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Headline report: June 2010 Strategic Co-ordinating Group (SCoG): Safe From harm

Key to ‘RAG’ing progress for each quarter OFF TRACK SLIGHTLY OFF ON TRACK COMPLETE NOT ON STREAM YET (No action being taken and/or 3 TRACK (NOSY) months past timescale) (action being taken and slipping on timescale)

TF/Linked Grp Headlines Progress/Problems/Issues Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 01 Promotion, . Voluntary organisations’ . Progress needs checking with print unit Awareness leaflet ready for printing . Proposal to run a small event to recruit to Raising and . Small group of young people young people’s pool . Participation TF identified to form nucleus of Low response to call for ‘key safeguarding Group ‘young LSCB’ pool posts’ to be identified, so will be defined in (replacing Children and protocol – first draft in progress Families Information About Safeguarding) 02 YP Housing/ . Group Action Plan revised . Proposed supported accommodation for Accommodation . Proposal 24hr supported young persons with high needs – although TF Group accommodation model for the need for this scheme has been young persons with evidenced, securing the revenue funding complex/high needs approved from a variety of relevant partners will be as one priority in the difficult in view of the financial outlook for the Supporting People public sector. Operational Plan. . Guidance is awaited from the Welsh . CAFAT and Housing Options Assembly Government on the recommended staff have met to discuss our approach to be taken in Wales on the impact joint approach to housing of the Southwark judgement in relation to homeless 16/17 year olds. meeting the needs of homeless 16/17 year olds. . Further work is required on developing a pre-eviction panel for young persons to reduce the number of evictions arising.

1 TF/Linked Grp Headlines Progress/Problems/Issues Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 03 Governance TF . LSCB Business Plan, . Tasks relevant to each TF/Sub-Group have Group incorporating outcome from been provided to Chairs the SAIT 2009 agreed at the . PMAPs for 2010/11 have been developed LSCB Executive and and provided to all chairs to guide work communicated to all members programme of the LSCB . Forward work programme for the Executive . Terms of reference for LSCB and Development Group agreed Executive and Development . P&P TF Group meeting agreed to take on Group amended as at end of the governance group task on drafting a March 2010 in respect of protocol on the process for seeking advice, membership, including adding including legal advice (due Oct 2010) the Lead Member for children and young people to the membership of the LSCB Executive 04 Policies & . Reviewed Eligibility Criteria . Amendments made to local SUDI flowchart Procedures TF taken to LSCB Executive and sent to all LSCB development group and Group Board and CYPFWPB chair of PAP group to ensure it is available Meetings attendance low at on the LSCB P&P section of web pages first quarter meeting . Agreed pmap for next 12 months . Local flowchart to compliment . Agreed this group would also take on the the current SUDI protocol governance group task on drafting a protocol agreed at LSCB Executive on the process for seeking advice, including March 2010 legal advice (due Oct 2010) . Draft WAG Guidance on . Remainder of tasks for this group not on Safeguarding Children and stream as yet Young People from Sexual . Attendance low at first quarter meeting (2 Exploitation for Consultation members) was provided to members of the development group with a request for feedback by end of July to the Chair of the P&P Group . First draft of a North Wales

2 TF/Linked Grp Headlines Progress/Problems/Issues Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 LSCB Guiding Principles document on Safe Recruitment and Supervision completed – will be taken to the NWCSF P&P Review Group by the Chair of the P&P TF Group July 2010. . List of all current North Wales and All Wales policies, procedures and guidance provided to PAP TF group for the LSCB web pages

05 Training sub- . LSCB training officer to be . Joint Investigation and Achieving Best group shared with Flintshire from 1st Evidence delivered jointly. Attendance 19 June JIT & 12 ABE. . Discussions underway to . Working group set up to plan Parental amalgamate Wrexham & Mental Ill health & Child Protection training in Flintshire training sub groups November . LSCB conference discussed with Flintshire training sub group; proposal for joint conference to be taken to Flintshire LSCB Exec Group for approval 06 Audit sub-group Case of special interest took Another case to take place Sept 18th 08. place 15th May 08. Issues for practice will be highlighted through the LSCB Development Group 07 Domestic Abuse . MARAC . Quality Assurance Process began June 16th Strategic Group . Additional IDVA support to be given to MARAC cases referred by non CJS agencies . Butterflies; Right to be Safe . Partnership with BAWSO to facilitate Programmes teenagers programme

3 TF/Linked Grp Headlines Progress/Problems/Issues Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 . Training . New programmes with Mental Health and Sexual Health . Integrated Care Pathway . Distribution of new version is underway . Specialist Support Services . Wrexham Women’s Aid WISH project now operating in a number of community venues in the County

08 IFSS . Recruitment is well underway . The IFSS Team Manager being recently Implementation with the Team Manager being filled and a second admin post has been (Linked Grp - new recently filled and a second appointed to. The advert for consultation in March 2010) admin post has been social worker will be coming in the near appointed to future . Received IFSS draft statutory Susan Evans/ guidance and regulations from Francine Salem WAG . Members of the IFSS Delivery Group are providing presentation to teams within their work areas in respect of IFSS developments . Review of S&S Department Policies and Procedures near completion and work has now commenced on integrating IFSS into the departments relevant policies

4 OVERALL SCoG PERFORMANCE RATING Key to ‘RAG’ing progress for each quarter (2010/11) OFF TRACK SLIGHTLY OFF ON TRACK COMPLETE NOT ON STREAM (No action being taken and/or 3 TRACK YET months past timescale) (action being taken and slipping (NOSY) on timescale)

Q1 Rating Q2 Rating Q3 Rating Q4 Rating Overall SCoG Performance Rating


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