PHTS Foundation Call on June 11, 2013

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PHTS Foundation Call on June 11, 2013

PHTS Foundation Call on June 11, 2013


Anne Dipchand, David Naftel, Craig Collum, Paolo Rusconi, Susanna Lenderman, DeAnna Beckham, Richard Kirk, Janet Scheel, Jacqueline Lamour, Melanie Everitt, Heather Bastardi and Jacqueline Lamour


Jim Kirklin, William Mahle and Juan Alejos

The focus of the call was to discuss the 20th Anniversary Gala in Dallas, TX. The following is a synopsis of the points discussed:

I. Logistics at the Venue

a. Venue Confirmed

b. Round tables seating 6-8 people

c. 6 pm: Reception with passed hor d’oeuvres and one drink ticket

d. 7 pm: Sit down dinner with 3 courses (plated salad, chicken/beef dual entrée with veggie option, one dessert); Wine with dinner – will have preset number of bottles

e. Cash bar once tickets and preset wine is finished

f. Entertainment: Acoustic guitar +/- sax (quote in process)

ACTION POINT: A Dipchand to follow up with local organizers to finalize details on an ongoing basis

g. Audio/Visual will be available if necessary at yet to be determined price – need to determine what is needed based on plans as outlined below

h. Dress Code: “Evening Attire” II. Ticket Prices

a. Current estimated cost per person is approximately $90 BUT all costs have not yet been provided (expected time is 2 weeks).

ACTION POINT: A Dipchand to follow up with final estimated cost per person (TIMELINE 2 WEEKS)

b. Discussed individual ticket prices

i. Preliminary decision $200 per person (leaning towards $200) but will confirm when final cost per person is known.

ii. Nursing/student/fellows: $120 but awaiting final estimate for the evening per person

c. Discussed cost per table

i. Do we offer? – YES

ii. How much? – Need to make MORE of a profit as likely to be purchased by a hospital or industry

iii. Possibly attach to a certain level of sponsorship (e.g. the levels already established – if donate $5000 you get XX number of tickets, etc).

ACTION POINT: A Dipchand or C Collum to send out proposed ticket prices – (TIMELINE 3-4 weeks)

III. Sponsorship

a. Possible – unclear as to interest

b. Levels as per website but will include a certain number of tickets per level

IV. Speakers/Program

a. A Dipchand approached W Mahle and R Gajarski to take leadership for the program that evening

ACTION POINT: A Dipchand to confirm W Mahle / R Gajarski’s willingness to assume this responsibility (TIMELINE: 1-2 weeks)

b. A Dipchand has had email exchange with a number of initial “Founding Fathers” who are willing to attend and speak

c. Need to invite the “speakers” and develop a plan for the evening ACTION POINT: W Mahle/ R Gajarski and/or delegate(s) to move this forward (TIMELINE: 2- 3 weeks)

V. Slideshow

a. Idea to have a continuously running slideshow showcasing the history of PHTS (photos)

b. Need to send out email

ACTION POINT: A Dipchand to draft email; D Beckham to send out the email to the whole PHTS email list [TIMELINE – 4-6 weeks]

c. Need to start collecting photos

ACTION POINT: Melanie E to take responsibility for collating the photos and putting the slideshow together

VI. Silent Auction

a. HUGE need if this is going to be a successful fundraising venture

b. Need to find a website to host the silent auction – one already suggested by Shelley M – cost $549

c. Need to have ability to bid online PRE and then close at a certain point before the event; those present at the event then will have the opportunity to bid above the highest online bid

ACTION POINT: Chase L to check out the website provided for functionality [TIMELINE 1-2 weeks]

ACTION POINT: Shelley M to see if website willing to do this pro-bono for us – DONE – answer is NO

d. ITEMS: everyone needs to start soliciting auction items

ACTION POINT: A Dipchand to draft email for D Beckham to send out about getting auction items from the PHTS community at large [TIMELINE – 4-6 weeks]

ACTION POINT: J Scheel and J Lamour have agreed to maintain a master list of auction items, the “donator” and the location of the item

VII. Website/Ticket Sales/RSVPs

a. Need to get something up on the website – preferably before the end of June

ACTION POINT: A Dipchand to work with someone at UAB to get something on the website about the evening before the end of June [TIMELINE: 2 weeks] b. Eventually need:

i. Online RSVP and payment options

ii. Link to silent auction

ACTION POINT: Next Teleconference in 4 weeks – UAB to arrange

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