Introduction of Newly Elected Councillors

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Introduction of Newly Elected Councillors


PRESENT: Cllr P Bragg, Cllr R Horner, Cllr Ackland-Smith, Cllr Baker, Cllr Meechan, Cllr Dearsly, Cllr M Howe, Miss E Gibbons. About 25 members of public.

APOLOGIES None. INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY ELECTED COUNCILLORS All councillors gave a small introduction. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN Cllr Maureen Ackland-Smith duly elected Chairman. Cllr Ackland-Smith thanked previous councillors. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN Proposed Cllr Bragg but declined. Proposed John Manser duly elected. ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVE ON VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE Cllr Horner duly appointed, FRIENDS OF THE CHURCH Cllr Manser duly appointed. APPOINTMENT OF NANCY POTTER TRUST REPRESENTATIVE Cllr Horner duly appointed. APPOINTMENT OF PARISH PATHS REPRESENTATIVE Cllr Manser duly appointed. APPOINTMENT OF CREALY PARK REPRESENTATIVE Cllr Meechan duly appointed. MINUTES of the previous AGM were signed and agreed. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 15/1018/ful; 14/2584/out – Cllr Dearsly declared an interest as neighbouring property. 15/1018/ful – Cllr Bragg Pecuniary interest Cllr Bragg as tenant of field. 15/0700/ful Cllr Manser; Cllr Baker; OPEN FORUM Sheila Francis enquired re mirrors being installed on Ebford Lane to alleviate the problem of blind spots and also A376 junction. Cllr Ackland-Smith to make enquiries. Dick Downer enquired about mirrors on telegraph pole on Hewitts side of the lane. Cllr Ackland-Smith to enquire. Mrs Cross queried that the hedge at Rosario needs trimming. Alan Meechan; re planning application appeals. Cllr Ackland-Smith explained the process; Cllr Meechan enquired about planning application process Clerk explained this; Sheila Francis enquired about validation process – Cllr Howe clarified. Pam Dean enquired about drain clearance; not cleared fully. Cllr Bragg confirmed drains are cleared once a year; possibility of private contractor to possibly come back to clear in autumn. Mr Tony Charles enquired about consultation on Local Plan – what development would be allowed in Parish – Cllr Howe confirmed Parish allocated zero housing. MATTERS ARISING 1. Email to Nigel Frost 9/4/15 re sink hole update. No response as yet. Cllr Bragg confirmed the Woodbury Road has been repaired. Clerk to chase. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Email from Philip Broom confirming that he will continue as snow warden. 2. Email to Nigel Frost 14/4/15 re prospective trouble spots - A positive risk of subsidence on Odhams lane, leading to Tremletts Boatyard; subsidence to the A3179 on the left side at the flat section of the road between the Farm Buildings. A3179 has been repaired. 3. EDDC grant from Parishes Together Fund granted £875.00. 4. Email from Tim Spurway 20/4/15 confirming grant of £2k for NP. Grant received 30/4/15. 5. Email from EDDC re Parishes Together Funding. Advised Cllr Bragg who confirmed the funding will go towards a picnic bench in nature garden. 6. Email from EDDC – update on local plan which will now be over an 18 year period to 2031. 18,303 new homes. Full details on website. 7. Email received from Robert Grainger re Odhams Wharf pumping station – SWW are in dispute with residents re sewerage charges – Clerk contacted Bob Peachey who advised of the contact at SWW. 8. Jacquie Manser confirmed she will not be taking notes of the PC meetings for the newsletter as most of the information is now on the website. 9. Election results received 9/5/15 – register of interest forms sent to all councillors. 10. Email regarding boundary changes from Local Government Boundary Review Commission. Forwarded to Councillors.

COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT None. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS REPORT Cllr Howe confirmed re Local Plan. All details are the website. Cllr Manser asked for confirmation on date of Local Plan – Cllr Howe said it could be before Christmas. POLICE REPORT 1. On the 1st April a theft from shop occurred at Darts Shopping Village, under investigation. 2. Unwanted abusive calls received to Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue under investigation 3. On 27th April a theft from shop at Darts shopping Village, under investigation.

FINANCE 1. Kenneth Woodley Clock £75; HMRC Paye £120.00; Emma Salary £160.30; Norris & Fisher insurance £582.16. 2. Audit complete and sent to independent auditor for checking – to be completed and sent back by 30 June 2015.

PLANNING APPLICATIONS 1. 15/0123/mful - Kenniford Farm (land South Of) Clyst St Mary Exeter EX5 1AQ - Installation of ground mounted photovoltaic solar arrays with inverter cabins, sub station buildings, access tracks, underground cable, fencing and CCTV, and provision of temporary car park during construction – amended plans. PC further comments – No objection but PC have concerns regarding the use of high grade agricultural land. 2. 15/0700/mful – Tremletts Odhams Wharf Ebford Exeter EX3 0PD. Further comments from PC. Notwithstanding any matters that may differ from the incoming Councillors, we should inform EDDC planning committee that we strongly object to any decision that allows this proposal to proceed that does not include the provision that the Bridge over the Leat is the first thing to be completed so that all development traffic will use it, and that no vehicles associated with the project will need to use the Odhams Lane for access. Comments as at 13/5/15 – The bridge should be of sufficiently strong to take all traffic to the site and to all adjoining businesses at Odhams Wharf. The PC would also like to raise a concern regarding possible flooding at Style Cottage – Miss Govier. 3. 15/0760/ful - Marsh Barton Cottage Clyst St GeorgeExeter EX3 0RB - Construction of side extension and detached garage. PC comments – no objections.

4. 15/1018/ful - Kingston Hill Ebford Lane Ebford Exeter EX3 0QU - Construction of detached double garage and store with ancillary office above. PC comments – glazed panels should not be at back of garage due to light interference for the neighbour. Cllr Dearsly declared an interest and left the room. 5. 15/0072/mout - Land Off Clyst Valley Road Clyst St Mary - Outline application for the construction of up to 40 dwellings with all matters reserved – PC previous comments to EDDC supporting CSM PC and objecting on the grounds of unsustainable development. Amended plans. Further comments as at 13/5/2015 – still support the view of Bishops Clyst PC. 6. Appeal - 14/2584/out – Eden, Ebford Lane - outline application for the construction of a detached dwelling seeking approval for access, layout and scale (matters of appearance and landscaping reserved) – previous comments submitted by PC The whole of the site is outside the Built Up Area Boundary in the East Devon Villages Plan draft for Ebford; Sustainability, the distance to local services and facilities should be taken into account; No main drainage available for the site, nearest main sewer is 500-600 m away; Possible increase in traffic using the unsafe junction Ebford Lane/ A376 - Further comments from PC as at 13/5/15 – Now contrary to the emerging Local Plan. 7. Appeal - 14/1436/FUL – Higher Branscombe House, Ebford Lane – construction of two dwellings. Cllr Bragg declared an interest. Parish Council comments - provided there is adequate parking for the householders and visitors as this part of Ebford Lane is at its narrowest on this section and parking has to be avoided on the lane also visibility for leaving the proposed site has to be checked – PC recommend approval. Further comments from PC as at 13/5/15 – The PC object on the grounds of sustainability and the narrowness of the lane; access on the A376.and emerging local plan.

NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Cllr Manser reported on the community survey and asked for ratification. Voted - all Cllrs approved unanimously. Cllr Baker duly elected Vice-Chairman of the NP Steering Committee. Cllr Manser confirmed £2k grant to be spent on distribution of the survey – holding a community event to present results of the survey some time in July.

AOB 1. Cllr Manser received communication from Bob Grainger re cyclists on Exe Trail nearly causing accidents. Could the PC see if signage be made available. 2. Cllr Horner commented on the speeding sign in the village – Cllr Bragg confirmed the options to place the sign by school or by Blue Ball – The rules would not permit it to be within certain distance of road distance from the road, therefore, neither option would serve to protect Lady Seawards School although the site at Clyst Road would be acceptable. 3. Cllr Ackland-Smith commented re Higher Bagmores Farm which comes under Woodbury PC – re heavy traffic coming down the lane. Two accidents reported on main Woodbury road; the residents feel it is the mud coming from the lorries causing the problems. Cllr Bragg confirmed the works are nearly complete which should solve the problems. 4. Cllr Manser enquired about Parish grouping. Cllr Howe reported further on this. 5. Cllr Ackland-Smith reported on accident on A376 at the edge of Ebford towards Exton. The PC considered writing to Highways re signage but feel this may well be dealt with by the residents anyway. 6. Cllr Ackland-Smith confirmed to public the two applications for Rosario.

The meeting closed at 10.00pm

The next meeting will be at Clyst St George Village Hall on the evening of Wednesday 10th June 2015 at 8.00pm

Signed ...... Date ......

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