Draft Minutes of OASIS TOSCA TC Meeting s2

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Draft Minutes of OASIS TOSCA TC Meeting s2

Draft Minutes of OASIS TOSCA TC Meeting

URL OF CALENDAR EVENT: https://www.oasis- open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca/event.php?event_id=43942

DATE: Aug 17, 2017 TIME: 12:00 pm PST Scribe: Matej Artač (XLAB d.o.o.)

Meeting was quorate: YES

Observers: None

Roster Matej Artac John Crandall Don Deel Jacques Durand Lowell Higley Chris Lauwers shitao li Paul Lipton Juergen Meynert Thinh Nguyenphu Derek Palma Matthew Rutkowski Alexander Vul

Approval of Minutes: The chair motioned for draft minutes of the August 10, 2017 meeting (submitted by Chris Lauwers) to be approved. Seconded by Juergen Meynert. Motion PASSED by unanimous consent:

August 10, 2017: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca/document.php? document_id=61377

Approved Agenda: Based on review and discussion of the proposed agenda, the chair motioned for the below agenda to be approved. Seconded by Juergen Meynert. Motion PASSED by unanimous consent. Other Motions and Results (broken out from below): Motion from Shitao Li: The TC again thanks Fengkai Li for his co-leadership of the TOSCA TC's NFV & SDN Ad Hoc Group (and notes with appreciation the continuing leadership and hard work by Shitao Li), and after an open nomination period hereby appoints Alex Vul as Co-leader with Shitao Li of the newly renamed NFV Ad Hoc Group. Seconded by Matej Artac. Motion PASSES by unanimous consent.

Motion to Adjourn: MOTION to adjourn by Paul. Second by Juergen Meynert. Motion PASSES by unanimous consent. Meeting adjourned at 1:33 PM ET.

Raw Chat Log:

Paul Lipton (TC Co-chair) public: Hello and welcome to today's meeting of the TOSCA TC! Please note that we may use a different phone bridge, web conferencing, and chatroom. Specific logistics information for this TC meeting was privately communicated to all TC members and observers. If you do not have this information, please send an email to the co-chairs using the email address that you are registered with at OASIS requesting the information.

ATTENDANCE RECORDING: Participants are responsible to log their attendance on the OASIS calendar event at https://www.oasis- open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca/event.php?event_id=43942. When you join the meeting, use this page to record your attendance by clicking "Record My Attendance". If you are not on the internet, you can request the co-chair to record your attendance on your behalf.

LEAVES OF ABSENCE: Damian Tamburri: Wed. 26th July to Mon. the 21st of August


THANKS AGAIN TO ALL OUR SCRIBES (LAST SIX VOLUNTEERS BELOW)! * Chris Lauwers - Aug. 10 * Chris Lauwers - July 13 * John Crandall - June 29 * Damian Tamburri - June 8 * Matej Artac - May 25 * John Crandall - May 11 * Juergen Meynert - Apr. 27

SCRIBE QUEUE (please volunteer for a future meeting in the chat room or speak up now!) * Matej Artac - Aug. 17 * CANCELLED - Aug. 24* Franck Chauvel - Aug. 31 * CANCELLED - Sept 7

!!! D O N O T P O S T BRIDGE/PHONE INFORMATION TO CHAT OR MAILING LIST. ======TOSCA-teers! While you are waiting, please go NOW to https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8505536, and LIKE, comment, add a contribution, or refer our LinkedIN groups to customers and colleagues. ======Paul Lipton (Co-chair) private morphed into Paul Lipton (tc Co-chair) private Paul Lipton (tc Co-chair) private morphed into Paul Lipton (TC Co-chair) private Paul Lipton (TC Co-chair) public: Regrets received from Karstein Beins, too. Matej Artac (XLAB)1 morphed into Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB) Alex Vul (Intel): Hi, Alex Vul is here... anonymous morphed into Matt Rutkowski (IBM) Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Paul calls the meeting to order. Paul Lipton (TC Co-chair) public: Welcome / Roll Co-chair appoints a scribe (continues to solicit volunteers for future meetings, as needed) Review/approve draft proposed agenda Review/approve draft minutes * August 10: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php? document_id=61377&wg_abbrev=tosca ** Thanks to Chris Lauwers for scribing

Welcome to recently joined TC Members and Observers (those first announced in today's TC meeting listed in italics): Mr. Bruno Volckaert from IDLab (Observer), Mr. Gregory Vanseghbroeck from IDLab (Observer), Merlijn Sebrechts from IDLab (Observer), Pieter-Jan Maenhaut from IDLab (Observer), Jim Fowler from US Department of Defense (Observer), and Mr. Xu Yang from Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (Member)

Co-chair updates, remarks, notables, possible motions, etc. May include overviews and updates of a more general nature or affecting the TC, as a whole, etc.

Industry Updates and TOSCA-related News from TC Members An opportunity for other news from TC members (outside of other agenda items and reports)

NOTE: The Below Reports May be Tabled or Order Determined During Meeting by Co-Chairs See explanation of OASIS document types and typical cadence

Technical Marketing & Education Ad Hoc (co-leaders: Jeremy Hess and Lowell Higley) * TM&E Approved Forward-looking Statement for TOSCA public page to replace 2016 version: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php? document_id=60455&wg_abbrev=tosca ALL! IMPORTANT OPPORTUNITIES! 1. Please share your TOSCA news, discussion, blogs, articles, resources in our LinkedIN group NOW. 1a. Remember to LIKE posts in the TOSCA LinkedIN Group! Join and refer people now! 2. Post your TOSCA articles, blogs, and implementations on the TOSCA Wiki now! 3. Interested in helping get the word out about TOSCA. Attend the next Technical Marketing & Education Ad Hoc Meeting (contact Jeremy Hess or Lowell Higley (or Paul Lipton)) ** All current TC approved videos at the OASIS TOSCA YouTube Playlist * TOSCA-131 (general group activity, and suggestions/questions/contributions from TC members)

DETAILED REPORT: NFV Ad Hoc Group (co-leader: Shitao Li) Important: The TC will also vote to elect a new Co-Leader * TOSCA-221 (general group activity, and suggestions/questions/contributions from TC members) * NOTE: Latest TC-approved milestone is CSD04 of 2017-05-19. See notice to TC with links here. * 2017-08-09 meeting notes: https://www.oasis- open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=61387&wg_abbrev=tosca * Progress Report Document for June 2017: https://www.oasis- open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=61107&wg_abbrev=tosca * Latest Liaison Statement to ETSI NFV candidate (TC-approved): https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php? document_id=58759&wg_abbrev=tosca * Latest Liaison Statement from ETSI NFV (informational, not received through OASIS official channels): look here

YAML Simple Profile Ad Hoc (co-leaders: Luc Boutier and Matt Rutkowski)

* TOSCA-7 (general group activity, and suggestions/questions/contributions from TC members) * 2017-07-25 meeting notes: https://www.oasis- open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=61283&wg_abbrev=tosca * 2017-06-13: Latest v1.2 Working Draft (wd01, rev 9) can be found here * Older v1.0 OASIS Standard documents

Instance Model Ad Hoc Group (co-leaders: Frank Chauvel and Derek Palma) * TOSCA-275 (general group activity, and suggestions/questions/contributions from TC members) * 2017-07-31 meeting notes: https://www.oasis- open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=61359&wg_abbrev=tosca * Latest draft (WD01 Rev. 4): https://www.oasis- open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=61359&wg_abbrev=tosca * NOTE: See 2017-01-17 Instance Model Overview Presentation

Interoperability Subcommittee Report (Co-Chairs: Luc Boutier and Jacques Durand) * JOIN HERE (remember to remind your OASIS Primary Representative to approve afterwards) * Find the latest recognized work in progress, OASIS TOSCA Test Assertions v1.0 Committee Note Draft 01 (2016 Dec) here * Find the OASIS TOSCA Test Assertion Repo here * * You can send contributions for review to the Co-Chairs or post to the JIRA issue, but to to contribute directly to the Repo, you will need to sign an individual CLA (see FAQ for more on individual (and optional entity) CLAs here)

TOSCA and Edge/Fog/Mist Computing -- Continue Open Discussion & Solicit Members As some members have indicated interest in an IoT/Edge/Fog/Mist Computing Ad Hoc, a brief opportunity for discussion/socialization of the idea may be made available.


Cross-cutting Concerns, Issues, Suggestions, Questions for ALL Documents and Deliverables NOTE: All the below issues at the discretion of the co-chairs and time permitting. As always, technical issues must be posted in JIRA issues at least 48 hours to be considered by the TC. Naturally, any TC member can create or comment on a JIRA issue. Upload related documents to the OASIS website (please add links to the uploaded document in the JIRA issue). Please contact the co-chairs if you have any questions or problems. * TOSCA-108: Catch-all for All Editorial Suggestions That Do NOT Change Semantics, e.g., spelling, grammar, readability

REMINDER: While a general approach can be decided by motion, specific proposals and contributions need to be JIRA issue Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): The meeting is quorate Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Paul motions to approve the agenda Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Juergen seconds the motion Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): No discussion, motion passed unanimously Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Paul motions to approve the minutes of August 10 meeting Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Juergen seconds the motion Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Motion passed unanimously Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Paul welcomes members who joined recently Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Paul mentions the reward the TOSCA TC has won and reminds the members to visit and post to the LinkedIn group Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Any members not in the TOSCA LinkedIn group are kindly invited to join. Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Technical Marketing & Education Ad Hoc update: the ad-hoc had a recent meeting. Focused mostly on short-term goals: updating LinkedIn group, bringing in educational material - internal videos from Gigaspaces has material, target is 5-7 minutes long. This is open to everybody, so reach out to Jeremy and Lowel. Also wiki. Lowell Higley (CA): Thanks Paul! Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Shitao gives a report on activities in the NFV Ad Hoc. Juergen Meynert (Fujitsu): https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8505536 without comma works better Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Shitao presents https://www.oasis- open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca/document.php?document_id=61402 Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): TOSCA-323 issue created in Jira, some volunteers solving the comments. Target is to resolve issues by the end of this month Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): There were discussions on gaps between NFV profile and simple profile, identifying also common points. Certain questions are still open. Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Deployment flavor discussions with simple YAML group: is currently approved version suitable to address issues? Is simple profile version 1.2 mature enough to provide deployment flavor? Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Matt comments that Luc will describe how matching is done and to make it clear that it can be done against properties and capabilities. The schema and grammar will not change much. Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Thinh comments on matching that basic grammar is there, there will be needed some examples for new additional enhancements. New members are welcome to help contribute. About maturity, extensive discussions and analysis show that 1.1 can support matching, but requires ugly modelling of nodes. So this path is not recommended. YAML team helped with enhancements already, so 1.2 will be ahead of us in respect on the NFV. Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Also about the gaps [table slide]: this the first time TOSCA is producing a new profile. Will it be independent? Will it support just NFV? There has to be a consensus. NFV profiles should be derived from root elements in simple profiles, otherwise it might feel non-mandatory to implement. Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Alex commented on grammar changes: any changes need to be generic enough to have support in enterprises and so that it will work for anybody. There will be a rework on other constructs that will surface. So these need to happen in conjunction with the changes for deployment flavors. The questions about profile need to be resolved soon. E.g., should communities be able to create their own profiles? Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Matt: deployment flavor is not a universal or top-level concept. It is specific to NFV. He doesn't see this to go in direction of normalizing the changes. Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Alex responds that deployment flavors could be used in clouds as well. Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): So what we do should be acceptable to more than one group of consumers. Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Thinh: at minimum, the YAML profile spec should support basic features, specific grammar that supports general deployment flavors. Telcos could then define their own deployment flavors. Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Matt: we provide normative types, but can't force you to use them Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Thinh: if I implement NFV profile, must I support all the normative types from YAML profile? Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Matt: [this discussion is] beyond this call, but fundamental nodes for compute, storage must be in place and must be respected. But if you make a new resource that is not available yet, create your own. CSD02 needs to have types that are more hollow so that implementors can use those instead of resorting to ugly grammar. Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Alex wants to build on what Matt is saying. There has to be ability to express connectivity, not just resources. There needs to be a top-down view in terms of application definition Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Matt: [in previous comments he] left out connectivity. There is a ConnectTo, which should be a good base model to express dependency between resources. Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Paul as a co-chair comments that he feels an increase of consensus. There is a good level of practicality to the real world issues. He asks that the involved members think of customers that need as little confusion as possible. NFV profile is the first profile to actively extend the YAML simple profile, so this is a good opportunity to achieve reasonable extensions. But don't let perfect stand in a way of good enough. Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Thinh: on networking and connectivity, NFV offers richer, more complex way of expressing. If YAML extends a base node type for connectivity, that would help. Telcos need connectivity concepts to be correct. Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Matt: with endpoints and ConnectsTo [in the current simple YAML profile], there might be too many specific concepts about TCP/IP level, so they will probably try and make these concepts more generic. Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): There needs to be a graph system for resources and connectivity, there could be just a name that could be subclassed [in the upcoming revisions]. Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Chris comments on models for networking. Networking has seen a lot of modelling work [in the industries]. The goal is to work from OMF models to an industry standards. There is effort to transform UML to YANG. So they are starting to talk about translating into TOSCA. Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Paul comments that there seems to be an interest in restarting the networking at hoc. Welcomes comments, co-chair candidates on this. Thinh Nguyenphu (Nokia): It is great about future stuff. Now, we need to address the short term, now. Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Better than networking ad hoc is a connectivity ad hoc Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Thinh: we need something that is functional now, capable to model and deploy. Otherwise vendors will go and do proprietary solutions and never go back. Also, there was last year an agreement to reach a touch point where TOSCA can consume UML and vice versa. This is possible, but requires enormous work. So at the moment we need to look into how to solve this. Thinh Nguyenphu (Nokia): agreed, we need to focus on solving NFV profile. Thinh Nguyenphu (Nokia): could we do it on csd01? Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Matt: taking a step back, regarding Shitao's table [of gaps]: this should be about type inheritance. He proposes for CSD02 to strictly address the base types so that the abstract base classes exist that people can use without issues. Solving fundamental modelling problems. Matt Rutkowski (IBM): @Thinh, i think it is important to get our CSD01 with the matching updates and a few other updates and fixes and not wait; Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Paul is positive that TC can launch an ad hoc that is needed Matt Rutkowski (IBM): if we can produce a CSD02 in smallest amount of time and restrict scope then why worry about holding up CSD01? Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): in the short term, CSD01 already saw strengthening in yaml profile - simpler, more powerful to use. Matt Rutkowski (IBM): if we all hold to only address abstract type review / creation for CSD02 and hold off other things we can produce one quickly perhaps shitao li(huawei): When will CSD02 start? Matt Rutkowski (IBM): it can start next week as far as topic/content definition and discussion of abstract types Matt Rutkowski (IBM): as long as Luc can work in parallel to get CSD01 chapter 2 updates for matching done in parallel and build on a few remaining changes Chris may have Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Alex: happy to donate room in Intel, Bay area for a face-to-face. Networking pieces for the near-term and frame broader terms for connectivity. Matt Rutkowski (IBM): next week we can see we can agree at the Simple profile WG to limit scope for CSD02 to abstract type review Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Thinh: is it possible to build abstract node for storage, compute, ... in CSD01. If we put it in CSD02, there will be a pressure from industry shitao li(huawei): we can create the name of those abstract types first, so tosca-nfv-profile can be used soon, and leave the work of produce the definitions of the abstract types later Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Matt: could put it in CSD01, but editors need to agree that this is a good thing, there is also concern about inserting new things and there might be opposition. Make a poll next week. CSD01 needs to go out soon without much delay, Luc is on vacation Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Paul thanks Shitao for leading and co-leading the group and for the report today. Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Paul talks about nominations for co-chairing the NVD ad hoc Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): No new nominations, so Alex Vul is the only nominee Paul Lipton (TC Co-chair) public: Suggested Motion: The TC again thanks Fengkai Li for his co-leadership of the TOSCA TC's NFV & SDN Ad Hoc Group (and notes with appreciation the continuing leadership and hard work by Shitao Li), and after an open nomination period hereby appoints Alex Vul as Co-leader with Shitao Li of the newly renamed NFV Ad Hoc Group. shitao li(huawei): so moved Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): seconded Alex Vul (Intel): thank you! Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Motion passed unanimously Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Congratulations, Alex! Matt Rutkowski (IBM): @Alex congrats! and welcome Elmer your alter ego as well Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Paul reminds that statements of use are required by August 31 meeting Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): No meeting on August 24 Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Paul motions to adjourn the meeting Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Juergen seconds Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): Motion passed unanimously Matej Artac (scribe, XLAB): meeting adjourned

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