Young Life Leadership Chapter Constitution

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Young Life Leadership Chapter Constitution

Ambassadors for Christ OSU Student Fellowship Constitution

PREAMBLE: We, a number of Christian students at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio accept and subscribe to the following constitution and by-laws, in accordance with which all spiritual and material affairs of our organization shall be governed.

ARTICLE I: Name The name of this student organization shall be the Ambassadors for Christ OSU Student Fellowship on the campus of The Ohio State University.

ARTICLE II: Purpose The purpose of this organization is: a. To deepen and strengthen the spiritual life of members by the study of the Holy Bible and by prayer. b. To mobilize the saints of God so that they will be able to live victoriously in Christ Jesus and establish the presence of God throughout the earth. c. To train and equip the members to be leaders used in the Kingdom of God and draw others into the Body of Christ through campus evangelism, redeeming the culture for Christ.

ARTICLE III: Statement of Faith We believe the Holy Bible is the infallible Word of God. There is only One True God eternally existent in three persons as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is the Son of God Who died for our sins and was raised from the dead; and all who believe in Him have eternal life. We believe that a person places their faith in Jesus Christ by repenting of their sins, confessing with their mouth that Jesus Christ is their Lord, while believing in their heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). At that moment, the believer receives a new spiritual nature, becomes a son of God, and begins a new life as a disciple, following the teacher (Jesus Christ) and His teachings. Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God (II Corinthians 5:20). We believe that the demonstration of the power of God via the Holy Spirit enables us to carry out the great commission as recorded in Matthew 28:19-20 which says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

ARTICLE IV: Membership a. The Ambassadors for Christ OSU Student Fellowship does not have a formal membership procedure. b. Membership is not restricted by reason of age, citizenship, color, disability, gender, race, religion, national origin, political affiliations, sexual orientation, or status as a disabled veteran or veteran of Vietnam era. However, the organization may restrict membership based on an ability to perform the activities related to the organization’s purpose. c. All members and especially officers and advisors of this organization are expected to subscribe without reservation to the Statement of Faith provided and are expected to live their lives in accordance to God’s Word.

ARTICLE V: Executive Council a. The officers of this organization shall compose an executive council whose membership includes president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. The officers of this organization shall be elected by ballot at the end of the spring semester. Only active members are eligible to vote. The officers must receive a majority of the votes cast. b. Officer duties: 1. President: to provide direction for the Fellowship by planning the executive council meetings, nurturing the members, as well as providing and maintaining communication between OSU, members and the advisor. 2. Vice President: to assist the president and carry out the president’s duties in his or her absence, to supervise team leaders of campus evangelism teams conducting an effective outreach program to the OSU community. The campus evangelism team leaders will be appointed by the advisor. 3. Secretary: to keep and preserve complete, accurate records of all meetings of the executive council and the Fellowship, conduct correspondence, present the secretary's report at all business meetings, submit budget requests to the treasurer by the designated deadlines. 4. Treasurer: to keep accurate records of the receipt, disbursement and investment of funds and tax information; to prepare financial reports to give at the executive council meetings; to maintain the organization’s bank account and to submit necessary financial documents and records to the proper OSU administration. c. The responsibilities of the executive council as a whole are: 1. To carry out the purpose, general policies and programs of Ambassadors for Christ OSU Student Fellowship. 2. To report of the various activities of the year. 3. To be responsible for the continuance of this organization from year to year. 4. To maintain communication with Fellowship members and the advisor. d. Conditions of office: The terms of office shall be one year for each office. All active members enrolled at The Ohio State University, in academic good standing and who is in agreement with the statement of faith and purposes of the organization shall be eligible to hold an elected office. A member may serve for more than one consecutive term in the same office. If an officer is unable to complete his/her term for any reason, the active members by consensus shall appoint a replacement. Officers shall assume their duties upon election or appointment. ARTICLE VI: Advisors One or more Christian faculty/staff/administrative member(s) of The Ohio State University shall act as the faculty advisor(s). The faculty advisor(s) shall be appointed by the student organization’s oversight as determined by the Apostle of Ambassador Ministries International.

ARTICLE VII: Meetings a. Weekly meeting for the transaction of business shall be carried out by the executive council. b. Weekly meetings for teams will be held at time and place decided by the vice president. c. The Ambassadors for Christ OSU Student Fellowship will meet weekly at a time and place determined by the executive council. d. All meetings in section c are open to the general public of The Ohio State University.

ARTICLE VIII: Finances a. The Ambassadors for Christ OSU Student Fellowship at The Ohio State University is a non-profit student organization registered under Ambassador Ministries International. b. Ambassadors for Christ OSU Student Fellowship does not exact membership dues. c. A budget is prepared quarterly and submitted for approval by the executive council before the treasurer submits it to the proper OSU administration.

ARTICLE IX: Constitution and Amendments a. This constitution shall be adopted upon receiving unanimous affirmation by this executive council. b. This constitution may be amended by the unanimous vote of the executive council provided that there is no change in Article 2 and/or 3. c. Amendments to this constitution shall not be valid until a copy of the said amendment has been placed in the proper administrative office of The Ohio State University.

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