O Minimize Giving Unsolicited Clues That Reveal the Cache (I.E. Spoilers )

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O Minimize Giving Unsolicited Clues That Reveal the Cache (I.E. Spoilers )

o Minimize giving unsolicited  Obtain permission from the clues that reveal the cache (i.e. originator before copying unique THE GEOCACHERS’ "spoilers"). themes and techniques, adding to CREED an existing series of caches, or Don't provide any hints if the o placing a cache close to another. cache description asks you not Safe  Legal  Ethical to. In all other cases, be cryptic PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE www.geocreed.info or encrypt any hints or spoilers GAME PIECES When placing or seeking you enter in online logs.  The owner entrusts you to not geocaches, I will: o Edit your log if the cache damage or jeopardize the cache. owner requests that you Try to ensure the cache is ready for 1. Not endanger myself or remove spoilers. the next finder and is as good as or others better than you found it.  Promptly alert the owner of any issues with their cache. Make minor  Make sure the container is properly 2. Observe all laws and rules repairs if you can, it will save the closed to prevent the contents from of the area owner a trip. getting wet or destroyed.  Cache owners appreciate feedback  Be inconspicuous in retrieving, 3. Respect property rights and - write an online log, send an signing in, and replacing a cache to seek permission where email, or otherwise let the owner avoid vandalism. appropriate know about your experience with  Put the cache back where you their cache. Only place caches you found it and hide it well. Don’t 4. Avoid causing disruptions can maintain and respond promptly move a cache - if you suspect the or public alarm to problem reports. cache is not in the intended spot,  If you exchange trade items, trade hide it the best you can and alert 5. Minimize my and others' kindly: Consider what future the owner as soon as possible. impact on the environment finders would like and leave  Don’t collect traveling items meant something equal to or better than to stay in the game. This is 6. Be considerate of others what you take. tantamount to stealing.  If you place a traveling item into 7. Protect the integrity of the  Don’t tamper with or involve a game pieces the game, attach a tag that game piece in "alternate" games describes its goal, so that others without the owner’s permission. can help it along. If you pick up a The Geocachers' Creed is a voluntary set of guiding principles - it describes how traveling item with a tag describing  2004 Some rights reserved. You may freely geocachers in general act. It's designed to its goal, move the item toward its copy, distribute or display the Creed provided that you credit www.geocreed.info. orient new players to the ethos of the goal if possible. Contact the owner geocaching community and to guide if you hold a traveling item for For more information, visit the website or experienced players in questionable more than a couple of weeks or so. contact: [email protected] situations, so that everyone can enjoy geocaching. Further Explanation  Don’t break the law or rules of an mistaken for a terrorist device (e.g. Following are examples of how to area, or encourage others to do so, a pipe bomb). when placing or seeking a cache. apply the Creed. These are only MINIMIZE MY AND OTHERS' IMPACT examples and not part of the Creed -  Don't leave illegal items in a cache. ON THE ENVIRONMENT not every contingency can be spelled RESPECT PROPERTY RIGHTS & SEEK  Follow Leave No Trace out. If something is not specifically PERMISSION WHERE APPROPRIATE (www.lnt.org) ethics whenever listed in the examples, consider the possible. intent expressed in the main tenets in  Check if permission is required making a decision. before placing a cache on private  When seeking a cache, practice property, and respect the "Lift, Look, Replace" - put all NOT ENDANGER MYSELF OR OTHERS landowner's wishes. stones or logs back where you  Like any outdoor activity, found them. Leave the area as you  Check if public land has a geocaching involves some inherent geocaching policy and respect found it or better (e.g. pick up risk and many geocachers enjoy existing policies. litter). manageable risks. Minimize  Obtain the best possible inordinate risks.  Promptly remove your cache if the land manager or steward asks. coordinates for your cache to  When creating a cache, describe reduce unwarranted wear on the any hidden dangers and, if  Do not damage, or interfere with area. Recheck and correct your possible, arrange the hunt to the function of, buildings, coordinates if finders report minimize these dangers. structures, or signage. significant errors.  When seeking a cache, know your AVOID CAUSING DISRUPTIONS OR  Do not abandon a cache. limitations and be aware of your PUBLIC ALARM o If you stop maintaining a surroundings. Don't attempt  Don’t place a cache near schools or cache, remove the anything beyond your abilities. government buildings unless the container, archive its listing  A cache you own, or one you're administration and staff are fully and explain the disposition trading out of, could be found by aware of the placement. of the cache in your archive children or even a prisoner work  Use caution where children play. note, or put it up for crew - consider the location of the Parents are understandably adoption or rescue. cache and those likely to find it concerned when strangers are near If you de-list a cache on one when deciding what to leave as a o their children. host, but keep it on another, trade item.  Don’t place a cache near critical make sure you mention this OBSERVE ALL LAWS AND RULES OF infrastructure that might be in the archive note to THE AREA considered a terrorist target, or prevent rescues of active create a cache that could be caches. Be Considerate of Others  Treat other geocachers civilly - in the field, in the forums, or wherever your paths may cross.  Don't spoil the hunt for others - allow them to experience the cache as its owner intended.

o Avoid leaving tracks to the cache. Do not disrupt the cache area or mark the hiding spot. (Continued on back page)

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