchased •extra batteries exercise heavy During drink. to thirsty you’re bottled water (5 gallons per person) in case • non-electric can opener until wait Don’t level. activity your of regardless intake, your water pipes freeze and rupture. • snow shovel fluid your increase to need will you weather hot During • Medicines that any family member may need. • rock salt Fluids of Plenty Drink • special needs items (diapers, If your area is prone to long periods of cold hearing aid batteries, temperatures, or if your home is isolated, stock medications, etc.) important: are tips following additional amounts of food, water, and medicine. The sense. common use and cool keep to remember high, protect your health when temperatures are extremely are temperatures when health your protect To During Hot Weather Hot During 2 3 sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher (the most during the winter months.