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Title of Unit s7

Title: Shakespeare – Taming Kat Comparative Study of ‘Taming of the Shrew’ and ‘Ten Things I Hate About You’ Unit Outline Unit duration

Taming Kat provides an experience of Shakespearean drama through a study of The Taming of the Shrew and the modern appropriation of the play in the teen film, 10 Things I Hate About You. 8 weeks (approx. 24 lessons) You investigate the similarities and differences between the original and the modern film appropriation. Big ideas/key concepts Target outcomes A student: 1 - responds to and composes increasingly sophisticated and sustained texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis and pleasure 3 - selects, uses, describes and explains how different technologies affect and shape meaning 4 - selects and uses language forms and features, and structures of texts according to different purposes, audiences and contexts, and describes and explains their effects on meaning 7 - thinks critically and interpretively using information, ideas and increasingly complex arguments to respond to and compose texts in a range of contexts 8 - investigates the relationships between and among texts 9 - demonstrates understanding of the ways texts reflect personal and public worlds 11 - uses, reflects on, assesses and adapts their individual and collaborative skills for learning with increasing independence and effectiveness Resources Used in this Unit Electronic version of ‘Taming of the Shrew’ (print and audio) ‘10 Things I Hate About You’ (DVD/film) ‘Taming Kat’ – Electronic resource (on CD/Network/Flash Drives) What do you want the students to learn? Why does this learning matter?  identify, describe and explain the purpose of texts from historical, Students need to learn about: social and cultural contexts  the ways content, form and ideas of texts can be related  use the appropriate language forms and features, and structures  appropriation and how it is used, critically and creatively in texts  similarities of approach, attitude, intent, point of view, perspective and style in  identify, trace and describe the similarities and differences texts by different composers between and among more demanding texts  the ways bias, stereotypes, perspectives and ideologies are constructed in texts,  identify and describe the recurring features of particular film including the codes and phrasings that signal them. genre focusing on their story lines and techniques. What are you going to get the students to do or produce? How well do you expect them to do it? Taming Kat Comparative Study of ‘Taming of the Shrew’ and ‘Ten Things I Hate About You’

This program is divided into FOUR sections:

1 Appropriation Appropriation, context, genre and popular culture.

2 The shrews The representation of Kate from The Taming of the Shrew and Kat from 10 Things I Hate About You.

3 Taming How each composer explores and represents the taming of Kate and Kat. shrews

4 The taming The different ways appropriations extend and challenge the notions of context and genre.

The lesson activities have been ordered as above. You may skip to other sections of the program before completing all of the ESSENTIAL* learning experiences in one particular section, but ensure that students have all of the skills required to complete the assessment task before looking at the OPTIONAL* or EXTENSION* activities.


 The activities shaded in gray are ESSENTIAL LEARNING EXPERIENCES – the students will need to complete these in order to complete their assessment task for this unit.

 The unshaded activities (or the white activities) are OPTIONAL or EXTENSION LEARNING EXPERIENCES – the students will not need to complete these in order to complete their assessment task, but they will provide students with a deeper understanding of the course content. APPROPRIATION Students learn Students learn to: Learning Experiences Evidence of Resources Quality Reg/ about: Learning Teaching Date What is appropriation? Dictionaries Hypothetical Question: Have you ever downloaded something from the Internet and Intellectual passed it off as your own? Quality  Deep Is it stealing, appropriating, plagiarising or borrowing? Knowledge Do they mean the same thing?  Deep Understandin Students should write a couple of sentences to answer each g question.  Problematic Knowledge  Higher Order Dictionary activity: Students are to look up the definition of Thinking appropriation in the dictionary and write in their books.  Metalanguage  Substantive Communicati Advertisements and appropriation Picture of on Mona Lisa Question to class: Who is the person in Advertisement One? and Joan of Arc advert. Quality Board Notes #1: The New Dawn advertisement has Learning appropriated the original image of the Mona Lisa..... Environment  Explicit Writing activity: Describe what you see in Advertisement Quality Criteria Two.  Engagement  High Board Notes #2: Computer games use familiar people, Expectations places and events .....  Social Support  Student Self- Question (discussion): Why do you think the advertisers Regulation used Joan of Arc on a skateboard wearing sunglasses? Advertisement and Appropriation – Activity 1  Student Direction Find at least one print advertisement from a magazine. You Magazines, must hand in your advertisement with your response. or have Use the advertisement to answer the following questions. Significance students find  Background 1. What are the original text(s) appropriated? the Knowledge 2. Explain how the original has been used in the advertisement. advertisemen  Cultural 3. Why do you think the original text(s) have been used? t for Knowledge 4. Do you think it is effective? Give your reasons. homework  Knowledge Integration and bring it in  Inclusivity to class  Connectedne ss  Narrative

Students learn Students learn to: Learning Experiences Evidence of Resources Quality Reg/ about: Learning Teaching Date Advertisement and Appropriation – Activity 2

Compose an A4 display print advertisement using appropriated text(s). Intellectual Quality Select ONE product from the list below:  Deep 1. pizza flavoured chewing gum based on the Ancient Knowledge  Deep Roman God of Pizza ‘Pomodoro’ Understandin 2. deodorant for men from Norway based on Thor g 3. new toy for 11 -14 year old girls based on Cleopatra.  Problematic Knowledge Use the Mona Lisa advertisement as a model.  Higher Order Defining appropriation Image of Che Thinking  Metalanguage Board Notes #3: Appropriation is the borrowing from other Guevara  Substantive sources and re-using it in another context to produce a different (show to the Communicati text...... class) on

Question to class: Who is the person in this image? Where have you seen this image? Quality Pairs activity: What other images or icons can you think of that Learning have been borrowed (or appropriated) and used in a different Environment context? Think of at least FIVE. Share with the class. Other activities:  Explicit Quality Criteria  Engagement  High Expectations  Social Support  Student Self- Regulation  Student Direction

Significance  Background Knowledge  Cultural Knowledge  Knowledge Integration  Inclusivity  Connectedne ss  Narrative THE SHREWS Students learn Students learn Learning Experiences Evidence of Resources Quality Reg/ about: to: Learning Teaching Date Introduction to Shrews: Listening/Reading/Viewing Electronic Intellectual Before reading the play, it may be a good idea to read version of Quality through the play and character summary with your class ‘Taming of  Deep (in the unit resources). the Shrew’ Knowledge (pdf and  Deep audio) Understandin Read and/or listen to ACT ONE SCENE ONE of The Taming g of the Shrew.  Problematic ‘10 Things I Knowledge Hate About  Higher Order View the first 10-15 minutes of 10 Things I Hate About You. You’ Thinking  Metalanguag (DVD/film) e Questions:  Substantive 1. Write the definition of the word shrew. Communicati on 2. In what ways are Kat and Kate shrews? Kate the Shrew – The Taming of the Shrew Quality Board Notes #4: Kate is the eldest daughter of Baptista Learning Minola, a rich merchant of Padua...... Environmen t Class activity: As a class re-read Act One Scene One of the  Explicit Quality play. Make a list of words and phrases used by Gremio to Criteria describe Kate.  Engagemen Question: Describe Kate’s reaction to the rule about marriage t proposed by her father? Why is Kate a shrew?  High Expectation Read/listen to Act Two Scene One. s  Social Support Questions: Kate’s aggressive and argumentative behaviour  Student towards her father, sister Bianca, and suitors suggest strong Self- motives for her actions. Regulation 1. What does this scene suggest about Baptista’s view of  Student Kate? Direction 2. What is Kate’s reaction to her father’s plan that she must marry before her younger sister Bianca? What does it Significance indicate about his attitude to marriage?  Background Knowledge  Cultural Knowledge  Knowledge Integration  Inclusivity  Connectedn ess  Narrative

Students learn Students learn Learning Experiences Evidence of Resources Quality Reg/ about: to: Learning Teaching Date Marriage in Shakespeare’s Time

Board Notes #5: In Shakespeare’s society marriage was an Intellectual important event...... Quality  Deep Knowledge Class discussion: Read/listen to Petruchio’s speech to Kate.  Deep Act 2 scene i 264 - 278. Understandin g  Problematic Petruchio makes it clear to Kate that she will be his wife. Knowledge  Higher Order What is Petruchio’s view about marriage and the role of the Thinking wife? Wedding Plans  Metalanguag e Board Notes #6: Kate does not refuse to marry Petruchio.  Substantive Communicati She challenges the suitability of the husband in the ‘arranged on marriage’.....

Activity: Read/listen to Act 3 scene ii. Quality Learning Petruchio is determined to leave before the wedding Environmen celebrations. t  Explicit Kate is at her fiery best abusing her father and refusing to Quality leave with Petruchio. Criteria  Engagemen t What does Petruchio tell the guests and Kate as he leaves?  High Kat the Shrew – 10 Things I Hate About You Expectation s  Social Board Notes #7: Kat Stratford is a senior at Padua High Support School in Tacoma, in Washington State. She has a younger  Student sister, Bianca..... Self- Regulation  Student Direction

Significance  Background Knowledge  Cultural Knowledge  Knowledge Integration  Inclusivity  Connectedn ess  Narrative

Students learn Students learn to: Learning Experiences Evidence of Resources Quality Reg/ about: Learning Teaching Date Viewing of 10 Things I Hate About You ‘10 Things I Hate About You should view the film in its entirety with the class. This will You’ take a couple of lessons. (DVD/film) Intellectual Quality Below are some activities that can be completed while  Deep viewing the film. Knowledge Setting ‘10 Things I  Deep Hate About Understandin What do you learn about the setting from the opening g You’  Problematic sequence of the film? (DVD/film) Knowledge Music ‘10 Things I  Higher Order Hate About Thinking Describe how the director has used music to show the You’  Metalanguag differences between Kat and the girls at the intersection. e (DVD/film)  Substantive Editing and Extreme Dating ‘10 Things I Communicati Hate About on One of the funniest sequences in the film is the attempt by You’ Michael and Cameron to find someone, anyone who will go (DVD/film) out with Kat. Quality The director has used a number of film techniques, such as Learning editing, to show the fear that many prospective dates have Environmen for Kat. t Editing helps to increase the pace of the action in the film. It  Explicit Quality also allows information to be quickly conveyed to the viewer. Criteria How does the editing reveal the humour in the sequence  Engagemen when Michael and Cameron are interviewing prospective t dates for Kat?  High Individuality and Conformity ‘10 Things I Expectation Hate About s  Social Board Notes #8: Kat’s ‘shrewish’ behaviour is closely related You’ Support to her desire for independence and individuality..... (DVD/film)  Student Self- Individuality and Conformity Activity #1: ‘10 Things I Regulation Hate About  Student View Chapter 17 from your own copy of 10 Things I Hate You’ Direction About You. This is a conversation between Kat and Bianca in (DVD/film) her bedroom before the Prom. Kat is trying to explain to Bianca her reasons for not wanting to go to the Prom. Significance  Background Knowledge What advice does Kat give Bianca about conformity and  Cultural popularity? Knowledge  Knowledge Integration  Inclusivity  Connectedn ess  Narrative

Students learn Students learn to: Learning Experiences Evidence of Resources Quality Reg/ about: Learning Teaching Date Individuality and Conformity Activity #2: ‘10 Things I Hate About Kat’s individuality and search for independence are evident in You’ the way she behaves. (DVD/film) Intellectual Quality Make a list of the ways in which she is different from other  Deep students at the school. How does Cameron describe Kat to Knowledge  Deep Patrick? Understandin Exposition essay g  Problematic Knowledge The banner across the front wall of Mr Morgan’s classroom  Higher Order reads: Thinking  Metalanguag ‘What is popular is not always right: what is right is not e always popular.’  Substantive Communicati How does this relate to your understanding of Kat Stratford? on In your response you need detailed reference to the film.

*All of the support resources for this activity are available in Quality the electronic resource of this unit if you choose to complete Learning this activity (support resources include things like scaffolds, Environmen t model responses, etc).  Explicit Composition Task Quality Criteria As part of her enrolment application Kat must complete a  Engagemen New Students Enrolment Form for Sarah Lawrence College. t  High Write about 250 words. Expectation s  Social *The scaffold for this activity is available in the electronic Support resource of this unit if you choose to complete this activity. Other activities:  Student Self- Regulation  Student Direction

Significance  Background Knowledge  Cultural Knowledge  Knowledge Integration  Inclusivity  Connectedn ess  Narrative

TAMING SHREWS Students learn Students learn to: Learning Experiences Evidence of Resources Quality Reg/ about: Learning Teaching Date Petruchio – The Arrival of Petruchio Electronic Board Notes #9: Petruchio arrives in Padua to ‘wife and version of thrive’. .... Intellectual ‘Taming of Quality the Shrew’ Read/listen to Act 1 scene ii 179 – 189.  Deep Questions: (pdf and Knowledge audio)  Deep 1. Describe what this speech tells you about the character Understandin of Petruchio? g 2. Is Petruchio boasting about his experiences just to  Problematic impress his friends? Knowledge 3. Does he have the ability to tame the shrew or is it  Higher Order bravado? Thinking  Metalanguag Patrick ‘ Bad Boy’ Verona e  Substantive Board Notes #10: The character of Patrick Verona is Communicati appropriated from Petruchio ..... on Patrick ‘ Bad Boy’ Verona (cont.) Quality Learning Activity: Michael calls Patrick a ‘criminal’ and wild rumours Environmen circulate about Patrick’s past experiences. t  Explicit Make a list of the rumours about Patrick’s past life. Quality Criteria  Engagemen Petruchio - The Taming Begins Electronic t version of  High Petruchio’s plan of taming Kate is outlined in his soliloquy. He ‘Taming of Expectation s already knows about Kate’s reputation and has a plan. the Shrew’ In his soliloquy at the end of the last scene Petruchio  Social (pdf and Support explains to the audience how he will treat Kate and explains audio)  Student why. Self- Regulation Read/listen to Petruchio’s soliloquy Act 2 scene i 171-183.  Student Direction Discussion: Explain how Petruchio intends to conquer Kate? Why do you think Petruchio employs the tactic of deliberately opposing her? Significance  Background Knowledge  Cultural Knowledge  Knowledge Integration  Inclusivity  Connectedn ess  Narrative

Students learn Students learn to: Learning Experiences Evidence of Resources Quality Reg/ about: Learning Teaching Date Patrick – The Taming 10 Things I Hate About Money is the only reason Patrick goes along with Joey and You’ Cameron and Michael’s plan. The first meeting between (DVD/film) Intellectual Patrick and Kat, after soccer practice, is short and decisive. It Quality is a victory for Kat, as Patrick is left standing.  Deep Knowledge  Deep View Chapter 5 from 10 Things I Hate About You. Understandin g Discussion: What impression do you get of Kat in this verbal  Problematic exchange with Patrick? Knowledge Is the shrew tamed? The Taming of the Shrew  Higher Order *Please note: This lesson relates directly to the Thinking assessment task.  Metalanguag e Read/listen to Act 5 scene ii.  Substantive Communicati Board Notes #11: In the final scene the three married on couples, Kate and Petruchio...... Read Kate’s final speech. Act 5 scene ii 118 – 161. Make notes about: Quality  marriage Learning  duties of a wife Environmen  role of a wife in marriage. t  Explicit Quality Questions: Criteria 1. What did you think of Kate’s final speech?  Engagemen 2. Did it seem to you that she'd lost the fighting spirit she t showed earlier in the play?  High 3. Has she completely submitted to the wishes of her Expectation husband, lord and master? s  Social 4. Do you think she is just being cunning to please Support Petruchio to exact revenge later?  Student 5. Has she realised Petruchio is the husband she wants and Self- needs? Regulation Discuss your answers with the class.  Student Direction Critical Views on Kate’s Speech “Critical Read the “Critical Views on Kate’s Final Speech”. Views on Kate’s Final Significance 1. Do you agree or disagree? For each section, justify your Speech”  Background opinion. handout Knowledge 2. What type of shrew do you think Kate is? Why do you  Cultural think this? Knowledge  Knowledge Integration  Inclusivity  Connectedn ess  Narrative

Students learn Students learn to: Learning Experiences Evidence of Resources Quality Reg/ about: Learning Teaching Date Assessment Task: Rewrite Kate’s Speech

Hand out the assessment task to the class. Intellectual Watch both performances of Kate’s final speech a couple of Quality times (go to Taming Shrews in the electronic resource,  Deep click on Petruchio, and scroll down until you find Knowledge  Deep Activity 9; click on the performances link underneath the Understandin Activity 9 heading and this will open up the window to g the performances) and read through the copy of Kate’s  Problematic speech (attached to the assessment task). Knowledge  Higher Order If required, as a class plan the things students will need to Thinking  Metalanguag include in their rewritten speech. Explain that it should be re- e written in modern, contemporary language and it should be  Substantive appropriate for a teenage audience. Communicati on Students will need to be given time in class to work on this assessment task. Quality Is the shrew tamed? 10 Things I Hate About You Learning Environmen View Chapter 20 from 10 Things I Hate About You. t  Explicit Quality Board Notes#12: Kat makes her public declaration of her love Criteria to Patrick ......  Engagemen t Questions:  High 1. What do you think about the ending of the film? Expectation 2. Do you believe Kat’s submission to Patrick? s 3. To what extent has Patrick changed?  Social Support 4. Is this the typical happy ending to a Hollywood teen genre  Student movie? Self- 5. Do they live happily ever after? Regulation Discuss your answers with the class.  Student Direction

Significance  Background Knowledge  Cultural Knowledge  Knowledge Integration  Inclusivity  Connectedn ess  Narrative Students learn Students learn to: Learning Experiences Evidence of Resources Quality Reg/ about: Learning Teaching Date Discussion essay response

At the back of Mr Morgan’s classroom is a small poster that says: Intellectual The first and worst of all frauds is to cheat oneself. Quality  Deep In an essay, discuss this statement and how it is related to Knowledge  Deep Patrick in 10 Things I Hate About You. Understandin Speech by Petruchio to tavern drinkers g  Problematic In the Blue Boar tavern in Padua, Hortensio calls on Knowledge  Higher Order Petruchio to tell the men how he ‘tamed’ the shrewish Kate. Thinking  Metalanguag Write the speech Petruchio would deliver to the crowd. e  Substantive Begin with the following remarks: Communicati on ‘Gentleman of Padua, be not afraid of a scolding woman. Let me tell you the ways to tame them…’ Quality Other activities: Learning Environmen t  Explicit Quality Criteria  Engagemen t  High Expectation s  Social Support  Student Self- Regulation  Student Direction

Significance  Background Knowledge  Cultural Knowledge  Knowledge Integration  Inclusivity  Connectedn ess  Narrative THE TAMING Students learn Students learn to: Learning Experiences Evidence of Resources Quality Reg/ about: Learning Teaching Date Taming Times Board Notes #13: The film 10 Things I Hate About You is an appropriation.... Successful Taming Intellectual Board Notes #14: Shakespeare’s human stories of love, Quality friendship, struggle and celebration...  Deep Knowledge  Deep Questions: Understandin 1. How successful is the appropriation of 10 Things I Hate g About You?  Problematic 2. What makes it a successful appropriation? Knowledge  Higher Order Read through all of the comments on the following slide. Thinking  Metalanguag Activity: Think about each of the comments. e 1. Which comment do you prefer? Why?  Substantive Make a list of comments that reflect your views about the film. Communicati The Fathers on Board Notes #15: The fathers in The Taming of the Shrew and 10 Things I Hate About You provide much of the humour... Quality Learning Questions: Environmen 1. What are some of the similarities between Baptista and t Walter Stratford?  Explicit Quality 2. What are the differences? Criteria 3. Why do you think it was necessary to make some  Engagemen changes to this character for the film? t  High View Chapter 8 from your own copy of 10 Things I Hate Expectation About You. s  Social Activity: Look for the hyperbole and the humour in the Support sequence. Describe Walter Stratford’s behaviour in this sequence. More on appropriation!  Student Self- Complete the table (in the ‘Comments on appropriation’ Regulation  Student worksheet’). Direction Once you’ve completed the table with as many different appropriations, pick THREE and explain whether they are Significance successful appropriations. Why/why not?  Background Knowledge  Cultural Knowledge  Knowledge Integration  Inclusivity  Connectedn ess  Narrative Evaluation of Unit Teacher Evaluation Comments/Variations How did the unit ‘rate’ in these areas ? Time allocated for topic Student understanding of content Opportunities for student reflection on learning Suitability of resources Variety of teaching strategies Integration of Quality Teaching strategies Integration of ICTs Literacy strategies used Numeracy strategies used

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